For an explanation of the curriculum change process, please see b-'JP-.ilwwwJm.£:\!.,edu!f1:lLI1i!nJJl;1QQJi!Ir;.;mQn;;Uljli.ti~s!teaching(cllrri~ulumJltm Arts and Sciences University of North Carolina Wilmington FOR UNDERGRADUATE CURRICULUM PROPOSAL Department or Academic Unit: =B",i""ol",o",gy,-"--"an""",d,-,M~ar,-,i""n",-e",=B",io""l""o",gy,,,- Type of Proposal: DNew DDeletion of Course ~Degree Requirement DTrial Change (Check all that apply): DPrefixlNumber DTitIe D Description DPre/Corequisite DRestrictive Statement DCrosslist DUncrosslist Other: To become effective: Current --- Semester: Fall Year: 2011 course prefix, number To be offered: DFall DSpring Course D Credit Hours DContact Hours _ D Summer Don Request DAltemate Years and title: Newcourseprefix,numberandtitIe: Abbreviated .; Check all that apply and answer the questions below. Course (attach syllabus) DCourse CHANGE --- _ course title (30 spaces maximum): - Indructor~)respon~b~furcoun~ Type of course: Credit hours: Crosslisted D Lecture __ ~ DSeminar DLab Credit hour change: From: __ with (course prefix and number): (To crosslist/uncrosslist Is this course a renumbering DYesDNo And should it be deleted? DYes Is this course currently DYesDNo Will it be submitted DYesDNo Is this course currently DYesDNo Will it be submitted DYes Is this course currently DNo To: __ Contact hours: __ (it replaces an existing course)? _ Contact hour change: From: To: ~~ If yes, which course? (If yes, a separate curriculum change form requesting this deletion is required.) approved for basic studies? for basic studies approval? approved for oral competency? for oral competency approved approval? for computer DYesDNo Will it be submitted DYesDNo Is it required DYes Is it an elective for a major/minor/option DNo DOther Dlntemship Uncross list with (course prefix and number) courses, a curriculum change form submitted by both departments is required.) DYesDNo DNo DPracticum for computer competency for a major/minor/option competency? approval? in your department? in your department? DYesDNo Is it a collateral requirement or elective for a major/minor/option for another department? listing the departments/programs affected and verifying that the departments were consulted.) ~YesDNo Are present staff and resources provided.) adequate to support this proposal? Page 1 of3 (If yes, attach documentation (If no, explain in the justification section how they will be Degree requirement or course description change as it would appear in the catalogue (Course description change: 50 words or less; include prefix, number, title, credit hours, cross listing, pre/corequisites, etc.). Requ.iremel1tsfor a Major in Marine Biology for the B.S. Degree: 75 hours. BIO 201 and 202, which must be takenearlyjnthe program ofstudy;BIQ33SandBIOL 335;BIO 325 and BIOL 32S6rBI0340 or BIO 34S.a.nd BIOLJ45;BIQ 362;BIO 366 andBIOL 366; and BIO 495 ()rBIOL 495. It is the strong recommendation of the gepaftment th?ttwo()utofBIO 366;BIO 335; BIO 340 orBIO 345 be completed befor~ takil1~9therBIO eoursesat theJOO or 400 level. A minimuffiof8 hours ohosen'fromBlt) 312 or 313; BIO 318m l?I0357and BIOL357. CHM 101-102,CHM 211.andCHML211; GLY150; PHY 101,,102; MAT 151 or MAT 161, STT215 ..A "C"(2.00) or better average is required for BIO courses above 299. Marine Conservation Option: 75 hours. Must complete general requirements forRS. Degre(', in Marine Biology and BIO 466. Additionally, a minimum.of 10 hours of marine biology elective courses numbered above 299 must be chosen from the follOwing set of courses: BIO 312, 313, 318, 357, 358, 368, 380, 430, 452, 434, 4?8,463, 478, 486,487,491,499. . The Marine Conservation option provides a B.S. Marine Biology degree plan that is designed forstudents primarily interested in the biological aspects of conservation science in'marine environments (e.g., community ecology, population biology, biogeography,conservati()n genetics and assessment of threatened or endangered species and hapitats). (*note:see attachment fonthe.complete catalogue language incorporating this and other proposed changes) Justification for request or degree change: In keeping with the recent establishment of a Terrestrial and Freshwater Conservation option in our BS Bio program, we wish to establish a Marine Conservation option in the BS Marine Bio program as well. The program will require one additional core course (BIO 466 - Conservation Biology), but removes 4 hours from the required electives (9 hours rather than 13), and restrict students to the types of>300 BIO electives they may choose, as described above. !Z?JYesONo Does this proposal require University Curriculum Committee (UCC) or Faculty Senate approval (refer to htJ:P:/!:~'l/I:Y\y,lIm~\YU&gl!/J}l(!'i~D!ll~<,:j)? (If yes, forward proposal to the UCC and complete and submit the appropriate proposal must be signed by the UCC Chair and Faculty Senate President and forwarded to the Provost.) UCCform(s). If approved, this Recommended and approved by: ~J- r/ b (V I; Dean of the College or School Date 1((7 Department Chairperson Date *Chair, University Curriculum Committee Date Chair, College or School Curriculum Committee Date *President, Faculty Senate Date Teacher Education Council Date Provost Date (WSE use only) "Obtain signatures of the UCC Chair and the Faculty Senate President onlv ifrequiredfor Forms not filled out completely or lacking documentation will be returned. Page 2 of J this proposal.