Charles Maimone Vice Chancellor Business Affairs * *Status of the state budget process *Unified Budget Planning and Reduction Planning *Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation * * UNCW Submission * Board of Governors * Governor McCrory * Senate (est. first week in May) * House of Representatives (May/June) * Final Fi l Certified C tifi d B Budget d t (J (June/July) /J l ) 8.6% 8 6% Increase 8.6% Increase 4.2% Decrease ? ? ? * Still too earlyy in the pprocess to know * Understand we face significant long term challenges * Predict reductions and planning for them * Introducing a new budget planning model to become proactive not reactive * * * UNCW operates on the State of North Carolina biennial budget g cycle y * The university conducts “budget calls” for eight (8) different budget cycles * Externally managed: * Office Offi off State S Budget B d and dM Management (OSBM) * UNC General Administration * Internally Managed: * University Budget Office * * As a result,, UNCW faces constant external budget compliance and reporting responsibilities * Heretofore our offices involved in planning, performance and resource management have understandably been designed around these external requirements * * * Biennial Continuation Budget *Biennial Expansion Budget * Biennial Capital Budget * Supplemental Budget * Campus Initiative Tuition Increases (CITI) & Student Fees * Mandatory & Non-Mandatory Student Fees * Summer School Rate Increases * Enrollment Projections * * * University Annual Allocation Budget * Special Funds Budgets * Faculty l and d EPA Legislative l Salary l Increases * SPA Legislative Salary Increases * Facilities & Administration Receipts (Overhead) * * The campus community submits budget requests appropriate for each budget call * Multiple processes restrict our ability to link comprehensive allocation decisions to any one program initiative * The fragmented nature limits our creativity and collaboration among departments, schools and divisions * * UNCW must turn its attention and resources inward, to the development of a campus wide, university level budget planning process that is responsive to university strategic initiatives Note: None of our external compliance p and reporting p g responsibilities will go away. Aligning our work to accommodate our internal plans while still meeting our external obligations is essential. essential * * A unified process provides departments an opportunity to develop p a comprehensive p p program g p plan including g expected outcomes * A unified budget planning process process, responsive to university strategic initiatives, promotes our shared values and encourages collaboration and creativity * *A revised timeline allows for a comprehensive p view of all available resources. Prioritized List of Requirements Priority Item Description FTE 1 Improve Student: Faculty Ratio 12.0 2 Reclassify HR Consultant 3 Nursing BS Program - Onslow 4.0 0.0 Perm Amt Supple One-Time Biennial Biennial Biennial Annual mental CITI Amt. Cont. Exp. Capital Allocation Budget $548,509 √ √ Sum Schl MidYear Review √ √ $14,218 $411,416 316,769 √ Stdnt Fees √ √ √ √ √ University Planning, Programming & Budget Calendar Year 1 of Budget Development Cycle FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 Cabinet / Chancellor review / prioritize budget requirements Enrollment Management Committee develops enrollment projections pp enrollment projections p j Cabinet / Chancellor approve Annual Allocations (Permanent + One-Time Funding) Biennial Budgets (Continuation, Expansion, Capital) Enrollment Growth Projections Campus-Initiated Tuition Increases Student Fees Special Funds (Receipt-supported) Budgets Summer School Increases Supplemental Budget (2nd Year of Biennial Cycle) Mid-Year Adjustments < One-Time Allocations > Ready to implement by 7/1/13 June May April March February January December October September July August May June April March February January November University Planning - identifies strategic priorities for biennium Budgetary Programming - works w/campus to identify programs to meet strategic direction UIC proposes new initiatives that support strategic priorities Budgetary programs reviewed / analyzed by Budget Office / UBC finalize program budgets University Business Analytics team provides analysis to support discussions Budget Office / UBC identify alternative sources of revenue to meet decisions Calendar year 2015 Calendar year 2014 December October August September July Calendar year 2013 November FY 15 - 17 Biennial Budget Year 2 of Budget Development Cycle * * Starting in advance of our external requirements * Connecting g our strategic g p plan to UNC Strategic g Directions 2013–2018 (GA moving to a performance funding model) * Review administrative processes to identify possible savings through Shared Services * Budget B dg t Management M g t and d SServices i * Human Resources and Services * Report Writing Services * * Meet our June 30, 2013 deadline by reanalyzing and reconsidering existing funding allocation decisions * Extend our deliverable for biennial budget reduction to June 30, 30 2014 2014, not June 30, 30 2013 * Engage the campus community as described in the unified b d budget process * Develop specific annual objectives for strategic resource allocation * * * GOAL VII: Ensure adequate resources to achieve university goals by increasing public financial support and private giving. * Objective 1: Secure critical educational resources through more equitable funding from the state for UNCW. * Objective 2: Achieve more efficient and effective use of existing resources through reallocation, technology, and linkages between planning and budgeting. budgeting * Objective 3: Strengthen the annual giving program. * Objective 4: Develop focused, aggressive planned giving and major gifts programs. programs * Objective 5: Enhance foundation and corporate giving to UNCW. * Objective 6: Establish funding sources to meet the expanding capital needs of a growing university. university * Objective 7: Increase grants, contracts and entrepreneurial activity to enhance the university’s programs and projects. * Objective 8: Meet the financial needs of students dependent on financial aid * Five Goals: *Setting Degree Attainment * Strengthening Academic Quality * Serving The People of North Carolina * Maximizing Efficiencies * Ensuring An Accessible and Financially Stable University * * Goal 4 - Maximizing Efficiencies * Strategies: Enhanced data analysis (Page 87) * Action Steps * Implement the Student Data Mart * Implement UNCW’s Predictive Analytics Project across other UNC campuses * Cost Allocation Analytics * Enrollment E ll t Management M tA Analytics l ti * Business Analytics “A nonrecurring investment of $500,000 for UNCW in each of the fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15 is required to finish building the system.” * Theme: An unprecedented university commitment to diversity and global engagement Key objectives * Double D bl need-based d b d financial fi i l aid id * Provide 100 percent study abroad access * Triple international student enrollment and create a campus community that better reflects the world’s diversity * Be a national leader in preparing students to succeed in a multicultural world * Build a multi-faith center and promote interfaith dialogue * Develop the Elon Academy as a national model * Goal 2: Enhance efficiency and effectiveness of operations and identify opportunities for revenue generation or cost savings across the institution. Improve transparency of College revenue and expenditures across all sources and types of expenditures. FY13 * Provide additional staff to meet State and College demands. [PBR 967] (Jones) * Provide P id a $200 $200,000 000 per year C Creative ti Ad Adaptation t ti F Fund d ffor th three years beginning in FY13 to improve the quality of our educational programs, either directly or indirectly, by reducing costs or generating net new revenues and thereby providing funds that can be reinvested in people and programs. *(Halleran) * Reallocate costs or increase net revenues cumulatively by five percent of the FY12 E&G budget in each school over the next three-year three year period (FY13, FY14 and FY15) -- beyond any increase provided by state allocations or generated through undergraduate tuition.* (Halleran) * State of Young Professionals Is this important? How are we doing? “Extremely/Very “E t l /V Important” “Excellent” “E ll t” or “Very “V Good” Peer Networking 81% 12% -69% Millennials Mill i l stay t for f 2.7 2 7 years ears on average, compared to 5.5 years for other generations. Communication & Collaboration 82% 13% -69% Leadership/Career Development 95% 28% -67% Millennials Mill i l scoredd significantly lower than other generations of employees in several areas of engagement. Outlets O l ffor id ideas and opinions 78% 13% -65% Mentoring 81% 17% -64% BY THE NUMBERS Millennials Mill i l comprise i 17% off allll salaried employees, but 26% of employee turnover. 75% of Millennials who leave the company do so voluntarily. Focus Area Gap p N = 466 (63% field-based) Source: AYP Survey, April 2012 * Business Need To effectively attract, engage, develop, and retain young professionals – one of the fastest growing segments of the workforce. Target Audience Young professionals and advocates with the desire to support and further the group’s charter and goals. goals Charter To drive and grow our business by connecting, engaging and empowering young professionals through a network that helps ensure competitive advantage. Empower all employees to voice their ideas to drive and grow our business Increase inclusion and engagement Facilitate career and leadership development Establish global mechanisms for communication, collaboration and networking Enhance capacity to recruit, develop and retain young talent Better help leadership engage and understand issues impacting young professionals Strategic Goals 2013 Priorities Establish group governance and structure Promote membership through events and programming Create C t communication i ti channels h l Conduct needs assessment (business and membership impact) Executive Sponsor MB Advisors LD, AH JB, KD, GL, TL, JR, JR Core Team Members Measured by: ERG membership and engagement Communication reach Quantitative/qualitative Q tit ti / lit ti ffeedback db k Business unit advocacy * * Status St t off th the state t t b budget d t process * We should know our FY 13 -15 budget by July, 2013 * Unified U ifi d B Budget dg t Pl Planning i g and dR Reduction d ti Planning Pl i g * Budget planning begins July, 2013 * Reduction planning begins now and runs through J l 2014 14 July, * Strategic Planning and Resource Allocation * Now N th through h JJuly, l 2014 *