Council Matters June, 2014 The 19th year of our representative Council has been eventful and challenging for the University of Saskatchewan. For the benefit of members of the General Academic Assembly, a summary of some of the activities and decisions of Council since December 2013 follows: PROGRAM PRIORITIZATION As the university’s governance body responsible for academic decisions, the TransformUS process of program prioritization occupied Council significantly as members considered and debated the merits and drawbacks of the process and its implications for programs and Council’s decision-making authority. • • • In February, Council received the report from the planning and priorities committee providing an assessment of the TransformUS process, in addition to the responses of all Council committees to the task force reports. In May, Council discussed the TransformUS Action Plan. To provide clarity on the process for structural changes to academic entities (e.g. departmental mergers, disestablishment of a college), the planning and priorities and academic programs committee chairs presented a joint report on the process by which Council would consider structural changes, in accordance with The University of Saskatchewan Act and the bylaws of the university’s governing bodies. VISION 2025 • Following the appointment of Interim President Gordon Barnhart, Council considered a motion at its June meeting to rescind approval of the institutional vision document titled Vision 2025: From Spirit to Action, in order to permit further discussion of the mission and direction for the University of Saskatchewan under the leadership of a new president. Debate concluded with the approval of a motion to defer consideration of the motion to the September meeting of Council. ACADE MIC POLICY CHANGES • • A revised Academic Courses Policy was presented to Council and members were urged to consider the policy and provide comments due to the policy’s significance to the teaching of all faculty members; the academic programs committee will consider the feedback received and present the policy to Council in September for approval. The academic programs committee presented Council with a revised program evaluation template to facilitate the development of new programs by proponents and to assist the committee in its deliberations. The revised template uses the existing criteria for the approval of new programs, informed by the TABBS model, to set out clear expectations of new programs. Feedback and comments on the revised template are sought, with the final template to be presented to Council in September for information. STUDENT POLICY CHANGES • Council approved the addition of new language to the Procedures for Student Appeals in Academic Matters to manage the safety of patients and others involved in student practicum, clinical and work experiences, when student concerns have been alleged and a hearing is pending. NEW PROGRAMS Council approved the following new programs: • • • • • Bachelor of Arts and Science Honours and Four-year degree programs in the field of Health Studies from the College of Arts and Science Master of Arts degree program in the field of Women’s, Gender and Sexualities Studies from the College of Graduate Studies and Research Certificate of Proficiency in Aboriginal Theatre from the College of Arts and Science Master of Science in Marketing from the College of Graduate Studies and Research Addition of an Honours depth of study in the Bachelor of Music in Music Education, College of Arts and Science Program terminations Council approved the following program terminations: • • • • • Honours and four-year BScdegrees in Biology and Biotechnology Honours and four-year BSc degrees in Biomolecular Structure Studies General Honours degree in Arts and Science Three-year, four-year and Honours BA and BSc degrees in Geography Minors in Human Geography and Physical Geography ADMISSION qualifications Council approved the following revised admission qualifications, which will be submitted to the University Senate in October for confirmation: • • • College of Medicine admission qualification requirements for the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) of all Saskatchewan residents who apply for entrance into medicine Changes to admission qualifications for the Master of Physical Therapy Changes to admission qualifications for the Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner Option) and Postgraduate Degree Specialization Certificate: Nurse Practitioner from the College of Graduate Studies and Research Teaching and Research • Council received for information an experiential learning concept paper from the teaching, learning and academic resources committee and a report on undergraduate research from the research, scholarly and artistic work committee. RESEARCH CHAIR • Council approved the establishment of a Saskatchewan Research Chair in Multiple Sclerosis Clinical Research Council is the governing body responsible for all things academic, and it relies on the collegial model of academic self-governance to do its business. That means that you, as a member of the General Academic Assembly, have an opportunity to influence the academic direction of the institution, both by electing members of your college to Council, and by considering letting your name stand for election to Council or one of its committees. More information can be found on our web site at Questions can be directed to Council meets once a month from September to June. Meetings are open to all, and we hope you will feel welcome to join us and to watch your Council in action. Meetings of University Council in the fall term September 18, 2014 October 23, 2014 November 20, 2014 December 18, 2014 All meetings are on Thursdays in Neatby-Timlin Theatre, Arts 241, at 2:30 p.m. I wish to thank all GAA members who volunteered to serve on Council committees this year. Council greatly values the contributions of its committee members who provide knowledge and expertise to Council’s standing committees, with mandates regarding university planning and budget, academic programs, governance, international activities, research and scholarly work, scholarships and awards, and teaching and learning. On behalf of Council and its committees and of the Council secretariat, I wish all of you a restful and enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing you in September. Jay Kalra, Chair, University Council