Laboratory Simulation Exam - RDT 113, 114, and 210 Student Name__________________________________ Date__________________________________

Laboratory Simulation Exam - RDT 113, 114, and 210
Student Name__________________________________
Exam Subject__________________________________
Psychomotor/Cognitive Skills:
1. Film size
(-10 each)
2. IR placement LW/CW/TT/Bucky (- 10 each)
3. SID & OID
(-10 each)
4. Use & placement of correct
markers (-10 each)
5. Patient Position
(-10 each)
6. Centering point
(-10 each)
7. Collimation
(-5 each)
8. Exposure factors
(-5 each)
9. Shielding
(-5 each)
10. Tube/Bucky centering &
equipment utilization (-10 each)
11. CR Angle, if any
(-10 each)
12. Patient Care/Communication
(-5 each)
# Points subtracted
Total Number of Points subtracted from exam score _______________________
Total score of 70 points required to pass exam. Repeat of failed exam must be performed in presence of two RSCC instructors. 2 failed exam results in a D or F in the course. Total number of failed lab exams
must not exceed 3 per semester. Students cannot advance to the next semester of the program if they receive less than a C in any RDT course.
Communication Skills:
The display of excellent communication skills consists of the student providing clear and concise instructions to the patient. The
student will behave professionally at all times.
Poor displays of communication include patient confusion due to unclear presentation of instructions by the student. Some examples
of unacceptable behavior from the student include excessive talking, lack of focus, and absence of professional demeanor.
Patient Care Skills:
The student must demonstrate all of these skills:
• Appropriate introduction to the patient.
• Two patient identifiers are checked on the wrist band.
• Pleasant and helpful manners exhibited toward patient.
• Attends to patient safety and comfort at all times***
• Indication of clean table, clean pillow cover, and etc.
***This includes asking females about pregnancy in a way that does not violate HIPAA, assuring that the
patient is not left standing alone while setting up equipment, verifying that the x-ray
tube is not in the way when patient gets on/off the table, providing the patient a pillow when
possible, and etc.