eTEAL: Experiencing Transformative Education through Applied Learning

2012-2013 Pilot Implementation
RFP for eTEAL-Supported Initiatives: Spring 2013
eTEAL: Experiencing Transformative Education through Applied
The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) invests in faculty, staff, and students efforts to enhance academic
achievement through applied learning. eTEAL seeks to support transformative educational experiences
through the Applied Learning & Teaching Community, the Applied Learning Summer Institute, and
eTEAL-Supported Initiatives.
Submissions will be accepted until November 16, 2012. Awards will be announced by December 7, 2012. Send to
Kim Cook at with cc to direct supervisor (Department Chair or unit Director) to indicate his/her
support. In order to expand funding opportunities, preference will be given to first-time proposals.
UNCW faculty and staff are invited to submit proposals to improve applied learning instruction with students.
eTEAL has three overarching goals:
To provide faculty and staff with information and resources about successful practices in applied
learning pedagogy as appropriate to their disciplines and responsibilities.
To promote the incorporation and implementation of successful practices of applied learning
throughout UNCW.
To improve student learning outcomes from applied learning experiences.
Addressing goals two and three, the eTEAL-Supported Initiatives are designed to provide material support for
faculty and staff instructors to implement successful practices in applied learning and critical reflection. Thus, we
aim to improve student learning and to document student learning through critical reflection in order to capture
evidence for goal #3.
Specific Aims: as we continue to invest in improving applied learning experiences and capture evidence of those
improvements, proposals for funding should include the following:
Concise description of the “applied” component of the learning opportunity for students, and how
the instructional strategy addresses that application.
Clear statement regarding the specific student learning outcomes for the applied learning experience
(aligned with eTEAL student learning outcomes; see next page).
Concise description of “critical reflection” practices employed during the applied learning experience.
eTEAL-supported applied learning opportunities may be able to provide salary stipend, and/or materials
needed for the learning opportunity, as well as travel associated with learning. Course buy-outs are not
possible. Small group proposals may be submitted to promote innovative AL pedagogy.
The average individual awards are anticipated to be approximately $1000 - $1500, based on merit and
announced by December 7, 2012. Submissions with potential may be provided an opportunity to revise
and resubmit within an efficient turn-around time. Every effort will be made to provide funding as
requested so long as the projects contribute to the overall goal of refining eTEAL.
Submissions will be evaluated based on: how you plan to enhance & improve applied
learning pedagogy with evidence of a) experiential education practices, b) critical
reflection practices, and c) commitment to participate in the Applied Learning &
Teaching Community, and d) critical reflection artifacts and products suitable for
assessment purposes.
Resource material can be found here:
Format for proposals:
1. Write 2-3 page summary of proposed applied learning experience that includes the following
a. Brief background of this learning opportunity and how it will enhance your current
pedagogical practice
b. Description of how the experience addresses “good practices” of experiential education.
Description of how the experience includes “critical reflection” practices.
c. Course specific learning outcomes and how they align with eTEAL student learning
outcomes (SLOs)
i. SLO1. The student will articulate their expectations, the purpose, and/or the
goals of the experience in terms of their personal educational development.
[Thoughtful Expression]
ii. SLO2. The student will synthesize knowledge drawn from their coursework to
address the issues/challenges/questions involved in the experience. [Critical
Thinking, Foundational Knowledge, Inquiry]
iii. SLO3. The student will communicate the impact or significance on their personal
educational development and on others in the profession or in the field at the
conclusion of the experience. [Critical Thinking]
d. Articulated strategy for assessment, including critical reflection.
e. Itemized budgetary request with brief justifications.
2. Include a statement of commitment addressing your willingness to participate in the Applied
Learning & Teaching Community throughout the spring 2013 semester. For more information
about the ALTC please contact the Center for Teaching Excellence at 962-3034. Participation will
likely include discussing your proposal and your experiences with applied learning within the
3. Affirm your commitment to assisting in eTEAL evaluation process by:
a. Providing your own critical reflection essays examining how the principles and practices
were realized in your experience, and the impact the experience had on you and your
students. Also, please explore whatever lessons from this experience for future applied
learning experiences you might provide.
b. Integrating into the course a student critical reflection, and other student products as
necessary, suitable for QEP assessment purposes that address your student learning
outcomes and all 3 QEP SLOs and providing them to the QEP Assessment team.