Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:5271–5282 DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3783-x RESEARCH ARTICLE Improvement on species sensitivity distribution methods for deriving site-specific water quality criteria Yeyao Wang & Lingsong Zhang & Fansheng Meng & Yuexi Zhou & Xiaowei Jin & John P. Giesy & Fang Liu Received: 25 May 2014 / Accepted: 27 October 2014 / Published online: 13 November 2014 # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 Abstract Species sensitivity distribution (SSD) is the most common method used to derive water quality criteria, but there are still issues to be resolved. Here, issues associated with application of SSD methods, including species selection, plotting position, and cutoff point setting, are addressed. A preliminary improvement to the SSD approach based on poststratified sampling theory is proposed. In the improved method, selection of species is based on biota of a specific basin, and the whole species in the specific ecosystem are considered. After selecting species to be included and calculating the cumulative probability, a new method to set the critical threshold for protection of ecosystem-level structure and function is proposed. The alternative method was applied in a case study in which a water quality criterion (WQC) was derived for ammonia in the Songhua River (SHR), China. Keywords SSD . Water quality criteria . Plotting position . Threshold . Stratified sampling . Site-specific . Asia . Ammonia . Nitrogen . Toxicity . Statistics Responsible editor: Thomas Braunbeck Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11356-014-3783-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Y. Wang : L. Zhang (*) : F. Meng : Y. Zhou State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China e-mail: zlingsong@163.com Y. Wang : X. Jin : F. Liu China National Environmental Monitoring Center, Beijing 100012, China J. P. Giesy Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Introduction Widespread occurrence of toxic substances caused by activities of humans can adversely affect aquatic organisms (Groombridge and Jenkins 2002). Research on differences in sensitivities to toxicants among species has become a focus and shared concern of environmental scientists and managers. In order to optimize the level of protection at an acceptable level, some countries with more developed economies have well-established systems to estimate the maximum limit which can be accepted by the ecosystem (Jin et al. 2014). Of which, the species sensitivity distribution (SSD) method is currently the most commonly used method and has been adopted by USEPA (1985), ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000), RIVM (2007), and CCME (2007) as the official method to derive water quality criteria (WQC) for protection of the structure and function of ecosystems. The SSD method to derive WQC originated almost simultaneously in Europe and in the USA (USEPA 1985; Kooijman 1987). The theoretical basis of SSD is that it is possible to describe the variability and range of sensitivities among individual taxa with a statistical or empirical distribution function (Posthuma et al. 2002). In short, the basic assumption of the SSD concept is that: (1) relative sensitivities of a set of species can be described by some distribution such as the triangular, normal, or logistic distribution; (2) the data on sensitivities of individual species to toxicants that is used to construct SSD are seen as a random sample from the entire population of possible sensitivities and are used to estimate descriptive parameters of the SSD; and (3) when a certain portion of species are protected, the ecosystem is also protected. Based on these assumptions, toxicity data are ranked and then a statistical distribution fitted. Hazardous concentrations (HCs) can be estimated, which are protective of a given proportion of the species present within a specified community (Posthuma et al. 2002; van Straalen and Denneman 1989). Generally, the 5272 SSD method has proven to be a useful approach to predict the entire communities (Schroer et al. 2004; Maltby et al. 2005), but there are still some issues relative to the application of SSDs (Forbes and Calow 2002). These include, among others, the selection of species to be included, methods to derive plotting positions, and what to select as the assessment endpoint, such as the concentration to affect 5 % of species (HC5). There are polemics particularly around the sufficiency of the SSD approach to protect ecosystem-level structure and function (Forbes and Calow 2002). Sensitivity (tolerances) of individual species is not a random phenomenon, and it will not change regardless of the methods used to describe it. Hence, it was deemed desirable to develop a method to select species more randomly than has been done previously and have a greater likelihood of accurately describing the entire range of sensitivities within a community or organisms in a particular ecosystem. To do this, it was necessary to develop a statistical method to estimate the distribution of sensitivities of all species in an ecosystem (Forbes and Calow 2002). According to statistical theory, the actual composition of the sample should be randomly selected (Rice 2011), which is also consistent with one of the basic assumptions of SSD methods. Hence, every member of the population will be selected with uniform probability. It has also been suggested that the data set should be statistically and ecologically representative of the community (Forbes and Calow 2002; Wagner and Løkke 1991). It is impossible to know the total number of species in a community and nearly impossible to know which species are the critical species, which, if eliminated, would result in major changes in the structure and/or function of a community. Rare species are treated with the same weight as abundant species (Posthuma et al. 2002). However, by technical means and cost constraints, species for which toxicological data is available have generally been selected based on availability or ease of maintenance in culture rather than by random sampling. Otherwise, some researchers have given priority to some specified taxa, trophic levels, and species based on their experience because they think the specified members are representative in some respects. In some situation, this strategy might be effective, especially when there are relatively few toxicity data. It can promote the toxicity test covering different trophic levels and having greater taxonomic differences, but this solution violates the random principle and cannot ensure that there is no bias in estimates. The dispute about methods of determining plotting position during probabilistic assessments has long been debated (Langbein 1960; Benson 1962; Jordaan 2005; Makkonen 2006). The most commonly used methods are the Weibull and Hazen methods, which have been adopted by USEPA (1985) and ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000), RIVM (2007) as well as CCME (2007) (Eqs. 1 and 2). Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:5271–5282 Weibull method: p¼ i nþ1 ð1Þ Hazen method: p¼ i−0:5 n ð2Þ where p is the cumulative probability, i is the rank of the sample, and n is the sample size. Theoretically, there is no difference between plots based on these two methods when the sample size is infinitely large. In fact, data for many toxicants is lacking, especially for species endemic to developing countries. Thus, there will be a significant difference between them which will make the results of calculation different. It is difficult to explain which is more reasonable for the developer and stakeholder. In order to eliminate effects of the “tail” of the SSD and get a more exact criterion value, Van Straalen and Denneman (1989) have introduced the concept of a “cutoff point” p into the calculation of criteria. According to their concept, the choice of a cutoff point can be chosen by the manager, and the corresponding concentration could be calculated which is called the HCp. Consequently, this method has become the official method to derive environmental quality criteria used by some countries (VROM 1989; ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000; CCME 2007). However, in practical application, the most commonly used cutoff point value is the 5th centile, which indicates the concentration less than which fewer than 5 % of species would be affected. Until now, there were no clear reasons why a value of 5 % should be chosen. The practice was, to a large extent, arbitrary (Okkerman et al. 1993; Versteeg et al. 1999). In this case, theoretically, 5 % species would be affected. In fact, the choice of the HC5 seems to have followed the convention of statistics in which a type I error (α) of 5 % is accepted (Posthuma et al. 2002). Otherwise, with toxicity testing of more and more species, more and more toxicity data are used in the criteria calculation. Thus, the calculation process becomes an interpolation from extrapolation, and the most sensitive species with sensitivities less than the HC5 would be expected to be affected. USEPA’s newest WQC for ammonia (USEPA 2013) is an excellent example of this situation. Compared with the 1999 WQC document (USEPA 1999), the more recently available toxicity data were used to calculate the WQC, and the acute and chronic criteria value decreased from 24 to 17 and from 4.5 to 1.9 mg total ammonia nitrogen (TAN)/L, respectively. The 1999 WQC was based primarily on effects on early life stages of fishes, whereas the 2013 WQC is based on effects on more sensitive invertebrate genera, including unionid mussels, of which, the most sensitive species are Lasmigona subviridis Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:5271–5282 and Venustaconcha ellipsiformis (SMAV = 23.41 and 23.12 mg TAN/L respectively). Development of WQC was based on an implicit assumption that 5 % of species could be allowed to be adversely affected and still maintain integrity of an ecosystem. In fact, the 5th centile was chosen because when the distribution of sensitivities in single species tests under laboratory conditions, where individuals were exposed to the maximum and continuous concentration, it was equivalent to the threshold concentrations less than which no adverse effects were observed in multi-species tests (mesocosms) (Giesy et al. 1999). The aim of this study was to develop an improved solution based on sample theory and to improve upon the traditional SSD method. The improved solution is expected to be more reasonable and convincing that it is protective of structures and functions of ecosystems. Improvement on traditional SSD method Species selection and SSD curve construction The relationship between sensitivity and/or tolerance of a species to a toxicant and its natural history such as feeding guild, morphology, and physiological traits is a concern of many eco-toxicologists (Forbes and Calow 2002). Researchers have tried to describe sensitivities of generic species with specific sets of characteristics so that they could predict sensitivities of species for which no information on sensitivity to a particular toxicant existed (Slooff 1983; Vaal et al. 1997; Zhang et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2014). These researchers systematically reported variability among sensitivities of species to toxicants, and Baird and Van den Brink (2007) proposed a method to predict the sensitivity of a species to specific toxicants by use of their unique and similar traits. It has been determined that the method offers some promise as a mechanistic alternative to the otherwise empirical approach to selection of species included in an SSD. Species that feed on similar foods and have similar physiologies will possibly have similar exposures and responses to toxicants. In the classification system known as “biotaxy,” aquatic organisms are divided into different taxa according to biological variances and phylogenetic relationships. In statistics, the target population should be defined before a sampling process is begun. Thus, in assessing the potential effects of contaminants at the community level of organization, all aquatic species in a specific aquatic ecosystem were defined as the target population, but in practice, it is difficult and unreasonable to establish a global aquatic ecosystem scale WQC. Thus, aquatic ecosystems are usually divided into different subsystems for management convenience and “basin” is the mostly used scale because of significant difference in biota. Thus, establishment of a basin scale WQC is necessary because of the difference of species to be protected. In 5273 this assessment, the basin was used as the appropriate scale to derive a WQC, and all aquatic species in a specific basin can be identified from a combination of reviews of the literature and surveys in the field and used to develop the target population to be protected and/or for sampling. Based on the discussion above, an assumption was made that the species in the same taxon might have relatively similar sensitivities to specific toxicants. Thus, taxa can be used as stratification variables. Toxicity can be defined as the random selection and result from corresponding strata rather than from all the species. Based on this assumption, all the screened toxicity-tested species could be sorted by use of biotaxy into different strata. Thus, the post-stratified sample method (Daniel 2011) has been advanced for calculating the cumulative probability in which a weighting coefficient could be used in order to prevent an overrepresentation (bias) of some strata (taxonomic groups). The mechanism of the improvement can be represented by a function. When the species number in a specific basin is N, it can be divided into l mutually exclusive, homogeneous strata according to biotaxy, and the species number in each stratum is Ni (i=1,2,…,l). After retrieving and screening, the number of screened toxicity-tested species is n, and it also can be sorted into different strata, and the sample number of each stratum is ni (i=1,2,…,l). Thus, the sampling fraction of each stratum can be expressed (Eq. 3). fi ¼ ni ði ¼ 1; 2; …; l Þ Ni ð3Þ Equation (4) was used to present the sample set. 8 9 8 s11 X1 > > > > = > < > < s21 X2 ¼ X ¼ … ⋅⋅⋅ > > > > ; > : > : sl1 Xl s12 s22 … sl2 … … … … 9 s1n1 > > = s2n2 …> > ; slnl ð4Þ in which X stands for the sample set of target population and Xi(i=1,2,⋅⋅⋅,l) stands for the sample set of each stratum (Ni). Xi(i=1,2,⋅⋅⋅,l)∈X and sini ði ¼ 1; 2; ⋅⋅⋅; l Þ stand for the sample. Under ideal conditions, the sampling fraction of each stratum would be the same, but in actuality, it is difficult to obtain results of toxicity tests for species in all strata, especially chronic toxicity (Christensen et al. 2003; Jager et al. 2007; Wu et al. 2013). This limitation results in the number of elements (screened toxicity test species) sorted into each stratum disproportionally to their representation in the community and even missing in some strata. Thus, here, discussions of calculation of cumulative probability in three situations, which are selected to reduce bias, are presented. 5274 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:5271–5282 (1) Under ideal conditions, the screened toxicity test species cover all strata and the sampling fraction of each stratum is the same. Toxicity values are ranked and assigned a sequence (Eq. 5). Ri ¼ 1; 2…; l X ! ð5Þ ni i¼1 followed assuming that the not included strata contained more sensitive taxa. When the number of species in the strata not included are Nj(j=k+1,k+2,⋅⋅⋅,l), respectively; the total number of species in the strata not considered can be represented (Eq. 10). l X Nj ð10Þ j¼kþ1 Thus, cumulative probability can be described (Eq. 6). X Ri Pi ¼ X ; i ¼ 1; 2; …; ni ni ð6Þ (2) When the screened toxicity test species cover all strata, the sampling fraction of each stratum is different. Then, the mean value of each stratum was calculated (Eq. 7), which represents − Xi ¼ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi p nl si1 si2 … sinl ; ð j ¼ ni ; l ¼ 1; 2; …; l;Þ ð7Þ the mean sensitivity of each stratum respectively. Then, toxicity values are ranked and assigned a sequence Ri ={1,2,…l}, and a weighted process is introduced into the cumulative probability calculation (Eq. 8). l X Ri Pi ¼ l Ni i¼1 ð8Þ N (3) When the screened toxicity test species does not cover all strata, the samples can be represented (Eq. 9). X ¼ The geometric mean value of each stratum (Eq. 7) represents the sensitivity of the corresponding stratum. Toxicity values are then ranked and assigned a sequence number Ri(i=1,2,⋅⋅⋅,k), and weighted values are then plotted as the cumulative probability (Eq. 11). ! l k X X Ni þ Nj Ri i¼1 j¼kþ1 ð11Þ Pi ¼ N kþ1 8 > > > > > < X1 X2 … Xk > > > X ðkþ1Þ > > : … Xl 8 s11 > > > > s21 > > < … ¼ sl1 > > > > > > ∅ > > > ; > > : … ∅ 9 > > > > > = s12 s22 … sl2 … … … … s1i s2 j … slm 9 > > > > > > = > > > > > > ; ð9Þ in which Xi(i=1,2,⋅⋅⋅,k) stands for the sample of involved strata respectively, and Xi(i=k+1,k+2,⋅⋅⋅,l) are an empty set. Thus, sensitivities of strata not included cannot be estimated, and this becomes an uncertainty factor for cumulative probability calculation. Under this condition, a suggestion to adopt a “conservative method” was Threshold value for use in regulatory decisions The threshold of 5 % is somewhat arbitrary and not supported by any actual detailed analyses other than the fact that it is often equivalent to the NOAEL from multi-species tests where data is available, generally for pesticides (Giesy et al. 1999). Thus, there is no guarantee that this level of protection, based on the results of toxicity tests on individual species that are conducted under laboratory conditions, would protect function of a community. The importance of biodiversity for functions of ecosystems has been demonstrated, and loss of biodiversity can impair capacities of communities and ecosystems to provide the “ecosystem services” such as providing food, process organic matter, including contaminants, and recover from perturbations (Hooper et al. 2005; France and Duffy 2006; Tilman et al. 2006; Worm et al. 2006). Ecosystems, while made up of both the physical environment and a range of individual species, have transcendent, emergent properties that are greater than the sum of their parts (Giesy and Odum 1980). Thus, it is difficult to predict what effects eliminating one of more species would have on the overall functions of ecosystems. Therefore, theoretically, from the point of view of conservation of biodiversity, all species should be protected. At least, criteria should be less than the threshold for effects on the most sensitive species. Generally, the number of species in a specific basin is knowable through historic data retrieving and even field investigation. In this assessment, the number of species in a specific basin (N) therefore has a proportion of each taxon of N1 . Thus, the threshold for effects should be N1 or some value less than N1 rather than 5 %. Thus, theoretically, all species in the basin can Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:5271–5282 be considered in setting the threshold for effects or the protective WQC. One limitation of using a probabilistic approach is that there is no 0 or 100 % on the probabilistic scale. That is there is no concentration that is less than the value that could adversely affect a theoretical species. Similarly, there is no concentration less than which no species would be affected. Similarly, there is no concentration that is 100 % safe. This limitation leads to a semantic issue between assessors of risk and managers. This is particularly true for communication with the lay public that wants a completely safe environment with no risk of adverse effects on people or wildlife. For this reason, the concept of resolution becomes paramount. For instance, if N was 100, then theoretically, each species would represent 1/100 or 1 % of the total number of species and the resolution of the assessment would be 1 %. That is, if the threshold for effect was set to the concentration equivalent to the effect concentration for the most sensitive species, there would be a 1 % chance that a species would be affected, but it is unknown what the probability for affecting the function of the ecosystem would be. Technique flow of the improved SSD methods for deriving WQC The flow chart of the steps used to calculate the improved SSD for use in deriving WQC is given (Fig. 1). The first step is to retrieve the number of species in a specific basin and collect all of the toxicity data for all of the relevant species. If there are some unknown species in the basin, there is no basis for deriving WQC to protect the missing species because both the traditional SSD method and the improved method need to select some of the species on which to conduct toxicity tests,so 5275 to some extent, the number of species is restricted to all the known species in the basin. Different biological classifications should consider the range in sensitivities among species. In this way, the total universe of species to consider might be reduced. That is, some species with certain physiological characteristics might be “exempted” from consideration. For example, toxicity of ammonia to aquatic plants can usually be ignored, so only the aquatic animal was considered in deriving ammonia WQC to aquatic life (USEPA 1999), but, due to their sensitivities, when the SSD approach is used to derive a WQC for a metal, aquatic plants and microorganisms should be considered. Another issue when describing the species (N) in an environment is that some species might have disappeared from the basin because of environmental pollution or other activities of humans. In order to achieve restoration of communities of aquatic organisms, all the species that could theoretically occur should be considered even if they disappeared from the water system in recent years. The steps in the proposed analysis include the following: (1) determining the number of species (N) in a receiving water to be protected, including possible indirect effects such as effects on food items; (2) determining for species-identified toxicity data that exists or can be derived; (3) selecting an appropriate model to calculate cumulative probability; (4) constructing the plot position of toxicity data versus accumulating probability and fit the SSD curve; and (5) using 1/N as the cutoff point to obtain the WQC. Until now, identification of all of the species in an ecosystem has been impossible, especially for the smaller organisms. However, now, the use of ecosystem-wide genomics offers the potential to do exactly that. The authors are currently developing and applying a combination of genomic and informatics that will allow for the identification and enumeration of all the species in a particular ecosystem. Case study of ammonia for the Songhua River, China Biota of the Songhua River Fig. 1 Flow chart for development of improved SSD for use in deriving WQC The Songhua River (SHR) is in the Northeast China and flows 1434 km from the Changbai Mountains through Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. The river drains 557,000 mi 2 (1,440,000 km2) of land and has an annual discharge of 2460 m3/s (87,000 Cu ft/s). Aquatic life is abundant in this large river, and it supplies a number of ecosystem services, in particular food products for consumption by humans. Therefore, it has been decided, for social and economic reasons, that it is important to produce these valued assessment endpoints. Recently, because of environmental pollution, overfishing, and effects on habitat, such as erosion and the associated 5276 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:5271–5282 Table 1 Known aquatic life list native to the Songhua River Phylum Number Class Number Order Number Family Number Chordata 115 Actinopterygii 103 Gasterosteiformes Esociformes Salmoniformes 2 1 17 Cypriniformes 66 Perciformes 7 Siluriformes 6 Gadiformes 1 Gasterosteidae Esocidae Salmonidae Osmeridae Thymallidae Salangidae Cyprinidae Cobitidae Belontiidae Channidae Serranidae Percidae Gobiidae Eleotridae Siluridae Bagridae Lotidae 2 1 11 3 2 1 60 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 Scorpaeniformes Acipenseriformes Petromyzontiformes Caudata Anura 1 2 3 3 6 Cottidae Acipenseridae Petromyzontidae Hynobiidae Bufonidae Microhylidae Discoglossidae Ranidae Hylidae Cambaridae Atyoidae Palaemonidae Cyclopidae Canthocamptidae Diaptomidae Temoridae Centropagidae Leptodoridae Macrothricidae 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 20 5 8 2 1 1 6 Polyphemidae Moinidae Chydoridae Sididae Bosminidae Daphnidae Culicidae Comphidae Reronareyidae Libellulidae Agriidae Corduliidate Polycentropidae 1 4 28 6 4 44 17 11 8 21 2 7 3 Arthropoda 243 Cephalaspidemorphi Amphibia 3 9 Malacostraca 6 Decapoda 6 Maxillopoda 36 Cyclopoida Harpacticoida Calanoida 20 5 11 Branchiopoda 94 Cladocera 94 Insecta 107 Diptera Odonata 17 49 Trichoptera 28 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:5271–5282 5277 Table 1 (continued) Phylum Mollusca Annelida Number 26 23 Rotifera 16 Total 423 Class Gastropoda Number 14 Order Number Ephemeroptera 13 Mesogastropoda 5 Sorbeoconcha Pulmonata 1 8 Bivalvia 12 Veneroida Eulamellibranchia 1 11 Clitellata Hirudinea 2 21 Tubificida Rhynchobdellida Arhynchobdellida 2 11 7 Rotifera 16 siltation and turbidity, the numbers of individuals of some valued species have decreased, and some have been extirpated from the SHR and adjacent water bodies. In order to restore the valued ecological services of the SHR, all of the values species both currently present and those that were present historically should be considered. All available literature since 1960 was collected, and a list of aquatic organisms was compiled. There were 423 species identified to occur in the SHR. These belonged to 4 phyla, which included 115 chordates, 248 arthropods, 26 Molluska and 34 Annelida (Table 1). Relative proportions of species in different taxa are significantly different; Arthropoda, Chordata, Annelida, and Mollusca were determined to be 58.6, 27.2, 8.0, and 6.2 %, respectively. According to the assumption in this study, if each species was given the same weight in cumulative probability calculation, there may be a significant bias. Branchiobdellida Monogononta 3 16 Family Number Hydropsychidae Rhyacophilidae Molannidae 6 5 1 Leptoceridae Limnephilidae Phryganeidae Baetidae Ephemerellidae Viviparidae Bithyniidae Melaniidae Pleuroceridae Lymnaeidae Planorbidae Corbiculidae Margaritanidae Unionodae Sphaeriidae Tubificidae Glossiphoniidae Haemopidae 2 1 10 2 11 3 1 1 1 7 1 1 3 7 1 2 11 2 Salifidae Erpobdellidae Hirudinidae Branchiobdellidae Brachionida Asplancchnidae Trichocercidae Synchaetidae 1 3 1 3 10 1 3 2 Toxicity dada retrieving and screening Toxicity data were retrieved from the ECOTOX database and other literature. For better comparison and consistency, toxicity data were further selected based on the following criteria: (1) Toxicity test should follow ASTM or other certificated standards; (2) same test endpoints, LC50, should be used; (3) the toxicity data used in the paper were standardized to pH=8 and 25 °C using the method in reference (USEPA 1999); and (4) if more than one toxicity study was available for the same species with different endpoints, the minimum value was used. If several toxicity tests were available for the same species and endpoint, the geometric mean of these values was used (Table 2). After retrieving and screening, there were nine species native to the SHR for which data on acute toxicity of ammonia was available, and three species native to the SHR for which data on chronic toxicity of ammonia was available, so only the 5278 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:5271–5282 Table 2 Compiled, screened acute toxicity data of ammonia to aquatic life (pH=8 and 25 °C) Phylum Class Order Family (n) FMAV (mg TAN/L) Species SMAV (mg TAN N/L) Vertebrata Actinopterygii Acipenseriformes Acipenseridae (2) 19.48 Salmoniformes Salmonidae (11) 23.9 Acipenser sinensis Acipenser brevirostrum Salmo trutta Salmo.salar 10.4 36.49 23.75 42.66 Oncorhynchus gorbuschaa Oncorhynchus mykissa Oncorhynchus kisutch Oncorhynchus aguabonita Oncorhynchus clarki Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Prosopium williamsoni Salvelinus fontinalis Salvelinus namaycush Notemigonus crysoleucas Cyprinus carpioa Hybognathus amarus Cyprinella whipplei Cyprinella spiloptera Cyprinella lutrensis Campostoma anomalum Pimephales promelas Gobiocypris rarus 42.07 19.3 20.27 26.1 18.37 19.18 12.09 36.39 37.1 14.67 24.74 16.9 18.83 19.51 45.65 26.97 37.07 47.07 Sander vitreus Etheostoma spectabile Etheostoma nigrum Ictalurus punctatus Cottus bairdi Gasterosteus aculeatusa 27.52 17.97 16.64 33.14 51.72 Rana pipiens Pacific regilla Pacific crucifer Procambarus clarkii Pacifastacus leniusculus 22.43 19.49 14.24 21.23 56.49 46.73 328.3 15.23 24.25 21.98 20.64 23.73 25.01 25.64 56.09 68.05 Arthropoda Cypriniformes Cyprinidae (9) 25.69 Perciformes Percidae (3) 21.81 Siluriformes Cottidae (2) 41.4 Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteidae (1) Ranidae (1) Hylidae (2) 65.53 Cambaridae (4) 50.22 Amphibia Anura Malacostraca Decapoda Branchiopoda Cladocera Ephemeroptera Trichoptera Mollusca Lamellibranchia Eulamellibranchia 22.43 16.66 65.53 Daphnidae (5) 21.07 Chydoridae (1) Baetidae (2) 25.01 37.92 Ephemerellidae (1) Limnephilidae (1) Unionidae (12) 68.05 Orconectes nais Orconectes immunis Daphnia pulicaria Daphnia magnaa Simocephalus vetulusa Ceriodaphnia dubia Ceriodaphnia acanthina Chydorus sphaericusa Callibaetis sp. Callibaetis skokinus Dorycera grandis 153 Philarctus guaeris 153 7.4 Lasmigona subviridus 3.54 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:5271–5282 5279 Table 2 (continued) Phylum Class Order Pulmonata Annelida a Oligochaeta Haplotaxida Family (n) FMAV (mg TAN/L) Corbiculidae (1) Lymnaeidae (1) Planorbidae (1) Tubidicidae (2) Species SMAV (mg TAN N/L) Villosa iris Lampsilis abrupta Lampsilis siliquoidea Lampsilis fasciola Lampsilis higginsii Lampsilis cardium Lampsilis rafinesqueana Epioblasma capsaeformis 5.04 2.19 5.65 6.21 6.25 7.69 11.65 6.04 6.02 Utterbackia imbecillis Actinonaias pectorosa Pyganodon grandis Corbicula flumineaa 7.16 12.22 21.76 6.02 13.63 Lymnaea stagnalisa 13.63 32.54 29.52 Helisoma trivolvis Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Tubifex tubifex 32.54 26.17 33.3 Screened native species to SHR acute criteria of ammonia was studied in this paper. The cumulative probability was calculated according to Eq. 11 due to not all strata (families) were represented. Other researchers have discussed utilization of non-endemic species to derive WQC (Maltby et al. 2005; Davies et al. 1994; Dyer et al. 1997; Hose and Van den Brink 2004; Jin et al. 2011), but currently, due to the paucity of toxicity data, there is no clear conclusion about the accuracy of this approach. In the assessment, the results of which are presented here; toxicity data for non-endemic species were used to calculate mean toxicity values (MTV) (Eq. 7). When no toxicity information was available for endemic species, based on the assumptions given above (Species selection and SSD curve construction). For example, there are seven species of Unionidae that occurred in the SHR, but there were no toxicity data for any of these species of clam, so the mean toxicity value of 12 non-endemic species in the family Unionidae were used (Table 3). Construction of the SSD and Derivation of the HCp In the classical taxonomic classification system, species are classified into seven taxonomic categories which include kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. The endemic species of the SHR were classified into 4 phyla, 11 classes, 34 orders, and 91 families (Table 1). According to stratification sampling theory, within-stratum differences should be minimized, and between-strata differences should be maximized. After comparison, the within-stratum differences were great when the stratum was divided into phylum, class, or order, and there would have been too many strata if divided by genus, so the stratum was divided by family and family mean toxicity values (FMTV) which was calculated as Table 3 Results of ranked FMAV and cumulative probability Ri Taxa (family) Ni ∑Ni FMAV (mg TAN/L) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Untested family Corbiculidae Unionodae Lymnaeidae Hylidae Acipenseridae Daphnidae Percidae Ranidae Salmonidae Chydoridae 238 1 7 7 1 2 44 1 2 11 28 238 239 246 253 254 256 300 301 303 314 342 – 6.02 7.4 13.63 16.66 19.48 21.07 21.81 22.43 23.9 25.01 0.0565 0.0872 0.1196 0.1501 0.1816 0.2482 0.2846 0.3223 0.3712 0.4447 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Cyprinidae Tubificidae Planorbidae Baetidae Cottidae Cambaridae Gasterosteidae Ephemerellidae Limnephilidae 60 2 1 2 1 1 2 11 1 402 404 405 407 408 409 411 422 423 25.69 29.52 32.54 37.92 41.4 50.22 65.53 68.05 153 0.5702 0.6208 0.6702 0.7216 0.7716 0.8219 0.8745 0.9478 1.0000 Pi 5280 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:5271–5282 Fig. 2 Species sensitivity distribution of acute toxicity data for ammonia the geometric mean of the SMAVs available for the family were ranked, then the cumulative probability (Species selection and SSD curve construction) (Table 3). The data were then fit to the logistic cumulative distribution function by use of standard regression techniques for the cumulative distribution function of the logistic distribution (Eq. 12; Table 3 and Fig. 2). F¼ 1þ a b ð12Þ x x0 where F is the proportion of species affected, x is ln (concentration) of FMAV (mg/L), and a, b, x0 are parameters to be determined. There were differences among the methods used to fit the cumulative probability distribution (Table 4). The results of the first two methods resulted in WQC that were greater than the toxicity value of the most sensitive species which, in this case, was 6.02 mg TAN/L. Thus, in some extent, we can say that it would not provide comprehensive protection to the most known sensitive species. When the “improved” method was applied, the result obtained was 5.09 mg TAN/L. The result was adopted as it provides more comprehensive protection to aquatic life. The USEPA method uses genus mean toxicity values (GMTVs) instead of species mean toxicity values (SMTVs) to calculate HC5 which aim to reduce the bias introduced by excessive species in some taxon, but the minimum toxicity value may be covered up by the average processing; thus, the final HC5 may be higher than the minimum toxicity value especially when the number of GMTVs is more than 19, and the same problem also exists in the traditional SSD method. In order to overcome the problem, a safety factor may be introduced, but the safety factor was chosen by expertise of the criteria developer, and it was difficult to explain the relationship between SSD curve and ecosystem. In 2013, the US EPA revised its WQC for ammonia to replace the value previously recommended in 1999. The acute and chronic criteria value decreased from 24 to 17 and from 4.5 to 1.9 mg TAN/L (pH = 8, T& = 20°C), respectively (USEPA 2013; USEPA 1999). People believe the 1999 criteria which, based on salmonid fish and bluegill sunfish early life stage toxicity information, can provide comprehensive protection until some more sensitive species, including unionid mussels and gill-breathing snails, were founded recently. It was a good example to explain the importance of species selection which used to derive HC5. Until now, species toxicity data are very few relative to the total number (N) of species in specific ecosystem; perhaps, there are still some more sensitive species that are unclear to us, so the result of statistical extrapolation cannot avoid being questioned or criticized when we cannot guarantee that species selection was random. Therefore, the weighted processing in this study based on taxa in a basin may avoid this situation. The only difficulty is probably there are still some unknown species in a basin which are not involved in calculation. However, from another angle, neither the traditional methods nor the improved method can provided accurate and reliable protection to the species that we do not know that exist at all. The only thing that we can do is use a conservative estimation method. The results of the analyses suggest that the method is feasible and that it delivers output which is (thus) related via input data choice to the ecosystems of interest. Conclusions The distribution of relative sensitivities of aquatic organisms is an objective natural law, which is fundamental and will not Table 4 Comparisons of results of various methods to fit toxicological data into the SSD Method Distribution model Cutoff point Calculated result (mg TAN/L) 95 % Toxicity data used USEPA method Traditional SSD method Triangular Log-logistic logistic 7.54 7.16 7.64 5.09 – Improved method 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.0024 Screened native species Screened native species All screened species All screened species 3.18∼6.61 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015) 22:5271–5282 change with additional knowledge. Currently, due to factors such as costs, including time, and a lack of methods to culture and exposure of some endemic species, especially those that are threatened or endangered, they cannot be collected from the wild for use in toxicity testing. Therefore, it will always be difficult to have complete knowledge of the range of sensitivities of organisms and, thus, not possible to have completely accurate predictions of thresholds that will protect all species. However, based on sampling theory, it should be possible to identify a threshold that is likely to be protected of all of the identified species of concern. Also, sampling method, sample size, and data analysis are important for the derivation of the SSD and for conclusions based on them. Here, a method was introduced that allows construction of a SSD curve that can more accurately represent site-specific distributions of sensitivities of aquatic organisms and better protect structure and functions of ecosystems. In principle, this method has a selfadjustment feature. The cumulative probability was calculated based on site-specific biota which can avoid the bias of overrepresentation. Furthermore, the threshold was set by considering all of the species in the specific ecosystem to provide better ecosystem protection. The FMAV for nonendemic species were also used in WQC that is derived as a supplement when data for all endemic species were not available. While more effort is needed to increase the power and precision of this approach, it can provide more representative site-specific WQC. Acknowledgments This research was financially supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project (2014ZX07502-002), National Natural Science Foundation of China (21307165), and Special Fund for Environmental Scientific Research in the Public Interest (201309008). Prof. Giesy was supported by the program of 2012 “High Level Foreign Experts” (#GDW20123200120) funded by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, the P.R. of China to Nanjing University, and the Einstein Professor Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. 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3.36 Black 2001 Pyganodon grandis 21.76 25.13 Scheller 1997 Utterbackia imbecillis 7.164 9.104 Wade et al. 1992 Villosa iris Planorbidae Corbiculidae Vertebrata Actinopterygii Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteidae Musculium transversum Corbicula fluminea Gasterosteus aculeatus 5.036 13.74 6.018 65.53 7.134 Black 2001 8.003 Black 2001 15.46 Black 2001 2.755 Black 2001 6.287 Keller 2000 6.422 Keller 2000 7.76 Keller 2000 2.343 Mummert et al. 2003 6.002 Wang et al. 2007 3.533 Ingersoll 2004 7.07 Scheller 1997 7.81 Scheller 1997 2.858 Wang et al. 2007 10.48 Wang et al. 2007 16.76 Arthur et al. 1987 11.03 Arthur et al. 1987 14.03 Arthur et al. 1987 9.996 Belanger et al. 1991 3.623 Belanger et al. 1991 50.4 Hazel et al. 1971 155.4 Hazel et al. 1971 61.46 Hazel et al. 1971 60.78 Hazel et al. 1971 33.25 Hazel et al. 1971 48.76 Hazel et al. 1971 Oncorhynchus aguabonita Oncorhynchus clarki Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Salmoniformes 26.1 18.37 42.07 Salmonidae Oncorhynchus kisutch Oncorhynchus mykiss 20.27 19.3 109.4 Hazel et al. 1971 26.1 Thurston and Russo 1981 21.76 Thurston et al 1978 25.3 Thurston et al 1978 26.13 Thurston et al 1978 30.81 Thurston et al 1978 10.07 Thurston et al 1981a 16.93 Thurston et al 1981a 11.23 Thurston et al 1981a 15.3 Thurston et al 1981a 38.33 Rice and Bailey 1980 46.18 Rice and Bailey 1980 14.02 Buckley 1978 19.1 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 19.66 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 21.4 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 22.29 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 21.63 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 22 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 23.86 Robinson-Wilson and Seim 1975 22.41 Arthur et al. 1987 32.09 Arthur et al. 1987 12.63 Arthur et al. 1987 25.01 Arthur et al. 1987 22.72 Arthur et al. 1987 31.97 Broderius and Smith Jr. 1979 14.99 Calamari et al. 1977 25.17 DeGraeve et al. 1980 31.76 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 26.4 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 33.37 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 27.2 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 26.47 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 48.4 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 12.57 Thurston and Russo 1983 10.22 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.84 Thurston and Russo 1983 11.74 Thurston and Russo 1983 12.4 Thurston and Russo 1983 10.46 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.58 Thurston and Russo 1983 13.28 Thurston and Russo 1983 13.59 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.41 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.77 Thurston and Russo 1983 10.41 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.33 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.53 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.12 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.38 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.48 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.1 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.65 Thurston and Russo 1983 10.16 Thurston and Russo 1983 11.55 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.66 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.74 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.61 Thurston and Russo 1983 17.89 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.95 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.05 Thurston and Russo 1983 19.99 Thurston and Russo 1983 21.52 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.48 Thurston and Russo 1983 20.89 Thurston and Russo 1983 28.54 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.37 Thurston and Russo 1983 29.09 Thurston and Russo 1983 33.14 Thurston and Russo 1983 24.15 Thurston and Russo 1983 24.5 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.25 Thurston and Russo 1983 24.02 Thurston and Russo 1983 24.61 Thurston and Russo 1983 28.77 Thurston and Russo 1983 22.54 Thurston and Russo 1983 23.89 Thurston and Russo 1983 25.43 Thurston and Russo 1983 25.73 Thurston and Russo 1983 25.87 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.96 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.28 Thurston and Russo 1983 22.18 Thurston and Russo 1983 26.95 Thurston and Russo 1983 27.22 Thurston and Russo 1983 13.2 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.91 Thurston and Russo 1983 14.98 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.72 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.61 Thurston and Russo 1983 24.97 Thurston and Russo 1983 26.95 Thurston and Russo 1983 8.85 Thurston and Russo 1983 12.72 Thurston and Russo 1983 15.54 Thurston and Russo 1983 22.87 Thurston and Russo 1983 29.91 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.12 Thurston and Russo 1983 16.61 Thurston and Russo 1983 18.79 Thurston and Russo 1983 29.65 Thurston and Russo 1983 31.03 Thurston and Russo 1983 10.71 Thurston and Russo 1983 17.73 Thurston and Russo 1983 21.43 Thurston and Russo 1983 22.34 Thurston and Russo 1983 23.66 Thurston and Russo 1983 35.06 Thurston and Russo 1983 17.97 Thurston and Russo 1983 21.52 Thurston and Russo 1983 26.01 Thurston and Russo 1983 37.68 Thurston and Russo 1983 26.83 Thurston and Russo 1983 21.94 Thurston and Russo 1983 21.79 Thurston and Russo 1983 11.01 Thurston et al. 1981a 9.405 Thurston et al. 1981a 12.25 Thurston et al. 1981a 6.322 Thurston et al. 1981a 11.92 Thurston et al. 1981a 13.9 Thurston et al. 1981a 17.45 Thurston et al. 1981a 14.88 Thurston et al. 1981a 24.36 Thurston et al. 1981a 20.35 Thurston et al. 1981b Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Prosopium williamsoni Salmo salar 19.18 12.09 42.66 23.44 Thurston et al. 1981b 25.21 Thurston et al. 1981b 27.8 Thurston et al. 1981b 26.65 Thurston et al. 1981b 27.18 Thurston et al. 1981c 18.82 Thurston et al. 1981c 23.78 Thurston et al. 1981c 24.21 Thurston et al. 1981c 18.63 Thurston et al. 1981c 16.18 Thurston et al. 1981c 49.5 Wicks and Randall 2002 7.347 Wicks et al. 2002 46.97 Wicks et al. 2002 25.98 Servizi and Gordon 1990 14.5 Thurston and Meyn 1984 19.53 Thurston and Meyn 1984 18.4 Thurston and Meyn 1984 6.357 Thurston and Meyn 1984 18.94 Thurston and Meyn 1984 14.68 Thurston and Meyn 1984 20.45 Knoph 1992 22.27 Knoph 1992 45.42 Knoph 1992 52.12 Knoph 1992 61.56 Knoph 1992 Salmo trutta Salvelinus fontinalis Salvelinus namaycush Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Campostoma anomalum 23.75 36.39 37.1 26.97 75.67 Knoph 1992 88.86 Knoph 1992 89.79 Knoph 1992 28.95 Knoph 1992 36.24 Knoph 1992 38.98 Knoph 1992 41.97 Knoph 1992 62.1 Knoph 1992 69.49 Knoph 1992 54.8 Knoph 1992 57.41 Knoph 1992 23.67 Soderberg and Meade 1992 14.03 Soderberg and Meade 1992 46.4 Soderberg and Meade 1992 27.72 Soderberg and Meade 1992 22.4 Thurston and Meyn 1984 25.03 Thurston and Meyn 1984 23.89 Thurston and Meyn 1984 34.86 Thurston and Meyn 1984 38 Thurston and Meyn 1984 35.5 Soderberg and Meade 1992 43.27 Soderberg and Meade 1992 37.78 Soderberg and Meade 1992 32.62 Soderberg and Meade 1992 26.97 Swigert and Spacie 1983 Cyprinella lutrensis Cyprinella spiloptera Cyprinella whipplei Cyprinus carpio 45.65 19.51 18.83 24.74 43.43 Hazel et al. 1979 47.99 Hazel et al. 1979 16.85 Rosage et al. 1979 21.67 Rosage et al. 1979 20.34 Swigert and Spacie 1983 18.83 Swigert and Spacie 1983 31.18 Hasan and MacIntosh 1986 29.48 Hasan and MacIntosh 1986 16.48 Rao et al. 1975 Hybognathus amarus 16.9 16.9 Buhl 2002 Notemigonus crysoleucas 14.67 14.67 Swigert and Spacie 1983 190.5 Arthur et al. 1987 67.81 Arthur et al. 1987 52.22 Arthur et al. 1987 35.35 Arthur et al. 1987 51.97 DeGraeve et al. 1980 38.74 DeGraeve et al. 1987 40.5 DeGraeve et al. 1987 28.4 DeGraeve et al. 1987 29.01 DeGraeve et al. 1987 26.28 DeGraeve et al. 1987 29.93 DeGraeve et al. 1987 33.9 DeGraeve et al. 1987 24.81 DeGraeve et al. 1987 32.86 Mayes et al. 1986 Pimephales promelas 37.07 23.97 Nimmo et al. 1989 10.74 Nimmo et al. 1989 12.96 Nimmo et al. 1989 22.23 Nimmo et al. 1989 30.1 Nimmo et al. 1989 16.96 Nimmo et al. 1989 24.12 Nimmo et al. 1989 25.93 Nimmo et al. 1989 18.77 Nimmo et al. 1989 45.05 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 20.29 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 50.4 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 23.96 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982a 36.67 Sparks 1975 27.3 Swigert and Spacie 1983 29.53 Swigert and Spacie 1983 33.38 Thurston et al. 1981c 44.99 Thurston et al. 1981c 44.91 Thurston et al. 1981c 39.49 Thurston et al. 1981c 50.49 Thurston et al. 1981c 34.27 Thurston et al. 1981c 43.55 Thurston et al. 1983 40.88 Thurston et al. 1983 30.74 Thurston et al. 1983 36.4 Thurston et al. 1983 50.36 Thurston et al. 1983 47.72 Thurston et al. 1983 32.53 Thurston et al. 1983 82.04 Thurston et al. 1983 73.06 Thurston et al. 1983 37.78 Thurston et al. 1983 32.44 Thurston et al. 1983 31.67 Thurston et al. 1983 46.25 Thurston et al. 1983 36.95 Thurston et al. 1983 41.65 Thurston et al. 1983 43.79 Thurston et al. 1983 47.74 Thurston et al. 1983 39.45 Thurston et al. 1983 52.14 Thurston et al. 1983 64.34 Thurston et al. 1983 40.7 Thurston et al. 1983 51.65 Thurston et al. 1983 46.53 Thurston et al. 1983 69.38 Thurston et al. 1983 41.22 Thurston et al. 1983 43.05 Thurston et al. 1983 32.53 Thurston et al. 1983 40.07 Thurston et al. 1983 Campostoma anomalum Catostomus commersoni 26.97 36.68 Catostomidae Catostomus platyrhynchus Chasmistes brevirostris 16.15 Deltistes luxatus 13.19 Etheostoma nigrum Perciformes 31.7 16.64 Percidae Etheostoma spectabile 17.97 Sander vitreus 27.25 26.97 Arthur et al. 1987 73.6 Arthur et al. 1987 59.94 Arthur et al. 1987 63.1 Arthur et al. 1987 21.61 Nimmo et al. 1989 13.1 Nimmo et al. 1989 41.11 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982b 38.73 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982b 15.44 Swigert and Spacie 1983 37.02 Thurston and Meyn 1984 27.23 Thurston and Meyn 1984 31.62 Thurston and Meyn 1984 11.42 Saiki et al. 1999 22.85 Saiki et al. 1999 16.81 Saiki et al. 1999 10.35 Saiki et al. 1999 23.97 Nimmo et al. 1989 24.61 Nimmo et al. 1989 10.18 Nimmo et al. 1989 13.87 Nimmo et al. 1989 16.28 Nimmo et al. 1989 15.63 Nimmo et al. 1989 19.49 Hazel et al. 1979 16.56 Hazel et al. 1979 20.29 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982c Cottus bairdi Siluriformes Ictalurus punctatus 51.72 33.14 40.12 Arthur et al. 1987 52.33 Arthur et al. 1987 10.91 Arthur et al. 1987 24.07 Mayes et al. 1986 51.72 Thurston and Russo 1981 30.95 Arthur et al. 1987 37.61 Arthur et al. 1987 30.16 Arthur et al. 1987 23.19 Colt and Tchobanoglous 1978 49.7 DeGraeve et al. 1987 41.95 DeGraeve et al. 1987 33.24 DeGraeve et al. 1987 28.32 DeGraeve et al. 1987 32.7 DeGraeve et al. 1987 31.78 DeGraeve et al. 1987 25.25 DeGraeve et al. 1987 15.09 Diamond et al. 1993 29.57 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982d 29.35 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982d 51.72 Roseboom and Richey 1977 38.36 Roseboom and Richey 1977 64.58 Sparks 1975 22.74 Swigert and Spacie 1983 32.34 West 1985 49.38 West 1985 Acipenseriformes Amphibia Acipenseridae Acipenser brevirostrum 36.49 Ranidae Rana pipiens 22.43 Pseudacris crucifer 14.24 Anura Hylidae Pseudacris regilla Annelida Oligochaeta Haplotaxida Tubidicidae Baetidae Ephemeroptera Insecta Arthropoda Ephemerellidae Trichoptera Malacostraca Decapoda Limnephilidae Cambaridae 19.49 36.49 Fontenot et al. 1998 31.04 Diamond et al. 1993 16.23 Diamond et al. 1993 17.78 Diamond et al. 1993 11.42 Diamond et al. 1993 7.77 Schuytema and Nebeker 1999 11.4 Schuytema and Nebeker 1999 19.45 Schuytema and Nebeker 1999 43.8 Schuytema and Nebeker 1999 37.3 Schuytema and Nebeker 1999 Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri 26.17 26.17 Williams et al. 1986 Tubifex tubifex 33.3 33.3 Stammer 1953 Callibaetis skokianus 56.09 47.26 Arthur et al. 1987 66.56 Arthur et al. 1987 Callibaetis sp. 25.64 25.64 Thurston et al. 1984 70.07 Thurston et al. 1984 54.69 Thurston et al. 1984 82.22 Thurston et al. 1984 158.7 Arthur et al. 1987 147.4 Arthur et al. 1987 210.3 Arthur et al. 1987 270.3 Arthur et al. 1987 Drunella grandis 68.05 Philarctus quaeris 153 Orconectes immunis 238.4 Orconectes nais 46.73 46.73 Evans 1979 Pacifastacus leniusculus 56.49 56.49 Harris et al. 2001 Procambarus clarkii 21.23 17.22 Diamond et al. 1993 Chydoridae Cladocera Diamond et al. 1993 Chydorus sphaericus 25.01 25.01 Dekker et al. 2006 Ceriodaphnia acanthina 23.73 23.73 Mount 1982 17.61 Andersen and Buckley 1998 21.71 Andersen and Buckley 1998 19.88 Bailey et al. 2001 24.01 Bailey et al. 2001 26.23 Black 2001 51.45 Black 2001 59.83 Black 2001 18.01 Cowgill and Milazzo 1991 15.06 Manning et al. 1996 23.52 Nimmo et al. 1989 5.494 Nimmo et al. 1989 18.38 Sarda 1994 18.45 Sarda 1994 14.52 Scheller 1997 45.66 Gersich and Hopkins 1986 5.792 Gulyas and Fleit 1990 30.38 Parkhurst et al. 1979,1981 64.46 Reinbold and Pescitelli 1982c 37.28 Russo et al. 1985 13.8 Russo et al. 1985 16.32 Russo et al. 1985 12.46 Russo et al. 1985 Ceriodaphnia dubia Branchiopoda 26.17 20.64 Daphnidae Daphnia magna 24.25 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Table 2 List of fish in Songhua River water system Phylum Class Order Family Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteidae Esociformes Esocidae Genus Species Gasterosteus G. aculeatus Pungitius P. sinensis Esox E. reicherti Coregonus C. ussurinsis C. chadary O. keta Oncorhynchus O masou O Gorbuscha Salmonidae Salmoniformes Salvelinus O. mykiss Brachynuystax B. lenok Actinopterygii H. taimen H. ishikawai Hypomesus H. olidus Osmerus O. mordax Hypomesus Chordata S. pluvius Oncorhynchus Hucho Osmeridae S. malma Thymallidae Thymallus Salangidae Protosalanx Abbottina Parabramis H. transpacificus nipponesis T. arcticus T. arcticus grubei P. hyalocranius A. rivularis A. liaoningensis P. pekinensis C. mongolicus C. alburnus Culter C. dabryidabryi C. oxycephalus C. dabryi shinkainensis Cypriniformes Cyprinidae Ctenopharyngodon C. idellus Squaliobarbus S. curriculus Megalobrama Elopichthys Xenocypris Phoxinus M. amblycephalus M. skolkovil E. bambusa X. micro1epis X. argentea P. perenurus P. lagowskii Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species P. czkanowskii P. lagowskii P. phoxinus phoxinus Gnathopogon Hemibarbus Carassius G. mantschuricus H. labeo H. maculatus C. auratus gibelio H. leucisculus Hemiculter H. bleekeri lucidus H. bleekeri H. bieekerib G. soldatovi G. cynocephalus Gobio G. tenuicorpus G. macrocephalus G. lingyuanensis Cyprinus C. carpio haematopterus Hypophthalmichthys H. molitrix Zacco Z. platypus Opsariichthys O. bidens Pseudorasbora P. parva Pseudaspius P. leptocephalus Rutilus R. rutilus lacustris Rhodeus R. sericeus R. fangi Ladislavia L. taczanowskj Mylopharyngodon M. piceus Gobiobotinae G. pappenheimi Sarcocheilichthys S. lacustris Sarcocheilichthys S. czerskii T. brandti Tribolodon T. hakonsis Saurogobio S. dabryi Paraleucogobio P. strigatus Rostrogobio R. amurensis Aphyocypris A. chinensis Leucisus L. waleckii Squalidus Aristichthys S. argentatus S. chankaensis A. nobilis Phylum Class Order Family Genus Acheilognathus Cultrichthys C. erythropterus C. compressocorpus Nemachilichthys N. nudus Lefua L. costata Paramisgurnus P. dabryanus Cobitis C. lutheri Misgurnus M. mohoity Parabotia P. fasciata Belontiidae Macropodus M. chinensis Channidae Channa C. argus Percidae Lucioperca L. lucioperca Serranidae Siniperca S. chuatsi Eleotridae Perccottus P. glehni Eleotridae Hypseleotris H. swinhonis Gobiidae Rhinogobius R. nagoyae Cobitidae Perciformes Species A. chankaensis Pelteobagrus Bagridae Siluriformes P. nitidus P. fulvidraco Pseudobagrus P. ussuriensis Leiocassis L. argentivittatus S. soldatovi Siluridae Silurus Gadiformes Lotidae Lota L. lota Acipenseriformes Acipenseridae Huso H. dauricus Acipenser A. schrenckii Scorpaeniformes Cottidae Mesocottus M. haitej S. asotus L. raissncri Cephalaspidemorphi Petromyzontiformes Petromyzontidae Lethenteron L. japonica L. morii Table 3 List of chordata in Songhua River water system Phylum Class Order Caudata Chordata Amphibia anura Family Genus Species Hynobius H. leechii Salamandrella S. keyserlingii Onychodactylus O. fischeri Bufonidae Bufo B. raddei Microhylidae Kaloula K. borealis Discoglossidae Bombina B.orientalis Ranidae Rana Hylidae Hyla Hynobiidae R. chensinensis R. emeljanovi H. japonica Table 4 List of arthropoda in Songhua River water system Phylum Class Malacostraca Order Family Genus Cambaridae Cambaroides C. dauricus Atyoidae Neocaridina N. heteropoda heteropoda Exopalaemon E. modestus Macrobrachium M. nipponense Decapoda Palaemonidae Palaemonetes Species P. sinensis P. sinensis A. vernalis Acanthocyclops A. viridis A. bicuspidatus A. bisetosus Macrocyclops M. albidus Cyclops C. strenuus Paracyclops Ectocyclops Cyclopoida Cyclopidae Thermocyclops P. fimbriatus P. affinis E. phaleratus T. dybowskii T. kawamurai M. rubellus M. longiramus Arthropoda Microcyclops M. robustus M. javanus M. inchoatus Maxillopoda M. bicolor E. serrulatus Eucyclops E. macruroides E. macruroides Harpacticoida Canthocamptus C. carinatus Bryocamptus B. vejdovskyi Canthocamptidae A. crassa Attheyella A. dogieli A. amurensis Neutrodiaptomus Calanoida Diaptomidae N.pachypoditus N. genogibbosus Tropodiaptomus T. oryzanus Mongolodiaptomus M.birulai Neodiaptomus N. schmackeri Acanthodiaptomus A. pacificus Sinodiaptomus S. chaffanjoni S. sarsi Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Epischura E. chankensis Heterocope H. appendiculata Centropagidae Boeckella B. orientalis Leptodoridae Leptodora L. Kindti Ilyocryptus I. sordidus Lathonura L. rectirostris Temoridae M. rosea Macrothricidae Macrothrix M. hirsuticornis M. laticornis M. triserialis Polyphemidae Polyphemus P. pediculus M. rectirostris M. micrura Moinidae Moina M. macrocopa M. chankensis Acroperus A. harpae A. angustatus Leydigia L. acanthocercoides Graptoleberis G. testudinaria A. karua A. intermedia A. quadrangularis Branchiopoda Cladocera Alona A. affinis A. diaphana A. rectangula A. guttata A. costata Chydoridae Alonella A. excisa Disparalona D. rostrata Oxyurella O. tenuicaudis Dunhevedia D. crassa P. striatus Pleuroxus P. trigonellus P. aduncus P. hamulatus C. sphaericus C. ovalis Chydorus C. gibbus C. barroisi Pseudochydorus P. globosus Peracantha P. truncata Eurycercus E. lamellatus Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species C. rectirostris D. brachyurum Diaphanosoma Sididae D. chankensis D. leuchtenbergianum D. sarsi Latonopsis L. australis Sida S. crystallina B. longirostris Bosminidae Bosmina B. coregoni B. fatalis B. deilersi Scapholeberis S. mucronata S. kingi S. serrulatus S. vetulus Simocephalus S. vetuloides S. exspinosus S. serrulatus C. quadrangula Daphnidae Ceriodaphnia C. hamata C. laticaudata D. carinata D. pulex D. obtusa Daphnia D. longispina D. hyalina D. cristata D. magna Comphidae Insecta Odonata Anisogomphus A. maacki Davidius D. lunatus Gomphidia G. confluens Nihonogomphus N. ruptus Ophiogomphus O. obscurus Shaogomphus S. schmidti Siebordius S. albardae Sinictingogomphus S. clavatus Trigomphus Cercion Coenagriidae S. postocularis Coenagrion T. citimus T. succumben C. plagiosum C. bifurcatum C. lanceolatum Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Enallagma E. deserti Erythromma E. najas I. asiatica Ischnura I. elegans I. senegalensis Deielia D. phaon L. dubia orientalis Leucorrhinia Libellula Lyriothemis L. ijimai L. basilinea L. guadrimaculata L. pachygaster O. melania Orthetrum O. albistylum O. neglectum Pantala Libellulidae P. flavescens S. croceolum S. danae S. depressiusculum S. eroticum ardens S. flaveolum Sympetrum S. imitens S. infscatum S. pedmontanum S. risi S. striolatum imitoides S. uniforme Agriidae Caloptery C. x atrata C. x virgo Cordulia C. aenea amuresis Epitheca E. bimaculata Epophthalmia E. elegans Corduliidate M. a amphigena Macromia M. beijingensis M. daimoji M. manchurica Polycentropidae Trichoptera Hydropsychidae Plectrocnemia P. kusnezovi Plectrocnemia P. wui Neureclipsis N. mandjuricus Hydropsyche H. nevae Hydropsychodes H. tokunagai Hydroptila H. chinensis H. ornithocephala Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species H. introspinata Stactobiella S. biramosa R. Hokkaidensis R. Retracia Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophila R. Narvae R. Lata R. Yamanakensis Molannidae Lepto ceridae Limnephilidae Molanna M. falcata Setodes S. argentata Oecetis O. nigropunctata Limnophilus L. amurensis A. colorata Agrypnia A. czerskyi A. picta Oligotricha Phryganeidae O. lapponica P. sinensis Phryganea P. japonica P. bipunctata S. melaleuca Sembis Baetidae S. phalaenoides Eubasilissa E. avalokhita Cloeon C. dipterum Baetis B. sp. D. aculea D. cryptomoria Drunella Ephemeroptera D. lepnevae D. solida D. triacantha Ephemerellidae D. trispina zeoensis Cincticostella C. tshernovae C. castanea E. keijoensis Ephemerella E. auricilli E. notofascia A. alektorovi A. antuensis A. cataphylla Diptera Culicidae Aedes A. chemulpoensis A. cinereus A. communis A. cyprius A. diantaeus Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species A. esoensis A. excrucians A. flavescens A. flavopictus A. galloisi A. hatorii A. implicatus A. koreicoides A. koreicus A. leucomelas A. lineatopennis aureus A. mercurator A. nipponicus A. pullatus A. punctor A. sasai A. sibiricus A. sticticus A. koreicus Anopheles A. messeae A. sineroides A. yatsushiroensis Armigeres A. subalbatus C. hayashii C. jacksoni C. modestus Culex C. orientalis C. pipiens pallens C. rubensis C. sinensis C. whitmorei C. alaskaensis Culiseta C. bergrothi C. nipponica Toxorhynchites T. christophi Tripteroides T. bambusa Table 5 List of Mollusca in Songhua River water system Phylum Class Order Family Genus Mollusca Gastropoda Mesogastropoda Viviparidae Cipangopaludina Species C. cahayensis Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species C. chinensis Sorbeoconcha Viviparus V. chui Bithyniidae Parafossarulus P. striatulus Pleuroceridae Semisulcospira Lymnaea S. cancellata S. amurensis L. stagnalis R. plicatula Pulmonata Lymnaeidae Radix Golba pervia G. truncatula Planorbidae Polypylis P. hemisphaerula Corbiculidae Corbicula C. fluminea Margaritiana M. dahurica Unio U. douglasiae Lanceolaria L. grayana Margaritanidae Bivalvia R. lagotis R. auricularia Galba Veneroida R. ovata A. woodiana Eulamellibranchia A. woodiana elliptica Unionodae Anodonta A. Welliptica A. euscaphys A. arcaeformis A.arcaeformisflavotincta Table 6 List of annelida in Songhua River water system Phylum Class Order Family Clitellata Tubificida Tubificidae Genus Species Spirosperma S. nikolskyi Limnodrilus L.hoffmeisteri Hemiclepsis H. marginata G. complanata G. heteroclita G. lata Glossiphonia Annelida Rhynchobdellida Glossiphoniidae G. multipapillata G. weberi Hirudinea G. complanata G. lata Batracobdella Helobdella Arhynchobdellida Haemopidae Whitmania B. paludosa H. nuda H. marginata W. laevis W. pigra Phylum Class Order Family Genus Salifidae Barbronia B. weberi Dina D. lineata Erpobdellidae Species E. octoculata Erpobdella E. testacea Hirudinidae Hirudo H. nipponia B. orientalis Branchiobdellidae Branchiobdella B. kobayashii B. macroperistomium Table 7 List of rotifera in Songhua River water system Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species B. angularia B. budapestiensis Brachionus B. calyciflorus B. capsuliflorus Brachionida Rotifera Rotaria B. forficula Argonotholca A. foliacea Kellicottia K. longispina Euchlanis E. dilatata Monogononta K. quadrala Keratella K. valga Asplancchnidae Asplanchna A. priodonala T. bicristata Trichocercidae Trichocerca T. capucina T. elongata P. euryptera Synchaetidae Polyarthra P. trigla