Available at http://pvamu.edu/aam Appl. Appl. Math. ISSN: 1932-9466 Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal (AAM) Vol. 7, Issue 1 (June 2012), pp. 226 – 247 A New CG-Algorithm with Self-Scaling VM-Update for Unconstraint Optimization Abbas Y. Al-Bayati College of Basic Education Telafer University of Mosul, Mosul-Iraq profabbaslbayati@yahoo.com Ivan S. Latif Department of Mathematics University of Salahaddin, Erbil-Iraq ivansubhi2001@yahoo.com Received: February 09, 2011; Accepted: February 23, 2012 Abstract In this paper, a new combined extended Conjugate-Gradient (CG) and Variable-Metric (VM) methods is proposed for solving unconstrained large-scale numerical optimization problems. The basic idea is to choose a combination of the current gradient and some pervious search directions as a new search direction updated by Al-Bayati's SCVM-method to fit a new step-size parameter using Armijo Inexact Line Searches (ILS). This method is based on the ILS and its numerical properties are discussed using different non-linear test functions with various dimensions. The global convergence property of the new algorithm is investigated under few weak conditions. Numerical experiments show that the new algorithm seems to converge faster and is superior to some other similar methods in many situations. Keywords: Unconstrained Optimization, Gradient Related Method, Self-Scaling VM-Method, Inexact Line Searches MSC 2010: 49M07, 49M10, 90C06, 65K 226 AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 1 (June 2012) 227 1. Introduction Consider an unconstrained optimization problem: min f ( x), x n , (1) where f : n 1 is a continuously differentiable function in n an n-dimensional Euclidean space; n may be very large in some sense. Most of the well-known iterative algorithms for solving (1) take the form: x k 1 x k k d k , (2) where d k is a search direction and k is a positive step-size along the search direction. This class of methods is called a line search gradient method. If x k is the current iterative point, then we denote f ( x k ) by g k , f ( x k ) by f k and f ( x ) by f , respectively. If we take d k g k , then the corresponding method is called the Steepest Descent (SD) method; one of the simpler gradient methods. That has wide applications in large scale optimization; see Nocedal and Wright (1999). Generally the CG-method is a useful technique for solving large-scale nonlinear problems because it avoids the computation and storage of some matrices associated with the Hessian of objective functions. The CG-method has the form: if k 0, gk , dk g k k 1d k 1 , if k 0, (3) where k is a parameter that determines the different CG-methods; see for example the following references: Crowder & Wolfe (1972); Dai & Yuan (1996, 1999) and Fletcher-Reeves (1964). Well known choices of k satisfy: FR k gk g k 1 2 , 2 kPR g k ( g k g k 1 ) g k 1 2 , kHS g k ( g k g k 1 ) , d k1 g k 1 (4) which respectively, correspond to the FR (Fletcher-Reeves, 1964), PR (Polak-Ribiere, 1969) and HS (Hestenes Stiefel, 1952). CG-method with Exact Line Search (ELS) has finite convergence when they are used to minimize strictly convex quadratic function; see for example Al-Bayati and Al-Assady (1986). However, if the objective function is not quadratic or ELS is not used then a CG-method has no finite convergence. Also a CG-method has no global convergence if the objective function is non- quadratic. Similarly, Miele and Cantrell (1969) studied the memory gradient method for (1); namely, if x0 is an initial point and d 0 g 0 , the method can be stated as follows: x k 1 x k v k , v k g k v k 1 , (5) 228 Abbas Y. Al-Bayati and Ivan S. Latif where and are scalars chosen at each step so as to yield the greatest decrease in the function f .Cantrell (1969) showed that the memory gradient method and the FR-CG method are identical in the particular case of a quadratic function. Cragg and Levy (1969) proposed a supermemory gradient method whose search direction is defined by: k d k g k i d i 1 , (6) i 1 where x0 is an initial point and d 0 g 0 . Wolfe and Viazminsky (1976) also investigated a super-memory descent method for (1) in which the objective takes the form: m m f ( x k k p k i( k ) v k i ) min f ( x k p k i( k ) v k i ) , x , 1 ,..., k i 1 (7a) i 1 where m v k k p k i( k ) k i , (7b) i 1 m is a fixed positive integer; with p k g k 0 . (8) Both the memory and super-memory gradient methods are more efficient than the CG and SD methods by considering the amount of computation and storages required in the latter. Shi-Shen (2004) combined the CG-method and supper-memory descent method to form a new gradient method that may be more effective than the standard CG-method for solving large scale optimization problems as follows: m ki i 2 2 min{g k d k ( k( k )m 1 ,...,1 k( k i)1 ) k( k i)1 [ , ki ](i 2, , m)} , (9a) where x k 1 x k k d k ( k( k )m 1 ,..., k( k ) ) . (9b) We denote d k ( k( k )m 1 ,..., k( k ) ) by d k throughout this paper, m is a fixed positive integer and k is a scalar chosen by a line search procedure. The theoretical and practical merits of the Quasi Newton (QN) family of methods for unconstrained optimization have been systematically explored since the classic paper of Fletcher and Powell analyzed by Davidonُ VM method. In 1970 the self-scaling VM algorithms were introduced, showing significant improvement in efficiency over earlier methods. AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 1 (June 2012) 229 Recently, Al-Bayati and Latif (2008) proposed a new three terms preconditioned gradient memory method. Their method subsumes some other families of nonlinear preconditioned gradient memory methods as its subfamilies with Powell's restart criterion and inexact Armijo line searches. Their search direction was defined by: H k g k , d kB & L g k H k d k H k 1d k 1 , if k 0 if k 0, (10) where is a step-size defined by inexact Armijo line search procedure and is the conjugacy parameter. Al-Bayati et al. (2009) introduced two versions CG-algorithm. Their search directions are defined by: g k , d k1 v1 g k k d k 1 , if k 0 if k 0, g k , d k2 v2 g k k d k 1 , and kv1 (1 if k 0 if k 0, skT yk (gkT1 yk ) ) ykT yk skT yk and kv 2 (1 skT yk ( g kT1 yk ) skT g k 1 T , ) ykT yk d kT yk d k yk (11a) (11b) where (11) has been proved to be a sufficiently descent directions. Also, Zhang, et al. in (2009) had modified Dai-Liao DL-CG method with three terms search directions as follows: g 0 , dk DL g k k d k 1 k yk 1 tsk 1 , if k 0, if k 0, (12a) where k g kT d k 1 d kT1 y k 1 and kDL is defined by: kDL g kT ( y k 1 tsk 1 ) , d kT1 y k 1 t 0. (12b) They show that the sufficient descent condition also holds true if no line search is used, that is, 2 g kT1 d k g k 1 . (13) In order to achieve the global convergence result, Grippo and Lucidi (1997) proposed the following new line search: for given constants 0 , 0 , and 0, 1 , let 230 Abbas Y. Al-Bayati and Ivan S. Latif g kT d k k max j j ; 0 , 1 , ... , 2 dk (14) which satisfy f xk f xk 1 k2 d k 1 . 2 (15) This line search will be preferred to the classical Armijo one for the sake of a greater reduction of objective function. Introducing this line search rule. This may be taken as an open problem. In this paper, a new gradient related algorithm combined with VM-update used for solving large scale unconstrained optimization problems, is proposed. The new algorithm is a kind of ILS method modified with VM-algorithm. The basic idea is to choose a combination of the current gradient and some previous search directions with Al-Bayati self-scaling VM-update which is based on two-parameter family of rank-two updating formulae. The algorithm is compared with similar published algorithms, which may be more effective than the standard conjugate related algorithm; namely, Nazareth (1977) and other VM-algorithm. The global rate of convergence is investigated under a diverse weak condition. Numerical experiment shows that the new algorithm seems to converge more stably and is superior to other similar methods. 2. Shi-Shen Algorithm Shi-Shen (2004) proposed the following assumptions: S1 : The objective function f has lower bound on the level set L0 {x n f ( x) f ( x 0 )} , where x0 is an available initial point. S 2 : The gradient g ( x) of f ( x) is Lipschitz continuous in an open convex set B which contains L0 i.e., there exist a constant L 0 such that: g ( x) g ( y ) L x y , x, y B . S 3 : The gradient g (x) is uniformly continuous in an open convex set B containing L0 . Obviously Assumption ( S 2 ) implies ( S 3 ). As we know, a key to devise an algorithm for unconstrained optimization problems is to choose an available search direction d k and a suitable step-size k at each iteration. Certainly if we choose a search direction d k satisfying: g k d k 0 , (16) AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 1 (June 2012) 231 then we can devise a descent direction generally, we demand that: 2 g k d k g k , (17a) which is called sufficient descent condition where 0 . Furthermore, if g k d k g k . d k , (17b) then many descent algorithms have their convergence under the above condition. It is called an angle condition or a gradient–related conception. Definition 2.1. Berstsekas (1982) Let {x k } be a sequence generated by the gradient method (2). We say that the sequence {d k } is uniformly gradient related to {x k } if for every convergent subsequence {x k } for which lim g k 0 , (18a) kK k we have 0 lim inf g k d k kK k , lim sup d k . (18b) kK k Equivalently, {d k } is uniformly gradient related if whenever a subsequence {g k } tends to a nonzero vector, the corresponding subsequence of direction d k is bounded and does not tend to be orthogonal to g k . Moreover, we must choose a line search rule to find the step-size a long search direction at each iteration. Lemma 2.1. Berstsekas (1982) Let {x k } be a sequence generated by a gradient method and assume that {d k } is uniformly gradient related and k is chosen by the minimization rule or the limited minimization rule, then every limited point of {x k } is a critical point x * , i.e. g ( x * ) 0 . As to the parameters in the algorithm, we seem to choose k( k i)1 [ ki , ki ](i 2,..., m) for solving large scale optimization 2 problems as defined in (9). To get the algorithm to converge more quickly, we take: 232 Abbas Y. Al-Bayati and Ivan S. Latif ki , if k( k i)1 2 i , if k gk 2 gk 2 g k d k i 1 , for i 1,2,..., m . (19) k g d k i 1. Now, it is easy to prove that: m m i 2 i2 0 k( k i)1 ki 1 and m m i2 i 2 1 k( k ) 1 k( k i)1 1 ki 1 0 . The details may be found in Crowder & Wolfe (1972). Algorithm 2.1. Shi-Shen Let 0 1 , 0 1 parameter, then: 1 2 2 1 , a fixed integer m 2 , x1 n , k 1 and is a small Step 1. If g k , then stop. Step 2. Set x k 1 x k k d k ( k( k m) 1 ,..., k( k ) ) , where dk ( (k ) k m 1 k( k i)1 [ ,..., ki 2 (k ) k , ki ] , i 2,..., m , ki , if k( k i)1 2 i , if k and if k m 1, g k , m ) (k) (k ) - k g k k i 1d k i 1 , if k m, i2 gk 2 gk 2 g k d k i 1 , g k d k i 1 , for i 1,2,..., m , AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 1 (June 2012) i k m gk gk 2 233 2 k g d k i 1 , (i 2,...., m), (k) k m 1 k( k i)1 , i2 scalar k in Step (2) is chosen by a cubic line search; Bunday (1984). Step 3. If the available storage is exceeded, then employ a restart option [Zoutendijk (1970)] either with k n or g k1 g k 1 g k1 g k . Step 4. Set k k 1 , go to Step1. 3. A New Proposed Algorithm for Solving Problem (1) In this section we want to choose a line search rule to find the best step-size parameter along the search direction at each iteration. In fact, we can use the generalized Armijoُ line search rule implemented in Luenberger (1989): Set scalar S , and 1 with 1 (0,1) , (0,1) and S 0 . Let k be the largest in S , S , S 2 ,... such that: f k f ( x k d k ) 1g k d k . (20) Choosing the parameter is important for the implementation of the line search method. If is too large then the line search process may be too slow while if is too small then the line search process may be too fast so as to lose the available step size we should choose a suitable step size at each iteration. 4. New Method In order to increase the efficiency of Algorithm 2.1, an extended Armijo line search rule given in Cantrell (1969) is used to find the best value of the step-size in order to locate the new hybrid line search which combines the search direction of Shi-Shen Algorithm 2.1 with Al-Bayati (1991) self-scaling update and as shown below: Let 0 1 , 1 2 1 1 , a fixed integer m 2 , x 1 n , k 1 and H 1 is any positive definite matrix usually H 1 I and a small parameter. Algorithm 4.1. Step 1. If g k 0 , then stop. 234 Abbas Y. Al-Bayati and Ivan S. Latif Step 2. Set x k 1 x k k d k ( k( k m) 1 ,..., k( k ) ) , where dk ( (k ) k m 1 k( k i)1 [ ,..., ki 2 (k ) k if k m -1, Hg k , m ) (k) (k ) -H{ k g k k i 1d k i 1}, if k m, i 2 , ki ], i 2, , m , ki , if k( k i)1 2 i , if k gk 2 gk 2 g k d k i 1 , for i 1,2,..., m , k g d k i 1 , and i k m gk 2 gk 2 m g k d k i 1 , (i 2,...., m), k(k) 1 k( k i)1 . i2 Scalar k in Step (2) is chosen by Armijo line search rule defined in (20) and H k is defined by Al-Bayati (1991) VM-update defined in Step (3). H y yH Step 3. Update H k by H k 1 H k k k k k wk wk k (v k v k v k y k ) yk H k yk with v k x k 1 x k , wk y k H k y k y k g k 1 g k , v 1 2 k v k y k H k y k y k H k y k , k y k H k y k v k y k . Step 4: If available storage is exceeded, then employ a restart option either with k n or g k1 g k 1 g k1 g k . Step 5. Set k k 1 and go to Step 2. Now to ensure that the new algorithm has a super-linear convergence, let us consider the following theorems: AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 1 (June 2012) 235 Theorem 4.1. If ( S1 ) and ( S 2 ) hold and if the new Algorithm 4.1 generates an infinite sequence {x k } , then k m gk 4 , k (21a) where 2 2 k max( g k , d k i 1 ) . (21b) 2i m Proof: Since { f k } is a decreasing sequence and has a lower bound on the level set L0 , it is a convergent sequence. Moreover, since H k 1 is also has a global rate of convergence, see Al-Bayati (1991) for the details; therefore Lemma 2.1 shows that (21) holds and hence the new algorithm has a super linear convergence and hence the proof is complete. Theorem 4.2. If conditions in Theorem 4.1 hold, then either lim g k 0 or {x k } has no bound. k Proof: If lim g k 0 , then there exists an infinite subset K 0 {m, m 1,...} and 0 such that: k gk ,k K0 (22) Thus g 4 k k k 4 k K0 (23) By Theorem 4.1 and for k 1 , we obtain dk 2 2 max{ g i } 1i (24) Now if k m , then the conclusion is obvious. However, if k m , then by induction process we obtain the conclusion; we have: 236 Abbas Y. Al-Bayati and Ivan S. Latif 4 g k k m k kK k 4 . (25) 0 Then there exists at least one i0 : 2 i0 m such that: lim d k i 1 (26) kK 0 , k and hence {x k } has no bound. 5. Numerical Results. Comparative tests are performed with seventy eight well-known test functions (Twenty six with three different versions) which are specified in the Appendix. All the results shown in Table 1 are obtained with newly-programmed Fortran routines which employ double precision. The Comparative performances of the algorithms are in the usual way by considering both the total number of function evaluations (NOF) and the total number of iterations (NOI). In each case the convergence criterion is that the value of g k 1 10 5 . The cubic fitting technique, published in its original form by Bunday (1984) is used as the common linear search subprogram for ShiShen algorithm while Armijo line search procedure defined in (21) is used for our new proposed algorithm. Each test function was solved using the following two algorithms: (1) The original algorithm published by Shi-Shen call it (Shi-Shen, Algorithm 2.1). (2) The new proposed algorithm call it (New algorithm, Algorithm 4.1). The numerical results in Table 1 give the comparison between the New and the Shi-Shen algorithms for different dimensions of test functions, while Table 2 gives the total overall the tools. The details of the percentage of improvements of NOI and NOF was given in Table 3. The important thing is that the new algorithm needs less iteration, fewer evaluations of f (x) and g (x) than the standard Shi-Shen algorithm in many situations especially for large-scale unconstrained optimization problems, when the iterative process reaches the same precision. The new proposed algorithm uses less CPU time than Shi-Shen method even we have not mention it. However, we can see that Shi-Shen algorithm may fail in some cases while the new method always converges for the minimum points. Moreover, the new algorithm seems to be suitable to solve ill-conditioned problems and suitable to solve large-scale minimization problems. AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 1 (June 2012) 237 Table 1. Comparison between the New (4.1) and Shi-Shen Algorithms (3.1) using three different cases for n and m. N0. TEST SHI-SHEN (3.1) NOI(NOF) NEW (4.1) NOI(NOF) OF FUNCTION n 12 36 360 1080 4320 12 36 360 1080 4320 TEST m<n 57 54 58 58 59 16 16 16 15 16 142 118 118 118 120 31 19 20 19 20 EX1 Tridiagonal-1 m=n 53 54 54 58 58 16 16 16 15 16 113 112 112 118 118 28 19 20 19 20 m>n 53 54 58 58 58 15 16 16 15 16 109 111 118 118 118 19 19 20 19 20 m<n 26 22 22 22 21 4 5 5 5 5 61 59 45 45 43 7 8 8 8 8 EX-Three 2 m=n 26 21 22 22 21 4 5 5 5 5 exponential 55 43 45 45 43 7 8 8 8 8 m>n 26 21 22 22 21 4 5 5 5 5 53 43 45 45 43 7 8 8 8 8 m<n 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 5 6 6 6 6 3 m=n 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 Matrix Rom 7 7 7 7 7 5 6 6 6 6 m>n 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 5 6 6 6 6 m<n 6645 311 1940 1956 2040 20 21 21 21 21 13735 707 5341 5745 6086 26 27 27 27 27 EX-Freud 4 m=n 512 9265 10504 10882 11324 20 21 21 21 21 & Roth 1455 18877 21132 21869 22743 26 27 27 27 27 m>n 9440 9792 10528 10880 11324 20 21 21 21 21 718975 19697 21151 21855 22743 26 27 27 27 27 m<n 5 GENTridiagon al-1 m=n m>n m<n 6 Diagonal4 m=n m>n m<n 7 Dqdrtic m=n m>n m<n 8 Denschnb m=n m>n 58 145 58 123 48 99 7 15 7 15 7 15 1260 3036 1260 2626 2521 1260 11 28 11 25 11 25 71 230 56 115 26 75 7 15 7 15 7 15 1371 3807 1371 2781 1371 2743 12 31 12 27 12 27 58 127 58 127 58 127 9 19 9 19 9 19 925 2509 925 1853 925 1851 13 29 13 29 13 29 58 139 58 127 58 127 9 19 9 19 9 19 1025 2987 1025 2051 1025 2051 13 29 13 29 13 29 52 135 52 135 52 135 9 19 9 19 9 19 1305 3827 1305 2611 1305 2611 14 31 14 31 14 31 16 39 16 28 15 19 8 12 8 12 8 12 20 25 20 25 20 25 8 20 7 10 7 10 17 29 16 19 16 19 8 12 8 12 8 12 16 21 16 21 16 21 9 18 8 11 8 11 16 20 16 20 16 20 8 12 8 12 8 12 12 17 12 17 12 17 8 11 8 11 8 11 15 19 15 19 15 19 8 12 8 12 8 12 12 17 12 17 12 17 8 11 8 11 8 11 16 20 16 20 16 20 8 12 8 12 8 12 13 18 13 18 13 18 8 11 8 11 8 11 238 N0. OF TEST 9 Abbas Y. Al-Bayati and Ivan S. Latif TEST FUNCTION GENQuartic GQ1 m<n 11 27 11 24 11 24 4 10 4 10 4 10 25 76 25 68 25 64 85 208 109 229 101 203 48 117 830 1757 820 1667 23 63 11 27 11 27 11 27 4 10 4 10 4 10 31 160 31 93 31 93 88 252 107 217 107 215 37 130 864 1779 864 1755 44 138 11 24 11 24 11 24 4 10 4 10 4 10 17 78 17 78 17 78 104 307 115 231 115 231 39 138 954 1937 954 1935 73 222 11 24 11 24 11 24 4 10 4 10 4 10 15 75 15 75 15 75 119 239 119 239 119 239 39 138 998 2023 998 2023 23 63 11 24 11 24 11 24 4 10 4 10 4 10 21 121 21 121 21 121 125 251 125 521 125 251 41 145 1052 2131 1052 2131 23 63 9 12 9 12 9 12 4 7 4 7 4 7 4 8 4 8 4 8 50 56 50 56 50 56 52 66 52 66 52 66 11 15 12 15 12 15 12 15 4 7 4 7 4 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 50 56 50 56 50 56 53 67 53 67 53 67 11 15 14 17 14 17 14 17 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 50 56 50 56 50 56 54 68 54 68 54 68 11 15 14 17 14 17 14 17 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 9 3 9 3 9 50 56 50 56 50 56 54 68 54 68 54 68 11 15 14 17 14 17 14 17 5 8 5 8 5 8 3 9 3 9 3 9 50 56 50 56 50 56 54 68 54 68 54 68 11 15 469 1024 407 902 102 440 182 388 102 365 9 20 9 19 129 302 359 777 197 544 197 400 197 395 9 20 9 19 373 803 373 802 206 530 206 413 206 413 11 23 11 23 385 826 385 826 212 540 212 425 212 425 11 23 11 23 385 826 385 826 216 560 216 433 216 433 11 23 11 23 11 15 11 15 14 17 14 17 14 17 10 15 10 15 11 15 11 15 16 26 16 26 16 26 10 15 10 15 11 15 11 15 15 18 15 18 15 18 10 15 10 15 11 15 11 15 15 18 15 18 15 18 10 15 10 15 11 15 11 15 16 19 16 19 16 19 10 15 10 15 9 19 9 19 11 23 11 23 11 23 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 m=n m<n Diagonal 7 m=n m>n m<n 11 Full Hessian m=n m>n m<n 12 GEN-Powell m=n m>n m<n 13 GEN-Rosen m=n m>n m<n 14 NonDiagonal m=n m>n m<n 15 GEN-Wolf m=n m>n m<n 16 GEN-Strait m=n m>n 12 NEW (4.1) NOI(NOF) 36 360 1080 4320 12 m>n 10 SHI-SHEN (3.1) NOI(NOF) 36 360 1080 4320 n AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 1 (June 2012) N0. OF TEST TEST FUNCTION SHI-SHEN (3.1) n m<n 17 GEN-Recipe m=n m>n m<n 18 Nondiagonal (Shanno-78) m=n m>n m<n 19 EXTridigonal-2 m=n m>n m<n 20 GEN-Beale m=n m>n m<n 21 EX-BlockDiagonal BD2 m=n m>n m<n 22 Diagonal 7 m=n m>n m<n 23 Cosine (cute) m=n m>n m<n 24 EXHimmelblau 239 m=n m>n 12 69 204 69 183 69 173 30 71 30 65 30 65 83 194 83 173 83 167 656 1597 503 1049 433 867 16 39 16 35 16 34 4 11 4 11 4 11 9 21 9 20 9 20 3 7 3 7 3 7 36 73 267 73 187 73 183 10 24 10 22 10 22 102 203 102 207 102 205 586 1625 459 931 457 915 18 48 18 48 18 38 5 13 5 13 5 13 10 24 10 22 10 22 4 9 4 9 4 9 360 81 203 81 203 81 203 102 219 102 206 102 206 102 218 102 205 102 205 509 1350 509 1020 509 1019 18 38 18 38 18 38 5 13 5 13 5 13 10 27 10 27 10 27 4 9 4 9 4 9 NOI(NOF) 1080 85 213 85 213 85 213 292 789 292 586 292 586 103 221 105 211 105 211 535 1517 535 1071 535 1071 20 42 20 42 20 42 5 13 5 13 5 13 11 28 11 28 11 28 4 9 4 9 4 9 4320 89 223 89 223 89 223 946 2751 946 2751 946 2751 99 212 98 198 98 198 565 1607 565 1131 565 1131 20 42 20 42 20 42 5 13 5 13 5 13 13 31 13 31 13 31 4 9 4 9 4 9 NEW (4.1) 12 11 14 11 14 11 14 34 44 34 44 34 44 13 26 13 25 13 16 20 23 20 23 20 23 37 120 90 145 64 68 8 23 7 12 7 12 22 46 20 26 20 26 8 17 8 17 8 17 36 11 14 11 14 11 14 13 19 13 19 13 19 19 22 19 22 19 22 20 23 20 23 20 23 69 79 69 79 66 70 7 12 7 12 7 12 13 25 13 17 13 17 9 18 9 18 9 18 NOI(NOF) 360 12 15 12 15 12 15 17 24 17 24 17 24 19 22 19 22 19 22 22 25 22 25 22 25 72 76 72 76 72 76 8 13 8 13 8 13 22 27 22 27 22 27 9 18 9 18 9 18 1080 12 15 12 15 12 15 17 25 17 25 17 25 19 22 19 22 19 22 22 25 22 25 22 25 75 79 75 79 75 79 8 13 8 13 8 13 75 87 75 87 75 87 9 18 9 18 9 18 4320 13 16 13 16 13 16 17 25 17 25 17 25 19 22 19 22 19 22 22 25 22 25 22 25 78 82 78 82 78 82 8 13 8 13 8 13 12 16 12 16 12 16 9 18 9 18 9 18 240 N0. OF TEST Abbas Y. Al-Bayati and Ivan S. Latif TEST FUNCTION SHI-SHEN (3.1) n m<n 25 Raydan2 m=n m>n m<n 26 Diagonal6 m=n m>n 12 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 7 2 7 2 7 36 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 7 2 7 2 7 360 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 7 2 7 2 7 NOI(NOF) 1080 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 7 2 7 2 7 4320 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 7 2 7 2 7 NEW (4.1) 12 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 36 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 NOI(NOF) 360 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 1080 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 Table 2. Comparison between the New (4.1) and Shi-Shen (3.1) algorithms using the total of tools for each test function. SHI-SHEN NOI(NOF) NEW NOI(NOF) n 12 36 360 1080 4320 12 36 360 1080 Total of m<n 9243 3083 4327 4636 5699 412 426 447 499 each function 20286 8480 11616 13045 16365 686 563 573 626 m=n 4289 12825 14113 14885 16354 461 426 447 499 9493 26275 28576 30095 34206 657 549 562 625 m>n 14238 13550 14141 14883 16354 433 423 447 499 725153 27428 28595 30081 33936 553 540 562 633 Total of 27770 29458 32581 34404 38407 1306 1275 1341 1497 26x3=78 test 754932 62183 68787 73221 84507 1896 1663 1686 1875 functions 4320 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 4320 444 562 444 562 444 562 1332 1686 AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 1 (June 2012) 241 Table 3. Percentage performance of the new (4.1) proposed algorithm against Shi-Shen (3.1) algorithm for 100% in both NOI and NOF. n 12 36 360 Cost NEW NOI NOF m<n 95.5 96.62 NOI NOF m=n 89.25 93.08 NOI NOF m>n NOI NOF n Cost NEW NOI NOF m<n 89.24 95.2 NOI NOF m=n 96.65 97.92 96.96 99.92 NOI NOF m>n 96.65 97.89 Total 95.3 99.75 NOI NOF Total 95.65 97.44 NOI NOF m<n 86.18 93.36 NOI NOF m<n 92.21 96.57 NOI NOF m=n 96.68 97.91 NOI NOF m=n 97.29 98.36 NOI NOF m>n 96.88 98.03 NOI NOF m>n 97.29 98.34 NOI NOF Total 95.67 97.33 NOI NOF Total 96.53 98.01 NOI NOF m<n 89.67 95.07 NOI NOF m=n 96.83 98.03 NOI NOF m>n 96.83 98.03 NOI NOF Total 95.88 97.55 1080 4320 5. Conclusions and Discussions. In this Paper, a new combined gradient related and VM-algorithm for solving large-scale unconstrained optimization problems is proposed. The new algorithm is a kind of Armijo line search method. The basic idea is to choose a combination of the current gradient and some previous search directions which are updated by Al-Bayati's self scaling (1991) VM as a new search direction and to find a step-size by using Armijo ILS. Using more information at the current iterative step may improve the performance of the algorithm and accelerate the gradient relates which need a few iterations. The new algorithm concept is useful to analyze its global convergence property. Numerical experiments show that the new algorithm converges faster and is more efficient than the standard Shi-Shen algorithm in many situations. The new algorithm is expected to solve ill-conditioned problems. Clearly there are large ranges of the improving percentages against the standard Shi-Shen algorithm; namely, the new algorithm has about (53)% NOI and (75)%NOF improvements against Shi-Shen algorithm taking n=12. These 242 Abbas Y. Al-Bayati and Ivan S. 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Extended Tridigonal-1Function: n/2 f ( x) ( x 2i 1 x 2i 3) 2 ( x 2i 1 x 2i 1) 4 , i 1 x0 [2,2,...,2] . 2. Extended Three Exponential Terms Function: n/2 f ( x) exp( x 2i 1 3x 2i 0.1) exp( x 2i 1 3 x 2i 0.1) exp( x 2i 1 0.1) , i 1 x0 [0.1,0.1,...,0.1] . 3. Diagonal 5 Function (Matrix Rom): n f ( x) log(exp( xi ) exp( xi )) , i 1 x0 [1.1,...,1.1] . 4. Extended Freud & Roth Function: 244 Abbas Y. Al-Bayati and Ivan S. Latif n/2 f ( x) 13 x 2i 1 ((5 x 2i ) x 2i 2) x 2i 29 x 2i 1 (( x 2i 1) x 2i 14) x 2i , 2 i 1 x0 [0.5.,2.,0.5,2.,...,0.5,2.] . 5. Generalized Tridiagonal-1 Function: n 1 2 4 f ( x ) x 2 i 1 x 2i 3 x 2 i 1 x 2i 1 , i 1 x0 [2,2,...,2] . 6. Diagonal 4 Function: f ( x) 12 x 22i 1 cx22i , n/2 i 1 x0 [1,1,...,1] , c 100 . 7. Dqudrtic Function (CUTE): f ( x) xi2 cxi21 dxi2 2 , n2 i 1 x0 [3,3,...,3] , c 100, d 100 . 8. Extended Denschnb Function (CUTE): n/2 f ( x) ( x 2i 1 2) 2 ( x 2i 1 2) 2 x 22i ( x 2i 1) 2 , i 1 x 0 [ 0 .1,0 .1,..., 0 .1] . 9. Generalized quartic Function GQ1 n 1 f ( x) xi2 ( xi 1 xi2 ) 2 , i 1 x0 [1.,1.,...,1.] . 10. Diagonal 8 Function: 2 AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 1 (June 2012) 245 n f ( x) xi exp( xi ) 2 xi xi2 , i 1 x0 [1.,1.,...,1.,1.] . 11. Full Hessian Function: 2 n n f ( x) xi ( xi exp( xi ) 2 xi xi2 ) , i 1 i 1 x0 [1.,1.,...,1.] . 12. Generalized Powell function: n/3 f ( x) {3 [ 1 ( x 1 x i 1 i 2i ) 2 ] sin( x22i x3i ) - exp[-( x ix2xi 3i 2) 2 ]} , x0 [0.,1.,2.,...,0.,1.,2.] . 13. Generalized Rosen Brock Banana function: n/2 f ( x) 100( x 2i x 22i 1 ) 2 (1 x 2i 1 ) 2 , i 1 x0 [1.2,1.,...,1.2,1] 14. Generalized Non-diagonal function: n f ( x) [100( x1 xi2 ) 2 (1 xi ) 2 , i2 x0 [1.,...,1.]. 15. Generalized Wolfe Function: n 1 f ( x) ( x1 (3 x1 / 2) 2 x2 1) 2 xi 1 xi (3 xi / 2 2 xi 1 1) xn 1 x n (3 x n / 2) 1 , i 1 x0 [1.,...,1.] . 2 2 246 Abbas Y. Al-Bayati and Ivan S. Latif 16. Generalized Strait Function: n/2 f ( x) ( x 22i 1 x 2i ) 2 100(1 x 2i 1 ) 2 , i 1 x0 [2.,...,2.] . 17. Generalized Recipe Function: n/3 f ( x) ( x3i 1 5) 2 x92i 1 ( x i 1 x32i 3 i 1 x3 i 2 ) 2 , x0 [2.,5.,1.,...,2.,5.,1.] . 18. Non-diagonal (Shanno-78) Function (Cute): n f ( x) ( xi 1) 2 100( x1 xi21 ) 2 , i 2 x0 [1.,1.,...,1.] . 19. Extended Tridiagonal-2 Function: n 1 f ( x) ( xi xi 1 1) 2 c( xi 1)( xi 1 1) , i 1 x0 [1.,1.,...,1.] , c 0.1 . 20. Generalized Beale Function: f (x) n/2 1 . 5 x i 1 (1 x 2 i ) 2 . 25 x 2 i 1 (1 x 22 i ) 2 2i x0 [1.,1.,...,1.,1.] . 21. Extended Block-Diagonal BD2 Function: n/2 f ( x) ( x 22i 1 x 22i 2.) 2 (exp( x 2i 1 1.) x 23i 2.) 2 , i 1 x0 [1.5,2.,...,1.5,2.] . 2 . 625 2 x 2 i 1 (1 x 22 i 2 , AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 7, Issue 1 (June 2012) 247 22. Diagonal 7 Function: n f ( x) (exp( xi ) 2 xi xi2 ) , i 1 x0 [1.,1.,...,1.,1.] . 23. Cosine Function (CUTE): n 1 f ( x) cos(0.5 xi 1 xi2 ) , i 1 x0 [1.,1.,...,1.,1.] . 24. Extended Himmelblau Function: f ( x) x 22i 1 x 2i 11 x 2i 1 x 22i 7 , n/2 2 i 1 x0 [1.1,1.1,...,1.1,1.1] . 25. Raydan 2 Function: n f ( x) exp( xi ) xi , i 1 x0 [1.,1.,...,1.,1.] . 26. Diagonal 6 Function: n f ( x) (exp( xi ) (1 xi )) , i 1 x0 [1.,1.,...,1.,1.] . 2