Minutes - DRC Meeting: June 18, 2015, 9:30 am.

Minutes - DRC Meeting: June 18, 2015, 9:30 am.
Present: Anna Badalyan (T), Sarah Crespo (D), Stan Levin (D), Moon Ko (D), Katie Alvarez (T – USC intern),
Edward Pai (H), Sarah Doerrer (W), Agyeman Boateng (W), Rene Marquez (T), Ani Zarpas (V), Ruben Arenas (E),
Cathy Jin (E– new member), Oleg Bespalov (P – by phone), and Amari Williams (P – by phone).
Anna B. chaired the meeting. She invited all to introduce themselves as courtesy to the new members and guests.
Agenda items:
1. Approval of agenda
 Out-of-State DE Student Identification update (Sarah C.)
 Accreditation was added as standing agenda item
2. Review 5/18/2015 minutes (all)
 Minutes approved
3. Gainful Employment Reporting Update
 Deadlines for data upload: July 31 and October 2015, Reports impact college programs
 District IE data file was tested with LACC financial aid manager. Now it can be submitted by other
colleges in the district. District EI office will facilitate that process.
 Federal government regulatory agency do ask colleges sometime for random student transcripts
 Financial Aid "weeks" include only instruction time (clock hours) that does not include off days (e.g.,
spring break); PPA (Program Participation Agreement) list has those weeks
4. District - 2015 Scorecard presentation (Moon) / Trade - Scorecard presentation (Anna B.)
 Hard copy of the 2015 Student Success Scorecard presentation was shared
 Data set for Summary Progress slide (page 6) to be shared
 Under scorecard 2.0, CCCO grouped community colleges (see report at extranet.cccco.edu/) in 6
 Colleges are responsible to meet LACCD MIS deadlines when submitting awards data
 Currently only Trade is using strategy on identifying and reaching out to students that are eligible for a
certificate / degree but have not applied for them
 LACCD MIS is being requested to share award data periodically in order to create a mechanism to check
for data accuracy.
5. Posting IEPI Goals on College Website: Reminder (Maury P.)
 Colleges need to post Goals – Trade posted them under the Office of Institutional Effectiveness page
 No requirement has been seen regarding the location of the post
 Student Scorecard link located on the college home page
 Scorecard lays the ground for other reports (e.g., accreditation)
 When action is required, each college negotiate with-in the college (e.g., program reviews, strategic
master plans, resource requests)
6. Representation for LACCD Research Analysts (Ani Z.)
 DRC supports the Research Analysts efforts to join a work union
 One of the main issues is the lack of employee protection
 Is recommended that the Research Analysts get together and have a conversation on this topic
7. DSCH Residency Status Coding / Zero (Ani Z.)
 DO IE office generates the 320 report using CEN_RDB and SIS_RDB
 Calculated FTES in database "loses" a few FTES compared to "hand-calculating" them
 If there is a value in the DENR_CENSUS1_HOURS field, FTES are calculated
 DSCH_STUDENT's Dstu Residence Code field used to get student's residence code
 Some High School students in LAVC are coded with residence code 600
 SB150: fee exemption – no FTES are generated
CENRDB to be updated on July 6th – all data changes / updates need to be done before that day
(e.g., residence code fixes)
8. Reminder for ATD data memorandum: President or Admin VP signs the form for ATD, done at the college level.
Deadline is July 31, 2015.
 The above shared with those present
 CalPASS – LAUSD dropped out about 3 years ago, we don't get their data
9. Common ACCJC Report Working Group (Anna B.) / Accreditation Data Template (Maury P.)
 Stan's draft has data sources at the end of the document
 Scorecard is based on Data Mart data
 Other colleges use Data Mart, we (LACCD) do not use Data Mart for college review – Data Mart data
does not match data at the college level (e.g., success rate)
 Data Mart takes in consideration more than 6 years in their calculations
 Only DEC data can help us (LACCD colleges) in operational goals
 IRDS is recommended for ACCJC reporting for the next reports – timing is an issue and data integrity has
to be work on from now on – all colleges need to decide if all campus will us IRDS, SIS, MIS or other
 Common ACCJC Report Working group to decide:
i. Data source (e.g., IRDB, Data Mart, SIS)
ii. Should all of us have the same ACCJC reports, fact books, etc.?
iii. Alignment of the measures for accreditation, program review, etc.
 DO to create a report for reference only – district level analysis
 Lack of SPSS program skills District-wide to be an issue when trying to support Stan
 Scorecard issues:
i. CTE completion methodology
ii. No assessment placement data
10. Items from the Floor (all)
 Student catalog year for degree / certificate petition (Oleg)
i. Each college has its own rule regarding degree / certificate catalog year
ii. The student decision is recorded in the degree application (paper) – recorded electronically, but
it is needed to check the catalog to find program
iii. There is a board rule that needs to be checked
 Open IE Dean positions most likely to remained unfilled
 Edward P. will share CTE paid service that provide data and reports on your program completers
 Out-of-State DE Student Identification update (Sarah C.)
i. Certain states do not allow students to take some classes in California
ii. Recommendations:
1. Not to allow those students from those students to enroll, make it effective in Fall 2015
iii. DO aware of the issue but no decision if any action should be taken by July 31st
 Veterans (Sarah C.)
i. IT proposes to use a new code for veterans' families and dependents
ii. Code 500 is not valid anymore
 Next meeting:
i. July 16th meeting at LATTC
ii. Recommended to have the meeting at DO in September (due to campuses' parking issues)
Meeting adjourned at 1:53 p.m.