Assessment on Ecological Safety of Farmland Fertilization of China Qinpu Liu1,a, Yuling Guo1,b, John P. Giesy2,3,4,5,c 1 Nanjing Xiaozhuang University, Nanjing 211171, China Toxicology Centre and Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada 3 School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR, China 4 Department of Biology and Chemistry and State key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR, China 5 State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China a,, 2 Keywords: Fertilization intensity; Ecological safety assessment; Non-point source pollution; China; Abstract: Here is presented the concepts of Fertilization Ecological Hazard Index (FEHI) and Fertilization Ecological Safety Threshold (FEST). These concepts have been used to develop models that assess the hazards posed by fertilization with inorganic fertilizers on ecological environments in China. Based on these models, there were 11 regions, most of which are located in Western China, slightly at risk from over-fertilization, while 14 regions located in central or eastern China were at a moderate hazard from overuse of fertilizers. Six regions in western China were found at ecological safety of environment because of small amounts of fertilizers used in these regions. Ecological safety of environment decreased along the gradient from northwest to southeast by fertilization. There were several factors that influence FEHI. It is obligatory for local governments to offer training to guide reasonable uses of fertilization. It would be prudent for China to establish laws to protect soils, especially to regulate the use of fertilizers in agriculture. Introduction Globally, approximately 30% ~ 50% of surface waters were once affected by non-point source pollution, especially from use of inorganic fertilizers in agriculture[1]. Non-point source pollution is more serious in China. In order to improve the food production since the 1990s, fertilizers use has been growing greater and greater. In China, the rapid increase of GDP has provided the fiscal means for farmers to buy inorganic fertilizers to improve yields of crops. In 2011, the total amount of fertilizers used by agriculture was 57.04 million tons [2], which is approximately a third of the world's total consumption of chemical fertilizers. The mass of fertilizer used per unit area in China is more than 3 times greater than the average of the world [3]. The rate of utilization of applied fertilizer by plants in China is 30% ~ 35% for N, 15% ~ 20% for P, 35% ~ 50% for K. Unused nutrients are fixed in soil, leached into waters, or are volatilized into the atmosphere. These releases result in acidification of soils and eutrophication of surface waters and contribution of heavy metals, such as copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), and cadmium (Cd). While several studies of non-point pollution of surface waters focused on trace metals [4,5], little has been done relative to hazards posed by chemical fertilizers. Here the concepts of Fertilization Ecological Hazard Index (FEHI) and Fertilization Ecological Safety Threshold (FEST) are presented and used to evaluate ecological 1 safety of farmland fertilization in order to enhance the sustainable development of agriculture in China. Materials and methods Data collected. Most of the information used in this assessment came from the 2012 China Statistical Yearbook [2], which were compiled by the Bureau of statistics of the people's Republic of China, and the document of Eco-county, Eco-city, Eco-province Construction Indexes (Revised Draft) from State Environmental Protection Administration issued in 2007[6]. Some of the data were compiled from the 2012 China Statistical yearbook. Methods of assessment. Assessment of safety of environment refers to the evaluation on the damage and threats to human health, economy, ecological system initiated from social economy activities of human beings and natural disasters, and the decision of management. Here concept of the FEHI for assessing effects of fertilizers on ecological environment is presented (Equations 1-2). FEHI t Wi FEHI i FEHI i FI i FI i FESTi (i = N, P, K) (1) (i = N, P, K) (2) Where: FEHIt refers to the total Fertilization Ecological Hazard Index, which is the sum of component hazard factors multiplied by weighting factors. FEHIi refers to single factor for an individual constituent of fertilizers, such as N, P or K, Wi is the weight of each factor with values between 0 and 1. FIi refers to the Fertilization Intensity (FI, kg/ha) of i factor, that is the mass of fertilizer i applied on the per unit of cultivated land area. FESTi is the Fertilization Ecological Safety Threshold (FEST) of a single factor, which is the maximum mass of a fertilizer applied to soil to maximize productivity without adverse effects on the environment. The mass of N, P, or K is the net volume in the forms of N, P2O5, K2O, respectively. Values of FEHIt (or FEHIi) range from 0 to 1. When FEHIt is equal to 0.5, FIi is equal to FESTi, where fertilization of cropland is at the critical point of environment ecological safety, which means that the amount of fertilizer applied is at the upper limit for optimal productivity of crops without causing adverse affects on the environment. When FEHIt is near 1.0, Fertilization Intensity (FIi) of fertilizer greatly exceeds the fertilization ecological safety threshold (FESTi). That is, pollution due to excess application of inoganic fertilizers would be extremely serious. When FEHIt approaches 0, use of inorganic fertilizer is nearly 0 and FIi is much less than the FESTi, which is referred to organic agriculture. The degree of safety or hazard can be assessed by magnitude of deviation of the FEHIt from 0.5. By use of intervals of 0.15, environment ecological safety can be classified into six categories ranging from very safe to extremely dangerous (Table 1). Table 1 Catergories of environment ecological safety of fertilization. Categories of FEHIt Criteria Serious hazard > 0.80 Mass of fertilizers Greater than three times of FEST Medium hazard 0.66-0.80 Mass of fertilizers between three times and twice of FEST Light hazard 0.51-0.65 Mass of fertilizers between Safety 0.36-0.50 Mass of fertilizers less than one FEST Ecological safety twice and one FEST 2 High safety 0.21-0.35 Mass of fertilizers less than half FEST Absolute safety < 0.20 Mass of fertilizers is much fewer Results and Discussion Calculation and Distribution of FEHI. Before calculation on the Fertilization Ecological Hazard Indexes (FEHIt), the threshold FEST should be determined. Here 250 kg/ha is used as the threshold FESTt because the Chinese government considers it to be the criteria for the safe fertilization in China [6]. Values of Wi are considered as 0.3, 0.5, 0.2 for N, P, K, respectively, according to their contribution to eutrophication. Using the models of ecological hazard, fertilization intensities (FIi and FIt) and FEHTt were calculated for each region of China (Table 2). The geographical distribution of hazards posed by fertilization in regions of China were ranked by FEHIt from least to greatest (Table 2). Based on this ranking, six regions in the west of China were classified as safety from fertilization, 11 regions, most of which were in the west of China were classified as light hazard, while 14 regions, located in the central or east of China were classified as medium hazard. This distribution is in accordance with the level of economic development in the region, with more fertilizers used in more developed regions. Table 2. The Fertilization Intensity (FIi and FIt ) of NPK, FEHIt and ecological safety assessment for each provincial region of China in 2011. Provincial FIN FIP FIK FIt Regions (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha) (kg/ha)a Tibet 55.3 47.6 28.8 Qinghai 85.6 41.5 Guizhou 131.6 Gansu FEHIt Assessment Location 131.63 0.37 Safety West 25.3 152.38 0.38 Safety West 42.3 35.8 209.76 0.43 Safety West 99.7 54.8 32.8 187.26 0.44 Safety West Heilongjiang 87.1 59.3 46.7 193.1 0.45 Safety North east Inner Mongolia 136.5 65.2 43.8 245.6 0.49 Safety West Shanxi 135.5 86.3 60.7 282.47 0.54 Light hazard West Yunnan 196.3 75 58.9 330.15 0.55 Light hazard West Liaoning 211.8 70.8 71.4 354.05 0.56 Light hazard North east Jilin 189.1 76 87.6 352.69 0.57 Light hazard North east Ningxia 201.6 80.4 63.4 345.4 0.57 Light hazard West Chongqing 255.5 112.4 56.9 424.83 0.62 Light hazard West Shanghai 319.6 90 81 490.66 0.62 Light hazard East Sichuan 246.3 114.9 58.8 420.08 0.62 Light hazard West Zhejiang 305.4 98.7 75.2 479.32 0.63 Light hazard East Shaanxi 288.4 106.7 116.6 511.73 0.65 Light hazard West Xinjiang 239.8 144.6 60.9 445.33 0.65 Light hazard West Hebei 293.9 127.2 95.4 516.48 0.67 Medium hazard East Beijing 370.9 116.2 110.2 597.35 0.68 Medium hazard East Jiangxi 218 141.5 138.4 497.93 0.68 Medium hazard Middle Tianjin 313.9 144.8 94.2 552.95 0.68 Medium hazard East Guangxi 237.1 139.3 199.1 575.48 0.69 Medium hazard West Anhui 284.7 148.1 142.5 575.32 0.7 Medium hazard Middle Hunan 350.5 126.3 163.1 639.92 0.7 Medium hazard Middle 3 a Hainan 296.7 149.5 209.8 656.07 0.72 Medium hazard East Jiangsu 431.9 166.5 109.5 707.86 0.72 Medium hazard East Shandong 308.5 163.6 158.2 630.23 0.72 Medium hazard East Guangdong 441.8 159.9 250.7 852.43 0.75 Medium hazard East Hubei 412.2 210.9 137.8 760.89 0.75 Medium hazard Middle Fujian 437.6 207.5 264.2 909.19 0.78 Medium hazard East Henan 412.1 255.2 182.7 849.96 0.78 Medium hazard Middle FIt = FIN + FIP + FIK Factors influencing distribution of FEHI. In order to ascertain reasons for the distribution of FEHI, several factors (xi) were selected to be evaluated by use of correlation analyses with Fertilization Intensity (y) (Table 3). These factors include multiple cropping index (x1), proportion of land irrigated (x2), proportion of arable land (x3), income per farmer (x4), yield of grain per hectare (x5), arable land per rural person (x6), rate of disasters (like flooding or draught) area (percentage of natural disaster area affected to areas covered) (x7), proportion of population that is rural (x8). The factors, multiple cropping index, proportion of land irrigated, proportion of arable land, income per farmer, yield of grain per hectare were significantly and positively correlated with FI, but amount of arable land per rural person was negatively associated with FI. The relationship was consistent with current natural and economic conditions of China. In central and eastern China, densities of human habitation and rates of irrigation are greater than in the west, large areas are suitable for agriculture, especially for multiple cropping, so farmers put more fertilizers onto arable land in these regions. Because of overuse of fertilizers, the problems of non-point pollution were more serious in these areas. Table 3 Correlation coefficients (r) between Fertilization Intensity (FI) and factors y sig.(p) (2-tailed) x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 0.727 0.482 0.394 0.377 0.355 -0.467 -0.324 -0.32 0.000 0.006 0.028 0.036 0.05 0.008 0.075 0.079 Effects of overuse of chemical fertilizers on the environment. Overuse of fertilizers is not only detrimental to aquatic environments but also can damage crops and result in lesser production of grains. Excess fertilization can cause deterioration of soil, pollution of air and water and low quality agricultural products, eventually, and in some cases result in adverse effects on health of people, such as methemoglobanemia caused by nitrite (NO2-). Approximately 13% ~ 28% of N applied to crops as ammonia nitrogen (NH3-NH4+) escapes to the atmosphere. Nitrogen fertilizer in soil can release N2O by nitrification and denitrification [7,8]. On a molar basis, the potential of N2O to cause global warming is 200 times greater than that of CO2. Excess nitrogen in surface and ground water mainly originates from farmland, on which excess inorganic N-containing fertilizers are applied. Specifically 51% of anthropogenic N in the surface water is from farmland. One reason for the outbreak of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) observed in Tai Lake, Jiangsu Province, during 2007 was non-point pollution from agriculture[9,10] (Ge et al., 2008, Li et al., 2012). In the China environmental state bulletin of 2011 it was reported that the overall national surface water was mildly polluted, 53.8% of 26 lakes (reservoirs) monitored exhibited 4 eutrophication and among 200 cities monitored, 55.0% had poor quality ground water [11]. Conclusion For the first time, models of evaluating the ecological safety of fertilization were proposed and applied to assess China agricultural environment. Fertilizers are found to be over-used in most regions. There were 11 regions, most of them are located in the west, being slightly at risk due to over use of fertilizers; 14 regions, located in the central or east, were moderately at risk due to overuse of fertilizers, and 6 regions, located in the west of China, were found not being affected by use of inorganic fertilizers. Ecological risk caused by fertilization increased along a gradient from northwest to Southeast. This trend was consistent with trends of distributions of natural and economic factors. Because there were more than half of lakes in China eutrophied, excessive fertilization was a significant environmental problem in China. There were several factors which influenced the distribution of fertilization intensity. Regions with greater GDP and more developed agriculture were determined to be more at hazard due to over-use of inorganic fertilizers. So it is obligatory for local government to offer many kinds of training programs to farmers. As farmers learn when, how and what fertilization to use, they will make themselves involved in the environment protection. Acknowledgements The project was supported by Jiangsu Ecology Key Discipline Construction Project; Nanjing Environmental Science Key Discipline Construction Project. Prof. Giesy was supported by the Canada Research Chair program, 2012 program of "High Level Foreign Experts" (#GDW20123200120) funded by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, the P.R. China to Nanjing University, the Einstein Professor Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a Distinguished Visiting at the Department of Biology and Chemistry and State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong. References [1] L. C. Dennis, J. V. Peter, L. Keith. Environmental Science and Technology, 8 (1997), p.2157-2175 [2] National Bureau of Statistics of China. (2012). Information on [3] S. Ding, H. W. Zang. Modern Agricultural Science and Technology (in Chinese), 23 (2009), p. 275-276 [4] W. Cao, et al. Scientia Geographica Sinica (in Chinese), 30(2)(2010), p.283-289. [5] Q.K.Chen, et al. Journal of Agro-Environment Science (in Chinese), 32(5)(2013),p. 1044-1050. [6] Ministry of Environmental Protection of P.R.C. Notice on document distribution of “indicators about ecological county, ecological city, ecological province construction (revised)”. Information on [7] D. S. Powlson, et al. Nutrient Cycling in Agro-ecosystems, 49(1997), p.59-70. [8] F. 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