Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:13980–13989 DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4602-8 RESEARCH ARTICLE Non-parametric kernel density estimation of species sensitivity distributions in developing water quality criteria of metals Ying Wang 1,2 & Fengchang Wu 2 & John P. Giesy 2,3 & Chenglian Feng 2 & Yuedan Liu 4 & Ning Qin 2 & Yujie Zhao 2 Received: 19 January 2015 / Accepted: 23 April 2015 / Published online: 9 May 2015 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015 Abstract Due to use of different parametric models for establishing species sensitivity distributions (SSDs), comparison of water quality criteria (WQC) for metals of the same group or period in the periodic table is uncertain and results can be biased. To address this inadequacy, a new probabilistic model, based on non-parametric kernel density estimation was developed and optimal bandwidths and testing methods are proposed. Zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg) of group IIB of the periodic table are widespread in aquatic environments, mostly at small concentrations, but can exert detrimental effects on aquatic life and human health. With these metals as target compounds, the non-parametric kernel density estimation method and several conventional parametric density estimation methods were used to derive acute WQC of metals for protection of aquatic species in China that were compared and contrasted with WQC for other jurisdictions. HC5 values for protection of different types of species were derived for three metals by use of non-parametric kernel density estimation. The newly developed probabilistic model was superior to conventional parametric density estimations for constructing SSDs and for deriving WQC for these metals. HC5 values for the three metals were inversely proportional to atomic number, which means that the heavier atoms were more potent toxicants. The proposed method provides a novel alternative approach for developing SSDs that could have wide application prospects in deriving WQC and use in assessment of risks to ecosystems. Keywords SSD . Metals . HC5 . Probabilistic . Taxa . Hazard Introduction Responsible editor: Thomas Braunbeck Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11356-015-4602-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. * Fengchang Wu wufengchang@vip.skleg.cn 1 College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 2 State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science, Beijing 100012, China 3 Department of Veterinary Biomedical Science and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan, 44 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK, Canada 4 The Key Laboratory of Water and Air Pollution Control of Guangdong Province, South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, The Ministry of Environment Protection of PRC, Guangzhou 510065, China Water quality criteria (WQC) are maximum acceptable threshold values for chemical substances or environmental parameters used to protect wildlife and humans from adverse effects (US EPA 1976). The species sensitivity distribution (SSD) which was proposed by Kooijman (Kooijman 1987), is one method used to derive WQC (Anzecc 2000; CCME 2007) and conduct assessments of risk to the environment (US EPA 1998), which has been widely used by the European Union (including the Netherlands), Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong, among other countries and organizations to derive WQC. The method is based on the concept that species have differential sensitivities to stressors, such as chemical toxicants, that can be described by a probability function. If information on relative sensitivities of a sufficiently large random sample of species that are expected to occur in a particular community or environment is available, the probability of observing a more sensitive species can be estimated. Thus, those selected species are used as surrogates that are assumed Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:13980–13989 to represent the community structure of a specific ecosystem and the toxicity data can be used to describe the SSD curve (Posthuma et al. 2002). Conventional SSD methodologies assume that toxicity data for pollutants, expressed as the lethal concentration to affect 50 % of individuals (LC50), effective concentrations (non-lethal) to affect 50 % of individuals (EC50), the no observable effect concentration (NOEC), or lowest observable effect concentration (LOEC) can be accurately described by a parametric distribution, generally the log-normal probability function, for which the log10 values follow the normal probability density function. Development of WQC uses statistical methods, to fit the probability function describing hazardous concentration (HCp) along with various measures of uncertainty to predict threshold values and promulgate WQC to protect particular assemblages of species. Commonly used parametric models used for developing SSDs, which are then used in development of WQCs, include among others, log-normal (Van Vlaardingen et al. 2004), loglogistic (Pennington 2003), Burr Type III (Shao 2000), Weibull (Van Straalen 2002), Gompertz (Newman et al. 2000), Sigmoid (Cao and Wu 2010), Gaussian (Wu et al. 2011a), and exponential growth (Wu et al. 2012a). Since parametric models often have strong basic assumptions or requirements for underlying data, there are potential inherent biases, errors, and uncertainties caused by deviations from the underlying theoretical models, associated with fitting empirical data. Several authors have suggested that empirical toxicity data usually deviates from assumptions of statistical distributions (Brattin et al. 1996; Liu et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2008), so the SSD parametric estimation is often unable to obtain satisfactory results and there is no single, universally applicable distribution that is appropriate for all toxicity data of pollutants (Forbes and Forbes 1993; Shao 2000; Smith and Cairns Jr 1993; Warne 2002; Wu et al. 2011b). Therefore, using a parametric distribution for fitting the method, based on subjective assumptions, exhibits a general lack of generality and tends to cause distortion of final WQC values. Several authors, including Posthuma (Posthuma et al. 2002), Hayashi (Hayashi and Kashiwagi 2010), and Newman (Newman et al. 2000) have each proposed use of various non-parametric or distribution-free methods, such as Monte Carlo, bootstrap, and Bayesian methods, respectively, which can more accurately describe the empirical toxicity data more objectively without making as many assumptions as parametric methods. However, Monte Carlo simulation and Bayesian methods are still based on prior parametric distributions, which might not satisfied the samples (Fox 2010; Hanna et al. 1998), and the bootstrap method only obtains HCp distributions and its confidence interval based on simple statistics (Newman et al. 2000), which are not the same distributions for all species. To avoid the shortcomings of the basic bootstrap method, other authors (Liu et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2008) have proposed modified bootstrap and bootstrap regression methods. However, if the sample data includes dispersion in the form of outliers these 13981 methods can cause distortion of the data (Pan 2011) that result in uncertainties of the derived SSDs. Since several parametric models are used, there is uncertainty that can result in biases when developing WQCs for the same group or period elements. Therefore, a unified method to derive SSD functions was considered to be desirable. Non-parametric kernel density estimation, which does not need a priori information and does not depend on overall distributions and parameters that describe them, can estimate unbiased distribution characteristics based on sample data (Rosenblatt 1956). This approach, with its natural robustness, has been used previously, where it was applied to data on structures of molecules to indicate the ability of the chemical bond length, bond valence angle, and torsion angle distributions (McCabe et al. 2014). Kernel density estimation has been used to simulate a probability distribution describing speeds of wind, and the results of that study demonstrated that the non-parametric model gave more accurate estimates and fit the actual distribution of wind speeds more accurately than did other more traditional parametric distributions (Qin et al. 2011). Because it has minimal requirements for data and does not need to assume a specific statistical distribution, estimated derived by use of kernel density methods can be used to directly obtain SSDs. This provides a new approach for developing WQC for elements in the same group or period of elements in the periodic table. To demonstrate use of the approach, non-parametric kernel density approach, SSDs for metals were developed for use in deriving WQC to protect freshwater aquatic organisms in China. Optimal bandwidth and test methods were developed and are described herein. SSDs were used to derive HC5 and WQC for three metals. The results were then verified for accuracy and effectiveness of the non-parametric kernel density estimation to derive WQC evaluated. Materials and methods Toxicity data sets Data on acute toxicity of the metals zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg), used in the present study, were obtained from USEPA ECOTOX database (http://cfpub.epa.gov/ ecotox/) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure database (CNKI, http://www.cnki.net/) (Table S1). Accuracy and reliability of data were evaluated by use of standard methods (Klimisch et al. 1997), which were based on requirements of WQC guidelines and literature (Zhang et al. 2012). The toxicity data used in this paper was based on the following screening rules. First, forms of metals used in the analysis contained oxide, chloride, sulfate, nitrate, acetate, and sulfide, yet all data were expressed as μg/L of the element of interest. Second, three types of organisms (fish, zooplankton, and benthic animals) were contained (Barnthouse 2004), and at least 13982 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:13980–13989 ten randomly selected organisms were sufficient to obtain an effective estimation of aquatic ecosystems (Wheeler et al. 2002). Third, data were subjected to rigorous quality assurance guidelines (Buckler et al. 2003). The selected measurement endpoint was lethality, and corresponding toxicity threshold values were reported as either the LC50 or EC50. Results of tests of acute lethality in the USEPA database or literature included the following results: 96-h LC50 or EC50 for fish; 48-h LC50 or EC50 for invertebrates; the toxicological endpoints to fish and invertebrates mainly for immobility, respiratory inhibition, and lethality; water hardness was between 30 and 60 mg of CaCO3/L; pH ranged from 6 to 8; temperatures were appropriate per species (e.g., 12–15 μg/L for Oncorhynchus mykiss; 20 μg/L for Daphnia magna). Exposures were conducted in flow-through as well as static/ renewal. Finally, taxa used for deriving WQC are representative of those in aquatic ecosystems of China, including local species and alien species that are now widely distributed in China. When acute toxicity data for the same species were available at the same duration of exposure, geometric means were calculated as species mean acute values (SMAVs) (Stephen et al. 1985) (Table 1). It was concluded, after a review of all of the available literature, that there was insufficient information on chronic effects on sublethal endpoints to derive chronic SSDs based on sublethal measurement endpoints. Species sensitivity distribution modeling SSDs are probability distributions that describe differences in sensitivities among species, compounds or mixtures of in complex ecosystem, which is estimated from a sample of toxicity data for various species and visualized as a cumulative distribution function (CDF) (Posthuma et al. 2002). Currently, the cumulative probability of SSDs is first developed by Hazen plotting positions (Eq. 1) (Cunnane 1978). i − 0:5 p¼ ; n 1≤i≤n ð1Þ where p is cumulative probability, i is the sort level of taxa, and n is the total number of taxa. SSDs were then derived based on a sample of the given random variable of taxa by parametric estimation methods or nonparametric estimation methods. Parametric estimation methods are based on assumed theoretical parametric distributions of a continuous variable to obtain the CDFs of the population (Cao and Wu 2010; Newman et al. 2000; Pennington 2003; Shao 2000; Van Straalen 2002; Van Vlaardingen et al. 2004; Wu et al. 2011a, 2012a). SSDs are widely used to derive WQC for single metals or organic pollutants but seldom for WQC of multiple metals (Campbell et al. 2000; Giesy et al. 1999; Solomon et al. 1996; TenBrook et al. 2010; Vardy et al. 2011). Non-parametric kernel density estimation for constructing SSDs Kernel density estimation is a non-parametric method that estimates distributions of populations by use of a kernel function K, which is based on sample data without estimating parameters based on any theoretical distribution (Silverman 1986). By way of example, in this process, let x1,x2,⋯xn denote a sequence sample of toxicity data of independent identically distributed random variables with an unknown probability density function f(x), and the non-parametric kernel estimator is described by Eq. 2. n 1 X x − xi K f ð xÞ ¼ hn nhn i¼1 ∧ ð2Þ where K(x) is a Borel function called the kernel function. It satisfies the conditions described in Eq. 3. 8 Z x − xi < K ð u Þdu ¼ 1 u ¼ ℝ ð3Þ hn : K ðxÞ≥ 0 where hn >0 is the window width and also called the smoothing parameter or bandwidth, when n→∞,hn →0, f n ðxÞ ∧ →f ðxÞða:s:Þ (Parzen 1962). In general, the first step is to select a kernel function. Common kernel functions are Parzen bandwidth (uniform), triangle, Gaussian, and Epanechnikov functions (Table S2). When the data is independently and identically distributed, the functions have properties such as point-to-point asymptotic unbiasedness, consistent gradual unbiasedness, and mean square consistency (Chen and X. 1993). However, the optimal Gaussian kernel function, the uniform kernel function, and Epanechnikov kernel function are nearly equal when they all satisfy the conditions of the kernel function (Rao 1983). Therefore, in this application, the Gaussian kernel function was estimated by using Eq. 4. 1 u2 K ðuÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi e− 2 ; u∈R 2π ð4Þ Determining the optimal bandwidth (hn) is more important than selecting a kernel function, which might affect the accuracy of kernel estimation and needs a large number of tests to determine hn (Epanechnikov 1969). When the Gaussian kernel function is selected, the computation of hn is given by Silverman (1986) (Eq. 5). hAMISE ≈ 1:06 σ ∧ n−1=5 ð5Þ Goodness-of-fit evaluation of models The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test and a posteriori tests were used to test the goodness-of-fit of constructed Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:13980–13989 Table 1 13983 Log-transformed toxicity data information for three metals Metals Parameters All species Plants Vertebratesf Fish Amphibians Invertebratesg Crustaceans Other invertebrates Zn Na 139 0.09 5.14 3.46 35 0.09 4.33 2.99 63 1.02 5.13 3.78 60 1.02 5.13 3.89 3 1.49 1.67 1.55 41 2.04 5.14 3.38 16 2.04 4.80 3.14 25 2.22 5.14 3.53 0.97 63 –1.37 5.48 2.89 1.22 90 –0.50 4.54 2.09 0.94 1.05 19 –1.37 4.11 2.19 1.42 9 1.29 3.10 2.12 0.54 0.94 26 0.49 5.48 3.27 1.10 33 0.48 4.23 2.44 0.70 0.82 25 1.51 5.48 3.38 0.96 26 0.48 3.74 2.41 0.66 0.10 1 0.49 0.49 0.49 / 7 1.57 4.23 2.55 0.86 0.77 18 1.94 4.79 3.09 0.85 48 –0.50 4.54 1.83 1.07 0.83 5 1.94 3.57 2.37 0.68 25 –0.50 4.54 1.55 1.18 0.70 13 2.10 4.79 3.37 0.76 23 0.63 3.88 2.14 0.85 Minb Maxc μd σe Cd Hg a a N Minb Maxc μd σe Na Minb Maxc μd σe Number of species included in model b Minimum value of species toxicity data included in model for the metal c Maximum value of species toxicity data included in model for the metal d Mean of species toxicity data included in model for the metal e Variance of species toxicity data included in model for the metal f Vertebrates contain fish and amphibians in this research g Invertebrates contain crustaceans and other invertebrates in this research SSDs. The K-S test, established by Kolmogorov (Kolmogorov 1933) and Smirnov (Smirnoff 1939), is a non-parametric distribution-free test of goodness-of-fit based on the maximum difference between an empirical and a hypothetical cumulative distribution, which might be superior to the chi-squared test when it is applicable (Massey Jr 1951). The established SSD model is deemed sufficient when the Pks value is greater than 0.05, which means that the test fails to reject the null hypothesis that the empirical data has the given hypothetical cumulative distribution, and the larger the Pks value of the K-S test, the better the goodness-of-fit for models (Qin et al. 2011). The a posteriori test was used to evaluate differences between the SSD model developed and the observed data, of which indexes contain root mean square errors (RMSE), coefficients of determination (R2), and error sum of squares (SSE). RMSE, R 2 , and SSE derived from parametric models, and RMSE and SSE derived from non-parametric models were used to compare and check the adequacy of the approaches. The model with minimum RMSE and SSE values was deemed the best model for building SSDs and deriving HC5 values (Liu et al. 2014). Computational processes for the SSDs modeling were performed by use of MALAB (2007b version). HC5 and WQC derivation In the process of deriving WQCs, a significant reason for developing SSDs is to derive an acceptable concentration of contaminants to protect a certain proportion of species, known as hazardous concentrations (HC). If the proportion of aquatic species protected set to be 95 %, the acceptable concentration of contaminant is hazardous for the remaining 5 % species, the concentration is thereby defined as HC5 (Van Straalen and Denneman 1989). HC5 is the basis for deriving WQC (US EPA 2005; Van Straalen and Denneman 1989). Acute WQC were calculated by use of an assessment (safety) factor of 2.0 to insert some conservatism to account for possible uncertainties (Eq. 6) (Van Sprang et al. 2004; Wu et al. 2011a, 2012b). Acute WQC ¼ acute HC5=2 ð6Þ Results and discussion SSDs based on non-parametric kernel density estimation method modeling There was a total of 292 species for which there was data for toxicity of Zn (139), Cd (63), and Hg (90), that was deemed to 13984 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:13980–13989 be valid, including 63 plants, 122 vertebrates (111 fish and 11 amphibians), and 107 invertebrates (46 crustacean and 61 other invertebrates). The range of toxicity data for Cd was largest with values ranging from 0.04 to 3.01×105 and with a standard deviation of 3.86×105. The range of toxicity data for Zn was least with values ranging from 1.22 to 1.40 × 105 and with a standard deviation of 2.27×105. Since the range of values of data was relatively large, the raw data was transformed as the log10, which reduced the relative difference and smoothed the data, which made the data more amenable to do the calculations. After log10 transformation, the Gaussian kernel function was used to construct the non-parametric kernel density estimation models of SSDs for the three metals. First, optimum widths were calculated according to Eq. 5 (Table 2), which takes both smoothness of the density curve and goodness-of-fit of the model into consideration. Thus, the non-parametric kernel density estimation Table 2 Distribution PDF Zn Normal 1 y ¼ pffiffiffiffi e− 2πσ Logistic y¼ e ðx − μÞ2 2σ2 x−μ σ x−μ σ σ 1þe Log-normal y ¼ xσp1 ffiffiffiffi e− 2π Log-logistic y¼ e 2 ðlnx−μÞ2 2σ2 logðxÞ−μ σ logðxÞ−μ σ σx 1þe Non-parametric kernel Normal – Logistic y¼ 1 y ¼ pffiffiffiffi e 2πσ σ − x−μ σ x−μ 1þe σ e Log-normal y ¼ xσp1 ffiffiffiffi e− 2π Log-logistic y¼ e Non-parametric kernel Normal – 2 ðlnx − μÞ2 2σ2 logðxÞ−μ σ logðxÞ−μ σ Logistic y¼ 1 y ¼ pffiffiffiffi e 2πσ σ x−μ σ x−μ 1þe σ e y ¼ xσp1 ffiffiffiffi e− 2π Log-logistic y¼ e y¼ Non-parametric kernel – 2 ðx − μÞ2 − 2σ2 Log-normal Sigmoid 2 ðx−μÞ2 2σ2 σx 1þe Hg 1 X 1 − ð0:296Þ 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffi e f ð xÞ ¼ 41:14 i¼1 2π ð7Þ 1 X 1 − ð0:564Þ 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffi e 35:53 i¼1 2π ð8Þ 1 X 1 − ð0:368Þ 2 pffiffiffiffiffiffi e f ð xÞ ¼ 33:12 i¼1 2π ð9Þ 139 ∧ ∧ f ð xÞ ¼ ∧ 63 90 x − xi 2 x − xi 2 x − xi 2 Alternatively, after the test for normality, the parametric models for SSDs were established by use of the maximum likelihood estimation method, and then compared with the non-parametric kernel estimation model. All models passed the K-S test except for the normal distribution model, the log-normal distribution model, and the log-logistic distribution model of Zn (Table 2). The Pks values of K-S for Comparison among several good fitting parametric models and non-parametric models for three metals Metals Cd models of SSDs for three metals were determined (Eqs. 7, 8, and 9). 2 ðlnx−μÞ2 2σ2 logðxÞ − μ σ logðxÞ − μ σx 1þe σ a 1þe− k ðx − x0 Þ 2 Parameters pK-S R2 RMSE SSE μ=3.46±0.083 σ=0.97±0.059 μ=3.57±0.078 σ=0.53±0.038 μ=1.16±0.045 σ=0.53±0.032 μ=1.25±0.028 σ=0.20±0.015 0.014 0.9553 0.0610 0.518 0.361 0.9796 0.0412 0.236 7.41E-07 0.7889 0.1326 2.446 0.00898 0.9336 0.0744 0.769 Bandwidth=0.296 μ=2.89±0.15 σ=1.22±0.11 μ=2.98±0.15 σ=0.66±0.069 μ=1.75±0.033 σ=0.26±0.023 μ=1.78±0.026 σ=0.12±0.013 0.907 0.301 – 0.9722 0.0175 0.0481 0.0424 0.146 0.354 0.9764 0.0443 0.124 0.0715 0.9217 0.0807 0.411 0.00898 0.9717 0.0486 0.149 Bandwidth=0.564 μ=2.09±0.099 σ=0.94±0.071 μ=2.12±0.096 σ=0.52±0.046 μ=1.61±0.021 σ=0.20±0.015 μ=1.63±0.020 σ=0.11±0.010 0.654 0.581 – 0.9816 0.0370 0.0391 0.0863 0.138 0.597 0.9887 0.0307 0.0847 0.158 0.9555 0.0609 0.334 0.495 0.9780 0.0428 0.165 a=1.054 x0 =20215 k=1.824 Bandwidth=0.368 0.600 0.9913 0.0266 0.0639 0.897 – 0.0233 0.0488 Parametric models including normal distribution, logistic distribution, log-normal distribution, log-logistic distribution, and sigmoid distribution, and parameters including the formula of probability density function (PDF), formula parameters of distribution, and goodness-of-fit evaluation results of the model Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:13980–13989 13985 the three non-parametric kernel density estimation models were PZn =0.907, PCd =0.654, and PHg =0.897, which were the maximum Pks values among the models of the three metals, respectively. Values of RMSE and SSE for three non-parametric kernel density estimation models were the minimum values among the models of three metals, respectively. Therefore, the non-parametric kernel density estimation of SSDs of the three metals was the best fitting model. This result suggested that without the assumption of the sample data, the kernel density estimation for SSDs built in the present study obtained good fitting capacity, high accuracy, and the best simulation results. The kernel density estimation model differed from bootstrap and bootstrap regression methods, because the former obtained the cumulative density function (CDF) of all taxa and the latter two only calculated the specific statistic value estimate and its confidence interval by use of random resampling to construct an empirical distribution function or specific parameter models (Grist et al. 2002). Moreover, data from toxicity tests often has outliers and a skewed distribution that approximated the normal distribution that appeared as the relative Bleptokurtosis and heavy tails.^ Therefore, parametric models could not fit the sample data well. However, kernel density estimation can reduce the effects of these outliers and has a good robustness when used to estimate the SSDs, because it is less constrained by the data and could fit the model without priori information. HC5 derivation and comparison In general, the rationale for using the HC5 for deriving WQC (US EPA 2005) is that 95 % aquatic taxa will be protected (Van der Hoeven 2001). Therefore, HC5s were obtained from parametric models and the kernel density estimation model, respectively (Table 3). Searching the original data, the species near 5 % cumulative probability calculated for Zn, Cd, and Hg were Bufogargarizans, Scenedesmus quadricauda, and Crustaceans monoculus, of which the acute toxicity values were 30.8, 4.17, and 2.9 μg/L, respectively. Therefore, the least deviation between HC5 values and acute toxicity values, which were calculated by use of the kernel density, and the normal distribution parametric model were 16.46, 18.71, and 19.31 %, respectively. For Hg, the deviation between the HC5 value calculated by the non-parametric kernel density estimation model and acute toxicity was 26.21 %, which was slightly larger than that of the normal distribution parametric model. However, the kernel density estimation model can better fit the overall trend of sensitivities of taxa and the internal properties of the data (Fig. 1). According to the principle of choosing better fitting models (Wu 2012), the kernel density estimation model was more reliable in obtaining the HC5 value than the normal distribution parametric model. The order of magnitude of HC5 values was Hg<Cd<Zn. HC5 values of metals in group IIB were inversely proportional to atomic number in the periodic table. Zn, an essential element for organisms, plays an important role as biochemical enhancer of many enzymes (Friberg et al. 1979), which could have a negative effect on organism growth when deficiencies exist. Zn also can be hazardous when its concentrations exceed threshold values. It might cause adverse effects through combination with biological macromolecules to the organisms, such as reduction of enzyme activity, gene expression changes, reproduction, and development (Feng et al. 2013; Poynton et al. 2007). Cd, which is not a required element and can be a toxic metal, has been defined as a key pollutant by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1974 (Wu et al. 2011b). In plants, exposed to unusually large concentrations of Cd can cause adverse effects such as phosphorous deficiency problems with transport of manganese (Mn) (Godbold and Hüttermann 1985), interference with uptake, transport, and use of essential elements, such as Ca, Mg, P, and K, and water (Sharma et al. 1985). In aquatic animals, exposure to Cd can result in anemia, enteropathy, damaging renal tubules, and osteoporosis for aquatic organisms and humans (Fox 1979). Its toxicity effects are similar to those of the required element Zn. Cd has been found to be bound into a ternary Cd-Zn-protein complex in mammalian kidney (Friberg et al. 1979), and Zn and Cd act through the same Table 3 Comparison among HC5 values derived by different models for three metals Models Normal Logistic Log-normal Log-logistic Sigmoid Non-parametric kernel HC5 (μg/L) Zn Cd Hg 72.32 101.94 21.68 88.09 – 35.87 7.59 10.45 5.4 13.14 – 3.39 3.46 3.83 3.98 5.01 3.72 2.14 Fig. 1 Comparison between normal distribution and non-parametric kernel estimate model of probability density function 13986 mechanism of action and exhibit joint toxicity (Guan and Wang 2004). The mechanism of toxic action of Hg is not obvious but might be related to the fact that it binds to thiol groups in proteins and thus affects enzyme activity of organisms (Friberg et al. 1979; Zhang et al. 2012). Mercury is different from Zn and Cd because its affinity for binding to different insoluble cells ligand is very strong, especially to the nucleus and lysosomes. Hence, toxicity of Hg is the greatest in group IIB. In addition, metals of group IIB are D-class elements. They are more stable than other D-class elements because their electrons are completely filled orbitals. Toxicity potencies of metals in group IIB are directly proportional to periodic number, and sequences are similarly associated with bulk chemical properties such as ionic radius (Haynes 2012) and electronegativity (Yu et al. 2009). Results of several studies illustrated that the ionic radius and electronegativity have a close relationship with toxicity potency (Walker et al. 2003). Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:13980–13989 Table 4 Comparison of freshwater aquatic criteria Group Deriving methods WQC (μg/L) Literatures Zn Normal-SSD Logistic-SSD 36.16 50.97 This research Log-normal-SSD 10.84 Log-logistic-SSD Non-parametric kernel-SSD 44.045 17.935 Cd ExpGro1 48.43 Wu et al. (2012a) Burr ΙΙΙ-SSD 29.94 Kong et al. (2011) Percentage of toxicity sorting Evaluation factors 120 30 US EPA (1996) CCME (2007) Normal-SSD Logistic-SSD 3.795 5.225 This research Log-normal-SSD Log-logistic-SSD 2.7 6.57 Non-parametric kernel-SSD 1.695 Derivation and comparison of WQC Slogistic3 0.4218 Wu et al. (2012a) Burr ΙΙΙ-SSD 2.265 Kong et al. (2011) WQC derived in the present study were compared with those developed by various countries (Table 4). The results indicated that WQC derived in the present study for three metals are all less than those recommended by USEPA. Comparing with other values in the literature, WQC derived by for Cd and Hg during the present study were less different than those recommended by USEPA. The difference for Zn was within an order of magnitude. Compositions of taxa used in the assessment and their relative sensitivities are important contributors to the SSD and can directly affect the accuracy of results (Brock et al. 2006). For example, representative fishes to be protected in China belong mostly to the family Cyprinidae, while in North America, sensitive valued species to be protected are coldwater fishes of the family Salmonidae. The species selected in the present study represent the typical species in aquatic environments of China, which was the reason for the differences from the WQC recommended by US and Australia. However, WQC derived in the present study were significantly different from other values in the literature (Kong et al. 2011; Li et al. 2012; Wu et al. 2012a; Zhang et al. 2012) which indicates that differences exist between WQC derived by use of the non-parametric kernel density estimation model and parametric models (Table 4). The number of species used by Wu et al. (2012a) to derive WQC for Zn and Cd were 45 and 28, respectively, and that used for Hg used by Kong et al. (2011) was 30. The data set is small therefore has a large deviation, which might lead to difficulty in obtaining accurate parametric estimation. The value of SSE derived from the logsigmoid model used by Zhang et al. (2012) was greater than that in the present study (0.0664>0.0488). The AndersonDarling test used by Li et al. (2012) to test the goodness of fitting for the log-normal model built by ETX2.0 Software Percentage of toxicity sorting Normal-SSD Logistic-SSD 2 1.73 1.91 US EPA (2001) This research Log-normal-SSD Log-logistic-SSD Sigmoid-SSD Non-parametric kernel-SSD Log-slogistic3-SSD 1.99 2.51 1.86 1.07 1.74 Zhang et al. (2012) Burr III-SSD 3.33 Kong et al. (2011) RIVM-SSD 3.42 Li et al. (2012) Percentage of toxicity sorting 1.4 US EPA (1980) Hg (Van Vlaardingen et al. 2004) was not very accurate. The non-parametric kernel density estimation model was better for fitting the empirical data and were more accurate than the above two parametric models. Furthermore, the WQC derived by the non-parametric kernel density estimation model were closer to the empirical data than WQC recommended by other jurisdictions, whereas there are no study results about WQC by use of the non-parametric kernel density estimation model for SSDs. Correlation analyses of water quality criteria of metals When SSDs derived for fewer than ten taxa, using the kernel density estimation methods were developed (Figs. 2, 3, and 4). HC5 values of Zn for the pairs of vertebrates and crustaceans, fish and other invertebrates were similar, which means that they are same protected at approximately the same concentrations (Table 5; Fig. S1–S3). Similar to results for Zn, Cd is more harmful for plants, and more hazardous to vertebrates than invertebrates. However, Hg was different Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:13980–13989 Fig. 2 SSDs and HC5 values determination of different creature types for Zn from Zn or Cd, in that it was more hazardous to crustaceans, and more harmful for invertebrates than vertebrates and plants. Results for these three metals are similar to those of previous reports (Wu et al. 2011a, b; Zhang et al. 2012). The reason for this result might because the detoxification mechanism of organisms for the higher trophic level is more completed, so the lower trophic level such as plants and invertebrates is obviously more sensitive than that of vertebrates (Pavičić et al. 1994). Based on HC5 values, except for amphibians, only crustaceans exhibited differences from previously reported WQC and consistent with the sequence of binding of the metals in vitro to protein: Hg2+ >Cd2+ >Zn2+(Amiard et al. 2006). Therefore, toxicity of the three metals is directly proportional to atomic number. The sensitivity of crustaceans to the three metals is Hg>Zn>Cd. It appeared in the marine invertebrate species such as Mytilusgalloprovincialis as well as other mollusks and crustaceans, which might because crustaceans have 13987 Fig. 4 SSDs and HC5 values determination of different creature types for Hg an effective defense mechanism to hazard of some toxic metals (Pavičić et al. 1994). Uncertainty analysis of the model Accuracy and consistency of empirical data on toxicity of these three metals to various taxa is critical to the model, so collection and validation of data is important. Data employed in the present study did not consider effects of bioaccumulation of the three metals and ranges of values observed in the literatures. In addition, toxicity of pollutants can be affected by various environmental factors, such as hardness of water, which was not considered, because there was insufficient data across the range of possible values in the environment to quantitatively describe effects of these environmental factors on bioavailability and or toxic potencies of these metals. Since width estimation by use of the kernel function in the model depends on the toxicity data of the species selected, width determination need to be careful. If hn is too small, then when using a kernel function in the model to describe the SSD, the model would be biased and not accurately reflect Table 5 Comparison among HC5 values derived by non-parametric kernel models of different taxa for three metals Groups Fig. 3 SSDs and HC5 values determination of different creature types for Cd Plant Vertebrates Fish Amphibians Invertebrates Crustaceans Other invertebrates HC5 (μg/L) Zn Cd Hg 3.01 30.93 143.49 – 102.37 34.07 160.31 0.11 14.36 40.03 – 29.28 57.08 92.64 – 11.4 7.67 16.12 0.79 0.38 3.16 13988 the internal characters of the data. In contrast, if hn is too large, the structural characteristics of the data might not be shown (Chen and X. 1993; Silverman 1986). Although the present study obtained good results by the Gaussian kernel function and its optimal bandwidth, it still could do appropriate adjustments to hn according to the fitting and smoothness of data curve. Moreover, the non-parametric kernel density estimation is not very suitable to use with small sample size (<30) (Chen and X. 1993). Therefore, the supplement and improvement should be considered for the non-parametric kernel density estimation model for SSDs in future studies. Conclusions Based on the comparison with other approaches, the nonparametric kernel density estimation for SSDs is more simple, flexible, accurate, and effective to sample data. The case study of three metals verified the robustness and adaptability of the method in derivation of WQC. Although the model presented can reasonably develop SSDs, it does need to be further developed for use with small sample sizes (<30). The proposed method has expanded the methodological foundation for use of SSDs in development of WQC and provided solid support for protection of aquatic organisms, which could be considered wide use in deriving WQC and assessing risk of metals. 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Other Invertebrates a N 139 35 63 60 3 41 16 25 b min 0.09 0.09 1.02 1.02 1.49 2.04 2.04 2.22 c max 5.14 4.33 5.13 5.13 1.67 5.14 4.80 5.14 Zn d μ 3.46 2.99 3.78 3.89 1.55 3.38 3.14 3.53 e σ 0.97 1.05 0.94 0.82 0.10 0.77 0.83 0.70 a N 63 19 26 25 1 18 5 13 b min --1.37 --1.37 0.49 1.51 0.49 1.94 1.94 2.10 c max 5.48 4.11 5.48 5.48 0.49 4.79 3.57 4.79 Cd d μ 2.89 2.19 3.27 3.38 0.49 3.09 2.37 3.37 e σ 1.22 1.42 1.10 0.96 / 0.85 0.68 0.76 a N 90 9 33 26 7 48 25 23 b min --0.50 1.29 0.48 0.48 1.57 --0.50 --0.50 0.63 c Hg max 4.54 3.10 4.23 3.74 4.23 4.54 4.54 3.88 d μ 2.09 2.12 2.44 2.41 2.55 1.83 1.55 2.14 e σ 0.94 0.54 0.70 0.66 0.86 1.07 1.18 0.85 a b c number of species included in model; minimum value of species toxicity data included in model for the metal; maximum value of species toxicity data included in model for the metal; d mean of species toxicity data included in model for the metal; e variance of species toxicity data included in model for the metal; f Vertebrates contain fish and amphibians in this research; g Invertebrates contain crustaceans and other Invertebrates in this research. Metals Parameters All Species Plants Vertebratesf Fish Amphibians Invertebratesg Crustaceans Table 2 Comparison among several good fitting parametric models and non-parametric models for three metals. Parametric models including normal distribution, logistic distribution, log-normal distribution, log-logistic distribution and sigmoid distribution, and parameters including the formula of probability density function (PDF), formula parameters of distribution, and goodness-of-fit evaluation results of the model. metals Distribution PDF Parameters pK-S R2 RMSE SSE μ= 3.46±0.083 1 y= e Normal 0.014 0.9553 0.0610 0.518 2πσ σ= 0.97±0.059 μ= 3.57±0.078 e y= Logistic 0.361 0.9796 0.0412 0.236 σ (1 + e ) σ= 0.53±0.038 μ= 1.16±0.045 1 y= e log-normal 7.41E-07 0.7889 0.1326 2.446 Zn xσ 2π σ= 0.53±0.032 − ( x − µ )2 2σ 2 x−µ σ x−µ σ 2 − (ln x − µ )2 2σ 2 log( x ) − µ log-logistic σ e y= log( x ) − µ σ x 1 + e σ Non- parametric Kernel 2 / Normal y= Logistic y= log-normal y= − 1 e 2πσ Bandwidth= 0.296 μ= 2.89±0.15 σ= 1.22±0.11 μ= 2.98±0.15 σ= 0.66±0.069 ( x − µ )2 2σ 2 x−µ Cd σ e σ (1 + e x−µ σ )2 − 1 e xσ 2π (ln x − µ )2 2σ 2 log( x ) − µ log-logistic σ e y= log( x ) − µ σ x 1 + e σ Non- parametric Kernel 2 / Normal y= Logistic y= log-normal y= − 1 e 2πσ 2σ 2 σ σ (1 + e x−µ σ )2 − 1 xσ 2π Hg (ln x − µ )2 e 2σ 2 log( x ) − µ log-logistic Sigmoid Non- parametric Kernel y= y= e σ log( x ) − µ σ x 1 + e σ a 1 + e − k ( x − x0 ) / 2 0.00898 0.9336 0.0744 0.907 / 0.769 0.0175 0.0424 0.301 0.9722 0.0481 0.146 0.354 0.9764 0.0443 0.124 μ= 1.75±0.033 σ= 0.26±0.023 0.0715 0.9217 0.0807 0.411 μ= 1.78±0.026 σ= 0.12±0.013 0.00898 0.9717 0.0486 0.149 Bandwidth= 0.564 μ= 2.09±0.099 σ= 0.94±0.071 μ= 2.12±0.096 σ= 0.52±0.046 ( x − µ )2 x−µ e μ= 1.25±0.028 σ= 0.20±0.015 0.654 / 0.0370 0.0863 0.581 0.9816 0.0391 0.138 0.597 0.9887 0.0307 0.0847 μ= 1.61±0.021 σ= 0.20±0.015 0.158 0.9555 0.0609 0.334 μ= 1.63±0.020 σ= 0.11±0.010 0.495 0.9780 0.0428 0.165 a=1.054 x0=20215 k=1.824 Bandwidth= 0.368 0.600 0.9913 0.0266 0.0639 0.897 / 0.0233 0.0488 Table 3 Comparison among HC5 values derived by different models for three metals. models Normal Logistic log-normal log-logistic Sigmoid Non- parametric Kernel Zn 72.32 101.94 21.68 88.09 / 35.87 HC5/(μg·L-1) Cd 7.59 10.45 5.4 13.14 / 3.39 Hg 3.46 3.83 3.98 5.01 3.72 2.14 Table 4 Comparison of freshwater aquatic criteria. Group Zn Cd Hg Deriving methods WQC(μg·L-1) Normal-SSD Logistic-SSD log-normal-SSD log-logistic-SSD Non- parametric Kernel-SSD ExpGro1 36.16 50.97 10.84 44.045 Burr Ⅲ -SSD 29.94 Literatures This research 17.935 48.43 Percentage of toxicity sorting Evaluation factors Normal-SSD Logistic-SSD log-normal-SSD log-logistic-SSD Non- parametric Kernel-SSD Slogistic3 0.4218 BurrⅢ-SSD 2.265 Wu et al.(Wu et al. 2012) Kong et al.(Kong et al. 2011) 120 US EPA (U.S.EPA 1996) 30 3.795 5.225 2.7 6.57 CCME(CCME 2007) This research 1.695 Wu et al.(Wu et al. 2012) Kong et al.(Kong et al. 2011) Percentage of toxicity sorting Normal-SSD Logistic-SSD log-normal-SSD log-logistic-SSD Sigmoid-SSD Non- parametric Kernel-SSD 1.73 1.91 1.99 2.51 1.86 log-Slogistic3-SSD 1.74 BurrⅢ-SSD 3.33 RIVM-SSD Percentage of toxicity sorting 3.42 Zhang et al.(Zhang et al. 2012) Kong et al.(Kong et al. 2011) Li et al.(Li et al. 2012) 1.4 US EPA(U.S.EPA 1980) 2 US EPA (U.S.EPA 2001) This research 1.07 Table 5 Comparison among HC5 values derived by Non-parametric Kernel models of different taxa for three metals. Groups Plant Vertebrates Fish Amphibians Invertebrates Crustaceans Other Invertebrates Zn 3.01 30.93 143.49 / 102.37 34.07 160.31 HC5/(μg·L-1) Cd 0.11 14.36 40.03 / 29.28 57.08 92.64 Hg / 11.4 7.67 16.12 0.79 0.38 3.16