1/10 Table1: Internationalization Indicators (Checklist) Major Category Intermediate Category Detailed Category Focus and Purpose of Evaluation Target of Evaluation Method of Evaluation and Analysis Evaluation Indicator Determine whether “internationalization” policies are articulated as part of the basic Scale-based policies declared by the university and evaluation whether the mission and its presentation are consistent. A) Official statements regarding the internationalization of the university History, philosophy of foundation and internationalization of the university Confirm consistency between the basic policies and the goals of “internationalization” of the university. Publications, reports and others issued by the university B) Responsible administrative structures Responsibility and authority of top management Determine to what extent the university lays emphasis on internationalization by checking the responsibility and authority given to the highest ranked person in charge of international exchange activities. To what extent does the highest ranked person in charge of international exchange Analysis of organization Organization chart of administrative bodies such chart and other documents, activities act independently from the President and/or Administrative Director? and interview as executive board Assess the level of his/her authority. Articulation of goals Evaluate whether the goals of Publications including internationalization are articulated public relations magazines and whether proposals including issued by the university, concrete initiatives are presented. in-house documents and Confirm the range, size and format of website the announcement of goals. C) Establishment of medium- and longterm plans and strategic goals Does “internationalization” pursued by the university appear together with concrete Scale-based goals in the major publications issued by the evaluation university? Assess the levels of articulation and concreteness. Analysis of documented plans and interview To what extent are the goals recognized or shared (by people concerned in and outside the university)? To what extent do Scale-based responsible persons in major departments evaluation including accounting and instruction departments agree with concrete proposals for establishing goals and plans? Express the level of consensus numerically. Analysis of documents and interview Evaluate whether the contents and items of Scale-based the medium- and long-term plans are evaluation consistent with the university's general administrative policies and plans. Confirm that operational goals indicated in the plans are Job descriptions and accompanied by specific bodies or responsibility sharing departments in charge of their descriptions implementation. If not, the plans may be impossible to implement. Analysis of documents and interview Evaluate whether the implementation body Scale-based (responsible department)is clarified for each evaluation of the plans. Determine to what extent the staff members of the relevant departments understand the implementation processes for achieving their goals. If they do not understand well, the plans may be impossible to implement. Determine to what extent the staff members Interview on members of of the relevant departments understand the Scale-based the departments involved in implementation processes for achieving the evaluation international services goals. Verify the consistency between the university's medium- and long-term plans and the goals of internationalization. Specificity of plans Awareness of plans Scale-based evaluation Clarify of the circulation of publications and analyze of visibility of the contents and their impact within structural bodies Evaluate whether administrative sections not directly involved in international services also share the Documented plans and Consensus building for understanding on goals and people concerned within objectives of internationalization and establishing goals the university agree with the goals. (for example, office of academic affairs, accounting office, etc.) ① Mission, goals and plans of the university Analysis of documents and interview Guideline Mission and medium-term goals and plans of the university Staff involved in international services 2/10 Table1: Internationalization Indicators (Checklist) Major Category Intermediate Category A) Decision-making structures and and processes for internationalization policies Detailed Category Target of Evaluation Method of Evaluation and Analysis Measure whether the decisionDocuments disclosed by making bodies for internationalization the university function without a break Analysis of documents and interview Focus and Purpose of Evaluation Confirm whether the responsibility University commiteeactivities for and activity progress of each committee are clarified. internationalization Evaluate transparancies of the selection process of committee members. B) Organizational structures for operation Organizational goals and personnel allocation of departments involved in international activities Members of departments involved in international activities Documents disclosed by the university Guideline Determine the frequency of decision opportunities (decision meetings) and time required for processing an agenda. Scale-based evaluation To what extent are the purposes, rolos and responsibility sharing of the committees organized within the university clarified?Assess the levels. Scale-based evaluation Evaluate whether the members of the Interview on members of committees of the university are well the departments involved in balanced in terms of background and international services discipline. Scale-based evaluation Documents disclosed by the university Analysis of newsletters, websites and others and interview Comprehensive assessment the frequency and response rate of an awareness survey on students, the frequency, size and other points of an opinion exchange meeting between students and the person in charge of international exchange activities comprehensively. Organization chart and documents regarding departmental goals Analysis of documents or interview Assess whether the goals of the international department and their relevant action plans are clearly indicated. Confirm to what extent the university lays stress on international services by clariflying the ratio of international Personnel allocation service staff members to the entire faculty members. Analysis of documents or interview Ration of the number of international serivici Numerical values staff to the size of the university (total evaluation number of faculity members) Evaluate whether sufficient numbers Current personnel of staff are allocated to achieve the allocation and its future plan goals. Analysis of documents or interview Personnel allocation plan to meet the goals and current rate of filled vacancy Numerical values evaluation Identify skills and expertises required Competency required for Mutual evaluation among for the staff and evaluate whetehr the job (recruiting materials staff through interview on the current allocated members staff and others) satisfy the requirements Are eligible persons with required expertise allocated? The assessment is carried out based on mutual evaluation among staff. Scale-based evaluation Determine whether job description of Job descriptions and responsibility sharing each member of the staff is cleary descriptions defined. Measure whether the job descriptions/responsibility sharing descriptions clearly identify the duties. Scale-based evaluation Rate of regular and full-time staff Numerical values evaluation Evaluate whether requests from Democratic decision- students are reflected in making and information international education and whether information on the activities of the disclosure committees is disclosed. ② Structures and Staff Documents disclosed by the university and minutes Analysis of documents and of committee meetings and interview others Evaluation Indicator Confirm whether the departmentspecific goals concerning the university-wide goals are accompanied by action plans. Clarify the status of the staff (for determining whether the positions are stable) Analysis of documents or interview Status of each member of the staff (regular, interlocking, full-time, part- Analysis of documents time, instructor, professor and others) Scale-based evaluation Scale-based evaluation 3/10 Table1: Internationalization Indicators (Checklist) Major Category Intermediate Category Detailed Category Members of departments involved in international activities Focus and Purpose of Evaluation Clarify required foreign languages for Certifications of foreign Analysis of documents and the job and actual foreign languages language skills and other interview evidences held by the staff commanded by the staff. Evaluate how international students Contribution of contribute to the university using international students their language skills and knowledge of to the university their nations. B) Organizational structures for operation ② Structures and Staff Evaluate how international students are leveraged as valuable human resources (for general services) within the university. Diversity of staff nationalities and the university's multilingual and multicultural dimensions Target of Evaluation C) Professional development and performance review Administrative staff in the area of internationalization Performance review Evaluation Indicator Language skills required in conducting business (how many languages) and actual command of languages by the staff Guideline Numerical values evaluation Materials concerning employment of international student on campus Analysis of documents and interview Proportion of the international students who are involved in international services (interpretation, public relations activities Numerical regarding entrance examination) using their values language skills and knowledge on their evaluation nations (ratio of the students undertaking on-campus jobs to the entire international students Same as above Same as above Proportion of the international students who Numerical values are involved in campus jobs including Tas evaluation and Ras (ratio to the domestic students) Lists of faculty members Analysis of documents Rates and increases/decreases of faculty members who have studied abroad and participated in overseas researches Personal directory Analysis of documents Confirm whether the university deploys eligible staff members in response to the international society Records of opportunity Analysis of documents featured with multi-languages and announcement multi-cultures. Materials regarding human Analysis of documents resources Rates and increases/decreases of international faculty members State of opportunity announcement for recruiting international faculty members Numerical values evaluation Number of international clerical staff members Analysis of documents Number of graduates from and degree holders of foreign universities Determine whether the university has the FD system to help faculty members address internationalization and clarify the implementation progress of the system. Analysis of documents or interview Implementation progress of training programs (FD) for faculty members in response to internationalization (frequency and number of participants) Numerical values and contents evaluation Determine whether the university has the SD system to help clerical members address internationalization and clarify the implementation progress of the system. Analysis of documents or interview Implementation progress of training programs (SD) for administrators in response to internationalization (frequency and number of participants) Numerical values and contents evaluation Analysis of documents or interview To what extent are international activities Scale-based taken into consideration during the performance review? Assess the proportion evaluation to the entire evaluation. Personal directory Faculty members Method of Evaluation and Analysis Confirm whether contribution to international activities is appropriately evaluated. Performance review in relation to final result 4/10 Table1: Internationalization Indicators (Checklist) Major Category Intermediate Category D) ② Structures and Institutional accountability Staff Detailed Category Focus and Purpose of Evaluation Establishment of risk managemant system Clarify whether institutional risk management system is established for the international services. Consistency between project size and budget A) Achievements of research presentation Presentation in international conferences and others ④ International dimension of research activities B) International development of research activities International linkage Evaluation Indicator Guideline Measure how the institutional risk management system works for international Scale-based activities such as overseas training evaluation (insurance, preparedness to respond to an accident and others). Risk management system for international services Analysis of documents or interview Budget materials Analysis of documents and interview (confirm that how Measure whether budget accounts and Scale-based the items clarified in the amounts for respective goals are articulated evaluation goals of internationalization in the budget materials. are included in the budget accounts) State of applying for competitive funds and other funds and results Analysis of documents Application for competitive funds assonciated with internationalization and results Scale-based evaluation Budget materials, closing statements and financial statements Analysis of budget plans, achievements and others Evaluate whether the ratio of the budget for international projects to the total budget as well as breakdowns is checked for each fiscal year to assess the consistency between the size of the budget and the progress of the relevant international project. Numerical values and contents evaluation records Analysis of documents Number of presentation in international conferences per faculty member per year Numerical values evaluation records Analysis of documents Numerical Number of articles for international journals values per faculty member per year evaluation records Analysis of documents Number of accepted international researchers per year and duration of stay Numerical values evaluation Clarify actual international researuch records activities specifically conducted by respective faculty members and their achievements. records Analysis of documents Number of organized international meetings and participants from other countries Numerical values evaluation Analysis of documents Numerical Number of international joint research projects (international collaborative projects values evaluation are separately outlined) records Analysis of documents Number of research funds from other counties (number o f funds and amount) Confirm whether the budgeting is Consistency between consistent with project plans (and planning and budgeting make sure that a new plan is not A) prepared without a budget). Budgeting structure for departments involved in internaional Determine whether efforts to secure activities budgets for new projects are ③ External funds and continuously made by applying for Budgeting and competitive funds external funds, competitive funds or implementation other means. B) Budgeting and performance Target of Evaluation Method of Evaluation and Analysis Evaluate the increase of the budget for international projects by clarigying the ratio to the total budget of the university. Clarify the numbers of faculty members who participate in international conferences. Numerical values evaluation 5/10 Table1: Internationalization Indicators (Checklist) Major Category Intermediate Category Detailed Category Correspondences to the enquiries from overseas ⑤ Support system, information provision and infrastructure (entrance examination, educatoin, housing, multilingual aspects and the environment International public information and recruitment A) Support system for international researchers and students Learning support Focus and Purpose of Evaluation Evaluate whether flexible responses to the various enquires from overseas are implemented and whether appropriate service is provided to help those who wish to contact the university. Assess whether entrance system with an eye to the international students is established. Target of Evaluation Method of Evaluation and Analysis Evaluation Indicator Guideline Documents regarding international public information and English website Analysis of documents Determine whether enquiry contact for those who wish to join the university from overseas on a section basis is clearly specified. Correspondences to the enquiries Analysis of actual performance of correspondences to the enquires Numerical Actual number of cases of correspondences, values and period of time and contents of the contents correspondendes evaluation English website Analysis of materials (website) Information provision through English Scale-based website: whether necessary information is provided (evaluation of navigation as well as evaluation search function) Scale-based evaluation Information on Application Analysis of documents and and website interview Determine whether the university has established a system to directly accept international students to degree programs. Scale-based evaluation Assessment of academic records and qualifications Documents of relevant departments Has a system for verifying the authenticity of diplomas from institutions in other countries, qualifications, academic transcripts, qualifications been developed? Are the procedures documented in a manual? Scale-based evaluation Opportunity announcement Documents of relevant departments Numerical Does the university accept transfer students values and and have the system (recognition of credit) contents applicable to them? evaluation Directories and syllabuses Support for improving Japanese language skills of international students and researchers. Evalutate whether they are provided with Japanese language classes or Scale-based evaluation personal tutorials for the purpose of acquiring Japanese language skills required to writing academic papers and Japanese technical words. Documents of relevant departments Is information of relevant departments (instruction department, student department, libraries, information processing center and Scale-based others) needed for researches and Study evaluation clarified and easily accessed? The levels of clarification and accessibility are assessed using a rating scale. Evalutate whether the university has established a support system required to ensure international support of Japanese researchers engage in researches language programs for (both physical and academic areas) international students and researchers Guidance materials and others 6/10 Table1: Internationalization Indicators (Checklist) Major Category Intermediate Category Detailed Category Support for student interaction A) Support system for international researchers and students Provision of information ⑤ Support system, information provision and infrastructure (entrance examination, educatoin, housing, multilingual aspects and the environment Housing for international students and researchers B) Daily support for international students and researchers Focus and Purpose of Evaluation Are there any organizations where students do activities together and support each other? How does the university support such organizations? Does the university actively provide with interaction and communication programs? The level of involvement of the university in promoting interaction and exchange among students is assessed. Target of Evaluation Method of Evaluation and Analysis Guideline Mutual support organizations by international students Reports and website Numerical Support (providing with funds and venues) to values and international student organizations contents (voluntary) evaluation International exchange organizations bydomestic students Reports and website Numerical Support (providing with funds and venues) to values and contents student exchange organizations evaluation Reports and website Provision of exchange programs (number of programsl size and information announcement to participants) Exchange programs to promote international exchange Numerical values and contents evaluation System to ensure that living information (including Documents of relevant Clarify whether there is a department information regarding where every question can be handled scholarships and recycled departments commoditie) is equallly and timely distributed Determine whether the processes for Scale-based provuding information are systematized (clarification of enquiry contact and process evaluation for collecting information)? Evaluate to what extent the housing accommodations controlled by the Materials concerning university and allocated by the public housing agencies are sufficient to the demand Analysis of documents Are the housing accomodations provided by Numerical the university and public agencies sufficient values evaluation to satisfy the needs? Analysis of documents How much of housing information is provided? Is necessary information to find housing provided? To what extent is housing suppport is provided? The level of housing support is assessed using a rating scale. Numerical values and scale-based evaluation Determine whether everyday conversations are taught in Japanese language classes or personal tutorials. Scale-based evaluation Support system for families (Japanese language training, assistance for childbirth and child rearing and others) is assessed using a rating scale. Scale-based evaluation Does the university provide with lectures to promote understanding on frictions arising from differences in cultures and customs? Does it offer an orientation program? (frequency and participants) Numerical values and contents evaluation Determine whether information of private housing and placement are effectively provided, Materials concerning housing information Living support through Documents of relevant Japanese language training departments Adaption to living in local community Evaluation Indicator Adaptation to living in local community Family support Clarify whether the university helps Cultures, religions and international students and researchers smoothly adapt customs themselves to Japan Documents of relevant departments Understanding and avoidance of frictions Documents of relevant stemming from differences departments in cultures, religions and customs 7/10 Table1: Internationalization Indicators (Checklist) Major Category ⑤ Support system, information provision and infrastructure (continued) Intermediate Category B) Daily support for international students and researchers A) Inter-university affiliation ⑥ Multifaceted promotion of international B) Overseas bases affiliation C) Linkage with local community Detailed Category Campus life Do exchange agreements and consortiums function well? Focus and Purpose of Evaluation Determine whether there is a support system to ensure international students lead their campus lives at a similar level to those of Japanese students. Clarify to what extent desadvantages peculiar to international students are eliminated. Target of Evaluation Method of Evaluation and Analysis Evaluation Indicator Guideline Publications for international students, website and others Documents of relevant departments What vehicles and processes are used for providing information on campus? How many pieces of information are provided throughbooklets, website and others? Numerical values and contents evaluation Documents used in consultation and guidance for job placement and higher education Documents of relevant departments Career support to international students (employment and higher education) and frequency of seminars Numerical values and contents evaluation Public relations magazines, Comprehensively evaluate the publications and reports of Analysis of documents and achievements and implementation of self-monitoring and self- interview exchange agreements. evaluation Numerical Comprehensive evaluation is made based on values and exchange programs, achievements, sizes, scale-based level of mutual satisfaction and others. evaluation Public relations magazines, Identify the types of consortiums and publications and reports of Analysis of documents and alliances in which the university self-monitoring and self- interview partcipates. evaluation Numerical Participation in international university values and consortiums and alliances (what types of contents organizations does the university belong to?) evaluation Understand concrete details of particulars such as significance, size and frequency of each program or activity. Public relations magazines, publications and reports of Analysis of documents and self-monitoring and self- interview evaluation Purpose, objective, concrete content (summary), duration, state of implementation (number of participants and type) of each program or activity Numerical values and contents evaluation Evaluate the state of overseas offices Public relations magazines, publications and reports of Analysis of documents and self-monitoring and self- interview evaluation Number and locations of overseas offices (country and city) achievement evaluation Public relations magazines, publications and reports of Analysis of documents and self-monitoring and self- interview evaluation Are the purposes of establishment of the overseas offices articulated? Are they consistent with actual performances? Scale-based evaluation Programs and activities implemented Purposes of establishment of in overseas offices overseas offices (what programs and activities are implemented?) Public relations magazines, Identify what areas the international publications, white papers, Analysis of documents and offices specialize in or how they are annual reports, reports of interview self-moitoring and selfdiversified evaluation and website Are the overseas offices undertaking activities befitting the purposes of Scale-based establishment such as recruitment of evaluation international students, public relation, liaising and networking of graduates? Evaluate concrete details of particulars such as numver of affiliated local organizations, significance of programs and activities, size and frequency Analysis of documents Number of affiliated local organizations and programs, purposes of programs and activities, and state of implementation (number of participants) Numerical values evaluation Analysis of documents Number of articles of the programs and activities, which appear inpublic relations magazines of local communities and newspapers Numerical values and contents evaluation Publications of the intrnational exchange department Programs and activities for supporting international students Evaluate what effects are derived in cooperation with Reports, website, public from the linkage with local local community community and how it contributes to relations magazinesm media (newspapers) internationalization of local community. 8/10 Table1: Internationalization Indicators (Checklist) Major Category Intermediate Category Detailed Category Focus and Purpose of Evaluation Effectiveness of language education Analyze the degree to which language education is developing communicative language skills in the foreign language. Goals and feedback Analyze the degree to which the system sets language education goals, provides feedback on results, and ties into improvement. Target of Evaluation Items related to language eduction, such as achievement reports and program plans Method of Evaluation and Analysis B) General academic ⑦ programs (liberal Internatio- arts programs, nalization of excluding language the university programs) curriculum Analysis of documents and interviews Same as above Comprehensively assess the setting of language education goals (results of the curriculum, participation in overseas study programs, standard test score required for graduation or promotion, etc.) and results. Numerical values and contents evaluation Analysis of materials and interview With regards to the general education curriculum, compare the number of students and ratio of those studying subjects related to the adaptation to foreign cultures and the understanding of foreign cultures with those in other curricula. Numerical values and contents evaluation Analysis of materials and interview With regards to programs in which it is possible to obtain a degree in languages other than Japanese, make a comparison and comprehensively evaluate the recruitment and selection process, program management, diversity of course selection, standard of program content and the like, focusing on the quality of education in comparison to courses taught in Japanese. Numerical values and contents evaluation List of subjects that can be Analysis of materials and studied in languages other interview than Japanese In regard to the management of curriculum and short-term overseas study programs that can be studied in languages other than Japanese, conduct a comparison between these courses and courses taught in Japanese, focusing on quality and diversity of education. Numerical values and contents evaluation Analyze the degree to which courses Summary of courses of having an international perspective study, syllabus, status are in place in the the general report of courses curriculm. Programs related to the understanding of foreign cultures and adapting to foreign cultures Analyze the degree to which educational programs for understanding foreign cultures and adaptation to foreign cultures are in place from the perspective of educating global citizens. Education in the student's area of C) academic Internationalization concentration, where of specialized courses are taught in education languages other than Japanese Scale-based evaluation Among general education subjects (subjects taken that are not related to student's specific academic concentration), review the Analysis of documents, and syllabus of the 5 or 10 subjects having the data from course largest number of students, and analyze the registration amount of international perspective (introduce overseas precedents, case studies). General education curriculum from an international point of view Analyze the degree to which endeavors are being made to admit students from diverse backgrounds and provide them with the opportunity to learn. (Programs in which it is possible to obtain a degree in languages other than Japanese, lessons conducted in languages other than Japanese, et cetera). Guideline Comprehensively assess ratio of lessons by native speakers, degree of participation in overseas language programs, communicative Scale-based approach in lessons, the degree to which evaluation standard tests in language education are being used, etc. (Has the student acquired a high level of communicative ability in the foreign language by the time of graduation?) A) Language program Same as above Evaluation Indicator Summary of courses of study, syllabus Course guidelines and application materials for programs which use languages other than Japanese 9/10 Table1: Internationalization Indicators (Checklist) Major Category Intermediate Category Detailed Category International perspective in those courses in the student's academic concentration ⑦ Internationalization of the university curriculum C) Internationalization of specialized education A) General issues regarding international programs ⑧ Joint programs with external organizations (academic exchanges, internships, and others) B) Educational exchange Focus and Purpose of Evaluation Analyze the degree to which courses Summary of courses of having an international perspective study, syllabus are in place in areas of academic concentration. Evaluate participation in international accreditation organization, and evaluate whether endeavors are being made for recognition of Curriculum that follows internationalized educational international standards contents such as degrees, transcripts of academic standing, syllabus and the like in English are being promoted. Outcomes from educational exchange programs Documents about the accreditation organization to which the university belongs Evaluation Indicator Guideline Analysis of materials and interview Select 5 to 10 subjects from the academic concentration areas that are taught at the university and that are believed to provide the greatest international perspective, and assess how this is taught and its effectiveness. Analysis of materials and interview Assess whether university is responding appropriately to recommendations offered by Contents evaluation accreditation bodies, in terms of international academic standards. Numerical values and contents evaluation What percentage of total credits are earned through exchange studies, short-term training, overseas internships, overseas fieldwork and the like. Scale-based evaluation based on numeric value of achievements Analyze how self-review and student evaluations are being integrated into the improvement process of international programs. Contents evaluation Analyze the outcomes of exchange programs (number of participants, actual number of credits transferred) Data about participation in Analysis of materials and and the like, and evaluate how much student exchange programs interview programs are making use of the resources of partner schools. What percentage of students participate in exchange programs, and percentage of credits earned through exchange programs. Scale-based evaluation based on numeric value of achievements Evaluation of exchange programs by partner universities. Scale-based evaluation Evaluate how courses attended by exchange based on students at the university are recognized numeric value back at the students' home institutions. of achievements Evaluate what share of the overall Analysis of academic curriculum is occupied by exchange credits that are earned programs, short-term training, by way of educational overseas internships, overseas exchange programs fieldwork and the like. Analysis of management of educational exchange programs Target of Evaluation Method of Evaluation and Analysis Data regarding the earning Analysis of materials of credits Evaluate measures for improvement and implementation of evaluations by Materials related to selfstudents and autonomous review and student inspections in regard to exchange studies, short-term training, overseas evaluation internships, overseas fieldwork and the like. Analysis of materials and interview Data about participation in Analysis of materials and student exchange programs interview 10/10 Table1: Internationalization Indicators (Checklist) Major Category Intermediate Category Detailed Category Focus and Purpose of Evaluation Target of Evaluation Method of Evaluation and Analysis Analyze the outcomes of short-term overseas training (number of Data about participation in Analysis of materials and Outcomes from short- participants, number of credits short-term overseas interview term overseas training earned) and the like, evaluate how training the exchange program is being integrated into the curriculum. B) Educational exchange Management support system Evaluate whether effective Materials and handouts orientation and the like are being given to students during implemented for smooth management guidance and orientation of intercultural education. If there are any actual examples of jointly taught courses, evaluate the Jointly taught courses impact and so forth on the overall curriculum along with the effectiveness of these courses. ⑧ Joint programs with external organizations (academic exchanges, internships, and others) C) Evaluation of joint International joint programs with other degree universities International consortium D) Development of new programs Analysis of materials and interview Course syllabus and related Analysis of materials and materials interview Evaluation Indicator Guideline What percentage of students participate in short-term overseas training, and percentage of credits earned through shortterm overseas training. Scale-based evaluation based on numeric value of achievements Comprehensively evaluate the content of materials used for guidance and orientation, pre and post guidance, number of times Scale-based orientation implemented, participation ratio, evaluation and guidance content (partner school administration, risk management response, etc.). If such courses exist, comprehensively assess the proportion of students who are attending these courses, the proportion of faculty members who are taking part, and the impact of these cources on other courses. Scale-based evaluation If an international joint degree program is either being implemented Documents related to joint Analysis of materials and or under consideration, evaluate its degree program, or planning interivew documents direct effectiveness and its impact on the general curriculum. If such programs exist, comprehensively assess the proportion of students expected Scale-based to earn an international joint degree, the evaluation proportion of faculty members involved in the joint degree programs, and the impact of these programs on other degree programs. If an international consortium is being Documents related to the implemented or under consideration, consortium, or planning evaluate the direct effectiveness and documents its impact on the general curriculum. Analysis of materials and interivew If such consortium activities exist, comprehensively assess how many and what Scale-based kinds of classes are offered through the consortium, actual achievement of students, evaluation proportion of faculty members participating, and impact on other programs. Analysis of materials and interivew Comprehensively assess how many students are participating in university-designed Scale-based overseas programs, such as internships and evaluation field work, and assess data on number of earned credits. Analyze the degree to which new Overseas internship, endeavors in overseas internships overseas fieldwork and and fieldwork and the like are being the like proactively implemented. Course syllabus