Q1: How satisfied are you with the educational experience you had at RSCC? Q1 Valid Very satisfied Satisfied Very dissatisfied Frequency 116 70 5 Percent 59.8 36.1 2.6 Valid Percent 60.7 36.6 2.6 191 98.5 100.0 Total Missing System Total 3 1.5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 60.7 97.4 100.0 Q2: If you could start college again, would you enroll at RSCC? 96 75 18 2 Q2 Percent 49.5 38.7 9.3 1.0 Valid Percent 50.3 39.3 9.4 1.0 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Definitely yes Probably yes Probably not Definitely not Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 50.3 89.5 99.0 100.0 Q3: Recommend RSCC to others? Valid Definitely yes Probably yes Probably not Definitely not Frequency 133 53 1 3 Q3 Percent 68.6 27.3 .5 1.5 Valid Percent 70.0 27.9 .5 1.6 190 97.9 100.0 4 2.1 194 100.0 Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 70.0 97.9 98.4 100.0 WHILE ATTENDING RSCC, HOW OFTEN WOULD YOU SAY YOU DID EACH OF THE FOLLOWING? Q4A: Asked questions in class or contributed to class discussions 86 71 34 2 Q4A Percent 44.3 36.6 17.5 1.0 Valid Percent 44.6 36.8 17.6 1.0 193 99.5 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing Total System 1 .5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 44.6 81.3 99.0 100.0 Q4B: Made a class presentation 39 62 85 6 Q4B Percent 20.1 32.0 43.8 3.1 Valid Percent 20.3 32.3 44.3 3.1 192 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 20.3 52.6 96.9 100.0 Q4C: Prepared 2 or more drafts of a paper or assignment 51 69 57 14 Q4C Percent 26.3 35.6 29.4 7.2 Valid Percent 26.7 36.1 29.8 7.3 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 26.7 62.8 92.7 100.0 Q4D: Worked on a paper or project that required integrating ideas or information from various sources 80 67 39 6 Q4D Percent 41.2 34.5 20.1 3.1 Valid Percent 41.7 34.9 20.3 3.1 192 99.0 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing System Total 2 1.0 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 41.7 76.6 96.9 100.0 Q4E: Came to class without completing reading or assignments Q4E Percent Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing 2.1 5.7 40.2 51.0 2.1 5.7 40.6 51.6 192 99.0 100.0 System Total Valid Percent 4 11 78 99 2 1.0 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 2.1 7.8 48.4 100.0 Q4F: Worked with other students on projects during class 37 69 78 8 Q4F Percent 19.1 35.6 40.2 4.1 Valid Percent 19.3 35.9 40.6 4.2 192 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing Total System Cumulative Percent 19.3 55.2 95.8 100.0 Q4G: Worked with classmates outside of class to prepare class assignments 32 42 94 25 Q4G Percent 16.5 21.6 48.5 12.9 Valid Percent 16.6 21.8 48.7 13.0 193 99.5 100.0 1 .5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 16.6 38.3 87.0 100.0 Q4H: Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary) Q4H Percent Frequency Valid Missing Valid Percent Very often Often Sometimes Never 7 21 53 112 3.6 10.8 27.3 57.7 3.6 10.9 27.5 58.0 Total 193 99.5 100.0 1 .5 194 100.0 System Total Cumulative Percent 3.6 14.5 42.0 100.0 Q4I: Participated in a community-based project (e.g., service learning) as part of a regular course Q4I Percent Frequency Valid Missing Valid Percent Very often Often Sometimes Never 10 13 61 106 5.2 6.7 31.4 54.6 5.3 6.8 32.1 55.8 Total 190 97.9 100.0 System Total 4 2.1 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 5.3 12.1 44.2 100.0 Q4J: Used an electronic medium (chat group, Internet, instant messaging, etc.) to discuss or complete an assignment 52 51 68 22 Q4J Percent 26.8 26.3 35.1 11.3 Valid Percent 26.9 26.4 35.2 11.4 193 99.5 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing System Total 1 .5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 26.9 53.4 88.6 100.0 Q4K: Used email to communicate with an instructor 84 64 38 6 Q4K Percent 43.3 33.0 19.6 3.1 Valid Percent 43.8 33.3 19.8 3.1 192 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing Total System Cumulative Percent 43.8 77.1 96.9 100.0 Q4L: Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor 52 74 62 4 Q4L Percent 26.8 38.1 32.0 2.1 Valid Percent 27.1 38.5 32.3 2.1 192 99.0 100.0 2 1.0 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 27.1 65.6 97.9 100.0 Q4M: Talked about career plans with a faculty member or advisor 35 54 86 18 Q4M Percent 18.0 27.8 44.3 9.3 Valid Percent 18.1 28.0 44.6 9.3 193 99.5 100.0 1 .5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 18.1 46.1 90.7 100.0 Q4N: Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with faculty members outside of class Q4N Percent Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing 8.2 22.7 40.2 28.4 8.3 22.8 40.4 28.5 193 99.5 100.0 System Total Valid Percent 16 44 78 55 1 .5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 8.3 31.1 71.5 100.0 Q4O: Received prompt feedback from faculty on your academic performance (written or oral) 67 90 33 3 Q4O Percent 34.5 46.4 17.0 1.5 Valid Percent 34.7 46.6 17.1 1.6 193 99.5 100.0 1 .5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 34.7 81.3 98.4 100.0 Q4P: Worked harder than you thought you could to meet an instructor's standards or expectations 61 78 49 5 Q4P Percent 31.4 40.2 25.3 2.6 Valid Percent 31.6 40.4 25.4 2.6 193 99.5 100.0 1 .5 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing System Cumulative Percent 31.6 72.0 97.4 100.0 Q4Q: Worked with faculty members on activities other than coursework (committees, orientation, student life activities, etc.) Q4Q Percent Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing 5.7 7.7 35.1 51.0 5.7 7.8 35.2 51.3 193 99.5 100.0 System Total Valid Percent 11 15 68 99 1 .5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 5.7 13.5 48.7 100.0 Q4R: Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with others outside of class (students, family members, co-workers, etc.) 46 68 72 7 Q4R Percent 23.7 35.1 37.1 3.6 Valid Percent 23.8 35.2 37.3 3.6 193 99.5 100.0 1 .5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 23.8 59.1 96.4 100.0 Q4S: Had serious conversations with students of a different race or ethnicity than your own 27 47 81 38 Q4S Percent 13.9 24.2 41.8 19.6 Valid Percent 14.0 24.4 42.0 19.7 193 99.5 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing System Total 1 .5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 14.0 38.3 80.3 100.0 Q4T: Had serious conversations with students who are very different from you in terms of their religious beliefs, political opinions, or personal values 33 59 69 32 Q4T Percent 17.0 30.4 35.6 16.5 Valid Percent 17.1 30.6 35.8 16.6 193 99.5 100.0 Frequency Valid Very often Often Sometimes Never Total Missing Total System 1 .5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 17.1 47.7 83.4 100.0 Q5A1: Use of Library Facilities/Services Valid Used Not used Total Missing Frequency 153 34 Q5A1 Percent 78.9 17.5 Valid Percent 81.8 18.2 187 96.4 100.0 7 3.6 194 100.0 System Total Cumulative Percent 81.8 100.0 Q5A2: Satisfaction with Library Facilities/Services 63 84 12 Q5A2 Percent 32.5 43.3 6.2 Valid Percent 39.6 52.8 7.5 159 82.0 100.0 35 18.0 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Excellent Good Fair Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 39.6 92.5 100.0 Q5A3: Importance of Library Facilities/Services Valid Very Somewhat Not at all Frequency 113 38 3 Q5A3 Percent 58.2 19.6 1.5 Valid Percent 73.4 24.7 1.9 154 79.4 100.0 Total Missing System Total 40 20.6 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 73.4 98.1 100.0 Q5B1: Use of Registration Services Valid Used Not used Total Missing Frequency 174 13 Q5B1 Percent 89.7 6.7 Valid Percent 93.0 7.0 187 96.4 100.0 7 3.6 194 100.0 System Total Cumulative Percent 93.0 100.0 Q5B2: Satisfaction with Registration Services 60 89 21 3 Q5B2 Percent 30.9 45.9 10.8 1.5 Valid Percent 34.7 51.4 12.1 1.7 173 89.2 100.0 21 10.8 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Missing Total System Cumulative Percent 34.7 86.1 98.3 100.0 Q5B3: Importance of Registration Services Valid Very Somewhat Frequency 152 16 Q5B3 Percent 78.4 8.2 Valid Percent 90.5 9.5 168 86.6 100.0 Total Missing System Total 26 13.4 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 90.5 100.0 Q5C1: Use of Financial Aid Services Valid Used Not used Total Missing Frequency 150 37 Q5C1 Percent 77.3 19.1 Valid Percent 80.2 19.8 187 96.4 100.0 7 3.6 194 100.0 System Total Cumulative Percent 80.2 100.0 Q5C2: Satisfaction with Financial Aid Services 58 61 26 10 Q5C2 Percent 29.9 31.4 13.4 5.2 Valid Percent 37.4 39.4 16.8 6.5 155 79.9 100.0 39 20.1 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 37.4 76.8 93.5 100.0 Q5C3: Importance of Financial Aid Services Valid Very Somewhat Not at all Total Missing System Total Frequency 141 8 2 Q5C3 Percent 72.7 4.1 1.0 Valid Percent 93.4 5.3 1.3 151 77.8 100.0 43 22.2 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 93.4 98.7 100.0 Q5D1: Use of Computer Facilities/Services Valid Used Not used Total Missing Total System Frequency 176 12 Q5D1 Percent 90.7 6.2 Valid Percent 93.6 6.4 188 96.9 100.0 6 3.1 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 93.6 100.0 Q5D2: Satisfaction with Computer Facilities/Services 90 78 6 1 Q5D2 Percent 46.4 40.2 3.1 .5 Valid Percent 51.4 44.6 3.4 .6 175 90.2 100.0 Frequency Valid Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Missing System Total 19 9.8 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 51.4 96.0 99.4 100.0 Q5D3: Importance of Computer Facilities/Services Valid Very Somewhat Not at all Frequency 143 26 1 Q5D3 Percent 73.7 13.4 .5 Valid Percent 84.1 15.3 .6 170 87.6 100.0 24 12.4 194 100.0 Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 84.1 99.4 100.0 Q5E1: Use of Advising Services Valid Used Not used Total Missing Frequency 132 56 Q5E1 Percent 68.0 28.9 Valid Percent 70.2 29.8 188 96.9 100.0 6 3.1 194 100.0 System Total Cumulative Percent 70.2 100.0 Q5E2: Satisfaction with Advising Services 52 57 25 9 Q5E2 Percent 26.8 29.4 12.9 4.6 Valid Percent 36.4 39.9 17.5 6.3 143 73.7 100.0 Frequency Valid Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Missing System Total 51 26.3 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 36.4 76.2 93.7 100.0 Q5E3: Importance of Advising Services Valid Very Somewhat Not at all Total Missing Total System Frequency 101 38 2 Q5E3 Percent 52.1 19.6 1.0 Valid Percent 71.6 27.0 1.4 141 72.7 100.0 53 27.3 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 71.6 98.6 100.0 Q5F1: Use of Practicum/Intern/Service Learning Experience Used Not used 66 115 Q5F1 Percent 34.0 59.3 Total 181 93.3 13 6.7 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Missing System Total Valid Percent 36.5 63.5 100.0 Cumulative Percent 36.5 100.0 Q5F2: Satisfaction with Practicum/Intern/Service Learning Experience 29 39 6 2 Q5F2 Percent 14.9 20.1 3.1 1.0 Valid Percent 38.2 51.3 7.9 2.6 100.0 Frequency Valid Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Missing System Total 76 39.2 118 60.8 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 38.2 89.5 97.4 100.0 Q5F3: Importance of Practicum/Intern/Service Learning Experience Very Somewhat Not at all 55 24 5 Q5F3 Percent 28.4 12.4 2.6 Total 84 43.3 Frequency Valid Missing System Total 110 56.7 194 100.0 Valid Percent 65.5 28.6 6.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 65.5 94.0 100.0 Q5G1: Use of Learning Center Facilities/Services 86 98 Q5G1 Percent 44.3 50.5 Valid Percent 46.7 53.3 184 94.8 100.0 10 5.2 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Used Not used Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 46.7 100.0 Q5G2: Satisfaction with Learning Center Facilities/Services 41 47 3 2 Q5G2 Percent 21.1 24.2 1.5 1.0 Valid Percent 44.1 50.5 3.2 2.2 100.0 Frequency Valid Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Missing Total System 93 47.9 101 52.1 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 44.1 94.6 97.8 100.0 Q5G3: Importance of Learning Center Facilities/Services Very Somewhat Not at all 65 31 2 Q5G3 Percent 33.5 16.0 1.0 Total 98 50.5 System 96 49.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Missing Total Valid Percent 66.3 31.6 2.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 66.3 98.0 100.0 THINKING BACK TO YOUR EXPERIENCES AT RSCC, HOW MUCH DID YOUR COURSEWORK EMPHASIZE THE FOLLOWING MENTAL ACTIVITIES? Q6A: Memorizing facts, ideas, or methods from your courses and readings so you can repeat them in pretty much the same form 67 78 39 4 Q6A Percent 34.5 40.2 20.1 2.1 Valid Percent 35.6 41.5 20.7 2.1 188 96.9 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total 6 3.1 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 35.6 77.1 97.9 100.0 Q6B: Analyzing the basic elements of an idea, experience, or theory, such as examining a particular case or situation in-depth and considering its components 87 73 26 3 Q6B Percent 44.8 37.6 13.4 1.5 Valid Percent 46.0 38.6 13.8 1.6 189 97.4 100.0 5 2.6 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 46.0 84.7 98.4 100.0 Q6C: Synthesizing and organizing ideas, information, or experiences into new, more complex interpretations and relationships 80 63 40 6 Q6C Percent 41.2 32.5 20.6 3.1 Valid Percent 42.3 33.3 21.2 3.2 189 97.4 100.0 5 2.6 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing Total System Cumulative Percent 42.3 75.7 96.8 100.0 Q6D: Making judgments about the value of information, arguments, or methods such as examining how others gathered and interpreted data and assessing the soundness of their conclusions 65 70 49 5 Q6D Percent 33.5 36.1 25.3 2.6 Valid Percent 34.4 37.0 25.9 2.6 189 97.4 100.0 5 2.6 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 34.4 71.4 97.4 100.0 Q6E: Applying theories or concepts to practical problems or in new situations Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Frequency 103 56 28 2 Q6E Percent 53.1 28.9 14.4 1.0 Valid Percent 54.5 29.6 14.8 1.1 189 97.4 100.0 5 2.6 194 100.0 Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 54.5 84.1 98.9 100.0 Q6F: Using information you have read or heard to perform a new skill Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Frequency 101 58 29 1 Q6F Percent 52.1 29.9 14.9 .5 Valid Percent 53.4 30.7 15.3 .5 189 97.4 100.0 Total Missing System Total 5 2.6 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 53.4 84.1 99.5 100.0 THINKING BACK TO YOUR EXPERIENCE AT RSCC, HOW DID STUDY STRATEGIES AFFECT YOUR LEARNING? Q7A: Were you taught any study strategies in your RSCC courses? Valid Yes No Total Missing Total System Frequency 132 59 Q7A Percent 68.0 30.4 Valid Percent 69.1 30.9 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 69.1 100.0 Q7B: Did the study strategies improve your learning? Valid Yes No Total Missing System Total Frequency 130 44 Q7B Percent 67.0 22.7 Valid Percent 74.7 25.3 174 89.7 100.0 20 10.3 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 74.7 100.0 Q7C: Did you use the study strategies you learned in more than one course? Valid Yes No Total Missing System Total Frequency 128 46 Q7C Percent 66.0 23.7 Valid Percent 73.6 26.4 174 89.7 100.0 20 10.3 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 73.6 100.0 TO WHAT EXTENT DID RSCC EMPHASIZE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING? Q8A: Providing the support you need to help you succeed at this college 83 69 35 4 Q8A Percent 42.8 35.6 18.0 2.1 Valid Percent 43.5 36.1 18.3 2.1 191 98.5 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total 3 1.5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 43.5 79.6 97.9 100.0 Q8B: Encouraging contact among students from different economic, social, racial, and ethnic backgrounds 47 46 68 30 Q8B Percent 24.2 23.7 35.1 15.5 Valid Percent 24.6 24.1 35.6 15.7 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing Total System Cumulative Percent 24.6 48.7 84.3 100.0 Q8C: Using computers in academic work Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing Frequency 127 47 13 4 Q8C Percent 65.5 24.2 6.7 2.1 Valid Percent 66.5 24.6 6.8 2.1 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 System Total Cumulative Percent 66.5 91.1 97.9 100.0 TO WHAT EXTENT DID YOUR EXPERIENCE AT RSCC CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS? Q9A: Acquiring a broad general education 90 60 31 10 Q9A Percent 46.4 30.9 16.0 5.2 Valid Percent 47.1 31.4 16.2 5.2 191 98.5 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total 3 1.5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 47.1 78.5 94.8 100.0 Q9B: Acquiring job or work-related knowledge and skills Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing Frequency 104 44 34 9 Q9B Percent 53.6 22.7 17.5 4.6 Valid Percent 54.5 23.0 17.8 4.7 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 System Total Cumulative Percent 54.5 77.5 95.3 100.0 Q9C: Writing clearly and effectively 62 72 45 12 Q9C Percent 32.0 37.1 23.2 6.2 Valid Percent 32.5 37.7 23.6 6.3 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing Total System Cumulative Percent 32.5 70.2 93.7 100.0 Q9D: Speaking clearly and effectively 75 70 37 9 Q9D Percent 38.7 36.1 19.1 4.6 Valid Percent 39.3 36.6 19.4 4.7 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 39.3 75.9 95.3 100.0 Q9E: Thinking clearly and effectively 88 72 25 6 Q9E Percent 45.4 37.1 12.9 3.1 Valid Percent 46.1 37.7 13.1 3.1 191 98.5 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total 3 1.5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 46.1 83.8 96.9 100.0 Q9F: Solving numerical problems 53 66 57 15 Q9F Percent 27.3 34.0 29.4 7.7 Valid Percent 27.7 34.6 29.8 7.9 191 98.5 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total 3 1.5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 27.7 62.3 92.1 100.0 Q9G: Using computing and information technology 82 72 30 7 Q9G Percent 42.3 37.1 15.5 3.6 Valid Percent 42.9 37.7 15.7 3.7 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing Total System Cumulative Percent 42.9 80.6 96.3 100.0 Q9H: Working effectively with others 90 65 32 4 Q9H Percent 46.4 33.5 16.5 2.1 Valid Percent 47.1 34.0 16.8 2.1 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 47.1 81.2 97.9 100.0 Q9I: Learning effectively on your own Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Frequency 116 60 12 3 Q9I Percent 59.8 30.9 6.2 1.5 Valid Percent 60.7 31.4 6.3 1.6 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 60.7 92.1 98.4 100.0 Q9J: Understanding yourself 81 58 39 13 Q9J Percent 41.8 29.9 20.1 6.7 Valid Percent 42.4 30.4 20.4 6.8 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 42.4 72.8 93.2 100.0 Q9K: Understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds 41 54 60 36 Q9K Percent 21.1 27.8 30.9 18.6 Valid Percent 21.5 28.3 31.4 18.8 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 21.5 49.7 81.2 100.0 Q9L: Persisting at difficult tasks 94 69 22 6 Q9L Percent 48.5 35.6 11.3 3.1 Valid Percent 49.2 36.1 11.5 3.1 191 98.5 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing Total System 3 1.5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 49.2 85.3 96.9 100.0 Q9M: Leading/guiding others 53 65 54 19 Q9M Percent 27.3 33.5 27.8 9.8 Valid Percent 27.7 34.0 28.3 9.9 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 27.7 61.8 90.1 100.0 Q9N: Organizing your time effectively Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Frequency 101 53 32 5 Q9N Percent 52.1 27.3 16.5 2.6 Valid Percent 52.9 27.7 16.8 2.6 191 98.5 100.0 Total Missing System Total 3 1.5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 52.9 80.6 97.4 100.0 Q9O: Listening effectively 99 72 17 3 Q9O Percent 51.0 37.1 8.8 1.5 Valid Percent 51.8 37.7 8.9 1.6 191 98.5 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing System Total 3 1.5 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 51.8 89.5 98.4 100.0 Q9P: Reading effectively for increased understanding (comprehension) 90 69 26 6 Q9P Percent 46.4 35.6 13.4 3.1 Valid Percent 47.1 36.1 13.6 3.1 191 98.5 100.0 3 1.5 194 100.0 Frequency Valid Very much Quite a bit Some Very little Total Missing Total System Cumulative Percent 47.1 83.2 96.9 100.0 PLEASE RATE THE QUALITY OF YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH PEOPLE AT RSCC. Q10A: Other students 46 53 47 25 4 1 Q10A Percent 23.7 27.3 24.2 12.9 2.1 .5 Valid Percent 26.1 30.1 26.7 14.2 2.3 .6 176 90.7 100.0 18 9.3 194 100.0 Frequency Valid 7 6 5 4 3 2 Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 26.1 56.3 83.0 97.2 99.4 100.0 Q10B: Instructors/Professors 65 62 27 15 3 2 1 Q10B Percent 33.5 32.0 13.9 7.7 1.5 1.0 .5 Valid Percent 37.1 35.4 15.4 8.6 1.7 1.1 .6 175 90.2 100.0 19 9.8 194 100.0 Frequency Valid 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Total Missing System Total Cumulative Percent 37.1 72.6 88.0 96.6 98.3 99.4 100.0 Q10C: Administrators and Staff from RSCC Offices 42 42 45 26 18 1 2 Q10C Percent 21.6 21.6 23.2 13.4 9.3 .5 1.0 Valid Percent 23.9 23.9 25.6 14.8 10.2 .6 1.1 176 90.7 100.0 Frequency Valid 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Total Missing Total System 18 9.3 194 100.0 Cumulative Percent 23.9 47.7 73.3 88.1 98.3 98.9 100.0