NEWSLETTER! Volume 26 Number 2 November 2013 Another exciting year is underway! We had 37 persons in attendance in September! Thanks to L.J. Randolph, Amanda Boomershine, Rachel Hatfield and Amanda Holliday for their very appropriate and useful presentations. Our November meeting will bring you another great program and the announcement of the scholarship recipients from UNC. For the first time, our two undergraduate recipients will be joined by a graduate recipient. We will also enjoy a “getting to know you” activity. Watch for an announcement from Ashlee Balena. She will be telling you how you may participate. A little advance information is necessary! Dates for our Professional Development Meetings for 2013-2014 November 16 8:45 - 12:00 February 1 8:45- 12:00 March 22 8:45 - 12:00 Leutze Hall 136 Parking in Lot G (north of Leutze Hall) Leutze Hall 136 Leutze Hall 136 NOVEMBER MEETING September’s program will include (with approximate times): 8:45 Breakfast snacks and registration 9:00 Business meeting and announcements Please bring announcements of school changes, cultural events, workshops and conferences, etc. We will hear a report from the treasurer and discuss committee work. 9:30 Announcement of Scholarship Recipients from UNCW 9:40 Report on the UNC World Language Exchange – Raymond Burt, UNCW 10:15 “Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You” – Ashlee Balena, UNCW Enjoy this activity as you get to know fellow teachers better. Plan to adapt it to your own classroom and your target language. 10:30 Break 10:45 Using Graphic Blogs in Your Beginner-Level Class – Marcio Moreno, UNCW SPEAKER FOR FEBRUARY 1: We are delighted to have Ken Stewart, Chapel Hill HS, join us in February. We will announce the topic of his presentation or workshop as soon as possible. Ken is a master teacher who has received numerous awards including the 2006 ACTFL National Foreign Language Teacher of the Year. INTERCULTURAL FESTIVAL – February 22, 2014. CFFLC will have a table featuring passports for traveling through the festival. Office of International Programs is providing prizes with an international theme for children and the young at heart. SPEAKER FOR MARCH 22: North Carolina Virtual Public School – Ellen Minter Hart, (NCVPS) Curriculum and Instruction, Division Director, Arts Education and World Languages FUNDRAISING RAFFLE – March 22 (second half of the meeting) Our wild and funny raffle now has national attention! It will only be a matter of time until it is also internationally known! YEARLY DUES: Please be ready to pay CFFLC dues at the September meeting. Yearly dues are $15 ($5 for full-time students). Checks should be made to Cape Fear Foreign Language Collaborative. Dues may be mailed at any time to our treasurer Julie Bordo, 202 Wayne Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403. We depend on your dues to help with miscellaneous expenses and with the scholarships. Dues paid in September amounted to $435.00. SPONSORS: CFFLC has been sponsored for twenty-five years by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. In recent years, we have also received support from the Women’s Studies and Resource Center. We are currently seeking additional campus support since the restructuring of some offices at UNCW brought an end to the Office of Public Service and Continuing Studies, an office that had also given support in the past. SCHOLARSHIPS: Our scholarship program continues to be a success. We gave two scholarships to UNCW students last year and two to graduating seniors in high schools for a total of $1000 awarded. This year we will give $1100 (2 scholarships to undergraduate students for a total of $600, 1 to a graduate student for $300; and 1 to a high school student for $200). UPCOMING EVENTS: For Cinematique Films, see For UNCW Presents, see Latino Festival: Saturday, November 9, 2013. Ogden Park, Wilmington, NC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please contact Joann Mount at in the event that you have professional information and announcements that you would like distributed to our membership. Everyone is encouraged to forward a copy of this newsletter with a personal invitation to attend to someone else in your school or county. If you are the only person who attends from your school or county, please send personally or ask a coordinator to send an e-mail with an announcement and this newsletter to your list of FL and ESL teachers. Consider especially new teachers or teachers new to our part of the state. Our membership and participation is holding steady, but we would be delighted to have new faces and new ideas. The following persons have signed up to be recruiters and send announcements to various counties or units: Brunswick Co. – Kayce Smith, Theresa Lominac, Kate Hanly Pender Co. – Lisa Byrd New Hanover Co. – Leslie Dobkin and Holly Marshburn Duplin Co. – Nivia Batista Horry Co. – Elana Núñez-Tiso Cape Fear Academy and other private schools – Rachel Hatfield UNCW – Terry and Joann Mount We need volunteers for community colleges and Columbus, Onslow, and Bladen Counties. As always we will keep track of attendance for the year and will distribute certificates verifying attendance at meetings. These may be used to request CEU credit from your school system. Joann McFerran Mount, Coordinator of CFFLC Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, UNCW /