www.ispe.org/southcentral Published by the South Central Area Chapter Serving Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas Chapter Manager: Chris Clarke Phone: 1.816.741.9484 and E-mail: ispesc@aol.com Board of Directors Shannon Goodson; President CSA-Soliance 405-626-0717 shannonwinters1@gmail.com Mike Mills; Vice President Mundy PharmaTech 281-530-8711 Steve Pondell; Treasurer Integrated BioTech Solutions 281-253-7088 Amber Myers; Secretary CRB 816-880-9800 Joe Rettinger; Past President CSA Soliance 512-732-1210 ext. 112 Bill Shwaiko; Director Alcon Laboratories, Inc. 817-551-4537 Joe Sullivan; Director Alcon Laboratories, Inc. 817-551-8556 Craig Laubacher; At Large Member CSA-Soliance 512-732-1210 ext. 113 Chris Clarke; Chapter Manager 816-741-9484 ispesc@aol.com NEWSLETTER October 2013, Number 4 South Central Chapter Visits Brandt Companies in Dallas South Central Chapter will be holding the November meeting at Brandt Companies near Dallas at 1728 Briercroft Ct., Carrollton, TX 75006. Brandt Companies designs, builds, services and retrofits energy-efficient building systems in several markets including pharmaceuticals. With proven engineering and technical services, they are dedicated to helping customers lower operating costs and increase energy efficiencies in new and existing buildings. Brandt has a state of the art LEED facility with a full fabrication shop, engineering department, work flow system, Building Information Modeling system, and fitness facility. The event will be held Tuesday, November 19 and opens with social time at 6:30 PM, followed by a Brandt Companies Presentation and facility tour from 7:00 until 7:45. Babe’s Chicken will cater the dinner with plenty of chicken variety to go around. To register for the event, fill out the registration form in this newsletter and send to the South Central Chapter Manager, Chris Clarke. The fax number is (816) 7461989 and email is ispesc@aol.com. Pay at the door with either cash or check payable to ISPE South Central Chapter. Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card payments. For questions, call Chris Clarke at (816) 741-9484. A Message from the their facility. We hope to see you there. Dinner events for the spring have not been set yet, so if you would like to host an event at your facility, have a suggestion for a location or have ideas for speakers, please let us know. The annual golf tournament will be held May 19, 2014, returning to the Texas Star Golf Club in Euless, TX. president Greetings South Central Chapter Colleagues: Just to note: Elections for the South Central Chapter are currently open to all Members, so please take the time to vote. If you did not receive a notification, please let us know. In addition, if you are interested in becoming more involved with the Chapter, please contact me for more information; we would love to have you! We are in the home stretch of 2013—it’s hard to believe that the end of the year is fast approaching! Thank you to all of the Members who attended the event at NCTM (National Center for Therapeutics Manufacturing) at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX. We were able to welcome our new Student Chapter Members and staff and to vote on their poster contest. Congratulations go out to Jing Zhou who was the winner of the contest and will be joining fellow students at the ISPE International Meeting in Washington, DC in November. Great job Jing! If you are unable to attend these, please check the website or future newsletters for upcoming dinner/education events, in your area. These meetings are great way to keep up to date with trends and changes within the pharma/bio-pharma industry, along with keeping up with contacts in the area. The Annual Meeting is coming up in Washington, DC from Nov. 3-6 and is always an exciting and informative conference. There are also the Aseptic Conference scheduled for Baltimore in February 2014 and Pharmaceutical Quality Week's scheduled for Washington, DC, June 2-5 2014. I invite you to take a look at the ISPE.org website to see if any of these opportunities would benefit you, your career and your employer, as many of these are highly specialized events, for certain aspects of the industry. I especially encourage you The next Chapter event will be a plant tour of Brandt Companies in Carrollton, TX, followed by dinner and networking. Please join us as we visit this state of the art LEED facility and enjoy some of the best fried chicken in North Texas. The event will be held on Tuesday, November 19, starting at 6:30pm at continued on page three www.meco.com www.reesscientific.com 2 A Message from the President continued from page two to check out the Communities of Practice (COPs). In closing, I appreciate your participation and interest in the South Central Chapter. In the last year, we have seen an increase in the participation at events, which has been great to see. We do have a very geographically broad and industrially diverse chapter and it is all of you that make it truly unique and enjoyable. Shannon Winters Goodson Jing Zhou, right, winner of the poster contest www.pspaec.com www.cgmpvalidation.com keith.kettler@.crbusa.com www.crbusa.com masy@masy.com www.masy.com 3 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ISPE Announces 2013-2014 Board of Directors Election Results (TAMPA, FLORIDA, USA, 14 OCTOBER 2013) – ISPE has announced the results of its 20132014 International Board of Directors election, revealing a slate of strategic leaders who represent a variety of pharmaceutical industry sectors. The Board will be responsible for the governance and strategic direction of the Society and will assume their elected positions at the 2013 ISPE Annual Meeting, 3 – 6 November in Washington, DC USA. “ISPE is in the midst of significant growth and transitioning to guide and support the pharmaceutical industry as it addresses issues such as increasing regulatory and pricing pressures, global markets, supply chains and manufacturing innovation,” said ISPE President and CEO Nancy Berg. “I am confident that the incoming International Board of Directors will build upon the work of previous Boards and the Society’s past success and lead ISPE in its mission to support the pharmaceutical industry’s efforts to provide safe, high quality medications for patients around the world.” The following pharmaceutical industry leaders have been elected to positions on the 2013-2014 ISPE International Board of Directors: Officers: • • • • • Chair: Damian Greene, Global Network Strategy Lead, Global Manufacturing and Supply, Zoetis Vice Chair: Andy Skibo, Regional Vice President, Biologics-Supply, MedImmune/AstraZeneca Treasurer: Joseph Famulare, Vice President – Global Compliance and External Collaboration, Genentech Secretary: Mike Arnold, RPh, Business Process Owner for Investigational Products and Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Global Clinical Supply Chain, Pfizer Past Chair: Charlotte Enghave Fruergaard, PhD, Partner, Global Consulting, NNE Pharmaplan Re-elected Directors: • • James A. Breen, Jr., PE, LEED AP, Vice President, Worldwide Engineering and Technical Operations, Supply Chain Group, Johnson & Johnson Tim Howard, CPIP, PE, Vice President of Global Operations and Company Officer, Commissioning Agents, Inc. New Directors: • • • • Mark Fitch, Senior Vice President of Global Operations, Impax Laboratories, Inc. Thomas Hartman, Vice President, GMP Operations, Biopharm CMC, GlaxoSmith Kline Robert “Bob” Matje, PE, CPIP, Senior Director of Engineering, Endo Christopher “Chris” Reid, CEO and Principal Consultant and Owner, Integrity Solutions Ltd. ―More― 4 • Fran Zipp (Sakers), Group Executive Vice President and Head of Quality Operations, Teva In addition to those named above, Directors Jennifer Lauria Clark, CPIP, Jim Durkin, and Gordon Leichter, PhD, each of whom were elected in 2012 to serve a two-year term, will continue their service on the Board. Complete biographical information on all of ISPE’s Directors can be found at the ISPE Board of Directors webpage. About ISPE ISPE, the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, is the world’s largest not-forprofit association serving its Members through leading scientific, technical and regulatory advancement throughout the entire pharmaceutical lifecycle. The 20,000 Members of ISPE are building solutions in the development and manufacture of safe and effective pharmaceutical and biologic medicines and medical delivery devices in more than 90 countries around the world. Founded in 1980, ISPE has its worldwide headquarters in Tampa, Florida, USA and offices in Brussels, Belgium, Singapore and Shanghai, China. Visit www.ISPE.org for more information. For more information contact: Danielle Hould ISPE Membership Marketing Communications Manager Tel: +1-813-960-2105, ext. 277 email: dhould@ispe.org www.ISPE.org ### ispe international Events 3-6 November 2013 ISPE Annual Meeting Washington, DC astropak.com sixlog.com John.Hannon@CAgents.com Tony.Thompson@CAgents.com www.propharmagroup.com 5 WWW.COMMISSIONINGAGENTS.COM ISPE South Central Chapter dinner event at Brandt Companies in Dallas 19 NOVEMBER 2013 attendee Registration FORM ISPE Membership #__________________________ The event will be at Brandt Engineering, 1728 Briercroft Ct., Carrollton, Texas 75006 Name______________________________________ Company___________________________________ Schedule of Events Address____________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________ 6:30pm- 7:00pm Sign in and Networking Phone_____________________________________ 7:00pm- 7:15pm Brandt Presentation on Capability Fax________________________________________ E-mail_____________________________________ 7:15pm- 7:45pmFacility Tour Additional Attendees: 7:45pm- 8:30pmDinner (Catered from Babe’s Chicken) 1. ________________________________________ 8:30pm- 9:00pmNetworking and Wrap Up 2. ________________________________________ Member Registration Fees $ 25 x______= $______ Non-Member $ 30 x______= $______ Student $ 20 x______= $______ Vendor Table $ 300 x______= $______ Dinner Sponsor $ 200 x______= $______ Total Amount $______ Payment Method: Fax or email the completed registration form to Chapter Manager Chris Clarke, by November 12. Fax number is (816) 746-1989 and email is ispesc@aol.com. Pay at the door with cash or check payable to ISPE South Central Chapter. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept credit cards. 6