JLMBC Monthly Meeting April 14, 2015 Minutes

JLMBC Monthly Meeting
April 14, 2015
Joint Labor/Management Benefits Committee – *Paulina Palomino, Chair, JLMBC
*James Bradley, SEIU Local 99
Dorothy Bates, AFT College
Nancy Carson, Retiree
*Galen Bullock, SEIU Local 721
Staff Guild
*Phyllis Eckler, Adjunct
Velma J. Butler, President
Diva Sanchez, SEIU Local 99
*Barbara Harmon, Retiree
AFT College Staff Guild, Local
Dr. Armida Ornelas, L.A.
Ethel McClatchey, Retiree
College Faculty Guild
*Leila Menzies, District Office,
*Laurence B. Frank,
*Ken Takeda, Administrative
Business Services
Stacey Allen, District Office,
*Luis Dorado, Teamsters Local
*Sandra Lepore, AFT College
Business Services (on leave)
Staff Guild
*Amy Roberts, Adjunct
Ernesto Medrano, LA/OC
*Katrelia Walker, District Office,
Building & Construction Trades
Human Resources
*Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy
*Joanne Waddell, President,
Chancellor, District Office
L.A. College Faculty Guild, Local
VISITORS/SUBSTITUTES - Kathleen Beckett, Alternate SEIU Local 99, Kenadi Le, AFT 1521
Program Coordinator, DHU; Kevin Booth, AFT 1521; *Isael Hermosillo; Cristina Jarvis, Managed
Health Network (MHN); Jorge Mata, District Office, Information Technology; *Albert Román, District
Office, Human Resources; *David Serrano, District Office, Risk Manager
WELLS FARGO INSURANCE SERVICES - *Gary Delaney, Robyn Miller, *Kristin Yokoyama, *Liliana
*Indicates “Present”
The Benefits Committee meeting convened at 10:01 a.m.
Location: Educational Services Center – 6th Floor Conference Room, 770 Wilshire
Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Meeting called to order by the Chair, Ms. Paulina Palomino, and a quorum
was declared present.
Approval of Agenda – 4-14-2015
Motion made by Joanne Waddell, seconded by James Bradley, passed with
unanimous approval.
Approval of Minutes – 3-10-2015
Motion made by Joanne Waddell, seconded by James Bradley, passed as presented
with unanimous approval.
Paulina indicated that Task Force #3 met prior to the JLMBC meeting to explore opt
out options for employees with dual medical coverage.
On behalf of the JLMBC, Paulina expressed her appreciation to Ken for his service
to the JLMBC and to the LACCD.
Task Force #3 Explore opt out options for employees with dual medical coverage
A document entitled “Opt Out/Cash Out of LACCD Employee Health Benefits” was
Ken and Liliana gave a PowerPoint presentation and discussed the document with
respect to the purpose of the Opt Out Study Task Force; the goal of the opt
out/cash out plan; legal requirements; pros and cons of the plan; plan parameters;
other employer plans—LAUSD, County of Los Angeles, and State of California;
steps to plan the implementation; the timeline; conclusions; and recommendations.
Ken stated that due to time constraints, the recommendation would be to work
towards implementing the opt out/cash out plan for the 2017 benefits year.
Laurence recommended surveying the employees who have dual medical coverage
regarding whether they would opt out of the coverage if they could receive $250
per month knowing that this amount would be taxable. He indicated that they
would have to prove evidence of other coverage if they do opt out.
Consultant RFP
Paulina indicated that at the last JLMBC meeting, it was requested that she speak
to Wells Fargo regarding extending the contract with them for three to six months.
She stated that most of the labor groups were in favor of requesting an extension.
She further stated that the current contract includes two one-year extension
provisions. The indicated that the Wells Fargo team agreed to continue as long as
the JLMBC acknowledges and honors what is already currently in place, which is a
one-year extension.
Sandra indicated that Velma was recommending a six-month extension and
inquired if this would not be possible due to the one-year extension provision.
Paulina responded that she is not saying it is not possible, but if the JLMBC
continues its work with what is in place, they could have the one-year extension.
Paulina indicated that with all of the task force work taking place, it would be a
challenge to make a change, especially with the deadline of presenting to the Board
of Trustees no later than December of 2015.
There was discussion regarding various options with respect to the extension of the
contract with Wells Fargo.
Leila recommended extending the contract for 18 months.
Consensus was reached by the JLMBC voting members to retain Wells Fargo for
one year as stated in the current contract with the stipulation that the JLMBC is
starting the RFP process for the next cycle. She indicated that this would give the
JLMBC the opportunity to review the process and, at that time, increase it to an 18month extension to match with the calendar.
RFQ Process
Postponed until the next JLMBC meeting.
MHN Performance Guarantee Contract Amendments
A document entitled “2014/2015 MHN Performance Guarantees Product: EAP” was
Katrelia indicated that if the JLMBC wants to revise the original guarantees that
MHN presented to them during the LRP process, this would need to be done within
three month of the end of this contract, which ends on June 30, 2015.
Katrelia stated that MHN is offering to replace the following paragraph under the
heading Account Management with the Account Management Scorecard, which is a
subsequent page in the document.
Strategic Planning Meetings
MHN’s account management team will hold periodic strategic planning
meetings with LACCD and/or its designated representative. Meetings can be
conducted in person or via telephone.
Katrelia indicated that a sample Performance
Management) is also included for consideration.
Joanne and Sandra indicated that they need more time to review this document.
Albert indicated that there would be an opportunity to amend the contract as of
July 1, 2015. He recommended that if the contract is amended, it be more
comprehensive and include the ability to assess both sides.
This item will be brought back for further discussion at the next JLMBC meeting.
Paulina indicated that there is consensus among the voting members that there
needs to be a change. She stated that she or a representative from the JLMBC
would work with Albert to expedite the process.
David recommended that the Account Management Scorecard be a cooperative
effort between Katrelia and the EAP Coordinators at the colleges and that it be used
between now and June 30, 2015.
Paulina inquired of Gary if Wells Fargo would be willing to provide its services to
the JLMBC for the one-year extension.
Gary responded in the affirmative.
Adriana requested that there be further review regarding the RFP timeline before
the next JLMBC meeting.
403(b) Process
Postponed until the next JLMBC meeting.
Sandra requested that this item be placed at the beginning of the discussion items
on the next agenda.
Status Updates
EAP Wellness
Health Benefits Unit
These three items were postponed until the next JLMBC meeting.
Retiree Update
No report.
Public Comments
The meeting adjourned at 11:37 a.m.