Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 17, No. 10, pp. 2006–2018, 1998 q 1998 SETAC Printed in the USA 0730-7268/98 $6.00 1 .00 IN VITRO INDUCTION OF ETHOXYRESORUFIN-O-DEETHYLASE AND PORPHYRINS BY HALOGENATED AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IN AVIAN PRIMARY HEPATOCYTES J. THOMAS SANDERSON,*† SEAN W. KENNEDY,‡ and JOHN P. GIESY§ †Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Pesticide Research Center, and Institute for Environmental Toxicology, Michigan State University, 13 Natural Resources Building, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1222, USA ‡National Wildlife Research Centre, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, 100 Gamelin Boulevard, Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3, Canada §Department of Zoology, National Food Safety and Toxicology Center, and Institute for Environmental Toxicology, Michigan State University, 13 Natural Resources Building, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1222, USA (Received 1 September 1997; Accepted 10 February 1998) Abstract—Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) and porphyrin induction responses of primary hepatocytes to halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs) were examined in newly hatched domestic chickens, herring gulls, ring-billed gulls, double-crested cormorants, and Forster’s terns. Concentration–response relationships were determined for both biochemical responses in hepatocyte preparations derived from individual avian livers (except for the tern). The choice of vehicle used to dose chicken hepatocytes greatly affected the potencies and efficacies of HAHs. Dimethyl sulfoxide resulted in median effective concentration (EC50) values for EROD induction that were between 10 and 15 times less than isooctane (isooctane was used throughout the study). Neither vehicle induced EROD activity by itself. Concentration-dependent increases in EROD activity were observed with several HAHs, and their potencies (EC50 values) were compared to that of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) within each hepatocyte preparation to determine relative potency factors (RPFs). Differences in sensitivity to these responses were observed among individuals within each of the species and among species. Median EC50 values (nM) for EROD induction by TCDD were 0.72, 13, 20, 25, and 150 for the chicken, cormorant, ring-billed gull, herring gull, and tern hatchling, respectively. Relative potency factors for several HAHs were different, in both ranking and potency, from those generally derived in mammalian hepatocytes. Porphyrin accumulation was observed occasionally with the most potent aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists, but most HAHs were not tested at concentrations sufficiently high to observe a consistent response. This study provides information on interindividual and interspecies differences in responsiveness to TCDD-like compounds and provides species-specific RPFs that may prove useful for the purpose of hazard and risk assessment for fish-eating birds. Keywords—Avian hepatocytes 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons Porphyrins their toxic potencies in vivo [8]. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzop-dioxin (TCDD), for example, has a high affinity for the cytosolic Ah receptor, is a potent inducer of CYP1A1 in vitro and in vivo, and can cause toxicities in vivo at environmentally relevant concentrations. Therefore, the ability of a persistent chemical to induce CYP1A1 and its associated EROD activity in an in vitro system is considered to be a reasonable measure of its toxic potential in vivo. Investigators have examined the EROD induction potential of HAHs in primary hepatocytes of a number of avian species [11–13]. Differences among species were observed in the sensitivity and magnitude of their response to HAHs, with domestic chicken embryos consistently the most sensitive. These observations are consistent with reported differences among bird species in EROD induction potency and toxic potency of HAHs observed in embryos in vivo [14–18]. Chicken embryo hepatocytes have also been observed to accumulate porphyrins upon exposure to TCDD and certain other HAHs [19–21]. To further characterize the sensitivity of these responses to HAHs in birds, we determined potencies of HAHs to induce EROD activity and porphyrin accumulation in primary hepatocytes derived from hatchlings of the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus), herring gull (Larus argentatus), ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis), double-crested cormorant (Phalacrocorax au- INTRODUCTION Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs) such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p -dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and biphenyls (PCBs) are persistent environmental contaminants that can bioaccumulate to toxic concentrations in species at higher trophic levels. Elevated concentrations of these chemicals in fish-eating birds in the Great Lakes [1,2] and elsewhere [3–6] have been associated with numerous adverse effects, including reproductive toxicities, embryolethality, deformities, subcutaneous edema, enzyme induction, and porphyrin accumulation. Laboratory studies have shown that certain of these HAHs have a common mechanism of action that involves initial binding to the aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor [7–9]. A sensitive response directly mediated by the Ah receptor is the induction of hepatic cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) and its associated ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity [10]. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor binding affinities of HAHs correlate well with their EROD induction potencies in vitro and, depending on the endpoint measured, * To whom correspondence may be addressed (t.sanderson@ritox.vet.uu.nl). The current address of J. T. Sanderson is Research Institute for Toxicology, University of Utrecht, Yalelaan 2, P.O. Box 80176, 3508 TD, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 2006 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 EROD and porphyrin induction by HAHs in avian hepatocytes 2007 Table 1. Effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or isooctane as a vehicle on the effective concentration (EC50) (nM) of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzop-dioxin (TCDD) and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) 77 for ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction (nmol/min·mg21 protein) in 19-dold chicken embryo primary hepatocytesa DMSO Isooctane 24 h TCDD PCB 77 a 48 h 24 h 48 h EC50 ERODmax EC50 ERODmax EC50 ERODmax EC50 ERODmax 0.0064 0.0088 0.26 0.25 88 97 97 98 0.011 0.014 2.4 4.2 131 195 32 69 0.096 0.11 2.4 2.9 115 147 107 106 0.093 0.10 2.7 3.9 140 155 79 85 The observed decrease in potency when using isooctane instead of DMSO after a 24-h exposure was 15- and 12.5-fold for TCDD and 9.2and 11.6-fold for PCB 77. A correction factor of 12 was applied when comparing results of the present study to those reported by investigators using DMSO. ritus), and Forster’s tern (Sterna forsteri). The objectives were (1) to examine species differences in sensitivity to these biochemical responses, (2) to determine interindividual variabilities in sensitivity, and (3) to determine structure–activity relationships for several HAHs in each species. METHODS Chemicals All HAHs used were verified to be more than 99% pure by gas chromatography, using mass-specific (GC–MS) and electron capture detectors (GC–ECD), and did not contain Ahactive impurities at biologically significant concentrations. Birds Herring gull eggs were collected from a colony on Kidney Island, Saginaw Bay, Michigan, USA. Ring-billed gull eggs were collected from Sulfur Island, Thunder Bay, Lake Huron, Michigan, USA. Double-crested cormorant eggs were collected from a relatively uncontaminated colony in Lake Winnipegosis, Manitoba, Canada [22–24], and from a more polluted site on Gull Island in Thunder Bay [23,24]. Forster’s tern eggs were collected from a breeding colony in Lake St. Clair, Michigan, USA. Domestic white leghorn chicken eggs were obtained from the poultry farm at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. All collections took place in June and July 1995. Fertile eggs were incubated artificially in the laboratory at 378C and 55% relative humidity, and the birds were killed within 24 h after hatching. Hepatocyte preparation and treatment Hepatocytes were prepared from individual livers (except in the case of the Forster’s tern, for which pools of three livers were used) under sterile conditions and cultured in 48-well plates in serum-free medium according to the methods of Fisher and Marks [25] and Kennedy et al. [20,26]. After 24 h in culture, the cells were dosed with HAHs in 2.5 ml of isooctane and exposed for 24 h. Each concentration was tested in triplicate. Concentration–response curves for TCDD were generated in each individual hepatocyte preparation. When sufficient material was available, concentration–response experiments for other HAHs were also conducted in each preparation. The choice of HAH was made on the basis of a combination of environmental relevance, availability to our laboratory, and use in other investigations (to make comparisons). Biochemical assays The EROD activity and total protein and porphyrin concentrations were measured fluorometrically [27]. Standard curves for resorufin, bovine serum albumin, and uroporphyrin III (Porphyrin Products, Logan, UT, USA) were prepared on the same 48-well plates used for the concentration–response experiments. Protein concentrations were 20 to 40 mg/well for the domestic chicken, 10 to 25 mg/well for the ring-billed gull, 20 to 50 mg/well for the herring gull, 15 to 40 mg/well for the cormorant, and 30 to 60 mg/well for the tern. Effective concentration (EC50) values (expressed in nM) derived from concentration–response curves for EROD induction (expressed in pmol resorufin/min·mg21 protein) were used as measures of the Ah receptor-mediated potency of a compound, and the maximal level of EROD induction was used as a measure of its efficacy. Both parameters were determined by Woolf plot analysis and visually. Relative potency factors (RPFs) were determined on the basis of concentration–response data generated in the same hepatocyte preparation by dividing the EC50 value of TCDD by that of the test compound. Porphyrin concentrations were expressed in picomoles of uroporphyrin III per milligram of protein. RESULTS Effect of vehicle and time on EROD induction potencies and efficacies of HAHs All HAH stock solutions and dilutions in the laboratory at Michigan State University are dissolved in isooctane, because this solvent is compatible with both analytical and bioassay techniques used to determine TCDD equivalents in environmental extracts. However, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has been used as a vehicle to administer HAHs to avian cells by other investigators [11,12]. Therefore, we compared the influence of these two vehicles on the EROD induction potencies and efficacies of two HAHs in 19-d-old chicken embryo hepatocytes (Table 1). After a 24-h exposure, TCDD and 3,39,4,49-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 77) were about 12-fold less potent when administered to the cells in isooctane than in DMSO. This factor was taken into consideration when comparing our EC50 values with those of investigators using DMSO. The relative potency and efficacy of PCB 77 declined between 24 and 48 h of exposure in the hepatocytes, when the compound was administered in DMSO (Table 1). The decrease in potency was 10 to 20-fold; the decrease in efficacy was 1.5to 3-fold. On the other hand, TCDD administered in DMSO showed a lesser decrease in potency (2-fold) and an increase 2008 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 Fig. 1. Concentration–response curves for ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p -dioxin (TCDD) in a hepatocyte preparation from a single liver of a 1-d-old domestic chicken hatchling. Each concentration was tested in triplicate. Each concentration–response curve was measured on a separate 48-well plate using the same hepatocyte preparation. EC50 5 effective concentration. of about 2-fold in efficacy over time. When administered in isooctane, TCDD showed no marked differences in potency or efficacy between 24 and 48 h. The effect of time on the potency and efficacy of PCB 77 was also much less when isooctane was used as vehicle. Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase induction by TCDD in avian hepatocytes The EC50 values of TCDD (administered in isooctane) for EROD induction were determined in hepatocyte preparations of individual 1-d-old livers of the domestic chicken, ring-billed gull, herring gull, and double-crested cormorant hatchling. In Forster’s tern hatchlings, which are smaller than those of the other species, determinations were performed in hepatocyte preparations of pools of three livers per pool. Initial experiments in chicken hatchling hepatocytes demonstrated that concentration–response curves for EROD induction by TCDD were reproducible within a single hepatocyte preparation (Fig. 1), with similar values for EC50 and fold induction. However, EC50 values were found to vary among different hepatocyte preparations within a given species, with an apparently skewed distribution around a mean (Fig. 2). When individual hepatocyte preparations were pooled, this variability among EC50 values disappeared (not shown). Several concentration–response characteristics of EROD induction by TCDD in avian hepatocytes are summarized in Table 2. Basal EROD activities in the hepatocyte preparations differed considerably among individuals within and among bird species, although maximal EROD activities were not significantly different (Table 2). When induction was expressed as fold induction above control, the wild bird species showed similar levels of induction, and the chicken hepatocytes appeared exceptionally responsive (15-fold induction) compared with those of the wild birds (2.5to 3-fold). Median EC50 values (nM) of TCDD for the induction of EROD activity in hepatocyte preparations from different bird species were determined from the histograms in Figure 2 and are rank-ordered from low to high as follows: J.T. Sanderson et al. 0.72 for the domestic chicken (n 5 19), 13 for the cormorant (n 5 23), 20 for the ring-billed gull (n 5 15), and 25 for the herring gull (n 5 12) (Table 2). In the Forster’s tern, the median EC50 value was 150 nM of TCDD, based on eight determinations in hepatocyte preparations of three livers per preparation. In the domestic chicken and the wild species (except for the tern), two hepatocyte preparations were found to be nonresponsive to TCDD (Fig. 2) or any other HAH. The distributions of the EC50 values for TCDD (Fig. 2) were further analyzed using a logit regression model to determine several distribution parameters useful for conducting probabilistic risk assessments [28]. In these analyses, the nonresponsive hepatocyte preparations were omitted. Geometric means, standard deviations, and 95% confidence intervals of the EC50 values, together with the parameters of the regression equations, are listed in Table 3. The mean EC50 concentration of TCDD was significantly lower in the chicken and significantly higher in the Forster’s tern than in the other bird species (Table 3). Double-crested cormorant eggs were collected from two different colonies, Lake Winnipegosis, Manitoba, Canada, and Gull Island, Thunder Bay, Lake Huron, Michigan, USA. Historically, Lake Winnipegosis has had significantly (about 10-fold) lower levels of HAH contamination than Gull Island [20–22]. Basal EROD activities in the hepatocytes of cormorant chicks from Gull Island were significantly higher than those from Lake Winnipegosis (Table 2). Maximal EROD activities and fold induction, as well as median and mean EC50s for EROD induction by TCDD, were not different between the relatively clean and contaminated colonies. Therefore, the EC50 determinations from each colony were taken together when comparisons were made with the other bird species. Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase induction by HAHs in avian hepatocytes Typical concentration–response curves for EROD induction by several HAHs in a hepatocyte preparation from a single bird liver are shown in Figure 3 for the domestic chicken, ringbilled gull, herring gull, and double-crested cormorant. Concentration–response curves generated in hepatocytes prepared from pools of Forster’s tern livers are also shown. The EC50 values of these curves were used to determine the potency of each HAH relative to that of TCDD and to calculate RPFs for each bird species (Tables 4 to 8). The EC50 values for EROD induction by TCDD were compared to results of other investigators (Table 9), and the RPFs derived in the present study were compared to those determined by others (Table 10). Porphyrin induction by HAHs in avian hepatocytes Typically in avian hepatocytes, concentration–response curves for the induction of EROD activity by the most potent HAHs declined at the highest tested concentrations. In some cases, the decline in EROD activity coincided with the first measurable increase in porphyrins (Fig. 4). This phenomenon was most consistent with TCDD, 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD, 2,3,4,7,8PCDF, and PCB 126 in hepatocytes of the domestic chickens and wild birds, except the Forster’s tern, in which no porphyrin accumulation was observed. The magnitude of the porphyrin accumulation response was variable among hepatocyte preparations, HAHs, and species. Lowest-observed-effect concentrations for this response are summarized in Tables 4 to 8. EROD and porphyrin induction by HAHs in avian hepatocytes Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 2009 Fig. 2. Distribution of effective concentration (EC50) values of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) for ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase induction in hepatocyte preparations from single livers among individuals of five different avian species, with the exception of the Forster’s tern where 8 pools of 3 livers were used. 2010 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 J.T. Sanderson et al. Table 2. Concentration–response characteristics of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin administered in isooctane for ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction in primary hepatocytes of 1-d-old hatchlings of several avian species EROD activity (mean 6 SEM) (nmol/min·mg21 protein) Avian species na Median EC50b (nM) Domestic chicken Herring gull Ring-billed gull Double-crested cormorant 19 12 15 23 0.72 25 20 13 Individual colonies Lake Winnipegosis Gull Island 13 10 13 13 8 150 Forster’s tern Basalc 2.0 7 7 14 6 6 6 6 Maximal 0.4A 1B 1B 2C 20 22 17 26 962 20 6 4d 4.1 6 0.3D 6 6 6 6 Fold induction 2 4 2 4 15 2.8 2.7 2.4 6 6 6 6 3e 1.1 0.3 0.3 20 6 3 35 6 6 2.5 6 0.2 2.4 6 0.6 12 6 0.8 3.0 6 0.2 a Sample sizes represent determinations in hepatocyte preparations from individual livers, except for the Forster’s tern, in which it represents determinations in hepatocytes from eight individual pools of three livers per pool. b EC50 5 effective concentration. c Basal EROD activities with different uppercase letters were significantly different from one another (one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s test, p , 0.05). d Significantly higher in Gull Island than Lake Winnipegosis (Student’s t test, p , 0.05). e Significantly higher in the domestic chicken than in the other bird species (one-way analysis of variance, p , 0.05). DISCUSSION Effect of vehicle and time on EROD induction potency and efficacy of HAHs Induction experiments in 19-d-old chicken embryo hepatocytes demonstrated that the choice of vehicle for delivery of HAHs to cells influenced the potency and in some cases efficacy of these compounds (Table 1). Dimethyl sulfoxide mixes readily with the cell culture medium and is known to increase cell membrane permeability [29,30], whereas isooctane remains on top of the medium, allowing the HAHs to diffuse slowly into the cell. It is therefore likely that DMSO is more efficient in delivering HAHs to the cell than isooctane, explaining the observed differences in potency of TCDD and PCB 77. It is unclear what the reasons were for the changes in efficacy of TCDD (increased) and PCB 77 (decreased) between 24 and 48 h when administered in DMSO, but pharmacokinetic aspects related to rates of cellular uptake and metabolism may be responsible. In the case of PCB 77, metabolism to more polar, inactive metabolites is a likely explanation [31]; metabolism of PCB 77 to products with greater water solubility was also observed by Lambrecht et al. [19] in cultured chicken embryo hepatocytes. In any case, no major changes in potency or efficacy were observed over time when the HAHs were administered in isooctane, the vehicle used throughout the present study. The observed difference in potency (for a 24-h exposure) by using isooctane instead of DMSO was taken into account by applying a correction factor of 12 (Table 1) when comparing our concentration data to those of investigators using DMSO (Table 9). Interindividual differences in sensitivity to EROD induction by TCDD One major difference between the present study and those reported previously is that concentration–response experiments were performed in hepatocyte preparations derived from individual livers (with the exception of the Forster’s tern), whereas other studies have generally used pooled samples. An exception is a recent study that examined the response of hepatocytes from individual 17-d-old double-crested cormorant embryos to b-naphthoflavone (BNF) [32]. In our study, TCDD concentration–response curves for EROD and porphyrin induction were generated in every hepatocyte preparation as positive controls, as well as several HAHs, depending on the amount of material available. This design was intended to Table 3. Probability distributions of the effective concentration (EC50) values of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) for ethoxyresorufinO-deethylase (EROD) induction in avian primary hepatocyte preparations derived from individual livers (except for the Forster’s tern, in which pools of three livers per pool were used) using a logistic regression modela Regression equation logit(p) 5 a 1 b 3 log(mean EC50) 1 e n Chicken Herring gull Ring-billed gull Double-crested cormorant Forster’s tern 17c 10c 13c 21c 8 a 6 SE 0.63 27.9 13 23.7 215 6 6 6 6 6 0.10 1.2 0.3 0.2 3.1 b 6 SE SMSEb 6 6 6 6 6 0.34 0.43 0.38 0.28 0.61 4.2 5.5 2.6 3.5 7.1 0.26 0.88 0.22 0.1 1.4 Mean EC50 6 SE (nM) 95% Confidence interval 6 6 6 6 6 0.4–1.0 15–42 3.6–32 7.1–16 64–240 0.72 28 18 11 152 0.15d 7 7 2 45e a and b are curve-fitting parameters, and EC50 is the concentration of TCDD (nM) required to cause half-maximal induction of EROD activity (used as a measure of sensitivity). SMSE 5 square root of the mean squared error. c Hepatocyte preparations nonresponsive to TCDD were omitted from the logistic regression analyses. d Significantly lower in the domestic chicken than in the other avian species (one-way analysis of variance, p , 0.05). e Significantly higher in the Forster’s tern than in the other avian species (one-way analysis of variance, p , 0.05). a b EROD and porphyrin induction by HAHs in avian hepatocytes Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 2011 Fig. 3. Concentration–response curves for ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction by several halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons in a hepatocyte preparation from a single liver: examples of the response in the domestic chicken, herring gull, ring-billed gull and double-crested cormorant. For the Forster’s tern, concentration–response curves were determined in a pool of three livers per pool. PCB 5 polychlorinated biphenyl; PCDD 5 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; PCDF 5 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran; and TCDD 5 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzop-dioxin. 2012 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 J.T. Sanderson et al. Table 4. Domestic chicken: Effective concentration (EC50) values (nM) for ethoxyresorufin-Odeethylase (EROD) induction of several halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs) and their potencies relative to that of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) (relative potency factors [RPFs]) and lowest-observed-effect concentrations (LOECs) for porphyrin accumulation determined in primary hepatocyte preparations from livers of individual domestic chicken hatchlings EROD inductionb,c HAHa n EC50s (nM) RPFs Porphyrin inductionc LOECs (nM) TCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD 2,3,4,7,8-PCDF PCB 126 PCB 77 PCB 81 PCB 169 PCB 105 PCB 118 HCB 17 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.1–2 2, 1 1, 2 30, 5, 10 25, 10 10, 10 150, 40 NR, NR 1,000, NR NR, NR 1 0.7, 1 0.5, 0.2 0.05, 0.08, 0.1 0.01, 0.1 0.03, 0.1 0.007, 0.01 NR, NR 0.001, NR NR, NR 3–300 150, 100 100, 200 NR, 500, NR NR, 300 500, 400 NR, NR NR, NR NR, NR NR, NR HCB 5 hexachlorobenzene; PCB 5 polychorinated biphenyl; PCDD 5 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorodibenzop-dioxin; and PCDF 5 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran. b Order of EC50 values within each row corresponds with order of RPFs and LOECs for porphyrin induction (e.g., PCB 126 has an EC50 of 30 nM, and its RPF is equal to 0.05; therefore, the corresponding EC50 of TCDD is 1.5 nM; porphyrins were not induced by PCB 126 in this case). c NR 5 no response within the concentration range tested. a characterize the interindividual variability in sensitivity of these responses to the prototype and environmentally relevant inducer TCDD and to determine the variability in the RPFs for selected HAHs among individuals of each bird species. We have observed that individual sensitivity to TCDD is variable, with EC50 values for EROD induction differing from 3- to 80-fold within a given species (Tables 4 to 7 and Fig. 2). In contrast, TCDD concentration–response curves produced in the same hepatocyte preparation varied less than 2fold in EC50 (Fig. 1), and pooling two or three livers before hepatocyte preparation considerably reduced the variability in EC50s. This indicates that the observed variability is a reflection of differences in individual sensitivity of the EROD induction response. We also observed that two hepatocyte preparations per species were not responsive to TCDD (Fig. 2) or any other HAH tested. These nonresponsive hepatocytes were found only among individual preparations and not among pools (i.e., Forster’s terns), most likely because pooling would mask any individual variability in such a low frequency re- sponse. This occasional nonresponsiveness was also observed by Davis et al. [32] in individual double-crested cormorant hepatocyte preparations exposed to BNF with a similar rate of incidence. No explanation for this phenomenon could be offered. Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase induction response in two populations of double-crested cormorants We prepared hepatocytes from double-crested cormorants collected from two colonies differing in levels of contamination with HAHs. We hypothesized that cormorants from the more polluted site (Gull Island) may have developed greater resistance to the biological responses of TCDD than birds from a historically less polluted location (Lake Winnipegosis). This postulated greater resistance would possibly be reflected in a higher EC50 of TCDD for EROD induction, because of selective survival in a contaminated area of only those individuals that have a lower-affinity Ah receptor and consequently lower sensitivity to Ah-active chemicals. We also wished to Table 5. Herring gull: Effective concentration (EC50) values (nM) for ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction of several halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs) and their potencies relative to that of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) (relative potency factors [RPFs]) and lowestobserved-effect concentrations (LOECs) for porphyrin accumulation determined in primary hepatocyte preparations from livers of individual herring gull hatchlings EROD inductionb,c HAHa n EC50s (nM) RPFs Porphyrin inductionc LOECs (nM) TCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD 2,3,4,7,8-PCDF PCB 126 PCB 77 PCB 81 HCB 10 2 2 3 2 2 2 15–50 3, 3 12, 5 150, 150, 100 200, NR 25, 25 NR, NR 1 6.7, 10 1.4, 4 0.2, 0.2, 0.5 0.15, NR 0.8, 1.2 NR 50–500 100, 500 400, 150 2,000, 2,000, 500 2,000, NR 500, NR NR, NR HCB 5 hexachlorobenzene; PCB 5 polychlorinated biphenyl; PCDD 5 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorodibenzop-dioxin; and PCDF 5 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran. b Order of EC50 values within each row corresponds with order of RPF values and LOECs for porphyrin induction. c NR 5 no response within the concentration range tested. a Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 EROD and porphyrin induction by HAHs in avian hepatocytes 2013 Table 6. Ring-billed gull: Effective concentration (EC50) values (nM) for ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction of several halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs) and their potencies relative to that of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) (relative potency factors [RPFs]) and lowest-observed-effect concentrations (LOECs) for porphyrin accumulation determined in primary hepatocyte preparations from livers of individual ring-billed gull hatchlings EROD inductionb,c HAHa n EC50s (nM) RPFs Porphyrin inductionc LOECs (nM) TCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD 2,3,4,7,8-PCDF PCB 126 PCB 77 PCB 81 PCB 169 PCB 105 HCB 13 2 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 2–80 20, 30 200, 6 160, 2,000, 1,000, 150 300, 300, NR 2,000, NR, NR 300, 1,000 3,000, NR NR, NR 1 1.0, 2.7 0.1, 6.7 0.01, 0.01, 0.04, 0.07 0.07, 0.13, NR 0.002, NR, NR 0.01, 0.02 0.001, NR NR, NR 50–1,500 1,000, 50 1,500, 20 NR, 6,000, NR, 2,000 8,000, 3,000, NR NR, NR, NR 500, NR NR, NR NR, NR HCB 5 hexachlorobenzene; PCB 5 polychlorinated biphenyl; PCDD 5 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; and PCDF 5 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran. b Order of EC50 values within each row corresponds with order of RPF values and LOECs for porphyrin induction. c NR 5 no response within the concentration range tested. a examine whether differences in background contamination with HAHs in ovo in the study would affect the response of the hepatocytes to HAH administration in vitro. Hepatocyte preparations from the more polluted site had basal EROD activities that were significantly (twofold) higher than those from the relatively uncontaminated location (Table 2). Whether the difference in basal EROD activity is a direct result of the difference in contamination level with HAHs is not known. It is possible that hepatocytes induced in vivo, once isolated and cultured, rapidly lose the induced enzyme activity because of the (partial) removal of the original inducing agent. Such a loss was seen in cultured hepatocytes after isolation from chicken embryos induced in ovo with BNF [32]. The EROD activity decreased by half about 24 h after isolation and had reached basal activity after about 60 h. However, it is important to note that BNF is generally metabolized much faster than TCDD, so pharmacokinetic factors are likely to play a greater role when using BNF as the ‘‘prototype’’ inducer. Inducibility of individually derived cormorant hepatocytes in our study was similar to that observed by Davis et al. [32], with about a 2- to 2.5-fold maximal increase of EROD activity above basal levels. We did not observe a significant difference among the two different populations of cormorants in EC50 values for EROD induction or maximal fold induction after exposure to TCDD (Table 2). This suggests that despite the differences in contamination levels between the two cormorant populations, no obvious differences in sensitivity of the cultured hepatocytes to these Ah receptor-mediated biological responses of HAHs exist. Davis et al. [32] examined the responsiveness of cultured hepatocytes from two different populations of cormorants to BNF and could not find a conclusive difference in median EC50 values between the two colonies. Interspecies differences in sensitivity to EROD induction by HAHs To obtain estimates of the median and mean population sensitivities of each avian species, histograms were generated and logit regression analyses were performed to determine the distribution characteristics of the EC50s of TCDD for EROD induction (Fig. 2 and Table 3). These analyses demonstrated that the mean EC50 value was significantly lower in the domestic chicken and significantly higher in the Forster’s tern than in the other avian species. They also indicated that dif- ferences in sensitivity among individuals can be as great as the average sensitivity is among species. The interindividual and interspecies differences in sensitivity observed in the present study and by others are at least partly due to differences in affinity for the Ah receptor [18], possibly in combination with differences in pharmacokinetic behavior of TCDD, and other genetic factors. The particularly sensitive response of the domestic chicken is consistent with its known great sensitivity to the in vivo toxicities of HAHs that are Ah receptor agonists [7]. The median EC50 value of TCDD for EROD induction in primary hepatocytes of domestic chicken hatchlings was 0.72 nM in our study, which, after dividing by a correction factor of 12 because of differences in vehicle (see Table 1), was comparable to the value of 0.043 nM determined by Bosveld et al. [33] in hatchlings of the same age. The increase we observed in the EC50 between embryonic day 19 (about 0.1 nM; Table 1) and 1 d after hatching (median, 0.72 nM) was also observed by Bosveld et al. [33], although in their study the increase was only about 2.3 fold. Consistent with other reports [11–13], the present study demonstrates that relative to the chicken, the EROD induction response is considerably less sensitive to HAHs in certain other avian species, such as fish-eating birds. In relation to the chicken hatchling, the cormorant was, on average, about 20-fold less sensitive to TCDD; the two gull species, about 30- to 35fold less sensitive; and the Forster’s tern, more than 200-fold less sensitive (Tables 2 and 3). In another study using primary hepatocytes, the herring gull was found to be about 50 times less sensitive to EROD induction by TCDD than the domestic chicken [12]. An EC50 value for TCDD of 0.88 nM (n 5 2) was found for EROD induction in 19-d-old embryo hepatocytes using DMSO as vehicle [12] (see Table 9). Another study reported an EC50 value of 2.6 nM in hepatocytes from herring gulls of the same age as those in the present study [11]. Using a larger sample size, we determined a median EC50 value of 25 nM, which, after correction for the effect of vehicle (Table 9), is similar to this latter report. The relative sensitivity of herring gull hepatocytes compared to those of domestic chickens based on EROD induction potency (EC50 chicken/EC50 gull) is about 0.03 in the present study. This value is comparable to that of 0.02 found by Kennedy et al. [12]. Using EC50 values derived from Bosveld et al. [11,33] (Table 9), we 2014 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 J.T. Sanderson et al. Table 7. Double-crested cormorant: Effective concentration (EC50) values (nM) for ethoxyresorufin-Odeethylase (EROD) induction of several halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs) and their potencies relative to that of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) (relative potency factors [RPFs]) and lowest-observed-effect concentrations (LOECs) for porphyrin accumulation determined in primary hepatocyte preparations from individual livers of double-crested cormorant hatchlings EROD inductionb,c HAHa,b n EC50s (nM) RPFs Prophyrin inductionc LOECs (nM) TCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD 2,3,4,7,8-PCDF PCB 126 PCB 77 PCB 81 PCB 169 PCB 105 PCB 118 HCB 21 3 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1.0–80 0.1, 1, 2 1, 2 90, 30, 100, 100 300, NR, NR 30, 50, 30 400, NR NR, NR NR, NR NR, NR 1 10, 10, 13 10, 20 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.8 0.13, NR, NR 0.1, 0.1, 0.3 0.2, NR NR, NR NR, NR NR, NR 50–450 60, 15, 70 NR, NR 800, 300, NR, NR NR, NR, NR 3,000, NR, 4,000 7,000, NR NR, NR NR, NR NR, NR HCB 5 hexachlorobenzene; PCB 5 polychlorinated biphenyl; PCDD 5 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorodibenzop-dioxin; and PCDF 5 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran. b Other than PCB 105, PCB 118, and HCB, Aroclorst 1242, 1254, and 1260 were also unable to induce EROD activity in double-crested cormorant hepatocytes within the concentration range examined (10– 10.103 mg/L). c Order of EC50 values within each row corresponds with order of RPFs and LOECs for porphyrin induction. d NR 5 no response within the concentration range tested. a determined a relative sensitivity of about 0.02 as well. These values are similar, considering the differences in experimental design, such as the age of the birds, the dosing vehicle, the sample size, and the fact that in the present study hepatocytes were prepared from individual livers instead of pools. Limited in vivo or in ovo studies of the effects of TCDD in fish-eating birds exist. Sanderson and Bellward [18] found that EROD induction potencies of TCDD administered in ovo in two fish-eating birds were between 30- and 100-fold less in hatchlings of both the great blue heron and double-crested cormorant than in those of the domestic chicken (Table 9). This difference could not be explained by tissue concentrations of TCDD, which were similar among bird species, but could be explained partly by a more than 10-fold lower affinity of TCDD for the hepatic Ah receptor in the heron and cormorant relative to that in the chicken. Consistent with these observations, Powell et al. [34] found that the double-crested cormorant embryo was about 69-fold less sensitive to mortality by PCB 126 than the domestic chicken. The difference in sensitivity is somewhat greater than that observed for the cormorant in the present in vitro experiments (about 18-fold). However, it should be noted that a direct comparison to the in vivo situation is difficult to make; for instance, the in ovo exposures to TCDD were longer and occurred during embryonic development [18,34], when hepatocytes are more sensitive to TCDD than after hatching [33]. Relative potency factors Relative potency factors for HAHs based on EROD induction in avian primary hepatocytes of different species were compared (Tables 4 to 8). Relative potency factors derived in this study were determined in hepatocyte preparations from individual avian livers (except for the Forster’s tern). As observed for the EC50 values of TCDD, the RPFs were also variable among individuals within a given species. In the tern the variability of the RPF determinations for a particular HAH was less, probably as a consequence of pooling (Table 8). The RPFs determined in chicken hepatocytes were similar to those Table 8. Forster’s tern: Effective concentration (EC50) values (nM) for ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction of several halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs) and their potencies relative to that of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) (relative potency factors [RPFs]) and lowestobserved-effect concentrations (LOECs) for porphyrin accumulation determined in primary hepatocyte preparations from individual pools of three livers per pool of Forster’s tern hatchlings EROD inductionb,c HAHa n EC50s (nM) RPFs Porphyrin inductionc LOECs (nM) TCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD 2,3,4,7,8-PCDF PCB 126 PCB 77 PCB 169 8 2 2 2 2 2 75–200 15, 15 10, 10 500, 500 NR, NR NR, NR 1 10–15 10–18 0.3, 0.4 NR, NR NR, NR NR NR, NR NR, NR NR, NR NR, NR NR, NR PCB 5 polychlorinated biphenyl; PCDD 5 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; and PCDF 5 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran. b Order of EC50 values within each row corresponds with order of RPFs and LOECs for porphyrin induction. c NR 5 no response within the concentration range tested. a Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 EROD and porphyrin induction by HAHs in avian hepatocytes 2015 Table 9. Comparison of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) induction potencies of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in vitro in avian primary hepatocytes with in ovo induction and toxic potencies in several bird speciesa EC50 in vitro for EROD induction (nM) ED50 in ovo for EROD induction (pmole/g egg) Sanderson et al.b Bosveld et al.c Kennedy et al.d 0.72b 0.060e (1.0) 25b 2.1e (0.03) 20b 1.6e (0.04) 13b 1.1e (0.05) 150b 13e (0.005) ND 0.043 (1.0) 2.6 (0.02) ND 0.004–0.016 (1.0) 0.88 (0.02) ND 0.3f (1.0) ND ND ND ND ND 10–30 f (0.01–0.03) ND ND ND Common tern ND Black-headed gull ND 0.32 (0.01) ND Ring-necked pheasant ND 0.12 (0.36) 0.71 (0.06) ND Avian species Domestic chicken Herring gull Ring-billed gull Double-crested cormorant Forster’s tern Great blue heron 0.14 (0.11) ND 10–30f (0.01–0.03) ND ND 1.0g (0.3) Values in parentheses indicate the relative sensitivity compared with that of the domestic chicken (EC50 chicken/EC50 species). EC50 5 median or mean effective concentration; ED50 5 median or mean effective dose; and ND 5 not determined. b Present study. c [11,33]. d [12,13]. e Correction factor of 12 applied. f [18]. g [17]. a reported by Kennedy et al. [12] (Table 10) and Bosveld et al. [11,33] (not shown). Our RPFs for the chicken were also in good agreement with RPFs for hepatic EROD induction in ovo [11,35]. Comparison of the avian RPFs with those derived for HAHs in mammalian systems, such as H4IIE rat hepatoma cells [36,37] or the toxic equivalency factors proposed by Safe in 1990 [38] and 1994 [39], indicates a number of differences (Tables 4 to 8 and 10). The main observation was that for avian species other than the chicken, RPFs for 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD and 2,3,4,7,8-PCDF were generally greater (.1.0) than those Table 10. Relative potency factors (RPFs) of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs) derived in avian hepatocytes in the present study compared to other published avian RPFs or RPFs determined in mammalian H4IIE cells RPFs of HAHs based on ERODa induction in vitro or in ovo HAHb 2,3,7,8-TCDD 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD 2,3,7,8-TCDF 2,3,4,7,8-PCDF PCB 126 PCB 77 PCB 81 PCB 169 PCB 105 PCB 118 Chickenc Chickend 1.0 0.7, 1.0 ND 0.2, 0.5 0.05, 0.08, 0.1 0.01, 0.1 0.03, 0.1 0.007, 0.01 NR NR, 0.001 1.0 ND (1.0),j 1.1 ND (0.3),j 0.3 (0.02),j 0.03 (0.2),j 0.2 (0.005),j 0.02 (0.00004),j 0.005 (0.00007),j 0.00008 Chickene Herring gullc Herring gulld Common ternf H4IIE cellsg TEFsh,i 1.0 6.7, 10 ND 1.4, 4 0.2, 0.2, 0.5 NR, 0.15 0.8, 1.2 ND ND ND 1.0 ND 0.7, 0.9 ND 0.02, 0.06 ,0.0003 ND 0.0002, 0.07 ,9 3 1025 ,9 3 1025 1.0 ND 0.4 ND 0.03 ,0.0003 ND 0.02 ND ND 1.0 0.3 0.09i 0.3 0.047 0.00034 0.0069 0.0015 ,1.5 3 1026 , ,1.5 3 1026 1.0h 0.5h 0.1h 0.5h 0.1h 0.01h ND 0.05h 0.001h 0.0001h 1.0 0.9 1.2 1.1 0.06 0.02 ND 0.001 ND 0.002 EROD 5 ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase; ND 5 not determined; NR 5 no response within the concentration ranges tested. PCB 5 polychlorinated biphenyl; PCDD 5 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; PCDF 5 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran; TCDD 5 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; and TCDF 5 tetrachlorodibenzofuran. c Relative potency factors were derived in the present study on the basis of effective concentrations (EC50) of HAHs for EROD induction in primary hepatocytes derived from individual livers of 1-d-old chicken or herring gulls. d Relative potency factors were determined in hepatocytes from pools of livers from 19-d-old chicken or herring gull embryos [12]. e Relative potency factors were determined on the basis of EROD induction in ovo in 17-d-old chicken embryos [11,35]. f Relative potency factors were determined in hepatocyte preparations from 18-d-old common tern embryos [13]. g Relative potency factors based on EROD induction in H4IIE cells [36]. h Toxic equivalency factors based on numerous endpoints derived from mammalian studies [39]. i Relative potency factor of 2,3,7,8-TCDF based on EROD induction in H4IIE cells [37]. j Relative potency factors were based on 10% effective concentration (EC10) values (concentration of HAH at which response is equal to that of the EC10 of TCDD) [12]. a b 2016 Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 Fig. 4. Concentration–response curves for the induction of ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity and porphyrins by 2,3,7,8tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran (PCDF) in a hepatocyte preparation derived from a single liver of a 1-d-old herring gull hatchling. in mammalian systems (0.1–1.0). The RPFs for most of the PCBs examined in the bird species appeared to be greater than those determined in H4IIE cells, although not that different from the toxic equivalency factors proposed by Safe [39]. Porphyrin induction by HAHs in avian primary hepatocytes Porphyrin accumulation was observed infrequently in the present study. Typically in cultured avian primary hepatocytes, porphyrin accumulation is observed after exposure to relatively high concentrations of potent Ah receptor agonists and after a postmaximal decline in EROD activity is observed [19– 21,40]. In our study, many of the HAHs, including TCDD, were not tested at concentrations sufficiently high to observe a definite postmaximal decline in EROD activity and concomitant increase in porphyrin contents in all cases. Also, the sensitivity of this biochemical response to HAHs in avian hepatocytes appears to vary among individuals and among species (Tables 4 to 8). Consistent with other reports, domestic chicken hatchlings displayed the greatest sensitivity (i.e., at the lowest concentrations of HAHs) to the porphyrin accumulation response, whereas Forster’s terns were nonresponsive, similar to common tern embryos [13]. Large differences in responsiveness have been observed in adult birds, with Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) being relatively sensitive [41] and American kestrels (Falco sparverius) appearing nonresponsive [42] to porphyrin accumulation induced by PCB 126. Porphyrin accumulation is a complex response that can be caused by a number of mechanisms [40] and is not specific to Ah receptor agonists. Typically, TCDD and related HAHs increase the concentrations of uroporphyrin and heptacarboxylic acid porphyrin [20,21,40]. However, the underlying mechanism by which TCDD and other Ah receptor agonists can cause porphyrin accumulation in cultured hepatocytes is not well understood. It is also not clear whether the response is directly, indirectly, or not at all mediated by the Ah receptor. Hexachlorobenzene (HCB), a fungicide with porphyrinogenic properties, results in a porphyrin accumulation pattern in vivo J.T. Sanderson et al. that is similar to that of TCDD and related chemicals [40]. The mechanism by which HCB causes porphyria appears to involve inhibition of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase [40], although one report indicates that HCB may also have a weak affinity for the Ah receptor [43]. In the present study, HCB up to a concentration of 170 mM was not able to induce porphyrins in hepatocytes of any the avian species studied. It is possible that, under our experimental conditions, either concentrations of HCB at the biological target were not sufficiently high (due to poor solubility) to elicit this response or that the hepatocytes, once isolated and cultured, were no longer able to accumulate porphyrins via the specific mechanism required for the porphyrinogenic action of HCB. Another possibility is that the TCDD-like porphyrin accumulation response observed in some reports may be due to small quantities of TCDD-like impurities in the HCB preparations, which generally elicit their responses at micromolar concentrations [43,44]. The importance of verifying purity was recently exemplified by the observation that the ability of polychlorinated diphenyl ether preparations to induce EROD activity in H4IIE rat hepatoma cells was due to low concentrations of PCDF impurities, which were well below 1% [45]. Aryl hydrocarbon-active impurities, such as PCDDs, PCDFs, and non-ortho-PCBs were not detected by GC–MS and GC–ECD in the HCB preparation used in the present study. Implications for hazard assessment of HAH exposure in avian species The limited data available on toxic potencies of dioxin-like HAHs in avian species indicate that EROD induction potencies of HAHs in avian hepatocytes correspond reasonably well to in vivo and in ovo responses such as EROD induction (Table 9) or mortality [12]. Therefore, it can be assumed that relative EROD induction potencies in vitro are reasonable measures of the Ah receptor-mediated toxic potencies in vivo, both for different HAHs within a given species and for a given HAH among different species. Consequently, on the basis of the results of the present study, in combination with those from other recent reports, we can formulate a number of implications for the hazard assessment of HAH exposure in avian species. Domestic chickens and their embryos are considerably more sensitive to Ah receptor-mediated responses than many other studied avian species [7,11,12,14,16–18]. When findings of the present study (Tables 2 and 9) are considered together with those of Kennedy et al. [12] and Lorenzen et al. [13], a rank order of species sensitivity can be made: domestic chicken . ring-necked pheasant . turkey ø double-crested cormorant ø great blue heron ø ring-billed gull ø herring gull ø common tern . Forster’s tern. From an ecotoxicological point of view, the comparison of fish-eating bird species with domestic chickens or turkeys and pheasants is not very relevant, because the latter species are not at great risk to accumulate toxic concentrations of dioxin-like HAHs through the food chain. It would further appear that the fish-eating bird species examined so far are at least one order of magnitude less sensitive than a laboratory species such as the domestic chicken, again making the chicken a less appropriate choice for risk assessments of avian wildlife species. The relatively great interindividual variability within a given species indicates that the mean population sensitivity of a given species does not provide adequate information on the sensitivity of individual birds. In other words, there are probably herring gulls that are as sensitive as the average chicken EROD and porphyrin induction by HAHs in avian hepatocytes and chickens that are as sensitive or insensitive as the average herring gull to the toxic effects of TCDD and related HAHs. However, the relative proportions of the populations that would be expected to exhibit extreme sensitivities would be small. In environmental risk assessments of wildlife populations, adverse effects are usually documented on a whole-population basis by examining population parameters such as reproduction, incidence of birth defects, and rate of mortality. The sensitivity of any specific individual member of that population is not considered important as long a stable viable population is maintained. This situation is different from risk assessment for human populations, in which knowledge of risks to individuals is considered essential for the protection of human health [46]. However, it becomes important to consider the sensitivity of individual members of a wildlife species when investigators or conservation managers are dealing with severely depleted populations of rare or endangered species. In risk assessments, safety factors are often applied to correct for possible interindividual (10-fold) and interspecies (10- or 100fold) differences in sensitivity to an adverse effect. We suggest that probabilistic risk assessments be applied instead of worstcase scenarios. The ranges of intra- and interspecies variation presented here would be useful in conducting such assessments instead of arbitrary safety factors, particularly since the present study indicates that in some instances intra- and interspecies differences can be greater than the applied safety factors. Although the interindividual variabilities described in the present study were determined from distinct populations of birds from single sites per species (except for the cormorant) and may not necessarily reflect the interindividual variability at another location, we point out that no difference in interindividual variability in sensitivity (based on EC50 values for EROD induction) was observed between the two distinct populations of cormorants. This indicates that potential bias due to choice of single sites is probably small. Species-specific differences in RPFs for certain HAHs may also have an effect on the hazard these compounds pose to a particular wildlife species. Results from the present study indicate that 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD and 2,3,4,7,8-PCDF may be greater relative contributors to the Ah receptor-mediated toxicity of environmental mixtures of HAHs in wild birds than they would be in chickens or mammals (Tables 4 to 8 and 10). Also, certain non-ortho-substituted PCBs may be more potent in wild birds and chickens than they would be in mammals. Certain wild fish-eating bird populations have recovered in the last decade with declines in environmental concentrations of HAHs. However, populations of common terns and Forster’s terns continue to decline [1]. The limited data available on the potential sensitivity of these two species to TCDD-like chemicals appears to suggest that their intrinsic sensitivity is relatively low (Table 9). Factors such as habitat disturbance and destruction or high sensitivity to other types of chemicals (e.g., certain pesticides) may currently be playing a more direct role in their low reproductive success. CONCLUSIONS Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase and porphyrin induction responses of avian primary hepatocytes derived from individual livers of 1-d-old hatchlings of the domestic chicken, herring gull, ring-billed gull, and double-crested cormorant to TCDD and other environmentally relevant contaminants were examined in detail. The same experiments were performed in the Forster’s tern, using hepatocytes derived from pools of three Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 17, 1998 2017 livers per pool. The EROD induction potencies of TCDD varied among individuals within a given species and among species. A strong effect of vehicle was also observed: EROD induction potencies of TCDD and PCB 77 were about 12-fold less in chicken hepatocytes when isooctane was used as vehicle instead of DMSO. Median EC50 values for EROD induction by TCDD could be rank-ordered as follows: white leghorn chicken , double-crested cormorant ø ring-billed gull ø herring gull , Forster’s tern. Other investigators have reported EC50 values for EROD induction by TCDD in hepatocytes of the chicken and the herring gull that (after correction for potency differences due to differences in vehicle) were in good agreement with the median EC50 values found in the present study. Relative potency factors of several HAHs were determined in each of the species and differed from those derived in mammalian systems. Both 1,2,3,7,8-PCDD and 2,3,4,7,8PCDF had considerably greater RPFs (and were more potent than TCDD) in the wild bird species than in the chicken, H4IIE cells, or the RPFs proposed by Safe [38,39]. The non-orthosubstituted PCBs (PCBs 126, 77, 81, and 169) had generally greater RPFs in the five bird species than in H4IIE cells, although the values were not that different from those proposed by Safe. Porphyrin accumulation was observed infrequently, with the most potent HAHs in every species except for the Forster’s tern. Considering that this response occurs after exposure to relatively high concentrations of Ah agonists, usually after a postmaximal decline in EROD activity is observed, it is probable that the HAHs were not tested at concentrations high enough to elicit this biochemical response in a consistent manner. Taken together, the results of the present study are useful for the refinement of hazard assessments of HAH exposure in fish-eating birds because they provide data necessary to conduct probabilistic risk assessments that consider the relative sensitivity of avian species and species-specific RPFs for several environmentally relevant HAHs instead of arbitrary safety factors. Acknowledgement—We are very grateful to Stephanie Jones for her technical assistance. We are indebted to Dave Best for supervising the collection of the wild bird eggs. We thank Angelo Napolitano for use of his incubator and for supplying the chicken eggs. 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