Volume 26
Number 4
March 2014
Last Professional Development Meeting for 2013-2014
March 22
8:45 - 12:00
Leutze Hall 136 Parking in Lot G (north of Leutze Hall)
Breakfast snacks and registration
Business meeting and announcements
Items on the agenda will include the April planning meeting, the scholarships to be
awarded next year, and fundraising for next year.
Announcement of recipient of the CFFLC Scholarship - High School Senior
“North Carolina Virtual Public School” – Ellen Minter Hart, (NCVPS) Curriculum and
Instruction, Division Director, Arts Education and World Languages
Have you wondered how the NC Virtual Public School works, who are the students, who
are the teachers? Are you eligible to teach? Come with your questions!
10:45 Fundraising Raffle
The raffle is great fun, but most importantly, it is essential for our scholarship program. Please
plan to contribute and to participate! The Fund-raising Committee will be posting items for the
raffle on our Wiki. If you obtain a donated item from a business, please give the business our
acknowledgement form. Be thinking of what you would like to contribute – baked goods,
crafts, art work, teaching materials, white elephants, books, decorating items, jewelry, flora (no
fauna, please.) If you have questions, please contact Joann Mount at , Cindy
Richards at, or Rosemary Jordan at
We received rave reviews of Ken Stewart’s workshop in January! Everyone agreed it was one of
the best invited speakers that we have had at CFFLC. The presentation was masterfully
organized and a provided a variety of materials and great ideas. Thanks to all 57 persons who
attended and thanks to L.J. Randolph for suggesting Ken as a speaker and extending the
invitation to speak.
We had 15 people participate in donating items, making advance preparations, and greeting the
public at our booth. This sets a record for number of teachers involved in one ifest ! . . . And we
looked great in our t-shirts!
Dr. Denise DiPuccio, Assistant Provost for International Programs, has written to give her thanks
to our group and to express that our “passports” are an essential part of the festival. Here’s what
she said:
”Please send the CFFLC members my thanks for another successful iFest. I honestly think this
was the best ever due, in no small part, to the enthusiasm you generate with the passport
We should add that the photo ops with the “Mona Lisa,” the “Poncho and Sombrero” and
“Model in Mexican Dress” were crowd pleasers, also, along with the children’s coloring activity
and the maracas and banks.
I want to give special recognition and thanks to Rachel for planning the array of items at the
booth, scheduling the workers, assembling passports, getting a new poster made, and spending
the whole day at the booth. Rachel gives special thanks to Mahriana Rofheart for helping
assemble 200+ passports! Everyone played a big part in the success of the day!
SCHOLARSHIPS: Our scholarship program continues to be a success. We gave scholarships
to three UNCW students in Fall 2013 for a total of $900; in the spring, we will give a scholarship
to one high school senior for a total of $200.
YEARLY DUES: Yearly dues are $15 ($5 for full-time students). Checks should be made to
Cape Fear Foreign Language Collaborative. Dues may be mailed at any time to our treasurer
Julie Bordo, 202 Wayne Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403. We depend on your dues to help with
miscellaneous expenses and with the scholarships.
SPONSORS: CFFLC has been sponsored for twenty-six years by the Department of Foreign
Languages and Literatures at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
Funds for the 2013-2014 meetings were generously provided by the Department of Foreign
Languages and Literatures, the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion, the Women’s
Studies and Resource Center, and Centro Hispano, all at UNCW.
For a great variety of events and speakers in Women’s History Month:
For Cinematique Films, see
For UNCW Presents, see
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please contact Joann Mount at in the event that you
have professional information and announcements that you would like distributed to our
Everyone is encouraged to forward a copy of this newsletter with a personal invitation to
attend to someone else in your school or county. If you are the only person who attends from
your school or county, please send personally or ask a coordinator to send an e-mail with an
announcement and this newsletter to your list of FL and ESL teachers. Consider especially new
teachers or teachers new to our part of the state. Our membership and participation is holding
steady, but we would be delighted to have new faces and new ideas.
The following persons have signed up to be recruiters and send announcements to various
counties or units:
Brunswick Co. – Kayce Smith, Theresa Lominac, Kate Hanly
Pender Co. – Lisa Byrd
New Hanover Co. – Leslie Dobkin and Holly Marshburn
Duplin Co. – Nivia Batista
Horry Co. – Elana Núñez-Tiso
Cape Fear Academy and other private schools – Rachel Hatfield
UNCW – Terry and Joann Mount
We need volunteers for community colleges and Columbus, Onslow, and Bladen Counties.
As always we will keep track of attendance for the year and will distribute certificates
verifying attendance at meetings. These may be used to request CEU credit from your
school system.
Joann McFerran Mount, Coordinator of CFFLC
Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, UNCW /