2014 2015 Tennessee Higher Education Fact Book Tennessee Higher Education Commission Parkway Towers, Suite 1900 404 James Robertson Parkway Nashville, TN 37243-0830 Phone: (615) 741-3605 Fax: (615) 741-6230 www.tn.gov/thec ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Tennessee Higher Education Commission gratefully acknowledges the institutions and agencies that provided the data necessary to compile the Higher Education Fact Book. This and other THEC publications would be impossible without the timely submission of quality information by the following data providers: • • • • • the Tennessee Board of Regents and its institutions; the University of Tennessee and its institutions; the Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association; the THEC Division of Postsecondary School Authorization; and the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation. PRIVACY NOTICE Throughout this report, THEC seeks to comply with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements to protect students’ personally identifiable information. Therefore, when tables are presented, individual cells containing five observations or fewer are suppressed. The suppressed information is included in table totals. Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 i Table of Contents Introduction Figure/Table Page vii vii viii ix x xi xii History Current Context 2014-2015 Commission Members Governance and Coordination Structure Directory of Public Institutions Directory of Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association Member Institutions Student Participation Headcount by Sector FTE by Sector Public Higher Education Enrollment Trends Percent Changes in Public Higher Education Enrollment Fall Enrollment 2004 and 2009-2014 by Institution 14th Day and End of Term Enrollment Public Enrollment Term Withdrawals FTE Enrollment 2004 and 2009-2014 by Institution FTE as a Percent of Headcount Enrollment Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology Enrollment and FTE Full-Time and Part-Time Enrollment at Community Colleges Full-Time and Part-Time Enrollment at Public Universities Total High School Graduates and Postseconday Enrollment College Going Rate by County Public High School Graduate Enrollment by System Postsecondary Share of High School Graduate Enrollment Headcount by Student Level Headcount by Gender Headcount by Race Headcount by Age and Pell Grant Eligibility Headcount by Residency and Citizenship Status Headcount by Major Field Community College and Public University Off-Campus Enrollment TCAT Off-Campus Enrollment Average ACT Scores of Freshmen Undergraduate Transfer Student Activity into Public Universities Undergraduate Transfer Student Activity into Community College Remedial and Developmental Enrollment Fall 2014 Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3 Figure 1.4 Table 1.1 Table 1.2 Table 1.3 Table 1.4 Table 1.5 Table 1.6 Figure 1.5 Figure 1.6 Figure 1.7 Table 1.7 Table 1.8 Table 1.9 Table 1.10 Table 1.11 Table 1.12 Table 1.13 Table 1.14 Table 1.15 Table 1.16 Table 1.17 Table 1.18 Table 1.19 Table 1.20 Table 1.21 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 ii Table of Contents continued Student Success Retention Rates by Institution Retention Rates by Race Remedial and Developmental Student Success Awards by Institution Awards by Major Field Awards by Major Field and Public University Percent of Public University Awards by Major Field Awards by Major Field and Community College Percent of Awards by Major Field and Community College Awards by Gender Awards by Gender and Award Type Awards by Race and Award Type Awards by Race and Institution Adult Award Recipients by Institution Pell Eligible Award Recipients by Institution Six Year Graduation Rates by Institution Six Year Graduation Rates by Institution and Race Six Year Graduation Rates by Institution 1999-2008 Community College Graduate Job Placement Rates Community College Graduate Job Placement Rates by Institution TCAT Awards by Institution TCAT Awards by Program TCAT Program Completion and Placement Rates by Institution TCAT Completion and Placement Rates by Institution and Program Public University Licensure Exam Scores Community College Licensure Exam Scores TCAT Licensure Exam Scores by Institution Student Satisfaction Survey Results Figure/Table Page Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 2.3 Table 2.4 Table 2.5 Table 2.6 Table 2.7 Table 2.8 Table 2.9 Table 2.10 Table 2.11 Table 2.12 Table 2.13 Table 2.14 Table 2.15 Table 2.16 Table 2.17 Table 2.18 Table 2.19 Table 2.20 Table 2.21 Table 2.22 Table 2.23 Table 2.24 Table 2.25 Table 2.26 Table 2.27 Table 2.28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 48 49 50 52 53 63 64 65 68 Table 3.1 Table 3.2 Table 3.3 Table 3.4 Table 3.5 Table 3.6 Table 3.7 70 71 72 73 74 75 75 Academic and Fiscal Trends Academic Program Inventory Program Accreditation Status Admissions Data for Public Universities Lower Division Instructional Courses Percent of Undergraduate Instruction through e-Learning Peer Faculty Salary Comparison TCAT Average Salary Comparison Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 iii Table of Contents continued Academic and Fiscal Trends Continued Average Full-Time Public University Faculty Salary Average Full-Time Community College Faculty Salary Annual Tuition and Mandatory Fees Annual Tuition and Mandatory Fees Resident Undergraduate Average Undergraduate Resident Tuition and Fees by Institution Type Median Full-Time Tuition & Fees Public University Resident Median Full-Time Tuition & Fees Community College Resident Family Income Needed to Pay for College 2010-2011 Family Income Needed to Pay for College 2011-2012 Tuition & Fees Revenue per FTE Student Appropriations & Tuition/Fees Revenue per FTE Student Appropriations per FTE Student State & Local Appropriations as Percentage of Taxes State Appropriations for TN Public Higher Education Formula Units State Appropriations for TN Public Higher Education Non-Formula Units Revenue per FTE Historical Analysis Revenue per Student Award Historical Analysis Public University Total Revenue per FTE Community College Total Revenue per FTE Student Share of Revenue per FTE Aid Awards per Enrollment State Undergraduate Grant Dollars per Undergraduate Enrollment 2012-13 Public University Undergraduate Debt Cohort Default Rates for TN Public Institutions TN Education Lottery Schoarship (TELS) Program Summary Report TELS Traditional HOPE Awards by Institution TN Student Assistance Corporation Non-Lottery Awards by Program TN Student Assistance Corporation Non-Lottery Awards by Sector Figure/Table Page Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Table 3.8 Table 3.9 Figure 3.3 Table 3.10 Table 3.11 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Table 3.12 Table 3.13 Table 3.14 Table 3.15 Table 3.16 Table 3.17 Table 3.18 Table 3.19 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8 Table 3.20 Table 3.21 Table 3.22 Table 3.23 Table 3.24 Table 3.25 Table 3.26 Table 3.27 76 76 77 78 79 80 80 81 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 98 100 100 Table 4.1 Table 4.2 Table 4.3 Table 4.4 102 103 103 104 105 Outcomes Funding Formula Outcomes Funding Formula Definitions Outcomes Formula Weights for Public Universities 2015-2016 Outcomes Formula Weights for Community Colleges 2015-2016 Outcomes Funding Formula Data for Public Universities FY 2015-2016 Outcomes Funding Formula Data for Community Colleges FY 2015-2016 Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 iv Table of Contents continued Glossary Definitions Institutional and System Abbreviations Page 108 109 Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 v Page Intentionally Left Blank Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 vi History The Tennessee Higher Education Commission was created in 1967 by the Tennessee General Assembly to coordinate and foster unity within higher education. The Commission coordinates two systems of public higher education: the University of Tennessee institutions, governed by the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees, and the state universities, community colleges, and colleges of applied technology governed by the Tennessee Board of Regents. There are currently nine public universities, 13 community colleges, and 27 colleges of applied technology in Tennessee that serve over 240,000 students collectively. Tennessee’s independent institutions (non-profit and for-profit) bring statewide enrollment for fall 2014 to more than 380,000 students. The Commission is composed of nine lay members appointed by the Governor for six year terms who represent the state’s congressional districts, three Constitutional Officers who are ex-officio voting members (Comptroller of the Treasury, State Treasurer, and Secretary of State), two ex-officio student members who serve two year terms, and the Executive Director of the State Board of Education, who is an ex-officio non-voting member. Current Context In January 2010, the General Assembly passed the Complete College Tennessee Act (CCTA), a comprehensive reform agenda that seeks to transform public higher education through changes in academic, fiscal and administrative policies at the state and institutional levels. While the higher education landscape has been shaped by the CCTA, higher education is evolving to adopt Governor Bill Haslam’s statewide reform agenda, collectively known as the “Drive to 55.” Calendar year 2015 will usher in a new long-range plan that will supplant the 2010-2015 Public Agenda for Tennessee Higher Education, which helped set the stage for transformational change in Tennessee higher education. Stated succinctly, this plan seeks to: (1) make dramatic increases in degree production and efficiency; (2) within available resources (state operating appropriations plus tuition); (3) without diminishing educational quality; (4) thereby improving community, county, and statewide postsecondary attainment; (5) to support improvements in workforce capacity and quality as well as economic and community (i.e., workplace) development. Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 vii Tennessee Higher Education Commission 2014-2015 Commission Members Mr. Evan Cope, Chair, Murfreesboro, 4th Congressional District Mr. Robert Fisher, voting ex-officio, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Mr. Tre Hargett, Secretary of State Ms. Sharon Hayes, Vice-Chair, Brownsville, 8th Congressional District Dr. Sara Heyburn, non-voting ex-officio, Executive Director, State Board of Education Mr. Jon Kinsey, Chattanooga, 3rd Congressional District Ms. Pam Koban, Nashville, 5th Congressional District Mr. Bill Lee, Franklin, 7th Congressional District Mr. David Lillard, Jr., State Treasurer Mr. Alex Martin, non-voting ex-officio, Tennessee Technological University Ms. Pam Martin, Mt. Juliet, 6th Congressional District Ms. Mintha E. Roach, Knoxville, 2nd Congressional District Mayor A C Wharton, Jr., Secretary, Memphis, 9th Congressional District Mr. Justin Wilson, State Comptroller Mr. Keith Wilson, Vice-Chair, 1st Congressional District Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 viii Tennessee Public Higher Education Governance/Coordination Structure The Citizens of Tennessee Governor General Assembly Tennessee Higher Education Commission Tennessee Board of Regents Universities Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis University of Tennessee System University of Tennessee at Chattanooga University of Tennessee at Knoxville University of Tennessee at Martin University of Tennessee Health Science Center University of Tennessee Space Institute Institute for Agriculture Institute for Public Service Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest State Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College Colleges of Applied Technology Athens McKenzie Chattanooga McMinnville Covington Memphis Crossville Morristown Crump Murfreesboro Dickson Nashville Elizabethton Newbern Harriman Oneida/Huntsville Hartsville Paris Hohenwald Pulaski Jacksboro Ripley Jackson Shelbyville Knoxville Whiteville Livingston Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 ix Tennessee Public Institutions Directory Universities Austin Peay State University Clarksville, TN www.apsu.edu 931-221-7011 East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN www.etsu.edu 423-439-1000 System Offices Tennessee Board of Regents 1415 Murfreesboro Road Suite 350 Nashville, TN 37217 www.tbr.edu 615-366-4400 Middle Tennessee State University Murfreesboro, TN www.mtsu.edu 615-898-2300 Tennessee State University Nashville, TN www.tnstate.edu 615-963-5000 Tennessee Technological University Cookeville, TN www.tntech.edu 931-372-3888 University of Memphis Memphis, TN www.memphis.edu 901-678-2000 University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Chattanooga, TN www.utc.edu 423-425-4506 University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, TN www.utk.edu 865-974-1000 University of Tennessee 800 Andy Holt Tower Knoxville, TN 37996 www.tennessee.edu 865-974-1000 Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College Chattanooga, TN www.chattanoogastate.edu 423-697-4400 Northeast State Community College Blountville, TN www.northeaststate.edu 423-323-3191 Cleveland State Community College Cleveland, TN www.clevelandstatecc.edu 423-472-7141 Pellissippi State Community College Knoxville, TN www.pstcc.edu 865-694-6400 Columbia State Community College Columbia, TN www.columbiastate.edu 931-676-6966 Roane State Community College Harriman, TN www.roanestate.edu 866-462-7722 Dyersburg State Community College Dyersburg, TN www.dscc.edu 731-286-3200 Southwest Tennessee Community College Memphis, TN www.southwest.tn.edu 901-333-5000 Jackson State Community College Jackson, TN www.jscc.edu 731-424-3520 Volunteer State Community College Gallatin, TN www.volstate.edu 615-452-8600 Motlow State Community College Lynchburg, TN www.mscc.edu 931-393-1500 Walters State Community College Morristown, TN www.ws.edu 423-585-2600 University of Tennessee, Martin Martin, TN www.utm.edu 731-881-7000 University of Tennessee Health Science Center Memphis, TN www.utthsc.edu 901-448-5500 Nashville State Community College Nashville, TN www.nscc.edu 615-353-3333 University of Tennessee Space Institute Tullahoma, TN www.utsi.edu 931-393-7100 Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 x Tennessee Public Institutions Directory Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology Athens www.tcatathens.edu 423-744-2814 Jacksboro www.tcatjacksboro.edu 423-566-9629 Newbern www.tcatnewbern.edu 731-627-2511 Chattanooga www.chattanoogastate.edu/tcat 423-697-4433 Jackson www.tcatjackson.edu 731-424-0691 Oneida/Huntsville www.tcatoneida.edu 423-663-4900 Covington www.tcatcovington.edu 901-475-2526 Knoxville www.tcatknoxville.edu 865-546-5567 Paris www.tcatparis.edu 731-644-7365 Crossville www.tcatcrossville.edu 931-484-7502 Livingston www.tcatlivingston.edu 931-823-5525 Pulaski www.tcatpulaski.edu 931-424-4014 Crump www.tcatcrump.edu 731-632-3393 McKenzie www.tcatmckenzie.edu 731-352-5364 Ripley www.tcatripley.edu 731-635-3368 Dickson www.tcatdickson.edu 615-441-6220 McMinnville www.tcatmcminnville.edu 931-473-5587 Shelbyville www.tcatshelbyville.edu 931-685-5013 Elizabethton www.tcatelizabethton.edu 423-543-0070 Memphis www.tcatmemphis.edu 901-543-6100 Whiteville www.tcatwhiteville.edu 731-254-8521 Harriman www.tcatharriman.edu 865-882-6703 Morristown www.tcatmorristown.edu 423-586-5771 Hartsville www.tcathartsville.edu 615-374-2147 Murfreesboro www.tcatmurfreesboro.edu 615-898-8010 Hohenwald www.tcathohenwald.edu 931-796-5351 Nashville www.tcatnashville.edu 615-425-5500 Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 xi Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association Member Institutions TICUA Office www.ticua.org 615-242-6400 Nashville Aquinas College www.aquinascollege.edu Nashville Baptist College of Health Sciences www.bchs.edu Memphis Belmont University www.belmont.edu Nashville Bethel College www.bethelu.edu McKenzie Bryan College www.bryan.edu Dayton Carson-Newman College www.cn.edu Jefferson City Christian Brothers University www.cbu.edu Memphis Cumberland University www.cumberland.edu Lebanon Fisk University www.fisk.edu Nashville King College www.king.edu Bristol Rhodes College www.rhodes.edu Memphis Lane College www.lanecollege.edu Jackson Sewanee: The University of the South www.sewanee.edu Sewanee Lee University www.leeuniversity.edu Cleveland Southern Adventist University www.southern.edu Collegedale LeMoyne-Owen College www.loc.edu Memphis Southern College of Optometry www.sco.edu Memphis Lincoln Memorial University www.lmunet.edu Harrogate Tennessee Wesleyan College www.twcnet.edu Athens Lipscomb University www.lipscomb.edu Nashville Trevecca Nazarene University www.trevecca.edu Nashville Martin Methodist College www.martinmethodist.edu Pulaski Tusculum College www.tusculum.edu Greeneville Maryville College www.maryvillecollege.edu Maryville Union University www.uu.edu Jackson Meharry Medical College www.mmc.edu Nashville Vanderbilt University www.vanderbilt.edu Nashville Memphis College of Art www.mca.edu Memphis Watkins College of Art, Design, and Film www.watkins.edu Nashville Freed-Hardeman University www.fhu.edu Henderson Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia www.mtsa.edu Madison Johnson College www.jbc.edu Jackson Milligan College www.milligan.edu Milligan College Welch College www.welch.edu Nashville Introduction Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 xii Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 1 Figure 1.1 Headcount by Sector Fall 2014 Proprietary 61,028 16% TICUA 79,803 20% TCAT 17,354 5% TBR Community Colleges 87,064 23% Total Tennessee Fall 2014 Enrollment: 383,722 TBR Universities 89,466 23% UT 49,007 13% Source: THEC Student Information System (THEC SIS), THEC Postsecondary School Authorization, TN Board of Regents (TBR), TN Independent Colleges and Universities Association (TICUA) Notes: Proprietary enrollment is reported annually. To isolate the proprietary sector’s fall enrollment, the ratio of public institutions’ fall enrollment to 12 month enrollment was averaged over three years (2011, 2012, and 2013). This percentage (84.39 percent) was then applied to the 2013-2014 headcount of the proprietary sector to derive the estimated fall headcount. Excludes not-for-profit private institutions not participating in TICUA. TCAT enrollment is preliminary. Public and TICUA institution headcount based on end of term data. Percentages may not add to 100 percent due to rounding. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 2 Figure 1.2 FTE by Sector Fall 2014 TICUA 74,698 29% TCAT 12,258 5% UT 43,386 17% TBR Community Colleges 54,192 21% TBR Universities 73,247 28% Source: THEC SIS, TBR, TICUA Notes: Due to limitations in the data, this table does not report FTE for the proprietary sector. Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) enrollment is calculated in a manner consistent with the Outcomes Funding Formula definition found in Section 4. UT Health Science Center, UT Veterinary School, ETSU College of Medicine and College of Pharmacy FTE are equivalent to headcount. TCAT FTE is preliminary. Public and TICUA institution FTE based on end of term data. Percentages may not add to 100 percent due to rounding. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 3 Public Higher Education Enrollment Total Trends Fall 2004-Fall 2014 Figure 1.3 Total Headcount Total FTE 260,000 225,537 240,000 231,794 220,000 199,921 200,000 180,000 177,051 160,000 140,000 170,825 154,732 120,000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Public Higher Education Enrollment Percent Changes Fall 2004-Fall 2014 Figure 1.4 12.8% 10.4% 1 Year 5 Years 10 Years -2.1%-2.7% Headcount -1.8% -3.5% FTE Source: THEC SIS Note: Public higher education enrollment excludes TN Colleges of Applied Technology. Based on end of term data. UT Health Science Center, UT Veterinary School, ETSU College of Medicine and College of Pharmacy FTE are equivalent to headcount. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 4 Table 1.1 Public Headcount Fall Terms 2004 and 2009 - 2014 Institution 2004 2009 2010 2011 TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 8,113 9,431 10,436 10,498 Cleveland State Community College 2,961 3,615 3,754 3,832 Columbia State Community College 4,697 5,581 5,648 5,514 3,395 3,759 3,777 Dyersburg State Community College 2,476 Jackson State Community College 3,966 5,109 5,375 4,935 Motlow State Community College 3,543 5,079 5,256 5,004 Nashville State Community College 7,020 8,869 9,906 9,883 Northeast State Community College 5,080 6,270 6,780 6,478 Pellissippi State Community College 7,562 10,297 11,169 11,464 Roane State Community College 5,332 6,281 6,881 6,906 Southwest Tennessee Community College 11,791 13,016 13,505 13,038 Volunteer State Community College 7,043 8,430 9,029 8,694 Walters State Community College 6,853 5,900 6,960 6,754 TBR Community College Total 75,484 92,226 98,458 96,777 TBR Universities Austin Peay State University 8,648 10,188 10,744 10,888 East Tennessee State University 11,886 14,421 14,999 15,286 Middle Tennessee State University 22,336 25,188 26,654 26,664 Tennessee State University 9,101 8,824 8,961 9,214 Tennessee Technological University 9,217 10,847 11,528 11,748 University of Memphis 20,713 21,420 22,586 22,869 TBR University Total 81,901 90,888 95,472 96,669 UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 8,689 10,526 10,726 11,394 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 25,729 27,221 27,306 27,296 University of Tennessee, Martin 6,098 8,096 8,479 7,921 University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center 2,139 2,837 2,692 2,789 UT University Total 42,655 48,680 49,203 49,400 University Total 124,556 139,568 144,675 146,069 Grand Total 200,040 231,794 243,133 242,846 2012 2013 2014 10,160 3,640 5,379 3,595 4,497 4,782 9,887 6,446 10,681 6,659 12,235 8,210 6,571 92,742 10,123 3,812 5,287 3,271 4,593 4,925 10,163 5,895 10,836 6,361 10,876 8,190 6,281 90,613 9,557 3,529 5,231 2,863 4,928 4,793 10,048 5,865 10,247 5,962 10,333 7,677 6,031 87,064 10,616 15,202 25,578 8,881 11,583 22,312 94,172 10,449 14,751 24,079 8,833 11,200 21,587 90,899 10,153 14,551 23,006 9,097 11,498 21,161 89,466 11,614 11,655 11,619 26,877 27,028 27,382 7,766 7,429 7,029 2,799 2,859 2,977 49,056 48,971 49,007 143,228 139,870 138,473 235,970 230,483 225,537 Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. Enrollments are for credit-bearing courses only. Based on end of term data. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 5 Table 1.2 14th Day Enrollment and End of Term Headcount Enrollment Fall 2014 Institution 14th Day TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 9,332 Cleveland State Community College 3,522 Columbia State Community College 5,117 Dyersburg State Community College 2,847 Jackson State Community College 4,924 Motlow State Community College 4,758 Nashville State Community College 10,044 5,865 Northeast State Community College 10,099 Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College 5,832 Southwest Tennessee Community College 10,227 7,664 Volunteer State Community College 6,005 Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total 86,236 TBR Universities Austin Peay State University 10,111 14,434 East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University 22,729 Tennessee State University 9,027 Tennessee Technological University 11,338 University of Memphis 21,059 TBR University Total 88,698 UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 11,608 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 27,040 University of Tennessee, Martin 7,002 University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center 2,976 UT University Total 48,626 137,324 University Total Grand Total 223,560 End of Term Percent Change 9,557 3,529 5,231 2,863 4,928 4,793 10,048 5,865 10,247 5,962 10,333 7,677 6,031 87,064 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2.4% 0.2% 2.2% 0.6% 0.1% 0.7% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 2.2% 1.0% 0.2% 0.4% 1.0% 10,153 14,551 23,006 9,097 11,498 21,161 89,466 + + + + + + + 0.4% 0.8% 1.2% 0.8% 1.4% 0.5% 0.9% 11,619 27,382 7,029 2,977 49,007 138,473 225,537 + + + + + + + 0.1% 1.3% 0.4% 0.0% 0.8% 0.8% 0.9% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. End of term reflects student departures and students who enrolled after the 14th day. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 6 Table 1.3 Student Withdrawals After 14th Day Enrollment Fall 2014 Institution 14th Day TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 9,332 Cleveland State Community College 3,522 Columbia State Community College 5,117 Dyersburg State Community College 2,847 Jackson State Community College 4,924 Motlow State Community College 4,758 Nashville State Community College 10,044 Northeast State Community College 5,865 Pellissippi State Community College 10,099 Roane State Community College 5,832 Southwest Tennessee Community College 10,227 Volunteer State Community College 7,664 Walters State Community College 6,005 TBR Community College Total 86,236 TBR Universities Austin Peay State University 10,111 East Tennessee State University 14,434 Middle Tennessee State University 22,729 Tennessee State University 9,027 Tennessee Technological University 11,338 University of Memphis 21,059 TBR University Total 88,698 UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 11,608 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 27,040 University of Tennessee, Martin 7,002 University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center 2,976 UT University Total 48,626 University Total 137,324 Grand Total 223,560 Withdrawals Percent Change 319 210 218 90 204 139 768 227 382 226 510 291 180 3,764 -3.4% -6.0% -4.3% -3.2% -4.1% -2.9% -7.6% -3.9% -3.8% -3.9% -5.0% -3.8% -3.0% -4.4% 247 1,200 1,132 508 331 1,009 4,427 -2.4% -8.3% -5.0% -5.6% -2.9% -4.8% -5.0% 125 373 204 11 713 5,140 8,904 -1.1% -1.4% -2.9% -0.4% -1.5% -3.7% -4.0% Source: THEC SIS & TBR Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. Withdrawals reflect students who enrolled by the 14th day and then departed by the end of term. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 7 Table 1.4 Public FTE Enrollment Fall Terms 2004 and 2009 - 2014 Institution 2004 2009 2010 2011 TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 5,118 6,812 6,801 5,987 Cleveland State Community College 2,087 2,504 2,609 2,630 Columbia State Community College 3,142 3,569 3,701 3,495 Dyersburg State Community College 1,767 2,213 2,421 2,339 Jackson State Community College 2,700 3,313 3,415 3,262 Motlow State Community College 2,468 3,353 3,375 3,112 Nashville State Community College 3,914 5,154 5,621 5,702 Northeast State Community College 3,369 4,231 4,680 4,437 Pellissippi State Community College 5,014 6,695 7,346 7,509 Roane State Community College 3,836 4,227 4,511 4,361 Southwest Tennessee Community College 7,564 8,465 8,533 8,276 Volunteer State Community College 4,495 5,501 5,817 5,509 Walters State Community College 3,661 4,780 4,819 4,598 TBR Community College Total 49,134 59,993 63,658 62,031 TBR Universities Austin Peay State University 6,834 7,566 8,622 8,685 East Tennessee State University 10,087 12,116 12,794 13,030 Middle Tennessee State University 19,077 21,049 22,030 21,840 Tennessee State University 7,632 7,025 7,157 7,166 Tennessee Technological University 7,560 9,057 9,368 9,527 University of Memphis 16,303 16,792 17,798 17,974 67,492 73,605 77,769 78,222 TBR University Total UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 7,326 9,116 9,788 9,845 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 23,142 24,624 24,219 23,519 University of Tennessee, Martin 5,571 6,714 6,959 6,852 University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center 2,139 2,837 2,623 2,789 University of Tennessee Total 38,178 43,291 43,589 43,005 University Total 105,670 116,896 121,358 121,227 Grand Total 154,804 176,889 185,016 183,258 2012 2013 2014 6,585 2,482 3,348 2,217 2,847 2,925 5,681 4,289 7,057 4,153 7,555 5,091 4,425 58,656 6,388 2,487 3,352 1,918 2,722 2,984 5,796 3,912 6,978 3,964 6,801 4,985 4,103 56,392 5,901 2,316 3,263 1,678 2,825 2,984 5,807 3,888 6,644 3,777 6,355 4,747 4,008 54,192 8,508 12,784 20,824 6,901 9,636 17,462 76,114 8,416 12,374 19,637 7,080 9,797 16,704 74,007 8,241 12,295 18,787 7,388 9,983 16,554 73,247 9,951 10,208 10,029 23,610 23,860 24,107 6,770 6,555 6,273 2,799 2,859 2,977 43,129 43,481 43,386 119,243 117,489 116,633 177,899 173,880 170,825 Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary School and the UT Space Institute. UT Health Science Center, UT Veterinary School, ETSU College of Medicine and College of Pharmacy FTE are equivalent to headcount. Enrollments are for credit-bearing courses only. Based on end of term data. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 8 Table 1.5 FTE as a Percent of Headcount Enrollment Fall Terms 2004 and 2009 - 2014 Institution 2004 2009 2010 2011 TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 63.1% 63.5% 65.3% 64.8% Cleveland State Community College 70.5% 69.3% 69.5% 68.6% Columbia State Community College 66.9% 63.9% 65.5% 63.4% Dyersburg State Community College 71.4% 65.2% 64.4% 61.9% Jackson State Community College 68.1% 64.8% 63.5% 66.1% Motlow State Community College 69.7% 66.0% 64.2% 62.2% Nashville State Community College 55.8% 58.1% 56.7% 57.7% Northeast State Community College 66.3% 67.5% 69.0% 68.5% Pellissippi State Community College 66.3% 65.0% 65.8% 65.5% Roane State Community College 71.9% 67.3% 65.6% 63.1% Southwest Tennessee Community College 64.2% 65.0% 63.2% 63.5% Volunteer State Community College 63.8% 65.3% 64.4% 63.4% Walters State Community College 62.0% 69.7% 69.2% 68.1% TBR Community College Total 65.1% 65.0% 64.7% 64.1% TBR Universities Austin Peay State University 79.0% 74.3% 80.2% 79.8% East Tennessee State University 84.9% 84.0% 85.3% 85.2% Middle Tennessee State University 85.4% 83.6% 82.7% 81.9% Tennessee State University 83.9% 79.6% 79.9% 77.8% Tennessee Technological University 82.0% 83.5% 81.3% 81.1% University of Memphis 78.7% 78.4% 78.8% 78.6% TBR University Total 82.4% 81.0% 81.5% 80.9% UT Universities 84.3% University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 86.6% 91.3% 86.4% University of Tennessee, Knoxville 89.9% 90.5% 88.7% 86.2% University of Tennessee, Martin 91.4% 82.9% 82.1% 86.5% University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center 100.0% 100.0% 97.0% 100.0% University of Tennessee Total 89.5% 88.9% 88.6% 87.1% University Total 84.8% 83.8% 83.6% 82.7% Grand Total 77.4% 76.3% 75.6% 75.0% 2012 2013 2014 64.8% 68.2% 62.2% 61.7% 63.3% 61.2% 57.5% 66.5% 66.1% 62.4% 61.8% 62.0% 67.3% 63.2% 63.1% 65.2% 63.4% 58.6% 59.3% 60.6% 57.0% 66.4% 64.4% 62.3% 62.5% 60.9% 65.3% 62.2% 61.7% 65.6% 62.4% 58.6% 57.3% 62.3% 57.8% 66.3% 64.8% 63.3% 61.5% 61.8% 66.5% 62.2% 80.1% 84.1% 81.4% 77.7% 83.2% 78.3% 80.8% 80.5% 83.9% 81.6% 80.2% 87.5% 77.4% 81.4% 81.2% 84.5% 81.7% 81.2% 86.8% 78.2% 81.9% 85.7% 87.8% 87.2% 100.0% 87.9% 83.3% 75.4% 87.6% 88.3% 88.2% 100.0% 88.8% 84.0% 75.4% 86.3% 88.0% 89.2% 100.0% 88.5% 84.2% 75.7% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. UT Health Science Center, UT Veterinary School, ETSU College of Medicine and College of Pharmacy FTE are equivalent to headcount. Enrollments are for credit-bearing courses only. Based on end of term data. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 9 Table 1.6 Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology Enrollment Academic Year 2013-2014 FTE as Percent of Institution Headcount FTE Headcount Athens 416 244 58.7% Chattanooga 2,031 1,062 52.3% Covington 344 179 52.0% Crossville 555 338 60.9% Crump 397 234 58.9% Dickson 905 554 61.2% Elizabethton 977 561 57.4% Harriman 550 262 47.6% Hartsville 856 362 42.3% Hohenwald 559 358 64.0% Jacksboro 325 199 61.2% Jackson 1,472 509 34.6% Knoxville 1,542 43.6% 672 Livingston 1,696 367 21.6% McKenzie 303 211 69.6% McMinnville 457 219 47.9% Memphis 1,621 879 54.2% Morristown 978 530 54.2% Murfreesboro 5,544 523 9.4% Nashville 1,640 868 52.9% Newbern 567 275 48.5% Oneida/Huntsville 524 214 40.8% Paris 558 306 54.8% Pulaski 1,260 404 32.1% Ripley 752 156 20.7% Shelbyville 1,070 496 46.4% Whiteville 593 183 30.9% Grand Total 28,492 11,165 39.2% Contact Hours 219,182 954,993 161,301 303,921 210,833 499,176 504,148 235,482 325,636 322,721 179,217 457,804 604,934 330,380 190,052 197,426 791,372 476,819 470,759 781,112 247,174 192,570 276,235 363,336 139,992 445,912 164,914 10,047,401 Source: TBR Note: FTE is calculated as the total number of contact hours divided by 900. TCAT calculations are based on enrollment data from the summer, fall, and spring academic terms. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 10 Full-Time and Part-Time Enrollment Fall 2014 Community Colleges Figure 1.5 Public Universities Figure 1.6 Source: THEC SIS Note: Based on end of term data. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 11 Total High School Graduates and Postsecondary Enrollment 2009-2013 Figure 1.7 60,718 62,413 62,128 62,377 61,601 33,814 34,735 35,495 35,585 35,787 55.7% 55.7% 57.1% 57.0% 58.1% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Postsecondary Enrollment Total High School Graduates Source: THEC SIS, National Student Clearinghouse Note: High school students graduated during the winter, spring or summer preceding the fall they enrolled in higher education. For example, high school students who graduated during the winter of 2012, spring of 2013, or summer of 2013, and enrolled in any college in the summer or fall of 2013 are included. High school students were enrolled at any higher education institution (community college, university, in-state, outof-state, public, or private). Only public high school graduates are included in the college going calculations. Count is unduplicated. 55.7% 55.7% 57.1% 57.0% 58.1% Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 12 Table 1.7 County Anderson Bedford Benton Bledsoe Blount Bradley Campbell Cannon Carroll Carter Cheatham Chester Claiborne Clay Cocke Coffee Crockett Cumberland Davidson Decatur DeKalb Dickson Dyer Fayette Fentress Franklin Gibson Giles Grainger Greene Grundy Hamblen Hamilton Hancock Hardeman Hardin Hawkins Haywood Henderson Henry Hickman Houston Humphreys Jackson Jefferson Johnson Knox Lake Lauderdale Lawrence Lewis Lincoln Loudon Macon Madison 2009 58.9% 55.0% 51.6% 41.9% 55.5% 59.8% 46.4% 47.9% 55.8% 55.8% 52.3% 56.2% 51.8% 57.0% 37.1% 61.1% 45.3% 49.6% 54.3% 71.9% 51.5% 57.9% 55.1% 47.1% 54.2% 47.2% 58.4% 56.5% 50.2% 43.6% 46.7% 60.2% 61.9% 36.8% 50.2% 44.3% 51.1% 57.0% 57.1% 54.6% 44.9% 54.5% 54.1% 52.8% 41.7% 35.0% 65.2% 54.0% 55.7% 58.3% 44.0% 49.7% 50.5% 59.7% 50.8% College Going Rate by County 2009-2013 2011 2010 61.6% 59.9% 49.0% 46.4% 52.7% 53.4% 62.1% 40.9% 58.2% 56.0% 58.0% 55.1% 52.2% 48.4% 47.7% 40.1% 56.9% 59.8% 49.2% 56.7% 54.3% 58.1% 57.6% 58.9% 50.5% 54.6% 66.3% 63.2% 41.1% 42.4% 55.9% 59.2% 49.8% 62.2% 41.1% 44.8% 55.5% 51.5% 64.9% 71.6% 44.3% 44.8% 53.9% 52.6% 61.6% 65.4% 46.0% 47.8% 52.9% 51.0% 58.7% 42.6% 56.7% 56.2% 49.7% 49.3% 41.2% 46.0% 49.2% 45.5% 50.0% 39.0% 54.3% 57.1% 61.2% 61.3% 46.7% 49.3% 47.2% 54.4% 50.4% 56.7% 53.1% 51.4% 50.5% 61.6% 61.1% 68.8% 55.7% 56.7% 41.5% 32.9% 56.3% 51.3% 58.1% 62.9% 57.9% 49.0% 47.3% 45.1% 42.9% 48.5% 63.2% 66.6% 58.7% 76.6% 54.7% 47.6% 58.7% 59.1% 58.8% 61.1% 52.2% 52.5% 49.6% 52.4% 64.5% 56.1% 58.2% 62.0% 2012 60.6% 46.6% 57.6% 56.0% 57.9% 60.2% 49.9% 43.4% 59.4% 51.7% 54.5% 60.3% 59.3% 59.5% 41.3% 53.3% 50.6% 49.8% 52.2% 66.7% 43.5% 55.0% 64.0% 46.1% 44.3% 46.0% 58.3% 49.0% 54.7% 49.2% 6.5% 56.0% 61.2% 54.9% 51.4% 52.0% 47.1% 49.5% 69.4% 54.6% 40.3% 60.8% 59.5% 45.2% 50.7% 35.3% 63.4% 52.5% 54.2% 56.3% 49.1% 55.5% 53.2% 51.3% 53.0% 2013 62.4% 43.1% 56.3% 52.3% 58.8% 60.5% 50.3% 37.7% 58.9% 61.5% 50.6% 57.4% 64.0% 61.8% 39.7% 57.2% 56.7% 42.8% 54.3% 70.2% 49.5% 54.8% 63.5% 51.7% 58.6% 43.6% 57.0% 56.7% 56.9% 45.9% 47.8% 59.6% 61.1% 59.0% 49.6% 53.0% 48.8% 50.0% 67.7% 53.5% 40.4% 52.7% 52.1% 57.0% 56.5% 39.1% 67.3% 59.6% 50.7% 51.0% 63.3% 49.4% 57.0% 45.7% 56.1% Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 13 Table 1.7 continued Marion Marshall Maury McMinn McNairy Meigs Monroe Montgomery Moore Morgan Obion Overton Perry Pickett Polk Putnam Rhea Roane Robertson Rutherford Scott Sequatchie Sevier Shelby Smith Stewart Sullivan Sumner Tipton Trousdale Unicoi Union Van Buren Warren Washington Wayne Weakley White Williamson Wilson Tennessee 53.0% 56.1% 56.2% 54.2% 64.1% 35.8% 41.8% 49.3% 41.1% 50.0% 55.5% 60.6% 57.0% 60.0% 50.8% 59.6% 53.2% 62.2% 48.9% 55.5% 54.9% 51.0% 55.5% 56.0% 47.3% 46.6% 69.6% 64.4% 57.8% 70.3% 47.8% 43.0% 50.0% 47.4% 62.0% 52.9% 60.1% 45.3% 54.5% 60.2% 55.7% College Going Rate by County continued 2009-2013 57.7% 55.0% 55.9% 57.9% 58.4% 53.5% 58.9% 53.1% 52.8% 60.8% 45.0% 51.8% 37.8% 39.0% 49.6% 51.5% 46.1% 71.2% 44.4% 48.1% 57.8% 57.4% 55.0% 48.0% 66.7% 64.4% 65.0% 44.4% 52.7% 53.1% 54.8% 52.2% 52.2% 53.2% 58.6% 60.6% 52.6% 49.8% 55.9% 57.0% 56.0% 53.7% 61.2% 55.7% 53.9% 55.4% 54.6% 58.6% 49.1% 45.2% 48.7% 46.6% 63.9% 59.1% 65.1% 66.0% 60.7% 59.3% 59.8% 59.6% 48.5% 52.6% 39.0% 52.2% 28.2% 42.6% 46.0% 45.7% 61.4% 60.2% 55.5% 56.5% 55.9% 62.6% 44.8% 46.7% 66.3% 70.5% 61.0% 57.2% 55.7% 57.1% 55.2% 54.6% 59.2% 52.4% 61.1% 50.5% 39.8% 53.1% 43.7% 45.3% 60.3% 58.1% 78.3% 78.4% 52.3% 53.2% 47.8% 61.7% 52.0% 58.4% 53.0% 40.8% 54.0% 57.6% 45.2% 44.7% 62.1% 65.3% 61.5% 60.6% 55.6% 52.0% 50.0% 41.2% 62.5% 59.9% 67.0% 42.9% 77.3% 58.3% 57.0% 61.7% 57.7% 55.5% 51.7% 54.0% 58.3% 38.7% 50.9% 59.7% 46.8% 61.0% 54.1% 71.2% 58.1% 51.3% 58.8% 45.8% 60.8% 51.3% 57.1% 61.8% 55.0% 58.3% 59.4% 47.6% 46.7% 65.0% 65.2% 61.3% 55.3% 53.0% 49.1% 44.3% 42.6% 62.2% 55.3% 59.1% 51.1% 79.3% 60.9% 58.1% Source: THEC SIS, National Student Clearinghouse Note: High school students graduated during the winter, spring or summer preceding the fall they enrolled in higher education. For example, high school students who graduated during the winter of 2012, spring of 2013, or summer of 2013, and enrolled in any college in the summer or fall of 2013 are included. High school students were enrolled at any higher education institution (community college, university, in-state, outof-state, public, or private). Only public high school graduates are included in the college going calculations. Count is unduplicated. Data elements were not available in 2009 for some counties. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 14 Table 1.8 Public High School Graduate Enrollment Share by System 2009-2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total TBR Community Colleges 10,796 10,833 11,137 11,240 11,391 55,397 % of Total TBR Universities % of Total University of Tennessee % of Total TCAT % of Total Total 40.5% 40.2% 40.4% 41.1% 41.2% 40.7% 9,243 9,705 9,571 9,168 9,194 46,881 34.7% 36.0% 34.8% 33.5% 33.3% 34.4% 5,426 5,387 5,831 5,927 5,975 28,546 20.3% 20.0% 21.2% 21.7% 21.6% 21.0% 1,200 1,030 994 994 1,069 5,287 4.5% 3.8% 3.6% 3.6% 3.9% 3.9% 26,665 26,955 27,533 27,329 27,629 136,111 Table 1.9 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Postsecondary Share of High School Graduate Enrollment 2009-2013 Out-Of-State Out-ofIn-State In-State Enrollment Grand Total Enrollment State Total Total Private Public Private Public 3,909 26,665 30,574 1,386 2,319 3,705 34,279 3,734 26,955 30,689 1,861 2,865 4,726 35,415 3,828 27,533 31,361 1,777 2,979 4,756 36,117 3,868 27,329 31,197 1,880 2,994 4,874 36,071 3,870 27,629 31,499 1,828 2,881 4,709 36,208 19,209 136,111 155,320 8,732 14,038 22,770 178,090 Source: THEC SIS, National Student Clearinghouse Note: High school students graduated during the winter, spring or summer preceding the fall they enrolled in higher education. For example, high school students who graduated during the winter of 2012, spring of 2013, or summer of 2013, and enrolled in any college in the summer or fall of 2013 are included. Enrollment share duplicates student count and is not comparable to the college going rate. Only public high school graduates are included in the college going calculations. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 15 Table 1.10 Institution Public Headcount by Student Level Fall 2014 First-Time Freshman Total Undergraduate Percent of Percent of Headcount Headcount Total Total Graduate & Professional Percent of Headcount Total TBR Community Colle ge s Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total University of Tennessee, University of Tennessee, University of Tennessee, University of Tennessee, UT University Total University Total Grand Total Chattanooga Knoxville Martin Medical Health Sci Center 1,609 16.8% 756 21.4% 996 19.0% 542 18.9% 933 18.9% 1,107 23.1% 16.4% 1,644 1,274 21.7% 2,155 21.0% 1,225 20.5% 2,211 21.4% 1,510 19.7% 23.5% 1,417 20.0% 17,379 TBR Universities 1,452 14.3% 2,004 13.8% 2,945 12.8% 1,406 15.5% 1,853 16.1% 2,323 11.0% 11,983 13.4% UT Universities 2,149 18.5% 4,651 17.0% 1,177 16.7% 0 0.0% 7,977 16.3% 19,960 14.4% 37,339 16.6% 9,557 3,529 5,231 2,863 4,928 4,793 10,048 5,865 10,247 5,962 10,333 7,677 6,031 87,064 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 9,273 11,655 20,476 7,136 10,469 17,137 76,146 91.3% 80.1% 89.0% 78.4% 91.1% 81.0% 85.1% 880 2,896 2,530 1,961 1,029 4,024 13,320 8.7% 19.9% 11.0% 21.6% 8.9% 19.0% 14.9% 10,260 21,444 6,661 213 38,578 114,724 201,788 88.3% 78.3% 94.8% 7.2% 78.7% 82.8% 89.5% 1,359 5,938 368 2,764 10,429 23,749 23,749 11.7% 21.7% 5.2% 92.8% 21.3% 17.2% 10.5% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. Based on end of term data. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 16 Table 1.11 Public Headcount by Gender Fall 2014 Male Institution Headcount Percent TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 3,878 40.6% 38.9% Cleveland State Community College 1,372 Columbia State Community College 1,977 37.8% 34.6% Dyersburg State Community College 992 Jackson State Community College 1,818 36.9% 40.9% Motlow State Community College 1,959 Nashville State Community College 4,033 40.1% Northeast State Community College 2,746 46.8% Pellissippi State Community College 4,854 47.4% 34.5% Roane State Community College 2,058 Southwest Tennessee Community College 4,006 38.8% Volunteer State Community College 3,063 39.9% Walters State Community College 2,409 39.9% 35,165 40.4% TBR Community College Total TBR Universities Austin Peay State University 4,018 39.6% East Tennessee State University 6,128 42.1% Middle Tennessee State University 10,544 45.8% 38.9% Tennessee State University 3,537 Tennessee Technological University 6,376 55.5% University of Memphis 8,521 40.3% TBR University Total 39,124 43.7% UT Universities 44.9% University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 5,211 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 13,730 50.1% 41.0% University of Tennessee, Martin 2,879 University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center 1,246 41.9% UT University Total 23,066 47.1% University Total 62,190 44.9% Grand Total 97,355 43.2% Female Headcount Percent 5,679 2,157 3,254 1,871 3,110 2,834 6,015 3,119 5,393 3,904 6,327 4,614 3,622 51,899 59.4% 61.1% 62.2% 65.4% 63.1% 59.1% 59.9% 53.2% 52.6% 65.5% 61.2% 60.1% 60.1% 59.6% 6,135 8,423 12,462 5,560 5,121 12,640 50,341 60.4% 57.9% 54.2% 61.1% 44.5% 59.7% 56.3% 6,407 13,651 4,149 1,731 25,938 76,279 128,178 55.1% 49.9% 59.0% 58.1% 52.9% 55.1% 56.8% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. Based on end of term data. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. Headcount by gender does not sum to the total headcount for fall 2014 due to an “unknown” gender classification. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 17 Table 1.12 Caucasian % # Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total 7,151 2,849 4,307 2,171 3,725 3,803 5,801 5,252 8,534 5,383 3,034 6,148 5,511 63,669 74.8% 80.7% 82.3% 75.8% 75.6% 79.3% 57.7% 89.5% 83.3% 90.3% 29.4% 80.1% 91.4% 73.1% Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total 6,659 12,077 15,254 2,282 9,819 11,033 57,124 65.6% 83.0% 66.3% 25.1% 85.4% 52.1% 63.8% University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Ce UT University Total University Total Grand Total 8,731 21,225 5,501 2,086 37,543 94,667 158,336 75.1% 77.5% 78.3% 70.1% 76.6% 68.4% 70.2% Public Headcount by Race Fall 2014 Multiracial African American Hispanic # % # % # % TBR Community Colleges 1,509 15.8% 301 3.1% 184 1.9% 6.2% 116 3.3% 33 0.9% 219 111 2.1% 396 7.6% 209 4.0% 509 17.8% 74 2.6% 54 1.9% 804 16.3% 87 1.8% 70 1.4% 385 8.0% 199 4.2% 78 1.6% 2,867 28.5% 528 5.3% 204 2.0% 149 2.5% 114 1.9% 75 1.3% 675 6.6% 350 3.4% 286 2.8% 147 2.5% 131 2.2% 90 1.5% 6,212 60.1% 453 4.4% 178 1.7% 1.9% 667 8.7% 306 4.0% 146 134 2.2% 205 3.4% 79 1.3% 14,673 16.9% 3,073 3.5% 1,588 1.8% TBR Universities 1,924 19.0% 544 5.4% 388 3.8% 945 6.5% 319 2.2% 238 1.6% 4,539 19.7% 911 4.0% 492 2.1% 5,861 64.4% 152 1.7% 159 1.7% 454 3.9% 290 2.5% 167 1.5% 7,225 34.1% 741 3.5% 453 2.1% 1,897 2.1% 20,948 23.4% 2,957 3.3% UT Universities 1,291 11.1% 328 2.8% 460 4.0% 1,880 6.9% 845 3.1% 544 2.0% 15.2% 138 2.0% 104 1.5% 1,070 360 12.1% 58 1.9% 18 0.6% 4,601 9.4% 1,369 2.8% 1,126 2.3% 25,549 18.5% 4,326 3.1% 3,023 2.2% 40,222 17.8% 7,399 3.3% 4,611 2.0% Other Unknown % # % # 189 64 80 31 58 115 419 48 306 78 359 130 61 1,938 2.0% 1.8% 1.5% 1.1% 1.2% 2.4% 4.2% 0.8% 3.0% 1.3% 3.5% 1.7% 1.0% 2.2% 223 248 128 24 184 213 229 227 96 133 97 280 41 2,123 237 482 1,127 383 503 1,069 3,801 2.3% 3.3% 4.9% 4.2% 4.4% 5.1% 4.2% 369 1,556 91 335 2,351 6,152 8,090 3.2% 5.7% 1.3% 11.3% 4.8% 4.4% 3.6% Total # % 2.3% 7.0% 2.4% 0.8% 3.7% 4.4% 2.3% 3.9% 0.9% 2.2% 0.9% 3.6% 0.7% 2.4% 9,557 3,529 5,231 2,863 4,928 4,793 10,048 5,865 10,247 5,962 10,333 7,677 6,031 87,064 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 401 490 683 260 265 640 2,739 3.9% 3.4% 3.0% 2.9% 2.3% 3.0% 3.1% 10,153 14,551 23,006 9,097 11,498 21,161 89,466 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 440 1,332 125 120 2,017 4,756 6,879 3.8% 4.9% 1.8% 4.0% 4.1% 3.4% 3.1% 11,619 27,382 7,029 2,977 49,007 138,473 225,537 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Source: THEC SIS Notes: “Other” consists of Alaskan Native, American Indian, and Asian or Pacific Islander. “Multiracial” consists of any students that selected more than one race. If a student identified their ethnicity as Hispanic, they appear in the “Hispanic” column as well as the column for their race designation, pursuant to Department of Education reporting guidelines. Based on end of term data. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 18 Table 1.13 Public Undergraduate Headcount by Age and Pell Grant Eligibility Fall 2014 Age 24 & Under 25 & Over Institution Headcount Percent Headcount TBR Community Colleges 6,021 63.0% 2,511 71.2% 3,840 73.4% 2,075 72.5% 3,855 78.2% 3,704 77.3% 5,439 54.1% 3,843 65.5% 7,368 71.9% 4,249 71.3% 6,502 62.9% 5,482 71.4% 4,750 78.8% 59,639 68.5% TBR Universities Austin Peay State University 6,139 66.2% East Tennessee State University 8,960 76.9% Middle Tennessee State University 15,888 77.6% Tennessee State University 5,178 72.6% Tennessee Technological University 9,049 86.4% University of Memphis 12,617 73.6% TBR University Total 57,831 75.9% UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 8,854 86.3% University of Tennessee, Knoxville 19,765 92.2% University of Tennessee, Martin 5,436 81.6% University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center 100 46.9% UT University Total 34,155 88.5% University Total 91,986 80.2% Grand Total 151,625 75.1% Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Percent Pell Eligible Percent of Headcount Total UG Enrollment 3,536 1,018 1,391 788 1,073 1,089 4,609 2,022 2,879 1,713 3,831 2,195 1,281 27,425 37.0% 28.8% 26.6% 27.5% 21.8% 22.7% 45.9% 34.5% 28.1% 28.7% 37.1% 28.6% 21.2% 31.5% 3,803 1,498 2,082 1,249 2,018 1,777 4,629 2,773 4,134 2,712 5,550 2,999 2,648 37,872 39.8% 42.4% 39.8% 43.6% 40.9% 37.1% 46.1% 47.3% 40.3% 45.5% 53.7% 39.1% 43.9% 43.5% 3,134 2,695 4,588 1,958 1,420 4,520 18,315 33.8% 23.1% 22.4% 27.4% 13.6% 26.4% 24.1% 4,354 5,137 10,250 3,701 4,233 8,428 36,103 47.0% 44.1% 50.1% 51.9% 40.4% 49.2% 47.4% 1,406 1,679 1,225 113 4,423 22,738 50,163 13.7% 7.8% 18.4% 53.1% 11.5% 19.8% 24.9% 4,141 7,105 3,430 79 14,755 50,858 88,730 40.4% 33.1% 51.5% 37.1% 38.2% 44.3% 44.0% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. Pell eligible students are defined as students who were eligible to receive a Pell grant at any time during their college career. Based on end of term data. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 19 Table 1.14 Public Headcount by Residency and Citizenship Status Fall 2014 In-State Out-of-State Foreign Institution # % # % # % TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 8,358 87.5% 1,166 12.2% 33 0.3% Cleveland State Community College 3,439 97.4% 81 2.3% 9 0.3% Columbia State Community College 5,143 98.3% 63 1.2% 25 0.5% Dyersburg State Community College 2,830 98.8% * 1.0% * 0.1% Jackson State Community College 4,906 99.6% 16 0.3% * 0.1% Motlow State Community College 4,709 98.2% 67 1.4% 17 0.4% Nashville State Community College 9,480 94.3% 441 4.4% 127 1.3% Northeast State Community College 5,672 96.7% 177 3.0% 16 0.3% Pellissippi State Community College 9,851 96.1% 222 2.2% 174 1.7% Roane State Community College 5,888 98.8% 60 1.0% 14 0.2% Southwest Tennessee Community College 9,915 96.0% 239 2.3% 179 1.7% Volunteer State Community College 7,503 97.7% 118 1.5% 56 0.7% Walters State Community College 5,928 98.3% 50 0.8% 53 0.9% TBR Community College Total 83,622 96.0% 2,730 3.1% 712 0.8% TBR Universities Austin Peay State University 8,392 82.7% 1,711 16.9% 50 0.5% East Tennessee State University 11,654 80.1% 2,324 16.0% 573 3.9% Middle Tennessee State University 20,344 88.4% 1,555 6.8% 1,107 4.8% Tennessee State University 6,362 69.9% 2,091 23.0% 644 7.1% Tennessee Technological University 9,782 85.1% 324 2.8% 1,392 12.1% University of Memphis 17,760 83.9% 2,702 12.8% 699 3.3% TBR University Total 74,294 83.0% 10,707 12.0% 4,465 5.0% UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 10,562 90.9% 877 7.5% 180 1.5% University of Tennessee, Knoxville 22,055 80.5% 4,055 14.8% 1,272 4.6% University of Tennessee, Martin 6,451 91.8% 399 5.7% 179 2.5% University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center 2,149 72.2% 723 24.3% 105 3.5% University of Tennessee Total 41,217 84.1% 6,054 12.4% 1,736 3.5% University Total 115,511 83.4% 16,761 12.1% 6,201 4.5% Grand Total 199,133 88.3% 19,491 8.6% 6,913 3.1% Total # % 9,557 3,529 5,231 2,863 4,928 4,793 10,048 5,865 10,247 5,962 10,333 7,677 6,031 87,064 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 10,153 14,551 23,006 9,097 11,498 21,161 89,466 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 11,619 27,382 7,029 2,977 49,007 138,473 225,537 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. Based on end of term data. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. Foreign students are those classified as having a “foreign” residency status or “foreign citizen with U.S. residency” citizenship status as reported by the institutions. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 20 Table 1.15 Public Headcount by Major Field Fall 2014 Graduate & Undergraduate Major Field Professional 443 3,736 Agriculture 104 347 Architecture & Related Programs 19 389 Area, Ethnic & Cultural Studies 845 4,985 Biological Sciences/Life Sciences 2,407 Business Management & Administrative Services 20,449 314 5,416 Communications 370 4,254 Computer & Information Sciences 3,888 Education 7,811 1,632 12,279 Engineering 414 2,050 English Language & Literature/Letters 67 672 Foreign Languages & Literatures 6,561 27,192 Health Professions & Related Services 127 3,078 Home Economics 718 509 Law & Legal Studies 369 Liberal Arts & Sciences 43,447 174 0 Library Science 854 268 Mathematics 10 Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies 3,335 20,081 738 Other 609 6,548 Parks, Recreation, Leisure & Fitness Studies 0 201 Personal & Miscellaneous Services 0 609 Personal Improvement & Leisure Programs 59 235 Philosophy, Religion, & Theology 2,558 539 Physical Sciences 6,659 1,222 Protective Services & Public Affairs 4,859 739 Psychology 5,124 679 Social Sciences 979 33 Trades and Industrial 0 Undeclared 6,810 401 Visual & Performing Arts 6,322 23,749 Grand Total 201,788 Total 4,179 451 408 5,830 22,856 5,730 4,624 11,699 13,911 2,464 739 33,753 3,205 1,227 43,816 174 1,122 3,345 20,819 7,157 201 609 294 3,097 7,881 5,598 5,803 1,012 6,810 6,723 225,537 Percent of Total 1.9% 0.2% 0.2% 2.6% 10.1% 2.5% 2.1% 5.2% 6.2% 1.1% 0.3% 15.0% 1.4% 0.5% 19.4% 0.1% 0.5% 1.5% 9.2% 3.2% 0.1% 0.3% 0.1% 1.4% 3.5% 2.5% 2.6% 0.4% 3.0% 3.0% 100% Source: THEC SIS Note: Major Fields are defined by their two digit THEC CIP code. Based on end of term data. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 21 Table 1.16 Institution Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center University of Tennessee Total University Total Grand Total Off-Campus Enrollment Fall 2014 Total Off-Campus Percent of Headcount Headcount Total TBR Community Colleges 10,323 1,707 16.5% 3,947 1,085 27.5% 6,047 2,846 47.1% 3,166 1,571 49.6% 5,469 2,115 38.7% 5,681 3,710 65.3% 11,414 4,508 39.5% 7,022 3,052 43.5% 11,480 4,217 36.7% 7,561 4,909 64.9% 13,619 2,543 18.7% 8,441 2,130 25.2% 7,063 3,508 49.7% 101,233 37,901 37.4% TBR Universities 10,597 1,761 16.6% 15,607 1,603 10.3% 23,150 264 1.1% 11,203 3,071 27.4% 11,669 506 4.3% 22,459 2,604 11.6% 94,685 9,809 10.4% UT Universities 11,736 158 1.3% 27,126 157 0.6% 7,262 1,020 14.0% 2,977 0 0.0% 49,101 1,335 2.7% 143,786 11,144 7.8% 245,019 49,045 20.0% Total FTE Off-Campus FTE Percent of Total 5,901 2,316 3,263 1,678 2,825 2,984 5,807 3,888 6,644 3,777 6,355 4,747 4,008 54,192 657 361 1,344 696 701 1,877 2,132 1,401 2,149 2,386 989 853 1,738 17,285 11.1% 15.6% 41.2% 41.5% 24.8% 62.9% 36.7% 36.0% 32.4% 63.2% 15.6% 18.0% 43.4% 31.9% 8,241 12,295 18,787 7,388 9,983 16,148 72,842 939 609 106 1,222 343 951 4,169 11.4% 5.0% 0.6% 16.5% 3.4% 5.9% 5.7% 10,029 23,640 6,273 2,977 42,919 115,761 169,953 131 128 600 0 859 5,029 22,314 1.3% 0.5% 9.6% 0.0% 2.0% 4.3% 13.1% Source: THEC SIS Note: Total headcount is duplicated because students are counted at every location in which they enrolled in a course. UT Health Science Center, UT Veterinary School, ETSU College of Medicine and College of Pharmacy FTE are equivalent to headcount. Based on end of term data. More detailed breakouts of off-campus enrollment is available in THEC’s Off-Campus Locations Report, www.tn.gov/thec/Legislative/Reports.html. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 22 Table 1.17 Institution Athens Chattanooga Covington Crossville Crump Dickson Elizabethton Harriman Hartsville Hohenwald Jacksboro Jackson Knoxville Livingtson McKenzie McMinnville Memphis Morristown Murfreesboro Nashville Newbern Oneida Paris Pulaski Ripley Shelbyville Whiteville TCAT Total Total Headcount 416 2,031 344 555 397 905 977 550 856 559 325 1,472 1,542 1,696 303 457 1,621 978 5,544 1,640 567 524 558 1,260 752 1,070 593 28,492 TCAT Off-Campus Enrollment 2013-2014 Off-Campus Percent of Total FTE Headcount Total Colleges of Applied Technology 0 0.0% 244 868 42.7% 1,062 0 0.0% 179 0 0.0% 338 0 0.0% 234 409 45.2% 554 234 24.0% 561 0 0.0% 262 * 0.1% 362 118 21.1% 358 0 0.0% 199 344 23.4% 509 0 0.0% 672 0 0.0% 367 40 13.2% 211 0 0.0% 219 350 21.6% 879 57 5.8% 530 0 0.0% 523 0 0.0% 868 0 0.0% 275 * 1.0% 214 57 10.2% 306 742 58.9% 404 40 5.3% 156 66 6.2% 496 * 0.3% 183 3,333 11.7% 11,165 Off-Campus FTE Percent of Total 0 288 0 0 0 231 129 0 0 75 0 235 0 0 29 0 228 35 0 0 0 * 24 206 22 50 * 1,554 0.0% 27.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 41.7% 23.0% 0.0% 0.0% 20.9% 0.0% 46.2% 0.0% 0.0% 13.7% 0.0% 25.9% 6.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.9% 7.8% 51.0% 14.1% 10.1% 0.0% 13.9% Source: THEC SIS Note: Total headcount is duplicated because students are counted at every location in which they enrolled in a course. More detailed breakouts of off-campus data are available in THEC’s Off-Campus Locations Report, www.tn.gov/thec/Legislative/Reports.html. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 23 Table 1.18 Average ACT Scores of Incoming Freshmen Fall 2014 Total First Time ACT Score Percent with Institution Freshmen Reported ACT Score TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 1,609 1,131 70.3% Cleveland State Community College 756 618 81.7% Columbia State Community College 996 825 82.8% Dyersburg State Community College 542 435 80.3% Jackson State Community College 933 806 86.4% Motlow State Community College 1,107 981 88.6% Nashville State Community College 1,644 1,012 61.6% Northeast State Community College 1,274 914 71.7% Pellissippi State Community College 2,155 1,738 80.6% Roane State Community College 1,225 1,044 85.2% Southwest Tennessee Community College 2,211 1,827 82.6% Volunteer State Community College 1,510 1,103 73.0% Walters State Community College 1,417 1,233 87.0% TBR Community College Total 17,379 13,667 78.6% TBR Universities Austin Peay State University 1,452 1,294 89.1% East Tennessee State University 2,004 1,742 86.9% Middle Tennessee State University 2,945 2,730 92.7% Tennessee State University 1,406 1,192 84.8% Tennessee Technological University 1,853 1,778 96.0% University of Memphis 2,323 2,199 94.7% TBR University Total 11,983 10,935 91.3% UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 2,149 2,145 99.8% University of Tennessee, Knoxville 4,564 4,515 98.9% University of Tennessee, Martin 1,177 1,129 95.9% UT University Total 7,890 7,789 98.7% University Total 19,873 18,724 94.2% Grand Total 37,252 32,391 87.0% Average ACT Score 18.5 19 19.6 18.9 18.6 19.2 17.6 19.3 19.9 19.2 16.6 19.3 19.4 18.8 21.8 22 22.1 18 23.5 22.4 21.9 23 25.9 22.4 24.6 23.0 21.2 Source: THEC SIS Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 24 Table 1.19 Sending Institution Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin University Total Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Undergraduate Transfer Student Activity by Sending Institution into Receiving Public University Fall 2014 Total APSU ETSU MTSU TSU TTU Sent * 27 15 * 102 92 * 13 * 22 210 21 * 34 28 95 * 13 * 30 11 108 * * 35 * 95 8 * 23 * * 181 8 10 53 10 217 11 31 58 * 26 81 * 17 * 7 1,181 75 54 265 78 94 430 7 41 38 * 44 122 * 24 * 10 343 17 10 197 21 21 143 * * 15 * * 215 * * 16 * * 332 * 6 208 13 66 420 71 * 128 132 45 225 * * 8 261 * 606 12 73 40 * 61 301 * 46 36 150 593 * * * 32 25 411 50 11 136 68 86 284 * 152 15 * 12 4,461 179 600 877 275 508 UoM UTC UTK UTM 16 * 37 30 * 12 8 26 * 9 * 15 35 40 6 33 12 40 10 * 18 7 * 25 13 18 41 33 28 195 6 * 39 79 * 5 * 439 * 579 30 * 99 274 54 31 * 7 17 11 * 20 8 6 29 15 481 13 194 12 21 12 * * 12 13 16 391 57 10 26 83 660 Source: THEC SIS A more detailed description of undergraduate transfer student activity is available in THEC’s Articulation and Transfer Report, www.tn.gov/thec/Legislative/Reports.html. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 25 98 * 25 72 97 * 9 * * * 8 * * 229 UTHSC * * * 14 * 6 * 29 * * * * * 65 73 Table 1.20 Undergraduate Transfer Student Activity by Sending Institution into Receiving Community College Fall 2014 Sending Institution Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin University Total Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Total Sent 112 209 304 113 209 175 269 241 145 1,777 89 68 60 40 52 58 111 20 137 98 41 126 88 988 CHSCC CLSCC COSCC DSCC 8 21 18 * 20 * * * 137 13 * 224 8 * 42 * * * 6 7 * 13 9 5 15 6 112 * 22 47 6 * 25 6 9 * 24 11 11 99 * * * * * * 6 * * * 65 * * * 12 * * 35 58 * * * * 10 21 JSCC 6 8 * * 10 6 * 49 90 * * * 20 23 * * * * 8 * 14 53 45 * MSCC NASCC NESCC PSTCC 6 93 * 27 13 6 * 150 * 10 8 * 17 * * * * * 17 37 55 46 * 64 47 57 * 13 18 12 267 9 * 22 * 10 22 6 12 10 65 * 164 111 * * * * * * 126 * * 24 10 * 17 * 24 135 * 217 7 11 * * * 8 8 * * * 21 27 50 * * 36 133 RSCC STCC VSCC WSCC * 8 8 * * 22 32 23 * 43 12 48 * 19 11 7 165 * 31 * * * 16 * 21 55 12 7 * * * 92 * 9 17 146 143 15 10 23 253 * * 14 6 * * * * 29 Source: THEC SIS A more detailed description of undergraduate transfer student activity is available in THEC’s Articulation and Transfer Report, www.tn.gov/thec/Legislative/Reports.html. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 26 * 10 * 13 49 * * * * 86 * 6 51 * * * 7 14 9 36 Table 1.21 Remedial and Developmental Enrollment Fall 2014 First-Time Freshmen Enrolled in Percent Institution Total Any R&D Enrolled in Course R&D TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 1,609 892 55.4% Cleveland State Community College 756 442 58.5% Columbia State Community College 996 508 51.0% Dyersburg State Community College 542 334 61.6% Jackson State Community College 933 570 61.1% Motlow State Community College 1,107 589 53.2% Nashville State Community College 1,644 1,046 63.6% Northeast State Community College 1,274 680 53.4% Pellissippi State Community College 2,155 1,186 55.0% Roane State Community College 1,225 697 56.9% Southwest Tennessee Community College 2,211 1,720 77.8% Volunteer State Community College 1,510 736 48.7% Walters State Community College 1,417 816 57.6% Grand Total 17,379 10,216 58.8% All Enrolled Students Enrolled in Percent Total Any R&D Enrolled in Course R&D 9,557 3,529 5,231 2,863 4,928 4,793 10,048 5,865 10,247 5,962 10,333 7,677 6,031 87,064 1,727 704 804 532 851 801 1,961 1,148 1,706 1,099 3,241 1,170 1,160 16,904 18.1% 19.9% 15.4% 18.6% 17.3% 16.7% 19.5% 19.6% 16.6% 18.4% 31.4% 15.2% 19.2% 19.4% Source: THEC SIS Note: Based on end of term data. Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 27 Page Intentionally Left Blank Student Participation Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 28 Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 29 Table 2.1 Freshmen to Sophomore Retention Rates for Public Institutions Fall 2013 to Fall 2014 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 First-Time, Enrolled at Enrolled in Institution Total Admitting Other Public Full-Time Enrolled Institution Institution Freshmen TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 1,238 639 44 683 Cleveland State Community College 693 379 30 409 Columbia State Community College 806 478 49 527 Dyersburg State Community College 422 217 22 239 Jackson State Community College 741 356 25 381 Motlow State Community College 937 544 41 585 Nashville State Community College 918 473 44 517 Northeast State Community College 905 529 20 549 Pellissippi State Community College 1,901 1,050 82 1,132 Roane State Community College 1,084 619 61 680 Southwest Tennessee Community College 1,451 776 58 834 Volunteer State Community College 1,162 611 63 674 Walters State Community College 1,241 691 48 739 TBR Community College Total 13,499 7,362 587 7,949 TBR Universities Austin Peay State University 1,465 1,045 95 1,140 East Tennessee State University 1,849 1,285 125 1,410 Middle Tennessee State University 3,231 2,301 221 2,522 Tennessee State University 1,328 831 88 919 Tennessee Technological University 2,166 1,636 210 1,846 University of Memphis 2,087 1,642 97 1,739 TBR University Total 12,126 8,740 836 9,576 UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 2,335 1,641 350 1,991 University of Tennessee, Knoxville 4,204 3,659 248 3,907 University of Tennessee, Martin 1,304 923 122 1,045 UT University Total 7,843 6,223 720 6,943 University Total 19,969 14,963 1,556 16,519 Grand Total 33,468 22,325 2,143 24,468 Retention Rate 55.2% 59.0% 65.4% 56.6% 51.4% 62.4% 56.3% 60.7% 59.5% 62.7% 57.5% 58.0% 59.5% 58.9% 77.8% 76.3% 78.1% 69.2% 85.2% 83.3% 79.0% 85.3% 92.9% 80.1% 88.5% 82.7% 73.1% Source: THEC SIS Notes: Retention rates are inter-institutional within the public system. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 30 Table 2.2 Retention Rates for Public Institutions by Race Fall 2013 to Fall 2014 Institution Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin UT University Total University Total Grand Total Caucasian African American Hispanic Multiracial Unknown Other Fall 2013 % Fall 2013 % Fall 2013 % Fall 2013 Fall 2013 % Fall 2013 % % TOTAL First Time Returned First Time Returned First Time Returned First Time Returned First Time Returned First Time Returned 2013 FTF Freshmen Fall 2014 Freshmen Fall 2014 Freshmen Fall 2014 Freshmen Fall 2014 Freshmen Fall 2014 Freshmen Fall 2014 TBR Community College 1,238 912 57.9% 233 42.5% 41 63.4% 23 60.9% 13 46.2% 16 62.5% 693 548 59.1% 50 44.0% 28 57.1% 11 36.4% 50 76.0% 6 83.3% 806 683 65.4% 61 57.4% 26 69.2% 18 66.7% * 84.6% * 80.0% 422 300 59.3% 92 46.7% 13 69.2% * 20.0% 7 85.7% * 40.0% 741 505 55.4% 174 39.7% 16 43.8% * 50.0% 29 51.7% * 100.0% 937 744 63.2% 78 43.6% 40 57.5% 13 61.5% 52 80.8% 10 80.0% 918 514 62.1% 266 44.4% 51 56.9% 29 37.9% 17 70.6% 41 68.3% 905 836 61.5% 21 33.3% 25 60.0% 11 54.5% * 62.5% * 50.0% 1,901 1,512 61.8% 179 36.9% 73 63.0% 80 56.3% * 40.0% * 73.1% 1,084 978 63.3% 37 59.5% 26 46.2% 23 52.2% 10 70.0% 10 80.0% 1,451 406 66.3% 907 51.9% 75 62.7% * 60.0% * 100.0% 31 87.1% 1,162 908 59.4% 98 45.9% 42 64.3% 29 48.3% 62 54.8% 23 65.2% 1,241 1,142 60.8% 41 36.6% 29 55.2% 18 44.4% * 50.0% * 55.6% 13,499 9,988 61.2% 2,237 46.8% 485 60.0% 304 52.6% 270 67.0% 215 72.1% TBR Universities 1,465 972 76.2% 315 83.5% 64 71.9% 61 72.1% 34 91.2% 19 78.9% 1,849 1,538 76.0% 149 77.9% 43 81.4% 53 71.7% 25 76.0% 41 80.5% 3,231 1,995 78.2% 835 77.7% 130 74.6% 113 71.7% 48 89.6% 110 82.7% 1,328 145 83.4% 1,111 67.7% 22 59.1% 24 45.8% 8 75.0% 18 88.9% 2,166 1,861 85.7% 112 81.3% 55 87.3% 44 79.5% 32 84.4% 62 82.3% 2,087 1,162 83.5% 648 83.2% 107 78.5% 76 85.5% 8 87.5% 86 86.0% 12,126 7,673 80.2% 3,170 76.0% 421 76.7% 371 73.9% 155 85.8% 336 83.3% UT Universities 2,335 1,825 85.8% 275 82.5% 69 78.3% 73 87.7% 51 84.3% 42 90.5% 4,204 3,379 93.3% 314 93.3% 116 85.3% 96 90.6% 142 92.3% 157 93.0% 1,304 992 80.2% 216 81.5% 32 75.0% 30 70.0% 23 82.6% 11 81.8% 7,843 6,196 89.0% 805 86.5% 217 81.6% 199 86.4% 216 89.4% 210 91.9% 19,969 13,869 84.1% 3,975 78.1% 638 78.4% 570 78.2% 371 87.9% 546 86.6% 33,468 23,857 74.5% 6,212 66.8% 1,123 70.4% 874 69.3% 641 79.1% 761 82.5% Source: THEC SIS Notes: “Other” consists of Alaskan Native, American Indian, and Asian or Pacific Islander. “Multiracial” consists of any students that selected more than one race. If a student identified their ethnicity as Hispanic, they appear in the “Hispanic” column as well as the column for their race designation, pursuant to Department of Education reporting guidelines. Retention rates are inter-institutional within the public system. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 31 Table 2.3 Remedial & Developmental Student Success Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College 3,644 1,391 1,699 Successful Completers 2013-14 2,402 950 1,144 Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College 1,793 1,985 1,154 1,192 64.4% 60.1% Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College 1,699 3,626 2,503 3,451 1,178 2,515 1,743 2,306 69.3% 69.4% 69.6% 66.8% Roane State Community College 1,754 1,297 73.9% 7,454 2,272 2,275 35,546 4,201 1,562 1,567 23,211 56.4% 68.8% 68.9% 65.3% Institution Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College Grand Total R&D Students 2011-12 Percent Successful 65.9% 68.3% 67.3% Source: THEC SIS Notes: “Remedial and Developmental Success” uses the definition set forth in the funding formula, and refers to the number of full-time and part-time students who were enrolled in any remedial or developmental course who then successfully completed college-level courses in a subsequent semester within three years of their initial enrollment. Census date is used instead of end-of-term date because THEC does not collect course level data. For example, if a student is enrolled for 15 credit hours at the census date and finishes the semester with 12 credit hours, THEC is unable to determine which class the student did not complete. The Complete College Tennessee Act enacted in January 2010 requires that Tennessee public universities stop delivering remedial and developmental courses by July 1, 2012. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 32 Table 2.4 Awards by Institution by Award Level Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Institution Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Community College Share of Total Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total Certificate <1 Year 262 537 192 53 * 59 425 178 * 29 383 299 552 3,725 24.6% * * University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center UT University Total University Total University Share of Total * 0.0% Grand Total Share of Grand Total 3,726 8.4% Certificate Certificate Associate's Bachelor's 1-2 Years Post-Bach. TBR Community Colleges 179 1,046 191 447 208 626 80 326 * 470 602 286 646 140 781 * 1,286 99 798 55 839 79 766 569 868 1,936 9,501 12.8% 62.7% TBR Universities * 1,548 2,321 42 4,012 11 * 812 41 1,804 2,991 101 360 13,488 195 UT Universities * 1,756 * 4,372 102 1,223 38 * * 7,389 113 * 360 20,877 308 0.0% 1.2% 71.0% 1.0% 1,944 4.4% 9,861 22.1% 20,877 46.8% 308 0.7% Master's Education Specialists First-Prof. Doctoral Grand Total 1,487 1,175 1,026 459 583 661 1,357 1,099 1,979 926 1,277 1,144 1,989 15,162 100.0% 310 644 795 476 300 1,060 3,585 * * 66 10 52 11 148 130 275 114 32 85 23 130 384 421 1,571 104 219 2,315 5,900 20.1% 12 8 232 70 317 20 168 0.6% 365 597 872 3.0% 145 532 916 3.1% 2,277 6,602 1,327 768 10,974 29,410 100.0% 5,900 13.2% 168 0.4% 872 2.0% 916 2.1% 44,572 100.0% 145 2,120 3,270 4,916 1,528 2,179 4,423 18,436 Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. This is a count of first awards earned by graduating students. The Funding Formula sometimes uses different data definitions than tables included in the Fact Book. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 33 Table 2.5 Awards by Major Field by Award Level Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Major Field Agriculture Architecture & Related Programs Area, Ethnic, & Cultural Studies Biological & Life Sciences Business Management Communications Computer & Information Sciences Education Engineering English Language & Literature Foreign Languages & Literature Health Professions Home Economics Law & Legal Studies Liberal Arts & Sciences Library Science Mathematics Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Parks, Recreation, Leisure & Fitness Personal & Misc Services Personal Improvement & Leisure Philosophy, Religion, & Theology Physical Sciences Protective Services & Public Affairs Psychology Social Sciences & History Trades & Industrial Visual & Performing Arts Grand Total Share of Total Certificate <1 Year Certificate 1-2 Years Associate's Bachelor's 17 * * 670 70 63 880 3,249 1,112 337 1,665 1,343 537 222 1,742 465 18 1,010 385 36 173 106 7 10 355 29 1,274 176 14 612 450 * 1,137 * 808 68 257 259 530 1,968 134 99 5,231 183 723 1,240 42 * 80 287 * 52 81 3,726 8.4% * 16 * 31 25 36 36 7 45 Master's Education Specialists First-Prof. Doctoral Grand Total 105 37 12 115 1,144 75 112 1,196 399 101 25 1064 * 59 34 14 7 142 125 26 6 281 * 817 107 79 1,071 5,757 1,312 921 3,464 2,817 664 260 7,414 825 413 8,100 75 279 753 1,520 58 329 97 716 2,020 1,494 1,663 301 1,246 44,572 100% * 590 282 * 110 75 84 * 257 12 23 16 195 69 140 84 33 1,944 4.4% Certificate Post-Bach. * 36 94 9,861 22.1% 79 424 1,137 1,225 1,453 122 908 20,877 46.8% 31 * 18 * 308 0.7% 9 92 419 177 144 7 120 5,900 13.2% 9 51 6 62 36 * 168 0.4% * 916 2.1% 872 2.0% Source: THEC SIS Note: Major fields defined by 2 digit THEC CIP code. This is a count of first awards earned by graduating students. The Funding Formula sometimes uses different data definitions than tables included in the Fact Book. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 34 Table 2.6 Awards by Major Field by Public University Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Major Field Agriculture Architecture Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Biological & Life Sciences Business Management Communications Computer & Information Sciences Education Engineering English Language & Literature Foreign Languages & Literature Health Professions Home Economics Law & Legal Studies Liberal Arts & Sciences Library Science Mathematics Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Parks, Recreation, Leisure & Fitness Personal Improvement & Fitness Philosophy, Religion, & Theology Physical Sciences Protective Services & Public Affairs Psychology Social Sciences & History Trades & Industrial Visual & Performing Arts Grand Total APSU ETSU 27 MTSU TSU TTU 117 27 105 64 252 104 67 248 38 60 12 212 6 92 366 122 79 320 85 86 19 923 48 * 219 751 276 84 574 126 115 44 256 127 531 29 77 298 25 65 471 344 22 12 116 80 301 186 449 27 129 14 27 164 * * 35 204 101 142 184 12 73 261 137 156 73 2,120 88 3,270 43 184 200 * 56 251 237 272 129 385 4,916 * * 149 52 13 190 * 20 * 51 21 10 144 UoM UTK 31 319 86 51 288 1,192 358 52 362 811 164 89 307 178 152 21 15 91 781 161 68 565 210 125 54 415 94 448 78 44 303 187 55 24 278 130 236 18 11 UTM UTHSC 161 54 236 25 17 172 47 17 6 53 39 52 370 166 22 11 150 75 90 35 358 9 62 127 140 115 30 152 304 471 500 * 22 75 40 63 70 2,277 178 6,602 46 1,327 29 127 104 38 43 117 26 83 244 221 248 12 1,528 45 2,179 141 4,423 55 UTC * 143 103 * * 736 768 Grand Total 787 107 79 1,057 4,473 1,201 489 3,205 1,924 664 260 3,827 501 300 1,339 75 279 753 1,520 * 97 567 1,593 1,494 1,651 129 1,038 29,410 Percent of Total 2.7% 0.4% 0.3% 3.6% 15.2% 4.1% 1.7% 10.9% 6.5% 2.3% 0.9% 13.0% 1.7% 1.0% 4.6% 0.3% 0.9% 2.6% 5.2% 0.0% 0.3% 1.9% 5.4% 5.1% 5.6% 0.4% 3.5% 100% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. Major fields defined by 2 digit THEC CIP code. This is a count of first awards earned by graduating students. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 35 Table 2.7 Percent of Public University Awards by Major Field Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Major Field Agriculture Architecture Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Biological & Life Sciences Business Management Communications Computer & Information Sciences Education Engineering English Language & Literature Foreign Languages & Literature Health Professions Home Economics Law & Legal Studies Liberal Arts & Sciences Library Science Mathematics Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Parks, Recreation, Leisure & Fitness Personal Improvement & Fitness Philosophy, Religion, & Theology Physical Sciences Protective Services & Public Affairs Psychology Social Sciences Trades & Industrial Visual & Performing Arts TOTAL APSU ETSU 1.3% MTSU TSU TTU 2.4% 1.8% 4.8% UTC UTK UTM 1.4% 4.8% 1.3% 0.8% 4.4% 18.1% 5.4% 0.8% 5.5% 12.3% 2.5% 1.3% 4.7% 2.7% 2.3% 12.1% 0.5% 0.3% 2.1% 17.7% 3.6% 1.5% 12.8% 4.7% 2.8% 1.2% 9.4% 4.1% 19.7% 3.4% 1.9% 13.3% 8.2% 2.4% 1.1% 12.2% 3.0% 11.9% 4.9% 3.2% 11.7% 1.8% 2.8% 0.6% 10.0% 0.2% 2.8% 11.2% 3.7% 2.4% 9.8% 2.6% 2.6% 0.6% 28.2% 1.5% 0.1% 4.5% 15.3% 5.6% 1.7% 11.7% 2.6% 2.3% 0.9% 5.2% 2.6% 34.8% 1.9% 3.5% 13.7% 1.1% 3.0% 21.6% 15.8% 1.0% 0.6% 5.3% 3.7% 14.2% 5.7% 9.1% 1.8% 5.9% 2.9% 5.3% 0.8% 0.5% 0.7% 0.8% 0.3% 7.7% 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% 9.6% 4.8% 6.7% 5.6% 0.9% 3.7% 4.1% 1.0% 0.5% 6.6% 1.2% 8.4% 3.8% 1.0% 0.5% 6.6% 1.1% 1.4% 0.5% 5.4% 0.4% 10.8% 7.8% 0.4% 2.2% 8.0% 4.2% 4.8% 0.4% 2.7% 5.6% 6.1% 5.1% 0.5% 2.3% 4.6% 7.1% 7.6% 0.2% 1.7% 5.7% 3.0% 4.7% 3.4% 100% 2.7% 100% 3.1% 100% 2.7% 100% 3.5% 100% 0.3% 1.1% 5.1% 4.8% 5.5% 2.6% 7.8% 100% 0.1% 3.3% 9.8% 3.4% 0.9% 12.4% 4.7% 1.3% UoM 3.3% 1.9% 8.3% 6.8% 2.5% 2.5% 2.0% 5.4% 0.6% 1.9% 5.5% 5.0% 5.6% 0.8% 100% 2.1% 100% 3.2% 100% 4.1% 17.8% 1.9% 1.3% 13.0% 3.5% 1.3% 0.5% 4.0% 2.9% UTHSC 3.6% 0.5% 95.8% 100% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. Major fields defined by 2 digit THEC CIP code. This is a count of first awards earned by graduating students. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 36 Table 2.8 Awards by Major Field by Community College Academic Year 2013 - 2014 CHS CC CLS CC COS CC DS CC JS CC MS CC NAS CC NES CC PS CC RS CC S TCC VS CC WS CC Grand Total Agriculture Biological & Life Sciences Business Management 73 Communications Computer & Information Sciences 21 Education 11 Engineering 214 Health Professions 494 Home Economics 30 Law & Legal Studies 26 Liberal Arts & Sciences 383 Personal & Misc. Services Personal Improvement & Fitness 13 Physical Sciences 140 Protective Services & Public Affairs 15 Social Sciences & History Trades & Industrial Visual & Performing Arts 67 Grand Total 1,487 * 171 * 16 17 22 * 106 213 50 52 7 21 17 11 7 344 * 133 43 26 14 8 253 513 536 233 237 447 18 * 75 9 * 28 6 14 7 11 * 16 1,026 * 459 22 43 1,357 * * 1,175 583 33 41 59 66 9 661 109 87 53 * 56 106 46 14 833 24 27 35 * 112 112 18 445 161 * 7 336 104 156 53 140 255 14 22 817 17 11 19 86 65 * 24 13 28 42 568 22 72 * 45 18 318 * 7 367 61 * 138 327 40 22 416 398 22 22 481 46 * * 1,053 17 * 15 12 30 95 158 109 54 1,099 1,979 * 14 167 926 37 21 * 1,277 1,144 1,989 Source: THEC SIS Note: Major fields defined by 2 digit THEC CIP code. This is a count of first awards earned by graduating students. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 37 30 14 1,284 111 432 259 893 3,587 324 113 6,761 58 328 149 427 12 172 208 15,162 Percent of Total 0.2% 0.1% 8.5% 0.7% 2.8% 1.7% 5.9% 23.7% 2.1% 0.7% 44.6% 0.4% 2.2% 1.0% 2.8% 0.1% 1.1% 1.4% 100% Table 2.9 Percent of Community College Awards by Major Field Academic Year 2013 - 2014 CHS CC CLS CC COS CC DS CC Agriculture Biological / Life Sciences Business Management Communications Computer & Information Sciences Education Engineering Health Professions Home Economics Law & Legal Studies Liberal Arts & Sciences Personal & Misc. Services Personal Improvement & Fitness Physical Sciences Protective Services & Public Affairs Social Sciences & History Trades & Industrial Visual & Performing Arts TOTAL JS CC MS CC NAS CC NES CC PS CC 0.44% 4.9% 14.6% 1.4% 0.7% 14.4% 33.2% 2.0% 1.7% 25.8% RS CC S TCC 0.3% 3.5% 2.9% 1.9% 0.1% 9.0% 18.1% 4.3% 5.1% 0.7% 2.0% 1.7% 2.4% 1.5% 33.5% 0.8% 29.0% 9.4% 4.5% 2.4% 1.4% 43.4% 43.7% 52.2% 50.8% 40.7% 67.6% 0.9% 9.4% 1.0% 1.5% 0.3% 6.4% 0.9% 0.9% 4.8% 0.9% 1.4% 1.5% 0.8% 4.5% 100% 0.2% 0.1% 100% 0.2% 1.6% 100% 0.7% 100% 1.6% 3.2% 100% 100% 5.0% 6.2% 8.9% 10.0% 1.4% 100% 8.0% 7.9% 3.9% 0.7% 4.1% 7.8% 3.4% 1.0% 61.4% 1.8% 2.0% 3.2% 0.6% 10.2% 10.2% 1.6% 40.5% 14.6% 0.5% 0.6% 17.0% 5.3% 7.9% 2.7% 7.1% 12.9% 0.7% 1.1% 41.3% 0.9% 0.6% 100% WS CC 1.0% 7.5% 3.3% 0.8% 2.1% 0.7% 1.4% 2.1% 28.6% 1.1% 7.8% 1.1% 13.1% 0.4% 4.9% 1.9% 34.3% 2.4% 0.8% 39.6% 4.8% 0.2% 10.8% 25.6% 3.1% 1.7% 32.6% 34.8% 1.9% 1.9% 42.0% 5.0% 0.2% 0.2% 52.9% 0.9% 0.1% 1.6% 1.3% 2.3% 8.3% 7.9% 2.9% 1.6% 100% 100% 0.2% 100% 9.9% 2.7% 100% VS CC 0.00437 100% Source: THEC SIS Note: Major fields defined by 2 digit THEC CIP code. This is a count of first awards earned by graduating students. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 38 Table 2.10 Awards by Gender Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Institution Female Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Community College Share of Total 890 723 682 327 394 416 858 476 1,054 602 748 662 1,216 9,048 59.7% Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total 1,115 1,352 2,224 619 926 1,881 8,117 University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center UT University Total University Total University Share of Total Grand Total Share of Grand Total 974 2,228 678 * 3,917 12,034 56.6% 21,082 57.9% Undergraduate Male Unknown Total TBR Community Colleges 597 1,487 1,175 452 343 * 1,026 132 459 189 583 245 661 1,357 * 497 623 1,099 924 * 1,979 324 926 527 * 1,277 1,144 481 * 1,989 772 * 15,162 6,106 8 40.3% 0.1% 100.0% TBR Universities 681 8 1,804 2,322 970 1,785 * 4,012 297 916 * 1,804 877 1,109 * 2,991 5,719 13 13,849 UT Universities 789 * 1,764 2,143 * 4,372 1,223 533 * * 38 * 7,397 3,466 9,185 27 21,246 0.1% 100.0% 43.2% 36,408 15,291 35 0.1% 100.0% 42.0% Graduate Unknown Male Total 233 618 536 449 212 864 2,912 79 330 368 162 163 566 1,668 316 948 904 612 375 1,432 4,587 312 1,167 54 441 1,974 4,886 59.8% 4,886 59.8% 201 1,062 45 289 1,597 3,265 40.0% 3,265 40.0% Female * * * 7 * * * * 0.2% * 0.2% 513 2,230 104 730 3,577 8,164 100.0% 8,164 100.0% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. This is a count of first awards earned by graduating students. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 39 Table 2.11 Awards by Gender by Award Level Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Certificate <1 Year Certificate 1-2 Years Associate's Bachelor's Certificate Post-Bach. Master's Education Specialists First-Prof. Doctoral Grand Total Female 1,931 1,126 6,234 11,791 215 3,641 136 415 479 25,968 Male 1,791 817 3,623 9,060 93 2,246 32 457 437 18,556 * * * 26 3,726 1,944 9,861 20,877 Institution Unknown Grand Total * 308 48 5,900 168 872 916 44,572 Table 2.12 Awards by Race by Award Level Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Certificate <1 Year Certificate 1-2 Years Associate's Bachelor's Certificate Post-Bach. Master's Education Specialists First-Prof. Doctoral Grand Total African American 455 158 1,141 3,257 69 804 34 63 78 6,059 Asian/ Pacific Islander 56 29 166 609 27 388 * * 118 1,451 Institution Caucasian 2,956 1,611 7,869 15,382 195 4,250 126 691 661 33,741 Hispanic 117 48 256 502 * 121 * 16 19 1,084 Multiracial 32 19 73 200 * * 367 Native Alaskan/American 12 10 30 73 * 16 * * 147 Unknown 98 69 326 854 * 282 * 43 36 1,723 3,726 1,944 9,861 20,877 308 5,900 168 872 916 44,572 Grand Total 39 Source: THEC SIS Notes: If a student identified their ethnicity as Hispanic, they appear in the “Hispanic” column as well as the column for their race designation, pursuant to Department of Education reporting guidelines. This is a count of first awards earned by graduating students. The Funding Formula sometimes uses different data definitions than tables included in the Fact Book. . Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 40 Table 2.13 Undergraduate Awards by Race and Institution Academic Year 2013-2014 Institution African American Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Community College Share of Total 150 58 50 82 71 37 324 38 95 15 645 69 29 1,663 11.0% Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total 287 95 638 583 62 1,012 2,677 University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin University of Tennessee, Health Sci Center UT University Total University Total University Share of Total 200 295 * * 671 3,348 15.8% Grand Total Share of Grand Total 5,011 13.8% Native Asian/ Pacific Caucasian Hispanic Multiracial Alaskan/ Unknown Total American Islander TBR Community Colleges * * 59 1,487 15 1,207 40 * 41 * 34 1,175 12 1,018 * * 894 21 8 49 1,026 459 * 350 17 * * * 478 9 * * * 583 11 573 18 * * 17 661 38 899 47 7 6 36 1,357 * 959 18 * * 76 1,099 52 1,687 74 25 9 37 1,979 * 834 22 12 * 32 926 40 1,277 53 477 44 * * 960 55 1,144 27 25 * * 17 1,875 25 11 9 23 1,989 243 12,211 401 116 51 477 15,162 1.6% 80.5% 2.6% 0.8% 0.3% 3.1% 100.0% TBR Universities 1,204 132 1,804 36 97 35 13 74 2,037 37 19 8 52 2,322 109 2,958 133 34 11 129 4,012 * 234 8 12 * 60 916 * 1,580 32 12 * 84 1,804 1,688 94 2,991 99 61 27 10 368 139 49 551 13,849 364 9,701 UT Universities 63 1,344 31 * * 116 1,764 175 3,545 108 62 13 174 4,372 985 * 1,223 * 15 * * * 32 * 38 253 5,906 154 69 25 319 7,397 617 15,607 522 208 74 870 21,246 2.9% 73.5% 2.5% 1.0% 0.3% 4.1% 100.0% 860 2.4% 27,818 76.4% 923 2.5% 324 0.9% 125 0.3% 1,347 3.7% 36,408 100.0% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 41 Table 2.13 continued Graduate Awards by Race and Institution Academic Year 2013-2014 Institution African American Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total TBR Share of Total 30 66 95 271 23 305 790 17.2% University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin University of Tennessee, Health Sci Center UT University Total UT Share of Total University Total University Share of Total 33 125 8 92 258 7.2% 1,048 12.8% Asian/ Native Pacific Caucasian Hispanic Multiracial Alaskan/ Unknown Islander American TBR Universities * 256 792 33 78 678 31 283 * 318 168 897 335 3,224 7.3% 70.3% UT Universities * 407 177 1,678 * 87 55 527 2,699 256 7.2% 75.5% 591 5,923 7.2% 72.6% 6 13 22 12 * * 88 1.9% 13 * * 9 73 2.0% 161 2.0% * * * * * * * 7 20 0.4% * 18 * 23 0.6% 43 0.5% Total * 12 0.3% 17 34 25 * * 20 118 2.6% 316 948 904 612 375 1,432 4,587 100% * * * * 10 0.3% 22 0.3% * 178 * 44 258 7.2% 376 4.6% 513 2,230 104 730 3,577 100% 8,164 100% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. If a student identified their ethnicity as Hispanic, they appear in the “Hispanic” column as well as the column for their race designation, pursuant to Department of Education reporting guidelines. This is a count of first awards earned by graduating students. Undergraduate awards include less than 1 year certificates, 1-2 year certificates, associate’s, and bachelor’s degrees. Graduate awards include post-baccalaureate certificates, master’s, education specialist, first professional, and doctoral degrees. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 42 Table 2.14 Adult Award Recipients by Institution Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Institution Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Community College Share of Total Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center UT University Total University Total University Share of Total Grand Total Share of Total Certificate <1 Year 157 346 116 40 20 23 275 149 326 28 251 152 333 2,216 26.7% Certificate Associate's Bachelor's 1-2 Years 104 71 70 45 24 180 77 71 37 60 175 914 11.0% * * * * 2,217 9.8% * * 0.0% 921 4.1% Certificate Post-Bach. TBR Community Colleges 674 249 285 193 236 247 483 423 643 401 579 392 371 5,176 62.3% TBR Universities 163 780 874 1,554 92 359 424 1,374 255 5,365 UT Universities * 729 390 * 0 1,620 255 6,985 1.8% 48.6% 5,431 6,985 23.9% 30.8% 40 9 41 87 177 * 86 * 97 274 1.9% 274 1.2% Master's Education Specialists First-Prof. Doctoral 271 526 698 455 252 925 3,127 6 * 66 10 52 10 147 128 269 112 32 85 23 130 382 370 1,157 89 177 1,793 4,920 34.2% 4,920 21.7% 12 8 229 70 316 20 167 1.2% 167 0.7% 365 594 863 6.0% 863 3.8% 145 531 913 6.3% 913 4.0% 141 Total Sector Percent of Total 935 666 471 278 280 270 938 649 969 500 867 604 879 8,306 100.0% 36.6% 1,220 1,697 2,359 1,042 751 2,654 9,723 42.8% 944 2,525 479 707 4,662 14,384 100.0% 22,691 100% 20.5% 100% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. Adult students are defined as 25 years or older at time credential was earned. This is a count of first awards earned by graduating students. The Funding Formula sometimes uses different data definitions than tables included in the Fact Book. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 43 Table 2.15 Pell Eligible Award Recipients by Institution Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Institution Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Community College Share of Total Certificate <1 Year 149 376 124 * 45 24 286 57 * 12 261 149 368 2,300 23.3% Certificate Associate's Bachelor's 1-2 Years 93 133 127 * 39 207 88 * 66 37 47 364 1,263 12.8% Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin University of Tennessee, Medical Health Sci Center UT University Total University Total University Share of Total Grand Total Share of Total * 0 0 0.0% 2,300 10.1% * * 0.0% 1,267 5.6% Certificate Post-Bach. TBR Community Colleges 619 313 393 250 347 377 459 536 809 568 586 456 586 6,299 63.9% TBR Universities 161 922 1,206 2,259 69 518 1,001 1,693 230 7,599 UT Universities 856 1,710 751 16 0 3,333 230 10,932 1.8% 84.8% 6,529 10,932 28.7% 48.0% 12 * * 32 60 * * 23 83 0.6% 83 0.4% Master's 93 164 216 117 91 256 937 94 288 23 33 438 1,375 10.7% 1,375 6.0% Education Specialists First-Prof. Doctoral 22 10 * 16 * 33 17 * 16 30 52 * 39 * * 38 7 14 * 37 0.3% 37 0.2% 70 108 160 1.2% 160 0.7% 17 38 77 0.6% 77 0.3% Total Sector Percent of Total 861 822 644 350 431 401 952 681 1,220 646 884 652 1,318 9,862 100% 43.3% 1,176 1,421 2,494 733 1,108 2,018 8,950 39.3% 965 2,073 774 136 3,948 12,898 100% 22,760 100% 17.3% 100% Source: THEC SIS Notes: East Tennessee State University includes the Medical and Pharmacy schools. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville includes the Veterinary school and the UT Space Institute. Pell eligible undergraduate students are defined as students who were eligible to receive the Pell grant at any time during their college career. This is a count of first awards earned by graduating students. The Funding Formula sometimes uses different data definitions than tables included in the Fact Book. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 44 Tables 2.16 Total Grads Overall FTFTF Headcount Grad Rate Institution Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total 1,059 545 685 539 763 956 722 944 1,254 943 1,611 1,248 1,144 12,413 223 149 250 141 225 321 118 297 448 341 227 315 427 3,482 21.1% 27.3% 36.5% 26.2% 29.5% 33.6% 16.3% 31.5% 35.7% 36.2% 14.1% 25.2% 37.3% 28.1% Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total 1,327 1,923 3,444 1,023 1,621 1,981 11,319 622 1,016 1,794 405 949 948 5,734 46.9% 52.8% 52.1% 39.6% 58.5% 47.9% 50.7% University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin UT University Total University Total Grand Total 2,072 4,200 1,359 7,631 18,950 31,363 1,101 3,295 775 5,171 10,905 14,387 53.1% 78.5% 57.0% 67.8% 57.5% 45.9% Six Year Graduation Rates Fall 2008 Cohort TN Public Institutions TN Private Institutions Grads from Admitting Insitution 2 Year 4 Year TICUA Non TICUA Out-Of-State Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Headcount Grad Rate of Total Headcount of Total Headcount of Total Headcount of Total Headcount of Total Headcount of Total Grads Grads Grads Grads Grads Grads TBR Community Colleges 164 15.5% 73.5% 173 77.6% 61 27.4% 12 5.4% 0 0.0% 16 7.2% 103 18.9% 69.1% 114 76.5% 35 23.5% 24 16.1% 0 0.0% 10 6.7% 179 26.1% 71.6% 184 73.6% 85 34.0% 18 7.2% 0 0.0% 17 6.8% 87 16.1% 61.7% 99 70.2% 51 36.2% * 4.3% * 0.7% 8 5.7% 174 22.8% 77.3% 179 79.6% 75 33.3% 6 2.7% 0 0.0% 8 3.6% 220 23.0% 68.5% 231 72.0% 149 46.4% 10 3.1% 0 0.0% 24 7.5% 78 10.8% 66.1% 82 69.5% 37 31.4% 7 5.9% 0 0.0% 6 5.1% 251 26.6% 84.5% 256 86.2% 110 37.0% 16 5.4% 0 0.0% 9 3.0% 310 24.7% 69.2% 322 71.9% 195 43.5% 22 4.9% 0 0.0% 9 2.0% 263 27.9% 77.1% 270 79.2% 141 41.3% 15 4.4% 0 0.0% 11 3.2% 143 8.9% 63.0% 145 63.9% 88 38.8% * 1.8% * 1.3% 15 6.6% 206 16.5% 65.4% 217 68.9% 132 41.9% 18 5.7% * 1.0% 28 8.9% 324 28.3% 75.9% 336 78.7% 157 36.8% 39 9.1% 0 0.0% 17 4.0% 2,502 20.2% 71.9% 2,608 74.9% 1,316 37.8% 197 5.7% 7 0.2% 178 5.1% TBR Universities 498 37.5% 80.1% 19 3.1% 556 89.4% 10 1.6% 0 0.0% 41 6.6% 802 41.7% 78.9% 60 5.9% 879 86.5% 20 2.0% 0 0.0% 70 6.9% 1,545 44.9% 86.1% 53 3.0% 1,659 92.5% 26 1.4% * 0.1% 65 3.6% 332 32.5% 82.0% 9 2.2% 353 87.2% * 0.7% * 0.2% 39 9.6% 785 48.4% 82.7% 52 5.5% 870 91.7% 19 2.0% 0 0.0% 19 2.0% 828 41.8% 87.3% 32 3.4% 861 90.8% * 1.3% * 0.2% 47 5.0% 4,790 42.3% 83.5% 225 3.9% 5,178 90.3% 90 1.6% * 0.1% 281 4.9% UT Universities 800 38.6% 72.7% 82 7.4% 977 88.7% 22 2.0% * 0.1% 38 3.5% 2,878 68.5% 87.3% 66 2.0% 3,072 93.2% 67 2.0% 0 0.0% 114 3.5% 622 45.8% 80.3% 56 7.2% 687 88.6% 12 1.5% 0 0.0% 31 4.0% 4,300 56.3% 83.2% 204 3.9% 4,736 91.6% 101 2.0% * 0.0% 183 3.5% 9,090 48.0% 83.4% 429 3.9% 9,914 90.9% 191 1.8% * 0.0% 464 4.3% 11,592 37.0% 80.6% 3,037 21.1% 11,230 78.1% 388 2.7% 12 0.1% 642 4.5% Source: THEC SIS Notes: Total Grads were first-time, full-time freshmen (FTFTF) who enrolled summer of 2008 and returned that fall, or enrolled fall 2008 and graduated from either their admitting institution or another institution by spring or summer of 2014. Graduates from the summer of 2014 were included along with traditionally reported spring graduates to align with IPEDS reporting. The grad rate for the Total Grads category is a distinct count of students and includes all in-and out-of-state graduates. The graduation rate for the Grads from Admitting Institution category consists of students who began at their admitting institution and graduated from that same institution within six years. Graduates in the TN Public or TN Private Institutions columns may be duplicated; students graduated from either their admitting institution or another institution, or both their admitting institution and another institution. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 45 Table 2.17 Six Year Graduation Rates by Institution and Race Institution Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin UT University Total University Total Grand Total 2008 FTFTF Caucasian Graduation Rates African Hispanic Other American TBR Community Colleges 1,059 24.8% 7.4% 545 28.3% 18.4% 685 38.2% 17.9% 539 28.5% 18.7% 763 33.3% 17.7% 956 35.6% 18.9% 722 19.8% 5.1% 944 31.4% 21.7% 1,254 37.6% 19.8% 943 35.7% 21.1% 21.3% 1,611 9.5% 1,248 27.2% 12.9% 1,144 37.9% 20.9% 12,413 31.7% 11.6% TBR Universities 42.7% 1,327 48.0% 1,923 54.7% 28.6% 52.5% 50.8% 3,444 1,023 53.1% 38.5% 1,621 59.1% 51.6% 1,981 56.0% 35.9% 40.9% 11,319 54.2% UT Universities 2,072 55.5% 42.3% 4,200 79.6% 67.9% 1,359 60.6% 40.9% 7,631 70.1% 51.1% 18,950 61.4% 43.3% 31,363 49.7% 31.1% Unknown 27.3% 0.0% 38.9% 11.1% 27.3% 18.2% 16.7% 21.7% 40.0% 22.2% 26.9% 17.9% 31.6% 24.3% 50.0% 40.0% 41.7% 0.0% 100.0% 33.3% 27.3% 50.0% 42.9% 14.3% 35.7% 30.0% 35.7% 35.8% 23.1% 30.8% 18.2% 25.0% 27.4% 18.8% 31.7% 36.5% 24.1% 39.4% 20.8% 20.7% 66.7% 32.0% 51.0% 48.7% 49.4% 50.0% 72.4% 45.2% 51.6% 44.0% 60.0% 52.7% 60.0% 64.9% 44.3% 52.5% 45.4% 48.8% 50.0% 46.2% 49.0% 57.8% 49.3% 44.2% 68.8% 52.4% 58.2% 54.1% 42.7% 55.8% 77.4% 40.7% 67.0% 58.3% 51.8% 50.0% 77.2% 57.1% 74.4% 53.2% 42.2% Source: THEC SIS Notes: “Other” race/ethnicity consists of Alaskan Native, American Indian, Asian or Pacific Islander, and multiracial. If a student identified their ethnicity as Hispanic, they appear in the “Hispanic” column as well as the column for their race designation, pursuant to Department of Education reporting guidelines. . Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 46 Table 2.18 Institution 1999 Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community Colle ge Total 21.7% 25.7% 32.1% 28.2% 27.5% 36.3% 19.8% 29.5% 25.4% 31.0% 28.9% 28.9% 26.2% Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR Unive rsity Total 35.5% 42.9% 44.9% 45.3% 49.3% 37.0% 42.9% University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin UT Unive rsity Total Unive rsity Total Grand Total 51.3% 63.2% 46.4% 58.5% 49.2% 40.7% Six Ye ar Graduation Rate s Fall Cohorts 1999-2008 2003 2000 2001 2002 TBR Community Colle ge s 21.4% 24.5% 20.4% 22.7% 28.3% 27.5% 25.5% 29.1% 33.8% 33.7% 30.8% 35.3% 25.7% 25.9% 23.8% 22.2% 29.8% 27.2% 28.9% 24.7% 31.5% 32.2% 29.8% 31.1% 19.8% 22.1% 22.6% 23.2% 28.5% 29.3% 28.8% 28.4% 26.7% 28.5% 27.8% 30.8% 31.8% 31.3% 33.6% 33.7% 14.5% 14.6% 17.1% 13.9% 25.7% 24.1% 24.6% 28.2% 30.4% 32.8% 30.2% 31.7% 26.3% 26.6% 26.3% 26.7% TBR Unive rsitie s 37.2% 32.5% 36.8% 36.3% 46.0% 42.1% 46.6% 47.2% 46.4% 47.9% 49.9% 51.8% 42.0% 41.7% 38.4% 42.0% 50.0% 47.3% 48.9% 56.5% 36.9% 38.9% 41.6% 40.5% 43.5% 42.8% 44.9% 46.7% UT Unive rsitie s 52.2% 49.1% 46.5% 51.7% 66.2% 63.2% 63.5% 65.1% 47.3% 47.5% 51.7% 54.1% 60.2% 57.9% 57.9% 60.2% 50.0% 48.7% 49.8% 51.7% 41.2% 39.8% 40.5% 41.3% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20.8% 28.9% 32.3% 19.8% 24.3% 29.4% 23.6% 29.1% 26.5% 31.6% 12.6% 26.7% 31.0% 25.2% 21.4% 27.6% 32.2% 23.9% 23.9% 29.7% 21.1% 30.4% 32.0% 32.2% 14.8% 25.4% 31.0% 26.0% 21.4% 31.8% 34.2% 20.7% 23.1% 30.5% 20.1% 31.8% 35.1% 32.4% 12.6% 28.0% 32.2% 26.7% 24.7% 33.3% 35.3% 22.9% 26.8% 32.7% 24.4% 31.9% 34.1% 35.7% 15.5% 26.5% 35.2% 28.8% 21.1% 27.3% 36.5% 26.2% 29.5% 33.6% 16.3% 31.5% 35.7% 36.2% 14.1% 25.2% 37.3% 28.1% 37.6% 45.1% 52.1% 36.8% 54.2% 40.3% 45.6% 41.1% 49.2% 50.6% 36.6% 54.5% 43.0% 46.6% 42.7% 48.5% 51.6% 38.4% 55.6% 44.1% 47.7% 43.9% 51.8% 55.3% 39.3% 59.7% 50.3% 51.6% 46.9% 52.8% 52.1% 39.6% 58.5% 47.9% 50.7% 48.6% 65.8% 53.2% 60.1% 51.5% 40.9% 50.5% 68.8% 57.3% 62.9% 53.1% 42.3% 51.5% 71.6% 56.7% 64.2% 54.3% 43.2% 52.9% 76.8% 56.4% 67.2% 57.8% 46.6% 53.1% 78.5% 57.0% 67.8% 57.5% 45.9% Source: THEC SIS Note: Graduation rates for the 2007 entering cohort forward were derived from a new calculation procedure which is outlined in Table 2.16. Grad rates in this table can be found in the Overall Grad Rate column of the Total Grads section in Table 2.16. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 47 Table 2.19 Job Placement Rates Community College Graduates Academic Years 2003 - 2004 to 2013 - 2014 Academic Year Total Placeable Total Placed Percent Placed 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 4,003 4,081 4,163 3,996 4,092 3,702 3,784 3,916 4,697 4,597 4,722 3,643 3,746 3,849 3,726 3,784 3,415 3,385 3,645 4,298 4,200 4,392 91% 92% 92% 93% 92% 92% 89% 93% 92% 91% 93% Source: 2013-14 Performance Funding Reports Note: Total Placeable is defined as the number of graduates (associate’s degrees and certificates) eligible for placement in a job related to the field in which they received their award, as reported by the student. Table 2.20 Job Placement Rates Community College Graduates by Institution 2013 - 2014 Institution Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College Grand Total Total Placeable Total Placed Percent Placed 624 175 240 144 261 83 334 604 388 414 507 438 510 609 161 209 133 240 78 310 569 366 402 445 403 467 98% 92% 87% 92% 92% 94% 93% 94% 94% 97% 88% 92% 92% 4,722 4,392 93% Source: 2013-14 Performance Funding Reports Note: Total Placeable is defined as the number of graduates eligible for placement in a job related to the field in which they received their degree, as reported by the student. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 48 Table 2.21 Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology Awards for Fall 2013 through Summer 2014 Supplemental Sufficient Institution Certificates Diplomas Certificates Credential Athens 27 135 90 0 Chattanooga * 531 * 0 Covington * 51 * 0 Crossville 29 162 173 0 Crump 49 105 0 29 Dickson 91 247 217 0 Elizabethton 173 236 23 13 Harriman * 99 86 * Hartsville 79 155 44 235 Hohenwald * 156 60 * Jacksboro 45 106 57 0 Jackson 161 236 91 0 Knoxville 56 388 631 0 Livingston 26 186 1302 257 McKenzie * 91 17 * McMinnville 33 104 245 0 Memphis 126 387 216 0 Morristown 37 240 94 0 Murfreesboro 80 176 415 0 Nashville 258 349 88 0 Newbern 86 91 25 0 Oneida 46 69 148 0 Paris 68 172 24 12 Pulaski 185 95 788 15 Ripley 25 66 58 0 Shelbyville 60 207 387 0 Whiteville 55 78 18 0 Grand Total 2,121 4,918 5,304 571 Share of Total 16.4% 38.1% 41.1% 4.4% Grand Total 252 702 80 364 183 555 445 238 513 265 208 488 1,075 1,771 149 382 729 371 671 695 202 263 276 1,083 149 654 151 12,914 100.0% Source: TBR Diplomas are awarded to students who have demonstrated the competencies required for a program and have been awarded the appropriate diploma upon completion, usually in programs of at least 900 clock hours. Certificates are awarded to students who have demonstrated the competencies required for a program and have been awarded the appropriate certificate upon completion, usually in programs of less than 900 clock hours. Supplemental Certificates are non-preparatory awards, usually related to a special industry or special interest. Sufficient Credential is for students who leave a program without a credential before graduation, but have acquired sufficient competencies for employment in the field of instruction or related field. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 49 Table 2.22 Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology Awards by Program for Academic Year 2013-2014 Certificates Major Name Diplomas Administrative Office Technology ADV Manufacturing Education Aesthetician Aesthetics Aircraft Mechanics Assistant Animal Lab Technology Automotive Mechanics Automotive Technology Avionics Barbering Building Construction Technology Business Systems Technology Central Services Technician Certified Nursing Assistant Collision Repair Technology Commercial Truck Driving Computer Electronics Computer Information Technology Computer Numeric Control Computerized Graphics Design Cosmetology Cosmetology Instructor Training Culinary Arts Dementia Care Dental Assistant (Supplemental Program) Dental Assisting Dental Laboratory Technician Diesel Powered Equipment Technology Dietary Management Drafting and CAD Technology Early Childhood Education Electrical & Electronics Equipment Repair Electrical & Power Transmission Installation Electro Mechanical Technology Electrocardiograph Technology Electronics Technology Emergency Medical Technology General Building Trades Graphic Design & Web Development Graphic & Printing Communications Hazardous Materials (Supplemental Program) Health Information Technology 184 * 34 22 * * 16 122 6 Other Total 348 * 412 23 116 * 35 168 16 23 * 944 40 34 22 136 13 51 362 16 29 69 189 598 452 177 351 * 452 26 25 329 * 25 * 52 139 24 82 52 171 53 71 37 6 17 77 35 202 9 13 65 49 24 6 96 54 234 * 154 7 7 33 72 105 86 * 230 11 18 247 6 10 26 * 12 * 39 13 22 * * 76 14 70 67 19 35 * * 23 42 21 * 51 * 13 * 30 72 69 93 592 356 18 31 42 68 8 49 * 9 * 26 63 * * 65 21 14 17 12 35 130 65 * Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 50 Table 2.22 continued Major Name Awards by Program continued Certificates Heating, Ventilation, Air Cond & Refrig Technology Heavy Equipment Maintenance & Repair Industrial Electricity Industrial Electronics Industrial Maintenance Industrial Training Technology Information Technology IV Therapy IV Therapy (Supplemental Program) Landscape and Turf Management Machine Tool Technology Manicurist Masonry Massage Therapy Mechatronics Technology Medical Assisting Medical Coding (Part-Time) Medical Office Information Technology Medical Office Management Motorcycle ATV Technology Nursing Assistant Nursing Assisting (Supplemental Program) Personal Development & Awareness Pharmacy Technology Phlebotomy Phlebotomy (Supplemental Program) Pipefitting Practical Nursing Precision Metals PT Dietary Management (Supplemental Program) RN Refresher (Supplemental Program) Residential Building Maintenance Residential Construction Technology Residential/Commercial Wiring & Plumbing Solar Photovoltaic Technology Surgical Technology Technology Foundations Tool & Die Making Tree Management (Supplemental Program) Welding, Brazing, Soldering Worker Ethics (Supplemental Program) Grand Total Source: TBR Diplomas Other Total 83 * 26 21 116 230 * 111 * 318 72 * * 21 385 10 143 40 1,175 678 9 65 85 8 417 9 13 18 29 332 15 63 30 51 80 102 * 57 81 46 10 1,844 15 * 59 15 23 132 11 113 302 7 * 743 146 12,914 99 9 * * 8 6 * * 8 243 * 18 21 17 57 30 41 52 9 71 48 * 73 * * 1,265 * 6 * 741 678 44 85 75 * 307 15 * * 102 * 10 46 506 * 59 * 16 * * * * * 6 93 7 97 * 20 302 * 221 303 * 219 146 2,121 4,918 5,875 Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 51 Table 2.23 Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology 2013 - 2014 Program Completion and Placement Rates Institution Athens Chattanooga Covington Crossville Crump Dickson Elizabethton Harriman Hartsville Hohenwald Jacksboro Jackson Knoxville Livingston McKenzie McMinnville Memphis Morristown Murfreesboro Nashville Newbern Oneida/Huntsville Paris Pulaski Ripley Shelbyville Whiteville Grand Total Completers Placed in Calculated Percent Percent Completed Available for Field of Enrollment Completed Placed Placement Training 185 980 156 250 223 435 547 237 280 257 162 410 595 284 172 163 637 359 319 805 207 146 300 195 122 438 174 9,038 157 718 114 212 187 359 448 203 240 228 148 361 466 218 135 135 512 272 257 660 159 112 239 169 98 360 137 7,304 84.9% 73.3% 73.1% 84.8% 83.9% 82.5% 81.9% 85.7% 85.7% 88.7% 91.4% 88.0% 78.3% 76.8% 78.5% 82.8% 80.4% 75.8% 80.6% 82.0% 76.8% 76.7% 79.7% 86.7% 80.3% 82.2% 78.7% 80.8% 142 640 110 212 187 340 411 175 228 206 139 334 387 186 119 120 386 262 231 601 143 93 201 159 86 344 125 6,567 124 579 92 182 151 275 379 153 206 183 131 290 325 171 102 98 315 234 183 489 120 75 185 138 66 285 107 5,638 87.3% 90.5% 83.6% 85.8% 80.7% 80.9% 92.2% 87.4% 90.4% 88.8% 94.2% 86.8% 84.0% 91.9% 85.7% 81.7% 81.6% 89.3% 79.2% 81.4% 83.9% 80.6% 92.0% 86.8% 76.7% 82.8% 85.6% 85.9% Source: TBR Notes: Calculated Enrollment is the difference between total enrolled during the period less students still enrolled. This is the definition developed by the Council for Occupational Education, the TCAT accreditation body. Completers Available for Placement are those that are not enlisted in the military or seeking additional education, as well as any that are not documented to be unavailable for employment because of situations such as pregnancy, other serious health-related issues (physical/mental/behavioral), caring for ill family members, incarceration, death, etc. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 52 Table 2.24 2014 Job Placement Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology Program Completers Calculated Total Percent Available for Enrollment Completers Completed Placement Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Collision Repair Technology Electronics Industrial Electricity Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Pharmacy Technology Practical Nursing Welding Athens Total 21 17 11 18 18 18 12 14 41 15 185 Aesthetics Automotive Technology Automotive Mechatronics Collision Repair Commercial Truck Driver Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Cosmetology Instructor Diesel Equipment Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Industrial Electricity Industrial Electronics Industrial Maintenance Landscape Machine Tool Technology Manicurist Massage Therapy Medical Assist Motorcycle & Marine Practical Nursing Surgical Technology Welding Chattanooga Total 28 38 13 28 142 39 93 * 25 59 59 * 56 20 34 21 20 33 27 102 28 106 980 Athens 18 16 9 12 17 17 10 13 31 14 157 Chattanooga 22 20 13 18 139 27 52 * 20 40 33 * 40 8 26 9 18 30 19 89 23 67 718 Placed in Field of Training Percent Placed 85.7% 94.1% 81.8% 66.7% 94.4% 94.4% 83.3% 92.9% 75.6% 93.3% 84.9% 16 14 9 9 17 15 8 13 28 13 142 11 12 7 7 17 11 7 12 27 13 124 68.8% 85.7% 77.8% 77.8% 100.0% 73.3% 87.5% 92.3% 96.4% 100.0% 87.3% 78.6% 52.6% 100.0% 64.3% 97.9% 69.2% 55.9% 100.0% 80.0% 67.8% 55.9% 42.9% 71.4% 40.0% 76.5% 42.9% 90.0% 90.9% 70.4% 87.3% 82.1% 63.2% 73.3% 9 20 13 18 139 27 32 * 20 40 33 * 40 8 25 * 14 28 14 63 22 65 640 9 20 13 16 139 23 24 * 16 36 25 * 35 8 22 * 14 22 14 60 21 53 579 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 88.9% 100.0% 85.2% 75.0% 100.0% 80.0% 90.0% 75.8% 66.7% 87.5% 100.0% 88.0% 100.0% 100.0% 78.6% 100.0% 95.2% 95.5% 81.5% 90.5% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 53 Table 2.24 continued Job Placement by Program and College continued Program Completers Total Calculated Percent Available for Enrollment Completers Completed Placement Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Computer Information Technology Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Practical Nursing Welding Covington Total 22 18 14 19 27 13 23 20 156 Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Building Construction Technology Collision Repair Technology Computer Information Technology Drafting and CAD Technology Electronics Technology Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Industrial Maintenance/Electricity Technology Machine Tool Technology Practical Nursing Surgical Technology Welding Technology Crossville Total 23 7 8 14 16 15 13 11 30 14 68 14 17 250 Administrative Office Technology Collision Repair Technology Computer Information Technology Digital Graphics Design Technology Drafting and CAD Technology Electronics Technology Health and Information Technology Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Industrial Electronics Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Practical Nursing Welding Technology Crump Total 42 20 15 13 * * 25 13 10 10 15 24 23 223 Covington 15 12 9 14 22 10 19 13 114 Crossville 16 7 8 11 14 14 8 10 27 13 60 9 15 212 Crump 34 15 14 13 * * 21 11 9 8 12 19 21 187 Placed in Field of Training Percent Placed 68.2% 66.7% 64.3% 73.7% 81.5% 76.9% 82.6% 65.0% 73.1% 15 * * 13 22 10 19 13 110 12 * * 10 20 10 15 10 92 80.0% 83.3% 83.3% 76.9% 90.9% 100.0% 78.9% 76.9% 83.6% 69.6% 100.0% 100.0% 78.6% 87.5% 93.3% 61.5% 90.9% 90.0% 92.9% 88.2% 64.3% 88.2% 84.8% 16 7 8 11 14 14 8 10 27 13 60 9 15 212 13 7 7 8 12 12 6 10 25 12 49 9 12 182 81.3% 100.0% 87.5% 72.7% 85.7% 85.7% 75.0% 100.0% 92.6% 92.3% 81.7% 100.0% 80.0% 85.8% 81.0% 75.0% 93.3% 100.0% 75.0% 80.0% 84.0% 84.6% 90.0% 80.0% 80.0% 79.2% 91.3% 83.9% 34 15 14 13 * * 21 11 9 8 12 19 21 187 29 12 10 11 * * 15 8 8 6 9 18 17 151 85.3% 80.0% 71.4% 84.6% 83.3% 75.0% 71.4% 72.7% 88.9% 75.0% 75.0% 94.7% 81.0% 80.7% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 54 Table 2.24 continued Job Placement by Program and College continued Program Completers Calculated Total Percent Available for Enrollment Completers Completed Placement Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Dental Assistant Diesel Powered Equipment Heating, Ventilation, AC & Refrigeration Industrial Maintenance/Electronics Machine Tool Technology Mechatronics Practical Nursing Solar Photovoltaics Technician Welding/Pipefitting Technology Dickson Total 39 29 37 41 18 14 39 35 28 * 116 * 18 435 Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Certified Nursing Assistant Computer Information Technology Diesel Powered Equipment Technology Dietary Management Electricity/Electronics Heating, Ventilation, AC & Refrigeration Millwright Skills Pipefitting Practical Nursing Welding Elizabethton Total 64 25 77 15 36 65 21 11 15 11 178 29 547 Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Diesel Mechanics Industrial Maintenance Technology Machine Tool Technology Practical Nursing Residential/Commercial/Industrial Electricity Welding Technology Harriman Total 18 23 20 24 * 18 19 68 * 24 237 Dickson 34 24 26 25 18 10 34 26 26 * 101 * 15 359 Elizabethton 53 25 65 14 33 48 17 10 15 10 129 29 448 Harriman 18 17 18 18 * 16 18 56 * 23 203 Placed in Field of Training Percent Placed 87.2% 82.8% 70.3% 61.0% 100.0% 71.4% 87.2% 74.3% 92.9% 100.0% 87.1% 85.7% 83.3% 82.5% 31 22 23 25 16 * 34 25 24 13 98 * 14 340 26 18 17 20 13 * 24 18 20 10 83 * 13 275 83.9% 81.8% 73.9% 80.0% 81.3% 88.9% 70.6% 72.0% 83.3% 76.9% 84.7% 83.3% 92.9% 80.9% 82.8% 100.0% 84.4% 93.3% 91.7% 73.8% 81.0% 90.9% 100.0% 90.9% 72.5% 100.0% 81.9% 48 25 49 * 32 48 15 * 13 10 127 27 411 44 24 49 * 29 41 11 * 10 10 120 27 379 91.7% 96.0% 100.0% 90.0% 90.6% 85.4% 73.3% 71.4% 76.9% 100.0% 94.5% 100.0% 92.2% 100.0% 73.9% 90.0% 75.0% 93.3% 88.9% 94.7% 82.4% 62.5% 95.8% 85.7% 16 13 16 11 14 * 13 55 * 21 175 15 12 8 11 14 * 11 49 * 18 153 93.8% 92.3% 50.0% 100.0% 100.0% 90.9% 84.6% 89.1% 100.0% 85.7% 87.4% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 55 Table 2.24 continued Job Placement by Program and College continued Program Completers Percent Calculated Total Available for Enrollment Completers Completed Placement Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Certified Nursing Assistant Computer Information Technology Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Patient Care Technician Practical Nursing Welding Technology Hartsville Total 13 16 32 22 36 37 18 82 24 280 Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Drafting & CAD Technology Electro-Mechanical Technology Electronics Technology Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Practical Nursing Surgical Technology Hohenwald Total 19 30 19 22 10 12 11 37 16 68 13 257 Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technician Certified Nursing Assistant Computer Information Technology Industrial Electricity - Electrician Machine Tool Technology Motorcycle/ ATV Technology Practical Nursing Welding Technology-Combination Welder Jacksboro Total 28 12 10 14 12 13 18 33 22 162 Hartsville 9 13 32 18 30 34 17 72 15 240 Hohenwald 17 24 15 16 10 12 11 35 16 62 10 228 Jacksboro 25 12 9 13 12 12 17 27 21 148 Placed in Field of Training Percent Placed 69.2% 81.3% 100.0% 81.8% 83.3% 91.9% 94.4% 87.8% 62.5% 85.7% 8 11 32 17 29 33 15 68 15 228 6 10 24 16 29 30 13 65 13 206 75.0% 90.9% 75.0% 94.1% 100.0% 90.9% 86.7% 95.6% 86.7% 90.4% 89.5% 80.0% 78.9% 72.7% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 94.6% 100.0% 91.2% 76.9% 88.7% 17 24 15 12 9 12 11 35 15 46 10 206 17 19 13 11 7 12 11 27 13 44 9 183 100.0% 79.2% 86.7% 91.7% 77.8% 100.0% 100.0% 77.1% 86.7% 95.7% 90.0% 88.8% 89.3% 100.0% 90.0% 92.9% 100.0% 92.3% 94.4% 81.8% 95.5% 91.4% 24 11 7 13 10 10 16 27 21 139 23 11 7 11 10 10 14 25 20 131 95.8% 100.0% 100.0% 84.6% 100.0% 100.0% 87.5% 92.6% 95.2% 94.2% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 56 Table 2.24 continued Job Placement by Program and College continued Program Completers Calculated Total Percent Available for Enrollment Completers Completed Placement Administrative Office Technology Advanced Manufacturing Technology Automotive Technology Collision Repair Technology Computer Information Technology Drafting & CAD Technology Electronics Technology Heating, Ventilation, AC & Refrigeration Industrial Electricity Industrial Maintenance Technology Machine Tool Technology Practical Nursing Surgical Technology Tool and Die Technology Truck Driving Welding Jackson Total 41 19 18 9 34 9 13 15 22 24 12 90 12 14 37 41 410 Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Certified Nursing Assistant Collision Repair Technology Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Dental Assisting Diesel Powered Equipment Technology Heating, Ventilation, AC & Refrigeration Industrial Electricity Industrial Maintenance/ Mechatronics Machine Tool Technology Medical Assistant Medical Office Information Technology Practical Nursing Surgical Technology Truck Driving Welding Knoxville Total 25 24 28 23 * 44 18 17 16 23 19 * 19 76 158 38 37 17 595 Jackson 35 19 17 9 31 9 9 15 15 22 12 75 11 11 35 36 361 Knoxville 21 19 25 17 * 32 13 14 16 18 15 * 19 64 112 26 31 15 466 Placed in Field of Training Percent Placed 85.37% 100.00% 94.4% 100.0% 91.2% 100.0% 69.2% 100.0% 68.2% 91.7% 100.0% 83.3% 91.7% 78.6% 94.6% 87.8% 88.0% 29 17 16 8 30 8 9 8 15 22 12 69 11 9 35 36 334 23 16 16 6 24 8 8 6 12 16 12 65 11 8 27 32 290 79.3% 94.1% 100.0% 75.0% 80.0% 100.0% 88.9% 75.0% 80.0% 72.7% 100.0% 94.2% 100.0% 88.9% 77.1% 88.9% 86.8% 84.0% 79.2% 89.3% 73.9% 0.0% 72.7% 72.2% 82.4% 100.0% 78.3% 78.9% 75.0% 100.0% 84.2% 70.9% 68.4% 83.8% 88.2% 78.3% 17 19 21 14 0 24 11 14 16 16 15 8 17 54 70 26 31 14 387 12 16 17 11 0 21 9 14 16 15 12 7 17 39 60 21 25 13 325 70.6% 84.2% 81.0% 78.6% 0.0% 87.5% 81.8% 100.0% 100.0% 93.8% 80.0% 87.5% 100.0% 72.2% 85.7% 80.8% 80.6% 92.9% 84.0% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 57 Table 2.24 continued Job Placement by Program and College continued Program Completers Percent Calculated Total Available for Enrollment Completers Completed Placement Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Building Construction Technology Collision Repair Technology Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Electronics Technology Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Pharmacy Technology Practical Nursing Livingston Total 21 21 14 * 24 21 * 37 19 24 86 284 Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Computer Information Technology Electronics Technology Heating, Ventilation, AC & Refrigeration Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Welding Technology McKenzie Total 36 20 17 15 14 34 14 22 172 Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Computer Information Technology Culinary/Hospitality Industrial Electricity Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Medical Assistant Practical Nursing Welding McMinnville Total 27 13 16 10 * 17 11 * 38 15 163 Livingston 14 15 10 * 24 15 * 29 16 17 75 218 McKenzie 27 12 11 12 13 28 12 20 135 McMinnville 22 13 14 10 * 14 8 * 33 12 135 Placed in Field of Training Percent Placed 66.7% 71.4% 71.4% 18.8% 100.0% 71.4% 0.0% 78.4% 84.2% 70.8% 87.2% 76.8% 13 14 9 * 20 * 0 29 16 16 61 186 10 12 7 * 16 * 0 27 16 15 60 171 76.9% 85.7% 77.8% 100.0% 80.0% 100.0% 0.0% 93.1% 100.0% 93.8% 98.4% 91.9% 75.0% 60.0% 64.7% 80.0% 92.9% 82.4% 85.7% 90.9% 78.5% 24 12 8 10 12 23 12 18 119 18 12 6 9 10 20 11 16 102 75.0% 100.0% 75.0% 90.0% 83.3% 87.0% 91.7% 88.9% 85.7% 81.5% 100.0% 87.5% 100.0% 72.7% 82.4% 72.7% 20.0% 86.8% 80.0% 82.8% 20 12 11 9 * 14 8 * 29 10 120 14 9 10 7 * 11 7 * 26 8 98 70.0% 75.0% 90.9% 77.8% 83.3% 78.6% 87.5% 100.0% 89.7% 80.0% 81.7% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 58 Table 2.24 continued Job Placement by Program and College continued Program Completers Calculated Total Percent Available for Enrollment Completers Completed Placement Administrative Office Technology Aircraft Mechanics Asst. Animal Lab Technician Automotive Technology Avionics Maintenance Technology Barbering Building Construction Technology Collision Repair Technology Computer Based Graphic Design Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Dental Assistant Dental Laboratory Technology Diesel Powered Equipment Technology Drafting & CAD Technology Electronics Technology Health Information Technology Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Industrial/Machinery Maintenance Repair Machine Tool Technology Masonry Pharmacy Technology Practical Nursing Truck Driving Welding, Brazing & Soldering Memphis Total 36 80 17 14 19 26 14 13 23 29 42 25 20 15 14 19 31 21 * * 17 14 64 42 25 637 Administrative Office Technology Auto Body Technology Automotive Technology Computer Information Systems Drafting & CAD Technology Graphic Arts Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Industrial Electricity Technology Industrial Maintenance Repair Machine Tool Technology Practical Nursing Welding Morristown Total 49 20 18 16 18 18 14 22 42 18 90 34 359 Memphis 27 79 13 12 16 25 11 10 19 18 37 19 14 14 10 13 21 13 * * 14 12 46 41 16 512 Morristown 34 14 17 12 14 13 12 17 31 15 64 29 272 Placed in Field of Training Percent Placed 75.0% 98.8% 76.5% 85.7% 84.2% 96.2% 78.6% 76.9% 82.6% 62.1% 88.1% 76.0% 70.0% 93.3% 71.4% 68.4% 67.7% 61.9% 71.4% 70.0% 82.4% 85.7% 71.9% 97.6% 64.0% 80.4% 23 60 12 12 16 12 10 10 14 17 8 18 8 10 * 10 20 12 * 7 10 8 34 28 16 386 17 57 12 9 12 11 8 8 12 13 7 14 7 8 * 7 7 9 * 6 9 6 31 24 13 315 73.9% 95.0% 100.0% 75.0% 75.0% 91.7% 80.0% 80.0% 85.7% 76.5% 87.5% 77.8% 87.5% 80.0% 71.4% 70.0% 35.0% 75.0% 75.0% 85.7% 90.0% 75.0% 91.2% 85.7% 81.3% 81.6% 69.4% 70.0% 94.4% 75.0% 77.8% 72.2% 85.7% 77.3% 73.8% 83.3% 71.1% 85.3% 75.8% 32 12 17 11 12 13 12 17 30 14 64 28 262 25 11 17 9 12 12 12 13 27 13 59 24 234 78.1% 91.7% 100.0% 81.8% 100.0% 92.3% 100.0% 76.5% 90.0% 92.9% 92.2% 85.7% 89.3% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 59 Table 2.24 continued Job Placement by Program and College continued Program Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Dental Assisting Graphic Design & Web Development Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Industrial Electrical Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Pharmacy Technician Phlebotomy Practical Nursing Surgical Technology Murfreesboro Total Administrative Office Technology Aesthetics Technology Aircraft Mechanics (Aviation Maintenance Te Automotive Technology Building Construction Technology Certified Nursing Assistant Collision Repair Technology Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Dental Assisting Dental Lab Technology Drafting & CAD Technology Early Childhood Education Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Machine Tool Technology Mechatronics Technology Phlebotomy Practical Nursing RX Electrocardiography Technician Truck Driving Welding Technology Nashville Total Completers Calculated Total Percent Available for Enrollment Completers Completed Placement Murfreesboro 37 18 17 14 15 10 12 23 12 15 38 32 14 257 Nashville 42 32 37 31 38 29 42 38 28 25 17 10 29 27 35 30 85 43 12 11 14 11 19 16 19 18 68 64 21 17 28 22 35 33 122 99 21 20 47 47 46 37 805 660 53 19 19 19 21 16 16 26 15 17 40 42 16 319 Placed in Field of Training Percent Placed 69.8% 94.7% 89.5% 73.7% 71.4% 62.5% 75.0% 88.5% 80.0% 88.2% 95.0% 76.2% 87.5% 80.6% 34 18 17 * 15 * 11 22 12 14 34 26 14 231 19 18 10 * 12 * 9 21 11 9 27 22 13 183 55.9% 100.0% 58.8% 100.0% 80.0% 77.8% 81.8% 95.5% 91.7% 64.3% 79.4% 84.6% 92.9% 79.2% 76.2% 83.8% 76.3% 90.5% 89.3% 58.8% 93.1% 85.7% 50.6% 91.7% 78.6% 84.2% 94.7% 94.1% 81.0% 78.6% 94.3% 81.1% 95.2% 100.0% 80.4% 82.0% 32 28 24 38 24 9 25 28 37 11 9 15 18 60 16 21 33 70 20 47 36 601 29 26 23 31 18 6 19 20 24 9 7 13 15 52 12 13 25 64 10 46 27 489 90.6% 92.9% 95.8% 81.6% 75.0% 66.7% 76.0% 71.4% 64.9% 81.8% 77.8% 86.7% 83.3% 86.7% 75.0% 61.9% 75.8% 91.4% 50.0% 97.9% 75.0% 81.4% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 60 Table 2.24 continued Job Place me nt by Program and Colle ge continue d Program Calculate d Enrollme nt Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Certified Nursing Assistant Computer Info Technology Drafting & CAD Technology Electronics Technology Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Practical Nursing Welding Ne wbe rn Total 33 17 21 * 16 * 20 17 12 42 21 207 Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Collision Repair Technology Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Electronics Technology Machine Tool Technology Practical Nursing Welding One ida Total 24 11 8 * 18 9 * 38 25 146 Administrative Office Technology Collision Repair Technology Computer Information Technology Cosmetology Early Childhood Education General Metals (Precision Metals) Health Information Technology Industrial Maintenance Technology Machine Tool Technology Motorcycle & All Terrain Vehicle Repair Patient Care Technician Practical Nursing Residential Building Maintenance Paris Total 39 15 25 20 18 17 21 * * 13 28 75 16 300 Administrative Office Technology Advanced Manufacturing Education Certified Nursing Assistant CNC Machining Technology Computer Operating Systems Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Industrial Electricity Industrial Maintenance Technology Practical Nursing Residential Construction Technology Residential/Commercial Electrician/ Green Tec Residential/Commercial Wiring and Plumbing Welding Technology Pulaski Total 26 18 7 15 * 17 12 13 24 * 18 9 28 195 Comple te rs Total Pe rce nt Available for Comple te rs Comple te d Place me nt Ne wbe rn 21 15 17 * 15 * 20 8 9 32 15 159 One ida 20 7 8 * 14 8 * 23 23 112 Paris 31 12 23 16 13 15 0 * * 13 26 66 15 239 Pulaski 18 17 7 15 * 15 11 10 24 * 11 8 27 169 Place d in Fie ld of Training Pe rce nt Place d 63.6% 88.2% 81.0% 100.0% 93.8% 85.7% 100.0% 47.1% 75.0% 76.2% 71.4% 76.8% 19 13 15 * 14 * 18 8 * 30 14 143 13 11 13 * 13 * 13 8 * 26 13 120 68.4% 84.6% 86.7% 100.0% 92.9% 100.0% 72.2% 100.0% 71.4% 86.7% 92.9% 83.9% 83.3% 63.6% 100.0% 57.1% 77.8% 88.9% 83.3% 60.5% 92.0% 76.7% 16 * * * 8 * * 20 21 93 13 * * * 8 * * 19 17 75 81.3% 83.3% 71.4% 100.0% 100.0% 25.0% 80.0% 95.0% 81.0% 80.6% 79.5% 80.0% 92.0% 80.0% 72.2% 88.2% 0.0% 70.0% 66.7% 100.0% 92.9% 88.0% 93.8% 79.7% 28 10 18 * 12 15 0 7 * 11 23 55 14 201 24 7 17 * 11 14 0 7 * 9 22 52 14 185 85.7% 70.0% 94.4% 100.0% 91.7% 93.3% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 81.8% 95.7% 94.5% 100.0% 92.0% 69.2% 94.4% 100.0% 100.0% 60.0% 88.2% 91.7% 76.9% 100.0% 100.0% 61.1% 88.9% 96.4% 86.7% 17 17 7 12 * 14 10 9 24 * 11 8 25 159 15 14 6 11 * 13 7 7 21 * 10 8 21 138 88.2% 82.4% 85.7% 91.7% 100.0% 92.9% 70.0% 77.8% 87.5% 100.0% 90.9% 100.0% 84.0% 86.8% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 61 Table 2.24 continued Job Placement by Program and College continued Program Completers Calculated Total Percent Available for Enrollment Completers Completed Placement Administrative Office Technology Computer Information Technology Industrial Electricity Patient Care Technician Practical Nursing Ripley Total 27 13 26 15 41 122 Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Certified Nursing Assistant Collision Repair Technology Computer Information Technology Drafting & CAD Technology Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Industrial Electronics Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Practical Nursing Truck Driver Welding Shelbyville Total 70 15 50 18 39 13 18 25 49 33 61 31 16 438 Administrative Office Technology Automotive Technology Computer Information Technology Health Information Technology Heating, Ventilation, A/C & Refrigeration Industrial Electronics Industrial Maintenance Machine Tool Technology Practical Nursing Welding Technology Whiteville Total Grand Total 23 14 10 8 19 7 18 17 42 16 174 9,038 Ripley 22 9 21 13 33 98 Shelbyville 52 9 50 16 34 9 17 20 37 24 48 28 16 360 Whiteville 19 11 8 6 18 6 11 13 33 12 137 7,304 Placed in Field of Training Percent Placed 81.5% 69.2% 80.8% 86.7% 80.5% 80.3% 17 * 20 * 32 86 12 * 14 * 26 66 70.6% 83.3% 70.0% 81.8% 81.3% 76.7% 74.3% 60.0% 100.0% 88.9% 87.2% 69.2% 94.4% 80.0% 75.5% 72.7% 78.7% 90.3% 100.0% 82.2% 44 9 50 16 31 8 15 20 37 24 47 27 16 344 31 7 40 10 24 6 13 18 35 24 45 20 12 285 70.5% 77.8% 80.0% 62.5% 77.4% 75.0% 86.7% 90.0% 94.6% 100.0% 95.7% 74.1% 75.0% 82.8% 82.6% 78.6% 80.0% 75.0% 94.7% 85.7% 61.1% 76.5% 78.6% 75.0% 78.7% 80.8% 18 11 8 * 17 * 11 10 29 11 125 6,567 13 11 7 * 13 * 9 9 26 10 107 5,638 72.2% 100.0% 87.5% 75.0% 76.5% 100.0% 81.8% 90.0% 89.7% 90.9% 85.6% 85.9% Source: TBR Notes: Calculated Enrollment is the difference between total enrolled during the period less students still enrolleddefined by the Council for Occupational Education, the TCAT accreditation body. Completers Available for Placement are those that are not enlisted in the military or seeking additional education as well as any that are not documented to be unavailable for employment because of situations such as pregnancy, other serious health-related issues (physical/mental/behavioral), caring for ill family members, incarceration, death, etc. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 62 Table 2.25 Licensure Exam Pass Rates for Public Universities First-time Test Takers 2013 and 2014 Institution Austin Peay East Tennessee Middle Tennessee Tennessee State Tennessee Tech University of Memphis UT Chattanooga UT Knoxville UT Martin UT Health Science Center 2013 Test Number Number Taken Passed Nursing (BSN) 96 94 Dental Hygiene 21 21 Nursing (BSN) 192 179 Medical (Step I) 70 66 Medical (II Clinical) 66 58 Medical (II Skills) 65 64 Nursing (BSN) 105 101 Engineering * * Nursing (AAS) 93 80 28 Nursing (BSN) 44 Dental Hygiene 11 10 Engineering 121 96 Nursing (BSN) 73 73 Nursing (BSN) 229 220 Engineering 47 33 Law 129 114 Nursing (BSN) 54 53 Engineering 84 52 Engineering 273 240 114 110 Nursing (BSN) Law 116 104 Veterinary Medicine 77 77 Engineering 29 21 Nursing (BSN) 43 41 Medical (Step I) 167 144 Medical (Step II-CK) 163 163 Medical (Step II-CS) 180 176 Dentistry (NBDE I) 80 76 69 Dentistry (NBDE II) 79 Dental Hygiene (exam) 31 30 Dental Hygiene (clinical) 30 23 Pharmacy 146 146 Medical Lab Science 16 14 DPT 59 50 2014 Percent Number Number Passed Taken Passed 97.9% 88 80 100.0% 23 23 93.2% 133 121 94.3% 69 63 87.9% 69 64 98.5% 56 52 96.2% 129 105 44.4% 13 6 86.0% 107 64 63.6% 35 25 90.9% 19 20 99 79.3% 141 93 100.0% 90 184 176 96.1% 70.2% 29 16 88.4% 129 91 98.1% 50 49 61.9% 50 31 87.9% 213 180 96.5% 110 99 89.7% 129 108 79 75 100.0% 72.4% 26 24 95.3% 47 41 86.2% 175 162 100.0% 173 167 97.8% 173 162 95.0% 85 84 87.3% 69 68 96.8% 27 27 76.7% 26 24 100.0% 117 115 87.5% 15 14 85% 55 55 Percent Passed 90.9% 100.0% 91.0% 91.3% 92.8% 92.9% 81.4% 46.2% 59.8% 71.4% 95.0% 70.2% 96.8% 95.7% 55.2% 70.5% 98.0% 62.0% 84.5% 90.0% 83.7% 94.9% 92.3% 87.2% 92.6% 96.5% 93.6% 98.8% 98.6% 100.0% 92.3% 98.3% 93.3% 100.0% Source: THEC Performance Funding Reports, TBR, UT Note: The written portion of the Dental Hygiene Exam was discontinued in 2012. Bar exam passage rates reflect the number of students who took and passed the Tennessee Bar Exam during that calendar year (February & July Bar Exam). Passage rates reflect the students’ first attempt at passing the exam. Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 63 Table 2.26 Licensure Exam Pass Rates for Community Colleges Nursing and Allied Health Programs First-time Test Takers 2013 - 2014 Institution Chattanooga Test Dental Hygiene Physical Therapist Assistant Radiologic Technology Respiratory Care Nursing Cleveland Nursing Columbia Veterinary Technology Radiologic Technology Respiratory Care Nursing Dyersburg Health Information Technology Nursing Jackson Physical Therapist Assistant Radiologic Technology Medical Laboratory Technology Nursing Motlow Nursing Nashville Nursing Occupational Therapy Assistant Northeast Nursing Pellissippi Nursing Roane Dental Hygiene Occupational Therapy Assistant Physical Therapist Assistant Radiologic Technology Respiratory Care Nursing Opticinary Southwest Physical Therapist Assistant Radiologic Technology Medical Laboratory Technology Nursing Volunteer Health Information Technology Physical Therapist Assistant Radiologic Technology Respiratory Care Walters Physical Therapist Assistant Respiratory Care Nursing Source: 2013-14 Performance Funding Reports 2014 2013 Number Number Percent Number Number Percent Taken Passed Passed Taken Passed Passed 18 13 72% 19 18 95% 21 15 71% 21 20 95% 31 31 100% 26 26 100% 13 11 85% 13 12 92% 154 145 94% 117 110 94% 54 53 98% 67 54 81% 20 15 75% 20 12 60% 20 19 95% 21 20 95% 17 16 94% 13 12 92% 127 121 95% 102 96 94% * * 100% 14 12 86% 69 69 100% 119 91 76% 20 19 95% 24 21 88% 23 23 100% 19 19 100% 10 10 100% 8 8 100% 135 129 96% 145 134 92% 70 69 99% 61 53 87% 35 28 80% 36 29 81% 30 28 93% 18 18 100% 38 37 97% 58 46 79% 29 28 97% 36 35 97% 12 11 92% 11 11 100% 14 12 86% 17 13 76% 20 19 95% 16 16 100% 33 28 85% 26 25 96% 12 12 100% 9 6 67% 106 101 95% 94 79 84% 13 13 100% 20 20 100% 19 18 95% 22 18 82% 25 24 96% 17 13 76% 15 11 73% 15 9 60% 65 65 100% 63 61 97% 19 16 84% 16 13 81% 30 25 83% 22 19 86% 27 26 96% 26 26 100% 15 15 100% 14 14 100% 22 21 95% 22 21 95% 13 12 92% 16 16 100% 131 123 94% 58 56 97% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 64 Table 2.27 Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology Licensure Pass Rates 2014 # of Grads Who Passed Exam % Passed 30 26 86.7% 30 26 86.7% 9 9 100.0% Commercial Trucking 139 139 100.0% Cosmetology 30 30 100.0% Cosmetology Instructor * * 100.0% M anicurist * * 100.0% M assage Therapy 14 14 100.0% Program # of Grads Who Took Exam Athens Practical Nursing Athens Total Chattanooga Aesthetics Practical Nursing 63 60 95.2% Chattanooga Total 262 259 98.9% Covington Practical Nursing 14 12 85.7% Covington Total 14 12 85.7% Crossville Practical Nursing 49 43 87.8% Crossville Total 49 43 87.8% Crump Practical Nursing 14 14 100.0% Crump Total 14 14 100.0% Dickson Cosmetology 21 20 95.2% Dental Assistant 13 11 84.6% Practical Nursing 76 75 98.7% Dickson Total 110 106 96.4% Elizabethton Certified Nursing Assistant 49 36 73.5% Practical Nursing 113 104 92.0% Elizabethton Total 162 140 86.4% Harriman Cosmetology 12 11 91.7% Practical Nursing 36 29 80.6% Harriman Total 48 40 83.3% Hartsville Practical Nursing 62 54 87.1% Hartsville Total 62 54 87.1% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 65 Table 2.27 continued Program TCAT Licensure Pass Rates continued # of Grads Who # of Grads Who Took Exam Passed Exam % Passed Hohenwald Cosmetology 11 11 100.0% Practical Nursing 58 51 87.9% Hohenwald Total 69 62 89.9% Jacksboro Certified Nursing Assistant 7 7 100.0% Practical Nursing 24 22 91.7% Jacksboro Total 31 29 93.5% Jackson Advanced M anufacturing Technology 19 18 94.7% Practical Nursing 69 64 92.8% Truck Driving 31 31 100.0% Jackson Total 119 113 95.0% Knoxville Certified Nursing Assistant 22 21 95.5% Cosmetology 19 19 100.0% Practical Nursing 82 82 100.0% Truck Driving 31 31 100.0% Knoxville Total 154 153 99.4% Livingston Cosmetology 7 6 85.7% Practical Nursing 65 63 96.9% 72 69 95.8% Livingston Total McMinnville Practical Nursing 31 30 96.8% McMinnville Total 31 30 96.8% Memphis Aircraft M echanics 57 57 100.0% Barbering 12 12 100.0% Cosmetology * * 100.0% Dental Assistant 15 15 100.0% Pharmacy Technology * * 100.0% Practical Nursing 31 31 100.0% Truck Driving 24 24 100.0% Memphis Total 153 153 100.0% Morristown Practical Nursing 64 64 100.0% Morristown Total 64 64 100.0% Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 66 Table 2.27 Program TCAT Licensure Pass Rates continued # of Grads Who # of Grads Who Took Exam Passed Exam % Passed Murfreesboro Cosmetology * * 100.0% Practical Nursing * * 92.3% Murfreesboro Total 31 29 93.5% Nashville Aesthetics Technology 14 14 100.0% Aircraft M echanics (Aviation M ainten 19 19 100.0% Certified Nursing Assistant 6 6 100.0% Cosmetology 19 19 100.0% Practical Nursing 39 36 92.3% Truck Driving 47 44 93.6% Nashville Total 144 138 95.8% 9 81.8% Newbern Certified Nursing Assistant 11 Practical Nursing 32 26 81.3% Newbern Total 43 35 81.4% Cosmetology (Diploma) 11 10 90.9% Practical Nursing (Diploma) 22 21 95.5% Oneida Total 33 31 93.9% Oneida Paris Cosmetology * * 83.3% Practical Nursing * * 94.1% Paris Total 57 53 93.0% Certified Nursing Assistant 7 7 100.0% Pulaski Practical Nursing 21 19 90.5% Pulaski Total 28 26 92.9% Ripley Patient Care Technician 13 13 100% Practical Nursing 27 25 92.6% Ripley Total 40 38 95.0% 47 97.9% S helbyville Practical Nursing 48 Truck Driver 28 27 96.4% S helbyville Total 76 74 97.4% Practical Nursing 29 25 86.2% Whiteville Total 29 25 86.2% 1,925 1,816 94.3% Whiteville Grand Total Source: TBR Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 67 Table 2.28 Student Satisfaction CCSSE / NSSE Student Survey How would you evaluate your entire educational experience at this college? (Percent Good or Excellent ) Institution 2011 2014 TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 85.2% 85.4% Cleveland State Community College 85.4% 82.1% Columbia State Community College 81.7% 84.3% Dyersburg State Community College 84.8% 84.0% Jackson State Community College 86.4% 84.8% Motlow State Community College 88.2% 89.5% Nashville State Community College 86.0% 85.8% Northeast State Community College 91.5% 92.0% Pellissippi State Community College 87.8% 87.4% Roane State Community College 89.7% 89.7% Southwest Tennessee Community College 81.4% 75.5% Volunteer State Community College 85.7% 85.0% Walters State Community College 89.6% 87.8% TBR Community College Average 86.6% 85.9% TBR Universities Austin Peay State University 85.0% 87.0% East Tennessee State University 85.7% 82.4% Middle Tennessee State University 84.1% 86.8% Tennessee State University 66.2% 70.0% Tennessee Technological University 88.5% 88.4% University of Memphis 83.5% 84.3% TBR University Average 84.2% 84.2% UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 79.8% 85.7% University of Tennessee, Knoxville 84.1% 82.4% University of Tennessee, Martin 91.2% 90.1% UT University Average 84.9% 85.2% University Average 84.4% 84.5% Source: Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE). Student Success Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 68 Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 69 Table 3.1 Academic Program Inventory Public Colleges and Universities, April 2015 Major Taxonomy Agriculture Architecture and Related Services Area, Ethnic, Cultural, and Gender Studies Basic Skills Biological and Biomedical Sciences Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services Communication Technologies Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services Construction Trades Education Engineering Engineering Technologies/Technicians English Language and Literature/Letters Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences Foreign languages, Literatures, and Linguistics Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences History Legal Professions and Studies Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities Library Science Mathematics and Statistics Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies Natural Resources and Conservation Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies Personal and Culinary Services Philosophy and Religious Studies Physical Sciences Precision Production Psychology Public Administration and Social Service Professions Science Technologies/Technicians Security and Protective Services Social Sciences Transportation and Materials Moving Visual and Performing Arts Grand Total PrePostBaccalaureate Baccalaureate baccalaureate 6 0 0 14 1 61 7 0 56 4 13 1 79 0 27 0 148 0 8 58 0 0 14 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 2 5 31 2 0 29 572 13 2 4 0 10 51 0 18 11 0 29 32 12 12 10 10 31 13 1 18 0 12 0 10 7 14 0 10 27 0 14 10 0 9 42 1 46 479 13 11 7 0 31 35 1 9 18 0 102 60 14 12 5 7 116 10 2 9 2 12 0 10 6 15 0 4 17 0 23 17 0 6 22 1 17 614 Source: THEC Academic Affairs Notes: Pre-baccalaureate programs include certificates and Associate of Arts/Science and Associate of Applied Science degrees. The post-baccalaureate programs include all graduate and professional programs and certificates. Program counts include duplicate program offerings where institutions may offer certificate, associates (AA/AS/AAS) or bachelors (BA/BS) in the same field. THEC provides a more detailed searchable academic programs database at: //thec.ppr.tn.gov/APISearch. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 70 Table 3.2 Program Accreditation Status Academic Year 2013-2014 Number of Accredited Programs TBR Universities Total Accreditable Programs Percent Accredited Austin Peay State University 21 27 77.8% East Tennessee State University 52 60 86.7% Middle Tennessee State University 49 55 89.1% Tennessee State University 43 44 97.7% Tennessee Technological University 34 35 97.1% University of Memphis 69 72 95.8% 268 293 91.5% Institution TBR University Total UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga 36 37 97.3% University of Tennessee, Knoxville 62 66 93.9% University of Tennessee, Martin 22 23 95.7% 120 126 95.2% 388 419 92.6% UT University Total University Total TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College 25 27 92.6% Cleveland State Community College 3 5 60.0% Columbia State Community College 7 11 63.6% Dyersburg State Community College 4 8 50.0% Jackson State Community College 8 10 80.0% Motlow State Community College 2 7 28.6% Nashville State Community College 11 12 91.7% Northeast State Community College 10 10 100.0% Pellissippi State Community College 6 7 85.7% Roane State Community College 16 18 88.9% Southwest Tennessee Community College 22 23 95.7% Volunteer State Community College 15 16 93.8% Walters State Community College 13 14 92.9% Community College Total 142 168 84.5% Grand Total 530 587 90.3% Source: THEC Academic Affairs, Performance Funding Reports 2013-14 Notes: Within the state’s Quality Assurance program, formerly Performance Funding, institutions are required to evaluate undergraduate and graduate programs. The accreditation process satisfies the Quality Assurance requirements for programs that are eligible for accreditation. Other programs must undergo evaluation by external consultants or trained teams of auditors. Currently, 587 programs are eligible for accreditation. Eligibility is determined when all Tennessee institutions agree on a specific accreditor as best representing qualitative standards for each discipline. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 71 Table 3.3 Admissions Data for Public Universities Fall 2014 Institution Number Applied Number Accepted Percent Accepted Number Enrolled Percent of Percent of Alternative Alternative Admissions Admissions of Total of Total Enrolled Accepted Yield Rate Alternative Admissions 48.6% 41.7% 48.1% 31.7% 44.5% 41.6% 42.5% 43 153 133 71 * * 427 1.4% 3.1% 2.1% 1.4% 0.6% 0.1% 1.5% 2.9% 7.4% 4.3% 4.5% 1.3% 0.1% 3.4% 37.8% 40.7% 45.7% 40.5% 41.7% 0 427 0.0% 0.9% 0.0% 2.1% TBR Universities Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total 4,469 5,382 9,344 9,414 5,812 11,731 46,152 3,071 4,930 6,440 4,987 4,223 5,682 29,333 68.7% 91.6% 68.9% 53.0% 72.7% 48.4% 63.6% 1,494 2,055 3,095 1,582 1,879 2,365 12,470 UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin UT Total University Total 7,399 15,422 3,521 26,342 72,494 5,718 11,555 2,587 19,860 49,193 77.3% 74.9% 73.5% 75.4% 67.9% 2,160 4,701 1,181 8,042 20,512 Source: TBR, UT Note: This cohort represents the 2014 summer, returning fall, and fall first-time freshmen. Yield Rate refers to the number of students who enrolled versus the number accepted. Alternate Admissions refers to students who do not meet guaranteed admission requirements and whose applications are considered for admission based on other factors or qualifications. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 72 Table 3.4 Lower Division Instructional Courses By Type of Instructor Fall 2014 Institution Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Total Full-Time Part-Time Faculty Faculty TBR Universities 58.9% 57.7% 67.7% 60.3% 63.5% 40.2% 57.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 31.5% 6.8% Adjunct Faculty Graduate Assistant Other Employee Total 30.0% 25.1% 16.1% 24.5% 13.0% 0.0% 16.6% 0.0% 7.9% 6.1% 0.2% 3.0% 13.9% 6.0% 11.1% 9.3% 10.0% 15.0% 20.5% 14.4% 13.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 24.9% 7.6% 0.0% 10.4% 0.6% 18.9% 0.0% 10.4% 6.9% 5.8% 7.2% 6.4% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 27.8% 35.9% 38.0% 35.0% 0.0% 28.2% 46.0% 35.2% 40.5% 30.9% 42.2% 37.5% 31.1% 34.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 15.6% 2.9% 2.5% 12.5% 6.6% 12.7% 0.0% 6.7% 0.6% 19.7% 1.0% 0.8% 0.4% 5.8% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin UT University Total 67.5% 66.7% 67.6% 67.1% 0.0% 1.0% 25.2% 5.8% Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College TBR Community College Total 56.4% 61.2% 59.0% 52.5% 50.8% 59.0% 54.0% 58.1% 58.9% 49.4% 56.8% 61.7% 68.5% 57.5% 0.2% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 42.7% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% Source: TBR, UT Note: Other Employee includes professional non-faculty staff, administrators, and other non-instructional staff. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 73 Table 3.5 Percent of Undergraduate Instruction through e-Learning Public Institutions 2013-2014 Four-Year Institutions Two-Year Colleges Change Change Percent from 2012- Percent from 20122013 2013 Alabama 11.2% 0.2% 18.7% 1.0% Arkansas 14.9% 2.1% 24.1% 1.6% Delaware 2.4% 0.0% 10.0% -5.2% Florida 11.4% -9.2% 19.6% -3.9% Georgia ----Kentucky 12.8% 0.5% 33.6% 1.4% Louisiana ----Maryland 22.3% 0.6% 16.6% 0.9% Mississippi 10.9% 0.5% 19.9% 0.5% North Carolina 10.7% 1.1% 36.4% 2.0% Oklahoma 15.1% 1.0% 24.4% -1.3% South Carolina 4.9% 0.5% 19.8% 1.1% Tennessee 15.6% 0.7% 25.3% 0.0% Texas 12.6% 1.2% 23.1% 2.3% Virginia 4.8% 0.7% 27.4% 0.7% West Virginia 10.7% 0.1% 21.0% 0.6% Source: SREB "State Data Exchange: 2013-2014 Indicators Report" pgs. 4 & 12. Notes: Courses are termed “e-learning” when more than 50 percent of the content is delivered electronically. Four-year institutions in Florida use an 80 percent rule to define e-learning. Two-year colleges in Florida and Mississippi use a 75 percent rule to define e-learning; therefore, figures for those states are lower than they would have been had they used the 50 percent rule. Georgia did not report in 2013-14. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 74 Table 3.6 Public Universities & Community Colleges Peer Faculty Salary Comparison, 2013-2014 Average Faculty Peer Average Institution Salary Faculty Salary TBR Universities Austin Peay State University $61,910 $65,162 East Tennessee State University $60,121 $71,017 Middle Tennessee State University $63,252 $76,178 Tennessee State University $64,051 $69,638 Tennessee Technological University $67,958 $69,393 University of Memphis $74,778 $83,772 TBR University Average $65,345 $72,527 UT Universities University of Tennessee, Chattanooga $66,942 $67,974 University of Tennessee, Knoxville $89,271 $93,635 University of Tennessee, Martin $61,727 $63,996 UT University Average $72,646 $75,202 University Average $67,779 $73,418 TBR Community College Average $49,551 $52,541 Percent of Peer Average 95% 85% 83% 92% 98% 89% 90% 98% 95% 96% 97% 92% 94% Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs analysis of SREB data. Note: Peer institutions used in this analysis are comparable SREB public institutions selected by THEC in conjunction with UT and TBR. Table 3.7 TN Colleges of Applied Technology Average Salary Comparison Tennessee $36,999 TN as % Alabama $56,999 65% Georgia $40,246 92% Kentucky $41,068 90% Louisiana $37,202 99% Oklahoma $45,960 81% Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs analysis of SREB data. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 75 Average Full-Time Faculty Salary, All Ranks Public Universities Figure 3.1 $77,029 SREB $75,046 $74,594 $73,955 $73,450 $72,998 TN $71,266 $72,709 $68,583 $65,965 $69,499 $63,768 $66,163 $66,252 $70,562 $67,048 $67,160 $63,379 $61,617 $60,110 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Community Colleges Figure 3.2 $52,158 $51,452 $51,799 $51,831 $51,834 $51,302 SREB TN $50,191 $48,440 $46,732 $45,248 $48,916 $47,584 $47,337 $45,959 $46,075 $46,830 $46,503 $47,131 $46,048 $43,822 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Note: The formula for calculating weighted average salaries changed in 2012-13 because IPEDS changed the categories of contract length in its HR survey. Nine-month equivalent salaries are now calculated by dividing the total salary outlay by the total number of service months and multiplying by 9. As such, 2012-13 and subsequent years are not directly comparable to prior years. Dollars are unadjusted for inflation. Data includes all institutions. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 76 Table 3.8 Annual Tuition and Mandatory Fees 2014-2015 Institutions Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Average University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Undergraduate Graduate Resident Non-resident Resident Non-resident TBR Universities $7,462 $22,678 $9,480 $23,312 $7,985 $25,151 $10,131 $25,755 $8,188 $25,252 $10,372 $25,824 $7,224 $20,580 $9,282 $21,386 $8,017 $23,767 $10,111 $24,399 $8,973 $20,685 $11,151 $22,863 $7,975 $23,019 $10,088 $23,923 UT Universities $8,138 $24,256 $9,416 $25,534 University of Tennessee, Knoxville* $11,003 $29,453 Students admitted before 2013-14 $10,276 $28,726 Students Admitted in 2013-14 $11,584 $30,034 Students Admitted in 2014-15 $11,876 $30,326 University of Tennessee, Martin $8,024 $21,968 UT University Average $9,055 $25,226 University Average $8,335 $23,754 TBR Community Colleges Chattanooga State Community College $4,027 $19,345 Cleveland State Community College $3,985 $19,303 Columbia State Community College $3,973 $19,291 Dyersburg State Community College $4,001 $19,319 Jackson State Community College $3,987 $19,305 Motlow State Community College $3,978 $19,296 Nashville State Community College $3,927 $19,245 Northeast State Community College $3,989 $19,307 Pellissippi State Community College $4,041 $19,359 Roane State Community College $4,005 $19,323 Southwest Tennessee Community College $4,017 $19,335 Volunteer State Community College $3,975 $19,293 Walters State Community College $3,990 $19,308 Community College Average $3,992 $19,310 $11,622 $9,322 $10,120 $10,099 $30,072 $23,266 $26,291 $24,712 - - Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Note: *The tuition rates for students admitted to University of Tennessee, Knoxville in the fall of 2013 and later are flat rates for 15 semester credit hours, regardless of the number of credit hours taken by the student. This policy ("Fifteen in Four") was approved in 2012 by the UT Board for introduction in fall 2013. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 77 Table 3.9 Annual Tuition and Mandatory Fees Resident Undergraduate Student Institutions 2004-05 2009-10 University of Tennessee, Chattanooga TBR Universities $4,224 $5,868 $4,059 $5,593 $4,210 $6,048 $4,008 $5,444 $3,970 $5,586 $4,480 $6,524 $4,159 $5,844 UT Universities $4,093 $5,656 University of Tennessee, Knoxville1 Students admitted before 2013-14 $4,749 - Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR University Average Students Admitted in 2013-14 2 Students Admitted in 2014-15 University of Tennessee, Martin UT University Average University Average Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College Community College Average TN Colleges of Applied Technology 2013-14 2014-15 1 Year Change 5 Year Change 10 Year Change $7,158 $7,543 $7,840 $6,774 $7,383 $8,666 $7,561 $7,462 $7,985 $8,188 $7,224 $8,017 $8,973 $7,975 4.2% 5.9% 4.4% 6.6% 8.6% 3.5% 5.5% 27.2% 42.8% 35.4% 32.7% 43.5% 37.5% 36.5% 76.7% 96.7% 94.5% 80.2% 101.9% 100.3% 91.8% $7,555 $8,138 7.7% 43.9% 98.8% $10,062 $9,684 $11,003 $10,276 9.4% 6.1% 60.6% - 131.7% - $11,194 NA $4,134 $5,769 $7,514 $4,325 $6,092 $8,377 $4,214 $5,926 $7,833 TBR Community Colleges $2,223 $2,991 $3,819 $2,195 $2,969 $3,773 $2,183 $2,941 $3,775 $2,183 $2,971 $3,795 $2,185 $2,953 $3,781 $2,187 $2,959 $3,780 $2,177 $2,925 $3,729 $2,203 $2,981 $3,785 $2,213 $2,993 $3,827 $2,197 $2,981 $3,789 $2,183 $2,985 $3,819 $2,189 $2,961 $3,775 $2,187 $2,969 $3,783 $2,193 $2,968 $3,787 $1,752 $2,399 $3,176 $11,584 $11,876 $8,024 $9,055 $8,335 3.5% NA 6.8% 8.1% 6.4% 39.1% 48.6% 40.6% 94.1% 109.3% 97.8% $4,027 $3,985 $3,973 $4,001 $3,987 $3,978 $3,927 $3,989 $4,041 $4,005 $4,017 $3,975 $3,990 $3,992 $3,425 5.4% 5.6% 5.2% 5.4% 5.4% 5.2% 5.3% 5.4% 5.6% 5.7% 5.2% 5.3% 5.5% 5.4% 7.8% 34.6% 34.2% 35.1% 34.7% 35.0% 34.4% 34.3% 33.8% 35.0% 34.4% 34.6% 34.2% 34.4% 34.5% 42.8% 81.2% 81.5% 82.0% 83.3% 82.5% 81.9% 80.4% 81.1% 82.6% 82.3% 84.0% 81.6% 82.4% 82.1% 95.5% $6,850 - Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Note: 1- The tuition rates for students admitted to UTK in the fall of 2013 and later are flat rates for 15 semester credit hours, regardless of the number of credit hours taken by the student. This policy ("Fifteen in Four") was approved in 2012 by the UT Board for introduction in fall 2013. Under this new initiative, tuition and fees are now being structured around cohorts. 2- The maintenance fees reported for 2013-14 and 2014-15 are weighted averages of the fees charged across all three cohorts. The percent increase in maintenance fees for sophomores at UTK is the increase from 2013-14 to 2014-15 for the cohort of students admitted in fall 2013, spring 2014 or summer 2014. However, if the total tuition and fee rate for 2013-14 sophomores is compared to the rate for 2014-15 sophomores, mandatory and maintenance fees increased by 19.6 percent. This comparison reflects the second of a four year phase-in of the UTK initiative. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 78 Average Undergraduate Resident Annual Tuition and Mandatory Fees by Institution Type 2004-05 to 2014-15 Figure 3.3 $8,335 $7,833 $7,406 Public University Average $6,979 Community College Average $6,358 Technology Colleges $5,926 $5,524 $5,227 $4,649 $4,841 $4,214 $3,787 $3,532 $3,684 $2,193 $2,628 $2,773 $2,393 $2,482 $2,968 $3,211 $2,735 $1,752 $3,992 $2,975 $3,146 $3,176 $3,425 $2,399 $2,168 $2,285 $2,057 $1,984 Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Note: Dollars are unadjusted for inflation. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 79 Table 3.10 Median Full-Time Tuition & Fees Public University Resident 2003-04 2008-09 2013-14 United States $4,587 $6,312 $8,070* SREB States $3,660 $5,389 $7,052 Alabama $3,842 $5,594 $8,770 Arkansas $3,851 $5,835 $7,335 Delaware $5,397 $7,564 $9,724 Florida $2,908 $3,782 $6,317 Georgia $2,784 $4,032 $6,622 Kentucky $3,590 $6,304 $7,916 Louisiana $2,928 $3,771 $6,251 Maryland $5,564 $6,614 $7,838 Mississippi $3,536 $4,605 $6,228 North Carolina $2,927 $4,174 $6,143 Oklahoma $2,763 $4,221 $5,315 $5,460 South Carolina $8,400 $10,064 Tennessee $3,852 $5,310 $7,543 Texas $3,830 $5,988 $7,494 Virginia $4,899 $9,784 $6,941 West Virginia $3,168 $4,691 $6,109 Table 3.11 Median Full-Time Tuition & Fees Public Community College Resident 2003-04 2008-09 2013-14 United States $1,702 $2,136 $2,792* SREB States $1,695 $2,316 $3,137 Alabama $2,520 $2,700 $4,200 Arkansas $1,650 $2,153 $3,003 Delaware $1,932 $2,684 $3,380 Florida $1,695 $2,265 $3,105 Georgia $1,582 $2,303 $3,620 Kentucky $2,370 $3,630 $4,320 Louisiana $1,708 $1,989 $3,292 Maryland $2,695 $3,122 $3,873 Mississippi $1,424 $1,800 $2,322 North Carolina $1,166 $1,424 $2,366 Oklahoma $1,923 $2,696 $3,385 South Carolina $2,600 $3,270 $3,844 Tennessee $2,059 $2,775 $3,783 Texas $1,248 $1,827 $2,397 Virginia $1,883 $2,584 $3,900 West Virginia $2,349 $2,748 $3,336 Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs analysis of SREB and National Center for Education Statistics data. Note: All dollars are unadjusted for inflation. * U.S. median has not been updated for 2013-14 as of date of publication. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 80 Share of Family Income Needed to Pay for College 2010-2011 Figure 3.4 Share of Family Income Needed to Pay for College 2011-2012 Figure 3.5 Source: SREB Fact Book on Higher Education 2013, Table 64. Note: Figures are based on median annual tuition and required fees for full-time, in-state undergraduate students at public colleges and universities. Unadjusted for inflation. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 81 Table 3.12 Alabama Arkansas Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina SREB States Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia Tuition and Fees Revenue per FTE Student Public Institutions 2013-2014 Four-Year Institutions Two-Year Colleges Technology Colleges Change Change Change Total from 2012- Total from 2012- Total from 20122013 2013 2013 $10,887 -2.5% $ 3,932 8.4% $3,933 7.0% $7,801 5.7% $ 3,694 10.2% --$23,141 5.3% $ 4,638 5.9% --$5,837 7.5% $ 2,434 0.1% --$7,541 2.8% $ 3,469 3.6% $3,360 -0.4% $12,215 3.2% $ 4,161 -1.1% $3,693 -17.0% $7,255 12.6% $ 3,580 8.2% $2,550 27.5% $10,671 2.3% $ 5,058 11.5% --$8,874 4.6% $ 3,021 6.5% --$6,552 6.7% $ 1,782 1.7% --$7,474 0.4% $ 3,285 5.8% $1,403 -1.8% $14,185 -0.7% $ 5,028 4.5% --$8,464 3.2% $ 2,902 3.1% $2,942 1.1% $8,694 6.0% $ 4,432 4.3% $2,542 1.0% $6,933 1.3% $ 1,840 2.9% --$10,931 1.5% $ 4,301 0.1% --$8,877 6.8% $ 4,154 7.8% --- Source: SREB "State Data Exchange: 2013-2014 Indicators Report" pgs. 9, 17, & 24 Note: Excludes amounts mandated or used for debt service. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 82 Table 3.13 Alabama Arkansas Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina SREB States Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia Appropriations and Tuition/Fees Revenue per FTE Student Public Institutions 2013-2014 Four-Year Institutions Two-Year Colleges Technology Colleges Appropriations Tuition/Fees Total Appropriations Tuition/Fees Total Appropriations Tuition/Fees 68% 32% $ 8,288 33% 67% $ 16,229 53% 47% --56% 44% $ 8,372 $ 14,399 46% 54% 44% $ 10,567 22% 78% $ 29,696 56% ---$ 5,619 -53% 47% $ 12,395 57% 43% 50% 50% 53% $ 7,339 55% $ 13,608 47% 45% 41% 59% $ 7,064 43% 57% 35% 65% $ 18,803 $ 5,825 54% 46% 65% $ 11,175 39% 61% 35% 45% $ 11,330 --$ 20,891 55% 49% 51% 62% 38% $ 8,051 --43% 57% $ 15,621 --39% 75% 25% $ 7,166 61% $ 16,601 43% 78% 22% $ 12,323 57% $ 7,713 39% 61% 68% $ 7,341 --19% 81% $ 17,486 32% 57% 43% 61% 39% $ 7,352 43% 57% $ 14,780 $ 8,011 67% 33% 61% $ 14,314 45% 55% 39% $ 13,404 76% 24% $ 7,630 --48% 52% 32% 68% $ 15,985 39% 61% $ 7,060 --47% 53% $ 7,820 --32% 68% $ 12,976 Source: SREB "State Data Exchange: 2013-2014 Indicators Report" pgs. 9, 17, & 24 Note: This table represents the percentage of total revenue per FTE student that comes from appropriations versus tuition and fees. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 83 Total $12,251 ---$6,759 $6,527 $5,549 ---$6,395 -$6,872 $7,626 ---- Table 3.14 Alabama Arkansas Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina SREB States Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia Appropriations per FTE Student 2013-2014 Four-Year Institutions Two-Year Colleges Change Change Total from 2012- Total from 20122013 2013 $ 5,342 -0.7% $ 4,356 9.2% $ 6,598 0.5% $ 4,678 5.2% $ 6,555 0.7% $ 5,929 11.0% $ 6,558 32.3% $ 3,185 8.7% $ 6,067 7.0% $ 3,869 25.8% $ 6,588 0.3% $ 2,903 3.4% $ 3,920 -11.5% $ 2,245 4.7% $ 10,219 11.2% $ 6,272 16.8% $ 6,747 4.7% $ 5,029 8.3% $ 10,049 -2.4% $ 5,383 0.8% $ 4,849 -15.4% $ 4,428 13.2% $ 3,301 1.5% $ 2,313 -0.9% $ 6,316 4.2% $ 4,450 8.8% $ 5,621 9.1% $ 3,578 11.3% $ 6,470 1.2% $ 5,790 10.7% $ 5,054 3.8% $ 2,759 7.0% $ 4,099 -8.8% $ 3,666 -2.7% Technology Colleges Change Total from 20122013 $ 8,318 9.4% ------$ 3,400 -1.2% $ 2,834 -6.1% $ 2,999 4.3% ------$ 4,992 0.1% --$ 3,930 2.6% $ 5,084 5.1% ------- Source: SREB "State Data Exchange: 2013-2014 Indicators Report" pgs. 9, 17, & 24 Note: Includes state general purpose and educational special purpose appropriations to campuses. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 84 Table 3.15 State Appropriations Related to Higher Education as Percentages of State Taxes United States SREB States Alabama Arkansas Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia 2002-03 11.7 13.9 17.9 11.8 8.7 11.2 15.5 13.4 15.7 11.2 16.2 15.8 12.4 13.7 14.2 16.9 11.1 10.7 2007-08 10.7 14.0 22.1 11.9 8.4 11.5 16.2 13.3 15.6 10.3 16.1 17.0 13.5 13.9 14.4 15.7 10.1 12.1 2012-13 9.5 National 12.5 Rank 15.5 4 10.9 16 6.6 40 10.1 20 16.5 3 11.2 14 13.1 9 9.4 24 13.3 7 18.0 1 11.1 15 11.7 13 12.1 12 13.2 8 9.4 25 10.3 18 Source: SREB; "Appropriations of State Tax Funds for Operating Expenses Related to Higher Education as Percentages of State Taxes"; Updated December 2014 Notes: State appropriations include funds for medical and health programs, state-level financial aid programs for students, state funds for private colleges and universities, and state funds for coordinating or governing boards of public colleges and universities. State appropriations exclude dollars for capital construction and debt payments. Also excluded are funds from sources other than state tax funds, including all funds from student fees, federal sources, and local sources. Seven SREB states, excluding Tennessee, also provide significant additional local funding for higher education operations. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 85 Table 3.16 State Appropriations for Tennessee Public Higher Education Formula Units 2010-2015 Institution 2010-11 Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis TBR Unive rsity Total $25,570,600 $45,582,600 $71,318,700 $28,554,800 $35,853,000 $91,785,400 $298,665,100 University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin UT Unive rsity Total Unive rsity Total $33,463,400 $143,699,500 $24,047,300 $201,210,200 $499,875,300 Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community Colle Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College Community Colle ge Total TN Colle ge s of Applie d Te chnology Total Acade mic Formula Units $20,086,100 $9,062,000 $11,439,800 $6,168,000 $10,479,000 $8,591,400 $12,677,800 $10,605,000 $17,199,100 $15,684,300 $32,436,900 $15,389,800 $16,032,000 $185,851,200 $46,263,500 $731,990,000 2011-12 2012-13* TBR Unive rsitie s $26,107,600 $28,537,600 $44,000,700 $45,772,200 $73,423,800 $77,193,600 $29,335,100 $30,810,900 $35,086,300 $37,288,600 $85,464,300 $87,346,700 $293,417,800 $306,949,600 UT Unive rsitie s $33,294,400 $34,601,800 $144,150,000 $153,343,900 $23,636,300 $24,609,100 $201,080,700 $212,554,800 $494,498,500 $519,504,400 TBR Community Colle ge s $19,970,200 $21,902,500 $8,421,200 $8,672,000 $11,121,800 $11,294,400 $6,484,500 $6,867,800 $10,518,500 $10,821,400 $9,662,900 $10,310,000 $13,794,900 $14,516,500 $11,924,900 $12,920,300 $18,692,600 $20,819,800 $14,750,900 $15,244,700 $28,648,100 $27,953,000 $15,281,400 $15,614,700 $15,745,100 $17,043,300 $185,017,000 $193,980,400 $52,260,300 $53,848,800 $731,775,800 $767,333,600 2013-14* 2014-15* $32,995,000 $48,685,000 $81,024,600 $32,610,800 $39,559,500 $89,106,400 $323,981,300 $34,239,800 $48,048,900 $82,830,300 $32,088,900 $38,394,000 $89,331,900 $324,933,800 $36,128,500 $174,335,300 $25,243,000 $235,706,800 $559,688,100 $37,501,400 $179,044,900 $26,249,700 $242,796,000 $567,729,800 $26,624,800 $8,997,100 $12,339,500 $7,238,900 $11,510,200 $11,017,200 $15,983,500 $13,648,200 $22,913,400 $16,619,800 $25,739,300 $16,075,400 $19,866,900 $208,574,200 $57,400,500 $825,662,800 $26,008,100 $8,843,700 $12,349,500 $7,317,900 $11,095,700 $10,656,700 $15,861,200 $13,224,100 $23,429,800 $17,399,500 $24,677,200 $16,216,000 $20,350,200 $207,429,600 $55,346,600 $830,506,000 Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Notes: Appropriations exclude capital funds. Academic formula units include universities, community colleges, and technology centers. *Beginning in 2012-13, appropriations to the community college sector are awarded as a lump sum. These amounts are the system reported actual distribution amounts to individual campuses. Dollars are unadjusted for inflation. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 86 Table 3.17 State Appropriations for Tennessee Public Higher Education Non-Formula Units and Specialized Programs 2010-2015 Institution Medical Education ETSU College of Medicine ETSU Family Practice UT College of Medicine UT Family Practice UT Memphis UT College of Vet Medicine Research and Public Service UT Ag. Experiment Station UT Ag. Extension Service TSU McMinnville Center TSU Institute of Ag. & Envir Research TSU Coop Education TSU McIntire-Stennis Forestry Research UT Space Institute UT Inst. for Public Service UT County Tech Asst. Service UT Municipal Tech Adv. Service Other Specialized Units UT University-Wide Admn. TN Board of Regents Admn. TN Student Assistance Corp. TN Higher Education Comm. TN Foreign Language Institute Contract Education Program Initiatives Campus Centers of Excellence Campus Centers of Emphasis Ned McWherter Scholars UT Access & Diversity TBR Access & Diversity THEC Grants Research Initiative Total Non-Formula Units Total Operating 2010-11 $158,506,200 $25,377,900 $5,150,800 $42,524,700 $9,187,200 $62,105,000 $14,160,600 $71,509,700 $22,812,000 $27,416,300 $527,900 $2,156,200 $2,918,300 $171,900 $7,212,500 $4,312,800 $1,482,500 $2,499,300 $61,833,700 $4,143,800 $4,407,400 $48,567,100 $2,160,300 $338,100 $2,217,000 $42,560,200 $17,238,700 $1,240,700 $401,800 $5,648,700 $9,977,400 $2,359,200 $5,693,700 $334,409,800 $1,066,399,800 2011-12 $160,820,800 $25,859,200 $5,322,000 $42,820,200 $9,313,200 $63,089,600 $14,416,600 $72,392,000 $23,111,900 $27,825,100 $527,300 $2,145,000 $2,918,200 $170,600 $7,276,600 $4,341,200 $1,521,800 $2,554,300 $62,127,100 $4,209,000 $4,563,400 $48,579,200 $2,224,500 $352,800 $2,198,200 $42,455,300 $17,328,000 $1,247,600 $401,800 $5,600,600 $9,892,900 $2,339,200 $5,645,200 $337,795,200 $1,069,571,000 2012-13 $170,061,100 $27,321,000 $5,731,700 $44,883,300 $9,870,100 $66,869,800 $15,385,200 $76,234,300 $24,342,600 $29,431,800 $543,300 $2,208,900 $3,010,500 $174,100 $7,603,400 $4,541,300 $1,646,200 $2,732,200 $69,377,200 $4,440,900 $4,881,800 $55,205,400 $2,292,100 $378,600 $2,178,400 $42,472,200 $17,538,300 $1,265,900 $401,800 $5,550,100 $9,803,700 $2,318,100 $5,594,300 $358,144,800 $1,125,478,400 2013-14 $180,352,100 $28,893,900 $6,117,800 $47,065,400 $10,458,800 $71,363,200 $16,453,000 $80,174,900 $25,438,800 $30,836,900 $560,400 $2,280,500 $3,110,400 $179,400 $7,896,700 $5,232,400 $1,753,200 $2,886,200 $76,402,700 $4,589,300 $5,104,200 $61,586,800 $2,479,200 $410,300 $2,232,900 $43,794,000 $18,193,700 $1,313,300 $411,800 $5,688,900 $10,048,800 $2,403,300 $5,734,200 $380,723,700 $1,206,386,500 2014-15 $180,992,600 $28,948,800 $6,130,800 $46,956,800 $10,506,000 $71,919,300 $16,530,900 $80,554,300 $25,557,800 $31,044,400 $560,400 $2,278,500 $3,108,900 $179,400 $7,916,500 $5,247,800 $1,763,100 $2,897,500 $76,395,400 $4,661,800 $5,133,100 $61,566,800 $2,438,800 $414,100 $2,180,800 $43,289,200 $17,769,000 $1,282,600 $411,800 $5,688,900 $10,048,800 $2,353,900 $5,734,200 $381,231,500 $1,211,737,500 Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Notes: Appropriations exclude capital funds; Academic formula units include universities, community colleges, and technology centers. Dollars are unadjusted for inflation. Total Operating is the sum of Table 3.16 and 3.17. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 87 Table 3.18 Revenue per FTE Historical Analysis Academic Years 2004-05 to 2014-15 Academic Year Public University 10 Year Percent Change 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Community College 10 Year Percent Change 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 State Appropriations -27.3% $788,334,000 $772,335,000 $786,434,400 $820,649,500 $707,916,300 $583,533,300 $544,044,600 $550,127,600 $556,773,500 $586,960,400 $572,921,100 -21.5% $264,485,400 $257,965,000 $263,652,900 $272,191,900 $244,734,800 $215,125,300 $202,273,100 $205,029,700 $207,782,600 $217,424,900 $207,519,100 ARRA/MoE Tuition & Fees $65,454,000 $173,256,400 $207,662,300 $16,276,700 $39,381,400 $49,707,200 - 55.7% $815,306,000 $862,701,800 $865,085,200 $900,471,600 $926,249,000 $992,741,500 $1,085,336,800 $1,171,817,300 $1,204,891,500 $1,251,831,800 $1,269,551,400 45.3% $195,716,600 $201,814,300 $204,166,300 $213,593,600 $230,510,100 $273,103,800 $299,257,400 $308,180,600 $300,421,500 $289,587,800 $284,393,400 FTE 9.6% 102,726 103,636 105,500 107,394 109,298 113,260 117,310 116,933 115,432 113,615 112,634 10.1% 49,238 48,315 49,300 49,194 51,302 59,993 62,973 61,343 58,656 56,392 54,192 Total Revenue per FTE 4.8% $15,611 $15,777 $15,654 $16,026 $15,550 $15,447 $15,660 $14,726 $15,261 $16,184 $16,358 -2.9% $9,346 $9,516 $9,489 $9,875 $9,581 $8,795 $8,754 $8,366 $8,664 $8,991 $9,077 Student Share 18.1% 50.8% 52.8% 52.4% 52.3% 54.5% 56.7% 59.1% 68.1% 68.4% 68.1% 68.9% 15.3% 42.5% 43.9% 43.6% 44.0% 46.9% 51.8% 54.3% 60.0% 59.1% 57.1% 57.8% Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Notes: State appropriations are recurring general operating revenues. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) provided non-recurring federal funds to Tennessee higher education over the three year period from FY 08-09 to FY 10-11. ARRA also included a Maintenance of Effort (MoE) provision that required states to maintain funding for FY08-09 to FY10-11 at FY05-06 levels in order to qualify for ARRA funds. Tuition and fees include all in-state and out-of-state tuition and mandatory fee revenues. Dollars are adjusted for inflation using the Commonfund Institute Higher Education Price Index (HEPI). Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 88 Table 3.19 Revenue per Student Award Historical Analysis Academic Years 2003-04 to 2013-14 State Appropriations Public Universities 10 Year Percent Change -23.9% 2003-04 $771,511,700 2004-05 $788,334,000 2005-06 $772,335,000 2006-07 $786,434,400 2007-08 $820,649,500 2008-09 $707,916,300 2009-10 $583,533,300 2010-11 $544,044,600 2011-12 $550,127,600 2012-13 $556,773,500 2013-14 $586,960,400 Academic Year ARRA/MoE Tuition & Fees $65,454,000 $173,256,400 $207,662,300 - 60.9% $778,247,800 $815,306,000 $862,701,800 $865,085,200 $900,471,600 $926,249,000 $992,741,500 $1,085,336,800 $1,171,817,300 $1,204,891,500 $1,251,831,800 Total Awards 26.8% 22,222 22,651 22,738 23,660 23,813 25,875 25,300 26,638 27,339 28,275 28,181 Total Revenue per Award -6.4% $69,740 $70,798 $71,908 $69,802 $72,277 $65,686 $69,151 $68,963 $62,985 $62,305 $65,249 Student Share 35.6% 50.2% 50.8% 52.8% 52.4% 52.3% 54.5% 56.7% 59.1% 68.1% 68.4% 68.1% Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs and SREB Notes: Awards include associate's, bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees granted at universities. Awards do not include post-baccalaureate certificates, UT Medical Health Science Center degrees, or ETSU first professional degrees. All State Appropriations and Tuition & Fees amounts are presented in 2014 Inflation Adjusted Dollars. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 89 Revenue per FTE 2004-05 to 2014-15 Tennessee Public Universities Figure 3.6 Tennessee Community Colleges Figure 3.7 Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Notes: Dollars are adjusted for inflation. Does not include ARRA and MoE Funds. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 90 Student Share of Revenue per FTE 2004-05 to 2014-15 Figure 3.8 Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Note: Student share of total revenue per FTE is defined as tuition and fees as a percent of total revenue from state appropriations and tuition and fees. Dollars are adjusted for inflation. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 91 Table 3.20 Undergraduate Scholarship and Grant Awards per Enrollment, by State 2012-2013 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 State Oklahoma Te nne s s e e South Carolina Nevada Georgia Kentucky New Mexico Nebraska West Virginia Louisiana Puerto Rico Maine Florida Minnesota Vermont Washington Massachusetts Arkansas North Carolina Virginia New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Oregon Texas Indiana Alaska North Dakota Wisconsin Colorado Rhode Island Wyoming Illinois Missouri Maryland Mississippi Delaware Ohio Idaho Connecticut Michigan California Montana Iowa South Dakota Kansas Washington, D.C. Alabama Utah Hawaii Arizona New Hampshire Nation Total 2012-2013 FTE 182,435 287,589 207,512 79,552 429,211 217,176 107,039 106,670 113,021 209,480 227,822 55,700 865,508 322,346 37,303 288,033 414,227 138,205 449,509 433,760 1,068,206 351,365 643,761 193,193 1,094,567 350,046 21,629 44,806 302,063 268,410 71,067 26,530 637,641 334,633 262,106 151,380 46,651 556,703 81,007 161,669 493,970 1,863,022 43,696 292,431 42,033 162,343 72,562 248,734 213,740 56,592 535,582 64,566 15,928,802 Total 2012-13 Aid Awards 108,057 167,981 121,064 46,257 240,459 119,726 55,843 48,050 48,041 86,330 90,483 22,104 342,727 125,063 14,432 108,329 152,348 50,075 158,130 150,055 343,164 112,756 205,672 61,007 334,175 102,916 6,256 12,743 85,692 73,791 19,097 6,314 142,363 74,510 54,757 28,315 8,683 103,370 13,853 25,621 74,713 269,231 5,718 28,057 3,896 12,568 5,549 11,825 8,118 1,831 10,056 4,502,171 Es timate d Numbe r of Awards /FTE 0.592 0.584 0.583 0.581 0.560 0.551 0.522 0.450 0.425 0.412 0.397 0.397 0.396 0.388 0.387 0.376 0.368 0.362 0.352 0.346 0.321 0.321 0.319 0.316 0.305 0.294 0.289 0.284 0.284 0.275 0.269 0.238 0.223 0.223 0.209 0.187 0.186 0.186 0.171 0.158 0.151 0.145 0.131 0.096 0.093 0.077 0.076 0.048 0.038 0.032 0.019 0.283 Source: National Association of State Student Grant & Aid Programs 44th Annual Survey, Table 13 Note: Estimated Number of Awards is calculated by dividing Total Aid Awards by Total FTE. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 92 Table 3.21 Unde rgraduate Scholars hip and Grant Dollars pe r Unde rgraduate Enrollme nt, by State 2012-2013 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 State South Carolina Te nne s s e e Georgia Washington New Jersey Arkansas Louisianna West Virginia New York Kentucky California North Carolina Indiana Pennsylvania Washington, D.C. New Mexico Nevada Illinois Minnesota Texas Florida Virginia Oklahoma Vermont Delaware Alaska Wisconsin Maryland North Dakota Missouri Maine Oregon Colorado Massachusetts Ohio Iowa Michigan Rhode Island Mississippi Nebraska Connecticut Puerto Rico Montana Kansas South Dakota Idaho Hawaii Arizona Utah Alabama New Hampshire Wyoming Nation Es timate d UG Aid Dollars / UG FTE 1871 1484 1419 1324 1210 1188 1173 1090 1083 1015 918 853 835 825 799 751 735 697 686 661 604 595 573 551 512 481 463 415 401 368 333 305 302 289 247 242 213 197 182 177 158 155 136 123 114 70 64 47 47 40 --$678 Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 State Washington New Jersey New York California North Carolina Pennsylvania Indiana Illinois Minnesota Texas Vermont Oklahoma West Virginia Kentucky Wisconsin Virginia Nevada Maryland Tennessee Delaware Maine South Carolina Oregon Colorado North Dakota Massachusetts Missouri Iowa Michigan Alaska Rhode Island Florida Nebraska Ohio Puerto Rico Connecticut Louisiana New Mexico Kansas Montana Arkansas Hawaii Arizona Mississippi Alabama Washington, D.C. Utah Idaho Georgia New Hampshire South Dakota Wyoming Total Estimated Need-based UG Aid Dollars/ UG FTE 1317 1178 1049 918 832 825 812 695 685 661 548 506 465 453 452 419 413 401 356 347 333 315 305 301 271 266 225 222 211 198 197 191 177 175 155 155 141 125 123 102 74 64 47 41 32 28 18 15 ----$509 Source: National Association of State Student Grant & Aid Programs 43rd Annual Survey, Table 12 Note: The national average in the first column ($678) represents the national total of undergraduate grant aid ($9.4 billion) divided by the estimated 13,854,225 in undergraduate FTE. The national average in the second column ($509) represents need based grant aid of $7 billion divided by the estimated 13,854,225 in undergraduate FTE. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 93 Table 3.22 Average Debt for Tennessee Graduates in the 2013 Cohort Average Debt National Rank $24,585 35 State Average % with Debt 57% National Rank 34 2012-2013 Public University Undergraduate Debt Institution Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis The University of Tennessee, Knoxville The University of Tennessee, Chattanooga The University of Tennessee, Martin Percent of Average Debt Graduates with of Graduates Debt TBR Universities $27,539 55% $27,007 51% $22,616 62% $30,477 85% $17,023 53% $24,436 63% UT Universities $23,729 53% $21,585 52% $25,160 66% Total Cost of Attendance % of Pell Grant Recipients $21,055 $23,721 $19,124 $17,431 $21,362 $22,813 51% 41% 42% 61% 27% 49% $24,746 $20,077 $17,893 29% 33% 44% Source: The Institute for College Access & Success "Project on Student Debt," College InSight, http://www.college-insight.org. Notes: Most college-level data are taken directly from U.S. Department of Education sources and the Common Data Set (CDS). Student debt and undergraduate financial aid data are licensed from Peterson's Undergraduate Financial Aid and Undergraduate Databases, (c) 2014 Peterson's, a Nelnet company, all rights reserved. Average debt includes four-year public and private institutions. Percent of Pell Grant recipients reflects the percentage of 12 month enrollment receiving Pell Grants. Cost of Attendance reflects the costs for a student living on-campus. State rankings are from 1 (highest debt) to 50 (lowest debt). Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 94 Table 3.23 Two-Year Cohort Default Rates for Schools Participating in Title IV Student Financial Assistance Programs 2009-2011 Cohort Year 2009 Institution Name Number of Number of Borrowers Borrowers in Default in Repay Chattanooga State Community College Cleveland State Community College Columbia State Community College Dyersburg State Community College Jackson State Community College Motlow State Community College Nashville State Community College Northeast State Community College Pellissippi State Community College Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Community College Volunteer State Community College Walters State Community College 306 53 82 61 40 156 142 148 65 134 70 Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological University University of Memphis 256 272 427 268 48 251 University of Tennessee, Chattanooga University of Tennessee, Knoxville University of Tennessee, Martin 147 251 161 Official Default Rate Cohort Year 2010 Number of Number of Borrowers Borrowers in Default in Repay TBR Community Colleges 1,759 17.3% 403 386 13.7% 60 648 12.6% 71 442 13.8% 81 382 10.4% 63 1,144 13.6% 182 792 17.9% 162 1,090 13.5% 213 577 11.2% 93 1,121 11.9% 156 506 13.8% 112 TBR Universities 2,412 10.6% 264 2,544 10.6% 267 4,939 8.6% 457 2,626 10.2% 233 1,870 2.5% 101 4,149 6.0% 300 UT Universities 1,732 8.4% 144 4,908 5.1% 316 1,375 11.7% 150 Official Default Rate Cohort Year 2011 Number of Number of Borrowers Borrowers in Default in Repay Official Default Rate 2,353 464 697 633 419 1,432 891 1,393 773 1,369 640 17.1% 12.9% 10.1% 12.7% 15.0% 12.7% 18.1% 15.2% 12.0% 11.3% 17.5% 441 84 91 133 98 243 190 286 89 180 100 2,929 610 724 834 531 1,762 995 1,926 842 1,497 716 15.0% 13.7% 12.5% 15.9% 18.4% 13.7% 19.0% 14.8% 10.5% 12.0% 13.9% 2,653 2,828 5,471 2,557 1,990 4,439 9.9% 9.4% 8.3% 9.1% 5.0% 6.7% 271 297 505 238 145 519 2,832 2,977 5,903 2,790 2,123 5,073 9.5% 9.9% 8.5% 8.5% 6.8% 10.2% 1,971 4,931 1,374 7.3% 6.4% 10.9% 132 214 173 2,040 5,276 1,700 6.4% 4.0% 10.1% Source: U.S. Department of Education "Official Cohort Default Rates for Schools" www2.ed.gov accessed February 12, 2014. Note: A school subject to loss of eligibility to participate in the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program, William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program, and/or Federal Pell Grant (Pell Grant) Program has FY 2009, FY 2010, and FY 2011 official cohort default rates that are 25% or greater. Default rates for the 2012 cohort were not available at time of publication. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 95 Table 3.24 Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program 2013-2014 Summary Report HOPE (Traditional) Independent / Four-Year Independent / Two-Year Private/Business Trade University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year Community Colleges HOPE (Non-Traditional) Independent / Four-Year Independent / Two-Year Private/Business Trade University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year Community Colleges HOPE with GAMS Independent / Four-Year Independent / Two-Year Private/Business Trade University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year Community Colleges HOPE with Aspire Independent / Four-Year Independent / Two-Year Private/Business Trade University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year Community Colleges HOPE Access Grant Independent / Four-Year Independent / Two-Year Private/Business Trade University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year Community Colleges Wilder-Naifeh Technical Skills Grant 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Actual Recipients Actual Recipients Actual Recipients Students 43,814 7,586 7 155 13,022 16,484 7,117 4,254 768 0 143 315 1,202 1,880 6,089 1,831 0 * 2,720 1,492 70 19,625 3,426 6 128 4,348 8,150 3,824 468 61 0 * 51 203 154 10,928 Dollars Students $152,911,552 43,692 $28,679,967 7,482 30,000 * 544,460 148 49,645,561 13,157 61,945,696 16,102 12,065,868 7,442 $11,166,659 4,388 $2,535,000 849 0 0 567,047 131 1,091,450 292 4,214,236 1,066 2,758,926 2,124 $30,177,130 6,279 $9,062,136 1,904 0 0 12,500 * 13,515,904 2,803 7,399,353 1,521 187,237 76 $94,598,515 19,543 $17,292,961 3,455 33,000 * 632,562 114 22,809,351 4,519 42,074,495 7,839 11,280,716 3,868 $955,421 445 $141,004 60 0 0 8,593 * 120,539 44 490,126 194 195,159 148 $12,809,483 9,888 Dollars Students $151,475,594 43,518 $28,307,805 7,653 21,500 6 574,284 172 49,779,251 12,867 60,181,649 15,624 12,611,105 7,913 $10,998,041 3,581 $2,710,482 798 0 0 531,459 101 1,016,315 296 3,701,589 858 3,038,196 1,580 $30,788,940 6,280 $9,367,053 1,919 0 0 16,575 * 13,751,699 2,840 7,453,363 1,477 200,250 95 $94,435,799 18,674 $17,816,243 3,256 14,438 * 674,582 125 23,724,081 4,352 40,525,262 7,359 11,681,190 3,874 $913,802 405 $138,532 57 0 0 3,782 * 106,562 43 471,280 171 193,646 136 $12,190,982 9,657 Dollars $149,474,277 $28,843,474 18,674 667,925 48,682,207 57,995,056 13,266,941 $9,371,969 $2,873,696 0 406,042 982,500 2,935,500 2,174,231 $30,593,032 $9,343,651 0 5,625 13,868,110 7,152,786 222,860 $88,535,775 $16,622,626 21,700 666,829 22,500,790 37,390,122 11,333,708 $838,911 138,187 0 3,095 104,500 418,345 174,784 $11,801,032 Source: TSAC Note: Current Dollars. Totals represent a distinct count of students and are not always a sum of the numbers in the section. Students can attend multiple institutions throughout an academic year, but these students are only counted once in each section total. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 96 Table 3.24 continued Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program 2013-2014 Summary Report Continued HOPE Foster Care Grant Independent / Four-Year Independent / Two-Year Private/Business Trade University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year Community Colleges TN College of Applied Technology Dual Enrollment Grant Independent / Four-Year Independent / Two-Year Private/Business Trade University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year Community Colleges TN College of Applied Technology Math & Science Teachers Program Independent / Four-Year University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year Helping Heroes Grant Independent / Four-Year Independent / Two-Year Private/Business Trade University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year Community Colleges Rural Health Loan Forgiveness Independent / Four-Year Private/Business Trade University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year All Programs Independent / Four-Year Independent / Two-Year Private/Business Trade University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year Community Colleges Technology Centers 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Actual Recipients Actual Recipients Actual Recipients Students Dollars Students Dollars Students Dollars $433,566 61 $307,854 72 64 $354,155 $49,676 7 $37,060 8 $48,860 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 11,813 0 0 0 42,515 11 68,740 96,188 7 15 42 272,473 33 197,862 34 191,989 28,992 9 29,275 7 17,118 12 1,589 1,425 * * 0 0 $9,882,137 20,594 $11,823,314 17,759 16,995 $8,743,539 1,766 $938,310 $754,219 1,683 $868,276 1,488 0 0 0 0 0 0 74,925 74,100 278 115,500 187 226 248,000 674 386,594 441 744 353,800 855,800 728,084 1,394 947 513,500 1,206 15,087 8,933,429 7,183,133 12,001 6,373,820 12,612 772,850 674,100 1,523 600,550 1,968 1,806 $12,000 $18,000 6 18 $36,000 9 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 4,000 * 10,000 * 8 16,000 8,000 * 8,000 * 10 20,000 $765,855 478 $745,154 510 $805,730 486 65 $113,250 56 $90,500 63 $104,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 3,000 6 7,500 6,500 55 96,500 62 105,500 60 92,500 241 385,904 390,230 222 360,355 240 133 188,500 115 147,000 157 225,500 $0 13 $126,325 0 38 $423,730 27 $298,777 12 $117,975 0 $0 0 $0 * $12,000 0 $0 0 * 8,350 0 * 60,000 0 0 0 0 * 52,953 102,573 $311,903,329 103,265 $303,629,030 102,803 $312,981,914 $58,922,870 15,251 $59,378,854 15,515 $59,467,426 15,522 11 40,374 13 63,000 10 35,938 683 1,923,682 594 1,842,754 662 1,854,262 88,930,867 20,912 86,551,347 21,283 87,805,293 21,564 28,767 117,292,578 28,187 113,627,447 27,170 107,413,986 25,210 33,104,344 26,415 35,125,012 28,809 36,282,228 12,792,957 11,626 12,575,471 12,734 13,483,583 11,413 Source: TSAC Note: Current Dollars. Totals represent a distinct count of students and are not always a sum of the numbers in the section. Students can attend multiple institutions throughout an academic year, but these students are only counted once in each section total. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 97 Table 3.25 Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program Traditional HOPE Awards By Institution Independent / Four -Year Aquinas College Baptist Mem. Coll. Health & Sci. Belmont University Bethel University Bryan College Carson Newman College Christian Brothers University Cumberland University Fisk University Freed Hardeman University Hiwassee College Johnson University King College Lane College Lee University LeMoyne-Owen College Lincoln Memorial University Lipscomb University Martin Methodist University Maryville College Memphis College of Art Milligan College Rhodes College Southern Adventist University Tennessee Temple University Tennessee Wesleyan College Trevecca Nazarene University Tusculum College Union University University of the South Vanderbilt University Watkins Inst. Coll. Of Art & Des. Welch College Independent / Two-Year John A. Gupton College 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Actual Recipients Actual Recipients Actual Recipients Students Dollars Students Dollars Students Dollars 7,586 $28,679,967 7,482 $28,307,805 7,653 $28,843,474 47 $102,500 30 $84,000 42 $137,500 94 360,125 112 446,825 127 481,450 683 2,518,375 687 2,557,850 638 2,401,900 318 1,151,750 362 1,370,375 370 1,368,100 171 566,500 176 670,750 209 785,650 546 1,872,200 519 1,990,400 576 2,176,500 315 1,175,500 271 1,032,000 263 978,375 296 989,500 289 1,051,500 278 1,026,600 22 102,000 24 97,000 25 86,000 311 1,144,000 307 1,150,175 293 1,095,200 30 $28,000 38 $137,000 34 $122,808 59 200,000 76 269,500 77 292,500 204 816,000 184 678,000 202 743,700 15 76,000 10 41,000 8 30,000 602 2,078,375 621 2,462,375 638 2,571,850 18 81,601 11 38,000 11 44,000 348 1,136,150 324 1,211,000 291 1,073,425 669 2,565,750 669 2,560,250 690 2,641,600 168 647,000 202 801,975 231 901,500 358 1,345,800 341 1,261,600 354 1,294,100 38 127,500 36 141,000 54 201,000 208 775,000 198 751,700 231 860,500 155 567,125 151 564,000 170 637,700 223 802,500 225 851,200 209 756,000 17 4,000 20 80,000 37 142,000 324 1,229,368 310 1,165,834 285 1,043,947 242 781,500 260 963,700 269 1,007,400 184 758,000 162 578,700 168 621,200 527 1,983,750 514 1,937,125 520 1,978,550 140 466,000 133 497,730 153 578,050 191 728,840 154 566,741 125 450,869 51 175,625 51 178,500 50 182,000 25 114,000 33 120,000 35 131,500 7 $30,000 * $21,500 6 $18,674 7 30,000 * 21,500 6 18,674 Source: TSAC Note: Current Dollars. Totals represent a distinct count of students and are not always a sum of the numbers in the section. Students can attend multiple institutions throughout an academic year, but these students are only counted once in each section total. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 98 Table 3.25 Continued Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program Traditional HOPE Awards By Institution Private / Business & Trade Art Institute of Tennessee-Nashville O'More College of Design South College Victory University University of Tennessee System University of TN, Chattanooga University of TN, Health Sci. Ctr. University of TN, Knoxville University of TN, Martin Board of Regents / Four Year Austin Peay State University East Tennessee State University ETSU School of Pharmacy Middle Tennessee State University Tennessee State University Tennessee Technological Univer. University of Memphis Community Colleges Chattanooga State Com Coll Cleveland State Comm College Columbia State Comm College Dyersburg State Comm College Jackson State Comm College Motlow State Comm College Nashville State Comm College Northeast State Comm Coll Pellissippi State Comm Coll Roane State Community College Southwest Tennessee Comm Coll Volunteer State Community Coll Walters State Community College Total Awards By Institution Type Independent / Four-Year Independent / Two-Year Private / Business & Trade University of Tennessee System Board of Regents / Four-Year Community Colleges 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Actual Recipients Actual Recipients Actual Recipients Students Dollars Students Dollars Students Dollars 155 $544,460 148 $574,284 172 $667,925 64 $216,532 57 $199,500 65 $269,625 48 $179,300 48 $188,700 49 $189,050 34 117,128 28 115,084 34 123,750 9 31,500 21 71,000 24 85,500 13,022 $49,645,561 13,157 $49,779,251 12,867 $48,682,207 3,441 $13,045,268 3,621 $13,726,997 3,729 $14,147,719 24 98,000 23 108,000 14 54,000 7,758 29,685,938 7,751 29,457,399 7,454 28,163,258 1,819 6,816,355 1,776 6,486,855 1,690 6,317,230 16,484 $61,945,697 16,102 $60,181,649 15,624 $57,995,056 1,652 $6,137,245 1,652 $6,179,546 1,700 $6,275,628 2,938 11,044,158 2,781 10,502,070 2,572 9,480,156 0 0 0 0 * 4,000 5,317 20,073,081 4,984 18,622,459 4,797 17,729,674 383 1,424,251 375 1,379,825 378 1,424,658 3,204 11,991,087 3,193 11,890,975 3,136 11,662,915 3,025 11,275,875 3,151 11,606,774 3,078 11,418,025 7,117 $12,065,869 7,422 $12,611,105 7,913 $13,266,941 493 $816,000 510 $840,425 599 $966,123 309 545,809 371 629,505 396 671,229 612 1,022,500 630 1,072,475 682 1,122,850 219 373,125 225 362,217 235 381,029 397 668,677 396 659,935 382 634,818 514 890,124 522 880,885 603 1,029,521 293 455,546 285 427,586 281 429,382 532 921,125 590 1,028,684 607 1,038,458 1,094 1,808,474 1,128 1,941,117 1,208 2,011,056 769 1,340,189 760 1,294,338 792 1,360,428 291 451,041 300 472,150 332 538,400 851 1,454,746 907 1,537,909 951 1,589,473 760 1,318,513 840 1,463,879 858 1,494,174 43,814 $152,911,554 43,692 $151,475,594 43,518 $149,474,277 7,586 $28,679,967 7,482 $28,307,805 7,653 $28,843,474 7 30,000 * 21,500 6 18,674 155 544,460 148 574,284 172 667,925 13,022 49,645,561 13,157 49,779,251 12,867 48,682,207 16,484 61,945,697 16,102 60,181,649 15,624 57,995,056 7,117 12,065,869 7,422 12,611,105 7,913 13,266,941 Source: TSAC Note: Current Dollars. Totals represent a distinct count of students and are not always a sum of the numbers in the section. Students can attend multiple institutions throughout an academic year, but these students are only counted once in each section total. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 99 Table 3.26 Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation Non-Lottery Awards By Program 2013-2014 Number of Average Annual Total Awarded Award Name Recipients Award per Student Dependent Children Scholarship 23 $230,223 $10,010 Graduate Nursing Loan Forgiveness 44 $182,210 $4,141 Minority Teaching Fellows 86 $392,941 $4,569 Ned McWherter Scholars 198 $576,436 $2,911 Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship 178 $252,250 $1,417 32,606 $61,391,081 $1,883 Tennessee Student Assistance Award Tennessee Teaching Scholars 157 $702,375 $4,474 Grand Total 33,894 $63,727,516 Table 3.27 Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation Non-Lottery Awards By Sector 2013-2014 Number of Institution Type Total Awarded Recipients Independent/Four-Year 6,748 $23,494,357 Independent/Two-Year 36 $48,088 University of Tennessee System 4,902 $9,483,659 Board of Regents/Four-Year 10,338 $18,677,483 Board of Regents/Two-Year 8,260 $8,013,786 Technology Centers 1,314 $816,681 Proprietary Institutions 2,274 $3,162,462 Out-of-State Institutions 22 $31,000 Grand Total 33,894 $63,727,516 Source: TSAC Note: Totals represent a distinct count of students and are not always a sum of the numbers in the section. Students can attend multiple institutions throughout an academic year, but these students are only counted once in each section total. Academic and Fiscal Trends Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 100 Section 4: Outcomes Funding Formula Outcomes Funding Formula Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 101 THEC Outcomes Funding Formula Definitions Outcome Definition University and Community College Outcomes Student Progression The number of students reaching 24, 48, or 72 credit hours at a University (12, 24, or 36 at a Community College). Transfers Out The number of students who, after accumulating 12 credit hours, transferred to another institution. Awards per 100 FTE The combined total of associate's and bachelor's degrees (associate's and certificates for community colleges) conferred, in an academic year, for every 100 undergraduate FTE. University Outcomes Bachelor’s and Associate’s Degrees The total number of bachelor’s and associate’s degrees conferred in an academic year. Master’s and Ed Specialist Degrees The total number of master’s and education specialist degrees conferred in an academic year. Doctoral and Law Degrees The total number of doctoral and law degrees conferred in an academic year. Research and Service Expenditures on activities eligible for indirect cost allocation. Primarily externally generated funding for research, service, or instruction. Six-Year Graduation Rate The six-year graduation rate of first-time, full-time freshmen who begin in the summer or fall semester. Community College Outcomes Dual Enrollment The number of high school students taking degree-credit courses in an academic year. Associate’s Degrees The total number of associate’s degrees conferred in an academic year. 1 to 2 Year Certificates The total number of certificates, requiring 24 or more credit hours, granted during an academic year. General education certificates are excluded from this metric. Less than 1 Year Certificates The total number of certificates, requiring less than 24 credit hours, granted during an academic year if certificate is the highest credential earned. Job Placements The number of placeable graduates who obtain employment in a related field over the course of a full academic year. Remedial and Developmental The number of full-time and part-time students who were Success enrolled in any remedial or developmental course or instruction who then successfully completed college level courses in a subsequent semester within three years of initial enrollment. Workforce Training The total number of technical training contact hours in an academic year. These activities provide technical or soft skills without carrying institutional credit. Note: Detailed definitions and other formula information can be found on THEC’s website: www.tn.gov/thec. Outcomes Funding Formula Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 102 Table 4.1 Outcomes Formula Weights 2015-2016 Based on Institutional Missions Unive rsitie s Students Accumulating 24 hrs Students Accumulating 48 hrs Students Accumulating 72 hrs Progre ssion Bachelors and Associates Masters / Ed Specialist Degrees Doctoral / Law Degrees Research and Service Transfers Out with 12 hrs Degrees per 100 FTE Six-Year Graduation Rate Total UTM 3% 5% 7% 15% 30% 15% 0% 10% 10% 15% 5% 100% APSU 3% 5% 7% 15% 25% 20% 0% 10% 10% 10% 10% 100% TTU 3% 5% 7% 15% 25% 15% 5% 10% 10% 10% 10% 100% UTC 3% 5% 7% 15% 25% 15% 5% 10% 10% 10% 10% 100% MTSU 3% 5% 7% 15% 25% 15% 7.5% 12.5% 5% 10% 10% 100% ETSU 3% 5% 7% 15% 25% 15% 7.5% 12.5% 5% 10% 10% 100% TSU 3% 5% 7% 15% 25% 15% 7.5% 12.5% 5% 10% 10% 100% UM 2% 3% 5% 10% 25% 15% 10% 12.5% 5% 7.5% 15% 100% UTK 2% 3% 5% 10% 15% 15% 10% 15% 5% 10% 20% 100% Table 4.2 Outcomes Formula Weights 2015-2016 Based on Institutional Missions Community Colleges Students Accumulating 12 hrs Students Accumulating 24 hrs Students Accumulating 36 hrs Progression Dual Enrollment Associates Certificates 1-2 Years Certificates Less Than 1 Year Total Certificates Job Placements Remedial & Developmental Success Transfers Out with 12 hrs Workforce Training (Contact Hours) Awards per 100 FTE Total CHSCC CLSCC COSCC DSCC JSCC MSCC NASCC NESCC PSCC RSCC 6% 6% 4% 6% 6% 6% 4% 4% 6% 2% 7% 7% 5% 7% 7% 7% 5% 5% 7% 3% 7% 7% 6% 7% 7% 7% 6% 6% 7% 5% 20% 20% 15% 20% 20% 20% 15% 15% 20% 10% 5% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 10% 10% 5% 15% 10% 10% 20% 10% 20% 20% 20% 20% 5% 1% 4% 2% 3% 0% 7% 17% 0% 6% 5% 9% 1% 8% 7% 5% 13% 3% 5% 14% 10% 10% 5% 10% 10% 5% 20% 20% 5% 20% 20% 5% 5% 10% 5% 10% 10% 10% 10% 15% 10% 20% 10% 20% 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 15% 10% 20% 15% 10% 20% 10% 10% 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 10% 5% 5% 5% 20% 5% 10% 15% 5% 10% 5% 5% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% STCC 4% 5% 6% 15% 5% 10% 2% 18% 20% 10% 20% 5% 5% 10% 100% Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Outcomes Funding Formula Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 103 VSCC WSCC 2% 4% 3% 5% 5% 6% 10% 15% 10% 10% 20% 20% 4% 1% 16% 19% 20% 20% 5% 5% 10% 10% 15% 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 100% 100% Table 4.3 FY 2015-16 Outcomes Funding Formula Data Universities 24 48 72 Bachelor's Academic Master's Doctoral Research Transfers Credit Credit Credit & Out Year & Ed Spec & Law & Service Hours Hours Hours Associate's Degrees per 100 FTE Graduation Rate UTM 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,124 1,217 1,261 1,134 1,155 1,163 1,171 1,203 1,206 1,223 1,247 1,116 104 122 132 0 0 0 $2,233,932 $2,001,804 $3,036,994 254 265 260 18.95 18.52 16.33 0.57 0.57 0.59 0 0 0 $2,393,772 $2,614,188 $3,601,246 227 221 227 21.87 20.46 18.26 0.47 0.44 0.47 23 12 18 $8,348,063 $8,873,329 $9,586,009 360 348 355 19.39 20.22 19.02 0.59 0.60 0.58 70 68 54 $9,186,021 $10,409,340 $11,444,947 642 615 573 18.68 17.94 16.91 0.53 0.53 0.54 $11,740,917 $13,498,343 $30,655,961 542 684 726 21.69 21.18 18.87 0.52 0.55 0.54 $20,608,903 $22,836,711 $23,159,718 353 419 391 22.01 21.05 18.92 0.53 0.52 0.52 $33,195,422 $31,582,168 $31,029,229 191 235 228 15.21 18.05 17.59 0.40 0.40 0.43 $57,944,475 $51,992,967 $55,561,194 410 494 521 21.07 19.57 17.94 0.48 0.51 0.47 $145,602,228 $154,378,165 $149,350,434 569 615 601 22.35 22.77 23.38 0.78 0.77 0.76 APSU 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,533 1,463 1,502 1,384 1,476 1,433 1,451 1,466 1,386 1,804 1,725 1,553 316 304 326 TTU 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,989 1,830 1,645 1,721 1,562 1,545 1,790 1,605 1,728 1,804 1,830 1,696 352 376 444 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,938 2,067 1,721 1,699 1,581 1,519 1,759 1,633 1,634 1,756 1,638 1,514 433 446 490 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2,931 2,799 3,297 2,866 3,211 3,458 3,563 3,734 3,804 4,012 4,159 3,911 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,580 1,764 1,823 1,644 1,709 1,716 1,870 1,879 2,040 2,321 2,314 2,146 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,124 994 976 882 839 901 897 915 892 916 1,066 1,098 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2,054 2,135 2,324 2,313 2,394 2,321 2,672 2,625 2,491 2,991 2,887 2,724 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 3,345 3,331 3,264 4,020 3,864 3,844 4,317 4,187 4,020 4,372 4,407 4,539 UTC MTSU 861 32 1,010 23 925 20 ETSU 647 114 576 86 609 83 TSU 486 85 417 66 434 72 UM 1,071 260 1,064 259 1,009 271 UTK 1,579 549 1,607 565 1,583 571 Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Notes: Data reflect individual year outcomes, not three-year averages. In some instances, the Funding Formula uses slightly different data definitions than other tables included in the Fact Book. The data, formula definitions, and other information can be found on THEC’s website: www.tn.gov/thec. Outcomes Funding Formula Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 104 Table 4.4 FY 2015-2016 Outcomes Funding Formula Data Community Colleges 12 24 36 Less Than Academic Dual 1-2 Yr. Job R&D Transfers Contact Awards per Associate's Credit Credit Credit 1 Yr. Year Enrollment Certificate Placements Success Out Hours 100 FTE Hours Hours Hours Certificate 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2,339 2,318 2,351 1,708 1,801 1,872 1,446 1,591 1,646 1,373 1,253 1,155 1,046 1,002 896 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 987 1,060 1,164 752 716 817 627 605 659 945 615 627 447 372 370 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,489 1,538 1,558 1,202 1,284 1,304 1,037 1,012 1,050 959 843 791 626 599 611 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 834 959 1,039 539 625 780 459 542 542 1,025 887 803 326 300 280 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,179 1,127 1,194 763 899 921 721 691 782 1,324 800 815 470 509 554 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,495 1,363 1,410 1,104 1,044 1,133 854 901 962 1,061 859 854 602 568 627 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2,438 2,338 2,305 1,853 1,824 1,937 1,510 1,611 1,717 1,126 1,119 997 646 624 718 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,475 1,664 1,485 1,200 1,348 1,326 1,126 1,125 1,217 791 723 585 781 720 764 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2,798 2,823 3,001 2,316 2,346 2,350 1,870 1,947 2,012 1,577 1,213 1,525 1,286 1,258 1,101 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,509 1,642 1,687 1,248 1,256 1,269 1,054 1,111 1,107 1,691 1,632 1,655 798 787 804 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 3,289 2,976 3,898 2,430 2,446 3,072 1,700 1,911 2,360 582 407 409 839 897 808 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2,037 2,037 2,132 1,467 1,597 1,684 1,329 1,365 1,446 1,961 1,792 1,566 766 787 763 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 1,779 1,927 1,976 1,260 1,311 1,393 1,095 1,112 1,173 1,612 1,407 1,261 868 838 791 Chattanooga 179 110 229 194 146 105 Cleveland 27 181 29 153 49 166 Columbia 51 0 52 * 47 * Dyersburg 33 15 26 17 32 11 Jackson 37 72 34 41 34 25 Motlow 0 55 * 22 0 45 Nashville 95 298 99 233 113 117 Northeast 139 34 104 25 110 10 Pellissippi 0 873 0 1,152 0 190 Roane 99 7 77 9 91 22 Southwest 32 311 63 344 49 305 Volunteer 79 333 73 399 88 205 Walters 28 222 226 14 18 265 609 558 429 2,402 2,875 2,849 499 568 531 133,554 149,621 241,977 18.86 17.83 14.72 161 190 216 950 1,023 944 195 209 236 10,132 7,596 4,014 19.37 15.89 15.74 209 212 234 1,144 1,553 1,465 391 415 449 60,894 63,095 54,072 19.51 18.71 18.19 133 121 101 1,154 1,199 1,157 209 243 218 18,945 7,114 6,027 19.01 14.70 13.34 240 357 284 1,192 1,435 1,408 341 299 280 20,571 17,853 14,019 18.02 18.23 17.38 78 73 105 1,178 1,620 1,692 456 499 540 3,289 5,493 8,803 19.73 18.70 19.12 258 335 263 2,515 3,152 3,024 617 640 675 35,107 35,965 39,563 11.56 11.21 12.66 569 275 261 1,743 2,129 1,855 397 380 404 9,778 6,434 6,558 22.82 18.36 18.65 366 310 395 2,306 3,140 2,760 861 850 736 48,273 45,598 46,118 17.67 16.90 13.97 360 391 427 1,297 1,767 1,650 394 451 486 102,286 116,535 82,250 22.27 20.24 19.99 393 487 366 4,201 4,756 4,687 728 773 778 84,906 75,009 74,172 12.10 11.90 9.03 403 448 387 1,562 2,426 2,329 569 595 627 95,794 74,639 95,564 16.08 16.00 14.66 507 544 501 1,567 1,846 1,817 459 393 479 66,428 194,026 197,866 21.82 19.37 17.36 Source: THEC Fiscal Affairs Notes: Data reflect individual year outcomes, not three-year averages. In some instances, the Funding Formula uses slightly different data definitions than other tables included in the Fact Book. Outcomes Funding Formula Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 105 Page Intentionally Left Blank Outcomes Funding Formula Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 106 Section 5: Glossary Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 107 Definitions Auxiliary Enterprise: An entity that exists to furnish goods or services to students, faculty, or staff, and that charges a fee directly related to the cost of the goods or services (essentially self-supporting). Examples include: residence halls, food services, college stores, parking garages, etc. Census Date: The traditional date on which the first degree credit headcount and full-time equivalent enrollment reports are generated for all Tennessee public institutions. Beginning fall 2010, institutions also report end-of-term data. Table 1.3 provides an end-of-term enrollment figure. Degree Credit: Credit that the institution designates as regular, occupational, certificate, extension or co-op. Formula Units: Academic entities that derive their operating funds from the public higher education funding formula. Includes public universities, community colleges, and colleges of applied technology. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Enrollment: For undergraduate students, fall term FTE is the total number of credits attempted divided by 12. For graduate students, the fall term FTE is the total number of credits attempted divided by 9. For students in clock hour courses, the academic year FTE is the total number of clock hours divided by 900. University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UT HSC) FTE: At UT HSC, the number of full time students cannot be reliably calculated based on credit hours due to the high (and variable) number of credit hours taken by students in the health professions. Many programs are year round, with ‘semesters’ lasting 6 months, and students are enrolled in a number of sequential courses during this period. In addition, many of the courses involve clerkship experiences requiring 40 hours per week for 4 or more weeks such that credit hours accumulate quickly. Since the curriculum is fixed for most of these programs and students proceed in a lock step manner without options to pursue coursework part time, UT HSC reports FTE based on the number of students enrolled in each of the professional programs. Exceptions that allow for part time students (e.g. in the graduate school and in Nursing) occur in some programs and are tracked for THEC reports. Full-Time Student: A student who is enrolled for 12 or more hours of degree credit in a semester. Mandatory Fees: A required fee for all students, as opposed to a fee attached to specific course. Non-Formula Units: Non-academic entities that derive their operating funds from public higher education funding other than the outcomes based formula. Includes all entities other than universities, community colleges, and technology centers. Examples are the UT Veterinary School, the Space Institute, and the Centers of Excellence. Part-Time Student: A student who is enrolled for less than 12 hours of degree credit in a semester. Restricted Current Funds: Funds expendable for operating purposes but restricted by donors or other outside agencies as to the specific purposes for which they may be expended. Southern Regional Education Board (SREB): The nation’s first interstate compact for higher education, the Atlanta based SREB is a coalition of educators, government officials, and civic leaders interested in advancing knowledge and improving the social and economic life of the South. Special Student: At the undergraduate level, a student who does not hold a Bachelor’s or advanced degree and who is not working toward a certificate or degree. At the graduate level, a student who holds a bachelor’s degree or higher, is not working toward a degree and is not a post-doctoral student. Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT): There are 27 colleges of applied technology across the state that are governed by the Board of Regents. The workforce development mission of the TCATs is to give Tennessee residents the opportunity to obtain the technical skills and professional training necessary for advancement in today's competitive job market. The non-credit bearing Regents Online Continuing Education Program (ROCE), the non-credit bearing Special Interest Course, and the Continuing Education Unit (CEU) are excluded from TCAT total headcount. Glossary Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 108 Institutional and System Abbreviations APSU: Austin Peay State University CHSCC: Chattanooga State Community College CLSCC: Cleveland State Community College COSCC: Columbia State Community College DSCC: Dyersburg State Community College ETSU: East Tennessee State University JSCC: Jackson State Community College MSCC: Motlow State Community College MTSU: Middle Tennessee State University NASCC: Nashville State Community College NESCC: Northeast State Community College PSTCC: Pellissippi State Community College RSCC: Roane State Community College STCC: Southwest Tennessee Community College TSU: Tennessee State University TTU: Tennessee Technological University UOM: University of Memphis UTC: The University of Tennessee, Chattanooga UTK: The University of Tennessee, Knoxville UTM: The University of Tennessee, Martin UTHSC: The University of Tennessee Health Science Center VSCC: Volunteer State Community College WSCC: Walters State Community College TBR: Tennessee Board of Regents THEC: Tennessee Higher Education Commission TICUA: Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association TCAT: Tennessee College of Applied Technology UT: The University of Tennessee Glossary Tennessee Higher Education Commission Fact Book 2014-2015 109