ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER GREEN PROGRAM We are a LEED Existing Buildings / Operations and Maintenance certified Building 86% of our ongoing consumable purchases and 85% of our electronic purchases meet strict LEED guidelines for sustainability Aramark Leisure Services, the exclusive Catering and Concessionaire for the Anaheim Convention Center, implemented a Sustainability Program in 2004. All toilet paper, paper towels and toilet seat covers are made from 100% recyclable material. We have (2) trash compactors on site that are dedicated to cardboard recycling. We have (2) bailers that compress various recyclables such as plastic and aluminum which are then recycled offsite by Anaheim Disposal. All mixed trash is sorted for recycling offsite by Anaheim Disposal. At Least 54% of the waste is diverted from the landfill. In 2014, 64% of the waste was diverted from the landfill. 70% of all waste was diverted from the landfill in 2014 through a combination of our onsite and offset recycling efforts. All Concession Stands at the Convention Center are equipped with recycling trash cans for plastic bottles; there are plastic bottle cans next to each trash can in the lobbies. Aramark has also purchased its own herd of free range, grass fed cattle. 78% of our cleaning purchases meet strict LEED criteria for sustainability. We have replaced our high energy T12 fluorescent lamps to T8 lamps in the Exhibit Halls. The T8 lamps generate the same or a greater amount of light as the T12 lamps, but consume about ¼ of the energy. We have changed out our parking lot / exterior lighting to induction lighting. In CP6, we changed out the T12 fluorescent lamps to T8 fluorescent lamps with motion sensors. We have changed out all of our T12 fluorescent lamps to T8 fluorescent lamps in the Arena and surrounding buildings. All Meeting Rooms have T8 energy efficient lamps. The Lobby area has T5 energy efficient lamps. We have a 300,000 square foot solar array on our Exhibit Hall roofs (A, B & C) which produce 2.37 Megawatts of clean, renewable, sustainable electrical power. Exhibit Hall D has photo voltaic panels on the roof which generate electricity resulting in less of a demand on our public utilities. In August of 2004, we increased the foot candle level (lighting level) inside the Arena by four times and decreased the electric cost by 90%. In all lobbies on the 2nd and 3rd floor, we changed from 250 watt par 38 lamps to ER 75-30 lamps resulting in approximately 60% savings in electricity. A lighting computer runs the entire building and the computer is programmed to turn the lights on/off as necessary in order to conserve energy. All lobby and finger lobby areas have cleaning switches to assist cleaning crews. Lights remain on in specific areas in two hour increments in order to conserve electricity. We now install electronic ballast to save energy on our H.I.D fixtures in the Exhibit Halls. We recycle all used fluorescent and H.I.D. lamps, all batteries and all electronic equipment such as computers, VCR’s, televisions, and all cardboard. The Reader Board and Scoreboard in the Arena have LED lamps instead of incandescent lamps. Restrooms are equipped with energy efficient toilets and motion sensor sinks to conserve water. All Lobby carpet on all levels is certified “green.” Where applicable, any outdated HVAC equipment is replaced with energy efficient models determined by recommendations from the Utilities Department. We have a comprehensive Employee Commuter Reduction Program and our annual Percentage Trip Reduction is 31%. We have employed the use of water saving plumbing fixtures and fittings and have achieved over 30% saving on our water consumption. We have put into place strict energy conservation rules about the use of the escalators, the air conditioning systems, and the lighting. We have a recycling area we call the Anaheim Convention Center Green Zone where plastic, cardboard, aluminum, glass, electronics, kitchen grease, and paper are separated and food waste is composted. We are testing a system that allows for chemical-free cooling tower water and promises to save over 6,000,000 gallons of water annually. 6,000-10,000 pounds of telecommunications wire/cable is directly diverted from the landfill and recycled annually. In 2012 our irrigation systems were upgraded to Smart Irrigation Controllers which automatically tailor watering schedules and run times on sprinklers or drip systems to meet specific landscape needs, and use weather information or site conditions to determine how much water to apply and when to run. Studies show most smart controllers will save about 25% of the water applied by a traditional controller. 8/31/15: We changed (280) 250 watt lamps to a 19 watt LED lamps, for a total of 70,000 watts down to 5,320 watts, about 7.6% the usage for that area. Additionally, LED’s last 10 times longer, significantly reducing labor spent on re-lamping.