UNC Tomorrow Response Phase Planning Timeline Campus Planning Timeline UNC Tomorrow Responses General Administration Timeline Report To: UNC Tomorrow Responses 15-Feb 1-Mar Martin/ Mabe Mar-08 BOG Martin 1-Mar Report on Plans to Respond to Global Readiness Recommendations Guidelines for Evaluation of the Need for Branch Campuses, Higher Education Centers, Sites for Access, and Support of Non-Traditional Students Facilities Planning Report on 08-09 Capital Plan 1-Mar Nelson Inventory of Affiliated Entities Revised Academic Planning Process Mabe/ Sadler 7-Mar 1-Mar Facilities Planning Report on FY 08-09 Capital Plan May-08 BOG 15-Feb Mabe/ Nelson Develop an Overall Process to Address Program Duplication and Inter-Institutional Collaboration Mabe/ Sadler PACE - Select and Procure eProcurment System Davies PACE - Middle Management Analysis and Review Davies Apr - 08 Mabe Boney 1-May Report on Plans to Respond to Increasing Access to Higher Education Recommendations Report on Plans to Respond to Improving Public Education Recommendations Report on Plans to Respond to Economic Transformation and Community Development Recommendations Report on Plans to Respond to Health and Environment Recommendations Report on Plans to Respond to Outreach and Engagement Recommendations Report To: PHASE I Preliminary Information for Development of a Ten-Year Enrollment Plan Houston/ Caravano FY Houston/Leath Martin/ Sadler Neslon Plan for Expanded Role in Improving Chapman/ Mabe Public Education Nelson Report on Proposed Changes to Internal Policies and Processes Martin/ Mabe/ Leath/ Davies/ Nelson/ Houston High Need Degree Programs Assessments Mabe/Sadler/ Jenkins/Williams Final Draft of 10 year enrollment plan Mabe/ Nelson Provide an Account how Tuition by the Credit Hours would be Implemented on the Campus Nelson/ Odom/ Mabe Jun-08 BOG Boney/ Leath Facilities - Develop Policy on Environmental Conservation and Sustainability 15-May 1-May Jun-08 BOG Mar-08 BOG PHASE I Develop Comprehensive Caravano/ Communications Plans Houston Inventory and Identify Effective Programs that Increase Educational Martin/ Williams Attainment of Underrepresented Populations Develop Methods for Assessing Future Faculty and Staff Attrition Jenkins/ Houston Trends System-wide applied public policy and economic competitiveness research and scholarship mechanism 1 Boney/ Leath UNC Tomorrow Response Phase Planning Timeline Jun-08 1-Jun Affiliated Entities Response Plans due; Staff Recommendations due September 1 Houston/ Caravano Facilities Planning Report from Campuses on FY 09-10 Nelson Martin Develop a System-Wide Research, Engagement, and Economic Transformation Plan Boney/ Leath Mission Review Mabe Report on evaluation of need for Branch Campuses, Higher Education Centers, Sites for Access and Support of Non-Traditional Students Martin/ Sadler Facilities Planning Report on FY 09-10 Capital Plan Nelson Mission Reviews Mabe/ Martin Faculty Recruitment Plans Martin Review of Tenure and Reward System Nov-08 BOG Mabe PACE: Implement Energy Savings Program PACE: Improvements in Auxiliary Enterprise Operations Ongoing Review of Proposed New High-Need Degree Progams (if any) for alignment with UNC Tomorrow Davies PACE: Implement Information Technology Recommendations Jan - 09 Mabe Sep-08 BOG Davies Review of Existing Degree Programs for alignment with UNC Tomorrow 1-Sep PACE - Plan BEACON Implementation 1-Sep PHASE II Review of Intra-Institutional Institutes and Centers for Alignment Houston/ Leath with UNC Tomorrow 1-Sep Nov-08 BOG PHASE II Develop a Seamless Relationship with the Community College System 2 Martin