REPORT TO FACULTY SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MAY 14 2013 During the 2012-13 year, Chairs Gene Tagliarini and Robert Smith and the University Curriculum Committee reviewed 25 proposals and submitted 5 motions (all passed) to Faculty Senate concerning internships, program changes, curricular proposals, and committee processes. Activity: September 2012: Proposed and Passed Motion 2011-09-M02: Blanket Explorations – Internship designation -E491, -E498 October 2012: Proposed and Passed Motion 2012-10-M03: CHHS program changes. CLS Pre-Requisites, CHHS prefix. Discussion. Why? Concerns that curriculum is being watered down, Clinical Research program is more a management position than a scientific position at undergraduate level, Current curriculum suggests problem with four-year graduation rates. Attempt to address community partner concerns. November 2012: Proposed and Passed: Motion 2012-10-M01 re: UCC CAS curricular proposals of Pre-Law minor, CSC degrees, Biochemistry hours; Minors in Neuroscience, Applied Behavioral analysis, International Studies. Motion 2012-10-M02:Transition date for UCC chair; Number of hours in OCN, GEO, MAT. March 2012: Proposed and Passed: Motion 2013‐03‐M01: Department of Early Childhood and Special Education: Delete of BIO 160 from the core requirements of the EYC program Dept. of Elementary, Middle level and Literacy*: Broaden the range of courses that studentscan take for their Education Concentrations and encourage students to study abroad (1‐6 hourscan count towards the Concentration) (* Not a catalogue change). Why removed?Didn't meet University Studies Requirement, now it does and position of WCE that those requirements can be met through other courses Membership: Role of UCC: The UCC –generally deals with major issues affecting departments, majors, total number of hours, changes that affect other units, university wide requirements. The University Curriculum Committee (UCC)(Senate Bylaws, Article V.C),, a standing committee of the Faculty Senate, reviews all proposals for the following: the establishment, dissolution, division, or consolidation of academic departments or other degree – granting entities; the establishment or dissolution of academic degrees, including majors, minors, and certificate programs; the revision of academic degrees when these revisions directly affect any academic unit outside of therevising department’s school or college; policies for maximum and minimum hours required for majors, minors, and certificates; total number of hours required for graduation; university-wide requirements other than University Studies; course prefixes; any curricular conflicts between schools and/or colleges; and other general curricular policies which have total university impact. The committee shall submit all such proposals, along with the committee’s recommendations, to the Senate for consideration. (P. 97 Faculty Handbook) Work Load: Reviewed 25 proposals (14 CAS; 8 CHHS; 1 Cameron and 3 from Watson) der=%2fteams%2fhome%2ffs%2fuc%2fShared%20Documents1%2fProposals%2fProposals%20 2012-2013&FolderCTID=&View={EA64B75E-DEA6-4E91-A541-87C0BFDB141E} Spring Chair: Because the main workload of the UCC is in the fall semester, we decided to have the new chair begin at the start of the spring semester. That way there would be less of a learning curve during fall semester. Gene Tagliarini finished out his term as chair in the fall semester and Robert Smith took over in spring.