Core Requirements Common to all Music Curricula: 22 hours: MUS 110, 111, MUSL 111, MUS 112, MUSL 112, MUS 211, MUSL 211, MUS 300, MUSL 300, MUS 351, MUS 352, FNA 101. All music majors must pass the appropriate piano proficiency examination and the listening repertory examinations. The piano proficiency examination and listening repertory examination requirements are stated in the latest edition of the Department of Music Student Handbook. All students are expected to make regular progress toward completion of those requirements. Ensemble Requirement: Music majors are required to be in at least one major large ensemble (MUS 183, 184, 185, 186, 187) during each semester they are in residence (keyboard and guitar students may substitute up to 4 hours from MUS 130, 182). All Bachelor of Music students are required to take a minimum of one chamber (small) music ensemble. No credit toward music major requirements will be granted for MUS 105, 106, and/or MUS 115. Bachelor of Music in Music Education: 89-91 hours. Includes: 1. Music Core: 22 hours – (see above) 2. Concentration: plus 45-47 hours in music (see below) 3. Watson School of Education: 22 hours (see below) (Music Ed majors are required to take PSY 105 as a University studies elective.) Concentration: Wind and percussion majors: 47 hours A. (22 hours): 14 hours (7 semesters) of applied music in the major applied instrument, with not less than 6 hours (3 semesters) at the 300 level; 8 hours of music ensemble (minimum of 1 large ensemble (MUS 185 Wind Symphony) during each semester of residency (7 hours) plus 1 hour of chamber (small) music ensemble. B. (25 hours): MUS 146 or 186 (1) (based on singing placement test results), 244 (1), 245 (1), 285(2), 286(2), 301 (3), 306 (2), 320 (2), 325(1), 326 (3), 331 (1), 373 (3) 393(1), and MUSL 326, (1), 373 (1) String majors: 47 hours A. (22 hours): 14 hours (7 semesters) of applied music in the major applied instrument, with not less than 6 hours (3 semesters) at the 300 level; 8 hours of music ensemble (minimum of 1 large ensemble (MUS 187 Orchestra) during each semester of residency (7 hours) plus 1 hour of chamber (small) music ensemble. B. (25 hours) MUS 146 or 186 (1) (based on singing placement test results); 243 (1), 244 (1), 245 (1), 285 (2), 286 (2), 301 (3), 306 (2), 320 (2), 326 (3), 331 (1), 373 (3), 393 (1), and MUSL 326, (1), 373 (1) Vocal majors: 47 hours A. (22 hours): 14 hours (7 semesters) of applied music in the major applied instrument, with not less than 6 hours (3 semesters) at the 300 level; 8 hours of music ensemble (minimum of 1 large ensemble (MUS 186 Concert Choir) during each semester of residency (7 hours) plus 1 hour of chamber (small) music ensemble. B. (25 hours): MUS 272, (2) 273 (2), 285 (2), 286 (2), 301 (3), 306 (2), 326 (3), 331 (1), 377 (3), 393 (1), 379 (2), and MUSL 326, (1), 377 (1) Piano and Guitar majors: 45-46 hours A. (22 hours): 14 hours (7 semesters) of applied music in the major applied instrument, with not less than 6 hours (3 semesters) at the 300 level; 8 hours of music ensemble (minimum of 1 large ensemble (MUS 186 Concert Choir) during each semester of residency (7 hours) plus 1 hour of chamber (small) music ensemble.) (Keyboard and guitar students may substitute up to 4 hours from MUS 130, 182 for the large ensemble requirement.) B. (23-24 hours): MUS 272 (2), 273 (2), 285 (2), 286 (2), 301 (3), 306 (2), 326 (3), 331 (1), 377 (3), 393 (1), and MUSL 326, (1), 377 (1); and MUS 146 (1) if required, based on the singing placement test results. All proficiency examinations and admission to upper-divisional applied music study are prerequisites to formal admission into the teacher education program in music. Watson School of Education requirements ( 22 hours): EDN 200 (3), EDNL 200 (1), EDN 203 (3), EDN 340 (3) or 356 (3),and EDN 409 (12).* = 22 hours * Music Education majors are not required to take Education 408 during the professional semester. For information on the Teacher Education Program admissions criteria and the courses required for licensure in North Carolina, see the Watson School of Education section of this catalogue. Students planning to pursue licensure should apply to the Watson School of Education as soon as admissions requirements are met (typically in the sophomore year) and plan their programs in regular consultation with their advisors. Teacher licensure requirements are established at the state level and may be changed by the state at any time.