Los Angeles Community College District District-wide Governance Committee Self-Evatuation Porm g iSiSiSSSSiiSSSSSSSSS; Committee Name: JLMBC Members: Eraesto Medrano, Galea Bwltocfe, Ve:lma- J. BufEler, Laiifenee B. Frank, Joai-me Waddelt, James B;Fa:dley Alternates: Dorothy Bates, Dr. AraaNa Omelias, K.e.ii; Takeda, SaBdra Lepore, Diva Sascfaez Committee Resources: Nancy Carso^ HtyilHis, Ecfe^ar, Badmra HamMML Ethe^ Mcaatcbey, Le^a Nenzjes, Staeey AllteN, Amy Roberts, Katrelia WaBker» Adriaiaa D. Bairrers Chair: Paulina Palommo SSSBS^?B8ES^SB8^ES?^ For Academic Year; 2@14-2©15 S3BSSS8 Month Meeting s^^^^^^^^^s^^^^^^l^^^^^^^ B AaeBdas Miaistes #afMbrs poster m posted!? Attending advance? Yes No Date(s) September SBS3^^S8S@@ saas Bate ©f Self ^aiuafiom s 9,2014 Yes s ^stl 1,2015 SBiSSSSgSi IHBI Please List tbe MajoT Jssues/Ta&ks A^dpesse^ N Eaefa Meeteg& No Open EoroIImeBt Wefe Portal" HRA lexi. Revisions. Health Benefits iFmf: -. W NewsIeEtar EdJ^s^Ajip%¥a^ (Active and AdjimctX Lawence Fra^. I^ideM. Us An^As Trade-Teeteica]! Colege, has repEaced NarviioE Matrtmez- Videa C&Bfereaee Frcseittatioi^easiiVlity ©iisez^SL&B BRA MizatioR - Report TFansamerica Opera ErorwEImeot- flier dtsfnb^ioa RFP - HRA/FSA posting, WeUttess ~ Bealth F'ai^-s ^laiining LACCD POP for Aeljttuets - Revi.ewedl La^gi^ge Stafiis '^ October 14,2014 4 x x LACCDSet vaNAn Wm 2®13-2 N--me4 md a^mwed Review 2014-2915 Service' CaleKdatr ~ re^'se^ aEcd approved Teamsters 911 MemoFaBdtBiBt" Teamsters offieislly removed itself from the JLMBC; will be p-resenfed ^ &e Oe:tobef 22, 20'!4 Board meefmg Welness Tasfe Force laitiath'e CaIPERS - MOOP Oarificatio^ Risk Manager ~ interview process -Los Angela Coitmirify CoMege ©i^rfef E^pi^e Eogagcment - C&iaaauffiEeati&B CalendaF fter 2;®14/201 Sw - was (fetrifoirted, focuses on Efflspfoyee Assi&^anee Pro^®^ <EAF) seivices and activities Health & WeIIness Expo - sdie&jU for Mairdt a@d Apri] 2&J 5 CaIPERS Edaea.fioa P&nEraaE- Octofeei" 26 to 29,2®14 ia Riverside % RFP - HRA. & F'SA updates November 18,2014 s x x EPBest& Medraaa replaces Jim Adaais dl^ive Jamiasy 1,2015 JILMBC Webpage IitnpjroveiKiEe'iffit - pEeseat t^is; issae ^ the: Ch<mcdforts_Cato at its aext meefiBg fe, fec^o^ by HJbe College Presidents. Tasfc Force Worfe Group OFgaiu^tio® aad Sefae^idie CoBsuMaat RFP - discussed and memfcers agiree^ to/ review &e RFP on the FCMS website and add tlteir coimT.ieMts;. CalPERS Education Fomei - aft.enda-ne.e p^reeipation. repo.irt Month Meeting Date(s) #ofMbrs Agendas posted m Minutes Attentdmg advance?> pesfed? 9,2QH 5 Yes ^0 December x Yes x Please List the Major Issues/Tasks Addressed at Each Meeting No OverfEew &f the AfSov^Stts^ Cwe Aet ^LMBC Task Force Precess"* - Worfe OF&II^S:: We&ess, AeEjuncl Kealitfc Beaefes, Opt OuE Web. Update - New Reqaesl Form. re\m ©ASB AeeeuNt - Slatras i.'Ep^^fe January 13 2QI5 5 x x iACCB Opea Lnroilment 2.@1S ". ei' ol:llme%t. rep:oi-ti Wefe Page Updated ReqMest Fo.rm1 - tre^se^l ss^ ^piFo.ved1 Weto Page Fnitdiag Pr&po;sat - revi.e^'if'edi., re'vis-ed mid aipp-rovedi piroposaL Requested that Ais item lie pJae-e^ oa &e B@C: agenda foir its meetmg of January 2^ 2015 Task Force Work Group. - BTeafeont and Sm-maMy Fepo.rfs. Dependent Verifieatioit - message draft to. employees indicating deadline of January 20, 2Qt]i5 ACAComptotOfte- Report February .? 10,2OT5 4 x x WCMS Mid-¥ear Repo.rt -. 'Xjrom.d feifcs; Qen/einMsg'Elae Jofftf Laboc Mamgemeut Benefits ComEBi^tee" diseusse^l artd ^sh 'S7 ^ reviewed Goal #1: Improve VisioWDeialiaMiJie Iiasniraiiee Goal ^2: Impro-ve the WeJllness Pr&^aEn Goal: #3: Website Goal #4: Resource People GoaE #5: Improving fhe EAP Frocess Goal ^6: Education rdatiag to HeallAeare <w7 Goal #7: Improve HRA G&al ^8: CommiUee Ca^endai Tasfe Force -. Work. Pte ToBp^te review ScQ^c of Work - Health Beneiits Cui^lta^ d^sa.iss^ and agre^ to review n F'CMS weblmk EAF - Service discussios Healitft <& Wd^mess Expo 2 I 5 -re^iCT^d caleB&r' fw Mardb and AprQ Retiree Update - she mo-sf co.s.t-efiee'tive way fo-r eonaemimicajiB witfa retirees is throu.ah email. <-^ March 10,2015 4 x ACA Com^ant_0fiferfr~ 4 of 32 empfoyees^aecepH.ed eo.verage x Albert Ronaaa iatro<lueed D^V Serratw. tfc i^ew Risk Mam^eF ibrfeeLACCD *Te^RKters ^11- ofRdal reqitesf. fw Tea;mste$s Loeal 911 fo rejom AeJJLMBC Tsiskforee Work Groups - Breafe Q^ SSSSM & srnm^ repxts OB Jia^ 1,2(115, a sew set of Board maiAers; wiBbeta&rag ojiiice G Tfae- JLMBC AuKuaI Reptort wi!i be. pifeseMited to te Boa^d of Tm^eesm September The AdjuBct Heattfe Beaegts Tasfe Wwee- Worfe GF U^ feas several conn^ex issues that. wi^ retire mseh ^essm^b The WAess Task FWw Warfe Grw^ ^s 1m TOemg te wdlness resolution The Opt Out Tasfc Force W&rfe Gro'.npt -wil'l p^reseM iits prop®saE at the April JLMBC meeiimg, "HR - Risk MaaagemeEit^HeaMh BewEKts Q^smsESKtmsM StnactnFe" - document, review Wefeess - the Dtstricfs. "Go Red Bay" eveaf o.fTe:b.ramry 25, 2.015 was very successful, Health Risk Assessment - diiscusssim Retirees ~ discussed adding a Hak on fee ©tstoe^ wdbs^e' for re^iirees wlto want to give their emait addresses ii® ®der' (0. reeave C7 mfoHBaEioBi regarding benefits ssid JLMBC Bpdates. 2 Consultant RFP - the JLMBC would need to ask Wells Farpo is they would extend their serv-ices for two or three months, c? Tuneliness of RFP process discussed Month Meeting I>ate(s) AprB 14,2015 #ofMbrs Mtwamg 6 Agendas posted m Minutes posted? advance? Yes No Please List the Major Iss^es/Tasks A^d]?esse<I at Cacfa Meetiiag Yes No x x Task Foiree #3 - Explore opt out ojptMms &Hf eH^xloyees wish eha! me^teaE coverage. If elected, the recammendatiiO® wmiM be to wsk towards impkmenfing the e^f. Qtif/caE&b ereE pian n& eariier dJiart 2(H7 baiefeye^ C^EiiEHiMaM RFP ~ Wells Fargp is wffliEtg fe p0^d& its services io tiiae JO^EBC t'or the oae-year exte-Qs^oa MEN - Perfomianee. Guanmtee C&.altEaef AEEK^di'ffleiits: Revi&w.^Eif *J- May 12,2015 6 x x Appr&ved the cortMiUnrU eoiffittT»et exte^to iJer Wellls. Fargo. as <L^ stated in the contract with &e strpidation ffaat the RFP process for the next cycle will start immediately JLMBC Wefe Page Be&umstFatiea - the JLMBC is priming to. toM a day lioitg session of web work %tHlii respeel to fe acewacy of fcc<mtent on Ae web pages o^x. &e wd, pe^ sfenetoc m u^afed. K Process - request was raiade tnT- fe Xi^BC- to be pwided wife a template of the actuajl coofrac^s AM are; eniFire.i^fyacfeve tl!m£ meMes the expiratioa. dates, so f!tat tfce: Co.EEmA.ee wii. ^ow wbeit to s^Mt the contract renewal process. 403(b) Process - discussed a doameM Fegardfog &: 40:3<1?) process with respect to the wire transfer setttemeCTf dates smd fc dates: to the files are uploaded to JEM. Jlw MeAg aad Svmmer SehAle. -. ^m^aed te. a d^ytog meeting be scheduled m. Swis. to foaas o.o co.mple&g Ae wo.Fk ?(t^e we-^ness Task F°^e:. MeefinEg date proposed, TlLWsday,. Jime June 9,2015 5 x x 25,2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:©Qpjii. HeaMh Plan Cafcalator EteiiwQstratM® - healfb pjan catculaf&F is due to go live in approxumtefy o» weeks Consultant RFP review^ revision &. vecmmBs&s^^wm, of "scope of services yv "JLMBC: Contract Review Wewksfaeer wm &tribnte^ " discitssed tbe document with re&^ecli to &e- services pro^&d fey the various vendors, start and end dates, opHiemaj renewai paio<fe, amd opEmmal renewal dates. ACA Market: Relbrai-Report &.disCTSMOio. CaeBEac tax wii be efiedive on January 1,201 S -. Paufea re^oes^edl tka^ a demomtra^QB of the eomponeats office ca^Mtia® to. deteia^me ^£ISiy^L^^I!\^III^L^JL. Major Committee Accomplishments & Achievements in Past Year nEed at the JLMBC meetmg m AB^IISI oir September. i 5 Hired Risk Manager ^ Secured &mfegfe tepro^l He^ BeBe^ts and JLMBC web pages Upg^mg orwefcpy mprogress Moved meeting to E'SC amd obtamed services ofmsnagemeot sBd staiB ;*. Streaml:ii'mig the process for evaluating documents such as RfPs - Seo'pe ofS;ervie'e Operafaasl access to online tools ex; Health Beneiits Cafcylateir, iEE]^re e^i web pages Major Obstades/ProbIems with Committee Function 3 Include a timeline flow chart task list for events in the moiatbly agenda Co'minnmcatious.sub-comiiMttee Recomme^datiotaiS fer -Improve: ne^&leHer citeveliopmenit Improving Coi&raitfee -Am-ericaiE. mK& DisafeiSes: Act ^AD^) db ® B^ eompHanee overview PFoeess^mci^es * BEiapo^e: ¥iisi)@aai^tei^a'[i/?¥&i®maLi!fe; ^sxa^aae®- IiMgi?( eWefeess-Bqp»©a m^ d^elhpaae^. Qtpm^Sim, u^iazm^ ba&daaae' da^ aaid! me^js's ii.-' ^ dWb^ ^& aiudi £:au3^a^& Committee Goals (If Appropriate) for CfflfcBaiing Yea^r Iimpros?&M!; Pmprcwe HKA Improve adjunct District: medi'eal benefits. Create Master Calendar Connaiunications -lUpicte: Hea}i:ltiiBeneffliis^ am^ JJtMBC web. pa^es; re^mla^ -Exp-lbse- ©feF fenns. o-f e.e^maiLi'nieaitio.a^.. espeG-iaiB^fe reti'rees'. '/ -se( ^es te'fe Ne^sfetfer ^stnfeBti®^ ^i^£ ^tw©. wee^s. afeaefe seisaesier) ^WA^i telbp^ for cl^^s. ^ heA ea.e.po^^ ^ ie^i^fe. ^^ naiembers; Ac^uct Fac^Opt 0^( a^ We^ess: Task fee pmtAns to Board- of Trustees Completion and Implementation'of POP Planned Document .,.^,«a-£-«i-I-.." ^ OiaJn'C'u-Chmr Signature arid Datf: ^ ^ n .^s'-^ i-rt-^h^tf-ul z / ^.^'".'".fT, ^.^/ x s N-p1.:iH;(.J 4 L^ ', ;i>-^^^-^XSeA. '**wu f'^-Y^-V/ -i ^ -We ;') gviu;arc rhsir/('(>~<.'hiiir Name: r< -SPF ^ .."</^ \1< Umr/C'o-CEiiti-r Name; ChiiinC'y-C'h.ntc Signature tttid. Datf: ^ -~v <Am. "^\» >.;'(! ;re?'l^ ^^ D'A^ ^-y ~!j^' ^ s '-^-