MINIMUM PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS LAST UPDATED: January 2011 LEED 2009 Minimum Program Requirements Apply to LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations, LEED 2009 for Core & Shell development, LEED 2009 for Schools, LEED 2009 for Commercial Interiors, and LEED 2009 for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance, LEED for Retail – New Construction, LEED for Retail – Commercial Interiors, LEED for Healthcare Do not apply to LEED for Homes, LEED for Neighborhood Development, or any LEED rating system adopted prior to 2009 Version January 2011 The only change made in this version is the indication that the MPRs apply to recently launched rating systems. These rating systems include: LEED for Retail – New Construction, LEED for Retail – Commercial Interiors, and LEED for Healthcare INTRODUCTION This document identifies the MPRs, or minimum characteristics that a project must possess in order to be eligible for LEED Certification. These requirements define the types of buildings that the LEED Green Building Rating Systems were designed to evaluate, and taken together serve three goals: to give clear guidance to customers, to protect the integrity of the LEED program, and to reduce complications that occur during the LEED certification process. The requirements in this document will apply to all those, and only those projects seeking to demonstrate conformance with the rating systems listed above. Definitions, exceptions, and more extensive guidance relating to these MPRs are available in a separate document titled: LEED 2009 MPR Supplemental Guidance. Terms that are italicized and underlined here are defined in the Supplemental Guidance document (they are marked as such only the first time that they appear). At this time U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. has authorized the Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) to confer LEED Certification. GBCI has agreed to consider requests for exceptions to MPRs that are not already defined in the LEED 2009 MPR Supplemental Guidance document on a case-by-case basis for special circumstances. In addition to complying with the MPRs, a project must also demonstrate compliance with all rating system requirements in order to achieve LEED Certification. 1. MUST M CO OMPLY WITH W EN NVIRON NMENTA AL LAWS S New Construc ction, Core e & Shell, Schools s, Commerrcial Interriors, Retaiil – New Co onstruction, Retail – Commerc cial Interiorrs, Healthc care The LEED L project building or space, all otther real pro operty within the LEED project p bound dary, and all project workk must comp ply with applicable federal, state, and local buildin ng-related envvironmental la aws and regu ulations in place where the e project is loccated. This condition c must be satisfie ed from the date of LE EED project registration r o the or commencement of schematic design, d whichever comes first, f up and until the date e that es a certificate e of occupanccy or similar official o indicattion that it is fit f and the building receive ready for use. Existting Buildin ngs: O&M The LE EED project building, b all other o real prop perty within th he LEED projject boundaryy, any projectt work, and all normal building b operations occurring within the LEED project p buildin ng and the LE EED project boundary b musst comply witth applicable federal, state e, and local building-relate b ed environme ental laws an nd regulationss in place wh here the project is located d. This condition must be e satisfied from m the comme encement of the t LEED pro oject’s initial LEED-EB: O&M O perform mance period through the expiration date d of the LEED cation. Certific All Rating Systems A laps se in a projecct’s compliancce with a build ding-related environmenta e al law or regu ulation that re esults from an a unforesee en and unavo oidable circu umstance sha all not necesssarily result in non-compliance with th his MPR. Such lapses shall be excuse ed so long ass they mediated as soon s as feasibly possible. are rem 2. MUST M BE E A COM MPLETE E, PERM MANENT BUILDIING OR SPACE All Rating Systems All LEED projects must m be designed for, con nstructed on, and operate ed on a permanent on on alreadyy existing land d. LEED pro ojects shall not consist of mobile strucctures, locatio equipm ment, or vehiccles. No build ding or space e that is desig gned to move e at any pointt in its lifetime e may pursue e LEED Certiffication. New Constructtion, Core & Shell, Sc chools, Re etail – New w Construction, Healtthcare LEED projects mu ust include th he new, ground-up desig gn and consstruction, or major ation, of at lea ast one comm mercial, institutional, or hig gh-rise reside ential building g in its renova entiretty. Comm mercial Intteriors, Retail – Commercial Intteriors, The LEED L project scope mustt include a complete c inte erior space distinct d from other spaces s within the e same build ding with re egards to at least one of the follo owing charac cteristics: own nership, mana agement, leasse, or party wall w separation n. ngs: O&M Existting Buildin LEED projects musst include at least one exxisting commercial, institutional, or high-rise residential building in its entirety. 3. MUST M US SE A RE EASONA ABLE SIT TE BOUNDARY New Construc ction, Core e and Shell, Schoo ols, Existiing Buildings: O&M, Retail – New N Consttruction, Healthcare 1. The LEED project bounndary must innclude all conntiguous land that is assocciated 2. 3. 4. 5. s norm mal building operations for f the LEED D project buiilding, with and supports including all land that wa as or will be disturbed for the purpose of undertakin ng the ect. LEED proje The LEED project boundary may nott include land d that is owne ed by a party other w owns th he LEED projject unless th hat land is asssociated with h and than that which supports no ormal building g operations for f the LEED project building. LEED proje ects located on o a campus must have prroject bounda aries such tha at if all the building gs on campu us become LE EED certified d, then 100% of the grosss land area on th he campus would be in ncluded within a LEED boundary. If this requiremen nt is in conflictt with MPR #7, Must Comply with Minim mum Building g Area to Site Area a Ratio, then MPR #7 will take t preceden nce. Any given parcel p of real property mayy only be attrributed to a siingle LEED project p building. dering of a LE EED project boundary is prrohibited: the boundary ma ay not Gerrymand unreasonab bly exclude sections s of land to creatte boundariess in unreaso onable shapes for the sole purp pose of compllying with prerequisites or credits. Comm mercial Intteriors, Rettail – Comm mercial Interriors If any land was or will w be disturb bed for the pu urpose of undertaking the LEED L projectt, then ncluded within n the LEED project bounda ary. that land must be in 4. MUST M CO OMPLY WITH W MINIMUM M FLOOR R AREA REQ QUIREM MENTS New Construc ction, Core e and Shell, Schoo ols, Existiing Buildings: O&M, Retail – New N Consttruction, Healthcare The LEED project must include e a minimum of 1,000 squ uare feet (93 square mete ers) of f area. gross floor Comm mercial Intteriors, Retail – Commercial Intteriors The LEED project must include e a minimum m of 250 squa are feet (22 square mete ers) of f area. gross floor 5. MUST COM MPLY WIITH MINIM MUM OC CCUPANC CY RATE ES New Construc ction, Core e & Shell, Schools s, Commerrcial Interriors, Retaiil – New Co onstruction, Retail – Commerc cial Interiorrs, Healthc care Full Tiime Equivalen nt Occupancyy The LEED L projectt must serve e 1 or more e Full Time Equivalent (F FTE) occupa ant(s), calcula ated as an an nnual average e in order to use u LEED in its entirety. Iff the project serves s less th han 1 annua alized FTE, optional o cred dits from the Indoor Enviironmental Quality Q catego ory may not be earned (the e prerequisite es must still be e earned). Existting Buildin ngs: O&M Full Tiime Equivalen nt Occupancyy The LEED L projectt must serve e 1 or more e Full Time Equivalent (F FTE) occupa ant(s), calcula ated as an an nnual average e in order to use u LEED in its entirety. Iff the project serves s less th han 1 annua alized FTE, optional o cred dits from the Indoor Enviironmental Quality Q catego ory may not be earned (the e prerequisite es must still be e earned). um Occupanccy Rate Minimu The LEED project must be in a state of tyypical physiccal occupancyy, and all bu uilding ms must be operating at a capacity neccessary to serrve the curren nt occupants,, for a system period that includess all performa ance periods as a well as at least the 12 continuous c m months diately preced ding the first submission s fo or a review. immed M CO OMMIT TO T SHAR RING WHOLE-B W BUILDING 6. MUST ENE ERGY AND WAT TER USA AGE DA ATA All Rating Systems All cerrtified projectss must commit to sharing with w USGBC and/or a GBCI all available actual a whole--project energ gy and water usage data for f a period of o at least 5 years. y This period p starts on the date that the LEE ED project be egins typical physical p occu upancy if certtifying uction, Core & Shell, Schools, or Comm mercial Interiors, or the datte that under New Constru uilding is awa arded certifica ation if certifyying under Exxisting Buildings: Operatio ons & the bu Mainte enance. Sharring this data a includes supplying inform mation on a regular basiss in a free, accessible, a an nd secure onliine tool or, if necessary, n ta aking any action to authorizze the collecttion of inform mation directlyy from service e or utility pro oviders. This commitment must carry forward f if the building or sp pace changess ownership or o lessee. 7. MUST M CO OMPLY WITH W A MINIMU UM BUIL LDING ARE EA TO SITE S ARE EA RATIO All Rating Systems The grross floor are ea of the LEE ED project building must be no less tha an 2% of the gross land area within the e LEED projecct boundary.