ARTICLE Assessing the Toxicity of Naphthenic Acids Using a Microbial Genome Wide Live Cell Reporter Array System Xiaowei Zhang,*,† Steve Wiseman,‡ Hongxia Yu,† Hongling Liu,† John P. Giesy,†,‡,||,^,#,r,O and Markus Hecker§ † State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse & School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada § ENTRIX, Inc., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Department of Veterinary, Biomedical Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada ^ Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China # School of Biological Sciences, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China r Department of Zoology, and Center for Integrative Toxicology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA O Zoology Department, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia ) ‡ bS Supporting Information ABSTRACT: Mixtures of naphthenic acids (NAs), which include cyclopentyl and cyclohexyl carboxylic acids, have been suggested to be toxic components in oils spills, effluents from the petrochemical industry and in oil sands process waters (OSPW). The present study demonstrated, for the first time, an application of a high throughput live bacterial cell array in a genome-scale investigation of the toxic mechanisms of environmental chemicals, a commercial NAs technical mixture extracted from crude oil. Real time gene profiling of time- and concentration- dependent responses of live cells exposed to NAs for three hours was conducted using a library of 1800 fluorescent transcriptional reporters for Escherichia coli (E. coli) growing in 384-well plates. The response patterns obtained after exposure to NAs suggested that the primary cellular responses were up-regulation of genes in the pentose phosphate pathway, involved in the molecular function of NADP or NADPH binding, and down-regulation of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex. Transcriptional networks that were significantly modulated by NAs included those that were regulated by transcriptional factors such as CRP-, RecA-, and GadE. Down-regulation of the SOS response pathway suggested that DNA damage might not be the direct result of NAs within the first three hours of exposure. However, CRP-dependent genes modulated by exposure to NAs indicated that the cellular level of cyclic AMP was altered immediately upon exposure of cells to NAs. Furthermore, the linear range of the concentration-response curve of the selected gene reporters encompassed a range of concentrations between 10 and 1000 mg NAs/L, which covers concentrations typically observed in the environment and makes this assay system ideal for the detection of environmental NAs. ’ INTRODUCTION Naphthenic acids (NAs) are a group of alkyl-substituted saturated cyclic and noncyclic carboxylic acids that have been identified as naturally occurring toxic components in effluents discharged from offshore oil production platforms in North Sea of Europe and in the oil sands process-affected water (OSPW) discharged in Western Canada.1-3 Because NAs can account for up to 4% of raw petroleum by weight4 and are more soluble in water than alkanes, alkenes, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), they are suspected to be one of the most toxic components in deepwater-oils spills, such as the spill that occurred in the Gulf of Mexico beginning on April 20, 2010. Such large-scale releases of NAs increase public and government concerns about the risk to marine and freshwater organisms. Naphthenic acids range in molecular weight from approximately 120 to over 700 atomic mass units. The main fractions of NAs are carboxylic acids with a carbon skeleton of 9 to 20 carbons. The composition of these mixtures differs with the crude oil composition, the conditions during refining and oxidation, and r 2011 American Chemical Society changes over time as the result of environmental weathering.4 The complex nature of the NA mixture presents challenges for their toxicological characterization.3 NAs have been reported to be acutely toxic to various organisms. However, the critical mechanism of toxicity remains largely unknown. NAs are persistent in aquatic environments and are acutely toxic to aquatic bacteria, invertebrates, fish, and plants.5 NAs cause acute toxicity in the Vibrio fischeri bacterial bioluminescence assay (Microtox) with a half-maximum effect concentration (EC50) range of 42 mg/L to 65 mg/L as a function of molecular weight.6 Exposure to a commercial mixture of NAs resulted in an increase in the incidence of deformity and a decrease in length at hatch of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes).7 Narcosis has been suggested to be the Received: September 27, 2010 Accepted: January 11, 2011 Revised: December 27, 2010 Published: February 10, 2011 1984 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1984–1991 Environmental Science & Technology probable mode of acute toxicity by NAs, particularly for lower molecular weight (MW) NAs. Higher MW NAs are less acutely toxic than lower MW NAs. Toxicity of NAs is inversely proportional to carboxylic acid content within NA structures of higher MW NAs.1 Toxicity of NAs is also related to the amount of NA that can be accumulated into the organisms as well as their inherent toxic potency. Recent studies also found other mechanisms of toxicity of NAs. NAs extracted from North Sea offshore produced water discharges were shown to be estrogen receptor (ER) agonists and androgen receptor (AR) antagonists in vitro.2 Furthermore, NAs from OSPW have been found to modulate sex steroid production in H295R Steroidogenesis Assay by decreasing testosterone (T) and increasing 17β-estradiol (E2) concentrations.8 In general, the complex and changing nature of mixtures of NAs make it difficult to predict toxicity. By determining the critical mechanism of toxicity of NAs, it might be possible to develop more effective predictive relationships to account for the toxic effects observed in living organisms exposed to NAs. By examining the specific pathways affected by NAs, it might also be possible to develop diagnostic biomarkers of exposure that can be applied in monitoring programs. Gene expression analysis represents a powerful approach to investigate the molecular and cellular responses of organisms to chemicals and other environmental stressors.9,10 Conventional transcriptional profiling techniques, such as microarray and real time PCR, can simultaneously examine the mRNA expression of multiple genes or the whole transcriptome expressed within a cell, tissue, or whole organism, which can help elucidating mechanisms of toxicity. Recent developments in live cell array (LCA) technology have demonstrated LCA is an accurate and versatile method of determining gene expression in bacteria in a high-throughput format.11 Utilizing transcriptional fusions of specific promoters with fast-folding fluorescent proteins, such as GFP, this technology allows real time monitoring of gene expression at successive time points during exposure. The approach differs from cDNA microarrays which report mRNA concentration as a balance of mRNA production and degradation. In LCA, accumulation of GFP fluorescence in live cells represents a readily measurable protein product of gene expression. The two most significant advantages of the LCA approach over complementary transcriptomic methodologies are that 1) the cost is significantly less because no sample preparation is required prior to measurement, 2) simplified assay procedures are applied, and 3) the kinetics of gene expression in response to particular stimuli can be established in high resolution. Recently, there has been increasing application of microbial cell-based arrays to detect toxicity of environmental chemical(s) or classify them based on different modes of action.12-14 These microbial array systems consist of genetically engineered microorganisms tailored to respond in a dose-dependent manner to environmental stimuli. The fusion of stress promoters to reporter genes, such as bioluminescence or fluorescence, is the basis for the approach for determining which genes are differentially expressed during responses to toxicants.12,13 The combination of whole cell bioreporter assays and recent development in array technologies are the basis for promising tools for both assessment of toxicity and elucidating potential mechanisms of toxic action.15,16 However, the current applications are normally limited to several or a group of well-established stress-responsive promoters.14,15 The present study investigated possible mechanisms of NAinduced effects on living cells by use of a genome-scale examination of gene expression which utilizes fluorescent transcriptional repor- ARTICLE ters for Escherichia coli (E. coli). A high throughput toxicity test approach was developed by integrating a 384-well assay format with a library of fluorescent transcription fusions that includes over 75% of the promoters of the bacterium E. coli.11 Gene expression was represented by the transcriptional activity of its promoter, which was measured by the accumulation of the GFP fluorescence. For these genes which were from the same multigene operon, their gene expressions were measured by the same promoter construct. The results of these assays are applicable to not only bacteria but also to metazoans due to the fact that many common pathways are conserved from bacteria to vertebrates such as stress responsive pathways.14,15 Consequently, this assay is not bacteria-specific and can represent responses of systems that are conserved in multiple organisms, including metazoans. ’ MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals. A technical mixture of naphthenic acids was purchased from Sigma Aldrich (#70340, St. Louis, MO, USA). A stock solution (20 mg/mL) was prepared by dissolving 1.0 g NAs in 50 mL of 0.08 N NaOH. Other stock solutions of 2.0 and 0.20 mg NAs/mL were made by serial dilution with nanopure water. Stock solutions were then further diluted 20 times in microbial culture medium prior to initiation of the assay. The final pH values of the NAs exposure microbial culture medium were measured at the beginning of exposure and were confirmed to be 7.4 ( 0.2. Microbial Gene Profiling System. The microbial gene reporter collection acquired from Open Biosystems Thermo Fisher Scientific (Huntsville, AL, USA) was developed by researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science and includes more than 1900 promoters (out of 2500 in the entire genome) for the E. coli K12 strain MG1655.11 Each of the reporter strains has a bright, fastfolding green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to a full-length copy of an E. coli promoter in a low-copy plasmid which enables measurement of gene expression within minutes with high accuracy and reproducibility. All clones were grown at 37 C in 2X LB-Lennox (low salt) media plus 25 μg/mL kanamycin. Assay plates were prepared by adding 71.25 uL of LB medium to each well in black 384-well optical bottom plates (NUNC, Rochester, NY, USA). E. coli strains were inoculated in the 384-well plate from a 96-well stock plate by disposable replicators (Genetix, San Jose, CA, USA). Cells were incubated at 37 C for 3.5 h before exposure to NAs. At the end of the initial incubation, the OD of each well was measured at 620 nM using a Fluostar OPTIMA microplate reader (Offenburg, Germany). Then 3.75 μL of nanopure water as a negative control or NAs stock solutions were added into individual wells on the 384-well plate to make final concentrations of 0, 10, 100, or 1000 mg/L. GFP intensity of each well was consecutively monitored every 10 min for three hours. Data Processing and Statistical Analysis. A linear regression model was applied to assess whether a gene reporter responded significantly to the exposure with NAs. For each gene reporter strain, a linear model where the response measured as GFP fluorescence was fitted to a function of time (eq 1) GFP=OD ¼ Rþβ TimeðhrÞþγ NAsþδ ðTimeðhrÞ NAsÞ ð1Þ in which R is the basal expression; β is the coefficient of time; γ is coefficient of NAs (mg/L); and δ is the interaction coefficient of time and NAs. A gene reporter was considered significantly responsive to NAs when the effect of NAs was dependent on 1985 |Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1984–1991 Environmental Science & Technology time, i.e. δ was statistically significant. To reduce the rate of false positives in multiple tests, a p value less than 0.001 was considered significant. Effects of NAs on gene expression were expressed as fold-change relative to the corresponding control. Hierarchical clustering analysis on concentration- and timedependent gene expression patterns was performed for the selected genes by use of ToxClust,17 which is a method for evaluating multivariate responses programmed in R (http:// Briefly, the distance between any two genes was calculated by summing their Manhattan distance of gene expression at all the concentration vs time combinations. The advantage of this method, relative to comparing point estimates, such as the LC50, is that it makes use of the discriminatory power of all of the data from each concentration and each time point. Thus, the ToxClust method is more efficient and powerful in making discriminations between responses to treatments. Dendrograms of genes were calculated by the “complete” agglomeration method and vertically plotted at the left of the graph. Visualization of both concentration- and time-dependent gene expression was implemented by use of gradient graph methods and plotted in a 3 M (gene number) N (time) matrix format. The (3(i-1):3i, j) element of the matrix corresponds to the fold change in expression of the ith gene at the jth time point in the cells exposed to three different concentrations, 10, 100, or 1000 mg/L, respectively. The color gradient from left to right displayed the time-dependent response curves. An R script was written to conduct this analysis and the code is available upon request. Pathway Analysis. Gene lists were developed for further analysis based on statistical significance and 1.5 or 2.0 fold-change cutoff. Selected genes were analyzed by gene ontology (GO) term searching by use of ClueGO (v1.3) with default settings.18 Construction of the E. coli K-12 transcriptional regulation model was done by integrating the transcriptional factor (TF)gene relationship database from RegulonDB (v 6.0).19 Visualization of biological networks and gene expression data was conducted by use of Cytoscape.20 Highly connected network regions were identified as function modules by use of the cytoscape plug-in jActiveModules.20 The annotation of E.coli genes was using the EcoCyc database.21 ’ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Performance of the High Throughput Fluorescent microbialF Reporter Array. Concentration-dependent responses of 1820 different fluorescent transcriptional reporters in E.coli exposed to a commercial NAs mixture were assayed in a 384 well high throughput format. The entire data set consists of 1820 strains, four different treatment groups, and 18 different time points, which resulted in more than 130,000 data points. Eightyone percent of the gene reporter strains in the library (1471 reporter stains out of a total number of 1820 strains) showed detectable fluorescence greater than background (promoter-less reporter strains) throughout all time points within the 3 h of exposure in the control incubations. This is consistent with the results of previous results that reported 60% of the reporter stains showed detectable fluorescence greater than background in 96 well format.11 NAs Modulation of the Transcription Activation of 1820 Genes. NAs modulated expression of E. coli genes in a concentrationdependent manner during a 3 h exposure (Figure 1). Of the 1820 strains, 320 displayed significant changes after exposure to NAs, compared to controls. Using a 1.5-fold change as a cutoff, ARTICLE Figure 1. NAs induced concentration-dependent response in the number of differentially expressed genes. Venn diagram displaying the differentially expressed genes selected by 1.5 or 2.0 fold change cutoff at three different NAs concentrations, 10, 100, and 1000 mg/L. exposures to 10, 100, or 1000 mg NAs/L significantly altered the activity of 21, 29, and 80 genes, respectively. Expression of a total of 83 strains was altered at least 1.5-fold during the three hour exposure. Of these, 13 strains were responsive to all three concentrations of NAs. Using 2.0-fold change as a cutoff, exposures to 10, 100, or 1000 mg NAs/L significantly altered the activity of 3, 9, and 26 genes, respectively, during the same time. All the strains that responded to 10 mg NAs/L and 8 out of the 9 that responded to 100 mg NAs/L were responsive to 1000 mg NAs/L as well. Expression of 27 reporter stains changed at least 2 fold during the three hours exposure. Exposure to NAs resulted in fewer up-regulated gene reporter stains than down-regulated strains within the three-hour exposure. The 27 gene reporter stains selected by application of a 2-fold cutoff were further classified into an up-regulated group and a down-regulated group by their time course of concentrationdependent gene expression response to NAs (Figure 2). Twelve and 15 strains displayed general up-regulation and down-regulation, respectively, when exposed to NAs, relative to the control. Of the 83 gene reporter stains selected by application of a 1.5-fold cutoff, 25 and 58 strains were further classified into the up- and down-regulated groups, respectively (see Figure S1, Supporting Information). Transcriptional Response in Toxicity Assessment. Transcriptional response of a large number of genes can be effectively integrated to characterize the concentration-dependent relationship of chemical-induced effects in toxicological studies. In some applications, transcriptional gene expression profiles are used to identify concentrations that do not elicit a change in gene expression, like the concept of a No Observed Transcriptional Effect Level (NOTEL).22 Two different approaches, adopting discrete or continuous response variables, have been used to describe concentration-dependent transcriptional responses.22,23 In the discrete variable approach, the number or the percentage of genes affected are used to describe the degree of chemical-induced effects. The number of affected genes is normally selected by statistical significance and arbitrary fold-change cutoff. The magnitude of individual gene expression is normally not considered in this case. In the second approach, a continuous variable integrating the actual expression level of all the selected genes is used to differentiate the degree of effect induced by different concentrations of chemicals. In the latter approach, both the number of genes changing and the magnitude of that change are used to indicate the chemical-induced effect. As an example, we had previously developed a hepatic transcriptional index (HTI) as 1986 |Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1984–1991 Environmental Science & Technology ARTICLE Figure 2. Clustering of the concentration- and time-dependent expression of the 27 genes altered at least 2-fold change over background by NAs. Classification and visualization of the gene expression were derived by use of ToxClust.17 The dissimilarity between genes was calculated by the Manhantan distance between the gene expression at all the concentration vs time combinations. The fold change of gene expression was indicated by color gradient, and the time course of expression changes were indicated from left to right. As shown on the top of the figure, time-dependent gene expression in the three exposed concentrations, 10, 100, and 1000 mg NAs/L, were displayed by the low, middle, and high bands in the rectangle area of labeled by the gene name. the sum of log-transformed expression levels of a cluster of hepatic genes weighted by their principal component factor to represent the overall expression level of the hepteic estrogenic response.23 The medaka HTI represents values in the quantitative assessment of chemical-induced effects on reproduction of Japanese medaka during a short-term exposure. In the present study, both approaches were applied and both effectively depicted the linear range of the concentration-dependent transcriptional response of E. coli to NAs (Figure 3). As calculated by the continuous variable approach, the transcriptional response of the least concentration, 10 mg NAs/L, were 8.4% and 7.6% in the fold change cutoff of 1.5 and 2.0, respectively. However, in the discrete approach, the transcriptional responses and 10 mg NAs/L were 26.25% and 11.5%, respectively, when the 1.5 and 2.0 fold change cut-offs were applied, respectively. These results suggested that in the discrete variable approach, the level of statistical significance and fold change cutoff could significantly affect the calculated response at lesser concentrations of NAs, and thus affect calculation of toxicant threshold values, such as the NOEL and NOAEL. Alternatively, the response at lesser NA concentrations in the continuous variable approach is less susceptible to the arbitrary parameter chosen, which render it the preferable approach to assess chemical-induced toxicity. Biological Pathways Involved in NAs Effects. Multiple biological pathways were identified as being responsive to NAs during a three hour exposure. The pentose phosphate pathway is the significant Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway identified by ClueGO analysis of genes of E. coli altered by NAs. In this pathway, the transcriptional activity of gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gnd) and ribosephosphate isomerize (RpiA) were both up-regulated more than 2-fold by NAs. The pentose phosphate pathway is a process that generates nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and pentoses (5-carbon sugars). Generation of NADPH is used in reductive biosynthesis reactions within cells and to prevent oxidative stress. NADPH reduces glutathione via glutathione reductase. The molecular function of NADP or NADPH binding was one of the significant GO terms observed to be altered by NAs. The two genes, Gnd and ketol-acid reductoisomerase (IlvC), involved in this function of NADP or NADPH binding were also up-regulated more than 2-fold. The enzyme Gnd has a high degree of specificity for NADP. Up-regulation of these genes could increase the capability 1987 |Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1984–1991 Environmental Science & Technology ARTICLE Figure 3. Concentration-dependent transcriptional response to NAs. In the discrete variable approach, the number or the percentage of genes affected was used to describe the degree of chemical-induced effects. In the continuous variable approach, the actual expression level of all the selected genes was integrated to differentiate the degree of effect induced by different concentrations of chemical. The gene percentage was calculated by dividing the number of genes or expression magnitude of a gene affected at any concentrations by that in the 1000 mg NAs/L group. of selective, noncovalently interaction with NADPH and facilitate generation of NADPH, a coenzyme involved in many redox and biosynthetic reactions. These responses might be part of basic adaptive mechanisms in the living organism to compensate for the cellular oxidative stress resulted from the NAs exposure. NAs significantly down-regulated some membrane associated transporter proteins, especially those involved in the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter complex. The ABC transporter complex was the GO term significantly altered by NAs. Transcriptional activity of both the ABC super family of dipeptide transport proteins (DppA) and oligopeptide transport protein (YejA) was down-regulated more than 1.5 fold during the 3-h exposure. Other transporter genes that were down-regulated by NAs but are not annotated by GO term included putative ABC superfamily (peri_bind) transport protein (YdcS), putative major facilitator superfamily (MFS) transport protein (YcaD), and branched chain amino acid transporter (BrnQ). ABC transporters are trans-membrane proteins that utilize energy from hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to perform certain biological processes, including translocation of various substrates across membranes and nontransport-related processes such as translation of RNA and repair of DNA.24 Inhibition of these transporter proteins might be an adaptive response to NAs that reduces usage of energy or might slow down the translocation of substrates across membranes and other processes. ABC transporters are also involved in bacterial multidrug resistance. However, NAs also caused more than 2-fold up-regulation of the transcriptions of two transport proteins, arabinose ABC transporter (araF) and a MFS family membrane subunit of hexose phosphate transport protein (UhpT). The AraF protein is an ATPdriven transporter involved in arabinose uptake. The UhpT can enable the cell to acquire phosphorylated sugars from its environment that can be used as carbon and/or energy sources.25 In S. Typhi, uhpA and uhpB were up-regulated at early stage of an osmotic upshift stress. Exposure to NAs also led to inhibition of other molecular functions. For example, genes with GO molecular function of intramolecular transferase activity were down-regulated by NAs. This includes the membrane-associated D-ribose high-affinity transport system protein (RbsD) and the putative ribosomal large subunit pseudouridine synthase (RluE). Intramolecular transferase is responsible for catalysis of the transfer of a functional group from one position to another within a single molecule.26 Down-regulation of expression of these two genes might be an adaptive response in the exposure to NAs to reduce the usage of energy. Stress Responsive Pathway Affected by NAs Exposure. NAs elicited transcriptional alteration of a group of stress responsive genes, which can be divided into three categories: redox-response, SOS-response, and osmotic-response (see Table S1, Supporting Information). Transcriptional repressor MarR and superoxide dismutase/manganese (SodA) were the two redox responsive genes that have been altered over 2-fold compared to the controls. MarR participates in controlling several genes involved in resistance to antibiotics, multidrug efflux, oxidative stress, organic solvents, and heavy metals.27 The SOS-response genes, ybfE and ssb, were down-regulated more than 2-fold by NAs. YbfE and ssb are up-regulated for DNA repair when cells are exposed to DNA-damaging agents such as mitomycin C.28 However, both genes were down-regulated by NAs during the three-hour exposure. Other general stress genes including ybaY, yjbJ, bola, and inaA, are known to be responsive to osmotic stress. Transcriptional Networks Involved in NAs-Induced Effects. NAs modulated genes are predominately regulated through several transcriptional factors. Of the 320 genes significantly modulated by NAs (p < 0.001), 32 can be directly regulated by transcriptional factor cAMP receptor protein (CRP) (Figure 4). Transcriptional regulation of CRP-dependent genes requires the binding of cAMP and CRP protein to DNA. Genes that are activated by cAMP-CRP can be grouped into two categories. The first category are the CRP-dependent genes, which require one cAMP-CRP for activation, while genes in the second category require multiple activator molecules in which two or more CAP dimers or one CRP dimer and additional activator proteins synergistically activate transcription.29 CRP represses transcription by promoter occlusion in which an activator protein is excluded by cAMP-CRP through the interaction with a repressor protein in an antiactivation mechanism or by hindering promoter clearance. Furthermore, transcriptional factors UxuR and exuR, which are subject to catabolic repression in the presence of glucose and at low levels of cyclic AMP, were also down regulated by NAs. Together with the CRP-dependent genes that were modulated by NAs, these results suggested that exposure to NAs changes levels of cellular cAMP. Increased activity of transcriptional repressor lexA might be related to down-regulation of 8 different genes involved in the cellular response to DNA damage or inhibition of DNA replication, 1988 |Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1984–1991 Environmental Science & Technology ARTICLE Figure 4. Active functional modules of a transcriptional network of patters of gene response in E. coli exposed to NAs. Each gene is displayed by circular node, and the transcriptional factor (TF)-target gene interaction is indicated by arrow edge. The level of gene expression in cells exposed to 1000 mg NAs/L is indicated by color gradient. Deep red: >2 fold up regulation; gradient from red to white: from 2 to1 fold up regulation; gradient from white to blue: from 1 to 2 fold down regulation; gray: >2 fold down regulation. For the three TFs (crp, lexA, and gadE) that displayed no significant change in response to NAs, their roles in the network modules were highlighted in aquamarine. including ybfE, ssb, uvrA, rpsU recA, ftsQ, dinG, and ftsK. LexA blocks access of RNA polymerase to target promoters to repress their transcription. When DNA is damaged, the association of LexA and its DNA targets will be disrupted by the RecA coprotease, and the SOS regulon will be induced for repair of broken DNA.28 Although the actual mechanism of how NAs caused down-regulation of the SOS response pathway is unclear, DNA damage might not be the direct result of NAs exposure for three hours. Three transcriptional regulators of the so-called “acid resistance system” were also altered by NAs include GadE, GadX, and GadW.30 The transcriptional activator GadE, glutamic acid decarboxylase, is positively autoregulated and controls the transcription of genes involved in the maintenance of pH homeostasis. GadE also controls expression of two transcription factors related to acid resistance, GadW and GadX, and for this reason it is considered the central activator of the acid response system. NAs did not alter the pH of the culture medium in this study. However, since the NAs stock solution was neutralized with high concentration of NaOH, the presence of sodium ion in the NAs stock solution might be related to the response of the GadE pathway. Potential Biosensors for Environmental NAs Detection. While there are pathways in vertebrates with no analogs in bacteria, many common pathways are conserved in both bacteria and vertebrates, thus the assay is applicable to not only bacteria but can be used to investigate chemical-induced mechanisms of cellular signaling. Furthermore, the NA-responsive gene reporter strains selected in this study are ideal candidates for the biodetection of NAs in waters. The fluorescent gene reporter library not only presents a powerful tool for toxicogenomic investigations of chemical-induced effects at the cellular level but also allows screening of potential chemical-specific response patterns that can be developed into specific biosensors for screening purposes. The specific combination of gene reporter stains that were responsive to NAs could provide real-time functional monitoring of the presence of NAs in environment. Genes that responded to NAs included some so-called “general stress response” genes that have been previously characterized in environmental stress related exposure studies. However, changes in the expression of genes responding to NAs were different than the pattern or responses typically obtained after exposure to metals or genotoxicants.15 1989 |Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 1984–1991 Environmental Science & Technology Also, those genes that had not been previously examined in stress exposure studies, such as uhpT and araF, could augment the unique signature for exposure to NAs. Furthermore, the selected library of reporter gene strains could offer desirable sensitivity for on-site detection of environmental NAs. The concentrations of NAs in waters affected by OSPW in Alberta, Canada, have historically ranged between 20 and 100 mg/L, including successfully remediated water.31 The linear range of concentration response curve of the selected gene reporters is well within the concentration between 10-1000 mg/L (Figure 3), which makes them ideal biosensor candidates for the detection of environmental NAs. Also, further work to demonstrate the reproducibility of the profiles, particularly in environmental samples containing a similar mixture of NAs would be useful. Finally, responses in the microbial library need to be calibrated to ecologically relevant responses in economically important or ecologically relevant species. ’ ASSOCIATED CONTENT bS Supporting Information. Table of differentially expressed genes and figure of gene clustering analysis. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at ’ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author *Phone: 86-25-83593649. Fax: 86-25-83707304. E-mail: Corresponding author address: School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210089, China. ’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research was supported by a grant from Major State Basic Research Development Program (No. 2008CB418102) and a grant from Nanjing University Talent Development Foundation. This project was also supported by a grant from the Western Economic Diversification Canada (Projects # 6578 and 6807). The authors wish to acknowledge the support of an instrumentation grant from the Canada Foundation for Infrastructure. Prof. Giesy was supported by the Canada Research Chair program and an at large Chair Professorship at the Department of Biology and Chemistry and State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, the Einstein Professor Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Distinguished Visiting Professor Program of King Saud University. ’ REFERENCES (1) Frank, R. A.; Fischer, K.; Kavanagh, R.; Burnison, B. K.; Arsenault, G.; Headley, J. V.; Peru, K. M.; Van Der, K. G.; Solomon, K. R. Effect of carboxylic acid content on the acute toxicity of oil sands naphthenic acids. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43 (2), 266–271. (2) Thomas, K. V.; Langford, K.; Petersen, K.; Smith, A. J.; Tollefsen, K. E. Effect-directed identification of naphthenic acids as important in vitro xeno-estrogens and anti-androgens in North sea offshore produced water discharges. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43 (21), 8066–8071. (3) Giesy, J. P.; Anderson, J. C.; Wiseman, S. B. 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Technol. 2011, 45, 1984–1991 Supporting Information Authors: Xiaowei Zhang†*, Steve Wiseman‡, Hongxia Yu†, Honglin Liu†, John Giesy†,‡,║,#,††,‡‡,§§, Markus Hecker§ † State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse & School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China ‡ § Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada ENTRIX, Inc., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ║ Department of Veterinary, Biomedical Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada # Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China †† School of Biological Sciences, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China ‡‡ Department of Zoology, and Center for Integrative Toxicology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA §§ Zoology Department, College of Science, King Saud University, P. O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia Title: Assessing the Toxicity of Naphthenic Acids Using a Microbial Genome Wide Live Cell Reporter Array System Page: 3 Table: 1 Figure: 1 Submitted to: Environmental Science and Technology Tables S1. Microbial genes modulated over 2 fold by the exposure of naphthenic acids (NAs) in the concentration range of 10-1000 mg NA/L. Gene ycaD dppA ydcS araF brnQ uhpT gnd ilvC rpiA marR sodA inaA ybfE ssb insA_7 ybaY yjbJ bolA Description putative MFS family transport protein (1st module) ABC superfamily (peri_bind) dipeptide transport protein (1st module) putative ABC superfamily (peri_bind) transport protein arabinose ABC transporter LIVCS family, branched chain amino acid transporter system II (LIV-II) MFS family, hexose phosphate transport protein, possible membrane subunit (1st module) gluconate-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, decarboxylating (1st module) ketol-acid reductoisomerase, NAD(P)-binding ribosephosphate isomerase, constitutive transcriptional repressor for antibiotic resistance and oxidative stress superoxide dismutase, manganese pH inducible protein involved in stress response, protein kinase-like LexA regulated, possible SOS response ssDNA-binding protein controls activity of RecBCD nuclease IS1 protein InsA glycoprotein/polysaccharide metabolism unknown CDS (predicted stress response protein) activator of morphogenic pathway (BolA family), important in general stress response Categories Transporter proteins Generation of NADPH Stress response alaS ybeB ymcC alanyl-tRNA synthetase conserved hypothetical protein putative synthetase hemC crl hydroxymethylbilane synthase (porphobilinogen deaminase) transcriptional regulator of cryptic genes for curli formation and fibronectin Others binding Sugar Specific PTS family, cellobiose/arbutin/salicinsugar specific enzyme IIA component putative enzyme (MutT-like) Unknown unknown CDS function conserved hypothetical protein chbA yfcD ybjP somA Ribosome related proteins Figure S1. Clustering of the time-dependent expression of the NAs altered genes selected by 1.5fold change cut-off. Gene expression in cells exposed to 1000 mg NAs/L are displayed. Classification and visualization of the gene expression were derived by use of ToxClust. The dissimilarity between genes was calculated by the Manhantan distance between the gene expression observed at all time points.