Educational Services Center
Board Room – 1st Floor
770 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90017
Friday, October 28, 2005
9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Committee: Robyn Mims, Chair; John Clerx, ESC; Joel Francis, WLAC; Sinnika Diego, LATTC; Nelli Martirosyan, LAVC; Jose Robledo, LASC; Laura Sanchez, ELAC; Daniella Schwartz, Pierce College Participants: Stacey McMullen; Bharat Patel, DMJM/JGM Student Trustee Mims called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. A quorum is present. On roll call, the following colleges were present: ELAC, Pierce College, LATTC, LAVC, and WLAC. Absent: LACC, LAHC, LAMC, and LASC. PUBLIC AGENDA SPEAKERS Mr. Bharat Patel distributed flyers regarding the LACCD 4 th Annual Sustainability Conference that will be held on Friday, December 2, 2005 at the Millenium Biltmore Hotel. He discussed the LACCD LEED™ sustainable building program. He encouraged the students to register to attend the conference, which will be free to attend. Mr. John Clerx recommended that the ASO Presidents share this information with other ASO members at the campuses. He discussed the importance of LEED™ certification with respect to the District’s Proposition A and AA Bond construction projects. ISSUES FOR THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES None. CONSULTATION ITEMS Board Rule 8502 – Student Health Copies of a document regarding Board Rule 8502 were distributed. Mr. Clerx indicated that all students who currently have California Community Colleges Board of Governors fee waivers are exempted from paying the student health fee. The problem with this is that the District does not receive any compensation from the state for those students whose fees are waived. He indicated that AB 982— the Laird Bill—would allow local Boards of Trustees to require all students to pay the health fee regardless of whether or not they have a fee waiver. Passage of this bill would result in greatly increased revenue for the student health centers. He explained the procedure for amending this Board Rule.
Student Affairs Committee ­ 1 ­ October 28, 2005
ACTION ITEMS Student Appointments to Outside Committees District Budget Committee District Curriculum Committee Educational Policies Advisory Committee Mr. Clerx discussed the functions of each committee. He requested that whoever volunteers to serve on these committees be committed to attend the meetings. Mr. Joel Francis requested that the ASO Presidents be provided with a schedule of the dates and times that each committee meets. Mr. Clerx recommended that the student representatives to these committees be ASO officers. No action was taken. Endorse or oppose increase of English and Mathematics graduation requirements Mr. Clerx indicated that the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges voted to increase the graduation requirements for English from English 28 to English 101 and the Mathematics requirement from Elementary Algebra to a course for which Elementary Algebra is a prerequisite such as Statistics 1. He indicated that the Student Affairs Committee needs to state whether they support or oppose the Academic Senate’s recommendation. The Committee’s position would then be submitted to the Student Senate for the California Community Colleges in Sacramento. He entertained a motion to either endorse or oppose increasing the graduation requirements for English and Mathematics. Ms. Nelli Martirosyan indicated that she needs more information before she can make a decision. Mr. Clerx recommended that the ASO Presidents put this item on their next ASO agenda for action and invite the Academic Senate President at their campus to attend the ASO meeting and inform the ASO as to how the Academic Senate voted and why. Based on this information, the ASO would then choose which action to take. Motion by Ms. Martirosyan, seconded by Mr. Francis, to postpone the vote on this item until the next Student Affairs Committee meeting. APPROVED: 5 Ayes * * * Mr. Clerx entertained a motion to take out of order the “Pay­to­Play” Policy presentation by Ms. Stacey McMullen. Motion by Mr. Francis, seconded by Ms. Daniella Schwartz, to take the “Pay­to­Play” Policy presentation out of order. APPROVED: 5 Ayes DISCUSSION/DISTRIBUTION ITEMS “Pay­to­Play” Policy Ms. McMullen distributed copies of Administrative Regulation E­22 Eligibility for Associated Student Organization Offices and a document entitled “Student Senate Memorandum of Understanding.” She discussed the “Pay­to­ Play” policy with respect to ASO officers and members being required to pay dues.
Student Affairs Committee ­ 2 ­ October 28, 2005 Mr. Clerx discussed the functions of the California Community Colleges Student Senate. There was discussion regarding the “Pay­to­Play” Policy and its impact on ASO funding. Mr. Clerx offered the following options for consideration: (1) Keep the policy status quo; (2) Keep the structure status quo with the change that it would not be a requirement to be an ASO member in order to run for an ASO office; this would permit non­dues paying ASO members to run for ASO office; (3) Change the entire structure of the students’ role in shared governance to have ASOs conduct only ASO functions and have another body involved in shared governance policies at both the college and the District level. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS Health Benefits for Students (AB 982) Briefing – Adopt Pierce College Associated Students Organization Health Services Resolution Copies of the resolution prepared by Pierce College were distributed. Mr. Clerx offered the following revisions to the resolution for the purpose of adoption by the Student Affairs Committee:
Pierce College Associated Students Organization
Los Angeles Community College District Student Affairs Committee Health Services Resolution WHEREAS, Students depend on Health Service Centers to maintain healthy lives, crucial for academic success; and WHEREAS, Board of Governors (BOG) fee waivers exempt many California community college students from paying the nominal fee ($11 per semester at Pierce College the Los
Angeles Community College District colleges); and WHEREAS, Approximately 50 percent of students who used the Student Health Center receive the BOG fee waiver at Pierce College the Los Angeles Community College District
colleges; and WHEREAS, Community colleges with greater numbers of low­income students are forced to operate with fewer resources; and WHEREAS, Many of the students who benefit from the Pierce College Los Angeles Community
College District Student Health Centers have no other form of medical insurance; and WHEREAS, With every student enrolled paying $11 per semester for Student Health Services,
Pierce College’s Los Angeles Community College District Student Health Centers will be able to provide more in resources for students; and WHEREAS, The current services at our the Los Angeles Community College District Student Health Centers are limited; and WHEREAS, Students receiving BOG fee waivers can pay their $11 health fee through financial aid funding; now, therefore, be it
Student Affairs Committee ­ 3 ­ October 28, 2005 RESOLVED, That the Associated Students of Pierce College Los Angeles Community College
District Student Affairs Committee whole­heartedly supports AB 982, as we recognize it is in the best interest of California community college students. Motion by Ms. Martirosyan, seconded by Ms. Schwartz, to adopt the resolution as revised. ADOPTED AS REVISED: 5 Ayes Presidential Summit Reflections In his capacity as the Region VII Regional Representative for the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC), Mr. Francis discussed the Presidential Summit that was held on October 7 and 8, 2005 with respect to the need for student representation in statewide shared governance issues. DISCUSSION/DISTRIBUTION ITEMS * * * Student Trustee Mims entertained a motion to take out of order Item H. Waiving of Student Parking Fees for Winter Session. Motion by Ms. Martirosyan, seconded by Ms. Sinnika Diego, to take Item H. out of order. APPROVED: 5 Ayes Waiving of Student Parking Fees for Winter Session Mr. Clerx explained that a Cabinet­level decision was made to waive the student parking fees primarily for the purpose of encouraging student enrollment during the winter session. He indicated that this decision has had a negative impact on some of the ASOs. He stated that in order to have the parking fee funds go to the ASO, the ASO has to be leasing the parking lot from the college. Mr. Francis recommended the creation of an “activity hour” on each campus at which the ASOs can offer workshops for students on topics such as matriculation, fee waivers, and transfer opportunities. He requested that this topic be placed on the next SAC agenda as a discussion item. Mr. Clerx concurred with Mr. Francis’ recommendation and indicated that the “activity hour” would be placed on the next SAC agenda as a discussion item. * * * Student Trustee Mims entertained a motion to postpone the remaining agenda items until the next Committee meeting. Motion by Mr. Francis, seconded by Ms. Schwartz, to postpone the remaining agenda items until the next Committee meeting. APPROVED: 5 Ayes
The following remaining agenda items were postponed until the next Committee meeting: DISCUSSION/DISTRIBUTION ITEMS Student Affairs Committee priorities for 2005­06 Sustainability Conference – December 2, 2005
Student Affairs Committee ­ 4 ­ October 28, 2005 Proposition 98 Briefing High School/Middle School Recruitment Students’ Role in Community College Initiative REPORTS Student Affairs Committee Chair’s Monthly Report Associated Student Body Presidents’ Reports Outside Committees – Representative Reports District Academic Senate – Robyn Mims Student representatives not yet assigned to the following outside committees: District Budget Committee District Curriculum Committee Educational Policies Advisory Committee AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS None. NEW BUSINESS None. SUMMARY – NEXT MEETING Motion by Mr. Francis, seconded by Ms. Martirosyan, to add the “activity hour” discussion item to the agenda of the next Committee meeting. APPROVED: 5 Ayes Student Trustee Mims indicated that the next SAC meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 18, 2005. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Ms. Sanchez, seconded by Mr. Francis, to adjourn. APPROVED: 5 Ayes The meeting adjourned at 12:03 p.m.
Student Affairs Committee ­ 5 ­ October 28, 2005 