NEWSLETTER! Volume 25 Number 1 September 2012 *************************************************************** Welcome back to the news and events of CFFLC! If you look above, you will see that this is Volume 25 of our newsletter and the 25th year of the Collaborative! Collaborative communication has become much easier over the years; we no longer send newsletters in campus mail, by US Mail, or through the systems of the county schools. News of job openings, workshops, films, etc., is spread almost instantaneously. This having been noted… Everyone is encouraged to forward a copy of this newsletter with a personal invitation to attend to someone else in your school or county. If you are the only person who attends from your school or county, please send an e-mail announcement to your list of FL teachers. Consider especially new teachers or teachers new to our part of the state. We all have so much support and knowledge to share. As always we will keep track of attendance for the year and will distribute certificates verifying attendance at meetings. These may be used to request CEU credit from your school system. Dates for our Professional Development Meetings for 2012-2013 September 15 November 3 January 26 March 16 8:45 - 12:00 8:45 - 12:00 8:45- 12:00 8:45 - 12:00 Leutze Hall 136 and adjacent rooms Leutze Hall 136 Leutze Hall 136 Leutze Hall 136 SEPTEMBER MEETING September’s program will include (with approximate times): 8:45 Breakfast snacks and registration 9:10 Business meeting and announcements Please bring announcements of school changes, cultural events, workshops and conferences, etc. We will hear a treasurer’s report, discuss committee work and scholarships, and request volunteers for committees. 9:40 Update and Review of the Wiki – Ashlee Balena, UNCW 10:00 -12:00 Applied Learning Opportunities for Language Learners Faculty at UNCW will present ways in which they incorporate applied learning (including community outreach activities, internships, honors projects, etc.) in classes and programs. Time will be given for questions and answers and group discussion. Teachers in K-12 and in community colleges are encouraged to share their experiences during discussion. Faculty participating include Jess Boersma, organizer of the program, Amanda Boomershine, Amrita Das, Lizzy Irvin, Marianella Jara, Scott Juall, and Valerie Rider. GRANT OPPORTUNITY TO BE ANNOUNCED BY LATINO BOOK CLUB/ Bookmarks for sale: The Latino Book Club will have bookmarks available for sale at $1.00 each. Bring pocket change and extra dollars! (Remember these from last year?) Profits from the bookmarks and other fund-raising activities of the club buy books for school children. Amrita Das, sponsor of the club, will announce a grant that the group will give this year for a public school project. Application forms will be available. SPEAKER FOR JANUARY MEETING: The Planning Committee is excited to announce a special speaker for January. She is Norah Jones and her topic will be “Engaging and Motivating the Reluctant or Inhibited Language Learner.” Norah has been a consultant with Vista Higher Learning since 2005 and is an expert in Spanish, French, and Russian. We are grateful to Amanda Boomershine for contacting Mary Albertson of Vista Higher Learning and arranging their sponsorship of this event. Put January 26 on your calendar now! YEARLY DUES: Please be ready to pay CFFLC dues at the September meeting. Yearly dues are $15 ($5 for full-time students). Checks should be made to Cape Fear Foreign Language Collaborative. Dues may be mailed at any time to Julie Bordo, 202 Wayne Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403. We depend on your dues to help with miscellaneous expenses and with the scholarships. SPONSORS: CFFLC has been sponsored for twenty-four years by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. In recent years, we have also received support from the Office of Public Service and Continuing Studies and the Women’s Studies and Resource Center. With re-structuring of some offices at UNCW, the Office of Public Service and Continuing Studies no longer exists. Dr. Raymond Burt, chair of FLL, is working to find other campus support. SCHOLARSHIPS: Our scholarship program continues to be a success. We gave two scholarships to UNCW students last year and two to graduating seniors in high schools for a total of $1000 awarded. This is the largest amount that we have been able to award in one year! UPCOMING EVENTS: For Cinematique Films, see For UNCW Presents, see More at UNCW: Saturday, September 08 Thursday, September 27 Spanish Club Film Festival “Chico Y Rita” 8:00 PM-10:00PM Lumina Theater, FSC Spanish Club Film Festival “La Yuma” 7:00 PM-9:00PM Lumina Theater, FSC Thursday, October 04, 2012 Thursday, September 13 Spanish Club Film Festival “Lope” 7:00 PM-9:00PM Lumina Theater, FSC Spanish Club Film Festival “Que Culpa Tiene el Tomate ” 7:00 PM-9:00PM Lumina Theater, FSC Saturday, February 23 Thursday, September 20 Spanish Club Film Festival “Even the Rain” 7:00 PM-9:00PM Lumina Theater, FSC Contra Tiempo Urban Latin Dance 8:00 P.M. Kenan Auditorium Foreign Language Association of NC: October 11-13, 2012. Winston-Salem, NC. See ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please contact Joann Mount at in the event that you have professional information and announcements that you would like distributed to our membership. Hoping to see you at the September 15 meeting! Joann McFerran Mount, Coordinator of CFFLC Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, UNCW /