The University of North Carolina GENERAL ADMINISTRATION POST OFFICE BOX 2688, CHAPEL HILL, NC 27515-2688 ALAN R. MABE, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Telephone: (919) 962-4614 Fax: (919) 962-0120 E-mail: Constituent Universities Appalachian State University East Carolina University Elizabeth City State University Fayetteville State University North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University North Carolina Central University North Carolina State University at Raleigh University of North Carolina at Asheville University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of North Carolina at Charlotte University of North Carolina at Greensboro University of North Carolina at Pembroke University of North Carolina at Wilmington University of North Carolina School of the Arts Western Carolina University Winston-Salem State University Constituent High School North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics An Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer November 3, 2009 TO: Members, Committee on Educational Planning, Policies and Programs FROM: Alan Mabe SUBJECT: Restarting the Evaluation and Review of Proposed New Degree Programs Background: After completing the revision of the policy and regulations for academic new degree program review, GA restarted the review process holding the first disciplinary panel on October 1, 2009. Several others have been held and others are planned through the end of January. We bring to the Committee the results of some of those early disciplinary panels. But as we heed the need to provide more budgetary information about programs, it becomes clear that with the backlog of degree programs and the poor economic condition of the state we will have to pay more attention to the implementation of a program than we may have in the past. We may face the situation of having programs that meet our quality test but cannot be implemented, at least in the near term, due to the amount of funds they would generate from state funding. So we may have to give more explicit attention to the distinction between approval for establishment and actual timing of implementation in an enrollment expansion budget. We bring these proposals forward today to show the results of the reviews, but also to raise the issues about the relation of cost of programs to approval and implementation of programs. Jurisdictional Authority: The Code 100.1, 301 C: It [Committee on Educational Planning, Policies, and Programs] shall receive the advice and recommendations of the president and make recommendations to the board in all areas pertaining to the development of a coordinated system of higher education in North Carolina, including…the review of requests for the initiation of new degree programs and recommendations for the termination of existing programs…. Issues Involved: Relations of cost to approval of new degree programs; format for presenting proposals to the Committee. Background: We have included some documents (in 2D) that might prove helpful for understanding the campuses’ requests for new programs: 1. Current list of degrees programs proposed by the campuses; 2. Summary of the numbers of actual and proposed degree programs in Response to UNC Tomorrow; 3. List by campus of degree programs that may be proposed in response to UNC Tomorrow in the three-year period between January 2009 and December 2012. Recommended Action: GA recommends that discussion of the cost issues related to new programs precede any discussion of individual programs. GA will be prepared to initiate that discussion. New Degree Requests Received Institution Degree CIP Establish 3/6/08 NCCU B.A. or B.S. 24.0101 Liberal Studies Degree 4/7/08 ECSU B.A. 50.0501 Theater Arts 4/14/08 WCU B.S.E. 14.0101 Engineering 5/9/08 NCCU B.S. 11.0401 Information Sciences 6/13/08 FSU B.A. 44.0401 Intelligence Studies 8/18/08 UNCC B.A. 16.0302 Japanese Studies 10/15/08 FSU B.S.W. 44.0701 Bachelor of Social Work 12/3/08 UNCW B.S. 31.0505 Exercise Science 12/3/08 UNCW B.S. 40.0702 Oceanography 12/3/08 UNCW B.S. 11.0103 Information Technology 12/30/08 ECU B.S. 40.0499 Applied Atmospheric Science 12/30/08 ECU B.S. 11.0401 Geographic Information Science and Technology 2/5/09 UNCG B.S. 52.0701 Entrepreneurship 3/30/09 NCSU B.S. 01.1299 Soil and Land Development 3/30/09 NCSU B.S. 26.0801 Genetics 3/31/09 NCA&T B.S. 14.0501 Biomedical Engineering 4/17/09 ASU B.S.N. 51.1601 Nursing 5/13/09 UNCW B.A. 30.2001 International Studies 6/10/09 WCU B.A. 30.2001 International Studies 10/30/09 NCA&T B.S. 15.0612 *Motorsports Technology Received Institution Degree 5/1/07 WSSU M.S.A. 12/20/07 UNCP M.A. 23.0101 English 4/14/08 UNCC M.A. 45.0201 Anthropology 12/5/08 ECU M.S. 26.0102 Biomedical Sciences 1/29/09 NCA&T M.S. 40.9999 Nanoscience (joint with UNCG) CIP Establish School Administration Received Institution Degree CIP Establish 1/29/09 UNCG M.S. 40.9999 Nanoscience (joint with NCA&T) 2/2/09 WCU S.S.P. 42.1701 Specialist in School Psychology 2/16/09 UNCW M.S. 03.0205 Coastal and Ocean Policy 2/16/09 UNCW M.S. 51.9999 Biopharmaceutical Clinical Research 3/30/09 ECU M.S. 30.9999 Sustainable Tourism 3/31/09 NCA&T M.S. 14.0501 Bioengineering 9/14/09 NCSU MENE 14.1401 Master of Environmental Engineering 9/14/09 NCSU M 03.0104 Master of Environmental Assessment 9/14/09 NCSU MGIST 30.0601 Master of Geospatial Information Science and Technology 9/14/09 NCSU M.S. ENE 14.1401 Environmental Engineering 9/14/09 NCSU M.S. & M 19.0701 Family Life & Youth Development Received Institution Degree CIP 6/6/08 UNCG Ph.D. 26.999 9/17/08 NCA&T Ph.D. 12/4/08 ECU Ph.D. 13.0301 Curriculum and Instruction 12/14/08 NCA&T (UNCG) Ph.D. 40.9999 Nanoscience 9/14/09 NCSU Ph.D. 13.9999 Adult, Higher and Human Resource Education Received Institution Degree CIP Authorization to Plan 2/15/06 WCU DPT 51.2308 Doctor of Physical Therapy 5/4/07 NCSU Ph.D. 54.0105 Doctorate in Public History 9/28/07 UNCG Ph.D. 13.0601 Institutional Research and Assessment 10/9/07 UNCW Ph.D. 42.0101 Applied and Experimental Psychological Science 3/17/08 ECU Ph.D. 45.0699 Economics 4/29/08 UNCC Ph.D. 26.1103 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 5/1/08 UNCC Ph.D. 30.2001 Global Studies 5/1/08 UNCC Ph.D. 16.0103 Translation Studies: Spanish 9/17/08 NCA&T Ph.D. 11.0701 Computer Science Authorization to Establish Environmental Health Sciences Computational Science and Engineering (Interdisciplinary) Received Institution Degree CIP Authorization to Plan 9/17/08 NCA&T Ph.D. 14.0101 Engineering 10/1/08 UNCC Ph.D. 45.0401 Criminal Justice and Criminology 10/15/08 WSSU DNP 51.1608 Doctor of Nursing Practice 10/15/08 WSSU DPT 15.2308 Doctor of Physical Therapy 2/20/09 UNCG Pharm.D. 51.2001 Doctor of Pharmacy 3/31/09 NCA&T Ph.D. 14.0501 Bioengineering 4/3/09 UNCC Ph.D. 51.2207 *Public Health Sciences 4/17/09 NCA&T (UNCG) Ph.D. 44.07 *Social Work 6/24/09 UNC-CH Ph.D. (M.A.) 05.0102 *American Studies (MA to be used for PhD students along the way or leave without completing Ph.D. requirements) 8/12/09 NCSU Ph.D. *Not added to new degree programs inventory 13.9999 *Adult, Higher and Human Resource Education