The University of North Carolina

The University of North Carolina
ALAN R. MABE, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Telephone: (919) 962-4614 Fax: (919) 962-0120 E-mail:
Constituent Universities
Appalachian State
East Carolina
Elizabeth City
State University
November 3, 2009
Fayetteville State
Members, Committee on Educational Planning, Policies and Programs
North Carolina
Agricultural and
Technical State
Alan Mabe
Developing the Strategic Action Plan (Long-Range Plan)
North Carolina
Central University
North Carolina
State University
at Raleigh
University of
North Carolina
at Asheville
University of
North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
University of
North Carolina
at Charlotte
University of
North Carolina
at Greensboro
University of
North Carolina
at Pembroke
University of
North Carolina
at Wilmington
University of
North Carolina
School of the Arts
Western Carolina
State University
Constituent High School
North Carolina
School of Science
and Mathematics
An Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action
Background: UNC has gone through a long-range planning process and produced a
long-range plan approximately every two years. The UNC Tomorrow Initiative led to
a different kind of inquire and process. The proposal is to restart the long-range
planning process and integrate it with UNC Tomorrow and President Bowles’ Strategic
Action Plan. In many ways this will be the phase of UNC Tomorrow that results in the
initiative being institutionalized in the University of North Carolina and its values and
Jurisdictional Authority: Code Section 203 A Statutory Powers and Duties: The
board…shall prepare and from time to time revise a long-range plan for a coordinated
system of higher education….
Issues Involved: This is primarily to let the Board know that General Administration is
working on the plan and seeks their feedback and guidance in the development phase.
The Board will be asked to endorse the resulting document.
Recommended Action: No action required at this time. Comments, suggestions, and
guidance will be very helpful throughout the process.
The University of North Carolina
ALAN R. MABE, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Telephone: (919) 962-4614 Fax: (919) 962-0120 E-mail:
Constituent Universities
Appalachian State
East Carolina
November 3, 2009
Elizabeth City
State University
Fayetteville State
North Carolina
Agricultural and
Technical State
North Carolina
Central University
North Carolina
State University
at Raleigh
University of
North Carolina
at Asheville
University of
North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
University of
North Carolina
at Charlotte
UNC Board of Governors
Alan Mabe, Norma Houston, Jim Sadler
Updated UNC Strategic Action Plan (formerly, the “Long Range Plan”)
Approximately every two years, the BOG adopts a “Long Range Plan” that sets out
the major goals and initiatives for UNC (the BOG is statutorily required to
maintain and update a strategic plan). In the past, the plan has primarily identified
aspirational goals and strategic directions. At the beginning of President Bowles’
administration, he and the BOG developed a supplement to the Long Range Plan
that was adopted by in 2004. Then, in 2008, the BOG adopted the UNC Tomorrow
Commission Report, which has in essence served as our “road map” for setting
strategic priorities since that time. Now that it is approaching 2010, it is time to
develop an updated strategic plan for UNC that builds off of the work of UNC
Tomorrow and other initiatives that have been ongoing for the past four years.
University of
North Carolina
at Greensboro
The Strategic Action Plan also builds off of and reflects President Bowles’ 20092010 Action Plan that he shared with the BOG at your previous meeting. Staff at
GA has developed specific timelines, goals, and accountability measures for
implementing President Bowles’ Action Plan during the next 12-14 months.
University of
North Carolina
at Pembroke
We will take a different approach than has been used in the past for
developing the UNC Long Range Plan:
University of
North Carolina
at Wilmington
University of
North Carolina
School of the Arts
Western Carolina
State University
Constituent High School
North Carolina
School of Science
and Mathematics
An Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action
1. Instead of a “Long Range Plan,” we will develop a 5-year “Strategic Action
2. Instead of being primarily aspirational, the Strategic Plan will outline
specific major goals and initiatives with time frames, identification of who
is responsible, resources needed (if that info is available), and
accountability measures
3. Instead of being a lengthy document, the Strategic Plan will be much more
concise - more on the order of the UNC Tomorrow Report
UNC Strategic Action Plan – Memo to BOG (Nov09)
Page 1
4. The Strategic Plan will include descriptions of major initiatives and achievements
during the past four years (when the 2006 Long Range Plan Supplement was adopted)
5. The Strategic Plan will serve as a “rolling road map” for the BOG and UNC – it would
be updated every 2 years to reflect the current needs of the state
To develop the Strategic Plan, we will use the following process:
1. September, October, early November: Staff at GA develop draft outline of major
components of the Plan and begin vetting internally with Chancellors and GAC; once
the outline is complete, staff at GA will draft their section of the Strategic Plan with
input from the campuses. Jim Sadler and Norma Houston will oversee Plan drafting
and will compile and edit the Plan throughout the process.
2. November: Conduct a workshop at the November BOG meeting to brief the BOG on
the major components of the Plan and invite your input
3. December: Have draft plan ready for circulation to the campuses and BOG by midDecember for review and additional input
4. January: Incorporate input from campuses and BOG into draft plan; discuss draft plan
with Chancellors and seek additional input; conduct policy discussion (or use the Ed
Planning Committee meeting) at the January BOG meeting to get input from the BOG
on the draft plan; finalize input from Chancellors and BOG and incorporate into final
draft plan; circulate final draft plan to BOG and campuses
5. February: Discuss final draft plan with Chancellors at CAC; present to BOG for
consideration and adoption
During the course of this process, we will also work with our Community College partners on
those aspects of the Plan that relate to our collaboration with NCCCS.
Attached is an initial draft outline that is a VERY rough beginning of this effort. It includes a
“cross-walk” of President Bowles’ 2009-2010 Action Plan, the UNC Tomorrow report, and the
Accountability Plan. You will note that the draft Plan outline proposes to “categorize” various
initiatives into 4 main categories:
1. Teaching (“Student Success”)
2. Research (“Innovation for the Future”)
3. Public Service (“Engagement with Impact”)
4. Stewardship (“Efficiency & Effectiveness”)
Our purpose in grouping the various parts of the Plan into these 4 main categories is to align all
of our efforts over the past 4 years (including UNCT, PACE, NC FIT, the Accountability Plan,
etc.) with UNC’s primary 3-pronged mission and our statutory obligation to be good stewards
of the taxpayer’s resources – in this way, we believe we can achieve our goal of “fully
UNC Strategic Action Plan – Memo to BOG (Nov09)
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institutionalizing” UNC Tomorrow and all of the other major efforts that the BOG, President
Bowles, and the campuses have been leading for the past 4 years.
As you review the attached draft Plan outline, much of it will be familiar to you as the Plan
incorporates many initiatives and priorities that have been previously discussed, approved, or
are currently under consideration by you, including (by way of example):
Review of campus mission statement (scheduled for action by the BOG at this November
Responses to UNC Tomorrow as developed through Phase I and Phase II requests from GA
and at the campus level;
Academic program development (new process has been approved by the BOG and the new
process is being implemented with the restart of the academic program evaluation process);
Low productivity review (and resulting discontinuation of programs approved by the BOG);
New program review (also reviewed by the BOG);
Planning new degree programs (each campus identified all the new degree programs they are
likely to propose during the three-year period January 2008 through December 2010);
Centers and institutes (a thorough review of the policy has taken place and the President
issued new regulations for centers and institutions in October 2009);
Review of new faculty positions with a focus on trying to minimize cuts that affect the core
academic mission of the institutions (the plans for this were reported to the BOB in
UNC Tomorrow response to underrepresented minority students has evolved into a number
of programs such as intensive summer bridge programs, more attention to minority male
students, and a major focus on retention and graduation that is connected to enrollment levels;
Environmental sustainability (the BOG approved a sustainability policy at its October
Accountability plan (five-year targets for distance learning credit hours, retention, four-year
graduation rates, six-year graduation rates, and graduation of community college AA/AS
degreed students, as well as teacher targets have been agreed to with more target under
Research, outreach and tech transfer (including major transformation of how tech transfer is
viewed and operated, and economic development projects conceived jointly with community
colleges); and
Efficient and effective operations at every level.
The Strategic Action Plan gives us an opportunity to pull together all that has been achieved
during the past four years, including the many components of our responses to UNC Tomorrow
already approved by the BOG, as well as sets clear priorities for our work going forward.
We look forward to working with you and getting your input.
UNC Strategic Action Plan – Memo to BOG (Nov09)
Page 3
UNC 5-Year Strategic Action Plan
“Serving the Needs of North Carolina”
Plan Outline
Messages from President and BOG Chair
a. Statement of UNC Mission (statutory language)
b. Purpose of Strategic Action Plan
c. Brief recap of major initiatives from past 4 years (UNCT, PACE, NC
FIT, Completion of Higher Education Bond construction projects,
d. Outline of 4 sections of the Plan
(Houston) 1
NOTE: Each section below will follow this format:
1. Brief introduction
2. Summary of trends and major activities during the past 4 years
3. Strategic Action Plan Items
a. Description of Item and goal (as related to UNCT)
b. Steps to be taken to achieve goal
c. General timeline & who is/will lead the effort
d. Budget & other resources needed (if cost estimate is available)
e. Measurements of success (most of which will tie back to the
Accountability Plan and Performance Measures where
Note: Proposed names of individuals responsible for drafting sections of the plan are next to the
appropriate strategic action item(s).
UNC Strategic Action Plan Outline
11/5/2009 Page 1
Section I. Our Teaching Mission – “Student Success”
[Introduction to section will highlight major initiatives, successes, and impact on
the state, with specific examples of system & campus achievements]
Helping Improve Public K-12 Education
(Chapman, Mabe 2 – in
coordination with Deans of
Education and Deans of College
of Arts and Sciences)
1. Continue efforts to produce not only more teachers but also better
Longitudinal data study
Curriculum changes to align with national and state standards
Formative assessment instruction
Stimulus proposals (TQE, P-12 LDS)
2. Continue efforts to improve quality of principals and school leadership
a. Comprehensive academic program review to redesign program
of study for school leaders
b. Longitudinal impact study of MSA program
c. New Leaders for New Schools (ZSR effort)
3. Continue efforts to develop regional and statewide education
partnerships between campuses and LEA’s (USTEP)
Increasing Access to Higher Education
1. Develop and implement plan to increase Community College transfers
a. Strengthen UNC/CC articulation for degree programs
b. Strengthen funding for community colleges so they can enroll
more candidates for higher education who are not “college
(Sadler, Mabe, Mallette)
Note: Names under a section title will address the entire section.
UNC Strategic Action Plan Outline
11/5/2009 Page 2
c. Fully implement the College Access Challenge Grant initiative to
enable seamless transfers from community colleges to UNC
(Mallette, Dixon)
2. Continue to expand distance education, both on campus (to improve
throughput) and off campus to meet the need of non-traditional and
traditional students as well as underserved regions of the state
a. Test market online programs in one other state and nation to
understand and assess possible demand
b. Develop system-level guidelines for ensure quality in online
(Sadler, Mabe)
3. Maintain focus on affordability
a. Complete study of how to simplify need-based financial aid
programs, including combining disparate programs and
marketing need-based aid opportunities more effectively
(Davies, Mallette, Burks, SEAA)
b. Understand the governance responsibilities of CFNC, and make
recommendations for improvements, if any, to the Governor
(Davies, Mallette, Burks, SEAA)
c. Review 4-year tuition plan
(Hager, Nelson, Davies)
d. Fully implement textbook policy
(Burks, Nelson)
4. Review enrollment growth plan
a. Tie enrollment growth funding to meeting retention and
graduation benchmarks with a goal of all campuses achieving
(Mabe, Burks, Pruitt, Sadler)
b. Collaboratively develop joint enrollment growth plan with
Community Colleges
(Mabe, Sadler)
5. Continue efforts on focused educational programs for targeted student
(Sadler, Mabe)
a. Military personnel
b. Degree completers
UNC Strategic Action Plan Outline
11/5/2009 Page 3
c. Regional programs – Hickory, Rocky Mount, Onslow County,
and others
6. Continue efforts to increase educational attainment of
underrepresented students, including minority males
a. Continue to evaluate the new Summer Bridge “Boot Camp” for
b. Implement College Access Challenge Grant initiative to increase
minority male student transfers from community colleges to
(Dixon, Mallette, Hanby-Sikora)
c. Continue to develop and refine scalable programs to support
retention and graduation of minority male students in K-12 and
higher education (supported through grants from CACG, Lumina
Foundation, and other pending foundation proposals)
(Dixon, Mallette, Hanby-Sikora))
Enhancing the Global Competitiveness of our Students and Our
1. Use the economic crisis to upgrade our University’s talent – students,
faculty, staff, and services – and support outstanding faculty efforts as
identified in the Accountability Plan [include faculty attrition/retention
data and issues related to future attrition/retirement trends here]
(Sadler, Charest)
2. Set higher standards for overall performance and better customer
service at all levels – admissions, financial aid, advising, etc – all tied
to the Accountability Plan
a. Develop and implement Phases II and III of the College Access
Challenge Grant to enable seamless transfers between
independent colleges and universities and UNC as well as
among UNC campuses.
b. Develop student services portal
(Hopper, Sadler)
3. Monitor and strengthen higher admissions standards on some
UNC Strategic Action Plan Outline
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4. Focus on improving Retention and Graduation - not just access, but
graduation with a diploma that means something
a. Review campus’ Gen Ed Curriculum revisions that focus on 21st
century skills and learning outcomes
b. Identify appropriate measures of student learning, such as the
CLA and other similar assessment tools
(Mabe, Sadler)
Continue Reforming Academic Planning so that Degree
Establishment and Elimination reflect the needs of the state
1. Utilize disciplinary panels for review of new degree proposals to avoid
unnecessary duplication and ensure focus on high-need degree areas
(Sadler, Mabe)
2. Continue biannual degree productivity review to ensure that degree
programs are still relevant
Continue Efforts to Improve Campus Safety
1. Implement Hate Crimes Policy
2. Continue to implement recommendations of UNC Campus Safety Task
(Dixon, Herron)
Section II. Our Research Mission – “Innovation for the Future”
[Introduction to section will highlight major initiatives, successes, and impact on
the state, with specific examples of system & campus achievements]
(Thornton, Leath)
Take advantage of stimulus funding
Focus research activities on identified needs of the state:
Biotechnology, bioengineering, bioinfomatics
Health and Wellness
Environmental Science, climate change, and sustainability
UNC Strategic Action Plan Outline
11/5/2009 Page 5
5. Energy, energy efficiency, alternative energy
6. Nanoscience
7. Marine Science
8. Natural Products
9. Financial Services
10. Advanced Manufacturing
Implement Innovation/Tech Transfer improvements to make UNC the
“go to” place for innovation and business partnerships - focus on
Innovation – product, process, economic and social impact
Section III. Our Public Service Mission – “Engagement with
[Introduction to section will highlight major initiatives, successes, and impact on
the state, with specific examples of system & campus achievements]
Become more actively engaged in Economic Transformation
1. Collaborate with the Community Colleges on targeted industry
development – aviation, biotechnology, and green economy
2. Develop measures for assessing UNC’s economic impact as called for
under the Accountability Plan
Continue to expand programs to serve health-related needs
1. Expansion of medical school programs
2. Nursing programs to produce more nurses and more nursing faculty
(Mabe, Sadler)
3. Allied Health programs – physical therapy and other high-need areas
(Mabe, Sadler)
Implement UNC environmental sustainability policy
(Harris, Rhinehardt)
UNC Strategic Action Plan Outline
11/5/2009 Page 6
Implement revised policy governing Centers and Institutes to foster
more inter-institutional collaboration, increase effectiveness, and
avoid unnecessary duplication
(Thornton, Leath)
Make UNC the “go-to” partner with the United States military
1. Institutionalize and implement partnership with USASOC
2. Identify other educational, research, and programmatic partnership
opportunities with other NC-based military installations
3. Inventory existing UNC military-related programs
4. Develop “one-stop portal” for military-related programs, research
activities, and resources within UNC
Section IV. Our Stewardship – “Efficiency and Effectiveness”
[Introduction to section will highlight major initiatives, successes, and impact on
the state, with specific examples of system & campus achievements]
Evaluate all campus leadership based on performance goals
(Bowles, Mabe)
1. Continue to implement Board of Governors Accountability Measures
2. Incorporate performance into budget-related decisions
Continue efficiency measures consistent with PACE
1. Eliminate useless regulation that creates bureaucracy with little value
(Davies, Pruitt)
2. Continue to reduce middle management and administrative
bureaucracy where feasible
(Nelson, Charest)
3. Institute E-Procurement system
4. Institute consolidated payroll for nine campuses
(Canady, Finance)
UNC Strategic Action Plan Outline
11/5/2009 Page 7
5. Look for areas to use system-wide market muscle as was done with
Student Health
6. Consolidate IT where possible, and identify long-term technology
needs such as bandwidth
7. Get Bain Analysis reviewed and discussed on each campus
8. Address BANNER implementation issues
Institute Student Health Insurance Plan system-wide
Institute NC FIT – Dashboards for all chancellors for fiscal
(Canady, Finance)
Institute Budget Reductions based on best practices, including:
1. Centralize classroom management system (improve space utilization)
2. Centralize HR development on campus
3. Review all centers and institutes
(Thornton, Leath, Nelson)
4. Consolidate web services
5. Merge redundant programs
6. Consolidate campus delivery facilities
Reexamine appropriate faculty workload productivity and measures
(Mabe, Sadler)
UNC Strategic Action Plan Outline
11/5/2009 Page 8
Standardize Contracts and Grants procedures – RAMSES
(Thornton, Leath)
Institute better, stronger Accountability, better Processes, better
controls through NC FIT, best practices
Fix employment practices
1. Examine as a whole – salary, benefits, leave
2. Contracts – should we have them?
(Mabe, Charest)
3. Better definition, better accountability on retreat rights
4. 80th percentile target on salary – is this the right goal?
5. “Retreat package” – how generous, how far down for eligibility?
6. Prepare study on benefits – comparative analysis – how can we
improve so we become more competitive?
7. Implement JCAT (Jobs Categories) – the classification of all UNC jobs
by job category which stemmed from the need to accurately address
middle management
(Lemmon, Charest)
Increase campus-level development (fundraising) as identified under
the Accountability Plan
1. Continue UNCT fundraising at system and campus levels
2. Increase focus on centralizable functions, shared services, and more
efficient operating models for campus-based development activities
3. Continue implementation of best practices across development
UNC Strategic Action Plan Outline
11/5/2009 Page 9
4. Develop more specific goals and measures of success for increased
development under the Accountability Plan
(Hanby-Sikora, Mabe)
Summary of goals and plan
Process for future Strategic Plan updates
1. Plan to be updated every 2 years
2. Include “best” components of UNC Tomorrow Process such as
mechanism for public input, campus and faculty involvement, research
identifying the needs of the state, etc.
3. Possibly revise Code and/or Regulations relating to strategic planning
1. UNC Tomorrow Commission Report
2. Accountability Plan and Performance Measures
3. Campus Mission statements and academic program inventory
4. Innovation Report
5. Others as identified during course of developing the Strategic Plan
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