Baculovirus Molecular Biology Figures and Tables (revised 5/10/09) Copyright G. F. Rohrmann

Baculovirus Molecular Biology
Figures and Tables
(revised 5/10/09)
Copyright G. F. Rohrmann
These figures are freely available for non commercial use:
For other use contact:
George F. Rohrmann
Department of Microbiology
Oregon State University
Rohrmann GF. Baculovirus Molecular Biology. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for
Biotechnology Information; 2008 November.
Fig. 1.1 Baculovirus Occlusion Bodies.
Scanning EM by K. Hughes and R.B. Addison
Fig. 1.2. Phylogenetic relatedness of LEF8 from
selected baculoviruses. Neighbor joining;
bootstrap analysis (1000 reps).
Table 1.1. Distribution1 of baculoviruses in insect
orders {Martignoni, 1986 #254}.
Insect orders
Indicates the number of species that have been
reported to be infected
Table 1.2 Genera of the Baculoviridae
Lepidopteran NPVs
Lepidopteran GVs
Gamm abaculovirus
Hymenopteran NPVs
Dipteran NPVs
Table 1.3. Genes1 found in and unique to all sequenced Group I NPV genomes
Ac1 (ptp), Ac16 (BV-ODV26), Ac27 (iap-1), Ac30, Ac42 (gta), Ac72, Ac73,
Ac114, Ac124, Ac128 (gp64), Ac 132, Ac151 (ie2)
Genes are designated by their AcMNPV orf number
Table 1.4. Genome size and predicted ORF content* of selected baculoviruses
Virus typ e
Name of Virus
Size (kb)
(>50 aa)
Group I (12 members) **
Group II (16 members)
GV (10 members)
Hymenopt. NPV (3 members)
Dipteran NPV (1 member)
EppoMNPV (45)
AnpeNPV (46)
AcMNPV (47)
AdhoNPV (48)
Agse NPV (50)
LeseNPV (51)
AdorGV (52)
CrleGV (31)
CpGV (33)
XecnGV (30)
NeleNPV (53)
NeabNPV (54)
NeseNPV (55)
CuniNPV (56)
*Selected from ove r 40 g eno me seq uences (2 008 )
**T he num bers i n brackets indicate the to tal num ber of gen omes in the categor y.
Table 1.5. Conserved genes in baculoviruses and nudiviruses
Conserved in baculovirus
Conserved in Nudivirus
Ac6 Lef2
Ac14 Lef1
Ac22 PIF2
Ac40 p47
Ac50 LEF-8
Ac54 vp1054
Ac62 LEF9
Ac65 DNA pol
Ac77 VLF-1
Ac80 gp41
Ac83 VP91
Ac89 VP39
Ac90 LEF-4
Ac92 p33
Ac95 DNA helicase
Ac99 LEF-5
Ac100 p6.9
Ac115 PIF-3
Ac119 PIF-1
Ac133 Alkaline nuclease
Ac138 p74
Ac143 odv-E18
Ac148 odv-e56
Table 2.1 Proteins Associated with Baculovirus Occlusion Bodies
AcMNPV orf # and name
Distribution in the Baculoviridae
Effe ct of Deletion2
Ac8 Polyhedrin
Ac131 Polyhedro n
envelop e/Calyx
All except CuniNPV
A few NPVs and GVs
Ac137 p10
Group I/II; some GVs
Alkaline prot eases
Non bac ulovirus contaminants
CuniNPV polyhedrin is unrelated to that of other baculoviruses.
For details see Chapter 11
Fig. 2.1. Two adjacent dissolved polyhedra showing rod-shaped virions trapped by the collapsed
polyhedron envelope. Photo by K. Hughes
Fig. 2.2. Fibrous p10-containing material aligned with the calyx/polyhedron envelope.
Photo courtesy of G. Willi ams. From (133), with permission.
Fig. 2.3. Polyhedra from OpMNPV with the polyhedron envelope protein and p10 genes deleted. From
(8), with permission
Fig. 2.4. Distribution of envelope fusion proteins. Group I have homologs of both GP64 and F,
but F is not a fusion protein. Group II, GVs and dipteran viruses have homologs of F, whereas
the hy menopteran viruses have homologs of neither GP64 nor F.
Fig. 2.5. Structure of the baculovirus F (fusion) protein (Ld130) from LdMNPV and AcMNPV GP64.
A) Ld130 F protein. Shown is a predicted signal peptide (SP), fusion peptide (FP) and transmembrane
domain (TM) including the amino acid coordinates. The cleavage site is indicated by the arrow. A
predicted coiled coil domain is also indicated. The disulfi de bond is predicted from (134). B) GP64.
This figur e is derived from Kadlec (55).
Table 2.2. Occlusion Derived Virus Envelope Proteins and Per os infectivity factors
AcMNPV orf # and name
Distr ibution in the
Effect of Deletion
Ac16, BV/ODV-E26
Lep. I
Viable (74)
Ac46, ODV-E66
Lep. I, II, GV
Viable (82)
Ac94, ODV-E25
Lep. I, II, GV
Not viable (82)
Ac109, ODV-EC43
Not viable (82)
Ac143 ODV-E18
Lep. I, II
Not viable (85)
Ac148, ODV-E56
Severel y compromised (82)
Ac22, pif-2
Viable (not per os) (88)
Ac115, pif-3
Viable (not per os) (88)
Ac119, pif-1
Viable (not per os) (88)
Ac138, p74
Viable (not per os) (135)
All but CuniNPV
Viable (reduced per os) (94)
Lep. I (a few)
Viable (94)
ODV enve lope proteins
Per os infectivity factors
Fig. 2.6. Selected structu ral proteins of ODV. Shown are enve lope proteins, the tegument
protein, gp41, the DNA binding prote in, p6.9, the PIF proteins, and two basal end-associated
proteins, pp78/83 and VLF-1. There are a variety of other capsid proteins (see text), but they
appear to have a more generalized distribution.
Table 2.3 Selected Proteins Associated with Baculovirus Nucleocapsids
Name and AcMNPV orf #
Ac100, P6.9 DNA binding
Distr ibution in the
Effect of Deletion or
Not viable (82)
Ac90, VP39
Not viable (82)
Ac80 GP41 tegument
Not viable (112)
Not viable (113, 115)
Not viable (113)
Severel y compromised (126)
Ac92 (P33)
Not viable(82)
Ac54 (VP1054)
Not viable (112)
Ac77 VLF-1
Not viable (136)
Ac104, VP80
Lep. I and II NPV
Not viable (82)
Ac9, PP78/83
Lep. I and II NPV
Not viable(124)
Ac129, P24
Lep. I, II, GV
Viable (132)
Fig. 3.1. A lif e cycle of a baculovirus causing systemi c infection. Occlusion bodies ingested by an
insect, dissolve in the mi dgut and ODV are released which then infect epitheli al cell s (A). The virion
buds out of the cell in a basal direction and initiate a systemi c infection (B). Early in the systemi c
infection more BV are produced which spread the infection throughout the insect (C). Late in infection
occluded virions are produced, and the cell then dies releasing the occlusion bodies (D). The virogenic
stroma (VS) is indicated.
Fig. 3.2. The insect midgut and virus infection. The midgut cell s generate the peritrophic membrane
(PM) by the synthesis and secretion of chitin, muccopolysaccharides and proteins. They also secrete
digestive enzymes and ions that regulate the pH. Occlusion bodies are dissolved by the high pH in the
midgut lumen, and are further degraded by proteinases that may also digest the PM. The three major
types of midgut cells are indicated, columnar
Fig. 3.3 PH profiles along the gut lumens of two lepidoperan species. The pH of the
hemolymph was 6.7. The species shown are Lichnoptera felina (circles) and Manduca sexta
(triangles). This figure is reproduced with permission of the Company of Biologists from (18).
Fig. 3.4. Possible interactions of selected ODV enve lope proteins and vp91 with midgut cells.
VP91, Ac145 and Ac150 all have chitin binding domains suggesting that they may interact with
chitin synthes izing cells. P74, PIF-1 and -2 bind to midgut cells. The ro le of PIF-3 is not
known. ODV-E66 has an enzymatic activity ( halurona n lyase) that may assist in initiating the
Fig. 3.5. Budded virus infection of a Group I virus. BV attach to receptors located in clathrin
coated pits via GP64 and are endocyto sed (A). The endocyt ic vesicle is acidified and this
changes t he conformation of GP64 and causes the virion enve lope to fuse with the endosomal
membrane releasing the nuc leocapsid into the cytop lasm (B). The nuc leocapsid may enter the
nuc leus or insert its DNA through a nuc lear pore complex (C), genes are transcribed, DNA is
replicated and nuc leocapsids are assembled in the virogenic stroma (D). In Group I virus, at
least two enve lope proteins are synthesized, GP64 and F. They are likely trans lated in
association with the endoplasmic reticulum, glycosylated and transported to and incorporated
into the cytoplasmic membrane via the Golgi apparatus (E). Nucleocapsids destined to
become BV exit the nuc leus and are thought to trans iently obtain an envelope that is lost (F).
They move to the cytoplasmic membrane at the site of concent rations of GP64 and F proteins,
bud th rough, and obtain envelopes (G).
Fig. 3.6. A hypothetical diagram of ODV membrane morphogenesis. In this diagram mRNA
encoding ODV envelope proteins are transcribed (A) and exported (B) to the cytoplasm for
trans lation (C) and the proteins are then targ eted to the nuc leus (D). Some of these proteins
may be targeted to the inner nuc lear membrane and induce it to invag inate thereby forming
microvesicles (E). The microvesicles may be furth er modified by the incorporation of additional
virally encoded ODV enve lope proteins and then virions become enve loped (F, G). Shown
are the outer nuc lear membrane (onm), the inner nuc lear membrane (inm) and nuc lear pore
complexes (npc).
Fig. 3.7. A granulovirus life cycle with syste mic infection. Many feature s of a systemic GV
infection are likely to be similar to that of NPVs, including the infection of insect midgut and the
syste mic spread to other tissues (A, B). However, the GV infection leads to the clearing of the
nuc leus with nuc lear material (N) locating to the margins (C) and the virogenic stroma (VS)
distributed thr oughou t the nucleus. Later in the infection the nuc lear membrane becomes
fragmented and the nuc lear and cytoplasmic regions merge (D). This figure is interpreted from
(75, 91).
Fig. 4.1. The baculovirus transcriptional cascade showing the interrelationship of host and viral
RNA polymerases and DNA replication and VLF-1.
Fig. 4.2. Diagram of the AcMNPV genome showing hrs. The nu mbers in circles indicate the
number of repeats in each hr. Below is shown a representative palindrome with mismatches
shown as underlined italicized larger type. The EcoRI site at the center of the palindrome is
also und erlined. At t he bottom is a schematic showing the CRE- and TRE-like sequences that
are located between the major palindromes.
Fig. 4.3. Activation of baculovirus early gene transcription by hrs and IE1 . This diagram
shows two possible mechanism by which IE1 activates transcription. Transcription might be
activated directly by IE1 as shown in the bottom of the diagram, or it can interact with both
RNA polymerase II (in blue) and hr sequences thereby bringing hr-bound transcriptional
activators in close proximity to RNA polymerase II as shown i n the top of the figure.
Table 5.1. Viral genes essential for DNA replication
DNA pol
Primase accessory factor
Origin binding protein
Processivit y factor
+ (LEF-3)
+ (LEF1)
+ (LEF2)
+ (p143)
+ IE1 (?)
+ (UL30)
+ (ICP8)
+ (UL52)
+ (UL8)
+ (UL5)
+ (UL9)
Fig. 5.1 AcMNPV DNA replication. This diagram shows a hypoth etical
relationship of the baculovirus replication factors along with several factors, DNA
ligase and topoisomerase that are likely contributed by the host. IE1 is also
shown, although its role is unk nown. Diagram courtesy of and modified from a
figure by Mariana Ruiz.
Fig. 5.2 The oretical diagram of different stages of DNA replication and
packaging. Shown is replication coordinated with packaging (a and b) and DNA
replication that is independent of packaging showing extensive recombination
(f,g). The large stippled area is the virogenic stroma (VS). The circularization of
the gen ome by recombination is also indicated (c). Mature virions are
represented by (d and e).
Fig. 5.3 Hypothetical diagram for roles of two types of baculovirus DNA; genomic
DNA that is packaged and DNA that is not packaged and is essential for very late
transcr iption.
Fig. 6.1. Homology of baculovirus RNA polymerase subunits. The similarity of
the LEF-8 and -9 subunits to the two la rgest RNA polymerase subun its of
Drosophila melanogaster RNA po lymerase II is shown. In add ition, the
relatedness of P47 to the alpha subunit of B. subtilis RNA polymerase as
determined by HHpred is indicated (see text). The numbers at the end of the
lines indicate the size of each protein in amino acids. The numbers before the
sequences indicates the location of the domain within the sequenc e. The
under lined amino acids are not conserved.
Fig. 6.2. Relationships of RNA polymerase subunits. The large subunits, ’ and
in some
archaea have undergone fission and are present as either 3 or 4 components. The subunits are
color-coded indicating relatedness except for the auxillary subunits shown in white. This figure is
based on the data of . For description of baculovirus homology, see text.
Fig. 6.3. Capping baculovirus mRNA. The four modifications that occur dur ing
capping are summarized in the following steps: 1; LEF-4 has t he potential to
dephosphorylate the 5' end of mRNA; 2, and to transf er guanosine to the 5' end
of the mRNA; 3, the guanosine is methylated--enzy me is unkno wn; 4. The 2' OH
group of the terminal A is methylated by an unknown methytrans ferase. The
final struct ure is shown at the bottom.
Fig. 6.4. Comparison of late and very late gene trans cription. Shown is late
gene transcription (a), and a hyp othetical mechanism for the shutoff of late
transcr iption (b), and activation of very late gene trans cription involving VLF-1
interact ing with the burst sequenc e (sho wn as a red rectangle) (c and d). Late
transcr iption initiates within the la te promoter element. Therefore all late
messages likely begin with the sequence UAAG.
Fig. 7.1. The cell cycle is regulated by the phosphorylation state of different cyclin molecules.
Baculovirus infection appears to block the cell cycle and prevents cells from und ergoing
mitosis. They likely induce a 'pseudo' S phase-like environment in which the virus
transcr iptional activator IE1, along with hr enhancer sequences pref erentially activate early
viral genes leading to DNA replication and the product ion of the baculovirus RNA polymerase.
Fig. 7.2. Cell death regulation by baculovirus apoptotic suppressors. a) Baculovirus apoptotic
inhibitors P49 and P35 prevent apopt osis by blocking caspase activity. b) IAP-3 (vIAP) may
block apoptosis by interfering with cellular antagonists that interfere with cellular IAP funct ion.
By blocking these antagonists, the cellular IAPs are free to block apoptosis.
Table 10.1 Major Factors influencing high levels of baculovirus very late gene transcription
Ability of viru s to cause systemic
Allows viru s to exploit insect synthetic systems,
e.g., the fat body
2 Shut off of early baculoviru s and host
Makes host cell biosynthetic systems avai lable
3 Shut off of baculoviru s late gene
Makes baculoviru s RNA polymerase available
4 A high concentration of unpackaged vir al
High copy numbers of very late genes are
accessible for transcri ption
5 Efficiency of the baculovirus RNA
Facilitates high leve l mRNA production and
RNA capping
6 The biosynthetic capacity of insect cells
Allows high leve l very late gene expression
gene transcription