A concert report should be an application of the seven... your focus should be on each piece performed in

A concert report should be an application of the seven musical elements to the program you attend.
Although you should mention the concert setting, your focus should be on each piece performed in
terms of the seven musical elements. If your report does not accurately describe all works on the
program using these specific terms (rhythm, melody, harmony, form, timbre, texture, and dynamics),
it will not receive full credit. Be prepared to arrive on time and stay until the end of each concert.
Use the following outline to guide your report. Write your report in a narrative paragraph style and
address each point outlined below. Even though reports are not graded as writing exercises, they
should still reflect your abilities in proper writing techniques and show an appropriate academic
attitude toward the assignment. Submit your concert report online in either PDF or DOC format. For
full credit, submit a STAMPED printed program in hard copy as proof of attendance along
with your report. (The ushers will stamp your program at the conclusion of the concert). If you
have any questions, feel free to contact your instructor.
Typed, double-spaced, 2 to 3 pages in length.
Part 1. The Concert Environment:
A. Identify the concert you are attending, including the performers (solo or ensemble, etc.)
B. Describe the hall and physical surroundings.
Part 2. Listening to the Music: Describe each piece.
A. Title and composer.
B. Describe the music, including the following points:
1. Musical Terms: be sure to cite the seven musical elements
2. Affective: peaceful, exciting, pompous, sad, happy, etc.
3. Extra-Musical Associations: Did the music evoke any particular images or
reflections beyond the music?
4. Was it your favorite or least favorite work on the program?
Note: the word “song” refers to pieces with words (lyrics) and music. An instrumental selection (without words) is
referred to as a work, piece, or composition. Use these terms correctly in your reports.
Part 3. The Performance:
A. How did it sound to you?
B. Did the performers seem comfortable?
C. Did you notice any mishaps during the performance?
Part 4. General Reactions:
A. Was the experience new to you?
B. Was it different than what you expected? How?
C. Did you enjoy the experience? (Don’t be afraid to be honest.)
D. Would you go again if it weren’t a requirement? Why or Why not?
Would you recommend this kind of concert to others? Why or Why not?
Three Concert Reports from UNCW Music Events are DUE, submitted online this semester:
#1 Due Friday, Feb. 28
#2 Due Friday, Mar. 21
#3 Due Friday, Apr. 25
For a current listing of UNCW Music Department events, visit www.uncw.edu/music/ and
click on Events  Events Calendar or
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