The University of Louisiana at Monroe PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Primary Procurement Statues L.S.A.-R.S.


The University of Louisiana at Monroe


Primary Procurement Statues


39: Public Finance

38: Public Works

December 1, 2014


The Purchasing Department under the

Procurement Manager has the sole authority to order materials and contract for services. The University assumes no obligations except on a duly authorized

Purchase Order.

Requesting departments may not order materials or contract for services without first contacting the Purchasing


Procurement Types

Small Purchase

LaCarte Card

Contract for Services

Budget items of primary concern to the

Purchasing Department are:

Operating Services (703000) – Charges for services performed in connection with repairs, rental, printing, utilities, dues, subscriptions, etc.

Materials and Supplies (704000) – Any consumable item.

Professional Services (705000) – Services for personal, professional or consulting purposes which requires specialized knowledge, training, artistic ability, etc.


Other Charges (706000)- Purchases made for resell, which are not a part of a merchandising program. Also includes awards, scholarships, etc.

Capital Outlay (707000) – A non-consumable or nonrecurring item costing $1,000 or more with a useful life expectancy of more than a year and depreciate over its expected useful life.

Most Common Procurement Methods

Executive Order BJ 2010-16

State Contract

Brand Name Contracts

Sole Source Purchase

Proprietary Purchase

Sheltered Workshop-(Shredding)

Purchases < $5000

APPROVED ACQUISITION METHODS-No Competitive process is required.

Pay for purchase with personal funds (not recommended except for urgent needs, i.e. toner or printer cartridges)

Obtain receipt/invoice – submit check request for reimbursement (checks written on Wednesday night)


Submit requisition via Banner

PO issued – Department gets receiving reports

Payment – Invoice – Receiving Report to A/P


Use the State of LA purchasing card – no bids or quotes required.

** Artificial splitting of purchases is violation of bid laws and is not authorized – Executive Order BJ 2010-16

Purchases > $5,000 < $15,000

Submit requisition via Banner Finance

3 prospective bidders required

Telephone/fax quotes authorized or by other means

Purchasing Department personnel will solicit bids and/or quotes as required.

Provide phone, fax and current address of vendor.

PO issued – approximate 10 day turnaround

Purchases > $15,000, < $25,000

Submit requisition via Banner Finance

5 prospective bidders required

Fax or mail bids acceptable

Bid – out for 10 days

Purchasing Department personnel will solicit bids and/or quotes as required.

10 days required

PO issued after award

Purchases > $25,000

Submit requisition via Banner Finance

Complete specifications

5 or more bidders required

Sealed written bid responses required

Advertise: News Star and Morning Advocate in Baton

Rouge – *required*

Also required to be advertised on LaPac.

25 to 30 days required for process

PO issued – after award


Certain items have been considered small purchase by the Governor and are exempt from the competitive process under

Section 5 of Executive Order No. BJ 2010-


A copy of the Order is on file in the

Purchasing Department.

Lab Equip & Supplies < $25,000

For ongoing research only


NOT Required


Recommended – where possible

MUST submit form certifying the purchase is for ongoing research

State Contract

State contract number and line item number included on requisition.

Brand name or catalog contracts, obtain a quote, send to purchasing listing requisition number.

Sole Source and Proprietary

An item is available from a single supplier.

Must be accompanied by a letter from the national marketing representative on the vendor’s letterhead stating that he is the only known source for the item.

Must have a firm price quote.

Sole Source and Propriety cont.

A proprietary purchase is one in which a certain product is the only product that will meet the needs.

Manufacturer has chosen to distribute.

Send a letter justifying (Sole Source &

Propriety form) the need.

Bids must be solicited.

Sheltered Workshop

Employment Development Services

(EDS) – State Use Contract No.


This contract is used for shredding of documents through ARCO.

Contact ShaKeya in Purchasing at 342-


Small Entrepreneurship Programs

(Hudson and Veterans Initiatives)

The Small Entrepreneurship (SE) Programs (Hudson and Veterans

Initiatives) are goal-oriented programs which encourage state agencies to contract with certified small entrepreneurships

(SE’s) as well as encourage contractors who receive contracts from the state to use good faith efforts to utilize certified SE’s in the performance of the contract. The small entrepreneurship programs are race and gender-neutral programs. The primary intent of these programs is to provide additional opportunities for

Louisiana-based small entrepreneurships (SE’s) that are certified by the Louisiana Department of Economic Development to participate in contracting and procurement with the State.

Other Policies

Office of Public Relations should be contacted for all print jobs.

Capital Outlay items other than software cannot be purchased from the Bookstore.

Copy paper should be ordered from the

State Contract pricing.

Contact Purchasing Department for

Shredding information.



Enter requisition in Banner Finance.

Funding must be available.

Funds are encumbered at time of requisition.

Approved electronically by approving authority.

Purchasing Personnel process approved requisition in accordance with R.S. Titles 38 & 39: Executive Order, or

University Policy.

Submit a full and complete description and specifications for all items. May be submitted electronically, faxed, or campus mail.

Attachments – State Contract, Check with Order, Ongoing

Research, Bid Specifications, etc. are sent with Campus

Correspondence form stating the requisition number.


All merchandise will be delivered to requesting delivery location except those items which must be delivered to the warehouse.

Department will receive items in Banner

The Yellow department copy is sent to the

Controller’s office with the Receiver number listed.

Cancellation or Modification of Orders

Requests for cancellation or modifications of purchase orders, including an increase or decrease in the dollar amount, should be submitted to the Purchasing

Department by use of the Change/Cancellation Form.

An official notification will be sent to the vendor by means of a University Purchase Order Change Order.

Change Orders can only be handled through the

Purchasing Department.

PO Distribution

White copy to vendor

Pink copy to controller’s office

Yellow copy to department

Buff retained by Purchasing Department

Purchasing Dept provides copy of PO’s for capital outlay to Property Control

Susie Clay

Procurement Manager 1

Ph. 318 342 5209

Rose Joseph (PartTime)

Procurement Specialist II

Ph. 318 342 5210

Shakeya Rodgers

Procurement Specialist II

Ph. 318 342 5208

Chelsea Carter

Procurement Specialist 1

Ph. 318 342 5211



College of Health & Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacy)

Physical Plant/Warehouse


Major Repair Projects

Risk Management – (Third Party, Property, Theft)

LaCarte Card/CBA Administrator


College of Business & Social Sciences

Executive Vice President

Executive Director Alumni & Community Relations

Executive Director Auxillary Enterprises

Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management

Vice President for Student Affairs

Graduate School

College of Arts, Education & Sciences

College of Health & Pharmaceutical Sciences (Health Sciences)


Executive Director Foundation

Vice President for Academic Affairs

Business Affairs

Risk Management – Exposure Reporting

Administrative Related Questions

Vendor Information W-9)

Assist with Risk Management, Requisitions, Purchase Order quetsions
