Terahertz quantum cascade laser based optical coherence tomography The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Lee, Alan W. M., Tsung-Yu Kao, Qing Hu, and John L. Reno " Terahertz quantum cascade laser based optical coherence tomography ", Proc. SPIE 8585, Terahertz and Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses for Biomedical Applications, 858508 (February 23, 2013). ©2013 SPIE. As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2001127 Publisher SPIE Version Final published version Accessed Thu May 26 05:46:13 EDT 2016 Citable Link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/87068 Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms Invited Paper Terahertz quantum cascade laser based optical coherence tomography Alan Wei Min Leea,b,*, Tsung-Yu Kaob, Qing Hub, and John L. Renoc a LongWave Photonics LLC, Boston, MA USA b Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA USA c Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM USA *Corresponding author: awmlee@longwavephotonics ABSTRACT The interfaces of a dielectric sample are resolved in reflection geometry using light from a frequency agile array of terahertz quantum-cascade lasers. The terahertz source is a 10-element linear array of third-order distributed feedback QCLs emitting at discrete frequencies from 2.08 to 2.4 THz. Emission from the array is collimated and sent through a Michelson interferometer, with the sample placed in one of the arms. Interference signals collected at each frequency are used to reconstruct an interferogram and detect the interfaces in the sample. Due to the long coherence length of the source, the interferometer arms need not be adjusted to the zero-path delay. A depth resolution of 360 µm in the dielectric is achieved with further potential improvement through improved frequency coverage of the array. The entire experiment footprint is <1 m × 1 m with the source operated in a compact, closed-cycle cryocooler. Keywords: terahertz, quantum cascade laser, tomography 1. INTRODUCTION Tomography of dielectric thin films using terahertz frequency radiation (300 GHz to 10 THz) has found recent practical applications for the characterization of industrial polymers [1]. The non-ionizing nature of THz radiation and its strong response to water content also makes it suitable for characterization of biomaterials such as corneas [3] and teeth. Comparing to the current commercial terahertz systems using nonlinear generation mechanisms, quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) are a promising fundamental source of terahertz frequency radiation for their multi milliwatt power levels, electrical operation, and absence of optical alignment. However, the use of QCLs for the tomography of dielectric films is challenging due to the lack of picosecond pulsed sources necessary for time-offlight tomography or the practical frequency tuning mechanisms necessary for interferometry based tomography. In this paper we report a frequency agile QCL source and the demonstration of tomography using the swept-source optical coherence tomography technique [6]. The letter is divided into sections detailing different key components of the THz swept-source optical coherence tomography system (SS-OCT) system. Section 2 details the working principles of SSOCT. Section 3 reports the design of third-order distributed feedback THz quantum cascade lasers and detailed characterization of such a laser array. Section 4 describes the measurement result of the OCT system on dielectric thin film and the algorithm for retrieving the depth and interface information. Section 5 will discuss the recent improvement on 3rd DFB design to further improve the frequency coverage. 2. SWEPT-SOURCE OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY (SS-OCT) The frequency tunable source of the SS-OCT system is used to generate a tomographic profile (see Figure 1) of a sample, whose resolution is dependent on the bandwidth of the source. This profile is obtained by processing the interferometric signal, S, for each wavelength, λi, incident on the detector: Δ = , + ,, +2 , ,, ⋅ 4⋅ ⋅ (Δ + ) (1) Terahertz and Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses for Biomedical Applications, edited by Gerald J. Wilmink, Bennett L. Ibey, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585, 858508 · © 2013 SPIE · CCC code: 1605-7422/13/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2001127 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585 858508-1 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 05/02/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms Here ρ is thee responsivity of o the detector,, PR,i is the meaasured power ffrom the refereence arm, PS,i,j is the measureed power from the jth in nterface in the sample, Δx is the path lengtth difference beetween the sam mple and the reeference arms, and xj is the thicknesss of the jth layeer. Taking a su ummation overr i (i.e. adding the signal from m all the discrrete wavelengthhs in the tunable sourcce), results in the t waveformss shown in Figu ure 1. The fir st column is foor a single inteerface (j = 1) aat Δx = 0 i.e. only a miirror in the sam mple arm. The second colum mn shows the reesult for a sampple with two innterfaces (j = 22), whose thickness is xj = - 1 mm. Here H the sinuso oids tend to can ncel except whhen Δx = x1 = 0 and when Δ Δx = x2 = - 1 m mm. As a result, an intterface at -1 mm m is clearly visible, v where the strength oof the signal iis related to thhe discontinuitty of the interface. In (1), weaker teerms occurring g from reflectio ons within the ssample are ignnored. 21 Frequen cies: 1.8 to 2.41 V A 41 Frequencies: A4 1V,A,w4* - 1.8 to 3.0 7 VSYYS,..,,,,nN,NW,,+. 61 Frequen cies: 1.8 tp 3.6 7 -1 0 1 Reference Minor F,osition [m] 2 3 1 03 Figure 1. Figure of simulated interferencee signal resulting g from SS-OCT scan. Left colum umn shows the siignal from a singgle interface (a mirror) placed in the sample arm. Right colu umn shows the siignal from a diellectric sample. IIncreasing the bandwidtth of the source results r in better resolution. r The axial ressolution of thee interface is proportional p to o how quickly the sinusoids cancel with reespect to Δx, w which is proportional to the bandwid dth of the sourcce: = 2nΔ (2) Here δ is the depth resolutiion, c is the speeed of light, n is the optical iindex of the maaterial and Δf iis the bandwiddth of the tunable sourrce. The increeased resolutio on is apparent when lookingg at the rows of Figure 1 w which have inncreasing amounts of bandwidth. b For example, for a system with 21 frequenciees spanning 1.88 THz to 2.4 TH Hz, a resolutioon of 125 µm would reesult (n=1). Th his expression only o representss the full widthh at half maxim mum (FWHM) of a detected iinterface (e.g. the FWH HM of the env velope of Figurre 1). If the SN NR of the returnned signal is hiigh, smaller innterface separattions can be sub-resolv ved. Thereforee the depth ressolution is dep pendent on the frequency banndwidth of thee QCL source, and to a lesser degreee, its output pow wer. 3. TERAHERT T TZ RADIA ATION SOU URCE: THE E QUANTU UM CASCA ADE LASER R 3.1 Key Com mponent: 3rd order o DFB QC CL To control the t emission frequency of a QCL, a diistributed feeddback (DFB) grating fabriccated into mettal-metal waveguide can be used [8]. First-order grratings, where the grating peeriodicity, Λ, iss half a guidedd wavelength (Λ Λ ≈ λ/2) n single mode operation. Ho owever, the suubwavelength ddimensions of the optical waaveguide have been deemonstrated in result in high hly divergent beam b patterns exceeding e 180o. A unique soolution to conttrol the beam ddivergence has recently been demonsstrated using th hird-order grattings (Λ ≈ 3· λ/2) λ [9]. This 3rd order DFB B takes advantaage of grating spacing, and the optiical index (n~3.5-3.6 at 2-5 THz) of the GaAs/GaAlA As multiple quaantum wells ((MQW) gain m medium, effectively making m the laseer an end-fire liinear antenna array a – and theerefore a narrow w emitter. Thee small footprinnt of this type of laserr makes it ideeal for dense array implemeentation. A seeries of 3rd ordder DFB QCL Ls of linear frrequency Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585 858508-2 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 05/02/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms differences can be fabricated next to each other with a distance of 150 µm or less. Using current THz QCL fabrication techniques we can pack up to 21 QCLs on a single die. oe©000®0 2 Contact Pad (c) (d) .4 X 10 1 0.5 o i 011001II111y11M14111. -0.5 1 Min 1 -5 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 X10 XQ/2 Figure 2. Part (a), schematic of a linear end-fire antenna array. Each rod (antenna) has 180 degree phase shift and is λo/2 from its neighbor, resulting in constructive interference in the array direction. Part (b), the calculated beam pattern of an end-fire antenna array. Part (c), the top schematic view of a corrugated 3rd order DFB QCL. Part (d), the electric field of the designed mode inside a 3rd order DFB laser. The arrows indicate the aperture from which field is radiated. Adjacent apertures alternate signs indicating a π phase shift. Because the apertures are close to λo/2 apart, endfire emission results. To understand how the 3rd order grating operates, one can adopt the concept of a linear phased array (Figure 2 (a)). Here a series of antennas are spaced by λ0/2, where λ0 is the free space wavelength, and adjacent antennas are phase-shifted by π (indicated by arrows). Constructive interference from different antennas will form a narrow beam in the direction along the array. Part (c) shows a 3rd order DFB grating fabricated in a metal-metal waveguide, where the “antennas” from the phased array example are narrow sections or apertures. The electric field inside each aperture (part d) will be at its peak value with the phase adjacent apertures differing by π. Since the optical index of the gain medium is close to 3, the apertures are very close to λo/2 apart. Constructive interference results and forms a narrow beam pattern in the direction along the laser ridge. The divergence of the beam pattern is inversely-scaled with the square root of the number of the grating apertures (or the total length of the laser). To obtain accurate frequency calculations and detailed grating parameter designs for third-order grating DFB lasers, fullwave three-dimension finite element method (FEM) simulations are required. An FEM simulation can determine all the modes supported in the laser structure along with the optical losses due to radiation, which we loosely term “gain threshold” [10]. Gain thresholds are plotted versus frequency for all resonant modes to obtain the plot shown in Figure 3. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585 858508-3 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 05/02/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms a) tm m 00 -30 leo so _i -10 10 %A b) 342 3.44 3.48 3.48 3.1 iRC-01 3.52 15. ].x 3 20 a¢uDun .21 1111.10 30 -30 -20 -lo o lo Horizontal [deg] .,-. iL ..,. L,. -0A 6 / Figure 3. Part (a), a typical plot of the gaiin threshold of 3rd 3 order DFB Q QCLs (corrugatedd structures). Thhe designed modde (red arrow w) has the lowesst threshold and is thus most likeely to lase, with oother modes (blaack arrow) with similar losses competin ng for gain. Part (b), ( the simulateed magnetic field d corresponding to the designed mode (red arrow w part a). The m mode is clearly the fundamentaal lateral mode an nd also shows sttrong 3rd order ggrating effect (Λ Λ~3λ/2, where λ is guided gth). Part (c), thee simulated mag gnetic field in thee second lowest threshold mode (black arrow, paart a). This mode is waveleng a hybrid mode m consisting g of several high--order lateral mo odes. Part (d) shoows a measured far-field beam-ppattern of a 3rd order DFB QCL. 3.2 Results of Frequency Agile 3rd ordeer DFB QCL Array A The resulted d QCL arrays after two iteraations are sho own in Figure 4. From thee right of the figure, each ddevice is numbered 1 through 21. The T array is designed so thaat if all the devvices are lasinng in the correect mode, and the gain bandwidth of the QCL arrray is broad en nough, frequeency coveragee will be from m 1.8 THz (devvice 1) up to 2.6 THz (device 21). The devices were fabricatted using stan ndard metal-meetal waveguidee fabrication ttechniques [111], using graphy and Eleectron Cyclotro on Resonance-Reactive Ion E Etch (ECR-RIE E) to define thee laser mesas. Here the contact lithog metallization n on top of th he device serv ves as a mask k, resulting neearly vertical ssidewalls, prevventing laterall current spreading an nd bias non-u uniformity. Th he device was indium solddered to a coppper substratee for mountingg in the cryocooler. Electrical E contaact was made by wirebonds between the Q QCL bonding pads, and an eexternal printeed circuit board with a pluggable heaader for easy removal of the module. m Figure 4. Part (a), image of a 3rd order DF FB QCL array (ccorrugated structture) which emitts in endfire modde. Electrical biasing iss through a bond ding pad shown with w attached wiirebonds. Part (bb), shows the paackaged QCL arrray. The array iss indium soldered to a copper substrate, and wirebonds aree made to the PCB. A standard connection header (0.05” pitch) is used for reliability and replaceability. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585 858508-4 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 05/02/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms Individual QCLs Q were lostt during the wire bonding prrocess, due to the relatively small (150-µm m pitch) bonding pads. The survivin ng devices werre tested in pu ulsed mode (5 500 ns at ~10% % duty cycle)) at 48 K withh the resultingg spectra measured by Fourier transfform infrared sp pectroscopy (F FTIR) shown inn Figure 5. Thrresholds currennt densities rannge from 290 A/cm2 to o 340 A/cm2 accross whole arrray. From Dev vice 9, a continnuous increase in lasing frequuency was obseerved for each device up u to Device 19, 1 spanning a frequency ran nge of 2.08 to 2.4 THz. Deviice 7 and 8 lassed around 2.33 and 2.5 THz. This ty ype of mode ho opping behavio or is attributed to the relative position betweeen the designeed DFB modess and the peak gain freequency of thee gain medium m (see dashed-lline in Figure 5). The maxiimum achievabble frequency range is limited by th he gain bandwid dth of the QCL L, the mode sellectivity (differrence in loss) oof the optical m modes, and thee spacing between the modes. Peak optical o power for individual laser was meaasured using a thermo-pile power meter (S Scientech w peak power ~1.5 mW fo or device 16, whose w lasing fr frequency is att the peak gainn frequency of the gain AC2500H) with medium. Dev vice 9 has only y ~ 150 µW peaak power sincee it lased far froom the peak gaain frequency. I 2.5 I / I 2 1.5 \ /1N`Rw'`" 16 15 14 13 12 , 11 10 05 8 - 0 18 `-15 28 Figure 5. Spectra of DFB B QCL array show wing frequency separation ~30G GHz. Devices 9 tthrough 19 show w frequency coverage of 320GHz. Dashed line indicattes measured gaiin bandwidth off the QCL active region which peeaks ~2.3 THz. 4. THZ T SS-OC CT SYSTEM M RESULTS S The prototyp pe OCT system m is shown in Figure F 6 and consists of: QC CL residing in a closed cycle, cryogen free,, Stirling Cycle cryoco ooler; an f/1 silicon lens to collimate the beeam emerging from the cooler; a quartz beeam splitter; a movable reference miirror; an f/1 siilicon lens to focus the refleected light; a Ga:Ge photoddetector. The ccompact Stirlinng cycle cryocooler iss powered by 120 V and is co ontrolled through a USB interrface to activelly maintain a ccold finger tem mperature of 48 K (witth 120 W elecctrical power consumption). c The cryocooller system is ccompact (footpprint 32 cm × 38 cm), relatively lig ght (12 kg), an nd rated for MTTF M of 25,0 000 hours, whhich will ultim mately lead to a system thatt can be demonstrated d in the field. The cryocooler is capable of cooling thee device to 355 K, or dissipaating 9 W of eelectrical power at 77 K – a temperaature at which the devices arre anticipated tto operate effiiciently. The 9 W power disssipation ntinuous wave operation. A custom vacuum m shroud incluuding vacuum electrical feed-through should be sufficient for con c and optical access were fabricateed. for a 40 pin connector, Custom bias electronics weere fabricated and a allow the software s to sel ect up to 16 diifferent devices (limited by thhe MUX he hardware). The laser biasiing electronics for the laser aarray, depicted schematicallyy in Figure 7, consist of IC used in th two boards: a PC interface//timing controll board enabled d by FPGA, annd a power suppply/modulatioon board whichh powers a device via a 1x16 multip plexing circuit. The FPGA board b consists of a USB inteerface for interffacing the PC with the nd an Altera FPGA. F This microcontrolleer/FPGA combbination was sselected for m maximum onboard miccrocontroller an Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585 858508-5 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 05/02/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms flexibility in implementing the timing sig gnals. These tim ming signals aare used to synchronously biaas the laser, annd trigger ntegrator/ADC//lock-in ampliffier for detectio on. This boardd also generatees laser select ssignals and the variable the boxcar in power supply y control signaals for the MU UX/BIAS board d, combing wiith Matlab GU UI based softw ware, the system m allows <10 ms cycliing though 16 QCL Q devices, and a therefore rapid r frequencyy switching. Ga:Ge Photodet f/1 silicon lens Diel ctric film on BS/ QCL A In Cry( rference R Figure 6. Prototype OCT T system includees: a multi-element frequency aggile QCL array rresiding in a com mpact Stirling cyycle cryocooleer (cryogen free)); an interferomeeter; a Ge:Ga terrahertz photodeteector. Beam patth through the innterferometer shoown in red. (on n the right) the schematic s for thee similar optical setup is also shoown. k ( USB Interf`ace FPGA 4 Board I J Lockin Amplifier 1 Cryogenic ,o Photodetector Gi sP ì i ó ariable Power Supply Cryocooli er /MUX Board Figure 7. Overview of eleectronics for the SS-OCT experiiment. Interferometrry measuremen nts were taken in pulsed mod de (500 ns pulsse width 7% duuty cycle), witth either a mirrror in the sample arm (for ( normalizattion) or a 380--µm thick piecce of polypropyylene in front oof the sample mirror. In eithher case, the referencee was stepped 30 times over a total distancce of 140 µm. At each step, the signal waas acquired viaa lock-in amplifier at the t pulse repetiition rate, for each e of the laseers, resulting inn the interferom metric signals sshown in Figurre 8. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585 858508-6 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 05/02/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms 00 a Ob2 F=2.22 THz Dev. 2 a o É m -0.020 2 0.2 0.8 0.8 1 Rekxerce mirror positon [m] 0.4 1.2 1.4 Dev.4 F=2.37 THz 0.020 0.2 x10-. 0.4 Ob 0.8 1 Reference mirror positon[m] 12 1 0.4 Ob 0.8 Reference mirror positon[m] 12 1 0.4 Ob 0.8 Reference minor position trig 12 1 0.4 0.8 0.8 Refe e nce mirror positon [m] 12 1.4 x10" 2 ti É 0.2 .. 10 1 0.8 0.8 Reference mirer positon [m] 0.4 1.4 20 0.2 x 10~ 1.4 x10~ 10 F=2.24 THi m 1.2 Dev. 6 o É a ., -100 0.01 0.2 1 0.6 0.8 Reference mirror positon [m] 0.4 1.2 10 0.2 1.4 x10' 0.01 F=2 28 THi ei 1.4 010' Dey. 7 B É ° 0.010 - 0.2 b. 0.2 1 0.8 0.8 Refererce mira posé on [rn] 0.4 1.2 1.4 Oó10 0.2 x10" 1.4 x10" 0.2 F=2.30 THi Dev. 8 a 0 -020 02 0.4 ob 0.8 1 12 Reference miraposifon[m] 1.4 420 0.2 x10 0.4 Ob 0.8 1 Reference mima position In 12 0.4 00 02 1 Reference mirror position [m] 12 0.4 Ob 02 1 Reference minor position [m] 12 0.8 1 0.4 0.8 Reference mirror position VI 12 1.4 x10" 5 F=1.99 TH2 Dey. .9 o 02 0.4 Ob 0.8 1 Reference mirror positon [m] 12 1.4 50 0.2 x 10 1.4 x 10 bey. f0 F=2.02 THi o 02 0.01 0.4 0.8 0.8 t Reference minor positon [m] 12 ev.11 F=2.05 T ei 1.4 0.2 1.4 x ,04 0.01 o B É m -10 x10-' - -0.010 02 0.4 O.B 0.8 1 Reference minor positon [ro] 12 1.4 x10 -0b10 0.2 1.4 x io Figure 8. Interference signals (blue ‘+’) and numerical fit (red solid trace) for various devices obtained as a function of position of the reference mirror. The first column shows signals when no sample is present. The second column shows interference signals when a 380-µm thick sample of polypropylene is inserted in the sample arm. The interference patterns show clear sinusoidal modulation with mirror position for both the case without a sample (left column), and with a 380-µm thick sample (right column). Due to the long coherence length of QCL, the sinusoidal modulations are apparent even at large path differences between the reference and sample arms. This eliminates the need of finding the zero-path delay required in the time-domain approaches, further simplifying the interferometer setup. In order to resolve the air/polypropylene and polypropylene/metal interfaces, the algorithm shown in Figure 9 is used. After the interference signal is acquired (‘+’ symbols in Figure 8) a numerical fit is used to determine the amplitude, period and phase of the modulation for each device (red trace in Figure 8). Amplitude normalization is performed, and the interference signals are summed, resulting in the traces shown in Figure 10. The first column of part a shows the case where no sample is present and all modulation frequencies add together when the path length difference between the interferometer arms is zero. Due to the limited number of QCLs, and the limited bandwidth (~300 GHz), side lobes appear between 0.5 to 1 mm and -1 to -0.5 mm. Phase and amplitude modulations resulting from the insertion of the sample result in the pattern shown in the second column. To resolve the interfaces, it is useful to measure the envelope Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585 858508-7 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 05/02/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms of the summation. In Figure 10 (a), right column, the air/polypropylene and polypropylene/metal interfaces become apparent. i Bias QCL device number i Repeat for N lasers Acquire Interference signal S; while reference mirrortranslates by at least Ax =X /2 Numerical fit to S1 = a;cos(47-i /X; Ax +4),) Normalize S; to reference signal Compute summation over i Take Hilberttransform and take envelope Deconvolve with stored Kernel Figure 9. Algorithm for depth measurement of a sample. The measured interfaces can be sharpened somewhat by de-convolving the measured signal (Figure 10(b)), using the reference signal as the kernel. Using the iterative Richardson-Lucy algorithm for N=20 iterations, the interfaces are sharpened in the trace of part b. The position of the air/polypropylene interface occurs at 380 µm because the sample arm is shortened after inserting a sample. However the path to the polypropylene/metal interface is effectively lengthened by the higher index polypropylene: (npoly -1) ×380 µm = 160µm, giving out npoly = 1.42, (Figure 10(c)). Without the knowledge of the index of refraction, it would appear that the sample is 380 + 140= 520 µm thick. Additional characterizations of the thickness measurement were done on 180-µm thick glass slides (Figure 10(d)). Only the glass/air interface was resolvable due to the strong attenuation in the glass. The acquisition time of this experiment was ~40 s, discounting the ~5 s required for the lock-in amplifier to reacquire a phase lock when a laser is switched. The primary limitation on the acquisition speed is the large number (30) of reference mirror scan steps used to determine the amplitude and phase of the interference signals of Figure 10(a). System scan speed can be greatly increased by scanning only a small number of positions. As in typical near-IR OCT systems, it is possible to fix the position of the reference mirror altogether, resulting in halving of the axial range of the scan, but greatly increased scan speed while simplifying the mechanics [12]. The large translation of the reference mirror was done in this work to allow amplitude normalization, without which the reconstruction of the interferogram of Figure 10(a) for the limited number of lasers would not have resulted in cancelation away from the zero path delay (e.g., larger side lobes). Additional speed increases can be obtained by improving the electronics to eliminate the lock-in amplifier. The FWHM depth resolution (z) is given by the bandwidth of the source as shown in Eq (2). For the present system, this limits the depth resolution to approximately 360 µm in polypropylene (n=1.42) or 470 µm in air, which is close to the measured FWHM of 440 µm in Figure 10(a). A finer depth resolution can be achieved by further improving the frequency coverage. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585 858508-8 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 05/02/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms 0 S iLength Difference [men) o .5 igth Difference (mm] S Met kir / 'ielectric Ill n AA .enith Difference [mm] Polypropykk n= R2 n= R, -ence + lirror 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Length Difference [m mJ Figure 10 0. Part (a). Recon nstructed interferogram (summaation of normalizzed measured siggnals) as a functiion of path lengtth differencee between the in nterferometer arm ms. The left colu umn shows resullts without a sam mple while the seecond column has a 380-µm thick t polypropyllene sample. Thee numerical fittin ng envelope funcction was shownn in red. Part (b) shows the numericaally sharpened veersion of right co olumn in (part a)) using deconvollution. The interrfaces of the thinn sample are cleaarly visible, demonstrating d thee key concept off SS-OCT: axial tomography. Paart (c) shows thee effect of insertiing a polypropyllene sample in n path of the inteerferometer. Duee to the index off polypropylene, the back mirrorr appears at ~ 1660 µm further froom the zero path p difference point. p The total thickness t has thee appearance off a 540-µm thick piece of n = 1 sample. Part (d) tthe reconstru ucted signals from m one and two 180-µm thick glaass samples. 5. RECE ENT IMPRO OVEMENT ON 3RD DF FB THZ QC CL DESIGN N FOR WID DE FREQUE ENCY COVERAGE C E One determin ning factor of spatial resolutiion in a THz SS-OCT S system m is the frequenncy coverage oof swept source. In our initial implem mentation of DFB D QCL arrray, a 320-GH Hz frequency ccoverage was oobtained. In oorder to achievve larger frequency co overage, we im mprove upon the t previous design d by channging the shappe of the corruugated gratingss from a traditional sq quare tooth to a tapered shaape as shown in i Figure 11(bb). According to an electrom magnetic finite--element Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585 858508-9 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 05/02/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms (FEM) simullation, the taper-horn shape increases the radiation loss from the unw wanted upper bband-edge modde while marginally reeducing the rad diation loss forr the desired th hird-order DFB B mode, hence improving moode selectivity and thus more robust single-mode operation. Effecctively, this app proach leveragges a trade-off between the ooutput power effficiency W this impro oved frequency y selectivity, w we realize a linnear frequency coverage of 4440 GHz, and mode disscrimination. With from 4.61 to 5.05 THz (fro om a different gain g medium used u in the preevious QCL arrray) as shown in Figure 11(aa), which % of the gain spectrum. Thee linearity of the t DFB QCL L arrays was allso improved (see the inset for near covers ~ 80% uniform frequ uency spacing between adjaccent elements). -1 V using rreque 13 - Linear fitting 17 4.7 21 A II A \ ' 25 4.604 THz 7.35 GHz x (device 46 29 ° 20 10 30 devi ice # 40 50 4145 Ns ¿L L 4.8 quency (TE Figure 11 1. (a) Spectra of an array with 11 1 devices operatiing in pulsed moode (at 10 K) dem monstrating the frequency selectivity y of a third-ordeer DFB QCL arraay. (b) Scanning g electron microsscope (SEM) im mage for a taper-hhorn third-order DFB laseer. 6. CO ONCLUSIO ON In summary, we have demonstrated the tomography t off a dielectric saample using a frequency agille QCL array ssource at terahertz freq quencies. The electrically sw witched sourcee suggests fast axial scan sp eeds. Improveed axial resoluttion will result from a spectrally broader source. An A increase in th he number of eelements in thee source will alllow greater sccan depth and potentiallly a fixed refeerence mirror interferometer i , greatly enhanncing the scann speed and sim mplicity of thee system. We also add dressed the issu ue of limited frequency f band dwidth of our first DFB QC CL array by inntroducing new w type of DFB structurre for better mode m selectivity y. A ~30% im mprovement in frequency covverage is achieeved (from 320 to 440 GHz). This work is supported by the t NASA/Ken nnedy Space Center C under coontract NNX111CC66C and thhe NSF. This w work was performed, in n part, at CINT T, a U.S. DOE Office of Basiic Energy Sciennces user faciliity. Sandia Nattional Laboratoories is a multiprogram m laboratory managed m and op perated by San ndia Corporatioon, a wholly ow wned subsidiarry of Lockheedd Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department D off Energy’s Natiional Nuclear S Security Admiinistration undder contract DE E-AC0494AL85000. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585 858508-10 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 05/02/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms REFERENCES [1] Mittleman D. M., Hunsche S., Boivin L., and Nuss M. C., "T-ray tomography," Opt. Lett. 22, 904 (1997). [2] Zhong S., Shen Y. C., Ho L., May R. K., Zeitler J. A., Evans M., Taday P. F., Pepper M., Rades T., and Gordon K. C., "Non-destructive quantification of pharmaceutical tablet coatings using terahertz pulsed imaging and optical coherence tomography, " Opt. Lasers Eng. 49, 361 (2011). 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Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8585 858508-11 Downloaded From: http://proceedings.spiedigitallibrary.org/ on 05/02/2014 Terms of Use: http://spiedl.org/terms