RTP Survey Summary Report November 4, 2010 UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 1 Introduction In Spring of 2010 the Faculty Senate decided to survey the faculty on the Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion processes at UNCW. Faculty were encouraged to send questions and comments to the President of Faculty Senate, Dr. Bruce McKinney. Comments obtained were analyzed using NVivo software and common themes were developed. In addition, a search of the Internet for other surveys about the RTP process occurred during the summer. Some of the questions used in this survey came from a survey developed by a consortium of universities (e.g., Princeton, MIT) that evaluated similar processes. Once the survey was developed, it went out to two dozen faculty at UNCW for comments and input. After two revisions, the survey was finalized. On September 22, 2010, the Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion Survey was sent to 502 tenured and tenured track faculty who had been at UNCW for at least 1 year. The survey remained open for 3 weeks with 4 reminders sent to faculty. A total of 271 faculty completed the survey which is a 54% response rate. Depending on the tenure status of a faculty person, the survey branched to different sets of questions. Therefore, this report has several components. Demographic information is provided first. To determine if those that responded were different than those who did not respond, comparisons were made on gender, ethnicity, college/school, and rank; both groups were similar in nature. Chi-square analyses were run to determine if significant differences existed between respondents and non-respondents. No significant difference were found by rank (χ2 (3, N = 502) = 1.77, p = .618), 2 2 gender (χ (1, N = 502) = 0.18, p = .674), and ethnicity (χ (5, N = 502) = 1.27, p = .938). The next section provides information about Assistant and Associate Professors and includes information about departmental RTP expectations, University RTP expectations, open ended questions about barriers in the RTP process, practices that enhance ability to get tenure, processes of RTP and the role of elements in the RTP process (i.e., narrative, SPOTS). The final section of the report provides information about Tenured Professors. Questions on the Departmental and University RTP processes asked faculty to respond from the point of view as a reviewer of faculty going through the RTP process. They also responded to practices that enhance the ability to get tenure and elements of the tenure process. For the majority of questions, the don't know response was eliminated from the calculations and percents are based on those that used the options in the Likert scale for that question. There are a few exceptions to this practice. There was a series of questions that asked individuals to compare their departmental standards against other departments. The don't know response was left in since a large portion of faculty to responded to this question used this option so it was important to include that in calculations. UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 2 Table of Contents Page 4 Demographic Information Assistant & Associate Professors Departmental Expectations University Expectations Open Ended Questions Practices Enhance Tenure Process of RTP Role of Elements in RTP process 9 23 28 36 41 43 Professors Departmental Expectations University Expectations Practices Enhance Tenure Role of Elements in RTP process 46 48 50 63 UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 3 Demographic Information UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 4 Gender Male Female Total Responses 262 155 59% 107 41% 97% Count Column% Count Column% 262 100% Assistant Professor 31 42% Rank Associate Professor Professor 54 70 61% 70% 43 58% 34 39% 30 30% 74 88 100 75% Asian African American Hispanic White Total Responses UNCW RTP Results 59% 40% 41% 25% 0% Male Female Gender Comparison Tenure & Tenure Track Faculty vs Respondents 261 3 1% 16 6% 15 6% 8 3% 219 84% 261 96% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Assistant Professor 1 1% Rank Associate Professor Professor 0 2 0% 2% 7 9% 6 7% 3 3% 6 8% 6 7% 3 3% 2 3% 2 2% 4 4% 58 78% 71 84% 90 88% 74 85 102 100% Tenure & Tenure Track Faculty Respondents 84% 84% 75% Percent MultiRacial 60% 50% Ethnicity Response Rate: Tenure & Tenure Track Faculty Respondents Percent Response Rate: 50% 25% 11/4/2010 1%1% 5% 6% 5% 6% 5% 3% 0% Multi Asian African Hispanic White Racial American Ethnic Comparison Tenure & Tenure Track Faculty vs Respondents Page 5 What is your college or school? Response Rate: 266 98% Assistant Professor College of Arts and Sciences 173 65% Count Column% 43 59% Rank Associate Professor Professor 62 68% 100% Tenure & Tenure Track Faculty Respondents 68 67% 75% School of Education School of Nursing School of Health and Applied Human Sciences School of Social Work Total Responses UNCW RTP Results 31 12% Count Column% 32 12% Column% 11 4% Column% Count Count 7 10% 11 12% 13 13% 11 15% 12 13% 9 9% 5 7% 3 3% 3 3% 65% 65% Percent School of Business 50% 25% 12% 14 5% Count Column% 5 7% 3 3% 6 6% 266 Count Column% 2 3% 0 0% 3 3% 73 91 102 12% 11% 3% 4% 3% 5% 2% 2% 4% 0% 0% CAS 5 2% 12% 11/4/2010 CSB WSE SON SHAHS SSWK Admin College/School Comparison Tenure & Tenure Track Faculty vs Respondents Page 6 What is your rank Asst Professor 99% Count Column% Assoc Professor Rank Tenure & Tenure Track RespondFaculty ents 131 74 26% 28% Count Column% Professor Count Column% Total Responses 100% Tenure & Tenure Track Faculty Respondents 75% 50% 26% 28% 186 37% 91 34% 25% 185 37% 102 38% 0% 502 267 Which best describes your position Response Rate: Faculty member Librarian Department Chair 260 232 89% 1 0% 19 7% 100% 96% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Assistant Professor 73 99% 37% 38% 37% 34% Assistant Professor Associate Professor Professor Rank of Faculty Comparison Tenure & Tenure Track Faculty vs Respondents Rank Associate Professor Professor 80 79 91% 81% 1 1% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 7 8% 12 12% Percent of Respondents 267 Percent Response Rate: 89% 75% 50% 25% 7% 0% 3% 0% Higher administration Total Responses UNCW RTP Results 8 3% 260 Count Column% 0 0% 1 1% 7 7% 74 88 98 11/4/2010 Faculty member Librarian Department Chair Higher administration Role of Faculty Member Page 7 Assistant Professor's status in the RTP process Initial appointment Planning to go up in the next year Currently going through tenure process Total Responses 74 12 16% 48 65% 100% Count Column% Count Column% Assistant Professor 12 16% 48 65% 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 65% 50% 25% 19% 16% 0% 14 19% Count Column% 74 Initial appointment 14 19% Planning to go up in next Currently going through year process Assistant Professor's Tenure Status 74 Associate Professors status in the RTP process 91 100% Associate Professor Tenured in last year Tenured longer than 1 year Currently going through process Total Responses UNCW RTP Results 14 15% 71 78% Count Column% Count Column% 14 15% 71 78% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 100% 78% 75% 50% 25% 15% 7% 0% Tenured in last year 6 7% 91 Count Column% 6 7% Tenured longer than 1 Currently going through year process Associate Professor's Tenure Status 91 11/4/2010 Page 8 Assistant & Associate Professor Responses Departmental Evaluation UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 9 My departmental expectations for RTP are Very clear (5) Fairly clear (4) Neither clear nor unclear (3) 162 29 18% 98% Count Column% 92 57% Column% 15 9% Column% Count Count Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor 9 20 12% 22% 43 59% 49 55% 10 14% 5 6% 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: Asst Professor Assoc Professor 75% 59% 55% 50% 22% 25% 14% 12% Fairly unclear (2) 16 10% Count Column% 8 11% 8 9% 3 4% 7 8% 6% 10 6% Count Column% Total Responses 162 73 89 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.70 4.00 1.07 3.64 4.00 0.98 3.75 4.00 1.14 UNCW RTP Results 4% 8% 0% Very Clear Fairly Clear Very unclear (1) 11% 9% Neither Fairly Unclear Very Unclear Departmental Expectations for RTP by Rank 11/4/2010 Page 10 Department's annual review process gives concrete feedback on my progress towards tenure. 161 98% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor Strongly disagree (1) Somewhat disagree (2) Neither disagree no agree (3) Somewhat agree (4) Strongly agree (5) 17 11% 15 9% 14 9% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% 4 5% 13 15% 6 8% 9 10% 4 5% 10 11% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 75% 47% 50% 34%34% 30% 25% 15% 5% 60 37% Column% 55 34% Column% Count Count 34 47% 26 30% 25 34% 30 34% Total Responses 161 73 88 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.75 4.00 1.30 3.96 4.00 1.11 3.58 4.00 1.43 UNCW RTP Results 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 8% 11% 10% 5% 0% Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree Annual Review Gives Feedback about Tenure Process 11/4/2010 Page 11 The clarity of my department RTP expectations for teaching are Very clear (5) Fairly clear (4) Neither clear nor unclear (3) Fairly unclear (2) Very unclear (1) 162 43 27% 77 48% 20 12% 18 11% 4 2% 98% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor 15 28 21% 31% 38 52% 39 44% 10 14% 10 11% 10 14% 8 9% 0 0% 4 4% Total Responses 162 73 89 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.85 4.00 1.02 3.79 4.00 0.93 3.89 4.00 1.09 UNCW RTP Results 100% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 75% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 52% 50% 44% 31% 21% 25% 14% 9% 14% 11% 4% 0% 0% Very Unclear Fairly Unclear Neither Fairly Clear Very Clear Clarity of Departmental Teaching Expectations 11/4/2010 Page 12 My department RTP expectations for teaching are 162 98% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor Very reasonable (5) Fairly reasonable (4) Neither reasonable nor unreasonable (3) Fairly unreasonable (2) Very unreasonable (1) 48 30% 80 49% 22 14% 9 6% 3 2% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% 15 21% 44 60% 10 14% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 33 37% 36 40% 12 13% 3 4% 6 7% 1 1% 2 2% Total Responses 162 73 89 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.99 4.00 0.91 3.95 4.00 0.80 4.03 4.00 0.99 UNCW RTP Results 100% 75% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 60% 50% 40% 25% 37% 21% 14%13% 1% 2% 4% 7% 0% Very Fairly Unreasonable Unreasonable Neither Fairly Reasonable Very Reasonable Reasonableness of Departmental Teaching Expectations 11/4/2010 Page 13 Compared to other departments at UNCW, my departmental RTP expectations for teaching are Much higher (5) Somewhat higher (4) About the same (3) Somewhat lower (2) Much lower (1) Don't know (0) 160 13 8% 26 16% 38 24% 5 3% 1 1% 77 48% 97% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor 6 7 8% 8% 8 11% 14 19% 2 3% 18 21% 24 28% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 75% 59% 50% 39% 28% 25% 3 3% 0 0% 1 1% 43 59% 34 39% Total Responses 160 73 87 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.54 3.00 0.87 3.60 3.00 0.89 3.51 3.00 0.87 UNCW RTP Results 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 21% 8% 8% 19% 11% 3% 3% 0% 1% 0% Much Higher Somewhat Higher Same Somewhat Lower Much Lower Don't Know Departmental Expectation of Teaching Compared Others 11/4/2010 to Page 14 The clarity of my department RTP expectations for scholarly productivity are Very clear (5) Fairly clear (4) Neither clear nor unclear (3) 162 31 19% 98% Count Column% 71 44% Column% 19 12% Column% Count Count Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor 9 22 12% 25% 33 45% 38 43% 13 18% 6 7% 14 19% 13 15% 4 5% 10 11% 100% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 50% 45% 43% 25% 25% 19% 15% 18% 12% 11% Fairly unclear (2) 27 17% Count Column% 5% 0% Very Unclear Fairly Unclear Very unclear (1) 14 9% Count Column% Total Responses 162 73 89 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.48 4.00 1.22 3.40 4.00 1.10 3.55 4.00 1.31 UNCW RTP Results 7% Neither Fairly Clear Very Clear Clarity of Departmental Scholarly Productivity Expectations 11/4/2010 Page 15 My department RTP expectations for scholarly productivity are Response Rate: 162 98% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor Fairly reasonable (4) Neither reasonable nor unreasonable (3) 42 26% 74 46% 36 22% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% 13 18% 29 33% 40 55% 34 38% 17 23% 19 21% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 75% Percent of Respondents Very reasonable (5) 100% 55% 50% 38% 33% 23% 25% Fairly unreasonable (2) Very unreasonable (1) 18% 5 3% Count Column% 2 3% 3 3% 4% 1% 3% 3% 0% 5 3% Count Column% 1 1% 4 4% Total Responses 162 73 89 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.88 4.00 0.94 3.85 4.00 0.79 3.91 4.00 1.04 UNCW RTP Results 21% Very Unreasonable Fairly Unreasonable Neither Fairly Reasonable Very Reasonable Reasonableness of Department Scholarly Productivity Expectations 11/4/2010 Page 16 Compared to other departments at UNCW, my departmental RTP expectations for scholarly productivity are Much higher (5) Somewhat higher (4) About the same (3) Somewhat lower (2) Much lower (1) Don't know (0) 160 15 9% 21 13% 49 31% 8 5% 97% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% 4 3% Column% 63 39% Column% Count Count Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor 5 10 7% 11% 9 12% 17 23% 3 4% 12 14% 32 37% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 75% 53% 50% 37% 28% 0 0% 4 5% 39 53% 24 28% 160 73 87 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.36 3.00 0.98 3.47 3.00 0.86 3.30 3.00 1.04 23% 25% 5 6% Total Responses UNCW RTP Results 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 11% 7% 12% 14% 4% 6% 5% 0% 0% Much Higher Somewhat Higher Same Somewhat Lower Much Lower Don't Know Departmental Expectation of Scholarly Productivity Compared to Others 11/4/2010 Page 17 The clarity of my department RTP expectations for service are Very clear (5) Fairly clear (4) Neither clear nor unclear (3) Fairly unclear (2) 161 26 16% 79 49% 21 13% 20 12% 98% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor 8 18 11% 20% 35 49% 12 17% 44 49% 9 10% 13 18% 7 8% 4 6% 11 12% 100% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 49% 49% 50% 25% 18% 12% 6% 20% 17% 8% 10% Fairly Unclear Neither 11% 0% Very unclear (1) 15 9% Count Column% Very Unclear Fairly Clear Very Clear Clarity of Departmental Service Expectations Total Responses 161 72 89 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.50 4.00 1.18 3.42 4.00 1.08 3.57 4.00 1.25 UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 18 My department RTP expectations for service are Response Rate: 162 98% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor Fairly reasonable (4) Neither reasonable nor unreasonable (3) 34 21% 67 41% 42 26% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% 10 14% 24 27% 34 47% 33 37% 17 23% 25 28% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 75% Percent of Respondents Very reasonable (5) 100% 47% 50% 37% 28% 25% Fairly unreasonable (2) 27% 23% 14% 15 9% Count Column% 8 11% 7 8% 11% 8% 5% 0% Very unreasonable (1) 0% 4 2% Count Column% 4 5% 0 0% Total Responses 162 73 89 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.69 4.00 0.99 3.52 4.00 1.04 3.83 4.00 0.92 UNCW RTP Results Very Fairly Unreasonable Unreasonable Neither Fairly Reasonable Very Reasonable Reasonableness of Departmental Service Expectations 11/4/2010 Page 19 Compared to other departments at UNCW, my departmental RTP expectations for service are Much higher (5) Somewhat higher (4) About the same (3) Somewhat lower (2) Much lower (1) 160 16 10% 97% Count Column% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor 9 7 12% 8% 100% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 75% 19 12% 43 27% 2 1% 0 0% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% 6 8% 13 15% 14 19% 29 33% 2 3% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 42 58% 38 44% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 58% 50% 44% 33% 25% 19% 15% 12% 8% 3% 0% 80 50% Count Column% Total Responses 160 73 87 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.61 3.00 0.83 3.71 3.00 0.97 3.55 3.00 0.74 UNCW RTP Results 0% 0% 0% Much Higher Don't know (0) 8% Somewhat Higher Same Somewhat Lower Much Lower Don't Know Departmental Expectation of Service Compared to Others 11/4/2010 Page 20 To what extent does the University RTP process currently value these items in the tenure process? Value Not at Valued Somewhat all slightly valued Research/ scholarly work Applied Research Teaching contributions Departmental service Service to UNCW Service to the community/region Professional reputation Collegiality Fit w/ department mission Assessment by outside peers Obtaining grants/funding Table Summary UNCW RTP Results Total Highly Response s valued 1 1% 7 4% 8 5% 35 22% 34 21% 70 43% 119 73% 50 31% 162 5 3% 16 10% 52 32% 89 55% 162 16 10% 14 9% 62 39% 56 35% 59 37% 64 40% 23 14% 27 17% 160 23 14% 67 41% 56 35% 16 10% 162 29 18% 46 28% 50 31% 49 30% 61 38% 52 32% 20 13% 15 9% 160 29 18% 51 32% 60 38% 19 12% 159 58 36% 66 41% 35 22% 2 1% 161 13 8% 241 37 23% 497 56 35% 599 55 34% 435 161 162 161 162 1772 11/4/2010 Page 21 How appropriate is the value that the University RTP process has placed on these items? Appropriateness of Value Very under valued Research/ scholarly work Applied research Teaching contributions Departmental service Service to UNCW Service to the community/region Professional reputation Collegiality Fit w/ department mission Assessment by outside peers Obtaining grants/funding Table Summary UNCW RTP Results Some what under Valued valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 6 4% 15 9% 29 18% 54 34% 79 49% 70 44% 34 21% 13 8% 12 8% 8 5% 160 12 8% 34 21% 80 50% 23 14% 11 7% 160 26 16% 21 13% 43 27% 38 24% 74 47% 86 54% 13 8% 12 8% 3 2% 3 2% 159 31 19% 44 28% 70 44% 12 8% 3 2% 160 27 17% 24 15% 44 28% 45 28% 85 53% 70 44% 3 2% 15 9% 1 1% 4 3% 160 15 10% 40 25% 92 59% 6 4% 4 3% 157 31 20% 56 36% 64 41% 5 3% 1 1% 157 14 9% 222 34 22% 461 75 48% 845 22 14% 158 12 8% 62 157 11/4/2010 160 160 158 1748 Page 22 Assistant & Associate Professor Responses University RTP Evaluation UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 23 The University RTP processes are Very clear (5) Fairly clear (4) Neither clear nor unclear (3) Fairly unclear (2) 160 13 8% 88 55% 25 16% 24 15% 97% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor 5 8 7% 9% 39 54% 49 56% 14 19% 11 13% 11 15% 13 15% 100% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 56% 54% 50% 25% 19% 15%15% 13% 8% 7% 4% Very unclear (1) 10 6% Count Column% 3 4% 7 8% 9% 0% Very Unclear Fairly Unclear Neither Fairly Clear Very Clear Clarity of University RTP Expectations Total Responses 160 72 88 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.44 4.00 1.04 3.44 4.00 0.98 3.43 4.00 1.10 UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 24 To what extent do you feel the University RTP processes used to evaluate your performance are reasonable? Not at all (0) To some extent (1) To a great extent (2) 159 7 4% 112 70% 40 25% 96% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor 1 6 1% 7% 55 77% 57 65% 15 21% 25 28% 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 77% 75% 65% 50% 28% 21% 25% 1% 7% 0% Not at all To some extent To a great extent Reasonableness of University RTP Expectations Total Responses 159 71 88 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 1.26 1.00 0.44 1.21 1.00 0.41 1.30 1.00 0.46 UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 25 The University RTP committee's expectations are congruent with my departmental expectations. Response Rate: 161 98% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor Somewhat disagree (2) Neither disagree nor agree (0) Somewhat agree (4) 5 3% 31 19% 24 15% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% 3 4% 2 2% 13 18% 18 20% 7 10% 17 19% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 75% Percent of Respondents Strongly disagree (1) 100% 50% 38% 29% 26% 25% 53 33% 27 38% 26 29% 3 4% 11 12% 19 26% 15 17% 161 72 89 3.39 4.00 1.19 3.30 4.00 1.15 3.46 4.00 1.23 Count Column% 20% 18% Don't know (0) Total Responses 14 9% 34 21% Count Column% Count Column% 17% 12% 10% 4% Strongly agree (5) 19% 4% 2% 0% Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree Don't Know University RTP Expectations Congruent with Departmental Expectations Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 26 Which of the following roles do you feel the University RTP Committee should have? Response Rate: 157 95% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor Equal weight in the decision (current role) No role: eliminate from the tenure process Other Total Responses 46 29% 93 59% 12 8% 6 4% 157 Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% 27 40% 36 53% 19 21% 57 64% 4 6% 8 9% 1 1% 5 6% 68 89 Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Percent of Respondents Review of due process only (no vote) 100% 75% 64% 53% 50% 40% 21% 25% 6% 9% 6% 1% 0% Review of Due Process Only Equal Weight (Current) No Role: Eliminate Other Role of University RTP Committee Other Responses: Ensure fair department decision with power to convert negative to positive (but not converse) Not clear how to answer this Not sure Should generally abstain from the process unless there is evidence of injustice There should be review and some vote but perhaps not equal to the departmental assessment What role do they have now? UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 27 Open Ended Questions UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 28 Current practices that make it difficult for junior faculty to meet the University RTP's standard for tenure Response Rate: 44 1. Service, service, service! Service is undervalued for tenure, yet the demands on junior faculty to perform service seem to be increasing every year. 2. Assessment. Too much time is dedicated to reacting to the constant influx of assessment guidelines. 3. Collegiality. Unequal distribution of service. Colleagues who don't pull their weight. Because we are understaffed in the office and have too few faculty in our department, it is very difficult for junior faculty to find time for research. The demands of service are extremely unreasonable. continued overvaluation of research with unrelenting standards for teaching as well as courseload and limited, if any graduate student support makes it extremely difficult for faculty to meet Univ. standards for tenure. departmental lack of clarity on process and expectations, especially related to "collegiality" lack of clarity about specific university tenure requirements for scholarship unclear submission processes (application instructions and materials) need to consider broader concepts of scholarship to include scholarship of teaching, and evidence of commitment to University Strategic goals (i.e. global citizenship, community engagement evaluating teaching based on 1 question (question 16) is a weak method of evaluating teaching effectiveness. Due to the teaching, advising and the service load research is increasingly difficult to accommodate and it is undervalued. It becomes difficult to attend conferences which is very important for the development of a research scholar. One feels almost guilty when away from the classroom even though it is very good for the University's reputation and for the researcher to get such academic exposure and a inter/national platform to share one's scholarly work. Exact expectation is not specified anywhere. I understand it is difficult and may be not even desirable. But as I consult with senior colleagues, I find they have somewhat different levels of expectation on teaching/research/service. FYI..the question about where faculty are in the RPT process is limited. Since I was forced to choose an option, my response is inaccurate. My biggest gripe is having taken over a UNI class b/c an instructor left toward the end of the semester. I then distributed SPOTS with her name on them and those "poor" scores were reflected on my SPOTS. That is unfair to me in the RPT process. I felt undervalued as a faculty member when I tried to address this through the appropriate channels on campus. The outcome was those scores stayed on my report and I was told this happens all the time and there is no policy on this issue. Heavy teaching/advising load and push for service within department on committees and to the profession. Additionally, no consistent focused mentoring for tenure process from time of hire. I am a junior faculty member being asked to serve on 12 committees. Although I am verbally encouraged to pursue scholarship, I am not given the time or opportunity to do so. The only grant support provided is in the form of links sent for grants to which to apply, i.e., actual helps and support is not provided regarding grants. UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 29 I am confused by the use of "teaching institution" but then the holding of high expectations for research, grants and applied research. Which is more important at UNCW: teaching or research? Either is acceptable to me, but knowing which is more important may have helped me make decisions along the way. I do not know this one as I do not deal with this much I have no significant concerns with the RTP process thus far and consider it to be a relatively transparent process that has been well-supported by my department. If it is publish or perish, then say so. Don't sell we're inclusive or progressive in "our" thinking about scholarship, then when it time for evaluation it is about how many publications. In the few years that I have been at UNCW,I have attended several RTP sessions offered through CTE, etc. The expectations for tenure expectations seem to be a moving target. One year, we were told that the committee does not look at narratives and personal statements, then this year, it was most important. Similarly, the university community prides itself in valuing teaching, but then in the same breath explains to tenure track faculty that you will not get tenure without publications--however, no one seems to be able to clarify what is meant by publications--first author, or does it matter. It is frankly a very disappointing process. There needs to be a standard so that faculty coming into the university know what the goal should be and not just guess every year. It is difficult to appropriately answer some of the questions above. I attended an RTP information session and the overall message was "follow departmental standards." As a result, I could say more about departmental standards then University standards. It is not always clear what the standards for any given category are Its seems like in my department research is highly valued, but there is an overtaxing on service, and limited teaching assistants to help relieve the workload. For example, in the spring of 2010, I had planned on beginning a grant proposal, but was overburdened with service obligations (there was at least 1 faculty meeting or committee every week that spring.) I felt like I didn't have time to do all of the expected teaching and service and research and still live a healthy lifestyle. There need to be limits on service expectations for research active junior faculty. Junior faculty are given mixed messages regarding tenure. UNCW claims that teaching is given the highest priority in promotion from assistant to associate. This does not appear to be the case. Senior faculty possess inconsistent expectations for scholarly productivity and collegiality. My department's senior faculty's expectations also appear to be at odds with my department chair's expectations. Lack of clear guidelines/expectations for teaching/scholarship/service within the school. lack of help with childcare Limited financial resources to support junior faculty scholarship. Lack of a culture of meaningful collaboration across departments My department's requirements for tenure seem to be different and in most cases greatly exceed those of the University committee. My feeling is that research, teaching, and service are required for tenure, with the first two being heavily weighed. I believe expectations for research are growing and while I'm in favor of this, increasing research without a decrease in teaching is challenging. With current loads, we run the risk of professors only being mediocre at both because of required time commitments. Not difficult at all now. Junior faculty members have received tenure with 3 publications and 3 years of limited teaching and service. UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 30 Requiring faculty who earned tenure elsewhere (by a more rigorous external process than UNCW's)and who have an established professional reputation to start all over HERE is demoralizing, unprofessional, and, frankly, insulting. Research expectations have increased, but a one course relief for being research active is not sufficient for creative high quality research. Responsibilities for program coordination, excessive committee work, heavy advising loads, and recruitment among junior faculty (tenure track) interfere with achieving tenure and complicate the process of reaching tenure track goals. somewhat unclear standard on research area: for example, how many peer-review journal publications are expected for a tenure Standardized teaching evaluations are not reliable (esp in the case of online teaching). The 3:3 teaching load is a load that applies differentially depending on department. If I teach 3:3 in my department that is equivalent to approximately 130-140 students. 3:3 in FLL or English is more typically 75 students. 3:3 in other departments may be higher. An assistant professor's teaching load impacts the research productivity negatively. Punishing non-productive faculty by moving them to 4:4 might increase their student load - but probably does not in ways that lighten the teaching for juniors. Finally, the feedback from the UNCW RPT during my reappointment was to "be more productive". Is that the standard response or is this intended to be disheartening? I'd like to be absolutely clear when I am receiving a negative message from an entity that has the power to terminate my employment. The 3-3 teaching load creates a challenging atmosphere in maintaining a record of scholarship necessary to keep up research and publishing standards. Though I am currently meeting this challenge, it would be nice to have had at least during the year before coming up for tenure (for me, this academic year) to have a reduced teaching load in order to be more even productive on the publishing part of RTP. Thank you for giving me the opportunity for this comment/suggestion. The amount of service expectations from junior faculty should be minimal. The research expectations should be clear and good support from the senior faculty reaching these expectations should be present. The major issue with these is that even though different departments do not have equal number of faculty, in order to have access to resources same input from each department is essential. This creates extra work for junior faculty of understaffed departments. In addition, technical majors like ours already requires a lot more work in teaching due to lengthy lab and project hours. The heavy reliance on SPOTs has the potential to hurt faculty members who demand high performance of their students. Unfortunately, there is no obvious remedy. Guidelines for expected publications and grant activity are ill-defined and vary from department from department which could cause some consternation among junior faculty. My department was very clear in what was expected. The height of the bar seems to fluctuate. Annual reviews do not provide employees with a clear rationale describing what constitutes meeting or exceeding requirements. In some departments, everyone gets exceeds and others no one does which makes the approach to tenure stressful. There is also a poor distribution of weight. Junior faculty are expected to complete more service and any new course development at a much higher rate than their tenured colleagues despite high research expectations. The lack of childcare at UNCW is a MAJOR issue. The number of committees that we are asked to serve on and meetings we are asked to participate in makes it difficult to find quality time to conduct research and write. UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 31 The possibility of turnover at the supervisory level (e.g. chair) makes an individual very vulnerable if expectations change. Also important to make sure that if someone is hired with specific expectations (e.g. start a program, develop new entity, etc.) that that is integrated into the entire review process so that University RTP can't use a different standard. The unavailability of sabbaticals to junior faculty. This is a joke for a university that thinks it has any research mission at all. The University standards are not defined and there are inconsistencies and contradictions in the criteria. The University committee provides no guidance and does not follow the RTP guidelines in evaluating faculty based on the feedback they provide in their letter. There is no clear line that connects what the department and college expect and what the university RTP committee wants. The University RTP committee has a different standard that is not fully known There is no obvious communication or facilitation of department goals to the College RTP com. that is made clear to the Candidate Too much advising, limited research resources, and strong emphasis on service expectations. Unclear about its role in the process. With an ever-increasing teaching load and the desire for scholarly/artistic work as well, the expectations for more meetings, committees, assessment activities, Digital Measures, recruiting fairs on campus, etc. are becoming unmanageable for many of us. We simply cannot do it all. In my opinion, the artistic work and the teaching really do have to come first. UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 32 Current practices that make it difficult for faculty to meet University RTP's standard for promotion to professor Response Rate: 32 - I think it is unfortunate that the collective spirit of UNCW has clearly moved toward "the desire to appear like a research-1" institution. We are not R-1 but we try to act as such and extensive and/or sizable research publications carry the day in promotions. Excellence in teaching may win awards but it is greatly discounted in the promotion process. I think that is unfortunate but I can live with it. - At my current career point I have pretty much decided against pursuing full professorship. I would like to know of other associates who have also made this decision. I only know one or two who have made that decision (and have made it public). - I have heard, from a reliable source that the top administration of the university considers long-term associate professors to be a "problem" to be solved. - uneven activities and expectations across departments. Although we are all on 9 months contracts, those of us in many departments (particularly the sciences) work full time in the summer even without salary in order to reach our research goals/expectations. This effort and expectation is not evenly distributed across all departments. 1) lack of clarity about criteria, 2) lack of a clear charge to the committee so that committees are fairly consistent in their standards and process despite chair/configuration of a given year's committee, 3) no clear checklist process for the committee to follow with each dossier--candidates should see this checklist too: share the rubric!, 4) clarification of what, if anything makes Professor different from Tenure. Is it more of the same or is other things too? Are we holistic or is it just reputation/productivity as researcher? Applied research should have more value in a professional school. Similarly grants are not as valued as they should be..... Cannot say as I do not currently know what they are. Chair of the department has too much authority in the process. Funded research and publication standards are not clear enough to be useful. Definitive sense of entitlement that current full professors have exhibited in my unit. Why would I want to pursue acceptance into a club that I have very little respect for? Expectation for service in department is inconsistent with expectation for service at university level. expectations Expectations are unclear. Lack of transparency in the process. Faculty are encouraged to do service. Some attempt to provide service as asked, others are resistant and do less service. In the end, both groups are compared on their research productivity, with service carrying little or no weight. So, those who refuse service are at an advantage in getting promoted to professor if they devote that extra time to research. This is not a huge issue, but it has become pretty clear to me that learning how to say no to service is the way to fast-track to promotion to full. Heavy teaching load and greater expectation of service at the Associate Professor level; limited funding for research, travel, and administrative support; a lack of any meaningful faculty mentoring program; and a lack of respect or support for seeking grant funds-at least in my department. UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 33 If one is teaching and preparing new courses and existing courses in the core of the curriculum, while conducting applied research, that leaves little time for publishing, which is required to obtain full professor now. Would be wise for RTP to consider the strengths and records of each individual rather than trying to fit a University formula. Not all faculty do the same work or have the same expectations. Once at Full, many don't do their jobs. I'm not at all clear what the expectations are. I've been a full professor and am now an untenured associate. The only thing I can respond to is what my experience is from previous universities; I don't have ANY information from UNCW Is it lack of clarity of expectations in department, school, university. Or, is it lack of consistency. It is unclear what the SPECIFIC expectations are regarding teaching, scholarship, service, and grantsmanship. Lack of funding for research reassignment prior to tenure decisions Many associate professors are called into substantial university service for extended periods. This interrupts their scholarly research production, and in many cases severely inhibits promotion to full professor despite years of outstanding teaching and dedication to service roles that the university asked them to perform. None that I can think of. People who come from other institutions are given mixed messages about promotion and tenure. This can be frustrating, especially for those of us coming from higher ranked, research institutions. I was told that what I did before coming to UNCW was not valued-don't include it. However, I spent 12 years building a reputation as a scholar, grant writer, and professional within my discipline. I could only note the things I had published prior to coming here on my application for tenure at UNCW. I hope I can add more to my application for professor, however, I was told not to add much. Requirements for scholarship. SPOT scores ARE popularity contests. All journal ratings are subjective below top journal in field. Define national/international recognition. Is it one time, sustained or what? Eliminate any administrative roadblocks in this promotion. Ex, if administrators in academic affairs deny a number of promotions - eliminate their vote if found to be unfairly applied. Standard is unknown; heavy service on all levels expected of associate professors; preferences given to assistant professors for reduction in service expectations; constant computer work eats away at time that would be better spent elsewhere; administrative duties that are not compensated by reduced teaching; search committees; writing of assessment plans without clear directions; lastminute deadlines from administrators; lack of clear leadership from administrators; no real sabbaticals; no mentoring. the excessive service and committee work required by senior faculty; the numerous class observations required by all which often become service to senior faculty who must observe countless untenured faculty and lecturers The Guidelines for promotion to full professor are so vaguely stated in the faculty handbook. The abstract guideline statements such as distinguished accomplishment in teaching, doesn't help guide practice and collect evidences for promotion application. As part of the results due to unclarity, SPOTS score is overemphasized and misguide teaching practice. The RPT committee typically does not have a clear idea of the "publishing" practices and expectations of creative fields, such as theatre, film, studio arts, creative writing. UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 34 The SPOT instrument is the worst thing ever put in place at UNCW. The members of the committee that adopted the SPOT instrument were assured by the administrator in charge that it would never be used to evaluate teaching effectiveness. Its purpose would be solely for the professor's own use. Just the opposite has resulted. It is the only teaching evaluation tool that is used. It has no The University RTP standards appear to be reasonable. Too little credit for anything other than research/scholarly work. we need adequate peer and professional/external evaluation of teaching, we are using spots scores in an indefensible way and someday we'll get sued What is the standard? ?????????? With the competitive market of having one's article published in a peer reviewed journal it seems that not only should published articles be recognized but any article that has been submitted for review/potential publication, even if not accepted for publication by the time of tenure application. The word is one must have a minimum of three articles published in peer reviewed journals along with meeting the expectations of teaching and service. Additionally, there seems to be mixed messages as to whether publications and other accomplishments that a faculty member may have achieved pre-UNCW will even be looked at or considered by the RTP committee. There should be consistency between departments and the university in the process faculty interested in "transferring" tenure status should follow if they want to negotiate their tenure in the hiring process. UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 35 Assistant & Associate Professor Responses Practices That Enhance Tenure UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 36 Extent that the following practices enhance the ability of a faculty member to get tenure and/or promotion Extent Practices Assist in Tenure Not at all To a moderate extent 14 9% 30 19% 35 22% 81 51% 160 7 4% 23 14% 38 24% 92 58% 160 7 4% 43 27% 32 20% 77 48% 159 7 4% 16 10% 29 19% 41 26% 39 25% 42 26% 81 52% 61 38% 156 6 4% 57 19 12% 185 44 28% 230 91 57% 483 160 Research leave/ reassignment Reduced teaching load Resources for professional meetings Reasonable start-up funds Having a mentor Receiving regular feedback Table Summary Percent of Respondents Total To a great Response extent s To some extent 160 955 100% Not at all To some extent To a moderate extent 75% To a great extent 58% 51% 50% 57% 52% 48% 38% 22% 19% 25% 9% 27% 20% 24% 14% 4% 25% 19% 4% 4% 28% 26%26% 10% 12% 4% 0% Research leave Reduced teaching load Resources for professional meetings Reasonable start-up funds Having a mentor Receiving regular feedback Practices that Enhance Ability to Obtain Tenure/Promotion UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 37 Tenured faculty in my department have given consistent messages about the requirements for tenure. Response Rate: 160 97% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor Somewhat disagree (2) Neither disagree nor agree (3) Somewhat agree (4) Strongly agree (5) 29 18% Column% 33 21% Column% 25 16% 53 33% 20 13% Count Count Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% 13 18% 16 18% 16 23% 17 19% 10 14% 15 17% 24 34% 29 33% 8 11% 12 13% Total Responses 160 71 89 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 3.01 3.00 1.33 2.97 3.00 1.33 3.04 3.00 1.34 UNCW RTP Results Percent of Respondents Strongly disagree (1) 100% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor 75% 50% 34% 33% 25% 18% 18% 23% 19% 17% 14% 13% 11% 0% Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree Department Tenured Faculty Give Consistent Messages about Tenure Process 11/4/2010 Page 38 Tenured faculty outside my department have given consistent messages about the requirements for tenure. Response Rate: 157 95% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor Somewhat disagree (2) Neither disagree nor agree (3) 28 18% Column% 35 22% Column% 67 43% Count Count Count Column% 12 17% 16 19% 19 27% 16 19% 27 38% 40 47% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Percent of Respondents Strongly disagree (1) 100% 75% 47% 50% 38% 27% 25% 17% Somewhat agree (4) 21 13% Count Column% 11 15% 19% 19% 15% 12% 10 12% 3% 5% 0% Strongly agree (5) 6 4% Count Column% 2 3% 4 5% Total Responses 157 71 86 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 2.63 3.00 1.05 2.61 3.00 1.03 2.65 3.00 1.06 UNCW RTP Results Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree Tenured Faculty Outside Department Give Consistent Messages about Tenure Process 11/4/2010 Page 39 Administrators outside my department have given consistent messages about the requirements for tenure. Response Rate: 157 95% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor Somewhat disagree (2) Neither disagree nor agree (3) 35 22% Column% 29 18% Column% 70 45% Count Count Count Column% 13 19% 22 25% 15 21% 14 16% 31 44% 39 45% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Percent of Respondents Strongly disagree (1) 100% 75% 50% 25% 44% 25% 19% 45% 21% 16% 10% 9% Somewhat agree (4) Strongly agree (5) 15 10% 8 5% Count Column% Count Column% 7 10% 8 9% 4 6% 4 5% Total Responses 157 70 87 Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 2.57 3.00 1.09 2.63 3.00 1.08 2.52 3.00 1.11 UNCW RTP Results 6% 5% 0% Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree Administrators Outside Department Give Consistent Messages about Tenure Process 11/4/2010 Page 40 Assistant & Associate Professor Responses Process of RTP UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 41 Who explained to you how the process of promotion and tenure review works at UNCW? (Check ALL that apply.) Dean or Director Department head Your mentor Other faculty No one Other Total Responses 160 31 19% 124 78% 57 36% 97 61% 12 8% 7 4% 328 97% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Count Column% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor 12 19 8% 11% 54 35% 70 40% 29 19% 28 16% 49 32% 48 28% 7 5% 5 3% 3 2% 4 2% 154 174 100% Asst. Professor Assoc. Professor Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 50% 40% 35% 32% 28% 25% 19% 16% 11% 8% 5% 3% 2% 2% 0% Dean/Director Department Head Mentor Other Faculty No One Other Who Explained Tenure & Promotion Process (check all that apply) Other Responses: CFL CTE CTE Workshop was helpful to understand the University process I had no mentor. Could have used one. I mostly figured it out for myself, along with departmental annual reviews and sought opinions from colleagues Read the faculty handbook RTP workshop (August 2010) UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 42 Assistant & Associate Professor Responses Role of Elements in the RTP Process UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 43 Indicate the role each of the following elements should have in the tenure process. Requir ed 73 46% Narrative External reviewers Work completed prior to UNCW Electronic portfolio/document SPOT scores Regional Engagement Percent of Respondents Table Summary Role of Elements Option Eliminate/ Total al Do not add Responses 63 24 160 39% 15% 32 20% 96 60% 31 19% 159 67 42% 74 47% 18 11% 159 68 43% 79 50% 68 43% 52 33% 24 15% 28 18% 160 38 24% 357 101 63% 454 21 13% 146 160 159 957 100% 75% 50% Required Optional Eliminate 63% 60% 46% 42% 39% 25% 50% 47% 43% 43% 33% 15% 20% 19% 15% 11% 18% 24% 13% 0% Narrative External Reviewers Work prior to UNCW Electronic Portfolio SPOT scores Regional Engagement Role of Elements in Tenure Process UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 44 What role should regional engagement have in the tenure and promotion process? Response Rate: 160 97% Rank Assistant Associate Professor Professor 100% Asst. Professor Include within existing categories (scholarly productivity & service) Separate category An optional component to the tenure and promotion process Other Total Responses 53 33% Column% 12 8% Column% Count Count 23 32% 30 34% 4 6% 8 9% Percent of Respondents Assoc. Professor 75% 62% 48% 50% 32% 34% 25% 6% 87 54% Column% 8 5% Column% 160 Count Count 44 62% 43 48% 0 0% 8 9% 71 89 9% 9% 0% 0% Include in Existing Categories Create Separate Category Optional Component Other Role of Regional Engagement in the Tenure Process Other Responses: Can't be included within the existing categories and still be optional? I don't think this question is clear Eliminate Folded into Service None None Not included Regional engagement should be under service Should not be considered UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 45 Full Professor Responses Department RTP Evaluation UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 46 Response Rate: 102 100% Very Clear Fairly Clear Neither clear nor unclear Fairly Unclear Very Unclear Total Responses 32 50 31% 49% 10 5 5 102 10% 5% 5% Percent of Respondents As a reviewer, my departmental RTP expectations that I use to rate faculty are 100% 75% 49% 50% 31% 25% 10% 5% 5% Fairly Unclear Very Unclear 0% Very Clear Fairly Clear Neither clear nor unclear Clarity of Departmental Expectations Used to Rate Faculty As a reviewer, my departmental RTP expectations that I use to rate faculty are Response Rate: 102 100% Very reasonable (1) Somewhat reasonable (2) Neither reasonable nor unreasonable (3) Somewhat unreasonable (4) Very unreasonable (5) Total Responses 65 64% 25 25% 9 9% 3 3% 0 102 0% UNCW RTP Results 75% 64% 50% 25% 25% 9% 3% 0% 0% Very reasonable (1) Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation Percent of Respondents 100% 1.51 1.00 0.78 Somewhat reasonable (2) Neither Somewhat Very reasonable nor unreasonable (4) unreasonable (5) unreasonable (3) Reasonableness of Departmental Expectations Used to Rate Faculty 11/4/2010 Page 47 Full Professor Responses University RTP Evaluation UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 48 Response Rate: 99 97% Not at all To some extent To a great extent Total Responses 3 51 45 99 3% 52% 45% Percent of Respondents As a reviewer, to what extent do you feel the University RTP criteria to evaluate faculty are appropriate? 100% 75% 52% 45% 50% 25% 3% 0% Not at all To some extent To a great extent Appropriateness of University RTP Criteria Used to Evaluate Faculty As a reviewer, the University RTP processes are 100 98% Very clear (5) Fairly clear (4) Neither clear nor unclear (3) Fairly unclear (2) Very unclear (1) Total Responses 16 60 16% 60% Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation 14 4 6 100 14% 4% 6% 3.76 4.00 0.98 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 60% 50% 25% 16% 14% 4% 6% 0% Very clear (5) Fairly clear (4) Neither clear nor Fairly unclear (2) Very unclear (1) unclear (3) Clarity of University RTP Processes to Evaluate Faculty UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 49 Full Professor Responses Process of RTP UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 50 In your perception as a reviewer, to what extent does the University RTP process currently value these items in Value Not at Valued Somewhat all slightly valued Research/ scholarly work Applied Research Teaching contributions Dept .service Service to UNCW Service to the community/region Professional reputation Collegiality Fit w/ department mission Assessment by peers outside UNCW Obtaining grants/funding Table Summary UNCW RTP Results Total Highly Response s valued 0 0% 2 2% 5 5% 16 16% 21 21% 57 58% 76 75% 24 24% 102 0 0% 12 12% 10 10% 5 5% 43 42% 45 44% 26 25% 39 38% 39 38% 71 70% 8 8% 8 8% 102 14 14% 50 49% 31 30% 7 7% 102 14 14% 38 37% 22 22% 30 29% 51 50% 30 29% 14 14% 4 4% 101 23 23% 35 35% 28 28% 15 15% 101 26 26% 44 44% 26 26% 5 5% 101 3 3% 142 23 23% 318 45 45% 393 30 30% 262 101 99 102 102 102 1115 11/4/2010 Page 51 Question Type: 102 100% Choose one Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Total Responses 0 5 21 76 102 0% 5% 21% 75% 75% 75% 50% 25% 21% 0% 5% Not at all Valued slightly 0% Somewhat Highly valued valued Value Research/Scholarly Work Applied Research Response Rate: 99 97% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Total Responses 2 16 57 24 99 2% 16% 58% 24% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: Percent of Respondents 100% Research/scholarly work 100% 75% 58% 50% 24% 16% 25% 2% 0% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Value Applied Research Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Total Responses 102 0 5 26 71 102 100% 0% 5% 25% 70% Percent of Respondents Teaching contributions Response Rate: 100% 70% 75% 50% 25% 25% 0% 5% 0% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Value Teaching Contributions UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 52 Response Rate: Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Total Responses 102 12 43 39 8 102 100% 12% 42% 38% 8% Percent of Respondents Departmental service 100% 75% 42% 50% 25% 38% 12% 8% 0% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Value Departmental Service Response Rate: Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Total Responses 102 100% 10 45 39 8 102 10% 44% 38% 8% Percent of Respondents Service to UNCW 100% 75% 44% 50% 25% 38% 10% 8% 0% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Value Service to UNCW Response Rate: Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Total Responses 102 100% 14 50 31 7 102 14% 49% 30% 7% Percent of Respondents Service to the community/region 100% 75% 49% 50% 25% 30% 14% 7% 0% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Value Service to the Community/Region UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 53 Professional reputation Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Total Responses 101 14 22 51 14 101 100% 99% 14% 22% 50% 14% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 50% 50% 25% 14% 22% 14% 0% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Collegiality Response Rate: 102 100% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued 38 30 30 37% 29% 29% Highly valued Total Responses 4 102 4% Percent of Respondents Value Professional Reputation 100% 75% 50% 37% 29% 29% 25% 4% 0% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Value Collegiality Response Rate: Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Total Responses 101 99% 23 35 28 15 101 23% 35% 28% 15% Percent of Respondents Fit with the department's mission 100% 75% 50% 25% 35% 28% 23% 15% 0% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Answers UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 54 Assessment by your peers outside of UNCW Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Total Responses 101 99% 26 44 26 5 101 26% 44% 26% 5% 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 44% 50% 26% 26% 25% 5% 0% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Value Outside Peer Assessment Obtaining grants/funding Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Total Responses 100% 101 99% 3 23 45 30 101 3% 23% 45% 30% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 45% 50% 30% 23% 25% 3% 0% Not at all Valued slightly Somewhat valued Highly valued Value Obtaining Grants/Funding UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 55 Based on your rating above, how appropriate is the value that the University RTP process has placed on these items? Appropriateness of Value Somew Very hat Valued under under appropriate Somewhat Very over valued valued ly overvalued valued Research/ scholarly work Applied research Teaching contributions Departmental service Service to UNCW Service to community/region Professional reputation Collegiality Fit w/ dept mission Assessment by outside peers Obtaining grants/funding Table Summary UNCW RTP Results Total Responses 6 6% 8 8% 13 13% 34 35% 70 69% 39 40% 11 11% 14 14% 2 2% 3 3% 102 3 3% 26 26% 59 58% 8 8% 5 5% 101 8 8% 8 8% 39 39% 35 34% 50 50% 52 51% 3 3% 6 6% 1 1% 1 1% 101 12 12% 36 35% 47 46% 5 5% 2 2% 102 9 9% 19 19% 32 33% 34 34% 51 52% 39 39% 5 5% 9 9% 1 1% 0 0% 98 9 9% 31 31% 54 55% 3 3% 2 2% 99 15 15% 32 32% 43 43% 8 8% 1 1% 99 5 5% 102 17 17% 329 52 53% 556 16 16% 88 8 8% 26 11/4/2010 98 102 101 98 1101 Page 56 Research/scholarly work Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 102 100% 6 6% 13 13% 70 69% 11 2 102 11% 2% 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 69% 50% 25% 13% 11% 6% 2% 0% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Appropriateness of Value on Research/Scholarly Work Applied research Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 98 96% 8 8% 34 35% 39 40% 14 3 98 14% 3% 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 50% 35% 40% 25% 14% 8% 3% 0% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Appropriateness of Value on Applied Research UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 57 Teaching contributions Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 100% 101 99% 3 3% 26 26% 59 58% 8 5 101 8% 5% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 58% 50% 26% 25% 3% 8% 5% Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued 0% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Appropriateness of Value on Teaching Contributions Departmental service Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 101 99% 8 8% 39 39% 50 50% 3 1 101 3% 1% 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 50% 50% 39% 25% 8% 3% 1% Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued 0% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Appropriateness of Value on Departmental Service UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 58 Service to UNCW Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 100% 102 100% 8 8% 35 34% 52 51% 6 1 102 6% 1% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 51% 50% 34% 25% 8% 6% 1% 0% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Appropriateness of Value on Service to UNCW Service to the community/region Response Rate: 102 100% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 12 12% 36 35% 47 46% 5 2 102 5% 2% Percent of Respondents 100% 75% 46% 50% 35% 25% 12% 5% 2% Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued 0% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Appropriateness of Value on Service to the Community/Region UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 59 Professional reputation Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 100% 98 96% 9 9% 32 33% 51 52% 5 1 98 5% 1% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 52% 50% 33% 25% 9% 5% 1% 0% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Appropriateness of Value on Professional Reputation Collegiality 101 99% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 19 19% 34 34% 39 39% 9 0 101 9% 0% Percent of Respondents 100% Response Rate: 75% 50% 34% 25% 39% 19% 9% 0% 0% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Appropriateness of Value on Collegiality UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 60 Fit with the department's mission Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 99 97% 9 9% 31 31% 54 55% 3 2 99 3% 2% 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 55% 50% 31% 25% 9% 3% 2% Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued 0% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Appropriateness of Value on Fit with Department's Mission Assessment by your peers outside of UNCW 99 97% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 15 15% 32 32% 43 43% 8 1 99 8% 1% 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 43% 50% 32% 25% 15% 8% 1% 0% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Appropriateness of Value on Assessment by Outside Peers UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 61 Obtaining grants/funding Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Total Responses 100% 98 96% 5 5% 17 17% 52 53% 16 8 98 16% 8% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 53% 50% 25% 17% 16% 8% 5% 0% Very undervalued Somewhat undervalued Valued appropriately Somewhat overvalued Very overvalued Appropriateness of Value on Obtaining Grants/Funding I give consistent messages about the expectations for RTP to faculty in my department that are going through the process. Strongly disagree (1) Somewhat disagree (2) Neither disagree nor agree (3) Somewhat agree (4) Strongly agree (5) Total Responses Statistics Mean Median Standard Deviation UNCW RTP Results 100 98% 3 3% 5 5% 12 12% 17 63 100 17% 63% 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 63% 50% 25% 12% 3% 5% Strongly disagree (1) Somewhat disagree (2) 17% 0% 4.32 5.00 1.06 Neither disagree nor agree (3) Somewhat agree (4) Strongly agree (5) Gives Consistent Messages about RTP Expectations in Department 11/4/2010 Page 62 Full Professor Responses Role of Elements in the RTP Process UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 63 Indicate the role each of the following elements should have in the tenure process. Narrative Requir ed 60 59% External reviewers Work completed prior to coming to UNCW Electronic portfolio/document ation SPOT scores Regional Engagement Table Summary UNCW RTP Results Role of Elements Option Eliminate/ Total al Do not add Responses 29 12 101 29% 12% 38 38% 53 53% 9 9% 100 47 47% 44 44% 8 8% 99 44 45% 62 63% 45 46% 15 15% 8 8% 21 21% 97 32 33% 283 56 57% 242 10 10% 68 98 98 593 11/4/2010 Page 64 Response Rate: Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add Total Responses 101 60 29 12 101 99% 59% 29% 12% Percent of Respondents Narrative 100% 75% 59% 50% 29% 25% 12% 0% Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add Role of Narrative in Tenure Process External reviewers Response Rate: Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add Total Responses 100 98% 38 53 38% 53% 9 100 9% Percent of Respondents 100% 75% 50% 53% 38% 25% 9% 0% Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add Role of External Reviewers in Tenure Process Work completed prior to coming to UNCW 99 97% Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add Total Responses 47 44 47% 44% 8 99 8% 100% Percent of Respondents Response Rate: 75% 50% 47% 44% 25% 8% 0% Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add Role of Work Completed Prior to UNCW in Tenure Process UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 65 Response Rate: 97 95% Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add Total Responses 44 45 45% 46% 8 97 8% Percent of Respondents Electronic portfolio/documentation 100% 75% 50% 46% 45% 25% 8% 0% Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add SPOT scores Response Rate: 98 96% Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add Total Responses 62 15 63% 15% 21 98 21% Percent of Respondents Role of Electronic Portfolio in Tenure Process 100% 75% 63% 50% 25% 21% 15% 0% Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add Regional Engagement Response Rate: Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add Total Responses 98 96% 32 56 33% 57% 10 98 10% Percent of Respondents Role of SPOTS in the Tenure Process 100% 75% 50% 57% 33% 25% 10% 0% Required Optional Eliminate/ Do not add Role of Regional Engagement in the Tenure Process UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 66 What role should regional engagement have in the tenure and promotion process? Response Rate: 100 98% An optional component to the tenure & promotion process Other Total Responses 33 14 42 11 100 33% 14% 42% 11% Percent of Respondents 100% Include within existing categories (scholarly productivity & service) Separate category 75% 50% 42% 33% 25% 14% 11% 0% Include within existing categories (scholarly productivity & service) Separate category An optional component to the tenure & promotion process Other Role of Regional Engagement in the Tenure Process UNCW RTP Results 11/4/2010 Page 67