Strictly Classified Ending the Year on a Positive Note

Resource Information for Classified Employees
Strictly Classified
An Informational Bulletin Published by the Personnel Commission
Ending the Year
on a Positive Note
As the end of the year approaches, it is common for people in both their personal and professional lives to reflect back on what they have accomplished throughout the year, as well as think about what they can do to end
the year on a positive note. The last few weeks of the year are often filled with parties and celebrations which
can be fun and exciting, but also time-consuming and distracting. Nevertheless, it’s a good idea to set aside
time at work to think about how you can acknowledge the contributions of fellow employees, as well prepare
for the new year ahead.
Recognize the Contributions of Others
Employees often feel pressure to buy gifts for their colleagues in order to show their appreciation during the
holiday season. However, there are many other ways you can recognize the contributions of your fellow staff
members. Perhaps the most meaningful way is to write personal cards or notes to those who have supported
you at work and enabled you to succeed. If someone has made contributions that are particularly meaningful
or important to you, consider taking him/her out to lunch in lieu of a gift. Doing so will allow you to show
your appreciation, as well as offer an opportunity to get to know your colleague better.
Tie Up Loose Ends
If there are projects or reports that can be completed before the end of the year, do your best to wrap them up
before the holidays begin. This will enable you to enjoy time off without worrying about work.
Get Your Work Space in Order
It’s a good idea to set aside time near the end of the year to get your work space in order. Get the new year off
to a positive start by considering the following suggestions:
• Clean off your desk top. Properly store materials and documents you will need going forward. Dispose
of unnecessary or duplicate paperwork.
• Review your files and other stored items. Make sure everything is well-organized, and determine if
there is anything that can be disposed of.
James A. Srott, Chair
December 2007
David Iwata
Henry Jones
Karen Martin, Personnel Director
(213) 891-2333
Organize your computer’s hard drive and back up important files. Just like paperwork tends to accumulate on your desk and filing systems tend to become disorganized throughout the year, your computer
also tends to become disorganized and filled with unnecessary documents and files. Cleaning out your
hard drive and organizing your computer files will improve your computers performance and allow you to
be more efficient.
Plan the Year Ahead
Take the time to mark important projects or events coming up in the new year on your calendar. Thinking
ahead will allow you to better set timelines for accomplishing goals in a timely manner, as well as accommodate smaller projects and everyday tasks into your schedule. Additionally, thinking about your work schedule
ahead of time will help you plan vacations and other significant events in your personal life.
Be Sensitive to the Practices of Others
The holiday season offers an excellent opportunity to learn about the cultural practices and traditions of your
coworkers. Take the time to find out about how your colleagues celebrate the holidays and try to acknowledge
events that are significant to them. This well not only help you grow as an individual, it will also help you to
develop better relationships with your coworkers.
Enjoy the holidays!