STAFF SENATE Minutes for Wednesday October 1st, 2014 LOCATION: Azalea A/B Fisher Student Union 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Meeting / 4:00-5:00 Committee Meetings, if needed Call to Order by Crystal Wilson 2:05 Members Present: Sean Ahlum, Lauren Auton, Mandy Baker, Gina Bowen, Anne Branigin, Dawn Brown, Gary Brown, Melissa Cox, Kevin Farver, Mandy Hodge, Terry Ismert, Katie Lange, Sam Nevarez, Chris Padgett, Mimi Pfeiffer, Linda Register, Tara Romanella, Betsy Terkeltoub, Beth Valdrighi, Sarah White, Crystal Wilson Ex-Officio Member present: Lori Preiss Members Absent: Angie Edwards, Patty Fox, Mindi Miller, Cheryl Nichols, Frank Nye, Cindy Retchin, Peggy Wichmann Confirmation of Quorum (16 members needed for quorum) Yes by CW Approval of minutes from September 2014 meeting Both accepted 2:15 Reading of Conflict of Interest Statement: “As Parliamentarian of the UNCW Staff Senate, it is my responsibility to remind all members of the Senate of their duty under UNCW Staff Senate conflicts of interest policy to avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict of interest as required by this policy. Each member has received the agenda and related information for this Senate meeting. If any delegate knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matter coming before the UNCW Staff Senate at this meeting, the conflict or appearance of conflict should be identified at this time.” COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORTS Bylaws Communications Fund Raising Legislative Education Nominations & Elections Peggy Wichmann, Chair Mandy Hodge, Chair Sarah White, Chair Anne Branigin, Chair Kevin Farver, Chair Orientation Public Relations Scholarship Staff Priority List Executive Katie Lange, Chair Katie Lange, Chair Mandy Baker, Chair Sam Nevarez, Chair Terry Ismert, Chair Legislative Education: Anne Branigin will send us any information by email Orientation: 5 people on Thursday. Linda Register will be our representative. Nominations: Kevin Farver to look at distribution Scholarship: Scholarship is on Swoop. Not sure how many applications we have had. Executive Council Meeting: More information re Chancellor’s Leadership Council Discussion of Campus Forum Discussion on how to encourage staff, senate involvement, and how to share info with staff Goal is to get agenda items a week before Executive meeting Chancellor is invited to come to December meeting HUMAN RESOURCES REPORT Free Flu Vaccination clinics. Bring ID and insurance Card. Info is on Swoop. TSRS have changed vesting period from 10 years back to 5 years as it was a few years ago. Tuition waivers have increased from 2 to 3 per year across State system. State health plan open enrollment is 10/1-10/31. If you are changing to 80/20 you have to sign back up attestations. No price increases to 80/20. STAFF ASSEMBLY REPORT o None. Meeting is 10/13 and 10/14 this month so there will be more to report next month. Treasurer’s Report o No changes. FACULTY SENATE REPORT o Held elections. o Chancellor spoke. 1st time appearing there: Shared governance. Return to roots of our system. Student centered learning. He mentioned going to Forums. Leadership transition will start with nation-wide search for CSB dean. Trustees will charge search committee for Chancellor tomorrow. NEW BUSINESS Terry Ismert-Speakers o Should we limit speakers to those who have direct impact on staff, because it will limit who we invite? o In response, it was suggested that meetings be more centered on Staff Priorities as a whole group instead of just in a committee in order to have more open communication and more included in the charge about priorities. o Discussion on how to get information out to staff especially when we have dynamic topics or speakers. o Check motive and outcome when we invite speakers and charge group with what to share. Anne Branigan-Focus of Senate is Staff Advocacy. What can we do for staff as a Senate that is measureable and achievable? o Most feedback from staff was event oriented. Would increase sense of community on campus for staff. Other suggestion is for events that help with “soft skills” and increase staff professional development. Also, Family night events. o Senate involvement will be necessary. o Discussion followed included inviting interesting professors for Brown Bag Lunches and mentorship opportunities in other departments. o Willing to start an Adhoc committee after we have another Brainstorming session with our Senate to have this body “buy in” and give input. o Will table this discussion and pick it up next month instead of having a speaker. Terry Ismerto Workshop with Susan Colby. Notes on 4 domains was passed around and will be discussed next month. Maybe find something we can add to staff priorities list or take forward in other meetings or in other ways. o Put together a list of suggestions on what feedback she received to email regarding “what you want to see in a Chancellor.” Highlight the top 5 characteristics of a Chancellor and email to her. o Dawn and Terry went to 1st leadership council today. Group of 30-45. All vice Chancellors, Chancellor, Deans, and more were present. Chancellor said these meetings are unofficial person to person contact. Meeting is to have open discussion. No decisions made. He did reiterate that Staff Senate will be on BOT meeting agenda’s from now on. Chief Operating Officer title will be moved to chancellor’s office. Few announcements from Advancement soon. Bringing 4 people on campus as candidates for Chief Diversity Officer. 3 candidates for HR. The news is saying we are having budget cuts of 3 to 4% but actual amount is 2%. Lot of budget deadlines coming up this month. University does not take position on this but want to inform that there is proposed walkway improvements bond referendum on ballot in November. OLD BUSINESS No discussion SENATOR SPOTLIGHT Upcoming Spotlight: November—Melissa Cox, December—None Gary Brown from Columbia South Carolina. Lived and worked in NYC for 18 years. Retired to beach. Now lives in Willlard. Came to work UNCW 2 years ago. Works in Postal department. In Wilmington Chorale Society. GUESTS 3:15 Each speaker has been invited to speak for 5 -10 minutes. Gabriel Luigo o 1st time visiting to our senate o Important to work together for same goal o Most pressing issue—chancellor search. o Very disappointed in representation disproportion in search. o Current search for HR person. Critical post. Stronger list of candidates. We had failed search last year. Concerned with turnover of staff and faculty. “Still bleeding” must find a way to retain people and talent. Harder to replace the talent than a person. o Faculty senate is having very serious discussion on Shared Governance. Big decisions on Administrative level have been made with very minimal input from faculty and staff. o Concerned about high level appointments made without searches and faculty/staff engagement and input. o Pushing very hard that we should have 3 candidates who visit our campus come and visit every department. It might happen. Might not happen. Will continue to make this point anyway. o Very interested in strengthening cooperation between faculty and staff. Clear we have common ground. o Not in support of Shared Services. Jared Piner o Co-chair of Faculty Staff campaign. o Campaign runs entire year. Month of September is the big push. Any monthly donation will add your name to “UNCW giving back to UNCW” o 74% of all UNCW students rely on Financial Aid. o Question: What works for you in regards to the way the campaign is presented? Lots of discussion followed. Over 65000 alumni but only 5% give back to UNCW. Advancement operates from state funds not any of money raised goes to them. Losing students and focus on the value of education versus “country club” o Free faculty Staff Tennis Workshop event Wednesday 4pm to 7pm. Participants divided into 3 groups. Check Swoop for more details. 39 teams have signed up already. Food and Door Prizes. o Will have similar event for students, too. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM DEPARTMENTS Burney Vendor Fair is October 8th. Sean Ahlum is leaving UNCW and we will have to replace his position in student affairs. Changing jobs. Staff Senate website will be up on Friday afternoon. Employee Appreciation --events will be spread out over the entire year. Instead of over one week. Moved to this model last year because it stressed productivity in some departments. Service Employee Luncheon 10/13 Employee Appreciation breakfast on 10/31. 7:30am and 9:30am. Get your WAG on. Luncheon in March. Athletics broke attendance record. REMINDERS Next Staff Senate Meeting: Wednesday November 5th Location: McNeil 1051 Send Agenda items before October 13th to be considered. Committee Chair Reminder: Send your meeting schedule and minutes to Dawn Brown, as well as post on SharePoint, by the first of each month. ADJOURNMENT 4:00 Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Melissa Cox