Wednesday, January 13th, 2016
Fisher Student Center – Sunset Beach Room
2:00 – 4:00
Called to Order 2:00
Confirmation of Quorum (16 members needed for quorum) 2:02
Approval of minutes from December meeting 3:00
Reading of Conflict of Interest Statement 3:02
Special Guest: Chancellor Sartarelli 2:00 to 3:00
Topics discussed included:
 Strategic planning-Goal is to have strategic plan completed by installation on 3/31/2016
 Master plan: Determine the impact of projected growth on UNCW and Budget
 Goal is to attract and retain more students, add more freshman scholarships and increase SAT score to
1250. Also, add more student advisors so they know students by name.
 Find more companies to hire students. 350 companies now. Goal is 1000.
 Staff is very important and interfaces with students. We all play a role.
 New allied health building. Cost projected to be $66 million. 165,000 square feet. Will straddle Chancellor’s Walk.
 UNCW is top 7th employer in Wilmington with almost billion dollar impact in community.
 Working on having some 4 year engineering degrees.
 Working on relationships with 3 universities in Brazil and with university of Milano in Italy
 In response to a question about staff retention plans: Improve succession planning and launch EPA non-faculty
 Goal is to grow without sacrificing quality.
 In response to a question regarding what staff can do if they are at the top of their band:
 A graduate today is expected to work with 10 different companies. So to grow, you have to consider
moving within the university or outside of the university. Take risks. Be prepared and work hard. It's okay
to think about yourself.
 In response to a question about how we increase our community spirit as we grow and how to have the town
embrace UCNW:
 Improve sports and branding. Sell more tickets.
 Bigger signs coming into town.
 "Football?" Will visit this later. By 2020 we are estimated to grow to 350,000 in surrounding area and
can then support a football team.
 In response to the question “How are you (your efforts, your campaigns) being received”:
 Lots of support but how do we convert that support into money? How do we become a second Alma
mater? We need to engage our successful students. One of our graduates is the owner of old dominion
trucking lines and he had never been contacted. Chancellor met with him recently.
Chairs’ update:
Met with Chancellor today and discussed survey. We have been told that we will be meeting with him about
Chancellor’s salary increases. Chancellor realized that there is not a staff member on strategic plan integration team.
Andy Mauk and I are on it but I am checking to see if someone else can go in my place because it is a big time
commitment. Also, we had the opportunity to discuss the Staff Assembly golf tournament with Bradley Ballou and
his possible involvement. This event raises funds for staff senate.
New business:
 Staff survey follow up by Lauren AutonSurvey committee met Monday. Spring survey to ask questions about staff thinks UNCW is doing...
 To gain a better understanding how priorities are being addressed.
 To identify where there is work to be done.
 Goal is to send out in late January and be out for two weeks.
 Prizes with this survey too. If you have a donation, please let Lauren know.
From feedback on last survey, Dawn and I decided to make sure comments in this survey do not have any
identifying comments and make every one aware that comments will be shared when results are shared.
Senators discussed the pros and cons of releasing survey comments.
 Received two suggestion box comments which were anonymous. One asked for survey comments (which we
discussed earlier in staff senate meeting) and one questioned facilities hiring issues and low morale. Suggestion
re facilities was forwarded to HR.
 Installation for chancellor is 3/31. Chancellor apologizes that all staff cannot attend. Dawn will forward list of
volunteer opportunities to Senators when she gets it.
Old business:
 Holiday cards for Heroes: handed out 400 cards in person. Collected 1100 cards. Great thing to do on annual
Treasures report:
 Spent $280 for Holiday cards for Heroes.
 Still have money. Please brainstorm now for February meeting where we will decide how to spend funds.
Human resources report:
 Search for Associate Vice Chancellor for facilities is under way.
 HR hired a new employment and compensation consultant.
 All UNCW positions are in People Admin.
 Easing of merit increases by legislature, however, are contingent to department budgets.
 Total compensation statements will be sent by the end of the month.
 Question directed to Senators: Have you had Smart time training pushback? Discussion followed.
 Problem is training didn't proceed implementation. Because other groups were being trained first.
 Questions from Senators:
 TAC gets a lot of questions from staff re time sheets so who do we direct them to? After discussion, HR
answer was to direct them to leave keepers.
 Can we keep Excel spreadsheets (for timesheets)? After discussion, HR Answer was No.
Committees Reports
 Scholarships: OIP scholarship is being issued in May. We will work on getting info out in February.
 Communications: We are working on website and close to getting it done.
 Orientation: Bookmarks template is complete and waiting on feedback and then printing.
 Bylaws-no update
 Nominations-meeting soon
 Faculty Assembly- meeting next week
Announcements from Departments
 HR-Lots of new hires in January
 Bradley Ballou is coming to February meeting. Dawn and Lauren are currently meeting with Chancellor on
monthly basis and anticipate meeting with Bradley Ballou on regular basis too.
Adjourned 3:45
Minutes taken by Melissa Cox, Staff Senate Secretary