Retirees Pension Plan Annual Report to Membership September, 2011 The primary purpose of this report is: ∗ to review the actuarial valuation information and special payment requirements of the Retirees Pension Plan as at December 31, 2010 ∗ to review investments and investment performance of the Plan in 2010 ∗ to report on the activities of the Retirees Pension Committee ACTUARIAL VALUATION at December 31, 2010 Membership Data Age of Pensioners & Beneficiaries 65 - 70 71 -75 76 - 80 81 - 85 86 - 90 91+ Total 2010 0 23 51 66 71 30 241 2009 3 29 57 82 57 22 250 Going-Concern Financial Position of the Plan The financial position of the Plan on a going-concern basis is measured by comparing the market value of assets to the actuarial liabilities assuming the Plan is continuing for the long-term. The actuarial valuation performed as at December 31, 2010 shows that the Plan, on a going-concern basis, is in a deficit position of $5.44 million as per the summary table below. Comparative numbers as at December 31, 2009 are also provided. Going-Concern Financial Position Actuarial value of assets Actuarial liability Surplus (Deficit) 2010 $45,284,000 50,723,000 $ (5,439,000) 2009 $49,097,000 52,559,000 $(3,462,000) Solvency Position of the Plan (Hypothetical Wind-Up) The Pension Benefits Act (Saskatchewan) requires the University to review whether the assets of the Plan would be sufficient to cover the liabilities of the Plan in the event of a plan wind-up. The actuarial valuation performed as at December 31, 2010 shows that the Plan, on a hypothetical wind-up basis, is in a deficit position of $11.29 million, compared to $8.59 million at December 31, 2009. This communication, future communications and other pension plan information are available online at: Solvency Financial Position Solvency assets Solvency liabilities Surplus (Deficit) 2010 $45,184,000 56,476,000 $ (11,292,000) 2009 $50,628,000 $59,221,000 $(8,593,000) Temporary Solvency Deficiency Payment Relief As indicated in previous newsletters, The Pension Benefits Regulations, 1993 was amended to provide temporary relief from solvency deficiency funding for sponsors of defined benefit plans. The university undertook to elect for temporary solvency relief in compliance with regulations for the valuation report filed at December 31, 2009. This relief provides for a three year moratorium from funding a solvency deficiency and is in effect until December 31, 2012 when an actuarial valuation must be filed with the regulators. This relief does not apply to valuations filed previous to December 31, 2008. The current payment schedule, with respect to the solvency deficiency established at December 31, 2006 remains unchanged. Funding Requirements The University was required to file a valuation with regulatory authorities as at December 31, 2006, revealing a solvency deficiency of $1,323,000. This deficiency is being amortized over a period of five years, with monthly payments of $24,380 being paid by the University at the end of each month from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2011. The University was also required to file a valuation at December 31, 2009. The goingconcern deficiency (unfunded liability) of $3,462,000 established at this date is being amortized over a period of fifteen years, or until the next funding valuation is certified, with monthly payments of $29,800 being paid by the University. Total payments to the plan in 2010 for the deficiencies above amounted to $650,160. Required Monthly Special Payments (With Solvency Relief) Monthly deficit required contributions Going-concern deficit (unfunded liability) 2006 Solvency Deficiency 2009 Solvency Deficiency Total Monthly Payments January , 2011 to December 31, 2011 $29,800 24,380 --$54,180 January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2024 $29,800 ----$29,800 . This communication, future communications and other pension plan information are available online at: Please Note: As these ongoing required payments are being made by the University, there will be no decrease in current monthly pension payments received by pensioners. Due to the current financial position of the Plan, there will be no ad-hoc increases to current pensions. INVESTMENTS of the PENSION PLAN at December 31, 2010 Market Value of Pension Plan Assets By Asset Classes Canadian Equities Non-Canadian Equities Total Equities 2010 ($000) $6,188 11,208 $ 17,396 % of Market Value 13.7 24.8 38.5 Bonds Short term investments Total Fixed Income $26,886 931 $27,817 59.5 2.0 61.5 Total Market Value $45,213 100.0 By Investment Manager BlackRock Asset Management (formerly Barclays Global) Jarislowsky Fraser Limited $26,886 18,327 59.5 40.5 Investment Performance The long-term investment goal of the Plan is to achieve an annualized total rate of return of a least 5.9% as of the December 31, 2010 actuarial valuation. To achieve this goal, the Plan has adopted an asset mix that has a bias in favour of fixed income investments. The responsibility for investing the assets of the Plan has been delegated to two professional investment fund managers with different mandates to ensure adequate investment diversification. The Plan’s Return Benchmark is a performance standard developed by the Investment Consultants, Aon Hewitt. The Retirees Pension Committee and the Board of Governors have approved the benchmark. The investment fund managers of the Plan are expected to meet or surpass the benchmark. This communication, future communications and other pension plan information are available online at: Investment Performance Plan return (gross) Plan return benchmark (gross) Consumer Price Index 2010 6.7% 8.1% Last 4 years 2.3% 2.3% Last 10 years 4.2% 4.0% 2.4% 1.8% 2.0% 2011 Investment Update In the newsletter of October 2010, the Committee informed Plan members that it was undertaking a comprehensive review of the Plan’s investment policy. With the assistance of the Plan’s Investment Consultant, Aon Hewitt, the Committee conducted an extensive review of the investment policy of the Plan. The purpose of the review was to address the Plan’s objectives of improved liquidity, increased cash flows, reduced risk, and stability of investment returns as identified by the Committee and incorporated in the Funding Policy. Upon conclusion of its review, the Committee recommended a policy change, moving the current asset mix to a 70% custom bond, 30% equity portfolio. This led to a change in the management structure of the Plan, consisting of an active equity manager and a new custom bond manager (liability matching bond manager). The Committee interviewed three custom bond managers and recommended to the Board of Governors that Greystone Managed Investments be appointed as the new investment manager. The transition is scheduled to proceed over two years. RETIREES PENSION COMMITTEE Committee Members: Bruce Schnell Dennis Dibski Patricia Lawson Terry Summers, Financial Services Laura Kennedy, Financial Services Heather Fortosky, Pensions Office Meetings of the Committee The Retirees Pension Committee met 8 times during the year. Acting in its capacity as managing fiduciary; the Committee is responsible for the oversight of the Pension Plan operations, including funding, investment, and administration of the Plan. The Committee activities over the past year in fulfilling these responsibilities are outlined as follows: This communication, future communications and other pension plan information are available online at: Meeting Date Time allocated Purpose August 30, 2010 3.0 hours September 30, 2010 2.5 hours October 25, 2010 2.5 hours April 18, 2011 2.0 hours April 25, 2011 1.5 hours May 25, 2011 1.5 hours May 27, 2011 5.5 hours June 7, 2011 1.0 hours ▪2009 Actuarial Valuation Review ▪Investment Policy Review (Phase 1) ▪Quarterly Investment Performance Review to June 30th ▪ Investment Manager presentation: Jarislowsky Fraser ▪Investment Policy Review (Phase 2) ▪Custom Bond Manager Search Assessment ▪Quarterly Investment Performance Review to Dec 31st ▪2010 Actuarial Valuation Review ▪Quarterly Investment Performance Review to Mar 31st ▪Investment Manager presentation: BlackRock ▪Custom Bond Manager Search: ▪Investment Manager Interviews and evaluations ▪Financial Statements at December 31, 2010 Review RETIREES PENSION PLAN INFORMATION Plan Documents: Copies of the following documents are on file in the office of the Director of Pensions (Financial Services). They are available for inspection by any member of the Plan during regular working hours by prior arrangements. ∗ Plan Text ∗ Financial Statements ∗ Actuarial Reports ∗ Auditor’s Report ∗ Committee meeting agendas and minutes Other Agents of the Plan: Actuary: Aon Hewitt, Saskatoon Investment Consultant: Aon Hewitt, Regina Custodian: CIBC Mellon Global Securities Pension Administration & Support: Pensions Office, Financial Services Room 220, Research Annex, 105 Maintenance Road 966-6633 Please contact the Pensions Office at 966-6633 or any member of the Retirees Pension Committee if you have any questions about the items covered in this newsletter. This communication, future communications and other pension plan information are available online at: