ACCOUNTHOLDER INSTRUCTIONS this guide, you will learn how to:

This guide provides information needed for an accountholder to manage transactions. Within
this guide, you will learn how to:
 Allocate or edit a transaction and enter a description
 Sign off on a transaction
 Dispute a transaction
 Remove a flag on a transaction
 View Authorization Log
Each of the above topics includes step-by-step instructions for performing a specific task. You
can review all of the tasks in this guide or review the task that is specific to your interest.
Allocate or Edit a Transaction and Enter a Description
1. On the Home Page under Action Items>Current Status, click on the Pending link.
These are the transactions ready for accountholder or approver sign off.
2. Click the desired Document number. A menu displays.
3. Select View Full Details. The Transaction Detail screen displays.
4. Select the Allocation & Detail tab.
5. Select the Allocation & Detail tab, edit, if applicable. Enter codes in the following fields to
identify how the segment will be allocated
 GL01: Fund/Agency/Organization
 GL02:
 GL03: Object
 GL04: Sub-Object
 GL05:
Agency/Reporting Category
6. To add additional lines of funding, click on the Add button and choose how many
additional lines you need.
7. Fill in the amount, description, account number, and coding for the additional lines of
8. Click Save.
9. In the upper right corner of the Allocation & Detail tab, click on the Actions drop down
10. Click Sign Off. The Confirm Sign Off screen displays enter a description of the
11. Click OK.
12. This completes the procedure.
Disputing a Transaction
 Accountholders will only be able to dispute their transactions
 Approvers/Managers/Supervisors will only be able to dispute for accountholders they
have been assigned to approve, depending on the agency workflow configuration.
 Accountants will be able to dispute Accountholders transaction after the transaction has
been swept.
To dispute a transaction, complete the following:
1. On the Home Page under Action Items>Sign Off>Current Status, click on the Pending
2. Click the desired Document number. A drop-down menu displays.
3. Click Dispute. The Dispute Transaction screen displays.
4. Enter the Dispute Amount, if different from the purchase total.
5. Select the Reason for Dispute from the drop-down menu.
Note: Depending on the Reason for Dispute, additional information may be required.
6. Enter Comments, if desired.
7. Select the I have examined the charge(s) made to my account and wish to dispute the
transaction check box.
8. Click OK. The screen displays a confirmation message.
9. This completes the procedure.
10. NOTE: You must inform your agency LaCarte Program Administrators that you have a
Remove Flag
To remove a flag, complete the following:
1. On the Home Page under Action Items>Current Status, click on the Flagged link.
2. Select the check box for the Document you wish to “un-flag.” The action buttons at the
bottom of the screen become enabled.
3. Click Remove Flag. The Confirm Remove Flag window displays.
4. Enter a Comment. You will not be able to remove the flag unless you enter a
5. Click OK.
6. This completes the procedure.
The Authorization Log allows you to see transactions that have been approved by the bank
but have not yet posted to Works; if a transaction was declined, the reason why is shown.
1. On the Home Page, Accounts Dashboard, click on the last 4 digits of your account ID.
NOTE: The Accounts Dashboard also lists your credit limit, balance, and available
credit. This is useful information easily referenced on the Works Home Page.
2. Click on the Actions link in the upper right corner.
3. Click View Auth Log.
4. The next screen will be your Authorization Log.