LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES FACILITIES MASTER PLANNING & OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Educational Services Center Board Room – First Floor 770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90017 Wednesday, October 21, 2015 5:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. Committee Members Ernest H. Moreno, Chair Scott J. Svonkin, Vice Chair Sydney K. Kamlager, Member Mike Eng, Alternate James D. O’Reilly, Staff Liaison Linda D. Rose, College President Liaison Laurence B. Frank, College President Liaison (Alternate) Agenda (Items may be taken out of order) I. ROLL CALL II. PUBLIC SPEAKERS* III. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS/ACTIONS A. Presentation/Initiative Review(s) • Responses and Follow-up to Discussion of 2015-16 Committee Goals IV. NEW BUSINESS V. SUMMARY – NEXT MEETING ............................................... Ernest H. Moreno VI. ADJOURNMENT *Members of the public are allotted five minutes time to address the agenda issues. If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternate formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Section 12132), and the rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. The agenda shall include information regarding how, for whom, and when a request for disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting. To make such a request, please contact the Executive Secretary to the Board of Trustees at 213/891-2044 no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on the Tuesday prior to the Board meeting. Los ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CITY • EAST• HARBOR• MISSION • P IERCE• SOUTHWEST• TRADE-TECHNICAL• VALLEY •WEST MEMO Date: October 13, 2015 To: Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee: Ernie Moreno, chair; Scott Svonkin and Sydney Kamlager . executive . J.1. ~ :S-(l)M.e-,.s From: J ames O'Re1·11y, ch.ief£ac1·1·itles f'" RE: October 21, 2015 D'~-AU\~ Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee Please find attached backgroun.d materials for the Facilities Master Planning and Oversight meeting to be held on September 30, 2015. The attached memo includes responses to the questions raised at the FMP&OC meeting on September 30 and addresses the committee goals discussed at that meeting. Due to the large volume of information requested, not all the data could be compiled in time to include in this board package. The information that is not included in the attached memo will be compiled and forWarded in the November 2015 board package. However, the information included proVides substantial documentation in response to the committee's qµestions. · I will be joined by staff at the meeting to discuss the item on the agenda. Please feel free to call me at (213) 891-2048 if you have any questions. C: Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, chancellor Dr. Adriana Barrera, deputy chancellor Dr. Linda D. Rose, president, Southwest College Thomas Hall, director, Facilities Planning and Development Bill Sewell, interim director, LACCD bond Program Management Office JDO/drm 770 WILSH IRE BLVD. , LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90017-3896 * (213) 891-2000 Building for Tomorrow’s Leaders LACCD Program Management 515 S. Flower Street, Suite 900 Los Angeles, California 90071 www.build-laccd.org 213.593.8000 866.817.1051 Date: October 13, 2015 To: Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, Chancellor, LACCD James O’Reilly, Chief Facilities Executive, LACCD tel fax From: Bill Sewell, Interim Program Director, BuildLACCD RE: Response to Questions Posed at the 30 September 2015 FMP&OC Meeting During the September 30, 2015 Facilities Master Planning and Oversight Committee (FMP&OC) meeting, in which the committee members presented the committee’s goals and the BuildLACCD Program Management Office (PMO) presented the IT Strategic Execution Plan (SEP) and the PMO Annual Report, the PMO compiled a list of data requests made by the FMP&OC. Answers to the following posed question topics are included below. Because of the late date of the September 30, 2015 meeting in the Board meeting cycle and the magnitude of topic inquiries, responses to certain topics could not be compiled from the District and PMO in time to be included in this package. Therefore, the topics marked with an asterisk (*)will be answered and provided in the November 2015 Board package. 1. FMP&OC Goals a. Ensure Transparency in All Bond Expenditures and that All Such Expenditures are Bond Eligible b. Ensure that Best Industry Practices are Being Used in Bond Policy and Procedures c. Ensure that the Strategic Execution Plan is Validated Prior to Committee Meeting d. Ensure that Facilities Master Plan for the District and Colleges are Aligned with the Academic Master Plans i. District-wide Facilities Master Plan e. Review and approve all remaining projects planned expenditures through completion of all bonds, and identify projects for future bonds. i. Original Project List: Built vs. Not Built 2. LACCD’s K-14 Districts $2 Billion State Bond Approach 3. Information Technology Strategic Execution Plan a. TPPC, DAC, DTC Communications b. TPPC, DAC, DTC 10/15./15 Meeting Results (*) c. Fiber Ring Alternative Solution (*) d. Next Steps Timeline (*) 4. PMO Annual Report a. Original Budget before the 2011 Baseline b. Movement of College Budgets c. College Budget vs. SEP Budget d. Satellite Budgets e. Chronological Project Lists f. Projects Behind Schedule g. DSA Projects (In Process & Awaiting Certification) h. Internship Overview i. LSEDV Breakdown i. Benches: 1. Architectural & Engineering 2. Environmental 3. Inspector of Record 4. Laboratory of Record 5. Whole Building Commissioning 6. Staff Augmentation (*Contract award value data) 7. Construction (*Contract award value data) ii. Gender/Ethnicity/Race Breakdown j. KPI Criteria k. Project/Building Occupancies (September 2015-March 2016) 5. M&DR Project a. “Energy Hog” Buildings b. Prop 39 One additional topic discussed during the September 30, 2015 FMP&OC meeting was the PMO office relocation analysis. A cost-benefit analysis report will be produced by the PMO and provided to the chancellor for review. As requested by FMP&OC Vice Chair Scott Svonkin, the chancellor will provide FMP&OC with a complete analysis by October 30, 2015. Page 2 of 22 1. FMP&OC Goals a. Ensure Transparency in All Bond Expenditures and that All Such Expenditures are Bond Eligible On behalf of BuildLACCD, what is being done to support and enhance this FMP&OC goal? The Bond Program ensures transparency in all bond expenditures and that all such expenditures are bond eligible by: Assignment of Bond Compliance Manager: As required by the District, a PMO staff member(s) has served as Bond Compliance Manager since 2007. Referring to Ballot Language: Original ballot language for Prop A, AA, and Measure J is reviewed to ensure all Bond expenditures follow in line with the voter-approved project lists. Referring to Cost Principles Engaging Bond Counsel when neither the Ballot Language nor the Cost Principles provide clear guidance Bond Program compliance procedures are also documented in the following BuildLACCD Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Section 4.9 - Program Compliance Manager position description (pg. 4); and Section 8.0 – Bond Program Compliance (pages 21 - 24). BuildLACCD SOP Workflows associated with Bond Compliance include: Attachment 6 – Project Budget Establishment (Form PMA-0041); and Attachment 7 – New Project Request-Name Change Request (Form PMA-0043). b. Ensure that Best Industry Practices are Being Used in Bond Policy and Procedures On behalf of BuildLACCD, what is being done to support and enhance this FMP&OC goal? The Bond Program ensures that best industry practices are being used on the Bond Program through the development, use, and ongoing updates of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). When AECOM assumed the Program Manager role on the Bond Program in April 2013, the Program carefully examined the Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM) developed by DMJM, the Touchpoints Handbook developed by URS, AECOM best practices, LACCD policies, and LAUSD policies, among other similar mega programs, to develop the Bond Program SOPs. The SOPs were published in October 2013 to an easily-accessible, version-controlled SharePoint site. The Program worked carefully with AECOM’s national Director of Quality to develop these SOPs, modeling a quality program for BuildLACCD based on AECOM’s ISO-certified Quality Management System. Based on this strong foundation, the SOPs were refined by the Program Management team in a collaborative fashion. PMO department leaders led the development of each SOP with input from other departments that intersect with that SOP, to ensure all parts of the process are reflected and followed. The PMO and College Project Teams (CPTs) are trained on the SOPs, in advance of internal quality audits conducted by the PMO Quality team semi-annually designed to assess understanding of and compliance with the procedures. Feedback gathered from internal audits is considered and incorporated into the SOPs as appropriate. The SOPs are meant to be a living document, continually reviewed and improved to reflect the current best industry practices. KPMG reviews the SOPs for compliance with best industry practices as part of its annual performance audits.Suggested improvements are discussed and incorporated into the SOPs as appropriate. In addition, AECOM’s Corporate Quality team audits the Program, and again any feedback received is integrated into the SOPs. By having robust SOPs, the Bond Program has built a platform to ensure consistency in activities across the Program, and a means to identify poor performers and celebrate high achievers. Using Page 3 of 22 input from a wide range of experienced professionals across the PMO/CPT/District/audit teams, we’ve ensured that the SOPs are based on best practices and are continually reviewed and improved to provide the necessary guidance as AECOM’s manages the Bond Program. c. Ensure that the Strategic Execution Plan is Validated Prior to Committee Meeting On behalf of BuildLACCD, what is being done to support and enhance this FMP&OC goal? The PMO has a formal process for the establishment of all college and District-wide account Strategic Execution Plans (SEP), that is documented in the BuildLACCD SOPs (Section 6.2, Budget and Cost Management, Strategic Execution Plan and Cost Management Reviews; BuildLACCD Budget Master Plan). This same process was also followed for the 40J IT projects, now managed by the PMO, and presented to FMP&OC in September 2015. The PMO first presented to FMP&OC on the SEP process in June 2014 and has continued to update the Board, FMP&OC and District committees on the SEP process, content, and progress of Bond projects within each SEP. Specifically, the PMO has presented on this topic at the following meetings: CFE Quarterly Report, February 2015 DCOC, March 2015 Bond Steering, May 2015 DCOC, May 2015 CFE Quarterly Report, May 2015 Bond Steering, June 2015 DCOC, August 2015 FMP&OC, September 2015 DCOC, October 2015 Additionally, note that each college’s projects are discussed at the CFE and PMO weekly Touchbase meetings. FMP&OC, June 2014 Bond Steering, July 2014 DCOC, September 2014 Chief Facilities Executive (CFE), Quarterly Report, October 2014 Bond Steering, December 2014 (agenda item, not discussed) Bond Steering, January 2015 DCOC, January 2015 d. Ensure that Facilities Master Plan for the District and Colleges are Aligned with the Academic Master Plans District Response Each LACCD president is responsible for ensuring their college Educational Master Plan aligns with their college Facilities Master Plan. The Facilities Planning and Development department works closely with each college as part of its recurring review cycle to plan and develop its Facilities Master Plan so that it supports their respective mission to serve students, faculty and staff. Facilities projects should be in line with the Facilities Master Plan, which should be a reflection of the colleges' educational needs. Related, but distinct for each college, is the long-range, 30-year Facilities Master Plan, which is used for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis and Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs). The Bond Program's responsibility relates only to this long-range master plan development. District-wide Master Plan The District maintains a Budget Master Plan, per the State of California’s requirement. The District also maintains the Vision 2017 Strategic Master Plan, which in 2013 outlined four goals that articulated, "a shared mission and vision for the LACCD and establish a clear set of performance measures to guide local college planning efforts." Although different from each college's Educational Master Plan, a districtwide Facilities Master Plan could be created using the Vision 2017 plan as a basis for development. That development has not occurred at this point. Page 4 of 22 e. Review and approve all remaining projects planned expenditures through completion of all bonds, and identify projects for future bonds. On behalf of BuildLACCD, what is being done to support and enhance this FMP&OC goal? Based on the August 2015 Dashboard (http://www.buildlaccd.org/reports), the Bond Program has approximately $1.5 billion unexpended. As stated in Item 1.c above, BuildLACCD has established Strategic Execution Plans for all remaining College and 40J projects. Examples of ways in which the PMO and District CFE closely monitor the SEPs to ensure a successful Bond Program completion include: Continuous re-assessment of project Estimate at Completion (EAC) values; Monthly cost and schedule review meetings (PMO, College Project Teams); and Bi-annual risk modelling via the PMO’s robust risk management program. Future Bond Projects District Response Based on an analysis conducted by the PMO and District collectively, the District has established a list of projects built and not built within the current Bond Program based on the original Prop A, Prop AA, and Measure J project lists. The District, led by LACCD’s director of special projects, has commenced process of meeting with each college president and administrative staff to determine the future needs for each college. The next steps in this process will be determined in the near future. 2. LACCD’s K-14 Districts $2 Billion State Bond Approach District Response Reference the September 30, 2015 Board Memo: Capital Outlay Projects. 3. FMP&OC, September 2015 Information Technology Strategic Execution Plan a. TPPC, DAC, DTC Communications The PMO has set a meeting to include the TPPC, DAC, and DTC scheduled for Thursday, October 15, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Los Angeles Trade Technical College. The purpose is to collectively determine the District’s remaining needs regarding bond-funded technology projects, provide each commiette with another review of the draft IT SEP, and to decide upon a single priority list to be used as the basis for the final IT SEP. Results of this meeting and suggested next steps will be provided in the November 2015 Board package. 4. PMO Annual Report a. Original Budget Prior to 2011 Baseline Below is a high-level overview of the original budget allocations of Prop A, Prop AA, and Measure J; along with detail on the contributions required by the colleges to ensure a successful Bond Program completion. Proposition A - $1.245 Billion The allocation of the $1.245 billion among the nine colleges for the Proposition A was the result of a formula arrived at through a work session with the Chancellor, College Presidents, and District Executive Staff that established total bond dollars to be apportioned to each college. That first bond issue allocation formula was based on nine factors that included items such as the numbers of students, building areas, campus size, and projected growth. In addition, the facilities condition assessments of buildings conducted at all campuses was a major factor for that first bond issue. Original budget allocations for Prop A can be found in Attachment A. Note that these are PDF scanned documents from many years ago and the quality of the document is low. Page 5 of 22 Proposition AA - $980 Million That same formula was used for the $980-million second bond issue, Proposition AA, as was used for the first bond issue. Propositions A and AA allocated 100 percent of the combined $2.225 billion bond funds to the nine colleges. No District-level accounts or reserves were established. During those first seven or more years, any program-wide costs paid by the District were later charged back to the college allocations. Original budget allocations for Prop AA can also be found in Attachment A. Note that these are PDF scanned documents from many years ago and the quality of the document is low. Measure J - $3.5 Billion Measure J took advantage of experience from the first two bonds and made a number of changes to the allocation formula. The modifications included: i) creation of a series of central accounts for certain soft costs such as program management, Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP), legal, audit, etc.; ii) creation of another series of accounts for new satellite campuses and district-wide initiatives such as ADA, energy, information technology; and iii) classification of the nine Colleges into small ($250 million), medium ($300 million) and large ($400 million). In addition, City and Trade received an additional $50 million and Valley an additional $40 million from the initial District Bond Contingency fund due to age and other special considerations of urban or older campuses. Original budget allocations for Measure J can be found in Attachment B. Central Services Contribution Under Props A/AA, all program and college soft costs were invoiced on a pro-rata share to each college. Costs for program management, legal, audit, asset management, etc. were billed quarterly to the respective college A/AA fund allocation. This resulted in unexpected costs to each college that required constant adjustments to authorized project expenditure levels. A decision was made by the Chancellor, in consultation with the District’s Cabinet (chancellor, vice chancellor, all college presidents, chief financial officer, legal counsel, and the chief facilities executive), after the passage of Measure J in 2008, to create a series of central accounts that would cover the common soft costs experienced by each project. The funding for the central services account was established by removing a specific amount from each project at each college, and from the satellite and Districtwide Initiatives accounts. Allowances were based on historical data from Proposition A/AA and empirical industry standards (percentage calculated per item). The original amounts determined for each account are documented in a letter to the Bond Steering Committee in September 2010 (Attachment C). The contribution amounts per college can be found in the Dashboard (http://www.buildlaccd.org/reports). OCIP Allocation Colleges were required to carry an OCIP budget line item for Prop A and AA. After the passage of Measure J, the District pushed the A/AA OCIP expenses to each college based on actual construction costs at each college (included OCIP contracted/expenses, OCIP escrow, and general expenses). This pushdown did not affect a college’s overall budget allocation; the pushdown only affected a college’s overall expenditure amount. Program Reserve Contribution As determined in mid-2011 by the PMO, 71 percent of total funds across all colleges were committed under contract and plans were in place to commit the majority of the remaining funds within the next 18 to 24 months. In December 2011, the District established a program reserve account and in January 2012 a proposal to establish a program reserve was supported by the Independent Review Panel, which was noted in its report (published March 2012). The PMO subsequently proposed $160 million as a reserve amount to the District. The amount was derived from historical program data and industry standard. In May 2012, a program reserve of $160 million was approved by the Board to fund Page 6 of 22 the District’s bond program reserve to address the level of risks and work remaining on the District’s Building Program. The purpose of the program reserve is to provide funds for the many shared risks associated with budget augmentation for program central services (e.g. legal, audit, bond issuance financial costs, etc.), contractor claims, defaults, litigation and compliance issues, DSA close-out and post-warranty design construction issues (which are not maintenance and operations issues), other unbudgeted risks, Design / Build and construction contract termination and related cost of terminations (e.g. rebidding, delay claims, remobilization), arbitrage due to bond interest claims or Build America Bonds, and other risks that may arise during the final stages of the Building Program. The program reserve allocation was based on the percentage of bond funding per campus at that point in time. Contribution amounts per college can be found in the Program Dashboard (http://www.buildlaccd.org/reports). Program Reserve Board Resolution can be found here: http://www.laccd.edu/Board/Documents/2011-2012BoardMinutes/OpenSessions/20120523-BoardMinutes.pdf b. Movement of College Budgets To-date there has been no movement of college budgets between colleges. Adjustments such as the Central Services contribution, the Program Reserve contribution, and the OCIP pushdown, and State/Local/Federal/Bond interest/etc.earned funding are examples of why a college’s total budget may have changed since the beginning of the Bond Program in 2001. All contributions to the central and reserve accounts as well as earned interest/state/local/federal funding over the course of the Bond Program is documented in the Program’s Dashboard, published monthly since 2011 (http://www.buildlaccd.org/reports). c. College vs. SEP Budget Remaining Per the notation on Slide 6 (below the gray table) of the PMO Annual Report, the SEP Remaining Budget does not match the College-wide Remaining Budget total on Slide 5 because the SEPs do not include projects in closeout nor does it include the college’s owners reserve line item. d. Satellite Budgets In an effort to address Bond Program budget concerns, with the exception of Firestone, on January30, 2013, the Board of Trustees approved Board Resolution BT4[1] to defund the satellites. An excerpt of the resolution states: “A subsequent Districtwide evaluation of the available operations and maintenance funding and projected student enrollment needed to support the need for all planned bond construction projects that a sufficient reduction in state funding and projected student enrollment determined that it would be in the best interest of the District and the voters who approved Measure J to evaluate the continuation of development of the satellite projects…That the Ad Hoc Committee on Assets Management determined that it is best, at this point, to suspend further development of planned satellite projects…That the funding for those projects be transferred into the District Bond Contingency fund; and be it further that the Ad Hoc Committee on Assets Management determined that development of the Firestone factory building project proceed with a reduced scope…” Note both the LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus and the Southwest Museum projects were not included in the 2013 resolution. LACCD Van de Kamp achieved beneficial occupancy in 2010, before the referenced resolution, and the Southwest Museum project never materialized into a project and the Board authorized its funds of $11.5 million be transferred to the District Headquarters project. [1] LACCD, Board of Trustees, Board Minutes, 30 January 2013, (http://www.laccd.edu/Board/Documents/20122013BoardMinutes/20130130-Board-Minutes.pdf) Page 7 of 22 2013 Funds Transfer Detail A total of $82.5 million of remaining budget was transferred from the satellites (West, Valley, Mission, East) to the District Bond Contingency fund in February 2013. In February 2014, $16.4 million was transferred to the District Bond Contingency due to the reduction in scope from Firestone. e. Chronological Project Lists Projects Completed Before April 2013 (Pre-AECOM) There were 504 sub-projects completed before AECOM’s contract award on April 3, 2013. A complete chronological listing of these sub-projects can be found in Attachment D. Projects in Progress as of April 2013 (AECOM) There were 69 sub-projects in progress as of April 3, 2013. “In Progress” is defined as a project that had started the design process but substantial completion was either not achieved or achieved after April 3, 2013. A complete chronological listing of these sub-projects can be found in Attachment E. Projects with a Design Start Since April 2013 (AECOM) There have been 21 sub-projects that have started design since AECOM’s contract award on April 3, 2013. A complete chronological listing of these sub-projects can be found in Attachment F. Projects with a Construction Start Since April 2013 (AECOM) There have been 55 sub-projects that have started construction since AECOM’s contract award on April 3, 2013. A complete chronological listing of these sub-projects can be found in Attachment G. Projects Occupied Since April 2013 (AECOM) There have been 53 sub-projects/buildings occupied since AECOM’s contract award on April 3, 2013. A complete chronological listing of these sub-projects can be found in Attachment H. Projects Completed Since April 2013 (AECOM) There have been 64 sub-projects/buildings completed since AECOM’s contract award on April 3, 2013. A complete chronological listing of these sub-projects can be found in Attachment I. f. Projects Behind Schedule Currently there are 10 sub-projects that are delayed. Project delay is calculated based on the contractual substantial completion date as issued via the construction Notice to Proceed (NTP) or revised substantial completion date as approved via a change order. A complete list of those projects is below. Note that five projects (Harbor, Mission, Valley) listed below are legacy projects and began construction before AECOM’s award in April 2013. College Project City Holmes hall Modernization City Student Services Center City Physical Plant (M&O Building) City Tennis Courts East Science Career & Mathematics Harbor S.A.I.L.S. Student Union Mission Media Arts Reason for Delay Delays due to unforeseen conditions and contractor concurrent delays*. Delays due to Owner scope changes leading to re-design and contractor concurrent delay. Delays due to unforeseen conditions and contractor concurrent delays Delays due to unforeseen conditions and contractor concurrent delays Delays due to DSA review/approval (fire suppression system). Delays due to Owner scope changes leading to reprogramming, design, and additional DSA review and approval. Contractor default, surety takeover, and the discovery of defective work. Page 8 of 22 College Project Valley Multi-Purpose Community Services Center Valley Community Workforce Development Center Valley Monarch Center Reason for Delay Delays due to Owner added scope of work; Concurrent Contractor delays in completing contract scope of work. Delays due to extended DSA review and approval of plans. Delays due to extended DSA review and approval of plans. * Concurrent contractor delay: A delay that is caused by contractor and is concurrent to other type of delays (owner-caused, differing site conditions, unforeseen conditions,etc.). g. DSA Projects (Awaiting Plan Approval & Awaiting Closeout with Certification) Awaiting Plan Approval The Bond Program currently has 10 projects under review at DSA. A complete listing of those projects and their respective review category status, by percentage complete, is shown below. College East Harbor Harbor Harbor Harbor Harbor Harbor Pierce West West Project Swing Space Modular Buildings S.A.I.L.S - Central Green ADA Package C ADA Package D 80 Old Administration Building 95 ADA Package A ADA Package B North of Mall Phase 2 Construction of 1-Removal of existing relocatable buildings, resurfacing of parking lots, and ADA path of travel Alterations to 1-(E) Central Plant/Boiler Room Building Phase 2A - Adding Third Chiller Access 85% 85% 50% 50% 100% 50% 50% 0% DSA Review Status Fire Life Safety Structural 81% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 80% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 0% 0% 85% 85% 85% N/A 85% 65% Closeout with Certification BuildLACCD has certified 139 projects since April 2013 for the District, totaling more than $1.26 billion in construction cost value. Currently there are 11 projects at DSA awaiting closeout with certification; those projects are listed below. College City Pierce City Valley Valley Valley Southwest Trade ELAC ELAC Project AT&T Cell Antennas Alterations to Roadways Van De Kamp Original Data Center LRC Modulars Monarch Parking Structure Pony Wall Learning Assistance Center Parking Structure #3 Baseball Field Page 9 of 22 College Harbor Project Library/LRC h. Internship Overview The BuildLACCD College Internship Program established four goals that are carried out by the PMO Community Economic Development department: Provide students with access to meaningful STEM-related internship opportunities; Develop work readiness to increase student success in professional work environment; Provide students an opportunity to contribute to the design, construction and operations of campus facilities; and Create long-term mentorship opportunities for students. H-1B Visa vs. Grant The District is a participant of the federally funded H-1B Los Angeles Engineering Collaborative Project grant program, conducted under the auspices of the Training Administration of the United States Department of Labor ("DOL"), to place eligible long-term unemployed entry level engineers and unemployed experienced level engineers into internship training programs approved and enrolled under the grant. The goal is to train and provide opportunities to enough US Citizens and Naturalized Residents that there will be a reduced need to recruit H-1B visa applicants. The H-1B is a non-immigrant visa in the United States. It allows U.S. employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. H-1B Intership Program The H1-B LACCD/DOL internship program is open to all students currently enrolled at an LACCD college. There are no restrictions as to full-time or part-time enrollment status. The internship also includes recent (within one year) LACCD alumni. AECOM, partnered with LACCD as a vendor under LACCD Contract # 4500212686 commonly referred to as the H-1B Internship Grant Program. This contract is set to expire on March 31, 2016. In order to utilize all funds before expiration, AECOM first began to fill the H1-B LACCD/DOL internship slots. The current industry partners participating in the H-1B Internship Grant Program include: AECOM (10 positions) Under the H1-B LACCD/DOL Grant Program (LACCD Contract # 4500212686) AECOM has been allocated a total of $108,128.00. This will provide funding for approximately seven entry level interns and four advanced level interns – or a conforming mix depending on the current needs of each worksite. P2S Engineering (8 positions) Pacifica (2 positions) Harper Construction (1 position) SGI Construction Management (5 positions) Simpson & Simpson (5 positions) TTG (1 position) USS Builders (2 positions) Yang Management (2 positions) Charts of the internships are shown on the following page. Page 10 of 22 AECOM Internship Program As part of AECOM’s commitment and partnership with LACCD, AECOM is going above and beyond its contractual obligation and has initiated its own internal internship program. The AECOM Internship Program is focused on recruiting LACCD current and recent graduates with the intent of developing a high skilled science, technology, engineering and math pool of future team members. AECOM is in the process of interviewing recent H-1B Internship Grant Program graduates for a continued paid internship program within one of AECOM’s business lines. The duration of this internship program is expected to be six months. At the conclusion of the internship, AECOM may offer a long term employment opportunity to interns that have excelled during the program and that fit the available opportunities within one of our business lines. The AECOM internship program began to recruit and on-board interns since September 1, 2015. A chart of the AECOM internships (non H-1B grant funded) is on the following page. Page 11 of 22 i. LSEDV Breakdown Per Slide 8 of the PMO Annual Report, BuildLACCD has contracted with 297 companies, 179, or 60 percent of those firms are deemed Local, Small, Emerging, Disabled, Veteran (LSEDV). The (1) complete listing of firms, organized by bench, (2) their LSEDV status, (3) number of task orders awarded to-date (September 2015), and (4) current (September 2015) contract award value begins on the following page. Note that the contract award value for the Staff Augmentation and Construction benches will take the PMO additional time to compile and will be included as part of the November 2015 Board package. Benches Legend A/E: Env.: IOR: LOR: WBCx: Staff Aug: Const.: Architectural & Engineering Environmental Inspector of Record Laboratory of Record Whole Building Commissioning Staff Augmentation Construction Page 12 of 22 Bench A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E A/E Env. Env. Env. Env. Env. Env. Env. Env. Env. Env. Env. Env. IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR Firm LSEDV Cannon Design Group DLR Group Inc. of California Gonzalez/Goodale Architects Gruen Associates, Inc. Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. Harley Ellis Devereaux Corporation Hill Partnership, Inc. M. Arthur Gensler Jr. & Associates, Inc. NAC, Inc. Nadel , Inc. Osborn Architects PBWS Quatro Design Group Rachlin Architects Incorporated Steinberg Architects STV Incorporated Tate Snyder Kimsey, Inc. tBP/Architecture, Inc. Task Order(s) Award Value 5 LSEDV LSEDV 8 5 1 2 1 LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV 1 1 8 1 1 1 Andersen Environmental Ellis Environmental Management, Inc. EORM Geocon West, Incorporated Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical & Environmental Sciences Consultants Parsons Environment & Infrastructure Group Inc. Rincon Consultant, Inc Tabbara Corporation Tetra Tech, Inc. The Converse Professional Group dba Converse Consultants The Planning Center AKA Placeworks TRC Solutions, Inc LSEDV LSEDV AIM Consulting Services American Pine Knot, LLC Blue Coast Consulting Cohn & Company Inspections Construction and Inspection Service, Inc. Consulting & Inspection Services, LLC Inland Inspections & Consulting Inspection Services of California, Inc dba BPI Inspection Services LSEDV LSEDV Page 13 of 22 Task Order(s) Awarded $664,617.00 $235,103.66 $470,070.70 $397,034.00 $251,647.00 $$85,500.00 $$70,420.00 $2,000.00 $$183,919.00 $2,628,590.00 $$11,550.00 $- 5 13 5 $9,185.00 $43,524.00 $48,292.45 $- 9 $85,827.89 LSEDV 3 $52,790.00 LSEDV LSEDV 6 3 2 $49,228.00 $28,050.00 $74,734.45 LSEDV 7 $58,135.55 2 $$30,330.00 LSEDV LSEDV 17 4 14 12 LSEDV LSEDV 2 $$831,116.50 $$360,711.50 $606,224.75 $501,032.50 $$36,961.00 Bench IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR IOR LOR LOR LOR LOR LOR LOR LOR LOR Firm Knowland Construction Services NV5 West, Inc Paul W. Waite and Associates Premier Inspection Services RAV Co. Engineering, Inc. Sandy Pringle Associates Inspecton Consutlants, Inc. State Consulting & Inspection Services Stephen Payte DSA Inspections, Inc. T.Y.R., Inc. Vital Inspections Services Inc. LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV 3 LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV American Engineering Laboratories, Inc.* California Testing & Inspections, Inc. Koury Engineering & Testing, Inc.* MTGL, Inc.* RMA Group Smith Emery Laboratories, Inc. Southwest Inspection & Testing, Inc.* Twining, Inc. United Testing Corporation dba-United Inspection and Testing * LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV WBCx 3QC, Inc. American Commissioning Group Arup North America Enovity, Inc. Glumac Heery International, Inc. Henrikson Owen & Associates, Inc Hugh General Management Independent Commissioning Consulting, LLC Sindoni Consulting & Management Services Inc. TMCx Solutions, LLC Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Arcadis (Prime) APSI Beezley BORJ Construction Mgmt Casamar Group Citadel Dansure Incorporated LOR WBCx WBCx WBCx WBCx WBCx WBCx WBCx WBCx WBCx WBCx LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV Task Order(s) Award Value $252,540.00 $795,009.50 $845,093.50 $$132,480.00 $- 5 $$237,653.00 $$558,672.07 16 8 6 9 5 2 14 3 $1,122,456.45 $555,821.69 $362,793.92 $671,737.82 $478,731.07 $182,885.96 $512,793.37 $249,150.76 4 $158,034.33 1 4 1 $48,790.00 $$187,960.00 $364,683.00 $$$149,090.00 $61,100.00 2 $50,580.00 3 2 5 LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV Page 14 of 22 Task Order(s) Awarded 1 9 9 $2 $159,900.00 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 Data to be provided in the November 2015 Board package. Bench Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Firm ECM Element Consulting Group fs3 Hodges gkk works JG Management KKCS Lenax Lundgren Luster McKissack & McKissack Morgner Construction Management P2S Engineering Parthenon Corp Phoenix Business Solutions PlanNet consulting RVA Mgmt Schwab Engineering Simplex Construction Mgmt Simpson & Simpson Swinerton Telacu the Greenridge Group Cordoba (Prime) Gateway Science and Engineering Geotechniques Heery International, Inc. Inverselogic, Inc. JCE Structural Engineering Group, Inc. Macica Project Management Consulting, Inc. Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc. Pueblo Contracting Services QS Requin Corporation Rincon Consultants, Inc. Cumming (Prime) 3QC Amador White Architects, Inc. Archway System, Inc. Barragan Corp. International Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc. Brandow & Johnston C. Camacho & Associates CAED Professionals, LLC Calicasp Page 15 of 22 LSEDV LSEDV Task Order(s) Awarded 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 5 2 4 3 2 1 0 3 0 0 LSEDV 0 LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Task Order(s) Award Value Data to be provided in the November 2015 Board package. Bench Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Firm California Construction Management CALTROP Corporation Capstone CDM Smith Clarke Project Solutions CMTS Columbo CPM One Source, Inc. Dabri, Inc. (Proposing in Prime JV) DRB Associates Grom Associates Harris HB&A HH Fremer Architects Inc. ICI Engineers, Inc. John M. Cruikshank Consultants, Inc. dba JMC2 Jones Lang LaSalle JS Consultants Lee Andrews Group Management Specialty Services, Inc. Nabih Youssef Structural Engineers NMC, LLC NTD Architecture Okapi Paragon Engineering & Management Parsons Psomas Related Construction Services Robin S Brown Consutling RWBID Construction Management, LLC SafeWork Saucedo Group Stellar Services STI Consulting Teter TRC Solutions, Inc. TSK, Inc. Verde Concepts Hill International (Prime) 347 Group, Inc. Arch Beach Consulting Cambridge CM Inc. Chambers Group, Inc. Page 16 of 22 LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV Task Order(s) Awarded 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 LSEDV 0 LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 Task Order(s) Award Value Data to be provided in the November 2015 Board package. Bench Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Firm Dabri, Inc. Geo-Advantec, Inc. McLean & Schultz, Inc. Sonika Corporation Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. Jacobs (Prime) AIM Consulting Dudek Global Business Solutions, Inc. Integrated Engineering Management Integration Technology Inc. Leland Saylor Associates, Inc. Plancorp Preconstruction Consulting Group LLC Ramos CS SRD Management The G Crew Rachlin Architects (Prime) Aurora C Below C.P. O’Halloran Engineering Economics FPL & Associates Fundament & Associates Grossman & Speer Jones & Madhavan Knowland Inspections L.A. Design Associates Salazar Surveying South Coast Logistics Technology Plus TGR Zinner & Associates STV / AVA A Joint Venture (Prime) ALMA Strategies, LLC Atkins North America Barnhart-Reese Cosntruction, Inc. Blackman & Holberton Brightworks Sustainability Disability Access Consultants Newcomb Anderson & McCormick, Inc. Norwood Construction Services On the Move Padilla And Associates Page 17 of 22 LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV Task Order(s) Awarded 0 0 0 0 0 9 5 0 4 0 4 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Task Order(s) Award Value Data to be provided in the November 2015 Board package. Bench Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Staff Aug Firm Salas O’Brien Sally Swanson Architects, Inc. The Solis Group TSG Enterprises, Inc. dba The Solis Group Vanderweil Engineers Veneklassen Associates, Inc. Vanir (Prime) Community Change Partners DACM Development Industries, Inc. Dougherty + Doughertry Architects, LLP Eckersall, LLC ERJ Engineering Consultants FCG Consultants, Inc. Forster Company, Inc. GC Green, Inc. Grand View Advisors, LLC Inici Kosmont and Associates MTN Services PMCS Group, Inc. Yang Management (Prime) Alternative Delivery Solutions Arup North America, LTD BOA Architecture Calvada Surveying, Inc. Capo Projects Group Century Diversified CS & Associates DB Management, LLC EUR Consulting & Development, Inc. Faithful+Gould, Inc. Gannett Fleming, Inc. GeoDesign, Inc. Hernandez, Kroone & Associates, Incorporated M. Delvin & Associates NAC| Architecture, Inc. RGA Environmental, Inc. SGI Construction Mgmt Vatange Technology Consulting Group, LLC W2 Design, Inc. Page 18 of 22 LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV Task Order(s) Awarded 0 0 1 0 0 0 14 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV 0 0 0 3 0 LSEDV 0 Task Order(s) Award Value Data to be provided in the November 2015 Board package. Bench Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Firm AMG & Associates Balfour Beatty Bernards Bros Bomel Construction Bryom Davey Cannon Constructors South Chevron Clark Clark Construction CW Driver CWS Systems Davis Reed Delmac Construction Edge Development EG Bowen FTR International GGG GKK Works HA Nicols Harper Construction Hensel Phelps HP Parko Construction IPI Construction Johnson Controls Kemp Bros. KPRS Construction LBC Construction Masters Masters Contracting Corp. McCarthy Construction Morrill Construction National Sign & Marketing P&J Engineering Pankow PCN3, Inc. Pima Construction Ranbay SDS Empire Construction, Inc. Sinanian SMC Construction Suffolk Construction Summit Builders Taisei Toro Construction Page 19 of 22 LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV Task Order(s) Awarded N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Task Order(s) Award Value Data to be provided in the November 2015 Board package. Bench Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Const. Firm Two Brothers U.S. Dash Construction, Inc. USS Cal Builders Valverde Constr. Vomar W&N Luxor Woodcliff LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV LSEDV Task Order(s) Awarded N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Task Order(s) Award Value Data to be provided in the November 2015 Board package. Gender/Ethnicity/Race Breakdown The LACCD Board of Trustees has established LSEDV goals that are also reflected in the District’s Project Labor Agreement. Build-LACCD is committed to ensuring that those goals are met or exceeded. To date there is no requirement to collect race or ethnicity data beyond LSEDV participation; this information is self-reported and legally cannot be validated and/or analyzed by the District or BuildLACCD. Proposition 209 Background In November 1996, explicit affirmative action procurement goals came to a full halt when voters amended the state constitution with the passage of Proposition 209. This proposition eliminated state and local government affirmative action programs in the areas of public employment, public education, and public contracting to the extent these programs involve “preferential treatment” based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. In addition, programs that give preference to womenowned or minority-owned companies on public contracts were also eliminated. Prop 209, Section 31 of Article I states: “(a) The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting. …(f) For the purposes of this section, "state" shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the state itself, any city, county, city and county, public university system, including the University of California, community college district, school district, special district, or any other political subdivision or governmental instrumentality of or within the state.” 1. KPI Criteria Detail regarding the criteria used for each KPI presented on Slide 13, can be found in the Backup Slides section of the September 30, 2015 PMO Annual Report slide deck beginning on Slide 40. The Backup Slides detail a trend analysis over the past year (June 2014 – June 2015). With regard to the scores specific to “Time to Execute Change Order” and “Construction Schedule”, the explanation behind the majority of the yellow and red scores are as follows: Time to Execute Change Order: Currently the KPI holder is penalized if over 10 percent of all open change orders are not executed within the 90 day timeframe; regardless of whether or not they have processed 90 percent of their other change orders within the mandated time frame. Construction Schedule: A contributor to the scores are legacy projects fraught with claims/litigation activity. Per the discussion during the September 30, 2015 FMP&OC meeting, the PMO will be reviewing the criteria of all College KPIs with Jim O’Reilly before the end of the year and will then return to FMP&OC with a presentation on the results of that meeting as well as report on any adjustments made to the College KPIs. Page 20 of 22 j. Project/Building Occupancies (September 2015-March 2016) Per Slide 16 of the PMO Annual Report, more than 20 projects are projected to reach substantial completion and/or building occupancy within the next six months (September 2015 – March 2016). Below is a complete listing of those projects. College City City City East East Harbor Harbor Mission Mission Mission Mission Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Southwest Trade Valley Valley Valley West West Project Physical Plant (M&O Building) Tennis Courts RWGPL Red Line Pedestrian Corridor Campus Student Center / Book Store Complex Student Success & Retention Center Theater Drama Speech Building Campus Marque Modernization Campus Modernization Phase I Campus-wide Restrooms Campus Modernization Phase II Campus Demand Side Management Performing Arts Building ADA Improvements Stadium ADA Improvements Photovoltaic Arrays for Parking Lots 1 & 8 Campus-wide Telecommunications Upgrade Campus-wide Infrastructure -Phase II (HV Campus Loop) South Campus-Upgrade Security Doors Athletic Training Facility Monarch Center Campus Improvement – Building Upgrade Campus Entry Signage Physical Education & Dance Renovations Projected Project/Building Substantial Completion/ Occupancy Date December 2015 January2015 March 2016 January 2016 January 2016 November 2015 September 2015 February 2016 February 2016 February 2016 December 2015 October 2015 October 2015 December 2015 October 2015 December 2015 October 2015 January 2016 February 2016 January 2016 September 2015 December 2015 5. M&DR Project District Response a. Energy Hog Buildings The Measurement and Demand Response (M&DR) project was completed in late June 2015. Energy consumption data at each building over 10,000 square feet is being captured and will be analyzed to identify poorly performing buildings. This will help LACCD to determine which buildings need more resources or may be candidates for energy efficiency projects. Because the project was completed roughly four months ago and the colleges have been in session for just over a month, the District has not yet captured enough data to establish trends or make recommendations based on those trends. Typically, an entity such as LACCD needs at least 12 months of data to set a baseline that would include usage across all seasons and occupancy modes. LACCD is able to monitor and trend data currently, and have participated in demand response events whenever possible. b. Prop 39 Proposition 39 is a five year program for K-12 schools and community colleges to implement energy efficiency projects, while creating jobs in the local community. California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) disburses Proposition 39 funds each year to community college districts based on full time equivalent students (FTES). Page 21 of 22 LACCD Prop 39 allocations total $9.35 million, spanning over three years (2013 – 2016). Currently LACCD has 35 projects funded by Prop 39 with several more in development. LACCD’s Prop 39 project types include: Lighting Boiler replacement Commissioning Controls Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) HVAC Pool heating Projects over the course of the three years will create 42.83 direct job-years in the local community, will save LACCD over $560,000 per year in utilities costs, and the utility savings will go back into each college’s operations budget. Examples of the utilities impacts include: Reduction in electricity consumption by more than 3 million kilowatt hours (kWh) Reduction in natural gas consumption by more than 145,000 therms Page 22 of 22 Attachment “A” Attachment “B” Attachment “C” LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGES 770 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, LOS ANGELES, CALlFORNIA 90017 • 213/891-2000 CITY • EAST • HARBOR • MISSION • PIERCE • SOUTHWEST • TRADETECHNICAL • VALLEY • WEST AI)MINJSTRATIVE OFFICES • Dr. Daniel.J. LaVista, Chancellor Date: September 14,2010 To: Members, Bond Steering Committee From: Larry Eisenberg, Executive Director / Facilities Planning and Development / RE: ,>~ '-'U/ District-wide Accounts Allocations under Measure J were initially discussed by the Bond Steering Committee, the Cabinet, and were ultimately authorized by the Board of Trustees, and presented to the voters of the District. The voters approved Measure J and its respective allocations by 70 percent of those voting. The allocations provided funding to each College, to various satellite projects, and to a series of District wide accounts for specific uses at the Colleges. I have attached the original voter approved allocation list, a description of each of the district-wide accounts, and a status report on expenditures to date from the district-wide accounts. Satellite I Miscellaneous Projects As you will note, the original allocation list includes funding for several satellite projects with funding allocated as follows: East LA Satellite at South Gate $150,000,000- West LA Satellite at LAX $ 40,000,000 /' Valley Satellite at Burbank $ 5,000,000 - v~ 5.<Vf5('-- City Satellite at Van De Kamp $ 10,000,000 Mission Satellite at Sunland $ 25,000,000 - ;j Health Career Academy $ 15,000,000 fl(f( Southwest Museum - $ 11,546,998 - 770 Wilshire $ 4,000,000--- Total $ 260,546,998 770 Wilshire IJoulevard, Los Angcle~, California 90017 • (213) 891-2000 7 Members, Bond Steering Committee September 14,2010 Page 2 Topic Specific Funds The attached lists also ret1ect the original Measure J allocation for several district-wide focusing on specific topics. These initiatives include: Americans with Disabilities Act $ 74,508,771 --Estimated by CPM's using partially complete transition plans Whole Building Commissioning $ 12,000,000 -Estimated at $1,000,000 per college and 3 major satellites - 1FTE @ $200,000 per year for 5 years Anti-Graffiti I Coating Program $ 5,871,000 - Estimated at $1 per foot of existing college square footage Storm Water Implementation $ 25,000,000 - Estimated at 1 % of hard cost construction budget $ 10,500,000 Warranty Program - Estimated at .42 % of construction budget $123,755,371 Energy Program - Estimated at 30% of planned renewable system construction $129,643,044 Technology Program - Estimated by District-wide technology committee $ 18,150,782 Contingency -Amount establtshed after all other allocations were, complete j· ·. Total $405,428,968 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017 • (213) 891-2000 Members, Bond Steering Committee September 14, 20 10 Page 3 Central Soft Cost Account Under Propositions A/AA, all program and college soft costs were invoiced on a prorate share to each college. Costs for program management, the Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP), legal, audit, etc were billed quarterly to the respective college A/AA fund allocation. This result in unexpected costs to each College that required constant adjustments to authorized project expenditure levels. Each quarterly invoice was perceived as a surprise and created constant concern about adequacy of project funding. Further, the invoices came in a lwnp sum to the program management team from the respective contractor I consultant and needed to be allocated to each college. This resulted in a significant commitment of accounting time on the part of the program management team. To overcome this issue, and create a stable and known funding amount for each project, a decision was made after discussion in Cabinet to create a series of central soft cost accounts that would cover the common soft costs experienced by each project. With these accounts in place, the prorate share of expense for these common and district-wide soft costs would be paid directly from the central account without the need to process a quarterly billing to each college for common soft costs. The funding for the soft cost accounts was established by removing a specific amount from each project at each college, and from the satellite and topic specific accounts. In turn, these funds would be available to support each project at each college, and at each satellite. The following central soft cost accounts were created $ 29,901,938 Asset Management - Estimated at 1% of planned Measure J construction Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment $ 61,508,794 -Estimated at 2.1% of planned Measure J construction Legal I Audit $ 20,039,692 -Estimated at .95% of planned Measure J construction Move Management $ 58,360,331 - Estimated at 2% of planned Measure J construction 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Lo~ Angeles, California 90017 • (213) 891-2000 Members, Bond Steering Committee September 14,2010 Page 4 $ 95,788,397 OCIP -Estimated by Risk Management Consulting team and Insurers Program Management $ 87,085,253 - Estimated at 3% of planned Measure J Construction $ Project Management 7,269,664 - Estimated at 6% of non-campus projects $ 12,000,000 Recycling - Estimated at $1.34 million per college Specialty Consulting $ 40,101,014 -Estimated at 1.4% of Planned Measure J construction Total $412,055,083 Please let me know if you have any questions on the information presented here. Attachments cc: Chancellor LaVista 770 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90017 • (213) 891-2000 Attachment “D” PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles City College 01C-176.01 Demolition of Maintenance Bungalows Los Angeles City College 01C-177.01 Relocation of Transfer Center and MO 12/31/2002 Los Angeles City College 01C-179.01 Campus-Wide Improvements - State Square Utilities 01/10/2003 Los Angeles City College 01C-107.01 Clausen Hall - DSPS 01/22/2003 Los Angeles City College 01C-182 CEQA 01/22/2003 Los Angeles City College 01C-176.02 Demolition of Tennis Courts, Bungalows 06/12/2003 Los Angeles City College 01C-177.04 Relocation of Other Temporary Spaces 12/31/2003 Los Angeles City College 01C-177.03 Relocation of Clausen Hall Student Center 01/1/2004 Los Angeles City College 01C-177.02 Temporary Facilities - Parking 01/19/2004 Los Angeles City College 01C-176.03 Demolition of Bungalows for P.E. Building 02/26/2004 Los Angeles City College 01C-113 Martin Luther King Annex (Learning Skill Center) 07/26/2004 Los Angeles City College 01C-179.03 Campus-Wide Improvements - HVAC 10/20/2004 Los Angeles City College 01C-107.02 Clausen Hall - Modernization 10/21/2004 Los Angeles City College 01C-177.06 Relocation of Child Development Center 01/29/2005 Los Angeles City College 01C-175 Restrooms Modernization 08/15/2005 Los Angeles City College 01C-177.07 Temporary Student Center 09/16/2005 Los Angeles City College 01C-118 Demolition of Chemistry Building, Bleachers and Pool 11/2/2005 Los Angeles City College 01C-177.05 Relocation of Chemistry Department 12/31/2005 Los Angeles City College 01C-174 Signage for Safety and Public Information 08/26/2006 Los Angeles City College 01C-173.08 RWGPL - Replace Electrical at Chemistry Demo Site 12/29/2006 Los Angeles City College 01C-130 Women's Gym Renovation 01/2/2007 Los Angeles City College 01C-112 Campus-Wide Computer Network for Internet Access 03/14/2007 Los Angeles City College 01C-179.04 RWGPL - LEED and Site Improvements 03/27/2007 Los Angeles City College 01C-121 Demolition of Men's Gym 09/1/2007 Los Angeles City College 01C-137 Roofing - Chavez, Rad Tech, Holmes, Theater 03/28/2008 Los Angeles City College 01C-177.09 Relocation of Community Services and Temporary Parking Lot 06/10/2008 Los Angeles City College 01C-141 Parking Mitigation - I-Pass 06/30/2008 Los Angeles City College 01C-177 Relocation of Other Temporary Spaces 07/15/2008 Los Angeles City College 01C-179.02 DSA Fees 08/8/2008 Los Angeles City College 01C-116 Parking Structure 08/21/2008 Los Angeles City College 01C-131 MLK Library - Learning Resource Center 08/28/2008 Los Angeles City College Los Angeles City College 01C-103 01C-122 Maintenance Facilities Child Development Center 08/29/2008 12/1/2008 Los Angeles City College 01C-138 Student Lounge 12/18/2008 Los Angeles City College 01C-170 Master Planning 01/4/2009 Los Angeles City College 01C-179.06 IT GENERATOR 02/27/2009 Los Angeles City College 01C-101 Science and Technology Building 08/10/2009 Los Angeles City College 01C-179.08 Clock Replacement 08/22/2009 Los Angeles City College 01C-173.07 RWGPL - Central Plant Phase I 09/11/2009 BuildLACCD Attachment D 12/31/2002 1 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles City College 01C-173.01 RWGPL - Site Utilities Infrastructure 10/15/2009 Los Angeles City College 01C-179.07 Door Replacement Project 02/5/2010 Los Angeles City College 01C-143 Food Lab Upgrade 03/5/2010 Los Angeles City College 01C-109 Franklin Hall Modernization 06/11/2010 Los Angeles City College 01C-180 Site Survey and Infrastructure Studies 07/13/2010 Los Angeles City College 01C-157 Campus-Wide Upgrades 09/8/2010 Los Angeles City College 01C-158 Sidewalk Repairs Parking Lots 1 & 2 11/15/2010 Los Angeles City College 01C-139 Land Acquisition - South of Monroe Street Projects 02/3/2011 Los Angeles City College 01C-181 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 04/22/2011 Los Angeles City College 01C-111 Jefferson Hall Modernization 09/9/2011 Los Angeles City College 01C-136.01 Communications Building Roof Repair 11/4/2011 Los Angeles City College 01C-150 Chemistry Building Modernization 03/14/2012 Los Angeles City College 01C-151 Life Sciences Modernization 03/14/2012 Los Angeles City College 01C-145 Green Technology Student Union Building 07/20/2012 District 10D-078.01 770 HQ - Building Acquisition 06/1/2005 District 10D-078.16 Video Conferencing 04/1/2009 District 10D-078 District HQ 03/1/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-211.01 Stadium Synthetic Turf 08/29/2002 East Los Angeles College 02E-215.01 ELAC Stadium Modernization 08/30/2002 East Los Angeles College 02E-211.03 PE Fields - Baseball Safety Fencing 10/2/2002 East Los Angeles College 02E-277.02 Temporary Facilities - Off Site Parking 11/15/2002 East Los Angeles College 02E-279.11 Buildings Utility & Site Improvements 11/18/2002 East Los Angeles College 02E-279.05 Campus-Wide Improvements - SCE Transformer Upgrades 12/31/2002 East Los Angeles College 02E-211.07 ELAC Stadium-Benches & Concrete Sealing 03/1/2003 East Los Angeles College 02E-211.02 PE Fields - Track and Field Events 11/15/2003 East Los Angeles College 02E-279.18 Campus-Wide Improvements - Fire Loop 01/7/2004 East Los Angeles College 02E-212.02 Bailey Library - Electrical and Mechanical Upgrade 03/30/2004 East Los Angeles College 02E-275 Restrooms-Modernization Bldg 05/7/2004 East Los Angeles College 02E-211.05 PE Fields - Ramp to Temporary Parking 05/30/2004 East Los Angeles College 02E-219.02 Technology Center 08/30/2004 East Los Angeles College 02E-281 Environmental Impact Report 09/22/2004 East Los Angeles College 02E-226 Ceiling Mitigation Phase 2 02/1/2005 East Los Angeles College 02E-279.03 Campus-Wide Improvements - E3 & E5 Multimedia Conversion 02/25/2005 East Los Angeles College 02E-273.05 RWGPL 08/10/2005 East Los Angeles College 02E-276.02 Demolition - K8 Building 08/31/2005 East Los Angeles College 02E-279.04 Campus-Wide Improvements - F, G, H, & K Mechanical and Electrical Upgrade 11/22/2005 East Los Angeles College 02E-215.03 ELAC Stadium - Stadium Concrete Coating 12/1/2005 East Los Angeles College 02E-215.02 ELAC Stadium - Bleacher Covers 12/23/2005 BuildLACCD Attachment D 2 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name East Los Angeles College 02E-211.04 PE Fields - Baseball Lockers, Dugout & Fencing 05/1/2006 East Los Angeles College 02E-273.04 Parking Structure Lot 3 Site Preparation Package 08/31/2006 East Los Angeles College 02E-272.01 Campus-Wide Improvements - Fire Alarm 10/9/2006 East Los Angeles College 02E-277.03 Temporary Facilities - Relocation of Swing Space - N2 Relocation 04/3/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-277.01 Temporary Facilities - Relocation or Swing Space 05/31/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-279.20 F,GH &K Mechanical and Electrical Upgrades 07/17/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-215.05 ELAC Stadium - Alteration Scoreboard 08/31/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-227 Northeast Parking Resurfacing 09/4/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-279.08 Campus-Wide Improvements - Tech Center Central Quad 09/14/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-203 Physical Plant Building 09/14/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-213 Campus Center F5 09/14/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-274.02 Campus Improvements - Outdoor Marquee and Signage 09/14/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-203.01 Plant Facilities Bldg. Fire Line 09/14/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-277.07 Temporary Facilities - N2 Modernization 11/14/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-277.05 Temporary Facilities - R5A Relocation 11/15/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-277 Temporary Facilities - Master 12/5/2007 East Los Angeles College 02E-277.06 Temporary Facilities - K6 Relocation 02/15/2008 East Los Angeles College 02E-277.04 Temporary Facilities - R5 Replacement 02/15/2008 East Los Angeles College 02E-223.01 Northwest Parking Photovoltaic Farm 03/24/2008 East Los Angeles College 02E-277.09 Temporary Facilities - Swing Space Phase 2 04/9/2008 East Los Angeles College 02E-276 Demolition - Master 05/28/2008 East Los Angeles College 02E-277.11 Conversion Baseball Field to Parking Lot 08/30/2008 East Los Angeles College 02E-206.02 Fitness Center- Men's Gym 01/26/2009 East Los Angeles College 02E-211.06 PE Fields - Women's Softball Field 01/30/2009 East Los Angeles College 02E-202 Parking Structure Lot 3 04/1/2009 East Los Angeles College 02E-277.10 Art Relocation F6,F7,F8 04/24/2009 East Los Angeles College 02E-279.21 E9 & G9 Boiler Replacement 06/30/2009 East Los Angeles College 02E-212.01 Campus Conference Center 07/21/2009 East Los Angeles College 02E-277.12 BAILEY LIBRARY RELOCATION 08/17/2009 East Los Angeles College 02E-221.01 Transit Center- Site Preparation 12/31/2009 East Los Angeles College 02E-273.07 RWGPL-OffSite Fire Line 01/18/2010 East Los Angeles College 02E-273.02 Utility Infrastructure and Traffic Improvements 01/27/2010 East Los Angeles College 02E-281.01 Environmental Impact Report Update 06/16/2010 East Los Angeles College 02E-214.02 Baum Center 07/2/2010 East Los Angeles College 02E-233 General Classroom Building 08/6/2010 East Los Angeles College 02E-221.03 K5 Retaining Wall 11/2/2010 East Los Angeles College 02E-211.08 Swim Stadium Modernization 11/10/2010 East Los Angeles College 02E-223.02 Central Plant 12/10/2010 East Los Angeles College 02E-217 Student Services Building E1 02/3/2011 BuildLACCD Attachment D 3 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name East Los Angeles College 02E-207 Performing and Fine Arts Complex 03/11/2011 East Los Angeles College 02E-274.03 Campus Improvements - Entry Plaza 03/23/2011 East Los Angeles College 02E-228 E3 & E5 Replacement Building 07/1/2011 East Los Angeles College 02E-215.06 ELAC Stadium - Artificial Turf Replacement 07/22/2011 East Los Angeles College 02E-222.01 Science Career & Mathematics Building - Swing Space 08/29/2011 East Los Angeles College 02E-234.01 Student Success and Retention Center / Swing Space 11/4/2011 East Los Angeles College 02E-205 Parking Structure Lot 4/Facilities Maintenance (Northeast) 06/20/2012 East Los Angeles College 02E-212 Bailey Library Learning Center Modernization 08/6/2012 East Los Angeles College 02E-234.03 Student Success and Retention Center - Demolition 11/28/2012 01/31/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-221.02 Transit Center Accessibility Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-321.02 Student Services Center - Sheriff Station Relocation 07/1/2005 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-323.02 Northeast Academic Building - Chemistry Trailers 08/19/2005 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-323.03 Northeast Academic Building - Chemistry Trailers Infrastructure 09/14/2005 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-331.01 Music Building - General 10/2/2006 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-308 Fine Arts Building 10/13/2006 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-328 Nursing Building 10/13/2006 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-311 RWGPL - Surface Parking Lot and New Loop Road 11/2/2006 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-352 Keyless Entrance System 03/8/2007 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-326 Track and Field 05/1/2007 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-316.01 Facilities Management and Operations Headquarters - General 10/19/2007 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-316 Facilities Management and Operations Headquarters 10/19/2007 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-339.01 Central Plant - General 02/18/2008 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-340.02 New Child Development Center - Interim Day Care Portables 05/14/2008 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-314 Technology Instruction and Classroom Building 06/19/2008 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-321.01 Student Services Center - General 10/2/2008 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-323 Northeast Academic Building - Master 10/2/2008 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-323.01 Northeast Academic Building - General 10/2/2008 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-323.04 Northeast Academic Building - Interim Classroom Village 10/2/2008 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-323.05 Northeast Academic Building - Interim Classroom Village Portables 10/2/2008 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-323.07 NE ACADEMIC - PARKING LOT 11/12/2008 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-309 Student Cafeteria and Seahawk Center Renovation 06/2/2009 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-362 Campus Parking Lot Reconstruction 11/17/2009 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-366 Infrastructure Upgrades 11/27/2009 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-366.01 Infrastructure Upgrade Phase 2 11/27/2009 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-340.01 New Child Development Center - General 12/7/2009 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-340 New Child Development Center 02/5/2010 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-325 PE, Wellness Center 04/1/2010 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-335.01 DSPS 07/31/2010 BuildLACCD Attachment D 4 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-335 General Classroom Building 12/16/2010 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-361 Softball Field Renovation 01/25/2011 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-366.10 Trash Enclosure and Pad 02/26/2011 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-363 West Parking Structure 04/14/2011 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-350.06 S.A.I.L.S-Existing Bldg Exterior Upgrades Campus Wide 09/15/2011 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-325.01 PE, Wellness Ctr. PHS II 11/23/2011 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-366.05 Serviceability Enhancement TECH BLDG. 04/30/2012 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-314.01 TV Studio 04/30/2012 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-367 Temporary Facilities - Campus Wide 04/30/2012 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-304.01 Community Service Modernization 04/30/2012 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-366.09 Campus Restrooms 06/20/2012 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-350.02 S.A.I.L.S-Astronomy Modernization 02/18/2013 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-366.04 Servicability Enhancement NEA/SS 03/29/2013 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-479.02 Campus-Wide Improvements - Chiller Replacement 07/12/2002 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-407 Instructional Student Services Building 07/30/2002 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.02 RWGPL - CSB Parking Lot 04/19/2003 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-479.03 Campus-Wide Improvements - Boiler Replacement 05/9/2003 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-408.02 Campus Center - Flooring Replacement 06/27/2004 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-415.02 Instructional Building - Interior Painting 03/26/2005 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-415.03 Instructional Building - Flooring Replacement 04/1/2005 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.03 RWGPL - Delivery and Washdown Control Area 04/14/2005 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-409.05 Learning Assistance Center, Library Building 05/24/2005 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-415.06 Instructional Building - Exterior Waterproofing and Window Re-gasketing 06/24/2005 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473 RWGPL - Master 08/24/2005 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-408.03 Campus Center - Title V Computer Lab and Classroom 02/3/2006 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-409.01 Learning Assistance Center, Library Building - General 03/20/2006 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-410.01 Campus Services Building 04/25/2006 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-471.01 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - General 10/31/2006 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-471.05 Campus-Wide Infrastructure- Haz Mat Abatement 01/10/2007 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-479.04 Campus-Wide Improvements - Duct Cleaning 06/1/2007 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-401.02 Parking Structure A - Temporary Parking Lot 06/13/2007 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-401.01 Parking Structure A 09/30/2007 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-415.07 Instructional Building - ClassRoom Conversion to Biology Lab 12/31/2007 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-401.03 Parking Structure A - Photo Voltaic System 03/21/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-479.01 Campus-Wide Improvements - General 04/18/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-471.04 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - EMS 04/29/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-477.04 Temporary Facilities - Site work for New Sheriff Station Bungalows 05/1/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-477.03 Temporary Facilities - Media Arts Bungalows 05/10/2008 BuildLACCD Attachment D 5 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles Mission College 04M-471.02 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - I.T. 05/15/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-471.06 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - VOIP 05/30/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-477.05 Temporary Faculty Offices 05/30/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-477.02 Temporary Facilities - Sheriff Station Bungalows 06/20/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-471.09 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - Electrical substation 07/10/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-480.02 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - IT 07/22/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-479.05 Campus Improvements - Carpet Replacement 08/6/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.11 RWGPL - SOIL EROSION PREV 08/14/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-478 Land Acquisition and Improvements - Church Property 08/18/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-470.01 Revised Master Plan 09/30/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.13 RWGPL - EXTERIOR PAINTING 10/15/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-412 Child Development Center 10/29/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.14 MISSION-RWGPL FIRE ACCESS 10/29/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-476 Temporary Facilities - Demolition 12/30/2008 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.12 RWGPL - HVAC CONTROLS CAB 01/29/2009 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-471.07 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - Campus Security Systems (CSS) 04/5/2009 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-415.05 Instructional Building - Culinary and Faculty 04/15/2009 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-409.02 Learning Assistance Center, Library Building - 2nd Level Floor Closure and Training Room 04/20/2009 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.09 RWGPL - Campus Fire Access Plan - I 04/20/2009 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.06 RWGPL - Entrance Monument 06/15/2009 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-477.06 Temporary Campus Administration Offices 07/8/2009 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-471.08 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - Fire Safety Systems (FSS) 09/1/2009 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-470 Land Acquisition - Pentecostal & Syrian Church Properties 10/1/2009 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-477.01 Temporary Facilities - Relocation or Acquisition Sub Project 10/29/2009 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.08 RWGPL - LADWP Water Line relocation at Extended campus 11/29/2009 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-410.02 Campus Administrative Services Building Remodel 01/22/2010 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-402 Health and P.E., Fitness Center 02/22/2010 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-479.07 Executive Corridor Improvements 03/31/2010 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-477.07 Temporary Facility Health Trailer 04/14/2010 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-415.01 Instructional Building - General 05/4/2010 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-415.04 Instructional Building - Air Locks 06/10/2010 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.10 College Kiosks Renovation 01/10/2011 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-420.02 Harding Street Improvements 07/12/2011 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-484 Land Acquisition at Hubbard Street 07/27/2011 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-404 Family and Consumer Studies Building 08/24/2011 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-479.06 Central Quad Improvements 02/7/2012 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-420.01 Hot Chilled Water Loop 06/29/2012 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-418 East Complex 12/13/2012 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-406.01 Student Services/Admin Swing Space 03/29/2013 BuildLACCD Attachment D 6 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-D01.03 DESA - Precheck Design 05/3/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-601.03 Southwest - Parking Lot 1 / Carport Structure 06/21/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-601.04 Southwest - Parking Lot 1 / Infrastructure 06/21/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-601.05 Southwest - Parking Lot 3 / Infrastructure 06/21/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-301.03 Harbor - Parking Lot 6 / Carport Structure 08/1/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-301.04 Harbor - Parking Lot 7 / Carport Structure 08/1/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-301.05 Harbor - Parking Lot 8 / Carport Structure 08/1/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-501.04 Pierce - Parking Lot 6 PV / Carport Structure 08/10/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-201.03 East - Original Northwest Parking PV / Carport Structure 11/17/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-201.04 East - Thin Film for A-1 Child Development Center 11/17/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-201.05 East - Thin Film for C-1 Men's Gym 11/17/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-201.06 East - Thin Film for E-9 Women's Gym 11/17/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-201.07 East - Thin Film for G-3 Auditorium 11/17/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-201.08 East - Thin Film for H-9 Plant Facilities 11/17/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-201.09 East - Thin Film for P-1 Auto Shop 11/17/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-201.10 East - Additional Northwest Parking PV / Carport Structure 11/17/2010 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-D01.04 DESA - City Deferred Projects 03/10/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-D01.05 DESA - East Deferred Projects 03/10/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-D01.06 DESA - Pierce Deferred Projects 03/10/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-D01.07 DESA - Southwest Deferred Projects 03/10/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-D01.08 DESA - Trade Deferred Projects 03/10/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-D01.09 DESA - Valley Deferred Projects 03/10/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-D01.10 DESA - West Deferred Projects 03/10/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-D01.11 DESA - VDK Deferred Projects 03/10/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-D01.12 DESA - Urban Wind Deferred Projects 03/10/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-501.05 Pierce - Near Net Zero Central Plant at M&O 12/1/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-801.03 Valley - Parking Lot C / Carport Structure 12/29/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-801.04 Valley - Parking Lot D / Carport Structure 12/29/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-801.05 Valley - M&O Parking Lot 12/29/2011 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-501.06 Pierce - Parking Lot 1 PV / Carport Structure 01/10/2012 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-501.07 Pierce - Parking Lot 8 PV / Carport Structure 01/10/2012 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-N01.03 VDK - Parking Lot PV / Carport Structure 01/18/2012 LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus 01C-178 Land Acquisition - Northeast 07/3/2002 LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus 21N-121 Demolition 12/15/2004 LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus 21N-131 Abatement, Demolition and Infrastructure 01/20/2005 LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus 21N-177 Temporary Facilities 03/29/2007 LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus 21N-179 Campus Wide Improvements 07/16/2008 LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus 21N-130 RWGPL - Roadways, Walkways, Grounds and Parking Lots 08/2/2008 BuildLACCD Attachment D 7 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus 21N-119 San Fernando Road Street Widening 10/29/2009 LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus 21N-115 New Education Building 11/24/2009 LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus 21N-118 Central Plant 11/24/2009 LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus 21N-120 Bakery Building 06/22/2010 LACCD Van de Kamp Innovation Campus 21N-178 Land Acquisition 10/29/2010 Pierce College 05P-576.01 Demolition of Temporary Facilities 09/30/2002 Pierce College 05P-526.01 Exhibition & Events Center - Phase 1 Stalls 10/2/2002 Pierce College 05P-573.02 Campus-Wide Improvements - Parking Lot 7 10/9/2002 Pierce College 05P-503 Campus-Wide Improvements - Fencing 11/1/2002 Pierce College 05P-505.01 Early Renovations - Administration Building - Lobby 01/31/2003 Pierce College 05P-505.03 Early Renovations - Administration Building - Reprographics 01/31/2003 Pierce College 05P-504 Student Store and Financial Aid Building 01/15/2004 Pierce College 05P-526.02 Exhibition & Events Center - Phase 1A 03/19/2004 Pierce College 05P-513.02 Phase I Renovations - Business Education - Cinema Lab 03/24/2004 Pierce College 05P-577.03 Temporary Facilities - Child Development 06/15/2004 Pierce College 05P-577.04 Child Development Center - Modifications 06/15/2004 Pierce College 05P-518.01 Early Renovations - Corridor Upgrade 11/25/2004 Pierce College 05P-577.02 Temporary Facilities - SMCI Trailers & Swing Space Utilities 04/15/2005 Pierce College 05P-527.02 P.E. Facilities - Football/Soccer Scoreboard 06/22/2005 Pierce College 05P-576.03 Demolition of Existing soils Labs 10/26/2005 Pierce College 05P-588.06 SMP - Backflow Device Replacement 07/14/2006 Pierce College 05P-519.05 Maintenance and Operations Building - Above Ground Fuel Storage 07/31/2006 Pierce College 05P-508 Library 03/16/2007 Pierce College 05P-577.01 Temporary Facilities - Relocation, Acquisition (Village) 04/9/2007 Pierce College 05P-525 Campus Sheriff Station 04/10/2007 Pierce College 05P-588.07 SMP - Campus System Clock Replacement 04/19/2007 Pierce College 05P-588.04 SMP - Repair Hazardous Walkways 06/23/2007 Pierce College 05P-573.13 RWGPL - Botanical Garden 02/15/2008 Pierce College 05P-588.05 SMP - Underground Piping Replacement 03/7/2008 Pierce College 05P-529 Old Book Store Renovation 04/4/2008 Pierce College 05P-579.06 Campus Improvements - Utilities Early Release Package 08/25/2008 Pierce College 05P-573.01 RWGPL - Brahma Drive 08/25/2008 Pierce College 05P-573.12 Early Release Package - El Rancho Road 08/25/2008 Pierce College 05P-576.02 Demolition of 20 Temporary Structures 08/25/2008 Pierce College 05P-573.05 RWGPL - East Parking Lot @ Exhibition / Ag Science 09/2/2008 Pierce College 05P-577.05 Temporary Village Expansion 09/2/2008 Pierce College 05P-573.11 RWGPL - Increase Parking Capacity 02/9/2009 Pierce College 05P-573.06 RWGPL - Parking Lot 1 02/9/2009 BuildLACCD Attachment D 8 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name Pierce College 05P-526.03 Exhibition & Events Center - Phase 1B Pierce College 05P-573.04 RWGPL - West Parking Lot 06/11/2009 Pierce College 05P-515 Phase I Renovations - Faculty Office 06/22/2009 Pierce College 05P-535.04 SLE - Student Community Center Great Hall Acoustics 07/12/2009 Pierce College 05P-577.07 Temporary Village Expansion - Partitions 07/27/2009 Pierce College 05P-522 Animal Science Facilities 07/31/2009 Pierce College 05P-577.06 Temporary Village Expansion - Electrical / Low Voltage 08/20/2009 Pierce College 05P-528 Student Services Building 10/12/2009 Pierce College 05P-588.08 SMP - Remove & Replace Transit Pipes 11/24/2009 Pierce College 05P-516 Phase I Renovations - Fine Arts and Music 12/30/2009 Pierce College 05P-544.02 Fire Alarm Panel Update 01/15/2010 Pierce College 05P-527.01 P.E. Facilities - General 02/1/2010 Pierce College 05P-527.03 P.E. Facilities - Pool Piping and Deck 02/1/2010 Pierce College 05P-579.01 Campus Improvements - Utilities 03/16/2010 Pierce College 05P-588.02 FHWA-Brahma Drive 03/26/2010 Pierce College 05P-573.08 RWGPL - Entrance Improvements 04/6/2010 Pierce College 05P-588.03 FTA Bus Rapid Transit Extension & Winnetka / Mason DeSoto Entrances 04/6/2010 Pierce College 05P-509 Child Development Center 08/2/2010 Pierce College 05P-501 Center for the Sciences 08/6/2010 Pierce College 05P-513.01 Phase I Renovations - Business Education 08/9/2010 Pierce College 05P-513.03 Phase I Renovations - Business Education - Computer Labs Renovation 08/9/2010 Pierce College 05P-543.06 RWGPL - Horticulture Intersection at Brahma Drive 08/15/2010 Pierce College 05P-508.01 Convert Existing Library 08/25/2010 Pierce College 05P-543.07 PLRW - Lot 6 West 09/15/2010 Pierce College 05P-535.01 SLE - College Services (CSB) Building Mailroom Relocation 09/24/2010 Pierce College 05P-579.05 Campus-Wide Improvements - Central Plant 01/7/2011 Pierce College 05P-535.06 SLE Temporary CDC Reuse 03/15/2011 Pierce College 05P-573.09 Landscape and Site Master Plan 05/31/2011 Pierce College 05P-519.01 Maintenance and Operations Building - Central 12/1/2011 Pierce College 05P-519.03 Maintenance and Operations Building - Refrigeration 12/1/2011 Pierce College 05P-540 New Maintenance and Operations Facility 12/1/2011 Pierce College 05P-544.03 Photovoltaic Arrays for Parking Lots 1 & 8 01/10/2012 Pierce College 05P-542.05 SMP - Irrigation Systems Replacement/Lot 5 05/22/2012 Pierce College 05P-535.08 SLE - Faculty Office Replastering 08/17/2012 Pierce College 05P-521.04 Measure J Animal Science Facilities 09/4/2012 Pierce College 05P-535.09 SLE- Campus Wide Improvements 11/30/2012 Pierce College 05P-541 Library/Learning Crossroads Building 03/22/2013 ELAC Firestone Factory Building 22G-278 Land Acquisition- Ameron 06/1/2006 BuildLACCD Attachment D 06/11/2009 9 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-676.01 Demolition - Utilities NE Quadrant (#1) 04/21/2005 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-601.01 Student Services, Education Center 11/11/2005 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-679.04 Campus Drinking Fountains 03/16/2006 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-676.03 Demolition of Bungalows - Interim Parking Ph 1.1 06/6/2006 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-608.02 PE Gym Acoustic/Sound System 07/20/2006 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-651 Temporary Parking for Phase 1.1 09/20/2006 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-673.01 RWGPL - Northeast Quadrant, Entry Plaza & Parking (#2) 10/30/2006 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-608 PE Gym - Master 07/11/2007 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-609 PE Gym 07/11/2007 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-676.06 Demolition of Exist CDC Bldgs. A, B, C, D 09/4/2007 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-601.03 SSEC Fire Alarm & Fire Sprinkler 10/15/2007 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-616 Child Development Center 11/27/2007 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-630.01 Maintenance and Operation Facility 03/6/2008 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-617 Maintenance and Operation Facility 03/7/2008 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-679.05 Campus IT and Telephone System 04/11/2008 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-676.05 Demolition of Bungalows - For Design Build 04/30/2008 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-678.03 Sign & Site Improvements 07/15/2008 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-673.02 Northeast Quadrant-Landscape, Lighting, Signage & Palm Court (#3) 07/25/2008 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-614 Technical Education Center - Modernization 08/21/2008 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-630.02 Design-Build Parking Structure, West Entry Drive and Parking Lot Facilities 08/29/2008 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-630.04 Campus Corner Sign 09/4/2008 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-679.07 Fire Alarm Network Upgrade SMP 09/11/2008 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-630.03 Campus Security Facility 10/29/2008 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-630.07 Fields & Courts Walking Track 01/23/2009 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-630.05 Design-Build Athletic Field House, Stadium 03/16/2009 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-611 Stadium Field House 03/18/2009 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-606 Student Services Activities Center 04/3/2009 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-606.02 Student Services Activities Cluster B 04/6/2009 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-630.06 Student Services Activities Center 04/6/2009 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-616.01 Child Development Center (CDC) SMART Classrooms 07/14/2009 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-623 Central Plant 07/21/2009 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-679.06 Site Improvements - Campus-Wide Perimeter Fence 10/29/2009 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-662.01 Central Plant Security Upgrade 04/1/2010 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-616.03 CDC Water Softener 05/26/2010 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-607.08 Cox Building - Elevator Modernization 09/28/2010 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-664.01 Campus-wide Technology Upgrades - Phase 1 10/6/2010 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-662.02 Child Development Center Security Upgrade - Phase 1 01/28/2011 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-622 SSAC Bookstore 02/1/2012 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-601.04 HVAC & Classroom Upgrades 04/18/2012 BuildLACCD Attachment D 10 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-679.08 Site Improvements - Campus East Pump House & Fire Water Upgrade 05/2/2012 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-663.02 Campus-Wide Storm Water Collection System 06/1/2012 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-633 Health Academy Building 08/8/2012 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-668 Northeast Quadrant Parking Structure 08/24/2012 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-708.01 Auto, Metal Building - Reroofing 03/2/2002 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-709.01 Art and Culinary Arts Building - Phase 1 05/1/2003 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-711.01 Construction Technology Building - General 07/16/2003 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-708.03 Auto, Metal Building - HVAC Upgrade and Hazardous Substance Removal 01/28/2005 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-714.01 Construction Technology Yard - Toilet modular Facilities 06/7/2005 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-708.05 Auto, Metal Building - Structural Upgrade 06/9/2005 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-710.02 Liberal Arts Building - Electrical Upgrade and Miscellaneous Work 09/24/2005 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-772.02 Emergency Lighting, Fire Alarm and Security Systems - Information Technology (IT) Conduit Installati 01/26/2006 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-710.03 Liberal Arts Building - Ceiling Mitigation Phase 2 08/12/2006 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-701.01 South Campus - Demolition 09/6/2006 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.02 Campus-Wide Improvements - Removal of Existing Fuel Tanks 10/18/2006 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-710.01 Liberal Arts Building - Utility Tunnel Repair 01/26/2007 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-713.01 Math and Science Building - Pumps and Others 05/19/2007 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-719 Olive Street Parking 08/17/2007 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-710.05 Liberal Arts - Renovation of Cosmetology Studios 09/8/2007 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.09 Trade-Technical-Campus Improvements Underground Fuel Tanks Phase ll 03/1/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-773.01 RWGPL - F Ramp 04/5/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-708.06 Auto, Metal Building - Structural Repairs Phase 2 05/13/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-712.02 Gymnasium - Replace Boiler - Swimming Pool 06/13/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-718.02 Building E - Relocate Telephone System 06/20/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.08 Campus Improvements - Onsite Telecommunication Services 06/26/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-706 Child Development Center 07/1/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-710.08 Liberal Arts Building - Utility Tunnel Repair Phase 2 07/30/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-711.06 UPGR. EXIST. CHALKBOARDS 10/21/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-715.05 UPGRADE EXIST. CHALKBOARD 10/21/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-711.03 Construction Technology Building - Miscellaneous Finish Upgrades 10/30/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-715.02 Fashion and Fine Arts Building - Miscellaneous Finish Upgrade 10/30/2008 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-772.03 Emergency Lighting, Fire Alarm and Security Systems - Electrical Site Distribution 01/14/2009 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-713.04 Math and Science Building - Repair HVAC Controls 02/26/2009 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-772.04 Emergency Lighting, Fire Alarm and Security Systems - Campus Security Systems 03/14/2009 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.01 Campus-Wide Improvements - New Fuel Tanks 03/14/2009 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-718.01 Building E - Space Heating System 09/19/2009 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-712.03 Gymnasium - Replace Domestic Hot Water Boiler and Tank 10/8/2009 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-701.06 South Campus - Undergrounding of Overhead Utilities 10/24/2009 BuildLACCD Attachment D 11 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-701.05 South Campus Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-711.07 Duct Cleaning 07/20/2010 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-723.01 Demolition of Facilities/Temporary Parking along Grand Avenue 07/20/2010 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.11 Campus-Wide Improvements - General 07/20/2010 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-713.09 Relocate Electronics Department in Building "K" 10/23/2010 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-772.01 Emergency Lighting, Fire Alarm and Security Systems - General 12/10/2010 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-717.01 Building C - Space Heating System 02/4/2011 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-710.13 A-Building East Wing Restoration and Modernization 02/8/2011 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-711.05 Construction Technology Building - Boiler Retrofit/Replacement 03/2/2011 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-715.01 Fashion and Fine Arts Building - HVAC Upgrade 03/25/2011 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-713.06 Math and Science Building - Space Heating System 04/23/2011 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.12 Campus-Wide Improvements General - Phase 2 06/24/2011 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-710.09 Liberal Arts Building - Refurbish Theater 09/6/2011 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-710.06 Liberal Arts - Replace Mechanic Pneumatic Controls 01/31/2012 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-710.07 A-Building West Wing Restoration and Modernization 10/1/2012 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-875.01 Campus-Wide Improvements - Restrooms - Priority 06/21/2004 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-820.01 Art Building - Gallery Ceiling 02/25/2005 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-817 Foreign Language Building 08/29/2005 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-805 Maintenance and Operations, Sheriff Station 03/27/2006 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-879.01 Campus-Wide Improvements - Utilities Infrastructure 05/30/2006 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-876.02 Demolition - Plant Facilities for Allied Health 06/7/2006 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-876.06 Demolition - Pedestrian Bridge over Ethel Avenue 06/7/2006 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-877.02 Temporary Facilities - Renovate Bungalows 06/26/2006 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-873.05 RWGPL - Phase 1 - Marquee 09/8/2006 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-873.06 RWGPL - Phase 1 Center Courtyard & Phase 1 Art Courtyard 11/15/2006 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-873.04 RWGPL - Phase 1 Courtyard, Monuments and Graphic 12/29/2006 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-835.02 Field House - Stadium Track and Practice Field 01/31/2007 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-818 Behavioral Science Building 02/1/2007 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-819.01 Campus Center Building - 2nd Floor Classrooms & Elevator 05/18/2007 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-877.05 Temporary Facilities - Move Business Office From Campus Center 08/16/2007 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-875.02 Campus-Wide Improvements - Restrooms 08/21/2007 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-812 Business Journalism Building 09/28/2007 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-835.03 Field House - Concession Stand & Restrooms 12/31/2007 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-879.03 Campus-Wide Improvements - IT Department 08/23/2008 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-820 Art Building - Renovation 08/31/2008 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-821 Music Building 09/1/2008 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-803 Allied Health and Sciences Center 09/12/2008 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-814 Engineering Building 09/30/2008 BuildLACCD 12/24/2009 Attachment D 12 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles Valley College 08V-815 Math and Science Building 09/30/2008 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-816 Humanities Building 10/31/2008 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-834 Theatre Arts Building 12/9/2008 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-823 Motion Picture Building - TV Broadcasting Studio Expansion 01/30/2009 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-828 Admin Building 02/28/2009 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-825 Gym Building 03/7/2009 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-879.02 Campus-Wide Improvements - Central Plant/Utilities Infrastructure 05/1/2009 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-813 Planetarium Building Modernization 06/19/2009 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-877.07 Temporary Facilities - Field House/Lockers 06/19/2009 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-877.09 Temporary Facilities - Library Relocation 06/20/2009 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-810 Life Sciences Building 07/14/2009 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-873.01 RWGPL - General 08/29/2009 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-873.08 RWGPL - Wayfinding and Site Furnishing - Phase 1 09/3/2009 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-876.04 Demolition - Exiting Library for Student Services 09/27/2009 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-831 Child Development Center 06/22/2010 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-809 Student Service Center 09/30/2010 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-832 Family Resource Center 02/1/2011 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-840 Parking Lots/Internal Roads 08/19/2011 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-802 Library and Learning Resource Center 05/25/2012 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-873.09 RWGPL - Library Border & Wayfinding Phase 2 08/29/2012 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-873.07 RWGPL- MTA Bus Station Extension 10/9/2012 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-879.05 Campus-Wide Improvement - IT Department Phase 2 10/26/2012 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.01 Campus Improvements - Athletic Complex 10/12/2004 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.14 Campus Improvements - Site and Lower Albert Vera Repairs 05/20/2005 West Los Angeles College 09W-902 Heldman Learning Resource Center 04/9/2007 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.06 Campus Improvements - Street Improvements 05/31/2007 West Los Angeles College 09W-973.02 Tree Buffer Landscape 11/5/2007 West Los Angeles College 09W-981.03 EIR (Temporary Haul Road) 02/1/2008 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.23 Campus Improvements - Recycling Center and Irrigation System 05/12/2008 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.24 Campus Improvements - Soccer Field/Baseball Field/Parking 06/16/2008 West Los Angeles College 09W-918 Plant Operations and Storage Facilities 12/22/2008 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.04 Campus Improvements - South Entry Plaza 01/21/2009 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.16 Campus Improvements - Temporary Parking Lot A 01/21/2009 West Los Angeles College 09W-905 Parking Structure - Lot 8 01/21/2009 West Los Angeles College 09W-972 Campus Improvements - Call for Assistance Phones 11/18/2009 West Los Angeles College 09W-972.02 EMERGENCY-LIGHT FIRE SEC 11/18/2009 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.26 CAM. IMP. PEDESTRIAN MALL 01/31/2010 West Los Angeles College 09W-901 Science and Math Building 02/26/2010 BuildLACCD Attachment D 13 of 14 PROJECTS COMPLETED PRIOR TO APRIL 2013 (PRE-AECOM) Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Project Name West Los Angeles College 09W-981.02 Second Access Road 03/31/2010 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.03 Campus Improvements - Bleachers and Restroom and Locker Rooms 05/24/2011 West Los Angeles College 09W-912 General Classroom 02/1/2012 West Los Angeles College 09W-904.01 Student Services Building - General 02/27/2012 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.07 Campus Improvements - Entry Green 04/12/2012 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.28 Campus Improvement- Street Improvements Upper Fire Service Road 07/30/2012 BuildLACCD Attachment D 14 of 14 Attachment “E” PROJECTS IN PROGRSS AS OF APRIL 2013 (AECOM) Design Start Date Substantial Completion Date Athletic Field 07/01/2002 09/30/2013 Health, Fitness, PE Building 05/01/2007 10/01/2013 01C-142 Temporary Facilities/3020 Wilshire 07/06/2007 09/01/2015 Los Angeles City College 01C-173.03 RWGPL - Traffic Mitigation 11/01/2007 03/29/2016 Los Angeles City College 01C-116.01 M&O FACILITIES 02/02/2009 11/22/2016 Los Angeles City College 01C-107 Clausen Hall Modernization 11/05/2009 02/09/2015 Los Angeles City College 01C-108 Da Vinci Hall 02/01/2011 11/30/2017 Los Angeles City College 01C-148 South Gym Modernization 03/15/2011 10/31/2018 East Los Angeles College 02E-218 Academic Network Integrated Backbone 11/26/2003 03/09/2017 East Los Angeles College 02E-222.02 Science Career & Mathematics Building - Demolition Phase 06/07/2004 04/23/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-215 Stadium Modernization - Phase 1 06/01/2005 06/24/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-230.01 Baseball Paving & Fencing 05/01/2007 04/19/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-230 Men's Baseball Field Renovation-Parking Lot to Baseball Field 10/27/2008 04/19/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-232 Health Careers Center 05/28/2009 10/25/2016 East Los Angeles College 02E-235 Marquees 06/10/2009 01/24/2014 East Los Angeles College 02E-231.01 F9-B2 Bungalows (Temp Space) 12/07/2009 07/03/2015 East Los Angeles College 02E-273.03 EAST-CENTRAL FIRE PUMP 05/01/2012 03/20/2015 East Los Angeles College 02E-206.03 Men's Fitness Center Conversion 06/15/2012 07/17/2013 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-348 New Learning Resource Center 05/01/2008 01/23/2014 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-366.03 Marquee Modernization 07/30/2009 09/30/2015 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-405 Media Arts Center 12/14/2007 12/07/2016 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-471.10 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - Smart Classrooms (SCR) 02/15/2008 09/15/2014 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.16 Roadway Improvement 10/17/2012 05/29/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-202.01 East - Trans and Accessibility Improvements- Phase 1 Exterior 06/09/2010 03/28/2014 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-701.05 Trade- East Parking Structure Addittional PV 11/16/2010 08/23/2016 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-102.01 City - Trans and Accessibility Improvements 04/15/2011 08/26/2013 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-702.01 Trade - Trans and Accessibility Improvements 05/17/2011 12/13/2018 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-201.02 M & DR - East 07/26/2011 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-301.02 M & DR - Harbor 07/26/2011 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-401.02 M & DR - Mission 07/26/2011 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-501.02 40J-601.02 M & DR - Pierce M & DR - Southwest 07/26/2011 07/26/2011 04/08/2015 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-701.02 M & DR - Trade 07/26/2011 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-801.02 M & DR - Valley 07/26/2011 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-901.02 M & DR - West 07/26/2011 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-N01.02 M & DR - Northeast 07/26/2011 04/08/2015 Pierce College 05P-521 Horticulture Building 02/11/2004 04/09/2018 College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles City College 01C-120 Los Angeles City College 01C-115 Los Angeles City College BuildLACCD Attachment E 1 of 2 PROJECTS IN PROGRSS AS OF APRIL 2013 (AECOM) Project Name Design Start Date Substantial Completion Date College Name Project ID Pierce College 05P-502 Life Science, Chemistry, Physics Building 05/12/2008 05/12/2016 Pierce College 05P-505.02 Phase II Renovations - Administration Building - Interior and Exterior 05/12/2008 05/12/2016 Pierce College 05P-507 Phase II Renovations - Computer Science and Computer Learning 05/12/2008 05/28/2017 Pierce College 05P-510 Phase II Renovations - Behavioral Science, Social science, Mathematics, and English Buildings 05/12/2008 05/28/2017 Pierce College 05P-530.01 Campus Center (Existing) - General 05/12/2008 05/12/2016 Pierce College 05P-535.02 SLE - North of Mall - Classroom Modernization/Technology/Low Voltage 05/12/2008 05/28/2017 Pierce College 05P-535.07 SLE Faculty Center/Campus Center 05/12/2008 05/12/2016 Pierce College 05P-542.06 SLE - North of Mall - ADA/Landscaping 05/12/2008 05/29/2017 Pierce College 05P-575 Restrooms Renovations Campus 05/12/2008 02/13/2018 Pierce College 05P-535.05 SLE Community Services/Agriculture Science Building Renovation 06/22/2009 10/26/2016 Pierce College 05P-526.06 Exhibition & Events Center - Phase 1B - Fence Relocation 05/03/2010 03/28/2014 Pierce College 05P-544.04 Campus-wide Telecommunications Upgrade (VoIP) 02/28/2011 10/01/2015 Pierce College 05P-544.01 Infrastructure - Campus-Wide Utilities Extensions 06/10/2011 12/22/2018 Pierce College 05P-535.10 SLE - Center for the Sciences Technology Upgrades 11/04/2011 05/30/2018 Pierce College 05P-527.04 P.E. Facilities - Improvements 12/06/2011 10/01/2018 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-663.01 Cal Trans Pony Wall 07/09/2009 05/11/2017 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-702.01 Learning Assistance Center/Library Renovation 05/01/2007 07/22/2013 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.10 Campus-Wide Information Technology Upgrade 09/03/2009 03/27/2015 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-701.07 South Campus - Upgrade Security Doors 10/01/2012 09/21/2015 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.15 Demo of Elm & Aloe Hall 03/29/2013 06/04/2015 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-876.09 Demolition - Bungalows 80-85 11/12/2004 11/28/2017 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-801 Media and Performing Arts Center 06/25/2009 12/19/2017 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-837 Athletic Training Facility 08/07/2009 11/27/2015 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-848 Business Renovation (for Env Ctr/AHS/EMS) 09/11/2012 09/05/2013 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-846 Panorama City Education 11/27/2012 05/27/2015 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.29 Infrastructure Bus Route Turn Around 05/10/2012 04/18/2013 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.32 Campus Wide Fiber Optic Backbone 06/13/2012 07/03/2014 West Los Angeles College 09W-901.01 Science and Math Building - Energy Infrastructure Improvements 06/14/2012 04/12/2013 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.30 Campus Improvement- Street Improvements Lower Fire Service Road 06/14/2012 07/09/2014 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.33 Demolition of Temporary & Obsolete Facilities 08/06/2012 08/24/2013 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.31 Campus Wide Fire Alarm Monitoring Upgrade 11/08/2012 02/08/2016 West Los Angeles College 09W-974 Campus Improvements - Signage for Safety and Public Information 03/21/2013 07/25/2014 BuildLACCD Attachment E 2 of 2 Attachment “F” PROJECTS WITH A DESIGN START SINCE APRIL 2013 (AECOM) College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles City College 01C-159 01C-150.02 01C-151.01 01C-106 Parking Lot 1 Improvement Demolition of Chemistry Building Demolition of Life Science Building Cesar Chavez - Admin Building Modernization 05/30/2013 09/09/2013 09/09/2013 12/10/2013 East Los Angeles College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Mission College 02E-234.02 04M-402.01 04M-418.01 04M-425 Site Restorations at Bungalow Complexes Health and PE, Fitness Center Utility Interconnection East Campus Utility Interconnection Central Energy Plant 03/02/2015 11/03/2014 09/08/2015 09/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-602.01 40J-101.02 Southwest - Trans and Accessibility Improvements M & DR - City 05/07/2013 12/17/2014 Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-614.01 06S-615.03 HAVC Upgrades Transit Centers 12/31/2014 04/17/2015 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-702.03 07T-720.03 Remove Swing Space Trailers East Campus Grounds Improvements 02/10/2014 07/06/2015 West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College 09W-952 09W-973.03 09W-979.34 09W-916 09W-941 09W-951.01 09W-979.35 Campus Entry Signage Campus Wide Paving Upgrade Central Plant Phase 2 Performing Arts Amphitheater Physical Education & Dance Technology Learning Center 2 Campus Wide Security Upgrade 04/24/2013 05/02/2013 05/02/2013 05/26/2015 05/26/2015 05/29/2015 09/24/2015 BuildLACCD Attachment F Design Start Date 1 of 1 Attachment “G” PROJECTS WITH A CONSTRUCTION START SINCE APRIL 2013 (AECOM) College Name Project Name Los Angeles City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles City College Los Angeles City College East Los Angeles College East Los Angeles College East Los Angeles College East Los Angeles College East Los Angeles College Parking Lot 1 Improvement Demolition of Chemistry Building Demolition of Life Science Building Life Sciences Building Improvements RWGPL - Traffic Mitigation Men's Fitness Center Conversion Sewer Spill Clean Up at F7 Science Career & Mathematics Building G5 Classroom/Labs Science Career & Mathematics Building G7 (Lecture Bldg.) EAST-CENTRAL FIRE PUMP 08/19/2013 09/09/2013 09/09/2013 06/30/2014 12/15/2014 06/10/2013 12/16/2013 04/23/2014 04/23/2014 02/28/2015 Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Mission College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College Los Angeles Pierce College RWGPL-Accessible Parking Campus Modernization Phase 1 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - Smart Classrooms (SCR) Roadway Improvement Campus Modernization Phase 2 Exhibition & Events Center - Phase 1B - Fence Relocation Performing Arts Building ADA Improvements Stadium ADA Improvements Campus-wide Telecommunications Upgrade Phase II Renovations - Administration Building - Interior and Exterior Phase II Renovations - Computer Science and Computer Learning Phase II Renovations - Behavioral Science, Social science, Mathematics, and English Buildings Campus Center (Existing) - General SLE - North of Mall - Classrooms/Technology/Low Voltage SLE - Faculty Center / Campus Center SLE - North of Mall - ADA/Landscaping Center for the Sciences Life Science, Chemistry, Physics Building 09/17/2013 10/02/2013 10/28/2013 02/03/2014 04/21/2014 10/29/2013 12/10/2014 01/26/2015 06/10/2015 08/14/2015 08/14/2015 08/14/2015 08/14/2015 08/14/2015 08/14/2015 08/14/2015 09/28/2015 09/28/2015 Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Southwest College Cox Building - Little Theater Upgrade Cox Building Upgrade Campus-wide Infrastructure -Phase II (HV Campus Loop) HAVC Upgrades 07/01/2013 07/01/2013 06/08/2015 06/11/2015 BuildLACCD Construction Date Attachment G 1 of 2 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Construction Technology Building Demo of Elm & Aloe Hall Remove Swing Space Trailers South Campus - Upgrade Security Doors East Campus Substation and Elec'l Distribution System East Campus Grounds Improvements 04/18/2013 11/04/2014 11/04/2014 12/12/2014 07/06/2015 08/26/2015 Los Angeles Valley College Los Angeles Valley College Los Angeles Valley College Los Angeles Valley College Los Angeles Valley College Los Angeles Valley College Los Angeles Valley College Multi-purpose Community Services Center Parking Structure Work Force Development Ctr/Admin. Bld. (VGG)- (Omega Data Center) Bungalow Upgrade Monarch Center Athletic Training Facility Work Force Development Ctr/Admin. Bld. (VGG)-(Administration Building) 04/15/2013 11/04/2013 01/28/2014 04/14/2014 09/22/2014 10/02/2014 10/28/2014 West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College West Los Angeles College Second Access Road Storm Water Catch Basin Inserts Project #6 - West Storm Water Project #2,#3, #4 Storm Water Infiltration Science and Math Building - Energy Infrastructure Improvement Campus Improvement- Street Improvements Lower Fire Service Road Campus Wide Fiber Optic Backbone Campus Improvements - Signage for Safety and Public Information Campus Wide Paving Upgrade Trans and Accessibility Improvements - Signage Campus Entry Signage 08/05/2013 08/12/2013 08/12/2013 08/26/2013 11/12/2013 12/02/2013 06/16/2014 12/20/2014 06/30/2015 08/04/2015 BuildLACCD Attachment G 2 of 2 Attachment “H” PROJECTS OCCUPIED SINCE APRIL 2013 (AECOM) College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles City College 01C-159 Parking Lot 1 Improvement 09/22/2013 Los Angeles City College 01C-120 Athletic Field 10/14/2013 Los Angeles City College 01C-115 Health, Fitness, PE Building 01/06/2014 Los Angeles City College 01C-107 Clausen Hall Modernization 02/09/2015 Los Angeles City College 01C-147 Learning Support Center 08/12/2015 District 10D-078 District HQ 02/28/2014 East Los Angeles College 02E-221.02 Transit Center Accessibility 04/30/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-230.01 Baseball Paving & Fencing 05/29/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-230 Men's Baseball Field Renovation-Parking Lot to Baseball Field 05/29/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-206.03 Men's Fitness Center Conversion 07/24/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-215 Stadium Modernization - Phase 1 09/06/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-228.01 Sewer Spill Clean Up at F7 02/06/2014 East Los Angeles College 02E-235 Marquees 02/19/2014 East Los Angeles College 02E-273.03 EAST-CENTRAL FIRE PUMP 04/02/2015 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-344 Science Complex 08/12/2013 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-350.08 Nursing Building HVAC 08/22/2013 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-350.07 S.A.I.L.S-SPS / Health Center 12/04/2013 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-348 New Learning Resource Center 04/07/2014 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-307 Theater Drama Speech Building 09/23/2015 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-366.03 Marquee Modernization 09/30/2015 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.17 RWGPL-Accessible Parking 09/29/2013 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-414 Plant Facilities and Central Plant 07/16/2015 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-471.10 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - Smart Classrooms (SCR) 09/01/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-J05.05 e-discovery and Remote Access 06/28/2013 Pierce College 05P-531.01 New Library Project - General 04/10/2013 Pierce College 05P-541 Library/Learning Crossroads Building 04/10/2013 Pierce College 05P-526.06 Exhibition & Events Center - Phase 1B - Fence Relocation 03/28/2014 Pierce College 05P-543 Parking Lots and Roadways 08/14/2014 Pierce College 05P-544 Infrastructure Expansion Master 08/14/2014 Pierce College 05P-543.05 Parking Lots and Roadways - Off-site Traffic Mitigation 08/15/2014 BuildLACCD Attachment H Building Occupancy Date 1 of 2 Pierce College 05P-579.02 Campus Improvements - Traffic Mitigation 08/15/2014 Pierce College 05P-518.03 Early Renovations - Theater Building - Performing Arts 01/31/2015 Pierce College 05P-518.04 Performing Arts Building Improvements 01/31/2015 Pierce College 05P-537 Stadium ADA Improvements 09/24/2015 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-667 Fitness and Wellness Center 01/31/2014 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-607.10 Cox Building Upgrade 02/09/2015 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-631 School of Career & Technical Education 02/27/2015 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-607.09 Cox Building - Little Theater Upgrade 05/15/2015 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-702.01 Learning Assistance Center/Library Renovation 07/22/2013 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.13 Campus-Wide Improvements General - Phase 3 04/18/2014 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.10 Campus-Wide Information Technology Upgrade 04/30/2014 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-702.03 Remove Swing Space Trailers 08/28/2015 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-849.04 Bungalow Upgrade 07/30/2014 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-841 Parking Structure 09/02/2014 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-839 Multi-Purpose Community Services Center 02/09/2015 West Los Angeles College 09W-901.01 Science and Math Building - Energy Infrastructure Improvements 04/15/2013 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.29 Infrastructure Bus Route Turn Around 04/18/2013 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.27 Campus Improvements - IT Renovation Phase 2 07/19/2013 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.32 Campus Wide Fiber Optic Backbone 07/03/2014 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.30 Campus Improvement- Street Improvements Lower Fire Service Road 07/06/2014 West Los Angeles College 09W-973.03 Campus Wide Paving Upgrade 12/22/2014 West Los Angeles College 09W-952 Campus Entry Signage 09/18/2015 BuildLACCD Attachment H 2 of 2 Attachment “I” PROJECTS COMPLETED SINCE APRIL 2013 (AECOM) College Name Project ID Project Name Los Angeles City College 01C-150.02 Demolition of Chemistry Building 09/09/2013 Los Angeles City College 01C-151.01 Demolition of Life Science Building 09/09/2013 Los Angeles City College 01C-147.01 Demolition of Cafeteria 09/09/2013 Los Angeles City College 01C-159 Parking Lot 1 Improvement 09/22/2013 Los Angeles City College 01C-120 Athletic Field 09/30/2013 Los Angeles City College 01C-115 Health, Fitness, PE Building 10/01/2013 Los Angeles City College 01C-134.01 Demolition of Learning Resource Center 06/30/2014 Los Angeles City College 01C-107 Clausen Hall Modernization 02/09/2015 Los Angeles City College 01C-147 Learning Support Center 08/12/2015 East Los Angeles College 02E-230.01 Baseball Paving & Fencing 04/19/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-230 Men's Baseball Field Renovation-Parking Lot to Baseball Field 04/19/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-222.02 Science Career & Mathematics Building - Demolition Phase 04/23/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-215 Stadium Modernization - Phase 1 06/24/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-231.02 Campus Student Center/ Book Store Complex - Demolition 06/26/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-206.03 Men's Fitness Center Conversion 07/17/2013 East Los Angeles College 02E-228.01 Sewer Spill Clean Up at F7 01/04/2014 East Los Angeles College 02E-235 Marquees 01/24/2014 East Los Angeles College 02E-273.03 EAST-CENTRAL FIRE PUMP 03/20/2015 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-350.09 S.A.I.L.S. Demolition Bungalows 06/07/2013 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-344 Science Complex 08/11/2013 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-350.08 Nursing Building HVAC 08/22/2013 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-350.07 S.A.I.L.S-SPS / Health Center 12/06/2013 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-348 New Learning Resource Center 01/23/2014 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-307 Theater Drama Speech Building 09/08/2015 Los Angeles Harbor College 03H-366.03 Marquee Modernization 09/30/2015 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.17 RWGPL-Accessible Parking 09/29/2013 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-471.10 Campus-Wide Infrastructure - Smart Classrooms (SCR) 09/15/2014 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-473.16 Roadway Improvement 05/29/2015 Los Angeles Mission College 04M-414 Plant Facilities and Central Plant 06/17/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-102.01 City - Trans and Accessibility Improvements 08/26/2013 BuildLACCD Attachment I Completion Date 1 of 3 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-202.01 East - Trans and Accessibility Improvements- Phase 1 Exterior District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-201.02 M & DR - East 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-301.02 M & DR - Harbor 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-401.02 M & DR - Mission 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-501.02 M & DR - Pierce 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-601.02 M & DR - Southwest 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-701.02 M & DR - Trade 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-801.02 M & DR - Valley 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-901.02 M & DR - West 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-N01.02 M & DR - Northeast 04/08/2015 District Wide Multi-Campus 40J-101.02 M & DR - City 04/08/2015 Pierce College 05P-526.06 Exhibition & Events Center - Phase 1B - Fence Relocation 03/28/2014 Pierce College 05P-518.04 Performing Arts Building Improvements 09/10/2014 Pierce College 05P-518.03 Early Renovations - Theater Building - Performing Arts 01/26/2015 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-667 Fitness and Wellness Center 01/17/2014 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-607.10 Cox Building Upgrade 12/23/2014 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-631 School of Career & Technical Education 12/31/2014 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-664 Campus Wide Technology Upgrades 12/31/2014 Los Angeles Southwest College 06S-607.09 Cox Building - Little Theater Upgrade 04/30/2015 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-702.01 Learning Assistance Center/Library Renovation 07/22/2013 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.13 Campus-Wide Improvements General - Phase 3 05/09/2014 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.10 Campus-Wide Information Technology Upgrade 03/27/2015 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-779.15 Demo of Elm & Aloe Hall 06/04/2015 Los Angeles Trade-Tech College 07T-702.03 Remove Swing Space Trailers 06/04/2015 Los Angeles Valley College 08V-841 Parking Structure 02/06/2015 West Los Angeles College 09W-901.01 Science and Math Building - Energy Infrastructure Improvements 04/12/2013 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.29 Infrastructure Bus Route Turn Around 04/18/2013 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.33 Demolition of Temporary & Obsolete Facilities 08/24/2013 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.02 Central Plant Phase 1 09/01/2013 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.32 Campus Wide Fiber Optic Backbone 07/03/2014 West Los Angeles College 09W-979.30 Campus Improvement- Street Improvements Lower Fire Service Road 07/09/2014 West Los Angeles College 09W-974 Campus Improvements - Signage for Safety and Public Information 07/25/2014 West Los Angeles College 09W-973.03 Campus Wide Paving Upgrade 12/22/2014 BuildLACCD Attachment I 03/28/2014 2 of 3 West Los Angeles College BuildLACCD 09W-952 Campus Entry Signage Attachment I 09/18/2015 3 of 3