SEC 421: Field Experience Block 3: Secondary Teaching (one credit) Course Description: Candidates will observe and teach in specific content area secondary public school classrooms. (Total of 20 hours as assigned). Co-requisite: SEC 40X. Course Objectives: 1. Apply the course content of SEC 40X Methods classes 2. Observe, assist and teach in a specific secondary content classroom setting with a focus on preparing for the full-semester internship 3. Teach a minimum of five mini lessons and three whole-class lessons focused on content from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study 4. Reflect upon the overall opportunity and teaching experiences in a weekly journal and meetings with course instructor using protocols provided 5. Submit observation notes, journal reflections and lesson plans to eportfolio Course Assessment: 1. Verified attendance log (school visits will typically be assigned in 2-3 hour blocks, one day a week for the semester) 2. Observation notes 3. Journal reflections 4. Lesson plans for five mini-lessons and three whole-class lessons presented to eportfolio with reflections and partnership teacher feedback 5. Class discussions and online postings SEC 422 (one credit) Field Experience Block 3: ESL Course Description: Candidates will observe, assist, tutor and teach in ESL classrooms and community centers as assigned. Lesson plans and journal reflections will document the experiences. (10 hours as assigned). Co-requisite: SEC 410. Course Objectives: 1. Apply the course content of SEC 410 2. Observe, assist, tutor and teach in ESL classrooms and community centers as assigned 3. Teach a minimum of five mini lessons focused on content from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study 4. Reflect upon the overall opportunity and teaching experiences in a weekly journal and meetings with course instructor using protocols provided 5. Submit observation notes, journal reflections and lesson plans to eportfolio Course Requirements 1. Verified attendance log (school visits will typically be assigned in 1-2 hour blocks, one day a week for the semester) 2. Observation notes 3. Journal reflections 4. Lesson plans for five mini-lessons presented to eportfolio with reflections and partnership teacher feedback 5. Class discussions and online postings