August 2015 - July 2016 201S Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees
Institutional Effectiveness and Student Success Committee Calendar
August 2015 - July 2016
Agenda Items
August 19
September 16
> No Meeting
> Approve Annual IE&SS Calendar
Overview ofiegistatiyefy Mandated Studeint: Outcome Neasyres:
October 21
November 18
Mission College mission statement update
> Trade-Teeh C:oltege Strategic Plan update
> Approval of Student Equity Plans: ALL COLLEGES (Note:: subject to
change based on State deadtme)
> Report on DPAC Evaluatio.n o.f District-level Governance and
Planning Handbo'ok
Agenda Items
> Report on DPAC EvaIuatloD £>f District Strategic Plan
February 24
> Annual College Pl'annmg and Effectiveraess Reports: TRADE,
> Annual CoDege Phnnmg and Effectiveness Reports:. MISSION,
March 23
April 2 7
May 25
June 22
july 20
Accreditation Site Visits:: Debrief
Annual College Planning and Effectiveness Reports:; CITY, EAST
> Approval of Goats for Institutional Effectiveness Indicators; [State
Institutional Effectivertess ParfcnersNp Initiative)
> LACCD Sconx^rd 2015:: ALL, COLLEGES
District Strategic Plan;: Annual Report
Los Angeles Mission College
Mission Statement Change
Executive Summary
September 16,2015
Current C&Mege Mission Sfatement
Los Angeles Mission Co'llege is committed £o the success of our smdenfs. The College pro\Tides
accessible, affordable, liigfai qiuality leaming opportmiities in a c'ultuiralliy and inteliecSualiy
supportive emvirommemt by::
Ensuring that students successfully transfer to four-year institutions, prepare for
successful careers, in the workplace, and improve their basic skills;
Encouraging stndems to become critical thinkers and lifelong leamers;
Pt-oviding services and programs that improve the lives of the diverse communities we
New Proposed Nission; Statentent
Los Ajngeles Mission College is committed to the success of its students. The CoHege, which
awards associate degrees and certificates, provides accessible, affordable, higli-qya^ty learning
opportunities in a c-vMuraHy and intellectually-supportive environment by:
Providing semces and program& in basic skills^ general education, career and technical
education, and for transfer;
Educating stueteiiits; to become critical tluHkers and lifelong learners;
Ensimng that ati programs and services are contmuously evafoated and improved to
support student learning and achievement; and
Making traditional and distance education learning opportunities available to enhance the
health and wellmess of the diverse communities it serves.
Rationale for Change
The new ACCJC accreditation standards require that college mission statements articulate the
institution's broad efcalional purpose, degree and certificate granting authonty^ smdent
popylatioHs served,, available educational offerings, and commitmeEft to student {earning and
student achievement.
The new LAMC Mission Statement meets all of the standards required by the ACCJC by
comprehensively describing the college mission, capturing all of the college's strategic' goals,
and demonstratiag the college's commitment to student success.
The Mission Statement was vetted through the college's shared governance process, having been
discussed by the EducaifionEal Planning Committee, College Council, other shared governance
committees, and ffee Academic Senate in spring 2015 and summer 2015.