INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO REGISTER FOR eTEACH COURSES 1. 2. 3. 4. Once you have successfully logged into Banner, click on STUDENT. Once you have chosen STUDENT, click on REGISTRATION. After you have clicked on REGISTRATION, click on ADD or DROP CLASSES. After you have clicked on ADD OR DROP CLASSES you will come to a page that says REGISTRATION TERM, please select the term in which you are wanting to register Ex. (Spring 2016, etc.) and then click SUBMIT. 5. After you have clicked submit you will come to a page that says ADD or DROP Classes. Also on this page it will say CLASS SCHEDULE in the center of the page. 6. At the bottom of the page there are ten boxes, labeled CRN’s. NOTE: This next step is what gets confusing. The ULM Banner system will not recognize different CRN numbers. They only recognize Course numbers. Since our book studies all have the same Course Numbers- CURR 4081, the system will only allow YOU to register for one. Then it automatically kicks out a message saying. DUPLICATE COURSE ERROR. So, actually if you are registering for Book Studies, you can ONLY register for one course per term. You can go ahead and register for one through Banner. If you want to register for more, then you will need to email our office and have Kay register you by a Hard Add Slip. You will need to send her the following information in an email. Email to Kay Fisher at . Your Name Your CWID # The Course Number and CRN# Telephone Number in which you can be reached. A brief message below: I, ______________, am giving our eTEACH office permission to register me for the following course(s) listed below for the current semester of _______________. I understand that I am being placed in this course and am responsible for payment in the event that I drop or fail to complete. **You are allowed to take 2 book studies per term (This is 4 per semester.) Total of 12 hours maximum. 7. When registering online for your ONE course per term, you will enter the CRN Number and then you will CLICK SUBMIT CHANGES. 8. You are now REGISTERED! Other messages that you might encounter when registering are: Graduate School Hold- If so, contact Melissa Thorpe at (318) 342-3036 or Student Accounts Hold- If so, contact Brittany at (318) 342-5105 or Advising Hold- If so, contact Kay at (318) 342-1250 or