Board of Trustees Report Open Session Trade Tech College

Board of Trustees Report
Trade Tech College
July 28, 2010
Open Session
Reporting out of Closed Session:
--Tyree Wieder’s contract was extended for another month.
--Several members consulted with Patrick McCallum regarding pending bills that affect
community colleges. Trustee Sylvia Scott-Hayes suggested the bills be reviewed at the
next Board meeting so that we may better understand their pro and con perspectives.
Other Reports and Recommendations
--The Board moved and passed a motion to approve Both BT1, to commend the service
of three classified employees’ retirements, and BT2, to authorize Trustee Tina Park’s
travel to a meeting in Washington, D.C.
--No reports were presented from the chancellor or the presidents. Trustee Mona Field
reminded the presidents that the Board needed to see all of the colleges’ opening day
agendas/programs, and encouraged the other trustees to attend one or more opening
day events.
--The Consent Calendar was approved with some minor edits. Pertinent to curriculum
was the approval of two full pages of new courses and over a full page of changes to
existing courses. Mona Field took a moment to acknowledge the dedicated faculty who
put in many hours to develop these new courses or improve existing ones. The Revised
Board Rules 6201.16 (Graduation Requirements for Associate Degree in Nursing), 6204
(Additional and Concurrent Associate Degrees, 6405 (Cooperative Education) and
6705.20 (Syllabus Correspondence) were also approved.
Recommendations from the Chancellor
Pierce representatives presented their college’s addendum EIR and significant update to
their 2002 Master Plan, which focuses on more flexibility to position the college for the
future. The revised Plan emphasizes more spaces for students to “hang out” and not just
pass through the college. The Plan also enhances the image of the campus.
Several speakers were allowed two minutes each to comment on the Plan, with all but
one of them praising the new Plan and the positive effect it has had at the college
(faculty and students alike) and the surrounding community and urging the Board to
approve it at the next meeting.
Several Board members took the time to acknowledge the terrific work that has been
done developing the revised Master Plan. Joy McCaslin was also praised for her work
stepping in as Acting President.
Public Agenda Speakers
Two speakers spoke for five minutes each regarding the conduct of District and City
leaders over City’s satellite off-campus project in Atwater. Both speakers read specific
email exchanges and identified the writers of the emails. No Board members
It was invigorating to hear about Pierce’s successful, collaborative effort to revise their
Master Plan that is already turning an outdated campus into a state-of-the-art, inviting
hub for the community (especially for students and faculty).
It was equally unsettling to hear the last two guest speakers read out in a public forum
what can only be considered embarrassing emails. My over-arching concern is about
our collective use of emails and what the ramifications are regarding the California
Public Records Act under which these emails were apparently allowed to be made
public. Instructors probably need some clear ground rules regarding email exchanges.
Alex Immerblum,
DAS Treasurer
(substituting for vacationing David Beaulieu)
David Beaulieu
District Academic Senate President