1 BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks Press Release of Banco de Portugal on the results of the comprehensive assessment of banks The European Central Bank publishes today the results of the comprehensive assessment of euro area banks. This assessment included an Asset Quality Review (AQR) and a stress test. In Portugal, the assessment initially included Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Banco BPI, Banco Comercial Português and Espírito Santo Financial Group. As a result of the resolution measure applied to Banco Espírito Santo, it was decided not to include this bank in the disclosure of results of the comprehensive assessment, given that it would not be possible to timely conclude this exercise for Novo Banco. The results of the AQR and the baseline scenario of the stress test (2014-2016) make it possible to ascertain the resilience of the Portuguese banks covered in the test and show that they have adequate capitalisation levels. In both cases, all banks register capital ratios above the threshold of 8%. Under the adverse stress test scenario, which is deemed unlikely, the Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio projected for Banco Comercial Português in December 2016 falls short of the 5.5% threshold. The institution has already identified a set of measures to fully cover the shortfall detected. These measures shall be incorporated in the capital plan to be submitted to the European Central Bank, as foreseen in the exercise. It should be noted that the adverse stress test scenario is particularly severe, given that the stress test starting point (December 2013) was very unfavourable as a result of the negative performance of the Portuguese economy in the recent past. Moreover, in the particular case of BCP, the stress test did not fully reflect the globally positive developments resulting from the implementation of the restructuring plan negotiated with the European Commission. 1. Comprehensive assessment In October 2013, the European Central Bank (ECB) announced that it would conduct a comprehensive assessment of euro area banks, in collaboration with the national competent authorities responsible for supervision. The assessment was expected to be concluded prior to the ECB assuming full responsibility for supervision as part of the Single Supervisory Mechanism on 4 November 2014. The comprehensive assessment reviewed 130 banks of euro area countries. The objectives of this exercise were to (i) strengthen banks' balance sheets by repairing the problems identified, (ii) enhance transparency and improve the quality of information on the condition of the banks and (iii) build confidence in banks. The comprehensive assessment included an Asset Quality Review (AQR) and a stress test. These two exercises were designed in an articulated manner, and the AQR and stress test results were integrated through the join-up process defined for the purpose. 2 BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks Within the AQR, a detailed review was performed of banks' balance sheets as at 31 December 2013, examining whether assets, collateral and the respective provisions were properly valued. The stress test provided a forward-looking examination of the resilience of banks’ solvency under two macroeconomic scenarios: a baseline scenario and an adverse scenario. The latter, although plausible, is unlikely to occur. 2. AQR – Asset quality review The objectives of the asset quality review (AQR) were to examine whether assets, collateral and related impairments were properly valued, thus enhancing the level of transparency associated with banks' exposures. The AQR focused on the most risky balance-sheet items, selected in accordance with a uniform methodology and harmonised definitions. This exercise therefore sought to maintain a level playing field across the different jurisdictions within the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), in a context where there are still differences among countries as regards the definition of regulatory capital. This evaluation delivered, where necessary, a review of the impairments associated with each bank's exposures. The increase in impairments as a result of the AQR led to the calculation of adjusted CET1 ratios, allowing for an actual comparison of all 130 banks that are part of the SSM. 3. Stress test The stress test assessed the resilience of banks to different macroeconomic scenarios. The institutions' financial and prudential results were projected on the basis of balance-sheet data for December 2013, adjusted for the AQR results. Projections have a three-year time horizon, i.e. up to December 2016. The relevant variable for the analysis is the CET1 ratio. The macroeconomic and financial scenarios The stress test was performed in two different scenarios. The baseline scenario was prepared by the European Commission and reflected the then official macroeconomic projections. The adverse scenario was set by applying deviations from the baseline scenario stemming from low-probability shocks, albeit plausible, with an impact on the macroeconomic and financial variables. These shocks corresponded to the materialisation of the main systemic risks: an increase in global government bond yields; a further deterioration in credit quality in economies with feeble aggregate demand and still vulnerable banking systems; stalling reforms raising concerns on the sustainability of public finances; and the lack of necessary balance sheet repair to maintain affordable market funding. 3 BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks The scenarios for Portugal The baseline scenario of the stress test assumed a gradual recovery in economic activity in Portugal. The adverse scenario incorporated particularly severe assumptions, including: A protracted recession period in the Portuguese economy, with a cumulative reduction in economic activity of more than 10%, over the 2011-16 period; A projected unemployment rate for 2015 of more than 18%, with only a slight decline in the following year; A significant increase in long-term government debt yields, with an impact on the economy’s financing and the valuation of banks' debt securities portfolios. Both scenarios assumed a substantial reduction in housing prices: around 10% in the baseline scenario and 20% in the adverse scenario (in cumulative terms). Compared with the latest projections, only the GDP growth rate for 2014 is identical to that foreseen in the baseline scenario. Developments have been more favourable in variables for unemployment, government bond yields and housing prices. Given such developments, the adverse scenario projections, which are much more severe than those for the baseline scenario, are much less likely to materialise. Main variables of the macroeconomic and financial scenarios Baseline scenario GDP at constant prices (annual rate of change (%)) Unemployment (as a % of labour force) Long-term interest rates (ten-year Treasury bonds (%)) Residential property prices (annual rate of change (%)) 2014 08 16.8 5.1 -5.6 Portugal 2015 15 16 5 5.4 -3.9 2016 1.7 14 5 55 -1 3 European Union 2014 2015 2016 1.5 2.0 1.8 10.7 10.4 10.1 29 3.2 3.3 09 2.7 3.8 Adverse scenario GDP at constant prices (annual rate of change (%)) Unemployment (as a % of labour force) Long-term interest rates (ten-year Treasury bonds (%)) Residential property prices (annual rate of change (%)) 2014 -0.8 17.2 7.4 -9.3 2015 -2.3 18 2 7.1 -7.5 2016 -1.1 17.4 72 -4.6 2014 -0.7 11.3 4.4 -7.9 2015 -1 5 12 3 4.3 -6 2 2016 0.1 13 0 4.4 -2.1 4 BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks Methodology The stress test was performed under a general static balance sheet assumption. Under this assumption, balance sheet items remain constant (as at December 2013) and the financial instruments are replaced at maturity, keeping the same characteristics. Exceptions were granted to this assumption, albeit within certain limits, in the case of banks with restructuring plans agreed with the European Commission before 31 December 2013 within the scope of capitalisation operations through public investment. Banco Comercial Português and Caixa Geral de Depósitos are in this situation. In the exercise, the projection for the net interest income was conditioned by constraints regarding funding costs and the intensity with which banks can pass on the increase in funding costs to lending rates. For banks under the static balance sheet assumption, the net interest income could not increase in relation to the starting point (2013). Other income and cost items were also restricted by the value recorded at the starting point or by historical values of these variables. The assumptions of the exercise were particularly stringent for banks whose starting point of the stress test exercise coincided with a particularly adverse year, as was the case for Portuguese banks. Indeed, Portuguese banks recorded in 2013 the worst results of recent history, resulting from the adverse macroeconomic context. On the one hand, the net interest income of Portuguese banks has been squeezed by low interest rates. On the other hand, the increase in credit default and the inspections carried out by Banco de Portugal, in the context of the Economic and Financial Assistance Programme, led to the recognition of very high impairment for credit risk. 5 BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks 4. Results of the comprehensive assessment BPI – Banco BPI The result of the comprehensive assessment of Banco BPI makes it possible to conclude that this bank is resilient under both scenarios. The AQR exercise resulted in the calculation of a 15.2% CET1 ratio, i.e. 12 basis points below the ratio presented by Banco BPI as at 31 December 2013, but higher than the threshold of 8% set for the AQR. In the baseline scenario, the CET1 ratio projected for Banco BPI for December 2016 is 14.9%, i.e. 0.4 percentage points lower than in December 2013, standing above the threshold set for the baseline scenario of the stress test (8%). In the adverse scenario, the ratio projected for December 2016 is 11.6%, i.e. 3.7 percentage points lower than in December 2013, standing above the threshold set for the adverse scenario of the stress test (5.5%). BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks Developments in the CET1 ratio – BPI Baseline scenario 16 14 12 % 10 8 6 4 2 0 Dec. 2013 Impact of the AQR Dec. 2013 post-AQR Capital/ CoCos Profit and loss and Reserves Deductions and transitional arrangements RWA Dec. 2016 Adverse scenario 16 14 12 % 6 10 8 6 4 2 0 Dec. 2013 Impact of the AQR Dec. 2013 post-AQR Capital/ CoCos Profit and loss and Reserves Deductions and transitional arrangements RWA Dec. 2016 Note: Columns in grey correspond to the CET1 ratio as at December 2013, before and after the AQR results, and December 2016. Positive/negative contributions to developments in the ratio are shown in green/red. The column “Capital/CoCos” refers to capital increases and reimbursement of hybrid instruments; the column “Profit and loss and Reserves” refers to cumulative profit and loss and changes in reserves; the column “Deductions and transitional arrangements” refers to deductions from own funds in accordance with the CRR/CRD IV and respective transitional arrangements; the column “RWA” shows the impact on the ratio of changes in capital requirements. 7 BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks Main results – Banco BPI, S.A. Actual figures as of 31 December 2013 Mill. EUR, % Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) 3,317 Risk weighted assets (1) 21,711 CET1 ratio, % 15.3% Figures as of 31 December 2013 after the asset quality review Mill. EUR, % Impact of the asset quality review on Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) -27 3,291 Risk weighted assets (1) 21,710 CET1 ratio, % 15.2% Outcome of the baseline scenario as of December 2016 Mill. EUR, % 734 3 yr cumulative operating profit before impairment 3 yr cumulative impairment losses on financial and non-financial assets in the banking book 399 4 3 yr cumulative losses on the trading book Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) 3,258 Risk weighted assets (1) 21,845 CET1 ratio, % 14.9% Outcome of the adverse scenario as of December 2016 Mill. EUR, % 650 3 yr cumulative operating profit before impairment 3 yr cumulative impairment losses on financial and non-financial assets in the banking book 1,040 3 yr cumulative losses on the trading book 10 Valuation losses due to sovereign shock after tax and prudential filters 206 Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) 2,558 Risk weighted assets (1) 22,058 CET1 ratio, % 11.6% Basis 2 Points Mill. EUR to threshold of 8% for AQR adjusted Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio 0 0 to threshold of 8% in baseline scenario 0 0 to threshold of 5.5% in adverse scenario 0 0 Aggregated Capital Shortfall of the Comprehensive Assessment 0 0 Capital shortfall (1) Transitional arrangements in accordance with the CRR/CRD IV as per reporting date. Figures as of 31 December 2013 computed as of first day of application: 1 January 2014. (2) RWA used corresponds to relevant scenario in worst case year. 8 BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks CGD – Caixa Geral de Depósitos The result of the comprehensive assessment of CGD makes it possible to conclude that this bank is resilient under both scenarios. The AQR exercise resulted in the calculation of a 10.4% CET1 ratio, i.e. 44 basis points below the ratio presented by CGD as at 31 December 2013, but higher than the threshold of 8% set for the AQR. In the baseline scenario, the CET1 ratio projected by CGD for December 2016 is 9.4%, i.e. 1.5 percentage points lower than in December 2013, standing above the threshold set for the baseline scenario of the stress test (8%). In the adverse scenario, the ratio projected for December 2016 is 6.1%, i.e. 4.8 percentage points lower than in December 2013, standing above the threshold set for the adverse scenario of the stress test (5.5%). BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks Developments in the CET1 ratio – CGD Baseline scenario 12 10 % 8 6 4 2 0 Dec. 2013 Impact of the AQR Dec. 2013 post-AQR Capital/ CoCos Profit and loss and Reserves Deductions and transitional arrangements RWA Dec. 2016 Impact of the AQR Dec. 2013 post-AQR Capital/ CoCos Profit and loss and Reserves Deductions and transitional arrangements RWA Dec. 2016 Adverse scenario 12 10 8 % 9 6 4 2 0 Dec. 2013 Note: Columns in grey correspond to the CET1 ratio as at December 2013, before and after the AQR results, and December 2016. Positive/negative contributions to developments in the ratio are shown in green/red. The column “Capital/CoCos” refers to capital increases and reimbursement of hybrid instruments; the column “Profit and loss and Reserves” refers to cumulative profit and loss and changes in reserves; the column “Deductions and transitional arrangements” refers to deductions from own funds in accordance with the CRR/CRD IV and respective transitional arrangements; the column “RWA” shows the impact on the ratio of changes in capital requirements. 10 BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks Main results – Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A. Actual figures as of 31 December 2013 Mill. EUR, % Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) 6,929 Risk weighted assets (1) 63,885 CET1 ratio, % 10.8% Figures as of 31 December 2013 after the asset quality review Mill. EUR, % Impact of the asset quality review on Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) -281 Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) 6,651 Risk weighted assets (1) 63,870 CET1 ratio, % 10.4% Outcome of the baseline scenario as of December 2016 Mill. EUR, % 1,009 3 yr cumulative operating profit before impairment 3 yr cumulative impairment losses on financial and non-financial assets in the banking book 1,145 165 3 yr cumulative losses on the trading book Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) 6,100 Risk weighted assets (1) 64,910 9.4% CET1 ratio, % Outcome of the adverse scenario as of December 2016 Mill. EUR, % 403 3 yr cumulative operating profit before impairment 3 yr cumulative impairment losses on financial and non-financial assets in the banking book 3,395 3 yr cumulative losses on the trading book 289 Valuation losses due to sovereign shock after tax and prudential filters 98 Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) 3,982 Risk weighted assets (1) 65,419 6.1% CET1 ratio, % Basis 2 Points Mill. EUR to threshold of 8% for AQR adjusted Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio 0 0 to threshold of 8% in baseline scenario 0 0 to threshold of 5.5% in adverse scenario 0 0 Aggregated Capital Shortfall of the Comprehensive Assessment 0 0 Capital shortfall (1) Transitional arrangements in accordance with the CRR/CRD IV as per reporting date. Figures as of 31 December 2013 computed as of first day of application: 1 January 2014. (2) RWA used corresponds to relevant scenario in worst case year. 11 BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks BCP – Banco Comercial Português In the case of BCP, the AQR exercise resulted in the calculation of a 10.3% CET1 ratio, i.e. 197 basis points lower than the ratio presented by BCP as at 31 December 2013, but higher than the threshold of 8% set for the AQR. In the baseline scenario, the CET1 ratio projected by BCP for December 2016 is 8.8%, i.e. 3.4 percentage points lower than in December 2013, standing above the threshold set for the baseline scenario of the stress test (8%). In the adverse scenario, after incorporation of the AQR results, the ratio projected for December 2016 is 3.0%, i.e. 9.3 percentage points lower than in December 2013 and below the 5.5% threshold. The institution has already identified a set of measures to fully cover the shortfall, which will now be incorporated in the capital plan to be submitted to the European Central Bank as foreseen in the exercise. It should be noted that, in the specific case of BCP, the stress test did not fully reflect the globally positive developments resulting from the implementation of the restructuring plan negotiated with the European Commission, or to take into consideration measures that the bank might adopt should the adverse scenario actually materialise. BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks Developments in the CET1 ratio – BCP Baseline scenario 12 % 10 8 6 4 2 0 Dec. 2013 Impact of the AQR Dec. 2013 post-AQR Capital/ CoCos Profit and loss and Reserves Deductions and transitional arrangements RWA Dec. 2016 Adverse scenario 12 10 8 % 12 6 4 2 0 Dec. 2013 Impact of the AQR Dec. 2013 post-AQR Capital/ CoCos Profit and loss and Reserves Deductions and transitional arrangements RWA Dec. 2016 Note: Columns in grey correspond to the CET1 ratio as at December 2013, before and after the AQR results, and December 2016. Positive/negative contributions to developments in the ratio are shown in green/red. The column “Capital/CoCos” refers to capital increases and reimbursement of hybrid instruments; the column “Profit and loss and Reserves” refers to cumulative profit and loss and changes in reserves; the column “Deductions and transitional arrangements” refers to deductions from own funds in accordance with the CRR/CRD IV and respective transitional arrangements; the column “RWA” shows the impact on the ratio of changes in capital requirements. 13 BANCO DE PORTUGAL • Results of the comprehensive assessment to banks Main results – Banco Comercial Português, S.A. Actual figures as of 31 December 2013 Mill. EUR, % Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) 5,569 Risk weighted assets (1) 45,559 CET1 ratio, % 12.2% Figures as of 31 December 2013 after the asset quality review Mill. EUR, % Impact of the asset quality review on Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) -896 4,667 Risk weighted assets (1) 45,502 CET1 ratio, % 10.3% Outcome of the baseline scenario as of December 2016 Mill. EUR, % 2,770 3 yr cumulative operating profit before impairment 3 yr cumulative impairment losses on financial and non-financial assets in the banking book 1,425 225 3 yr cumulative losses on the trading book Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) 4,001 Risk weighted assets (1) 45,277 8.8% CET1 ratio, % Outcome of the adverse scenario as of December 2016 Mill. EUR, % 1,665 3 yr cumulative operating profit before impairment 3 yr cumulative impairment losses on financial and non-financial assets in the banking book 3,149 3 yr cumulative losses on the trading book 337 Valuation losses due to sovereign shock after tax and prudential filters -60 Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (1) 1,356 Risk weighted assets (1) 45,321 3.0% CET1 ratio, % Basis 2 Points Mill. EUR to threshold of 8% for AQR adjusted Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio 0 0,00 to threshold of 8% in baseline scenario 0 0,00 to threshold of 5.5% in adverse scenario 251 1,137 Aggregated Capital Shortfall of the Comprehensive Assessment 251 1,137 Capital shortfall (1) Transitional arrangements in accordance with the CRR/CRD IV as per reporting date. Figures as of 31 December 2013 computed as of first day of application: 1 January 2014. (2) RWA used corresponds to relevant scenario in worst case year.