Solving Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems with Piecewise Linear Membership Function S. Effati

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Appl. Appl. Math.
ISSN: 1932-9466
Applications and Applied
An International Journal
Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010), pp. 504 – 533
(Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630)
Solving Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems with Piecewise
Linear Membership Function
S. Effati
Department of Mathematics
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Mashhad, Iran
H. Abbasiyan
Department of Mathematics
Islamic Azad University
Aliabadekatool, Iran
Received: January 15, 2009; Accepted: August 11, 2010
In this paper, we concentrate on linear programming problems in which both the right-hand side
and the technological coefficients are fuzzy numbers. We consider here only the case of fuzzy
numbers with linear membership functions. The symmetric method of Bellman and Zadeh
(1970) is used for a defuzzification of these problems. The crisp problems obtained after the
defuzzification are non-linear and even non-convex in general. We propose here the "modified
subgradient method" and "method of feasible directions" and uses for solving these problems see
Bazaraa (1993). We also compare the new proposed methods with well known "fuzzy decisive
set method". Finally, we give illustrative examples and their numerical solutions.
Keywords: Fuzzy linear programming; fuzzy number; augmented Lagrangian penalty function
method; feasible directions of Topkis and Veinott; fuzzy decisive set method
MSC (2000) No.: 90C05, 90C70
1. Introduction
In fuzzy decision making problems, the concept of maximizing decision was proposed by
Bellman and Zadeh (1970). This concept was adapted to problems of mathematical programming
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
by Tanaka et al. (1984). Zimmermann (1983) presented a fuzzy approach to multi-objective
linear programming problems. He also studied the duality relations in fuzzy linear programming.
Fuzzy linear programming problem with fuzzy coefficients was formulated by Negoita (1970)
and called robust programming. Dubois and Prade (1982) investigated linear fuzzy constraints.
Tanaka and Asai (1984) also proposed a formulation of fuzzy linear programming with fuzzy
constraints and give a method for its solution which bases on inequality relations between fuzzy
numbers. Shaocheng (1994) considered the fuzzy linear programming problem with fuzzy
constraints and defuzzificated it by first determining an upper bound for the objective function.
Further he solved the obtained crisp problem by the fuzzy decisive set method introduced by
Sakawa and Yana (1985). Guu and Yan-K (1999) proposed a two-phase approach for solving the
fuzzy linear programming problems. Also applications of fuzzy linear programming include life
cycle assessment [Raymond (2005)], production planning in the textile industry [Elamvazuthi et
al. (2009)], and in energy planning [Canz (1999)].
We consider linear programming problems in which both technological coefficients and righthand-side numbers are fuzzy numbers. Each problem is first converted into an equivalent crisp
problem. This is a problem of finding a point which satisfies the constraints and the goal with the
maximum degree. The idea of this approach is due to Bellman and Zadeh (1970). The crisp
problems, obtained by such a manner, can be non-linear (even non-convex), where the nonlinearity arises in constraints. For solving these problems we use and compare two methods. One
of them called the augmented lagrangian penalty method. The second method that we use is the
method of feasible directions of Topkis and Veinott (1993).
The paper is outlined as follows. In section 2, we study the linear programming problem in
which both technological coefficients and right-hand-side are fuzzy numbers. The general
principles of the augmented Lagrangian penalty method and method of feasible directions of
Topkis and Veinott are presented in section 3 and 4, respectively. The fuzzy decisive set method
is studied in section 5. In section 6, we examine the application of these two methods and then
compare with the fuzzy decisive set method by concrete examples.
2. Linear Programming Problems with Fuzzy Technological Coefficients and
Fuzzy Right Hand-side Numbers
We consider a linear programming problem with fuzzy technological coefficients and fuzzy
right-hand-side numbers:
Subject to
j 1
j 1
a~ij x j  b i , 1  i  m
x j  0, 1  j  n ,
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
where at least one x j  0 and a~ij and bi are fuzzy numbers with the following linear
membership functions:
a  d  x
aij  x    ij ij
x  aij ,
aij  x  aij  dij ,
x  aij  d ij ,
where x  R and d ij  0 for all i  1,, m, j  1,, n, and
 b  pi  x
bi  x    i
x  bi ,
bi  x  bi  pi ,
x  bi  pi ,
where pi  0, for i  1, , m. For defuzzification of the problem (1), we first calculate the lower
and upper bounds of the optimal values. The optimal values z l and z u can be defined by solving
the following standard linear programming problems, for which we assume that all they the finite
optimal value
z l  Maximize
Subject to
 a
j 1
j 1
 d ij x j  bi , 1  i  m
x j  0, 1  j  n
z u  Maximize
Subject to
j 1
j 1
aij x j  bi  pi , 1  i  m
x j  0,
1 j  n.
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
The objective function takes values between z l and z u while technological coefficients take
values between aij and aij  d ij and the right-hand side numbers take values between bi and
bi  pi .
Then, the fuzzy set of optimal values, G , which is a subset of  n , is defined by
 n c x z
j j
G ( x)   j 1
j 1
c j x j  zl ,
zl   j 1 c j x j  zu ,
j 1
c j x j  zu .
The fuzzy set of the i constraint, ci , which is a subset of  n is defined by
bi   j 1 aij x j ,
b  n a x
ij j
 i 
ci ( x)   n j 1
  j 1 dij x j  pi
a x j  bi   j 1 (aij  dij ) x j  pi ,
j 1 ij
bi   j 1  aij  dij  x j  pi .
By using the definition of the fuzzy decision proposed by Bellman and Zadeh (1970) [see also
Lai and Hwang (1984)], we have
 D ( x)  min(  G ( x), min i (  C ( x))).
In this case, the optimal fuzzy decision is a solution of the problem
max x0 (  D ( x))  max x0 min(  G ( x), min i (  Ci ( x))).
Consequently, the problem (1) transform to the following optimization problem
Maximize 
Subject to  G ( x)  
 Ci ( x )   , 1  i  m
0    1.
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
By using (4) and (5), the problem (8) can be written as:
Maximize 
Subject to  ( z l  z u )   j 1 c j x j  z l  0
j 1
(aij  d ij ) x j  pi  bi  0, 1  i  m
x  0, 0    1.
Notice that, the constraints in problem (9) containing the cross product terms x j are not
convex. Therefore the solution of this problem requires the special approach adopted for solving
general non convex optimization problems.
3. The Augmented Lagrangian Penalty Function Method
The approach used is to convert the problem into an equivalent unconstrained problem. This
method is called the penalty or the exterior penalty function method, in which a penalty term is
added to the objective function for any violation of the constraints. This method generates a
sequence of infeasible points, hence its name, whose limit is an optimal solution to the original
problem. The constraints are placed into the objective function via a penalty parameter in a way
that penalizes any violation of the constraints.
In this section, we present and prove an important result that justifies using exterior penalty
functions as a means for solving constrained problems.
Consider the following primal and penalty problems:
Primal problem:
 ( zl  zu )   j 1 c j x j  z l  0
Subject to
j 1
(aij  d ij ) x j  pi  0i, 1,...., m
 x j  0,
   0,
  1  0,
j  1,..., n
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
Penalty problem:
Let  be a continuous function of the form
 ( x1 ,..., x n ,  )   i 1 
j 1
( a ij   d ij ) x j   p i  bi   j 1  (  x j )
  ( )     1     zl  zu    j 1 c j x j  zl ,
where  is continuous function satisfying the following:
  y   0,
if y  0
 ( y )  0,
if y  0.
The basic penalty function approach attempts to solve the following problem:
Subject to
 ( )
  0,
where     inf{   ( x,  ) : x  R n ,   R}.
From this result, it is clear that we can get arbitrarily close to the optimal objective value of the
primal problem by computing  (µ) for a sufficiently large µ. This result is established in
Theorem 3.1.
Theorem 3.1. Consider the problem (10). Suppose that for each µ, there exists a solution
(x,  )   R n 1 to the problem to minimize   +µ  (x,  ) subject to x  R n and   R , and that
{ (x,  )  } is contained in a compact subset of R n1 . Then,
lim      sup{ : x  R n ,   R, g ( x,  )  0} ,
 
where g  ( g 0 , g1 ,..., g m , g m1 ,..., g m n , g m n1 , g m n 2 ) and
g 0 ( x,  )    zl  zu    j 1 c j x j  zl
g i ( x,  )   j 1 (aij  d ij ) x j  p  i , i  1,...m
g m j ( x,  )   x j , j  1,..., n
g nm1 ( x,  )  
g n  m  2 ( x,  )    1
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
    inf{   ( x,  ) : x  R n ,   R}    [( x,  )  ].
Furthermore, the limit ( x ,  ) of any convergent subsequence of {( x,  )  } is an optimal solution
to the original problem, and [( x,  )  ]  0 as   .
For proof, see Bazaraa (1993).
3.1. Augmented Lagrangian Penalty Functions
An augmented lagrangian penalty function for the problem (10) is as:
FAL ( x,  , u )    i0
m n  2
m n  2 2
i max gi ( x,  )  i ,0  i0 2ui i ,
2 i 
where ui are lagrange multiplier. The following result provides the basis by virtue of which the
AL penalty function can be classified as an exact penalty function.
Theorem 3.1.1. Consider problem P to (10), and let the KKT solution x ,  , u  satisfy the
second-order sufficiency conditions for a local minimum. Then, there exists a  such that for
i   , the AL penalty function FAL (..,u ) , defined with u = u , also achieves a strict local
minimum at x ,   .
For proof, see Bazaraa (1993).
The method of multipliers is an approach for solving nonlinear programming problems by using
the augmented lagrangian penalty function in a manner that combines the algorithmic aspects of
both Lagrangian duality methods and penalty function methods.
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
Initialization Step: Select some initial Lagrangian multipliers u  u and positive Values i for
i  0,..., m  n  2, for the penalty parameters. Let ( x 0 , 0 ) be a null vector, and denote
VIOL( x 0 , 0 )   , where for any x  R n and   R,
VIOL ( x,  )  max{g i ( x,  ), i  I  {i : g i ( x,  )  0}}
is a measure of constraint violations. Put k = 1 and proceed to the”inner loop” of the algorithm.
Inner Loop: (Penalty Function Minimization)
Solve the unconstrained problem to
F AL ( x ,  , u ),
and let ( x k , k ) denote the optimal solution obtained. If
VIOL ( x k , k )  0,
then stop with ( x k , k ) as a KKT point, (Practically, one would terminate if VIOL ( x k , k ) is
lesser than some tolerance   0. ) Otherwise, if
VIOL ( x ,  k ) 
VIOL ( x k 1 ,  k 1 ),
proceed to the outer loop. On the other hand, for each constraint i  0,..., m for which
g i ( x k , k )  VIOL( x k 1 , k 1 ), replace the corresponding penalty parameter i by 10 i , repeat
this inner loop step.
Outer Loop: (Lagrange Multiplier Update)
Replace u by unew , where
(u new ) i  ui  max{2g i x k , k ,u }, i  0,..., m  n  2.
Increment k by 1, and return to the inner loop.
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
4. The Modification of Topkis and Veinott Revised Feasible Directions
The first, we describe the method of revised feasible directions of Topkis and Veinott. So we
propose a modification from this method. At each iteration, the method generates an improving
feasible direction and then optimizes along that direction. We now consider the following
problem, where the feasible region is defined by a system of inequality constraints that are not
necessarily linear:
 ( zl  zu )   j 1 c j x j  z l  0
Subject to
 j1 (aij  d ij ) x j  pi  bi  0,
i  1,...., m
j  1,..., n
 x j  0,
  0,
  1  0.
Theorem below gives a sufficient condition for a vector d to be an improving feasible direction.
Theorem 4.1. Consider the problem in (15). Let ( x̂, ̂ ) be a feasible solution, and let I be the set
of binding constraints, that is I  { i : g xˆ , ˆ  0 } , where g ' s are as (13). If
 
 (   ) xˆ , ˆ d  0 ( i .e  d n  1  0 )
improving feasible direction.
and  g
xˆ , ˆ  d
 0
for i  I , then d is an
For proof see Bazaraa (1993).
Theorem 4.2. Let ( xˆ , ˆ )  R n  1 be a feasible solution of (15). Let ( z , d ) be an optimal
solution to the following direction finding problem:
Subject to
 
g xˆ , ˆ  d  z  g xˆ, ˆ , i  0,..., m  n  2
( ) xˆ , ˆ d  0
 1  d j  1, j  0,..., n  1,
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
if z  0 , then d is an improving feasible direction . Also, ( x̂, ̂ ) is a Fritz John point, if and
only if z  0 .
After simplify, we can rewrite the problem (16) as follows:
Subject to
 d n1  z  0
  j 1 c j d j  ( zu  zl )d n1  z   g 0 ( x,  )
(aij  d ij )d j  ( pi   j 1 d ij x j )d n1  z   g i ( x,  ), i  1,..., m
j 1
 d j  z  x j , j  1,..., n
d n1  z  1  
 1  d j  1, j  1,..., n  1.
This revised method was proposed by Topkis and Veinott (1967) and guarantees convergence to
a Fritz John point.
Generating a Feasible Direction
The problem under consideration is
Subject to
gi ( x,  )  0, i  0,..., m  n  2,
where g i ' s are as (13). Given a feasible point ( xˆ , ˆ ) , a direction is found by solving the
direction-finding linear programming problem DF ( xˆ , ˆ ) to (17). Here, both binding and non
binding constraints play a role in determining the direction of movement.
4. 1. Algorithm of Topkis and Veinott Revised Feasible Directions Method
A summary of the method of feasible directions of Topkis and Veinott for solving the problem
(15), is given below. As will be shown later, the method converges to a Fritz John point.
Initialization Step: Choose a point ( x 0 , 0 ) such that
where g i are as (13). Let k = 1 and go to the main step.
g i ( x 0 , 0 )  0 for i  0,..., m  n  2,
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
Main Step:
Let ( z k , d k ) be an optimal solution to linear programming problem (17).
If z k  0, step; ( x k , k ) is a Fritz John point. Otherwise, z k  0 and we go to 2.
Let lk be an optimal solution to the following line search problem:
 k  ld n1
Subject to
0  l  lmax ,
lmax  sup{l : g i ( y k  ld k )  0, i  0,..., m  n  2},
and y k  ( x k , k ) and g i , for all i  0,..., m  n  2 , are as (13).
Let y k 1  y k  lk d k . Replace k by k +1, and return to step 1.
Theorem 4.1.1. Consider the problem in (15). Suppose that the sequence {( x k , k )} is generated
by the algorithm of Topkis and Veinott. Then, any accumulation point of {( x k , k )} is a Fritz
John point.
4.2. The Modification of Algorithm
In above algorithm, we need to obtain the gradient of the objective function and also the gradient
of the constraint functions.
In this modification we do not need a feasible point. Note that we can forgo from the line search
problem of step 2 in the main step, since, obviously, optimal solution for this line search problem
is lmax . Hence, in step 2 of the main step, we have lk  lmax .
Initialization Step (The method of find a the initial feasible point)
Set 1 = 1 and k = 1 and go to 2.
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
Test whether a feasible set satisfying the constraints of the problem (15) exists or not, using
phase one of the simplex method, i.e., solving the problem below:
Subject to
g i ( x, k )  s  xa  0, i  0,..., m  n  2 ,
where s is the vector of slack variables and x is the vector of artificial variables. Let ( x k , s k , xak )
be an optimal solution of this the problem. If xak  0, than ( x k , k ) is an initial feasible point for
the problem (15) and go to 4; otherwise, go to 3.
3. Set k 1  k and k  k  1 , return to 2.
4. Set x1  x k , 1  k , k = 1 and go to the main step.
Main Step:
1. Let ( z k , d k ) be an optimal solution to linear programming problem (17).
If z k  0, step ( x k , k ) is a Fritz John point. Otherwise, z k  0 and we go to 2.
2. Set lk  lmax , where
lmax  sup{l : g i ( y k  ld k )  0, i  0,..., m  n  2},
y k  ( x k , k ) , and g i is as (13). Let y k 1  y k  lk d k , replace k by k + 1, and return to 1.
The algorithm for finding lmax  sup{l : gi ( y  ld )  0} , by employing the bisection method. This
algorithm is as below:
Initialization Step:
Set l1  1 and k = 1.
If for at least one i , obtain g i ( y  lk d )  0, then go to 3, otherwise, set lk 1  lk , k = k + 1
and repeat 2.
Set a1  lk  1 , b1  lk , and go to the main step.
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
Main Sept:
1. Set lk 
ak  bk
, if ak  bk   (where? is a small positive scaler); stop,
lmax  lk . Otherwise, go to 2.
3. If for at least one i obtain g i ( y  lk d )  0 , then set bk 1  lk . Otherwise, set
ak 1  lk , k = k + 1 and repeat 2.
5. Numerical Examples
Example 5.1. Solve the optimization problem
2 x1  3 x2
1 x1  2 x2  4
Subject to
3 x1  1 x2  6
x1 , x2  0 ,
1  L (1,1), 2  L ( 2,3), 3  L (3,2) and 1  L(1,3), as used by
which take fuzzy parameters as
Shaocheng (1994).
That is,
1 2
(aij )  
3 1 
(d ij )  
3 ,
(aij  d ij )  
For example, L (a11  1, d11  1) is as:
a11 ( x)   a11 dd1111  x ,
x  a11 ,
a11  x  a11  d11 ,
x  1  1,
a11 ( x)   111 x ,
x  1,
1  x  1  1,
x  1  1.
5 .
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
For solving this problem we must solve the following two subproblems:
2 x1  3x2
z1 = maximize
1x1  2 x2  4
3 x1  1x2  6
x1 , x2  0
Subject to
2 x1  3x2
z2 = maximize
2 x1  5 x2  4
5 x1  4 x2  6
Subject to
x1 , x2  0 .
Optimal solutions of these sub problems are,
x1  1.6
x1  0.86
x2  1.2
x2  10.47
z1  6.8
z 2  3.06,
respectively. By using these optimal values, problem (18) can be reduced to the following
equivalent non-linear programming problem:
Subject to
2 x1  3 x 2 3.06
6  3 x1  x 2
2 x1  3 x 2
 
0   1
x1 , x 2  0 .
That is,
Maximize 
Subject to
2 x1  3x2  3.74  3.06
(1   ) x1  (2  3 ) x2  4
(3  2 ) x1  (1  3 ) x2  6
0   1
x1 , x2  0.
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
Let us solve problem (19) by using the modification method of feasible directions of Topkis and
Initialization Step:
The problem the phase 1 is as:
Subject to
xa1  xa 2  xa 3
2 xa1  3xa 3  s1  xa1  3.06  3.74
(1   ) x1  (2  3 ) x2  s2  xa 2  4
(3  2 ) x1  (1  3 ) x2  s3  xa 3  6
x1 , x2 , s1 , s2 , s3 , xa1 , xa 2 , xa 3  0 ,
where xa1 , xa 2 , xa 3 are artificial variables and s1 , s2 , s3 are slack variables. Set   1 , then, in
optimal solution of above problem we have:
xa1  3.741176 ,
xa 2  xa 3  0 ,
and since xa1  0 so the feasible set is empty, the new value of   12 is tried. For this   12 ,
then xa1  0.734878  0 so the feasible set is empty. The new value of   0.25, then the optimal
solution of the problem (20) is as follows:
x1  0.71355258
x2  0.95198976
s1  0.28807386
s2  0.49008779
s3  1.83658493
xa1  xa 2  xa 3  0.
Hence, we are start from the point ( x 0 , 0 )  (0.71355258),0.95198976) t . We first formulate the
problem (19) in the form
g1 ( x1 , x2 ,  )  2 x1  3 x2  3.74  3.06  0
Subject to
g 2 ( x1 , x2 ,  )  (1   ) x1  (2  3 ) x2  4  0
g 3 ( x1 , x2 ,  )  (3  2 ) x1  (1  3 ) x2  6  0
g 4 ( x1 , x2 ,  )   x1  0
g 5 ( x1 , x2 ,  )   x2  0
g 6 ( x1 , x2 ,  )    0
g 7 ( x1 , x2 ,  )    1  0.
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
Iteration 1:
Search Direction: The direction finding problem is as follows:
Subject to
 d3  z  0
 2d1  3d 2  3.74d 3  z  0.2880747
1.25d1  2.75d 2  3.569516d 3  z  0.490088
 d1  z  0.7135528
 d 2  z  0.85198976
 d 3  z  0.25
 d 3  z  0.75
 1  d j  1, j  1, 2 ,3 .
The optimal solution to the above problem is
(d 1 , z1 )  (0.4628627,0.2230787,0.1148866,0.1148866) t .
Line Search: The maximum value l such that
( x 0 , 0 )  ld 0 is feasible is given by
l max  1.047935486. Hence l max  1.047935486 is optimal solution. We then have
( x1 , 1 )  ( x 0 , 0 )  l1d 0  (1.19860214,0.71821759,0.37039364) t .
The process is then repeated. Then, we have:
( x 2 , 2 )  (1.13933356, 0.75573426, 0.39606129)t
( x 3 , 3 )  (1.14780263, 0.75037316, 0.39725715)t
( x 4 , 4 )  (1.14723602, 0.75074045, 0.39749963)t
( x 5 , 5 )  (1.14731541, 0.75068995, 0.39751106)t
( x 6 , 6 )  (1.14731003, 0.75069345, 0.39751336)t
( x 7 , 7 )  (1.14731079, 0.75069296, 0.39751347)t .
The optimal solution for the main problem (18) is as ( x1* , x2* )  (1.14731079,075069296) t ,
which has the best membership grad  *  0.39751347.
The progress of the algorithm of the method of feasible directions of Topkis and Veinott of
Example 1 is depicted in Figure 1.
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
Figure 1. Approximate solution x1 (.), x 2 (.),  (.).
Now, we solve this problem (18) with the augmented lagrangian penalty function method. We
convert the problem (18) to (21). Select initial Lagrangian multipliers and positive values for the
penalty parameters
ui  0, i  0.1,
i `,..., 7.
The starting point is taken as ( x 0 , 0 )  (1,1,1) t and   0.00001. Since VIPOL( x 0 , 0 )  3   , we
choose the inner loop. The augmented Lagrangian penalty function is as
153 2
FAL ( x,  , u )    101 [2 x2  187
50   50 ]
 101 [(1   ) x1  (2  3 ) x2  4]2
 101 [(3  2 ) x1  (1  3 ) x2  6]2 .
Solving problem minimize FAL ( x,  , u ) , we obtain
( x1 , 1 )  (0.98870612,0.80516031,0.54697368) t ,
VIOL( x1 , 1 )  0.71278842   and VIOL( x1 , 1 )  14 VIOL( x 0 , 0 )  34  0.75.
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
Hence, we go to outer loop step. The new Lagrangian multipliers are as
u new  ( 0 . 14255768 , 0 . 09220549 , 0 . 03481512 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ).
Set k = 1, and we go to the inner loop step. The process is then repeated. Then, we
( x 2 , 2 )  (1.13080371,0.77621059,0.39605607) t
VIOL( x 2 , 2 )  0.05335
( x 3 , 3 )  (1.14625379,0.75082359,0.39866258) t
VIOL( x 3 , 3 )  0.006
( x 4 , 4 )  (1.14719466,0.75091608,0.39747561) t
VIOL( x 4 , 4 )  0.00042
( x 5 , 5 )  (1.14724203,0.75073450,0.39753954) t
VIOL( x 5 , 5 )  0.00012
( x 6 , 6 )  (1.14727415,0.75071332,0.39751025) t
VIOL( x 6 , 6 )  0.0000027.
The optimal solution for the main problem (18) is the point
( x1* , x2* )  (1.14757415,0.75071332) t ,
which has the best membership grad * = 0.39751025.
The progress of the algorithm of the method of the augmented Lagrangian penalty function of
Example 1 is depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Approximate solution x1 (.), x2 (.),  (.).
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
Let us solve problem (19) by using the fuzzy decisive set method.
For  = 1, the problem can be written as
2 x1  3x2  6.8
2 x1  5 x2  4
5 x1  4 x2  6
x1  x2  0,
and since the feasible set is empty, by taking L  0 and R  1 , the new value of  
0  12
For   12  0.5, the problem can be written as
2 x1  3 x2  4.9294
x1  72 x2  4
4 x1  52 x2  6
x1  x2  0,
and since the feasible set is empty, by taking L  0 and R  12 , the new value of  
For   14  0.25, the problem can be written as
2 x1  3x2  3.9941
x1  114 x2  4
x1  74 x2  6
x1  x2  0,
and since the feasible set is nonempty, by taking
  1 / 421 / 2  33 is tried.
For   83  0.375, the problem can be written as
L 
and R  12 , the new value of
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
2 x1  3 x2  4.4618
x1 
x1  178 x2  6
x2  4
x1  x2  0,
and since the feasible set is nonempty, by taking
  1 / 421 / 2  33 is tried.
L 
and R  12 , the new value of
For   83  0.375, the problem can be written as
2 x1  3 x2  4.4618
x1 
x1  178 x2  6
x2  4
x1  x2  0,
and since the feasible set is nonempty, by taking
  3 / 821 / 2  167 is tried.
L  83 and R  12 , the new value of
For   167  0.4375, the problem can be written as
2 x1  3 x2  4.6956
x1  16
x2  4
x1  16
x2  6
x1  x2  0,
and since the feasible set is empty, by taking
  3 / 827 / 16  13
32 is tried.
L  83 and R  167 , the new value of
The following values of  are obtained in the next twenty six iterations:
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
 0.390625
 0.3984375
 0.39453125
 0.396484375
 0.3974609375
 0.3979492187 5
 0.3977050781 25
 0.3975830078 125
  0.3975558244 8561 .
Consequently, we obtain the optimal value of  at the thirty second iteration by using the fuzzy
decisive set method.
Note that, the optimal value of  found at the seven iteration of the method of feasible direction
of Topkis and Veinott and at the sixth iteration of the augmented Lagrangian penalty function
method is approximately equal to the optimal value of  calculated at the twenty first iteration of
the fuzzy decisive set method.
Example 6. 2. Solve the optimization problem
Maximize x1  x2
Subject to
1 x1  2 x2  3
2 x1  3 x2  4
x1 , x2  0 ,
which take fuzzy parameters as:
1  L(1,1), 2  L(2,1), 2  L(2,2), 3  L(3,2),
b1  3  L(3,2), b21  4  L(4,3),
as used by Shaocheng (1994). That is,
1 2
(a ij )  
 
(bi )    ,
1 1 
(d ij )  
 
( pi )    ,
3 
2 3
(aij  d ij )  
4 5
5 
(bi  pi )    .
7 
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
To solve this problem, we must solve the following two subproblems
zl  Maximize x1  x2
Subject to
2 x1  3 x2  3
4 x1  5 x2  4
x1 , x2  0
zu  Maximize x1  x2
Subject to
x1  2 x2  5
2 x1  3 x2  7
x1 , x2  0 .
Optimal solutions of these subproblems are as follows:
x1  3.5
x1  1
x2  0
zl  1
x2  0
zu  3.5,
respectively. By using these optimal values, problem (22) can be reduced to the following
equivalent non-linear programming problem:
Subject to
x1  x2  2.5  1
(1   ) x1  (2   ) x2  2  3
(2  2 ) x1  (3  2 ) x2  3  4
0   1
x1 , x2  0.
Let’s solve problem (23) by using the modification method of feasible directions of Topkis and
Initialization Step:
The problem the phase 1 is as follows:
xa1  x a 2  x a 3
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
Subject to
xa1  x2  2.5  s1  xa1  1
(1   ) x1  (2   ) x2  2  s2  xa 2  3
(2  2 ) x1  (3  2 ) x2  3  s3  xa 3  4
x1 , x2 , s1 , s2 , s3 , xa 2 , xa 3  0 ,
where xa1 , xa 2 , xa 3 are artificial variables, s1 , s2 , s3 are slack variables and  is fixed scaler. Set
  1 . Then, xa1  3.25 and since xa1  0 so the feasible set is empty, the new value of   12 is
tried. Then we have
  0.5  xa1  1.1411667  0
  0.25  xa1  0.325  0
  0.125  xa1  xa 2  xa 3  0.
Hence, we are start from the point ( x 0 , 0 )  (1.41376683,0.002421,0.125).
We first formulate the problem (19) in the form
Subject to
g1 ( x1 , x2 ,  )   x1  x2  2.5  1  0
g 2 ( x1 , x2 ,  )  (1   ) x1  (2   ) x2  2  3  0
g 3 ( x1 , x2 ,  )  (2  2 ) x1  (3  2 ) x2  3  4  0
g 4 ( x1 , x2 ,  )   x1  0
g 5 ( x1 , x2 ,  )   x2  0
g 6 ( x1 , x2 ,  )    0
g 7 ( x1 , x2 ,  )    1  0 .
The direction finding problem for each the arbitrary constant point ( x1 , x2 ,  ) is as follows:
Subject to
 d3  z  0
 d1  d 2  2.5d 3  z   g1 ( x1 , x2 ,  )
(1   )d1  (2   )d 2  ( x1  x2 )d 3  z   g 2 ( x1 , x2 ,  )
(2  2 )d1  (3  2 )d 2  (2 x1  2 x2 )d 3  z   g 3 ( x1 , x2 ,  )
 d1  z   x1
 d 2  z   x2
d3  z  1  
 1  d1 , d 2 , d 3  1.
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
Iteration 1
Search Direction: For the initial point ( x 0 ,  0 )  (1 .41376683 ,0 .002421 ,0 .125 ) t the direction
finding problem is as follows:
Subject to
 d3  z  0
 d1  d 2  2.5d 3  z  0.10368784
1.125d1  2.125d 2  3.4162d 3  z  1.15436768
2.25d1  3.25d 2  5.8324d 3  z  0.436156
 d1  z  1.41377
 d 2  z  0.0024
 d 3  z  0.125
d 3  z  0.875
 1  d j  1, j  1, 2 , 3 .
The optimal solution to the above problem is
( d 1 , z1 )  ( 0 .00455939 ,0 .040353486 , 0 .042774491 ,  0 .042774491 ) t .
Line Search: The maximum value of l such that x 0  ld 0 is feasible is given by
lmax  1.09670256. Hence l1  1.09670256. We then have
( x1 , 1 )  ( x 0 , 0 )  l1d 0  (1.41998447,0.04667676,0.17191087) t .
The process is then repeated. Then, we have:
( x 2 ,  2 )  (1 .45693175 ,0 .00000018 ,0 .18193177 ) t
( x 3 ,  3 )  (1 .45719935 ,0 .00103274 ,0 .18296452 ) t
( x 4 ,  4 )  (1 .45801560 ,  0 .00000000 ,0 .18318790 ) t
( x 5 ,  5 )  (1 .45802153 ,0 .00002256 ,0 .18321046 ) t
( x 6 ,  6 )  (1 .45803936 ,0 .00000000 ,0 .18321584 ) t
( x 7 ,  7 )  (1 .45803949 ,0 .00000049 ,0 .18321584 ) t
( x 8 ,  8 )  (1 .45803988 ,  0 .00000000 ,0 .18321594 ) t .
The optimal solution for the main problem (18) is
( x1* , x2* )  (1.45803988,0.00000000) t ,
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
which has the best membership grad * = 0.18321594.
The progress of the algorithm of the method of feasible directions of Topkis and Veinott of
Example 2 is depicted in Figure 3.
Figure3. Approximate solution x1 (.), x2 (.),  (.).
Now, we solve the problem (22) with the augmented Lagrangian penalty function method. We
convert the problem (22) to (25). Select initial Lagrangian multipliers and positive values for the
penalty parameters
ui  0 , i  0.1 , i  1 ,..., 7 .
The starting point is taken as ( x 0 , 0 )  (1,1,1) t and   0.00001. Since VIOL( x 0 , 0 )  3   we
going to inner loop. The augmented Lagrangian penalty function is as:
FAL ( x,  , u )    101 [ x1  x2  2.5  1]2
 [(1   ) x1  (2   ) x2  2  3]2
 101 [(2  2 ) x1  (3  2 ) x2  3  4]2 ,
with solving problem minimize FAL ( x,  , u ) we obtain
( x 1 , 1 )  ( 0 . 88778718 , 0 . 10414525 , 0 . 50264920 ) t ,
and VIOL( x1 , 1 )  1.26469058   and also VIOL( x1 , 1 )  14 VIOL( x 0 , 0 )  84  2.
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
Hence, we go to outer loop step. The new Lagrangian multipliers are as
u new  ( 0 . 25293811 , 0 , 0 . 11862916 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ).
Set k = 1, and we go to the inner loop step. The process is then repeated. Then, we have:
( x 3 ,  3 )  (1 . 59043285 ,  0 . 00435813 , 0 . 10791938 ) t
VIOL ( x 3 ,  3 )  0 . 00436
( x 4 ,  4 )  (1 . 42634348
, 0 . 00012926
, 0 . 19523932
, 0 . 18271767
, 0 . 18342549
VIOL ( x 4 ,  4 )  0 . 06162557
( x 5 ,  5 )  (1 . 45584285
, 0 . 00027062
VIOL ( x 5 ,  5 )  0 . 00068072
( x 6 ,  6 )  (1 . 4887092
,  0 . 00014049
VIOL ( x 6 ,  6 )  0 . 00273355
( x 7 ,  7 )  (1 . 45814601
,  0 . 00000151
, 0 . 18318092
VIOL ( x 7 ,  7 )  0 . 0000388
( x 8 ,  8 )  (1 . 45802558
, 0 . 00000024
, 0 . 18322008
, 0 . 18321458
VIOL ( x 8 ,  8 )  0 . 0000244
( x 9 . 9 )  (1 . 45803637
, 0 . 00000034
VIOL ( x 9 ,  9 )  0 .
The optimal solution for the main problem (22) is
( x1* , x2* )  (1.45803637,0.00000034) t ,
which has the best membership grad * = 0.18321458.
The progress of the algorithm of the method of the augmented Lagrangian penalty function of
Example 2 is depicted in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Approximate solution x1 (.), x2 (.),  (.).
S. Effati and H. Abbasiyan
Let us solve the problem (23) by using the fuzzy decisive set method.
For   1 , the problem can be written as
x1  x 2  3 .5
2 x1  3 x 2  1
4 x1  5 x 2  1
x1  x 2  0 ,
and since the feasible set is empty, by taking L  0 and R  1, the new value of  
0 1
01 / 2
01 / 4
For   12  0.5 , the problem can be written as
x1  x 2  1 .25
x1 
x2  2
3 x1  4 x 2 
x1  x 2  0 ,
and since the feasible set is empty, by taking L  0 and R  12 , the new value of  
is tried. For   14  0.25 , the problem can be written as
x 1  x 2  1 . 625
x1 
x2 
x1 
x2 
x1  x 2  0 ,
and since the feasible set is empty, by taking L  0 and R  14 , the new value of  
is tried. For   18  0.125 , the problem can be written as
x1  x 2  1 .3125
x1 
x2 
x1 
x2 
x1  x 2  0 ,
and since the feasible set is nonempty, by taking
  1/ 821/ 4  163 is tried.
L  18 and R  14 , the new value of
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
The following values of  are obtained in the next twenty one iterations:
 0.1875
 0.15625
 0.171875
 0.1796875
 0.18359375
 0.181640625
 0.182617187
 0.183105468
  0.183215915 .
Consequently, we obtain the optimal value of  at the twenty fifth iteration of the fuzzy decisive
set method. Note that, the optimal value of  found at the second iteration of the method of
feasible direction of Topkis and Veinott and at the sixth iteration of the augmented Lagragian
penalty function method is approximately equal to the optimal value of  calculated at the
twenty fifth iteration of the fuzzy decisive set method.
7. Conclusions
This paper presents a method for solving fuzzy linear programming problems in which both the
right-hand side and the technological coefficients are fuzzy numbers. After the defuzzification
using method of Bellman and Zadeh, the crisp problems are non-linear and even non-convex in
general. We use here the "modified subgradient method" and "method of feasible directions” for
solving these problems. We also compare the new proposed methods with well known "fuzzy
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The Algorithm of the Fuzzy Decisive Set Method
This method is based on the idea that, for a fixed value of  , the problem (9) is linear
programming problems. Obtaining the optimal solution * to the problem (9) is equivalent to
determining the maximum value of  so that the feasible set is nonempty. The algorithm of this
method for the problem (9) is presented below.
Step 1. Set   1 and test whether a feasible set satisfying the constraints of the problem (9)
exists or not, using phase one of the Simplex method. If a feasible set exists, set   1 ,
otherwise, set L  0 and R  1 and o to the next step.
Step 2. For the value of      , update the value of L and R using the bisection method as
L   , if feasible set is nonempty for  ,
R   , if feasible set is empty for  .
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. 05, Issue 2 (December 2010) [Previously, Vol. 05, Issue 10, pp. 1601 – 1630]
Consequently, for each  , test whether a feasible set of the problem (9) exists or not using phase
one of the Simplex method and determine the maximum value * satisfying the constraints of
the problem (9).