THE UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN Faculty Club Creating New Traditions Greystone House News • January/February 2008 from page 1 comments about the impact a declining membership will have on our bottom line over the years and the need to address this as required. We always welcome nominations for membership, remembering that both your university colleagues and your alumni community friends are eligible. We have developed a membership package so please send us contact information and we will make sure to get that information out. Our Capital Plan: Over the past couple of years we haven’t spent very much on capital improvements because the elevator has been our top priority, but this year we have a number of important issues to address. We have been looking for a new Point of Sale System for years and now that the till system we were using is no longer an option and we are continuing to grow sales, we need a more sophisticated method of handling transactions and tracking sales. We anticipate that this will be a significant investment. Our lunch buffet table is literally falling apart so we are also shopping around for a suitable replacement and the equipment in the kitchen will all eventually need replacing. We will start this year by shopping for a new convection oven, one of the most used pieces of equipment in our kitchen. We have made a minimal investment in physical improvements such as the purchase of new lamps and updating some smallwares and I’m sure you have noticed the beautiful new stained glass window in our front door. Operations: This fall has been eventful. Kevin Calder, our Executive Chef, contracted pneumonia that then led to complications and major surgery. The same weekend Kevin had his surgery, I ended up in the hospital for surgery myself. So with the Chef and the Manager out of the picture, at one of the busiest times of the year, the team stepped up to the plate. I am so proud of the job everyone did, especially Susan, our Assistant Manager who really ran the show. We are extremely lucky to have such a dedicated staff team who work so well together. I’m happy to report that Kevin has now returned to work and we are back on track. I would like to close my report by acknowledging our incredible staff team for their efforts and dedication to the club this past year, and I would certainly be remiss if I didn’t thank the Board of Directors for their continuous support. It is a pleasure working with such skilled and caring people who always operate with the best interests of the club at heart. Happy New Year! JANUARY/FEBRUARY NEW MEMBER PROMOTION! Sign up a new member at the Club during the months of January or February and receive a food credit equal to that month’s membership fee! And… The Membership fee for all New Members for the months of January and/or February will be FREE January and February is FREE! Join President MacKinnon for breakfast in the Fireplace Room at the Faculty Club every Friday morning 7:30 to 8:45 am. Breakfast will be informal with an opportunity for faculty and staff to discuss university issues. Cost is $5.00 per person. Please reserve space by calling 966-7777 at least two days in advance. If the President is unavailable, one of the VicePresidents will attend. Sign up your friends and colleagues and support your Club! BROWN BAG DINNERS: And… Book an evening function in the Red Room in January or February and we will waive the room charge* And… Every tenth buffet purchased in the months of So! BREAKFAST WITH THE PRESIDENT: * minor restrictions may apply. Christmas in January! If you missed out on your annual visit to enjoy our Holiday Lunch Buffets, don’t worry. We are going to celebrate Ukrainian Christmas on Monday, January 7 with a full buffet of turkey, trimmings and ham. Add in some Ukrainian favorites; meatless cabbage rolls, perogies with sour cream and finish with a beautiful dessert buffet. To make your reservation, please call at 966-7777. UPCOMING EVENTS: MARCH/APRIL 2008 AMATI DINNER & CONCERT – Saturday, March 15 ST. PATRICK’S DAY PUB – Monday, March 17 With Music by: Circling Over Shannon (check them out at: SASKATOON SYMPHONY DINNER AND CONCERT – Wednesday, March 19 EASTER BRUNCH – Sunday March 23 STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK LUNCHEON BUFFETS Monday April 20 – Friday, April 25 STAFF APPRECIATION CHAMPAGNE BREAKFAST Wednesday, April 22 MAY/JUNE 2008 MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH – Sunday, May 11 SASKATOON SYMPHONY DINNER AND CONCERT – Wednesday, May 14 PATIO OPENING JAZZ BBQ – Friday, May 16 FACULTY CLUB ANNUAL LOBSTER NIGHT Friday June 20 BURGERS & BEER ON THE PATIO WITH LIVE MUSIC – Every Friday in June! 4:00 – 6:00 Don’t feel like cooking tonight? Enjoy home cooked meals from the Faculty Club. Brown Bag Dinners are available for pick-up, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Call us at 966-7777 for our fax information sheet. LOUNGE: Relaxed and comfortable, that is the feeling evoked in our redecorated lounge. Leather couches and soft lighting make this a great spot for drinks with the group or a sophisticated space to celebrate your special occasion. Come and see for yourself! Manager’s Report to the Membership University of Saskatchewan Faculty Club Annual General Meeting (Abridged) Wednesday, October 24, 2007 It is my pleasure, as your manager, to report on the operations of the club over the last year. We have already touched on the financials and the fact that we finished the year with a very healthy surplus of $51,000. I think it is important to stress that the bulk of that relates to Congress income and unfortunately for us, Congress doesn’t happen very often. Food and beverage revenue for that week alone was $45,117.28 (average revenue during the same time frame would be $5,000 to $10,000). It was extremely busy, but we were prepared for it. We had great comments from guests from all over the world about the quality of our services and our beautiful building and grounds. During Congress, we extended lunch service to two sittings each day. We offered light suppers in the lounge, kept the lounge open later every night and opened on the weekends. Extra staff were hired and trained in anticipation and we developed systems to flip the rooms quickly so we could host as many events as possible each day. During a regular week in May we would serve about 500 people. During Congress week we served lunch to 949 people, catered 13 receptions, 7 dinners and 7 catered breakfasts, all a testament to the capability of our amazing staff team. Along with the financial success of Congress, we also managed to keep our overall expenses relatively static over the year and we improved margins on both food and liquor, which also increases the profit margin. Another first for us; we topped $1M in revenue this year. Membership: As Trevor mentioned in his report, paying memberships are down again this year from 633 to 625. Over the course of the year we signed up twenty-one new members but then, had twenty-nine cancellations. I would like to re-iterate Trevor’s continued on page 4 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 WINE BAR EVENING Valentine’s Day Dinner Theatre Food & Music start at 5:00 Celebrate by having dinner at the club and then a short walk over to the John Mitchell Building for the performance of: Join us for a relaxing evening featuring fine wines by the glass and …a little jazz… with: The Skip Kutz Trio An Experiment with An Air Pump Admission $10.00 per person (includes admission and a “welcome” cocktail) • Yummy Appetizer Menu available For reservations please call 966-7777 Chef ’s Table returns! - “A Slow Food Celebration!” SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 Executive Chef: Kevin Calder Sous Chef: Jeff Bryce Cocktails 6:00 PM - Dinner to follow $ 65.00 Per Person Soup Cou rse: D uo Green and yellow spli of Split Pea So ups t peas wit and serve dw h smoked pork ith a fresh thyme & c belly, paprika crea m heddar bis cuit Fir st Course : Beet Cur Served wit ed Gravla h a blood x orange an and a flax & honey c d fennel slaw, crèm rostini an e fraiche, d walnut p is to u Sec ond Cour se : nd Truffle Served wit M ac & C h fried gre heese en to Lobster a matoes, fr esh steam and a Sag ed peas e aioli Main Co urse: Lamb Sh a nk Osso B Served wit h braised ucco Boursin m spinach, b a shed pota uttered ra toes, cara dish, melized p earl onion s D e sse r t Course: n Brandy Served wit Bak h Vanilla B ean ice-cre ed Apple shortbrea a Cinnamo m d cookie a nd Warm V , White chocolate anilla Rum Sauce Tea and Coffee Se rvice MENU he: Bouc nette Amuse ed Wine Migno with R ysters se : O h s e Fr r Cour Sausage, e z i t e o App Choriz with eens lun Gr callop c S s e a e M S Giant ric and y Gast r r e b e: k Blac gnon, Cours Main rusted Filet MiMaltese uce orn C rab Sa epperc Pink P h Shrimp & C and Tomato wit Potato topped uchess D tin h t i w on Gra & Oni t: Desserorte with White e rry ousse T late M ipped Strawb o c o h C late D Choco Written by Shelagh Stephenson Directed by Pamela Haig Bartley “Here’s to whatever lies ahead…here’s to uncharted lands…here’s to a future we dream about but cannot know…here’s to the new century.” Moving back and forth between two New Year’s Eves (1799 and 1999), Shelagh Stephenson’s astonishing tragic comedy wrestles with questions of scientific ethics, the changing role of women in research, love professed versus love manifest – all this, and a mystery too! $ 49.95 per person 6:00 Welcome Cocktail (included) Dinner to follow 8:00 PROMPT – Curtain at John Mitchell Building Price includes served cocktail, Dinner and Theatre Tickets (which will be waiting for you at your table). Call us at 966-7777 to reserve your table The SSO Chamber Players Saskatoon Symphony Dinner & Concert Series WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Johannes Brahms, The Three Violin Sonatas Performed by Michael Swan – violin and David Swan – piano Dinner at the Faculty Club Cocktails 5:30 Dinner 6:00 Concert at Convocation Hall 7:30 Be sure to visit us at our booth at the Bridal Spectacular, Sunday, January 13 at TCU Place (Centennial Auditorium) ain Cou Shitake S rse: tuffed D ouble Po with App rk Loin C le and P hop ine Nut C Wild Ric hutney e and Ba rley Pila f Seasona l Vegetab les Dessert Tanya comes to us from a stint in Banff and she is responsible for putting together great ideas and promotions for the Lounge. Tanya is also a gold medal winner in the Canadian Skills Competition. Check out Traditional Tuesdays and ask her what the new feature is. Got a Wedding Coming Up? Forest M e: ushroom & Wild R ice M MEET JENNIFER & TANYA! Jennifer Hack has assumed the duties of Candace Eggum while Candace is at home enjoying her beautiful baby girl, Addison. Jennifer has worked previously at Wascana Country Club and spent a summer at Riverside Country Club. She looks forward to handling all of your special events needs. MENU Soup Co urs Dinner $ 35.00 Per Person Concert tickets are also available at the Club for the Wednesday evening concerts and may be purchased in advance. Please call the office at 966-7777 to book your dinner reservation and/or purchase your concert tickets. C ourse: Chocola te Mouss e with Fresh Ra spberrie s and Bla ck and Whit e Biscott i T ea and C offee Se rvice FRIDAY, JANUARY 11 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 WINE BAR EVENING Valentine’s Day Dinner Theatre Food & Music start at 5:00 Celebrate by having dinner at the club and then a short walk over to the John Mitchell Building for the performance of: Join us for a relaxing evening featuring fine wines by the glass and …a little jazz… with: The Skip Kutz Trio An Experiment with An Air Pump Admission $10.00 per person (includes admission and a “welcome” cocktail) • Yummy Appetizer Menu available For reservations please call 966-7777 Chef ’s Table returns! - “A Slow Food Celebration!” SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 Executive Chef: Kevin Calder Sous Chef: Jeff Bryce Cocktails 6:00 PM - Dinner to follow $ 65.00 Per Person Soup Cou rse: D uo Green and yellow spli of Split Pea So ups t peas wit and serve dw h smoked pork ith a fresh thyme & c belly, paprika crea m heddar bis cuit Fir st Course : Beet Cur Served wit ed Gravla h a blood x orange an and a flax & honey c d fennel slaw, crèm rostini an e fraiche, d walnut p is to u Sec ond Cour se : nd Truffle Served wit M ac & C h fried gre heese en to Lobster a matoes, fr esh steam and a Sag ed peas e aioli Main Co urse: Lamb Sh a nk Osso B Served wit h braised ucco Boursin m spinach, b a shed pota uttered ra toes, cara dish, melized p earl onion s D e sse r t Course: n Brandy Served wit Bak h Vanilla B ean ice-cre ed Apple shortbrea a Cinnamo m d cookie a nd Warm V , White chocolate anilla Rum Sauce Tea and Coffee Se rvice MENU he: Bouc nette Amuse ed Wine Migno with R ysters se : O h s e Fr r Cour Sausage, e z i t e o App Choriz with eens lun Gr callop c S s e a e M S Giant ric and y Gast r r e b e: k Blac gnon, Cours Main rusted Filet MiMaltese uce orn C rab Sa epperc Pink P h Shrimp & C and Tomato wit Potato topped uchess D tin h t i w on Gra & Oni t: Desserorte with White e rry ousse T late M ipped Strawb o c o h C late D Choco Written by Shelagh Stephenson Directed by Pamela Haig Bartley “Here’s to whatever lies ahead…here’s to uncharted lands…here’s to a future we dream about but cannot know…here’s to the new century.” Moving back and forth between two New Year’s Eves (1799 and 1999), Shelagh Stephenson’s astonishing tragic comedy wrestles with questions of scientific ethics, the changing role of women in research, love professed versus love manifest – all this, and a mystery too! $ 49.95 per person 6:00 Welcome Cocktail (included) Dinner to follow 8:00 PROMPT – Curtain at John Mitchell Building Price includes served cocktail, Dinner and Theatre Tickets (which will be waiting for you at your table). Call us at 966-7777 to reserve your table The SSO Chamber Players Saskatoon Symphony Dinner & Concert Series WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Johannes Brahms, The Three Violin Sonatas Performed by Michael Swan – violin and David Swan – piano Dinner at the Faculty Club Cocktails 5:30 Dinner 6:00 Concert at Convocation Hall 7:30 Be sure to visit us at our booth at the Bridal Spectacular, Sunday, January 13 at TCU Place (Centennial Auditorium) ain Cou Shitake S rse: tuffed D ouble Po with App rk Loin C le and P hop ine Nut C Wild Ric hutney e and Ba rley Pila f Seasona l Vegetab les Dessert Tanya comes to us from a stint in Banff and she is responsible for putting together great ideas and promotions for the Lounge. Tanya is also a gold medal winner in the Canadian Skills Competition. Check out Traditional Tuesdays and ask her what the new feature is. Got a Wedding Coming Up? Forest M e: ushroom & Wild R ice M MEET JENNIFER & TANYA! Jennifer Hack has assumed the duties of Candace Eggum while Candace is at home enjoying her beautiful baby girl, Addison. Jennifer has worked previously at Wascana Country Club and spent a summer at Riverside Country Club. She looks forward to handling all of your special events needs. MENU Soup Co urs Dinner $ 35.00 Per Person Concert tickets are also available at the Club for the Wednesday evening concerts and may be purchased in advance. Please call the office at 966-7777 to book your dinner reservation and/or purchase your concert tickets. C ourse: Chocola te Mouss e with Fresh Ra spberrie s and Bla ck and Whit e Biscott i T ea and C offee Se rvice THE UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEWAN Faculty Club Creating New Traditions Greystone House News • January/February 2008 from page 1 comments about the impact a declining membership will have on our bottom line over the years and the need to address this as required. We always welcome nominations for membership, remembering that both your university colleagues and your alumni community friends are eligible. We have developed a membership package so please send us contact information and we will make sure to get that information out. Our Capital Plan: Over the past couple of years we haven’t spent very much on capital improvements because the elevator has been our top priority, but this year we have a number of important issues to address. We have been looking for a new Point of Sale System for years and now that the till system we were using is no longer an option and we are continuing to grow sales, we need a more sophisticated method of handling transactions and tracking sales. We anticipate that this will be a significant investment. Our lunch buffet table is literally falling apart so we are also shopping around for a suitable replacement and the equipment in the kitchen will all eventually need replacing. We will start this year by shopping for a new convection oven, one of the most used pieces of equipment in our kitchen. We have made a minimal investment in physical improvements such as the purchase of new lamps and updating some smallwares and I’m sure you have noticed the beautiful new stained glass window in our front door. Operations: This fall has been eventful. Kevin Calder, our Executive Chef, contracted pneumonia that then led to complications and major surgery. The same weekend Kevin had his surgery, I ended up in the hospital for surgery myself. So with the Chef and the Manager out of the picture, at one of the busiest times of the year, the team stepped up to the plate. I am so proud of the job everyone did, especially Susan, our Assistant Manager who really ran the show. We are extremely lucky to have such a dedicated staff team who work so well together. I’m happy to report that Kevin has now returned to work and we are back on track. I would like to close my report by acknowledging our incredible staff team for their efforts and dedication to the club this past year, and I would certainly be remiss if I didn’t thank the Board of Directors for their continuous support. It is a pleasure working with such skilled and caring people who always operate with the best interests of the club at heart. Happy New Year! JANUARY/FEBRUARY NEW MEMBER PROMOTION! Sign up a new member at the Club during the months of January or February and receive a food credit equal to that month’s membership fee! And… The Membership fee for all New Members for the months of January and/or February will be FREE January and February is FREE! Join President MacKinnon for breakfast in the Fireplace Room at the Faculty Club every Friday morning 7:30 to 8:45 am. Breakfast will be informal with an opportunity for faculty and staff to discuss university issues. Cost is $5.00 per person. Please reserve space by calling 966-7777 at least two days in advance. If the President is unavailable, one of the VicePresidents will attend. Sign up your friends and colleagues and support your Club! BROWN BAG DINNERS: And… Book an evening function in the Red Room in January or February and we will waive the room charge* And… Every tenth buffet purchased in the months of So! BREAKFAST WITH THE PRESIDENT: * minor restrictions may apply. Christmas in January! If you missed out on your annual visit to enjoy our Holiday Lunch Buffets, don’t worry. We are going to celebrate Ukrainian Christmas on Monday, January 7 with a full buffet of turkey, trimmings and ham. Add in some Ukrainian favorites; meatless cabbage rolls, perogies with sour cream and finish with a beautiful dessert buffet. To make your reservation, please call at 966-7777. UPCOMING EVENTS: MARCH/APRIL 2008 AMATI DINNER & CONCERT – Saturday, March 15 ST. PATRICK’S DAY PUB – Monday, March 17 With Music by: Circling Over Shannon (check them out at: SASKATOON SYMPHONY DINNER AND CONCERT – Wednesday, March 19 EASTER BRUNCH – Sunday March 23 STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK LUNCHEON BUFFETS Monday April 20 – Friday, April 25 STAFF APPRECIATION CHAMPAGNE BREAKFAST Wednesday, April 22 MAY/JUNE 2008 MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH – Sunday, May 11 SASKATOON SYMPHONY DINNER AND CONCERT – Wednesday, May 14 PATIO OPENING JAZZ BBQ – Friday, May 16 FACULTY CLUB ANNUAL LOBSTER NIGHT Friday June 20 BURGERS & BEER ON THE PATIO WITH LIVE MUSIC – Every Friday in June! 4:00 – 6:00 Don’t feel like cooking tonight? Enjoy home cooked meals from the Faculty Club. Brown Bag Dinners are available for pick-up, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Call us at 966-7777 for our fax information sheet. LOUNGE: Relaxed and comfortable, that is the feeling evoked in our redecorated lounge. Leather couches and soft lighting make this a great spot for drinks with the group or a sophisticated space to celebrate your special occasion. Come and see for yourself! Manager’s Report to the Membership University of Saskatchewan Faculty Club Annual General Meeting (Abridged) Wednesday, October 24, 2007 It is my pleasure, as your manager, to report on the operations of the club over the last year. We have already touched on the financials and the fact that we finished the year with a very healthy surplus of $51,000. I think it is important to stress that the bulk of that relates to Congress income and unfortunately for us, Congress doesn’t happen very often. Food and beverage revenue for that week alone was $45,117.28 (average revenue during the same time frame would be $5,000 to $10,000). It was extremely busy, but we were prepared for it. We had great comments from guests from all over the world about the quality of our services and our beautiful building and grounds. During Congress, we extended lunch service to two sittings each day. We offered light suppers in the lounge, kept the lounge open later every night and opened on the weekends. Extra staff were hired and trained in anticipation and we developed systems to flip the rooms quickly so we could host as many events as possible each day. During a regular week in May we would serve about 500 people. During Congress week we served lunch to 949 people, catered 13 receptions, 7 dinners and 7 catered breakfasts, all a testament to the capability of our amazing staff team. Along with the financial success of Congress, we also managed to keep our overall expenses relatively static over the year and we improved margins on both food and liquor, which also increases the profit margin. Another first for us; we topped $1M in revenue this year. Membership: As Trevor mentioned in his report, paying memberships are down again this year from 633 to 625. Over the course of the year we signed up twenty-one new members but then, had twenty-nine cancellations. I would like to re-iterate Trevor’s continued on page 4