Meeting Notes Participants

Meeting Notes
University Studies Advisory Committee Meeting
August 15, 2011
2:30 p.m.
Leutze Hall 127
Cara Cilano
Curry Guinn
Anita McDaniel
Bill Compton
Heidi Higgins
Anne Pemberton
Phil Furia
Kemille Moore
Michael Freeze
Kathy Roney
Notetaker: Lea Bullard
Focus Topic
Explorations Beyond the Classroom proposal form
Discussion Notes
Next meeting: Friday August 19th at 11:30 (Cara to email location) for an official vote on the Clusters and
Explorations documents.
All Phase I proposals and related documents are available on a Sammy drive now for departments’ access:
\\Sammy\departments\UNCW SHARE\University Studies Committee
Explorations Beyond the Classroom
 EBC1
• Proposed wording: “Students will be able to articulate their expectations, the
purpose, or the goals of the experience in terms of personal educational
o This isn’t as prescriptive but still indicates that students ought to be able to
articulate what the project is
• Propose to add “e.g.” to “means of assessment”
 EBC2
• “Synthesize” is preferable over “demonstrate”
 Whole document notes
• Remove “course” throughout document; change to “experience”
• Add “if applicable” where “syllabus” is mentioned
o Definitions
 Discovery
• What does “substantial discovery project” mean? Is it something above and beyond
core course content? It speaks to student initiative
• The tone of these implies faculty-structured experiences, but EBC should be
somewhat student-driven
• Propose to keep “Discovery” as just DIS or Honors
 Application
• Propose to remove “accredited”, and use “a professional outside of the classroom”
since many fields don’t have accreditation
Propose to remove the clause after the semicolon as it speaks more to regional
 Regional engagement
• How we define “region” can be flexible and open to interpretation; the University is
part of the community and work with/at the University counts as regional
• Propose to keep the definition as it was originally
 Exploration away
• Note that “exploration away” includes all that is listed but is not limited to just that
Chairs’ feedback/counting EBC experiences
 How to “count” the different experiences?
• Final overview document will indicate the committee’s sensitivity to chairs’
feedback. For instance, if a one-hour lab is demonstrably equal to a three-hour
course experience in terms of EBC, the committee will accept it as such.
• There has been discussion about how to have different experiences ‘count’…maybe
a zero-credit course number to represent the time spent on the experience. This
would ensure academic integrity.
• We’re going to ask the departments to create a mechanism to monitor it.
o Who would be responsible for that?
 Often, it’s a group experience that is already faculty-led. Internships
are different, but they already do have a supervisor of some sort.
• Proposed required EBC experiences: two approved experiences or an experience of
6 hours
Timeline for submissions
 Submissions should be as straightforward as the other submissions we’ve had
 Submissions date should be sometime in October
 Committee will ask Jarret Piner to create a pilot in BBLearn using the student-linked
ePortfolio system for OIP applications
Committee Action Items
Next meeting: Friday August 19th at 11:30 (Cara to email location) for an official vote on the Clusters and
Explorations documents. Please bring for review the hard copies of the documents Cara emailed last
week and will be emailing this week.