Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 522–534, 2010 # 2009 SETAC Printed in the USA DOI: 10.1002/etc.83 First International Workshop on Aquatic Toxicology and Biomonitoring SEASONALLY AND REGIONALLY DETERMINED INDICATION POTENTIAL OF BIOASSAYS IN CONTAMINATED RIVER SEDIMENTS KLÁRA HILSCHEROVÁ,*y LADISLAV DUŠEK,y TEREZA ŠÍDLOVÁ,y VERONIKA JÁLOVÁ,y PAVEL ČUPR,y JOHN P. GIESY,z§k SLAVOMÍR NEHYBA,# JIŘÍ JARKOVSKÝ,y JANA KLÁNOVÁ,y and IVAN HOLOUBEKy yRECETOX—Research Centre for Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice 3, CZ 625 00 Brno, Czech Republic zDepartment Biomedical Veterinary Sciences and Toxicology Centre, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, SK S7N 5B3, Canada §Zoology Department and Center for Integrative Toxicology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA kEnvironmental Science Program, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China #Department of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, CZ 61137 Brno, Czech Republic (Submitted 3 September 2008; Returned for Revision 10 October 2008; Accepted 12 January 2009) Abstract— River sediments are a dynamic system, especially in areas where floods occur frequently. In the present study, an integrative approach is used to investigate the seasonal and spatial dynamics of contamination of sediments from a regularly flooded industrial area in the Czech Republic, which presents a suitable model ecosystem for pollutant distribution research at a regional level. Surface sediments were sampled repeatedly to represent two different hydrological situations: spring (after the peak of high flow) and autumn (after longer period of low flow). Samples were characterized for abiotic parameters and concentrations of priority organic pollutants. Toxicity was assessed by Microtox test; genotoxicity by SOS-chromotest and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-yeast test; and the presence of compounds with specific mode of action by in vitro bioassays for dioxin-like activity, anti-/androgenicity, and anti-/ estrogenicity. Distribution of organic contaminants varied among regions and seasonally. Although the results of Microtox and genotoxicity tests were relatively inconclusive, all other specific bioassays led to statistically significant regional and seasonal differences in profiles and allowed clear separation of upstream and downstream regions. The outcomes of these bioassays indicated an association with concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) as master variables. There were significant interrelations among dioxin-like activity, antiandrogenicity and content of organic carbon, clay, and concentration of PAHs and PCBs, which documents the significance of abiotic factors in accumulation of pollutants. The study demonstrates the strength of the specific bioassays in indicating the changes in contamination and emphasizes the crucial role of a well-designed sampling plan, in which both spatial and temporal dynamics should be taken into account, for the correct interpretations of information in risk assessments. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2010;29:522–534. # 2009 SETAC Keywords—Sediment Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Polychlorinated biphenyls Organic carbon In vitro bioassays mixtures of biologically active compounds with different mechanisms of action, often in relatively small concentrations, which may interact to produce additive, supra-additive, or infraadditive effects. Association with sediments and particulate matter is of major importance for fate and effects of trace contaminants in aquatic systems. Among the important pollutants accumulating in sediments are the hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs), such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), which can persist in this matrix for long periods and bioaccumulate and biomagnify in the food chain. However, it has been well documented that classes of chemicals other than HOCs, such as polyphenolic plasticizers, xenohormones, various pesticides, personal care products, and pharmaceuticals [4–6], can enter sediments and possibly affect aquatic life. It has been also recognized that riverine sediments can be a major sink for and a potential source of estrogenic contaminants [7,8]. Many of these compounds are not routinely monitored, and their toxic effects are not yet fully described. Moreover, it is possible that other chemicals of artificial as well as of natural origin INTRODUCTION The dynamics of sediment contamination are an important issue, i.e., in areas with historical and existing pollution sources also in the practical pursuit of the European Water Framework Directive [1]. The effort of governmental environmental organizations is to set concentration limits for the most widespread pollutants in river sediments and thus control the contamination [2]. However, insofar as river sediments represent a dynamic system in areas with occurrence of floods, both spatial and temporal dynamics should be taken into account in risk assessment. Aquatic sediments serve as a sink for various environmental pollutants. They are considered an important stocking place for contaminants and thus can integrate potential exposure in aquatic ecosystems [3]. Sediments can contain complex * To whom correspondence may be addressed (hilscherova@recetox.muni.cz). Presented at the 1st International Workshop on Aquatic Toxicology and Biomonitoring, Vodnany, Czech Republic, August 27–29, 2008. Published online 10 December 2009 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). 522 Seasonal/regional bioassays responses to polluted sediments whose toxicities have not yet been determined may also be present in sediments [9]. Chemical analyses of complex mixtures of organic residues in sediments provide little information on the biological effects of complex mixtures, and they do not take into account possible interactions among individual chemicals. Moreover, instrumental quantification methods and standards are available only for some compounds, whereas others may not be identified or quantified. Bioassays for general toxicity and genotoxicity as well as biotests based on specific cellular responses have been applied to evaluate biological potencies of various types of environmental samples, including sediments [10–12]. Responses mediated through specific receptors such as estrogen receptor (ER), androgen receptor (AR), and aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) are known to be involved in some endocrinedisruptive and other adverse effects of xenobiotics [13]. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated effects are considered a valuable marker of contamination by dioxin-like compounds [14] that can negatively affect liver functions as well as immunity or the endocrine and nervous systems. Sediments polluted with persistent organic pollutants (POPs), many of which are ligands of the AhR, are a cause of concern around the industrialized world [6,15,16]. Bioassays that can integrate the effects and determine the potencies of mixtures in environmental samples offer relatively rapid and cost effective means of prioritizing samples before more elaborate chemical analyses [17]. These bioanalytical techniques serve as simple, sensitive screening systems for the presence of chemicals and also account for their possible interactions without the need to identify and quantify individual compounds [18]. The application of instrumental analyses to quantify specific compounds in combination with bioassays to quantify the total activity can help in assessing the potential effects of complex mixtures and determining the probability of the presence of unidentified active compounds. Polluted sediments in rivers can be subject to remobilization, transport, and redistribution during certain times of year because of periods of high flow, floods, or human activities [19]. In remobilization processes, the long-term role of river sediments as sinks changes into a secondary contamination source, and the residues associated with sediments can be resuspended [20,21] and redistributed throughout the aquatic ecosystem, posing potential risk to the downstream sites [3,22]. An important role in interaction of organic pollutants with sediments and their release under certain conditions is played by the abiotic and biotic sediment characteristics; the most crucial ones are the amount and character of the particulate organic matter as well as the size and specific surface of the sediment particles [23–25]. Risk assessment of river sediments as a complex and dynamic environmental matrix requires an integrative approach of several environmental disciplines, including sedimentology, geochemistry, environmental chemistry, and ecotoxicology. In the present study, we report the results from a large-scale assessment of river sediments in a prototypical industrial area in the Czech Republic, which represents a suitable model ecosystem for pollutant distribution research at a regional level [26]. Results of related investigations focused on contact sediment toxicity in relation to contamination, and sediment characteristics are reported in another study by Bláha et al. [27] in this issue. Parts of the selected model study area (Zlı́n region of Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 2010 523 the Czech Republic) are regularly flooded, and the water and sediment quality has been impacted by historical industrial and agricultural activities. Thus there is potential for contamination by various types of pollutants and also a risk of redistribution of the contamination during floods, which has been documented in our previous study [26]. The present study investigates the seasonal and spatial dynamic of contamination of the sediments from the Morava River and the Drevnice River and its tributaries in this regularly flooded model area. A two-year study of river sediments has been performed to reveal temporal and spatial variations in contamination with traditionally studied pollutants, compounds with specific mode of action (dioxin-like and endocrine disruptive potencies), as well as toxic or genotoxic potencies. The principal aims of the study were to examine associations among outcomes of chemical and biological activity-based analyses in regionally and seasonally designed biomonitoring study, to quantify main sources of variability in the environmental data and their influence on bioindication potential of applied bioassays, to perform multivariate pattern analysis and extract clusters of abiotic and biotic measures with environmentally relevant interpretation, and to assess seasonally driven changes in profiles of environmental parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS Sediments were sampled at 14 localities of the Morava River (one of the major tributaries of the Danube) as well as the Drevnice River, which flows into the Morava, and its tributaries, in the Zlı́n region, Czech Republic, where diverse sources of anthropogenic contamination (rural, industrial, diffuse) have existed for centuries (Fig. 1). Samples were collected during four campaigns in spring and autumn of 2005 and 2006, with a total of 56 sediment samples. The campaigns represent two different hydrological situations: spring (after the peak of early spring high flow) and autumn (after longer period of low flow). The sampling sites represent five regions (labeled I–V) within this area (Fig. 1A), which include rural as well as urban and industrialized areas. The characteristics of each region and potential sources of contamination are provided in Table 1. The sites were classified into these regions according to their location and contamination characteristics based on longer-term pollution data presented in our previous study [26]. The division into the regions has been validated by cluster analysis (Fig. 1B). Regions I and II represent the source streams of the river Drevnice, region III corresponds to the downstream part of this river in urban industrial area, region IV covers the larger river Morava above the confluence with Drevnice, and region V covers the rivers below the confluence and the outflow of the whole area. Surface sediments (from top 10 cm layer) were collected by use of a trowel from the sedimentation basis of the riverbed in zones of calm flow close to the riverbank. Representative samples were prepared by mixing five to eight subsamples from an area of approximately 4 m2. Pieces of material greater than 1 cm were removed, and sediments were freeze dried. Dry sediments were homogenized, ground with a pestle and mortar, and sieved using a 2-mm sieve. Total organic carbon content (TOC) was determined by use of a high-temperature TOC/TNb Analyzer LiquiTOC II (Elementar Analysensysteme). Detailed grain size distribution was determined with combined sieving and laser diffraction 524 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 2010 K. Hilscherová et al. Fig. 1. Locations of sediment sampling sites (SED) and regions I to V in the area of interest (A) and multivariate clustering of sediment sites on the basis of concentration of organic pollutants (B). methods to cover the wide size spectra. The Retsch AS 200 sieving machine covers the coarser grain fractions (0.063– 4 mm), whereas the Cilas 1064 laser diffraction granulometer was used for finer grained sediments (0.0004–0.5 mm). Ultrasonic dispersion and distilled water were used prior to analyses in order to avoid flocculation of particles. Particles of less than 4 mm diameter were described as clay. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) of sediments was calculated as the sum of chemical equivalents of Hþ (from pH), Ca2þ, Mg2þ (determined by flame atomic absorption Drevnice (Zlin—Prstne) Drevnice (below Malenovice) Drevnice—Otrokovice Morava—Kvasice Morava (above the confluence with Drevnice) Morava—Napajedla Morava—Spytihnev Morava—Kostelany Region III SED7 SED8 SED9 Region IV SED10 SED11 Region V SED12 SED13 SED14 Silty sand Sandy silt Silty sand Silty sand Sandy silt Silty sand Sandy silt Silty sand Sandy gravel Silty sand Silty sand Silty sand Silty sand Silty sand (0.4–0.9) (0.6–5.2) (1.0–1.2) (1.2–2.9) 1.4 (0.1–3.6) 2.9 (1.3–3.1) 1.4 (0.6–3.0) 1.5 (0.8–2.0) 1.3 (0.7–2.4) 4.3 (3.3–4.5) 3.3 (2.6–4.1) 2.8 (1.4–3.5) 0.6 2.2 1.0 1.7 3.1 (1.6–4.6) 1.8 (1.5–3.9) TOC (%) median (min–max) (238–306) (206–614) (174–394) (239–695) 212 (32–388) 285 (164–629) 193 (162–715) 266 (123–282) 321 (124–344) 598 (554–634) 549 (350–565) 393 (193–495) 255 341 273 288 382 (356–431) 478 (387–671) CEC (meq/kg) median (min–max) (0.9–2.1) (3.8–6.6) (1.6–4.0) (3.3–4.4) 3.4 (0.3–9.7) 12.0 (2.8–12.4) 4.5 (1.4–6.8) 7.2 (2–12.7) 7.9 (1.4–8.4) 4.7 (4–7.1) 8.7 (6.9–17) 5.0 (0.6–9.8) 1.5 4.9 3.4 3.4 5.6 (4–7.5) 5.9 (4.4–7.9) Clay (%) median (min–max) (8.8–14) (4–8.1) (9–12) (1–49) 14.5 (4–31) 14.0 (13–36) 6.3 (5.6–7) 9.0 (4–14) 15.0 (45–34) 50.0 20.5 (1–40) 48.5 (37–51) 11.5 6.0 10.0 3.5 6.0 (3–7) 12.5 (3–45) Anthropogenic matrices (%) median (min–max) AG, SW, SFC, TF, OEL, industry: chemistry, food, energy AG, OEL, SW industry: chemistry and other AG, OEL, SFC, SW, TF industry: chemistry, energy, processing of metals AG, SFC, OEL, SW, TF, industry: chemistry Local sources (SFC) Contamination sources TOC ¼ total organic carbon content; CEC ¼ cation exchange capacity; AG ¼ agriculture; OEL ¼ old ecological loads; SFC ¼ solid fuels combustion; SW ¼ sewage waters; TF ¼ traffic emissions. Lutoninka downstream Lutoninka above the confluence with Drevnice Drevnice (below the confluence with Trnavka)—Slusovice Drevnice (below the confluence with Lutoninka)—Lipa Region II SED3 SED4 SED5 SED6 a Bratrejovka—Bratrejov Lutoninka upstream Site name Region I SED1 SED2 Site code Texture (prevailing type) Table 1. Characteristics of sampled sediments (based on sediment dry wt) and sampling sites (Czech Republic)a Seasonal/regional bioassays responses to polluted sediments Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 2010 525 526 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 2010 spectrometry), and Kþ (determined by flame atomic emission spectrometry) in Mehlichs II extractants. For the analyses of organic pollutants and assessment of the extracts in bioassays, 10 g of lyophilized sediments was extracted with dichloromethane using an automatic Büchi extractor (Büchi Labortechnik AG). Laboratory blank and reference material were analyzed with each set of samples, and surrogate recovery standards were used for quality assurance/quality control samples prior to extraction. Terphenyl and PCB 121 were used as internal standards for PAHs and PCBs analyses, respectively. Activated Cu was used for S removal. Fractionation was achieved on a silica gel column; a sulfuric acid-modified silica gel column was used for PCBs/OCPs analysis. Samples were analyzed using a GC-MS instrument (HP 6890, HP 5973; Agilent) supplied with a J&W Scientific fused-silica column DB-5MS 5% Ph for PCBs (PCB 28, PCB 52, PCB 101, PCB 118, PCB 153, PCB 138, PCB 180), OCPs (isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane: a-HCH, b-HCH, g-HCH, d-HCH; p,p0 dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene DDE, p,p0 -dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane DDD, p,p0 -dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane DDT; hexachlorobenzene HCB; pentachlorbenzene PeCB), and 16 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Concentrations of contaminants were quantified using Pesticide Mix 13 (Dr. Ehrenstorfer, Augsburg, Germany) and PAH Mix 27 (Promochem) standard mixtures. Bioassays Toxicities of extracts were quantified by use of the bacterial Microtox test and genotoxicity with SOS-chromotest and green fluorescent protein (GFP)-yeast test. Sediment contamination by compounds with specific modes of action was assessed by in vitro bioassays for the dioxin-like activity, anti-/androgenicity, and anti-/estrogenicity. The Microtox assay uses freeze-dried luminescent bacteria (Vibrio fischeri) as test organisms [28]. Toxicity of the sample was determined by measuring the decrease in bioluminescence of bacteria and expressed as the concentration causing 50% light reduction compared with negative control (EC50). To compare the toxicity of individual samples, EC50 was transformed into toxic units (TU ¼ 100/EC50). Genotoxicity was quantified spectrophotometrically from the response of reporter gene directly linked to the DNA damage of Escherichia coli tester strain in the SOS-chromotest [29]. In the GFP assay, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain contains a multiple-copy plasmid bearing the RAD54 gene fused to the GFP gene [30]. Induction of the RAD54 promoter as a result of DNA damage results in production of the GFP, which was quantified by using a fluorescence polarization detector. In both assays for genotoxicity, the general toxicity was assessed at the same time. Cytotoxicity values as a result of more general macromolecular damage (SOS-T, GFP-T) are based on absorbance data (SOS, alkaline phosphatase activity; GFP, cell density) that give an indication of reduction in proliferative potential, and these data were normalized to the untreated control. Genotoxicity data (SOS-G, GFP-G) are based on induction of reporter gene (absorbance or fluorescence detection) in the cells of test strains normalized to the untreated control (¼1). The samples for which the induction factor was greater than 1.5 (SOS) or 1.3 (GFP) for any tested concentration were determined to be significantly genotoxic. K. Hilscherová et al. The potencies of the sediment extracts to elicit dioxin-like effects via AhR signaling were determined with the H4IIE-luc bioassay (rat hepatocarcinoma cells stably transfected with luciferase gene under control of AhR) [11]. The ER-mediated activity of sediment extracts was evaluated in bioassay with human breast carcinoma cell line MVLN transfected with estrogen receptor-linked luciferase gene. Procedural details for both assays have been described previously [10,11]. The H4IIE-luc cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) and MVLN cells in DMEM/F12 medium (Sigma-Aldrich), both supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum Mycoplex (PAA). All cell culture bioassays were performed in 96-well microplates. The H4IIE-luc cells were exposed in the cultivation medium, and the MVLN cell line was exposed in DMEM/F12 supplemented with 5% dialyzed fetal calf serum (PAA), which was additionally dextran/charcoal treated to decrease background levels of estradiol further. After plating, cells were exposed to dilutions of sediment extracts or standards for 24 h in triplicate. The standard calibration was performed with reference compounds: 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD; 0–500 pM) in case of H4IIE-luc or 17b-estradiol (E2; 0–500 pM) for MVLN. Effects of sediment extracts on MVLN cells were assessed either singly or in combination with 33 pM E2 as the competing endogenous ligand. After 24 h of exposure, the intensity of luciferase luminescence was measured using the Promega Steady Glo Kit. Cytotoxicity of tested dilutions of the samples was measured using neutral red uptake assay [31], and data from cytotoxic sample dilutions were excluded from calculations. The effects elicited by sediment extracts were related to the luciferase induction caused by the reference compounds and expressed as TCDD or estradiol equivalents (BIOTEQ and EEQ, respectively). The bioluminescent yeast assay was used for detecting anti-/ androgenic activity of the sediment extracts. The assay is based on the S. cerevisiae strain stably transfected with human AR along with firefly luciferase under transcriptional control of androgen-responsive element [32,33]. The yeast cells were incubated in 96-well culture plates with the sample alone or in combination with testosterone (108 M) for 3 h, and then the signal was detected after adding D-luciferin substrate. The results from the AR-specific yeast strain have been normalized to the results from the constitutively luminescent strain to cover the effects of the samples on yeast propagation [32]. The results from sample dilutions that were considered cytotoxic were discarded from the data analyses. Antiestrogenicity and antiandrogenicity correspond to the decrease in activity of the signal given by a specified amount of competing estradiol or testosterone. The responses are shown either as IC50 (concentration that reduces the effect by 50%) values or, for better clarity of the trends in graphs, expressed as an index of antiestrogenicity (AE) or antiandrogenicity (AA), which correspond to reciprocal values of IC50. Statistical analysis Sample frequency distributions were examined prior to statistical analyses, and standard, robust summary statistics were used to describe distribution patterns in the primary data. Nonparametric tests were applied for mutual comparisons of two or more variants (Mann–Whitney test, Kruskal–Wallis test, mean ranks post hoc test). Two-way ANOVA was applied to Seasonal/regional bioassays responses to polluted sediments examine relative contribution of regions and seasons to the overall experimental variability. Log transformation Ln(X þ 1) of both chemical and biological parameters was verified as effective in reaching the normality (goodness-of-fit test and Shapiro–Wilk’s test). For toxicity tests with possible outcome in negative values, the transformation function Ln(X þ 100) was applied. The transformation also sufficiently stabilized the variability of parameters (Levene’s test), which further facilitated usage of the ANOVA model. Both Spearman rank correlation coefficient (rs) and Pearson’s product-limit correlation (with log-transformed variables) were applied as measures of association among the compared parameters. The log transformation allowed multivariate clustering of sediment sites according to concentration profile of organic pollutants (based on Euclidean distances and the farthest neighbor algorithm). Multivariate variation of the bioassays performed, as well as chemical parameters, was further summarized by use of principal component analysis (PCA). Component loading vectors explained the relationships among the biotests and chemical contamination. Component score vectors were second key outcomes of PCA as pairwise uncorrelated variables that were used for the final exploratory survey of the data from sites and regions. The most informative bilinear projections showing the associations between objects (examined sediment sites) and variables (bioassays and chemical parameters) were reached if logarithmically transformed variables directly entered the PCA, i.e., analyses based on covariance matrix. Component weight vectors were scaled to the length one. Biplot was used as a common graphical tool representing not only projections on extracted principal components but also the 2-D loadings of original variables by lines. The analyses were performed in Statistica1 for Windows1 8.0 (StatSoft) and SPSS 12.0. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Because sediments are a dynamic system, which has been shown to function as a secondary source of contamination in areas with existing pollution sources and occurrence of floods [34], a range of sites was selected to cover all locally important regions and types of areas in the river basin and to detect probable active sources of pollution (Table 1 and Fig. 1). The selection of site and region sampling design was based on our previous study, which has documented the potential for redistribution of the pollutants in the studied model area during floods as well as regional differences in contamination with HOCs [26]. The seasonal sampling strategy effectively extended the range of detectable environmental concentrations of all key pollutants and thus allowed relevant correlation with responses of applied bioassays. In both years, the spring sampling characterized the period after the greatest annual discharge, whereas both autumn samplings characterized the conditions of least discharge. The repeated successive sampling revealed substantial heterogeneity in many sediment characteristics, with the following regional profile (Table 1 and Fig. 2). The more upstream sediments in the Drevnice watershed (sed 1–6) had typically low concentration of TOC, low content of clay, and low proportion of anthropogenic materials during both seasons. The same was observed for the most downstream sampling points (sed 10–14), but mostly during spring. The downstream sites accumulated both clay and TOC from spring Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 2010 527 to autumn; the seasonal changes are responsible for greater variability of abiotic characteristics in the most downstream locations. On the other hand, the sites located in the middle of the area of interest (sed 7–9) were easily and significantly distinguished from the others by substantially greater TOC and clay content, greater proportion of anthropogenic materials, and greater CEC (Table 1 and Fig. 2). No sediment quality criteria (SQC) have been promulgated in the Czech Republic, but the concentrations of PAHs at some sites exceeded the maximal permissible limit for sediments and also the effect range median values suggested in the literature [2,35]. However, the PAHs concentrations were comparable to those in other contaminated sediments from the Czech Republic [11] and worldwide [25,36–38]. Concentrations of PCBs and OCPs in sediments were generally less than SQC suggested in the literature, with few exceptions [37]. Results from some of the sites demonstrated large regional differences among the concentrations of residues and the character of the sediments and the potencies of the extracts in the bioassays. Therefore, clustering of searching for homogeneous groups of sites should improve interpretation of results, both from ecotoxicological and from regional perspectives. Distribution of all main organic contaminants was found to be strongly regionally and seasonally determined. Because of the significant seasonal differences, the sites were clustered according to the concentration of the primary organic pollutants of concern (PAHs, PCBs, HCHs, HCB, PeCB) separately for spring and autumn. The clustering classified sediments into five regions (Figs. 1B and 2). Regions I and II, Drevnice upstream areas, were characterized by local sources of contamination predominated by PAHs, in both spring and autumn. A seasonally changeable central area was defined as region III. In spring, contamination in this region resembled that in the more upstream region, but, in autumn, this region was clustered with the downstream sites. These changes hypothetically reflected interseasonal transport of sediment material. Region III was distinct from the others in having greater concentrations of PAHs, HCHs, HCB, and DDTs. Region IV expectedly groups the sites located upstream in the Morava River, which has sources of contamination different from those of the Drevnice River and is classified differently from the other areas both in spring and autumn (Fig. 1B). Region V can be regarded as the efflux of the whole area, exposed to waters from the Drevnice River and from upstream areas of the Morava River. It inevitably resulted in increased heterogeneity among samples. All sites clustered in this region exhibited the greatest seasonal changes in contamination. The clustering (Fig. 1B) and concentrations of residues measured (Fig. 2) indicate that both regional and seasonal differences are important. Such a structured area cannot be reliably represented by a single sampling campaign. However, the regional and seasonal differences are not necessarily coupled. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are evidently the predominant pollutants of the region, in spring with increased upstream concentrations and in autumn as a ubiquitous group of contaminants. Polychlorinated biphenyls are also an important but dynamic group, in spring with higher concentrations upstream; however, in autumn, the profile was reversed, with greater concentrations observed downstream than upstream. The other chlorinated POPs were found to be less regionally dynamic, with profiles similar to the profile of Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 2010 8.0 6.0 a ab a a a 2.0 3 Σ PAHs (µg/kg; x10 ) a II III IV V Spring 40 30 a a I III 50 Autumn 40 a IV 10 b b a a 0 I II III IV 20 10 10 Spring 8.0 II III IV 6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 a a a Autumn 0.0 2.0 a a 0.0 I II III IV V Region I - V V a II III IV 10 % - 90 % quantiles II III IV V b 40 b 20 b a 20 b a ab a 0 II III IV I V Spring II III IV Autumn 50 40 V b 40 30 ab b 20 V I a 60 a a I II 30 ab 20 a a a a 10 0 I a 80 40 10 a Autumn 100 a 60 50 a a IV Spring I b a III 80 V a 0 II 0 I V b 2.0 20 100 10 0 40 30 I a 20 a a 30 V a a a 0 30 20 8.0 II b 50 a 40 Autumn 60 b 50 0.0 I Σ HCHs (µg/kg) 4.0 a 2.0 0.0 50 a a Spring 60 6.0 b 4.0 Autumn Anthropogenic matrices (%) Spring Σ PCBs (µg/kg) TOC (%) 8.0 K. Hilscherová et al. Σ DDTs (µg/kg) 528 0 Median III IV I V II III IV V Region I - V Fig. 2. Regional levels of selected sediment characteristics and concentrations of organic pollutants in spring and autumn. Values marked by the same lowercase letter were not significantly different ( p < 0.05; Kruskal–Wallis test and mean ranks post hoc test). TOC ¼ total organic carbon; PAHs ¼ polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; PCBs ¼ polychlorinated biphenyls; HCHs ¼ hexachlorocyclohexanes. Table 2. Range of abiotic characteristics (based on sediment dry wt) and contamination of examined sites in a two-way ANOVA modela Range of regional median valuesb Two-way ANOVA modeld Soil characteristics/ pollutant Spring samples Autumn samples Range of seasonal median valuesc (spring–autumn) Regions (%) Seasons (%) Interaction regions seasons (%) TOC (%) CEC (meq/kg) Clay (%) Anthropogenic mixture (%) P PAHs (mg/kg) 3-ring PAHs (mg/kg) 4–5-ring PAHs (mg/kg) >5-ring PAHs (mg/kg) P PCBs (mg/kg) 3–4-Cl PCB (mg/kg) 5-Cl PCB (mg/kg) 6–7-Cl PCB (mg/kg) P PHCHs (mg/kg) DDTs (mg/kg) HCB (mg/kg) PeCB (mg/kg) 0.81–3.8 162–554 2.9–6.9 9.7–48 1 569–14 757 184–1,745 788–7,895 598–5,117 2.6–47 0.4–1.8 0.4–7.8 2.0–38 0.4–1.1 1.9–5.8 1.1–8.4 0.04–0.47 1.6–2.9 307–481 3.1–9.4 7 – 32.5 11,170–18,728 1,151–3,158 6 630–12,856 3 389–7,289 11.0–29.4 0.7–3.1 1.1–3.3 7.6–19.9 0.6–2.5 5.2–23.8 1.0–4.9 0.08–0.52 1.54–2.42 303–404 4.7–5.7 8.5–21.3 9,444–16,061 1,006–1,820 5,105–8,496 3,433–4651 5.9–14.6 0.8–1.1 1.1–1.8 4.0–11.7 0.9–1.1 4.2–9.1 2.5–2.0 0.08–0.15 41 50 32 23 38.5 24 43 43 26 28 22 25 8.5 11.9 62 22 9.2 9.2 3.5 11 21 17 18 19 8.5 6.1 2.3 9.1 9.2 6.5 3.1 0.2 NS 15 21 NS NS NS NS NS 48 NS 50 41 25 18 NS NS a TOC ¼ total organic carbon content; CEC ¼ cation exchange capacity; PAHs ¼ polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; PCBs ¼ polychlorinated biphenyls; HCHs ¼ hexachlorocyclohexanes; HCB ¼ hexachlorobenzene; PeCB ¼ pentachlorbenzene; NS ¼ nonsignificant. b Minimum and maximum of regionally calculated median values (regions I–V; see also Table 1). c Spring–autumn median values calculated over all examined sites. d Components of overall variability that belong to the differences among regions, seasons and their interaction (if significant). Calculated as ratios of relevant sum of squares (two-way ANOVA model; log-transformed primary data. Statistically significant effect of a given component: p < 0.05. Seasonal/regional bioassays responses to polluted sediments Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 2010 529 Table 3. Response of bioassays (based on sediment dry wt) in examined sites in two-way ANOVA modela Range of regional median valuesb Toxicological parameters Microtox (TU) SOS-T 15 mg/ml (%)e SOS-G 15 mg/mle GFP-T 15 mg/ml (%)e GFP-G 15 mg/mle BIOTEQ (ng/g) EEQ (ng/g) AE IC50 (mg) AA IC50 (mg) Two-way ANOVA modeld Spring samples Autumn samples Range of seasonal median valuesc (spring–autumn) Regions (%) Seasons (%) Interaction: regions seasons 39–218 ()10.8–(þ)13.8 0.88–1.03 ()5.1–(þ)53.0 0.9–1.3 1.0–8.7 0.01–0.12 1.31–5.76 0.11–0.72 181–925 9.7–31.7 0.85–0.99 40.7–60.3 0.8–1.5 2.6–7.6 0.11–0.34 0.20–0.81 0.15–0.49 83–329 7.9–22.9 0.93–0.90 35.3–49.7 1.1–1.2 4.3–4.4 0.05–0.18 1.55–0.35 0.23–0.28 3.3 3.3 8.5 11 12 43 19 16 30 66 20 1.3 27 0.7 1.9 53 37 0.1 NS NS NS 16 NS NS NS NS NS a TU ¼ toxic unit (TU ¼ 100/EC50), SOS-T and SOS-G ¼ toxicity and genotoxicity from SOS chromotest, GFP-T and GFP-G ¼ toxicity and genotoxicity from GFP test, BIOTEQ ¼ TCDD-equivalent, EEQ ¼ estradiol-equivalent, AE IC50/AA IC50 ¼ sediment equivalent that reduces the effect by 50% for antiestrogenic/antiandrogenic effect; NS ¼ nonsignificant. b Minimum and maximum of regionally calculated median values (regions I–V; see also Table 1). c Spring–autumn median values calculated over all examined sites. d Components of overall variability that belong to the differences among regions, seasons and their interaction (if significant). Calculated as ratios of relevant sum of squares (two-way ANOVA model; log-transformed primary data. e Applied dose: 15 mg sediment in ml assay reaction mixture. Statistically significant effect of a given component: p < 0.05. PCBs in autumn, when concentrations were greater in regions IV and V than in regions I and II. Concentrations of HCHs and DDTs were greater in autumn than in spring, whereas the opposite trend was observed for HCB. The results are confirmed also in Table 2, in which both regional and seasonal components of variability are investigated by use of the two-way ANOVA model. There were statistically significant contributions of most of the pollutants to discrimination among regions (sites), but only PAHs exhibited systematic seasonal changes (remarkably increased concentration from spring to autumn, in median values from 9.4 to 16 mg/kg, dry wt). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons comprising more than Autumn 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.4 a a 0.1 b II III IV V Spring a a a 0.1 12 a II III IV a a a a 9 9 6 6 ab 3 a 3 b 0 0 I II III IV V Region I - V a a a I II III IV V 10 % - 90 % quantiles b ab 6 b 3 0 I II III IV V a I II Autumn Spring 12 ab IV b 4 V ab 8 b 6 ab III a 10 ab 8 b 6 b 4 2 2 0 0 Median a 9 b 3 10 a 12 6 12 a 15 9 V Autumn a a 18 0 I 12 Autumn 15 0.0 I Antiestrogenity index AE = 1/IC50 (1/mgsed) a 0.2 b 0.0 12 a 0.3 ab 0.2 Spring 18 BIOTEQ (ng/g) 0.6 Antiandrogenity index AA = 1/IC50 (1/mgsed) EEQ (ng/g) Spring three rings contributed to the discrimination among regions more substantially than the dynamic group with three rings, which corresponds to their higher KOW values and increased association with bottom sediments. The seasonality of PAH concentrations along with TOC has also been shown in a recent study from Chinese rivers [25]. Different seasonal distribution patterns among regions were found for PCBs, HCHs, and DDTs and statistically justified by the region–season interaction component of the model. Polychlorinated biphenyls containing more than four chlorine atoms were the most variable contaminant group in the area of interest, with the most significant interaction regions seasons in the ANOVA model (Table 2). I II III IV V I II III IV V Region I - V Fig. 3. Regional values of the performed bioassays analyzed separately for spring and autumn seasons. Values marked by the same lowercase letter were not significantly different ( p < 0.05; Kruskal–Wallis test). EEQ ¼ estradiol-equivalent; BIOTEQ ¼ TCDD-equivalent; AE/AA ¼ antiestrogenic/antiandrogenic index; IC50 (mg) ¼ sediment equivalent that reduces the effect by 50%. 530 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 2010 K. Hilscherová et al. All the other main groups of pollutants showed only locally specific differences. In comparison with the health risk assessment, which is usually based on chemical analyses of only a small part of the present contaminants, the bioassays allowed us to evaluate the potential effects of the mixture. Bioassays, both specific and nonspecific, were employed to characterize the sediments and to augment the information provided by the concentrations in the A measurement of traditional contaminants (Table 3). Generally, the Microtox toxicity and genotoxicity tests were relatively inconclusive and showed high variability of the repeated measurements, so they were not able to separate regions. The results of the Microtox test were the most variable of all of the bioassays, but there were still statistically significant differences between seasons. The results of the genotoxicity tests (SOS-G and GFP-G) were not able to separate regions and Spring samples Autumn samples 2 2 SED7 1.5 1.5 region III SED8 SED11 HCB SED14 SED12 DDTs HCHs Microtox SOS-T 0 -0.5 SED9 0 -1 GFP-G 1.5 2 -2 SED2 EEQ 0.5 -1.5 SED10 -1 PAH TEQ SED4 SED3 BIOTEQ GFP-G 0 -0.5 SOS-G 0.5 PAH TEQ PAHs PAHs EEQ 1.5 2 SED2 SED5 region II -2 region I+II SED3 -1.5 -2 1 PeCB HCB 0.8 Clay content 0.6 HCHs DDTs 3-4 Cl PCB PCBs 5 Cl PCB 6-7 Cl PCB AE 0.4 CEC TOC AA 0.2 SOS-T PAHs PAH TEQ >5 rings PAHs Microtox PC1 score (36.4 %) BIOTEQ 0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 SOS-G GFP-G -0.6 Biotests -0.8 Abiotic sediment parameters -1 GFP-T 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 3 rings PAHs 4-5 rings PAHs PC2 score (20.1 %) -0.4 Chemical parameters 0.2 -0.2 EEQ PC 2 score (20.1%) -1 1 SED4 SED6 -1 SED5 PC2 score (20.1 %) PC2 score (22.4 %) B PC1 score (33.7 %) SOS-T 0 SED1 -1.5 AA AE -0.5 -1 SED7 Microtox HCB SED14 SED9 1 GFP-T PC1 score (45.8%) region III DDTs GFP-T SED11 BIOTEQ PCBs AA 0.5 SOS-G -0.5 region V AE SED8 1 PeCB PCBs region I SED1 SED6 0.5 PeCB -1.5 SED12 SED13 SED10 -2 region IV+V 1 region IV SED13 HCHs Fig. 4. Biplot presentation of regionally specific associations between main groups of contaminants and performed biotests in season-specific factor analysis (A) and multivariate pattern of association among main groups of contaminants, abiotic parameters, and bioassays calculated with aggregated regional and seasonal data (B). EEQ ¼ estradiol-equivalent; BIOTEQ ¼ TCDD-equivalent; AE/AA ¼ antiestrogenic/antiandrogenic index; SOS-T and SOS-G ¼ toxicity and genotoxicity from SOS-chromotest; GFP-T and GFP-G ¼ toxicity and genotoxicity from GFP test; PAH TEQ ¼ dioxin equivalent calculated from chemical analysis; CEC ¼ cation exchange capacity; TOC ¼ total organic carbon; PAHs ¼ polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; PCBs ¼ polychlorinated biphenyls HCHs ¼ hexachlorocyclohexanes; HCB ¼ hexachlorobenzene; PeCB ¼ pentachlorbenzene; SED ¼ sediment. Seasonal/regional bioassays responses to polluted sediments Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 2010 provided slight differences between seasons. As for the toxicity responses, the results of SOS-T test were also inconclusive, and only seasons could be discriminated on the basis of this assay; similar results were also found for GFP-T, with which the influence of season and region season interaction was found to be as statistically significant. There was a lack of correlation of the toxicity/genotoxicity with the studied groups of pollutants, which indicates that the toxic/genotoxic potency was probably more related to other pollutants/stressors than measured in our study. In contrast to the toxicity and genotoxicity tests, all the other specific bioassays led to statistically detectable differences among regions and between seasons profiles (Fig. 3). The primary conclusion that corresponded to the findings in the chemical part of the monitoring was the clear distinction of the upstream (I–III) from downstream (IV–V) regions, especially in spring. The multivariate PCA analyses combining biological and chemical measures confirmed that mutual association of the parameters clearly separated upstream and downstream sites (Fig. 4), with additional separation of Morava River sites in region IV. Results of sediments from the central area (region III) were clustered differently in spring and autumn. The pattern corresponded to the profile of PAHs and was typical for EEQ and BIOTEQ. The results of both assays were correlated with PAHs and partially with PCBs as master variables in the season-specific factor analysis. Aggregating spring and autumn samples in the PCA revealed internal separation of different PAHs and PCBs as well (Fig. 4B). The concentrations of EEQ were more closely correlated with PAHs containing fewer than five rings, whereas concentrations of BIOTEQ were more associated with PAHs containing more than five rings. Polychlorinated biphenyls could not be analyzed as a thoroughly homogeneous group; the three- or four-Cl group differed in position from the others. The summed three- or fourCl PCBs were less significantly correlated with EEQ and with BIOTEQ than the other PCBs. Apart from the internal diversity, the associations of concentrations of PAHs with EEQ or BIOTEQ were statistically significant and formed the primary trajectory, which explained the greatest proportion of the variability and was associated with the first principal component in all analyses (Fig. 4). Antiandrogenic potency was correlated with concentrations of both PAHs and PCBs, similarly to the relationships with concentrations of both BIOTEQ and EEQ. All these measures were able to discriminate significantly regions I and II from IV and V, especially in spring (Figs. 3 and 4). Although PAHs were the primary discriminating factor in the analysis, other chlorinated compounds, such as HCHs, HCB, DDTs, and PeCB, followed the interseasonal behavior of PCBs. Therefore, all the bioassay results correlated with PCBs partially associated also with these POPs. However, none of the other POPs could be regarded as master independent variables for these associations. Increased concentrations of HCHs and DDTs were partially correlated with Microtox and SOS-T assay, but without statistical significance (Fig. 4). The correlation of the outcomes of specific bioassays with PAH and PCB concentrations suggests their potential contribution to the observed activities, namely, to the dioxin-like and partially to the estrogenic activity, as was shown in our previous studies [10,11]. However, the greater presence of these studied pollutants also indicates the overall higher level of pollution in some regions. Namely, for the estrogenic and antiandrogenic Correlation with CEC (meq/kg) Correlation with TOC (%) 531 Correlation with clay content (%) Pearson's correlation (r) -0.4 0 +0.6 -0.4 0 +0.6 -0.4 0 +0.6 Σ PAHs > 5 rings PAHs BIOTEQ AA 4-5 rings PAHs 3 rings PAHs EEQ AE Σ PCBs 6-7 Cl PCBs 5 Cl PCBs 3-4 Cl PCBs Σ DDT Σ HCH HCB PeCB Microtox-TU GFP-T GFP-G SOS-T SOS-G Fig. 5. Rank plots of Pearson correlation coefficients among concentrations of persistent organic pollutants, biotest measures, and abiotic parameters of sediments. Chemical and biotest parameters are grouped according to their mutual correlation; black: statistically significant correlation; p < 0.05. Abbreviations as for Figure 4. 532 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 2010 potencies, there is a probable significant contribution of other pollutants with specific mode of action. The primary abiotic characteristics of sediment that were significantly associated with the profiles of bioassay potencies and concentrations of residues were TOC, CEC, and clay content. There was significant interrelation among the concentration of BIOTEQ, antiandrogenic potency and TOC, clay and silt content, and concentrations of PAHs and PCBs. This result demonstrates the significance of abiotic factors in accumulation of pollutants with specific modes of action (Fig. 5). However, these relationships were partially distorted by seasonal fluctuations. All abiotic attributes varied within region and season but K. Hilscherová et al. still exhibited discernible profiles (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 2). Although samples taken in spring exhibited maximal TOC, CEC, and clay content, the average values of all these characteristics were greater in autumn than in spring at most locations. All three characteristics significantly contributed to the multivariate association of environmental parameters. Correlation with abiotic factors improved the separation of clusters of locations that had been previously identified by use of concentrations of residues and potencies predicted by bioassays (Fig. 4B). The correlation profiles are displayed as univariate relationships (Fig. 5). The concentration of TOC contributed Fig. 6. Structure of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH; A) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB; B) mixtures according to sampled region and season. BP ¼ benzo[ghi]perylene; DBA ¼ dibenzo[a,h]anthracene; Ind ¼ indeno(1,2,3,cd)pyrene; BaP ¼ benzo[a]pyrene; BkF ¼ benzo[k]fluoranthene; Chr ¼ chrysene; BaA ¼ benzo[a]anthracene; Pyr ¼ pyrene; Fluo ¼ fluoranthene; Ant ¼ anthracene; Phen ¼ phenanthrene; Fl ¼ fluorene; Ace ¼ acenaphthene; Acy ¼ acenaphthylene; Naph ¼ naphthalene. Seasonal/regional bioassays responses to polluted sediments preferentially to the first principal component, which also correlated with PAHs and particularly with concentrations of PAHs with more than five rings, and the concentration of BIOTEQ and antiandrogenic potency. Total organic carbon also mastered correlation with most of the Cl POPs, except for HCHs and PeCB, which do not tend to partition to sediment organic matter because of their lower KOW values. Concentrations of all chlorinated POPs were significantly correlated with clay content, but no such correlation was observed for PAHs or the potencies determined with any of the biotests. Cation exchange capacity was most correlated with Cl POPs, Microtox, BIOTEQ, AE, and AA potency. The relationships indicated by the observed correlations between concentrations of residues and potencies in bioassays can help to explain the transport and exposure pathways of the various compounds. Chlorinated POPs seem to move among the regions in a downstream direction, probably in association with solid sediment material represented by clay content. Alternatively, the ubiquitous distribution of PAHs appeared to be independent of clay content or seasonal transport of material. The PAHs were more preferentially associated with TOC, and concentrations of both increased significantly from spring to autumn. The importance of physical and chemical properties of river sediments, including the particle size distribution and organic carbon in total sorption capacity for organic compounds and toxic potential of sediments, have been documented in previous studies [24,39]. In some field studies, strong correlations have been found between the heavier PAHs and TOC content [25,40], but there have also been several field studies in which the relationship between concentrations of PAH and TOC has been less strong. The absence of correlation is sometimes considered an indicator of anthropogenic pollution; it has been documented that results from sites with high concentrations of contaminants can distort and mask the correlation relationship with TOC [40]. Concentrations of some compounds, such as PAHs, DDTs, HCHs, increased from spring to autumn, whereas the regional distributions of others, such as PCBs and HCB, changed completely. The relative distribution of concentrations of individual PAHs and PCB congeners was similar between seasons in the Drevnice regions (I–III). They were more variable in the Morava part of the study area (Fig. 6), where the proportion of individual congeners visibly changed from spring to autumn. In connection with the changes in concentrations, these results suggest that PCBs are transported seasonally from upstream sites in spring to downstream sites in autumn (Fig. 6B). The hypothesis is indirectly supported by significant correlation of Cl POPs with clay sediment content. CONCLUSIONS The contamination situation of surface river sediments is seasonally changeable, and just one sampling period cannot be accepted as sufficient for conclusive results; both regional and seasonal component of variability have to be taken into account. Repeated sampling under different hydrological conditions allows us to reveal the significant determining relations that affect the fate of contaminants in a dynamic river ecosystem. The area of interest was clearly separated into regions that Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 29, 2010 533 clustered sediment sites according to similar ecological, environmental, and contamination situations. This regional component of the variability was reflected in all influential measures and was accompanied by seasonally determined changes. 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