TM 5-301-4 TECHNICAL MANUAL ARMY FACILITIES COMPONENTS SYSTEM-PLANNING (DESERT) HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JUNE 1986 *TM 5-301-4 TECHNICAL MANUAL No. 5--301-4 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON DC, 27 June 1986 ARMY FACILITIES COMPONENTS SYSTEM-PLANNING (DESERT) CHAPTER 1. CHAPTER 2. CHAPTER 3. CHAPTER 4. CHAPTER 5. CHAPTER 6. CHAPTER 7. CHAPTER 8. CHAPTER 9. CHAPTER 10. INTRODUCTION Purpose ....................................................................................................... Scope .......................................................................................................... Related Publications .................................................................................... Training ....................................................................................................... Comments and Information Sources ............................................................ Responsibilities ............................................................................................ EXPLANATION OF THE TERMINOLOGY AND AFCS DATA Army Facilities Components System (AFCS) ............................................... Building Blocks ............................................................................................ Planning Table............................................................................................. Design Criteria ............................................................................................. Construction Standards................................................................................ Building Structures....................................................................................... Construction Effort ....................................................................................... EXPLANATION OF PLANNING TABLES (INSTALLATIONS) Arrangement of Planning Tables .................................................................. Installation Number ...................................................................................... Installation Description ................................................................................. EXPLANATION OF FACILITY PLANNING TABLES Arrangement of Facility Planning Tables...................................................... Facility Number............................................................................................ Facility Description....................................................................................... Material Logistic and Cost Data.................................................................... Construction Man-hours ............................................................................... PREPACKAGED EXPENDABLE CONTINGENCY SUPPLIES (PECS) AND CONTAINERIZATION Purpose ....................................................................................................... Description and Use..................................................................................... SUPPLY PROCEDURES General........................................................................................................ The Directorate of Material Management ..................................................... US Army Troop Support Command (TROSCOM) ........................................ Requisition and Supply Procedures.............................................................. CAMOUFLAGE Treatment of Camouflage in the AFCS ........................................................ Camouflage Principles, Methods and Materials............................................ UTILIZATION OF TM 5-301 Planning....................................................................................................... Example Problems....................................................................................... LISTING OF INSTALLATIONS-DESERT Index of Installation (Desert) ........................................................................ Listing of Installation (Desert)....................................................................... LISTING OF FACILITIES-DESERT Index of Facilities (Desert) ........................................................................... Listing of Facilities (Desert).......................................................................... *This manual supersedes TM 5301-4. 1 March 1982 i Paragraph 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 Page 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-1 3-1 3-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 5-1 5-2 5-1 5-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-1 7-1 7-2 7-1 7-1 8-1 8-2 8-1 8-1 9-1 9-2 9-1 9-3 10-1 10-2 10-1 10-3 TM 5-301-4 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION b. TM 5-303, "Army Facilities Components System1-1. Purpose Logistic Data and Bills of Materials." This manual is used by planners, builders and suppliers in the The purpose of this manual is to provide material costs, identification of items in the bills of materials associated logistical, and engineering data for use in planning with specific facilities. Each item in a facility is construction support for Army functions in the Theater of identified by a National Stock Number (NSN), Operations (TO). The manual is part of the Army abbreviated description, unit of issue, and quantity. The Facilities Components System (AFCS), and it is material cost, shipping weight, volume ap: d estimated intended for use by: construction effort in man-hours are shown in the facility a. Contingency, base development, construction, description. and logistical planners. When data are used in base c. TM 5304, "Army Facilities Components System development planning, the user is advised to refer to User Guide." This manual provides users with a single FM 31-82, Base Development Planning. source of reference and information concerning the b. Construction units, because it contains the operation of the system, available system products, and engineering data required for construction of the various example problems demonstrating the use of the system. structures, facilities, installations, and utilities required by the Army and Air Force to support military missions 1-4. Training in the TO. c. Logistical commands and supply agencies in Information contained in the AFCS provides requisitioning, identifying items, costing, and other commanders at all levels with sufficient information to related supply functions. plan facilities construction training exercises. Cost and quantity of materials, NSNs, man-hours, and 1-2. Scope construction drawings are provided in such a manner as to permit unit commanders the flexibility of selecting This manual contains summary listings of installations facilities which, if constructed, would exercise individual (generally referred to as planning tables), facilities and military occupational specialties, unit construction Prepackaged Expendable Contingency Supplies planning, organization, and management. Construction (PECS). The manual is divided into four volumes, one times reflected in TM 5-301-1 through TM 5-3014 and for each of the climatic zones in the AFCS. The TM 5-303 are optimal times to accomplish tasks and will summaries include cost, shipping weight, and volume of serve as an initial planning guide. TM 5-304 provides construction material. In addition, man-hour estimates tables of engineer unit capabilities. A unit that can to construct each facility and installation, minimum real accomplish tasks within the man-hours shown the TMs estate requirements for installations, and the utility should consider itself proficient in its skills, planning, requirements for facilities and installations are included organization and management. Materials required to in this manual. construct facilities contained in the AFCS are not normally available as training sets and must be procured 1-3. Related Publications under appropriate regulations. If the facility is constructed as an authorized construction project, it is The AFCS consists of a series of four Department of the subjected to appropriate regulation governing troop Army Technical Manuals. This manual (series is construction. published in four volumes, one for each climatic zone), plus three accompanying publications indicated as 1-5. Comments and Information Sources follows: a. TM 5-302, "Army Facilities Components SystemThe data for this manual are maintained by the Office of Designs." This multi-volume manual contains installation the Chief of Engineers and are available in printouts, layouts, facility drawings, construction details and magnetic tape or microfiche. Cost data are updated materials lists for the AFCS. The manual is of primary quarterly and can be obtained from Huntsville Division, interest to the construction unit performing actual US Army Corps construction of Army components in theaters of operations. 1-1 TM 5-301-4 ZCM). Comments should refer to the specific facility or installation. The reason for each comment or recommendation should be given to ensure proper understanding and evaluation. of Engineers. All correspondence and requests for technical assistance, drawings and information regarding the AFCS system should be forwarded to either: US Army Corps of Engineers Huntsville Division ATTN: HNDED-FD PO Box 1600 Huntsville, AL 35807-4301 or HQDA (DAEN-ZCM) WASH DC 20310-2600 1-6. Responsibilities The Chief of Engineers is responsible for the continuous review and updating of this publication to include coordination with DA staff agencies, oversee commands and other users that are affected by construction for contingency operations. Responsibilities of the Chief of Engineers and other agencies or commands are more specifically states in AR 41516. Users of the AFCS are encouraged to submit comments, corrections and recommendations for improvement or revision directly to HQDA (DAEN- 1-2 TM 5-301-4 CHAPTER 2 EXPLANATION OF THE TERMINOLOGY AND AFCS DATA Chapter 2 of TM 5-302 provides additional design and 2-1. Army Facilities Components System (AFCS) construction considerations. b. The facilities in the system are designed to The AFCS is a tool used to assist military planners, operate in one or more of four climatic zones. The four supply agencies, and construction personnel at all levels climatic zones are: that have a role in Army construction in theaters of (1) Temperate Zone. The geographical areas operations. The AFCS uses a building block concept to in which mean annual temperatures are between + 30°F permit maximum flexibility. The building blocks are and +70°F as identified by isothermal lines. items, subfacilities, facilities and installations. (2) Frigid Zone. The geographical areas in which mean annual temperatures are lower than + 30°F 2-2. Building Blocks as identified by isothermal lines. (3) Tropical Zone. The geographical areas in TM 5-304 provides a complete discussion of the building which mean annual temperatures are higher than + 70°F block concept and explains other terminology in the as identified by isothermal lines. AFCS system. The building blocks are discussed briefly (4) Desert Zone. The geographical areas which below: are arid and without vegetation. a. Item. An item is any construction material or equipment that makes up a larger product. Each item 2-5. Construction Standards has an associated National Stock Number, description, unit of issue, and quantity. The quantities used include Standards of construction are identified for the purpose an allowance for material wastage and loss. of managing construction resources. The availability of b. Facility and Subfacility. A facility is a group of resources, the operational plans and the using unit's items designed to provide a service. Users should mission will dictate the standards of construction to be therefore carefully read the facility descriptions to used in theaters of operation. JCS Publication No. 3 ensure that all components necessary to build the sets forth the standards of construction that are desired structure are ordered. A subfacility differs from applicable in a theater of operation. The standards are a facility only in its use in TM 5-303. The purpose of a based primarily on the duration of the contingency and subfacility is to reduce the repetitive listing of a facility's previously were defined as follows: initial (INT)-0 zero 6 construction materials. Users should also be aware that months, intermediate (ITR)-6 to 24 months, and components of some facilities (roads, hardstands and temporary (TPR)-24 to 60 months. Current JCS bridges) are separated into two subfacility groupings to Publication No. 3 doctrine refines the construction widen the selections in meeting actual field conditions. standards as initial (0-6 months) and temporary (6-24 c. Installation. An installation is a group of facilities months). The 24-60 months standards has been deleted. Installations and some facilities listed in the designed to provide a specific service or support to AFCS are identified by a corresponding construction some military function in a TO. standard. In most cases, facilities contained in the d. Component. "Component" is a generic term AFCS fall into the intermediate and temporary sometimes used to refer to any facility or installation standards. The nature of materials used in construction contained in the AFCS. of the AFCS facilities and the structural aspects of the designs are such that the life of facilities will normally 2-3. Planning Table exceed 2 years when appropriate maintenance is performed. "Planning Table" is a term that is used to refer to the printed installations as explained in Chapter 3. 2-6. Building Structures 2-4. Design Criteria The AFCS views building structures as being composed of three basic types: disposable a. Design criteria are shown on the construction drawings in TM 5-302 when considered beneficial in adapting AFCS designs to actual site conditions. Also, 2-1 TM 5-301-4 and installation has been estimated and is shown in this manual. The construction estimates are based on the use of standard construction practices and procedures. The estimates include neither effort of administration, mobilization, and planning, nor effort lost because of weather delays. Estimates of actual working time required for the task was obtained by assuming the use of skilled personnel in the temperate zone. Estimates for other climatic zones were obtained by applying the following adjustment factors: (woodframe, block, concrete or any other construction material that is formed on the site, and which has little or no salvage value); preengineered relocatable (panelized buildings, tents or any other structure that has an 85 percent recover-ability); and mobile (containerized buildings or any other structure that can be moved and erected frequently with little construction effort required, i.e., the MUST Hospital). The AFCS allows for the range of these basic types to permit commanders the option of selecting the facility that best suits available construction effort, mission requirements, and availability of materials. Few mobile facilities other than tents are presently contained in AFCS; however, priority for future designs has been given to the initial mobile-type facilities where feasible. Tropical ...............................................................1.45 Desert .................................................................1.25 Frigid...................................................................2.41 Additional information on labor categories, operational conditions and engineer unit capabilities is provided in TM 5-304. 2-7. Construction Effort The construction effort in man-hours required for engineer troop units to erect or construct each facility 2-2 TM 5-301-4 CHAPTER 3 EXPLANATION OF PLANNING TABLES (INSTALLATIONS) appropriate adjustments should be made to the utility sizes and quantities where site plans are changed to accommodate actual field conditions, topography changes, and dispersal requirements. c. Facility Number. Shows the five numeric and two alphs characters that identify each AFCS facility. d. Facility Description. Provides a short description of the facilities included in the installation. e. Size or Unit. Gives dimensions, capacity or unit of measure for each facility in the installation. f. Basis. Gives the criteria or standard planning basis upon which facilities are included in the installation. g. Quantity Required. Indicates the actual quantity of a particular facility included in the installation. h. Material. Displays the total material logistic and cost data associated with the number of facilities in the "Quantity Required" column. The column with the heading "WT-ST" gives the weight of the material to include packaging materials in short tons (2,000 pounds). The column with the heading "VOL = MT" gives the shipping volume to include packaging materials in measurement tons (40 cubic feet). The cost of the material is shown to the nearest dollar in the COST column. The material costs are current as of the listed date. Appropriate inflation factors should be added if data shown is more than 6 months old and a more precise costs is required. CONUS material costs are the only costs shown in AFCS. i. Constructive Man-hours. Displays the estimated horizontal, vertical, and general construction man-hours for construction by engineer troop units. j. Installation Totals. The material logistic and cost data and construction effort totals are shown at the end of each table. It should be noted that the costs listed are CONUS material costs only and are current only at the time of publication and thus may be somewhat outdated. 3-1. Arrangement of Planning Tables "Planning table" is the term used for data published in this manual as AFCS installations. The paragraphs that follow explain the parts of a planning table. 3-2. Installation Number Installations are shown in ascending order according to the installation number in the upper right-hand corner, which consists of two alpha and four numeric characters. The number is used to identify the complete bill of materials required to construct that installation. This number also identifies the corresponding construction drawing in TM 5-302. 3-3. Installation Description The installation description appears in the upper lefthand corner, and includes the title, climatic zone, standard and type of construction, purpose, minimum real estate requirements, and utility and aggregate requirements. The following items are contained in the planning tables: a. Aggregate Requirements. Aggregate cannot be requisitioned from the bills of materials. It is assumed to be available within 5 miles of the construction site. b. Utility and Road Requirements. Installation requirements include roads, fences, water treatment, sewage treatment, and electrical generation. Facilities providing these requirements are generally not automatically included in the installation. Several installations may be grouped into a complex, with the additional supporting requirements computed for the total complex. The user should carefully review the supporting facilities included in the installation planning table, use the TM 5-302 drawing and TM 5-303 bill of materials for additional information, and augment the listing of the additional required facilities. Also, 3-1 TM 5-301-4 CHAPTER 4 EXPLANATION OF FACILITY PLANNING TABLES materials for each facility, and TM 5-302 provides construction drawings and drawings for utilities (electric, sewage, and water). 4-1. Arrangement of Facility Planning Tables The facilities in the AFCS are identified with regard to their application in a theater of operations. The paragraphs that follow explain the parts of the facility planning table. A complete listing of facilities in numerical sequence is contained in Chapter 10. 4-4. Materials Logistic and Cost Data The "Construction Material" columns display logistic and cost data associated with each facility. The weight in short tons (2000 lb) includes packing material. The shipping volume is given in measurement tons (40 cu ft). Costs are current as of the date of issue and reflect CONUS material costs only. 4-2. Facility Number The "Facility Number" column shows the five numeric and two alpha characters that identify each facility. The numbering system uses the number for the corresponding construction drawing in TM 5-302. It should be noted, however, that there is not a drawing for every facility. 4-5. Construction Man-hours The "Construction Effort in Man-hours" columns give the estimated engineer troop unit effort for horizontal, vertical, and general skills. The total column represents the sum of these items. 4-3. Facility Description The "Description" column contains a full description of each facility. TM 5-303 provides a detailed bill of 4-1 TM 5-301-4 CHAPTER 5 PREPACKAGED EXPENDABLE CONTINGENCY SUPPLIES (PECS) AND CONTAINERIZATION installations required. An item consumed from the 5-1. Purpose container can be requisitioned and replaced as separate items since each carries its own NSN. When To assist engineer units in the planning and requisitioning a facility or installation, implementation of contingency plans, a series of cargo commanders/requesters should check the size of the containers loaded with stylized engineer supplies was shipping/storage container ordered to ensure that proper developed to meet normal mission requirements for transportation is available upon delivery of the kits. limited periods or for minor repairs for extended periods There are two types of military, containers: the TRICON or for minor repairs for extended periods when supplies (8 x 8 x 62/3 feet) and the MILVAN (8 x 8 x 20 feet). are replaced based on demand experience. Also The TRICON has a maximum payload of 13,000 included as facilities are special bomb damage and pounds, a tare weight of 1,880 pounds, and approximate repair kits. A matrix of bomb damage and repair interior dimensions of 90 x 85 x 73.5 inches. The facilities will be added to TM 5-304. MILVAN has a maximum payload of 40,000 pounds, a tare weight of 4,700 pounds and approximate interior 5-2. Description and Use dimensions of 92 x 87 x 231 inches. The containers are equipped with standard fittings allowing movement by a Each container is reflected as a separate facility within variety of material handling equipment. In groups of the AFCS, which allows its requisition as an independent three, the TRICONs form an 8 x 8 x 20 container supply kit and permits the requester to obtain as many compatible with the commercial container system. kits as needed to meet the assigned requirements. The Common commercial containers vary in size up to 8 x 9 unit commander can also procure a set of kits/facilities x 40 feet with a maximum payload of 60,900 pounds, which are reflected as installations in the AFCS and are and a tare weight of 6,300 pounds. The weight of each designed to provide a minimum of expendable materials facility (without container) can be found in TM 5-303. to accomplish the specific engineer tasks. Again, the commander has the option of requesting the number of 5-1 TM 5-301-4 CHAPTER 6 SUPPLY PROCEDURES support the demands for construction materiel at the 6-1. General onset of an emergency and thereafter as required. The US Army Materiel Command (AMC), is responsible 6-3. US Army Troop Support Command for developing supply procedures, policies and command guidance necessary to fund, procure, store (TROSCOM) and ship materiel listed in the Army Facilities Components System. AMC responsibility is set forth in The Command, TROSCOM, (ATTN: AMSTRSPRA), AR 415-16. The focal points within AMC for the Army 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63120 is the Facilities Components System and their responsibilities central point within the Continental United States are briefly explained in paragraphs 6-2 and 6-3 below. (CONUS) for the inclusion of items in the Federal Supply System and the acquisition and supply of items 6-2. The Directorate of Materiel Management in the AFCS. The Directorate of Materiel Management, Associate Director for Evaluation, Headquarters, US Army Materiel Command (ATTN: AMCMM-E), Alexandria, VA 22304, is responsible for coordinating AMC activities and interests pertaining to the AFCS. This coordination embraces material development, procurement policies, employment support and other related matters. The Associate Director for Evaluation ensures that AMC can 6-4. Requisition and Supply Procedures Requisition and supply procedures, methods, process and interrelationships are contained in chapter 5 of TM 5-304, AFCS User Guide. Every effort should be made to acquire facility construction materials from a source as close to the construction site as possible before requisitioning through the supply system. 6-1 TM 5-301-4 CHAPTER 7 CAMOUFLAGE and dispersal of facilities with respect to existing natural 7-1. Treatment of Camouflage in the AFCS or manmade terrain patterns will lessen the need for artificial camouflage. A complete coverage of The AFCS does not include a separate camouflage camouflage techniques and the doctrine and techniques facility for each structure. Rather, descriptive of camouflage practice are contained in FM 5-20, information and tables are included which will allow the Camouflage, and TM 5-200, Camouflage Materials. planner to extract the necessary materials for a particular task. However, in accomplishing a 7-2. Camouflage Principles, Methods and Materials camouflage requirement, it should be noted that successful camouflage techniques require imaginative Discussion of camouflage principles, methods, and use of not only the issued materials but also such materials is contained in Appendix D of TM 5-304. artificial and natural materials as are locally available. These would include such items as cut foliage, search, wire screening and other disrupters. The proper siting 7-1 TM 5-301-4 CHAPTER 8 UTILIZATION OF TM 5-301 c. Determine the standards of construction to be 8-1. Planning used for the facilities and installations based on the operation duration, military objectives and availability of The importance of the planning phase of any resources. undertaking cannot be overemphasized. This is d. Select the AFCs facilities and installations certainly true in providing construction support for the necessary to satisfy the construction requirements. This Army in a theater of operations. The construction selection should exclude the requirements that can be requirements fluctuate because of national policies, met with indigenous resources. In his selection, the contingency plans, escalation or de-escalation of planner should include allowances for facilities that may operations, geographical locations and conditions, and be damaged, such as blown bridges and railroad tracks. availability of resources. A matrix of damage and repair facilities (Kits) is being added to the next change to TM 5-304. Those repair The facilities and installations in the AFCS have been kits are included in this manual and TM 5-303. developed to satisfy many of the Army's construction e. Evaluate manpower resources to determine requirements in accordance with criteria contained in JCS Publication No. 3. The requirements for the AFCS whether U.S. contractors, troop units, local contractors components are provided by major Army commands and self-help programs are to be used in the and elements of the DA staff. Approval of requirements construction work. Review Prepackaged Expendable is received from proponent elements of the DA staff per Contingency Supplies (PECS) as necessary to AR 415-16. For example, The Surgeon General determine what expendable construction supplies are established the requirements for and approved the required by engineer units in support of minor repair medical components in the AFCS. requirements that do not warrant a requisitional facility. f. Determine the real estate requirements and initiate The AFCS components are continually updated to actions for the acquisition of the real estate. ensure adherence to current doctrine and actual field g. Estimate the construction effort, cost of requirements. A range of construction materials is used construction materials, and logistical data for in developing the components so that planners and transporting the materials. Add the overseas users have the flexibility to select those components transportation costs to the material costs shown in this that best meet their requirements and resources. The manual if the total cost of materials to be delivered to resources consist of personnel, transportation, the theater is required. Also add local labor and construction materials and equipment. material costs, if appropriate. h. Requisition the construction materials and identify Planning for construction support of an Army operation long-lead-time procurement items so that construction should include the following steps as a minimum: tasks will not be unnecessarily delayed. i. Establish a management-control system such as a. Provide contingency or operational plans to Critical Path Method (CPM) techniques to keep determine the scope of construction requirements. construction tasks on schedule. Coordinate with technical and administrative staff elements to determine their facility and installation 8-2. Example Problems requirements in the theater. b. Evaluate intelligence data and other information Several example problems demonstrating the use of to determine the number and type of existing facilities AFCS to both engineer and non-engineer users is and installations that are required. This evaluation contained in Chapter 4 of TM 5-304. should include the availability of utilities (water, electric power and sewage treatment) and the availability of construction materials within the theater. The base development process is described in FM 31-82. 8-1 TM 5-301-4 CHAPTER 9 LISTING OF INSTALLATIONS 9-1. Index of Installations Description Category Administration ...................................................................................................................................................... Airfield and Heliports............................................................................................................................................ Camp, PW ........................................................................................................................................................... Camp, Troop........................................................................................................................................................ Hospital................................................................................................................................................................ Maintenance, Vehicle........................................................................................................................................... Marine, Railway Repair ........................................................................................................................................ Marine, Terminal POL.......................................................................................................................................... Medical Depots .................................................................................................................................................... Ordinance, Armament Rebuild Ship, Parks & Collection Point.............................................................................. PECS (Containerized Supplies)............................................................................................................................ Precast Parts Yard (Concrete, Panelized Wood and Steel) .................................................................................. POL Fuel Drum Cleaning, Filling and Storage...................................................................................................... POL Pipeline........................................................................................................................................................ POL Tactical Marine Terminal.............................................................................................................................. POL Tank Farm, Bulk Storage ............................................................................................................................. POL Tank Farm, Complex ................................................................................................................................... POL Tank Truck/Car Loading/Unloading .............................................................................................................. Port, Break-Bulk Cargo ........................................................................................................................................ Post Office ........................................................................................................................................................... Railroad, Regulating Station................................................................................................................................. Railroad, Terminal................................................................................................................................................ Recreational Center ............................................................................................................................................. Storage, Ammunition ........................................................................................................................................... Signal Intelligence................................................................................................................................................ Storage, Dry Cargo .............................................................................................................................................. 9-2. Listing of Installations in Category Number Sequence 9-1 AA AG PW NT GH MT FP PA GH JA YY PY PB PD PF PB PC PE FP AP FR FT AR DA CC DC TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 1 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 2 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 3 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 4 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 5 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 6 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 7 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 8 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 9 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 10 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 11 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 12 PAGE 12 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 13 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 14 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 15 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 16 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 17 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 18 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 19 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 20 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 21 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 22 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 23 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 24 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 25 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 26 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 27 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 28 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 29 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 30 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 31 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 32 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 33 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 34 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 35 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 36 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 37 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 38 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 39 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 40 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 41 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 42 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 43 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 44 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 45 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 46 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 47 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 48 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 49 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 50 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 51 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 52 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 53 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 54 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 55 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 56 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 57 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 58 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 59 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 60 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 61 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 62 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 63 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 64 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 65 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 66 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 67 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 68 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 69 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 70 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 71 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 72 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 73 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 74 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 75 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 76 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 77 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 78 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 79 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 80 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 81 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 82 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 83 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 84 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 85 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 86 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 87 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 88 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 89 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 90 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 91 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 92 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 93 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 94 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 95 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 96 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 97 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 98 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 99 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 100 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 101 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 102 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 103 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 104 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 105 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 106 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 107 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 108 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 109 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 110 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 111 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 112 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 113 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 114 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 115 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 116 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 117 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 118 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 19 PAGE 119 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 120 TM 5-301 DDEXER4 RUN DATE 860207 PAGE 121 TM 5-301-4 CHAPTER 10 LISTING OF FACILITIES-TEMPERATE 10-1. Index of Facilities (Temperate) Description Access Apron, Hangar................................................................................................................................... Administration ............................................................................................................................................... Air Conditioning............................................................................................................................................. Aircraft Defueling/Decontamination Apron..................................................................................................... Aircraft Loading Apron .................................................................................................................................. Air Washing Apron ........................................................................................................................................ Airfield Surfacing........................................................................................................................................... Ammunitions Storage.................................................................................................................................... Approach Trestle (Ports) ............................................................................................................................... Approach Zone (Airfields).............................................................................................................................. Athletic Court ................................................................................................................................................ Barbed Concertina Obstacle.......................................................................................................................... Barracks........................................................................................................................................................ Bath House ................................................................................................................................................... Boiler Plants.................................................................................................................................................. Booster Station, POL .................................................................................................................................... Bridges, Railroad, (Superstructure and Substructure) .................................................................................... Bridges, Road (Superstructure and Substructure).......................................................................................... Buildings, Panelized...................................................................................................................................... Buildings, Pre-engineered Metal.................................................................................................................... Buildings, Wood............................................................................................................................................ Camouflage .................................................................................................................................................. Carpentry Shop ............................................................................................................................................. Carrier & Repeater Station ............................................................................................................................ Casualty Receiving (See Hospitals)............................................................................................................... Cell Blocks .................................................................................................................................................... Cesspools ..................................................................................................................................................... Chapels......................................................................................................................................................... Chlorination................................................................................................................................................... Classroom, Training, Outdoor ....................................................................................................................... Clear Zone (Airfields) .................................................................................................................................... Clearing and Grading .................................................................................................................................... Communications ........................................................................................................................................... Compass Swing Base, Heliport ..................................................................................................................... Confinement ................................................................................................................................................. Control Tower, Aircraft .................................................................................................................................. Craft Shop..................................................................................................................................................... Day Room..................................................................................................................................................... Demolition..................................................................................................................................................... Dental (See Hospitals) .................................................................................................................................. Dispensary (See Hospitals) ........................................................................................................................... Drainage Structures ...................................................................................................................................... Dry Cargo Storage (See Supply) ................................................................................................................... Education...................................................................................................................................................... Electrical Kits ................................................................................................................................................ Electric Power Generation and Distribution ................................................................................................... Engine House, Railroad................................................................................................................................. Equipment for Combat Tasks ........................................................................................................................ Erdlator Building............................................................................................................................................ 10-1 Category No. 11340 61025 82610 11371 11380 11370 11150 42183 86090 11110 75013 87210 72111 72332 82150 12530 86030 85120 93112 93101 93111 14991 22990 13190 51010 73015 83190 74018 83110 17120 11110 87190 21430 11610 73015 13315 74022 74069 93310 53020 55010 85210 44110 74025 81231 81110 21860 99999 84110 TM 5-301-4 Description Exchanges .................................................................................................................................................... Fabrication Jigs, Panelized Buildings ............................................................................................................ Fencing......................................................................................................................................................... Field Fortification .......................................................................................................................................... Film Exchange .............................................................................................................................................. Finance......................................................................................................................................................... Firefighting System ....................................................................................................................................... Firehouse...................................................................................................................................................... Floodlighting ................................................................................................................................................. Fueling System, Rear Area (Aircraft)............................................................................................................. Generating Plant ........................................................................................................................................... General Purpose Buildings............................................................................................................................ Guardhouse .................................................................................................................................................. Guard Tower ................................................................................................................................................. Hangars, Aircraft ........................................................................................................................................... Hardstands.................................................................................................................................................... Headquarters ................................................................................................................................................ Heliports........................................................................................................................................................ Hospitals ....................................................................................................................................................... Housing (Also Listed Under Buildings)........................................................................................................... Hydrant Refueling System, Air Transportable................................................................................................ Ice Plants ...................................................................................................................................................... Jetty, POL..................................................................................................................................................... Kitchens ........................................................................................................................................................ Laboratory, POL............................................................................................................................................ Lagoon, Sewage ........................................................................................................................................... Landing Ramp............................................................................................................................................... Latrines ......................................................................................................................................................... Laundries ...................................................................................................................................................... Library........................................................................................................................................................... Lubrication Racks.......................................................................................................................................... Magazine ...................................................................................................................................................... Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................. Marine Railway ............................................................................................................................................. Marine Terminal, Tactical.............................................................................................................................. Medical (See Hospitals) ................................................................................................................................ Mess Halls (See Kitchens)............................................................................................................................. Minefields ..................................................................................................................................................... Motion Picture Laboratory ............................................................................................................................. Operations Building, Airfield.......................................................................................................................... Panelized Wood Building .............................................................................................................................. Parking Pad, Helicopter................................................................................................................................. PECS (Containerized Kits) ............................................................................................................................ Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants (POL)............................................................................................................. Pharmacy (See Hospitals)............................................................................................................................. Piers ............................................................................................................................................................. Pipelines ....................................................................................................................................................... Platform, Unloading ...................................................................................................................................... Ports ............................................................................................................................................................. Portable Buildings ......................................................................................................................................... Postal............................................................................................................................................................ Pre-engineered Metal Buildings..................................................................................................................... Pump Station, POL ....................................................................................................................................... Quarters........................................................................................................................................................ 10-2 Category No. 74040 22892 87210 14910 74040 61027 84340 14111 81230 12110 81110 93101 73015 87220 21110 85110 61050 11120 51010 72111 12110 89050 16440 72210 31090 83120 14970 72321 73030 74041 21411 42283 21110 21320 12665 51010 72210 14990 22890 14110 93112 11320 99999 12474 51010 15150 12510 86090 15250 72111 74059 93101 12530 72410 TM 5-301-4 Description Railroads....................................................................................................................................................... Railway, Marine ............................................................................................................................................ Recreational.................................................................................................................................................. Refueling Pad ............................................................................................................................................... Refrigeration ................................................................................................................................................. Relay Station, Communication ...................................................................................................................... Repair Shops (See Maintenance and Shops) ................................................................................................ Revetment .................................................................................................................................................... Roads, Paved or Graded............................................................................................................................... Runway (C-130 Aircraft)................................................................................................................................ Sanitary (See-Latrines and Sewage Treatment) ............................................................................................ Security (See Cell Blocks and Fencing)......................................................................................................... Septic Tanks ................................................................................................................................................. Service Club ................................................................................................................................................. Sewage Treatment........................................................................................................................................ Shelter .......................................................................................................................................................... Signal (See Communications) ....................................................................................................................... Site Preparations (See Clearing and Grading)............................................................................................... Shop, Automotive ......................................................................................................................................... Shop Buildings (See Buildings) ..................................................................................................................... Shop, Carpentry ............................................................................................................................................ Shop, Craft.................................................................................................................................................... Shop, Maintenance, Wood and Steel ............................................................................................................ Shop, Marine Repair ..................................................................................................................................... Shop, Motor Repair ....................................................................................................................................... Shop, Ordinance, Artillery & Fire Control....................................................................................................... Shop, Railroad Machine ................................................................................................................................ Shop, Railroad Car Repair ............................................................................................................................ Shop, Signal Maintenance............................................................................................................................. Shop, Vehicle Maintenance........................................................................................................................... Snack Bar ..................................................................................................................................................... Special Purpose Apron.................................................................................................................................. Special Services Building.............................................................................................................................. Standard Details............................................................................................................................................ Storage (See Supply) .................................................................................................................................... Storehouse.................................................................................................................................................... Submarine Pipeline (See Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants) .............................................................................. Substations ................................................................................................................................................... Sump, Fire Protection ................................................................................................................................... Supply........................................................................................................................................................... Surgery (See Hospitals) ................................................................................................................................ Tank Car & Truck Loading & Unloading (See POL) ....................................................................................... Tanks, POL................................................................................................................................................... Tanker Mooring............................................................................................................................................. Taxiway, On-Off (C-130 Aircraft)................................................................................................................... Telephone (See Communications) ................................................................................................................ Tentage......................................................................................................................................................... Tent Frames ................................................................................................................................................. Theaters........................................................................................................................................................ Transformers................................................................................................................................................. Training Facilities.......................................................................................................................................... Utility Building ............................................................................................................................................... Ventilation..................................................................................................................................................... Walkway ....................................................................................................................................................... 10-3 Category No. 21840 21320 74069 12110 43190 13190 21330 14910 85130 11110 72321 73015 83120 74068 83110 14931 13120 87190 21410 21330 22990 74022 22990 24330 21410 21430 21840 21840 21720 21410 74062 11382 74069 99980 42183 44110 12590 81320 84330 44110 51010 12640 12640 12471 16390 11110 13180 72520 74067 81260 17220 51010 82610 51010 TM 5-301-4 Description Wards (See Hospitals) .................................................................................................................................. Warehouse Buildings (See Buildings)............................................................................................................ Warm-up Apron ............................................................................................................................................ Wash Rack, Vehicle...................................................................................................................................... Water Distribution ......................................................................................................................................... Water Supply & Treatment............................................................................................................................ Water Tank ................................................................................................................................................... Wharf (See Ports) ......................................................................................................................................... X-Ray (See Hospitals) ................................................................................................................................... 10-2. Listing of Facilities (Temperate) 10-4 Category No. 51010 44110 11350 21410 84210 84210 83120 15250 53020 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 1 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 2 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 3 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 4 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 5 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 6 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 7 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 8 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 9 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 10 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 11 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 12 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 13 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 14 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 15 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 16 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 17 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 18 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 19 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 20 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 21 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 22 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 23 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 24 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 25 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 26 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 27 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 28 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 29 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 30 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 31 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 32 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 33 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 34 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 35 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 36 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 37 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 38 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 39 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 40 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 41 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 42 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 43 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 44 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 45 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 46 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 47 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 48 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 49 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 50 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 51 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 52 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 53 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 54 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 55 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 56 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 57 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 58 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 59 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 60 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 61 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 62 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 63 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 64 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 65 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 66 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 67 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 68 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 69 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 70 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 71 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 72 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 73 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 74 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 75 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 76 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 77 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 78 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 79 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 80 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 81 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 82 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 83 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 84 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 85 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 86 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 87 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 88 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 89 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 90 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 91 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 92 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 93 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 94 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 95 TM 5-301 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860128 PAGE 167 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 168 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 169 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 170 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 171 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 172 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 173 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 174 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 175 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 176 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 177 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 178 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 179 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 180 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 181 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 182 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 183 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 184 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 185 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 186 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 187 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 188 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 189 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 190 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 191 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 192 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 193 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 194 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 195 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 196 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 197 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 198 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 199 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 200 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 201 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 202 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 203 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 204 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 205 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 206 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 207 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 208 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 209 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 210 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 211 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 212 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 213 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 214 TM 5-301 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TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 239 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 240 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 241 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 242 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 PAGE 243 TM 5-301 DHDXER1 RUN DATE 860128 244 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: JOHN A. WICKHAM, JR. General, United States Army Chief of Staff Official: R. L. DILWORTH Brigadier General, United States Army The Adjutant General U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1995 - 406-421/40200 PIN: 024231-000